Connections in Precast Concrete Structures - Columb Base Plates
Connections in Precast Concrete Structures - Columb Base Plates
Connections in Precast Concrete Structures - Columb Base Plates
Connections in
Precast Concrete Structures-
Column Base Plates
by R. W. LaFraugh and D. D. Magura*
PCA CONNECTION TEST PROGRAM and corbels that protrude from the
A comprehensive experimental face of columns to support precast
program concerning connections in beams(4).
precast concrete structures is in prog- This paper reports a laboratory in-
ress at the Research and Develop- vestigation of the strength and de-
ment Laboratories of the Portland formation characteristics of base-
Cement Association. This continuing plate connections between precast
work is being reported in a series columns and their footings. These
of papers entitled "Connections in connections consist of a rectangular
Precast Concrete Structures." Previ- steel plate welded to the column re-
ous papers have dealt with continu- inforcement and fastened by bolts
ity connections between precast, pre- embedded in the foundation. The
stressed double-tee floor beams( , ) t, three types of connections tested are
the bearing strength of column heads shown in Fig. 1.
that support precast beams(2 ), bolted
scarf joints in beams and columns (31, BACKGROUND
Previous Investigations
*Former Associate Development Engineer In the analytical study by Salmon,
and Development Engineer, respectively, Schenker and Johnston( 5 ), the be-
Structural Development Section, Portland havior of base-plate connections for
Cement Association Research and Devel- structural steel columns was evalu-
opment Division, Skokie, Illinois.
tNumbers refer to references at end of ated with particular reference to the
article. strength of structures subjected to
18 PCI Journal
1n" ■ 15"
x 15" Pate
24" Pic
Grout P
A2 16x24 15 1 15.0
A3 16x24 1% 3/4 15.0
A4 16x24 1% 5/s 15.0
A5 16x24 1¼ 1 15.0
A6 16x24 1Y4 3/4 15.0
A7 16x24 11/4 % 15.0
A8 16x24 1 1 15.0
A9 16x24 1 3/4 15.0
A10 16x24 1 5/s 15.0
20 PCI Journal
Test Program All specimens had columns 10 in.
This investigation was restricted wide and 15 in. deep, and all col-
to the modes of failure noted under umns had the same reinforcement
(1) and (2) above. In addition to layout. For all specimens, the dis-
strength charactertistics, emphasis tance from the top of the footing to
was placed on determination of the the top of the column was 48 in.
concentrated rotation between the The test arrangement is shown in
column and its footing. Fig. 4. Each column was attached
Three variables were studied as to a square concrete footing slab
outlined in Table I: (1) size and supported above the laboratory floor
thickness of base plate, (2) diameter by a base slab resting on steel chairs.
of anchor bolts, and (3) eccentricity Hydraulic rams were used to apply
of the applied load. Monolithically an eccentric load to the column
cast control specimens were also through a corbel bracket. The re-
tested and used to evaluate connec- action of the load was applied to
tion rotation. Details of the connec- the bottom of the base slab.
tions are shown in Fig. 2. The con- Details of material properties,
trol specimens are detailed in Fig. 3. specimen fabrication, instrumenta-
rL 131-3i x3i.3Q
Dry PI.— Recesses
Precast Column
(a1- 1 g" W.. eal: I 1
152' L- ELI I I Tack
• We1n
•oee c.B
Fluel Weld
ule rmcx„ee: III a.,<nor eou:
Bose Plate
(a) Specimens A2-AIO & B2-B4
(b) Specimens A I I -A 16
(c) Specimens A17 & A17a
December 1966 21
tion, test equipment, and test proce- TEST RESULTS
dure are presented in the Appendix The load eccentricities reported
of this paper. in Table I are those before the test
began. As the column load was ap-
plied, the eccentricity increased due
to specimen deformation. Moments
acting on the column base were
taken as the product of the measured
load and the initial plus change in
eccentricity, e + De. The method
used for computing the change in
load eccentricity, De, at the column
p *9 Bars
base is described in the Appendix.
Moment-Rotation Characteristics
The moment-rotation characteris-
.5• tics of the specimens are plotted in
Section A—A
Figs. 5, 6, 7, and 8 to show the
effects of test variables. The initial
load eccentricity for the specimens
Note : Footing Reinforced With *6 Bars At shown in Figs. 5, 6, and 8 was 15.0
Approclmately 6" Centers Both Directions
22 PCI Journal
observing that 4B c^ P — 4io as tion characteristics of the test speci-
shown in Fig. 9. mens are shown in Fig. 5. The data
Specimens with Extended Base are for Specimens A2 through A10
Plates. The effects of bolt size and with base plates 16 in. wide.
plate thickness on the moment-rota- It can be seen in the left portion
of Fig. 5 that for a given plate thick-
yl° s„ P\°te
G°c , Oda. Bol l, Go° AA.1 a i
1200 A8_ \ A7-I a
a_ 400
a 4 Plate 4 Dia. Bolts
o \ p4-16 v1We plate
1200 j6 , Wl de Plate c^^°
p8- co Plate
A13 101 Wide
800 de Plate
A%6 10
a_ de P\ate
' 1600
z e P\°t e p''-16w^
• W\d
Al2-t0 Wide Plate
i 1200 c^^o\ A6 \6 ^^°\
H v° W `de Plaie a
M A\ y-\^ Al2
0 800 A3
a 400
14 Plate- 4' Dia. Bolt 18 Plate - 4 Dia. Bolt
o ^
I Plate - I" Dia. Bolt
4 l" I" Dia. Bolt
ness, bolt size does not have a sig- column rotations commence. For
nificant influence on specimen rigid- these specimens, bolt size, i.e., bolt
ity. Consequently, connections have yield force, was the controlling vari-
about the same stiffness regardless ble for moment resistance. Signifi-
of bolt size. In the specimens with cantly, specimens with 1-in, thick
1 1/4 or 1'/s -in, thick plates, an in- plates did not exhibit any important
crease in bolt size results in an in- differences in behavior due to bolt
crease in the moment at which large size. Here, the plate thickness was
24 PCI Journal
the principal variable that controlled
the stage at which the moment-rota-
tion relationships became non-linear.
In the moment-rotation relation-
ships shown in the right portion of 1200
Fig. 5, the plate thickness is varied
while bolt diameter is held constant. 800
This illustrates that plate thickness
affects connection stiffness from first 400
loading. The connections with the
thicker plates exhibited greater stiff- 0 r
ness. The measured M /fi t; values 2000
listed in Table II for Specimens A2 a
through A10 show the effect of plate 1600
c^^oo ~
thickness on connection stiffness. In Go ^^a ,^,ti
specimens with the same plate thick- 1200
Goc o
eM A6-e=t
ness, the M /4 B values are of about
the same magnitude. As the plate 0 Boo
thickness varies from 1 in. to 1 1/4 in. J
to 1 5/8 in., the measured stiffnesses 400
are in proportions of approximately 4 Plate — y Dio. Bolt
1:1.6:2.5. 0
M 1200
0 800
Ej 400
Al54.8 - - - -
Ala50.9 - - - -
A2 28.0 0.53 59.5 58.6 1.01
A3 28.3 0.54 60.6 43.7 1.39
A4 23.1 0.44 41.1 40.5 1.01
A5 22.2 0.42 38.2 35.1 1.09
A6 20.4 0.39 33.3 28.5 1.17
A7 19.9 0.38 32.0 26.6 1.20
A8 15.2 0.29 21.3 21.4 1.00
A9 16.7 0.32 24.4 17.8 1.37
A10 14.2 0.27 19.4 17.2 1.13
All 23.4 0.44 42,1 44.2 0.95
Al2 24.4 0.46 45.2 31.7 1.43
A13 24.0 0.45 44.0 29.0 1.52
A14 17.8 0.34 26.9 24.8 1.08
A15 20.4 0.39 33.3 20.6 1.62
A16 15.9 0.30 22.7 11.8 1.92
A17 26.2 0.50 52.1 - -
A17a 23.4 0.45 42.1 - -
B1 58.0 - - - -
B2 49.1 0.85 318.0 - -
B3 35.4 0.61 91.0 - -
B4 40.9 0.71 139.0 - -
Column Failure. Tension failures the smaller bolts and thinner plates.
occurred in the columns that were In the four specimens loaded at
loaded at an initial eccentricity of an eccentricity of 7.5 in., the com-
15 in. Behavior was characterized by pression steel yielded at about 88
yielding of the tension reinforcement percent of the ultimate load. The
at loads 80 percent or more of the tension reinforcement yielded just
ultimate load, followed by yield of prior to failure of the column when
the compression reinforcement, and the concrete crushed at the com-
finally crushing of the concrete at pression face. The three specimens
the compression face of the column. with base plates failed at loads that
From the test data in Table III, the were approximately 90 percent of
ultimate column loads of Specimens the control s-ecimen failure load.
A2 through A17a ranged from 72 to Yielding in the Connection. Data
98 percent of the ultimate load of in Table III show that for specimens
the control Specimens Al and Ala. with e = ½t neither the plates nor
In general, the data indicate that the bolts yielded. In contrast, Speci-
for the specimens tested at an eccen- mens A4, A6, and A7 with compar-
tricity of 15 in. ultimate column able connections, but with e = t,
loads are less for the more flexible showed some yielding in the con-
connections, i.e. the connections with nection. As expected, moments from
(c) Plate Yield, 16 in. Wide Plate, Specimen A8 (d) Plate Yield, 10 in. Wide Plate, Specimen A15
28 PCI Journal
d Table 111 -Strength Characteristics
30 PCI Journal
strain readings for the bolts were
erratic and the column load at bolt
yield listed in Table III was assumed
the same as that for Specimen A17a.
The connection after failure is shown
in Fig. 11. It is seen that the plate
has permanent set. Examination of
plate deflection data for both speci-
mens indicated that the base plate
did not yield before the tension bolt
yielded. Therefore, the column load Fig. 11—Specimen A17 After Failure
at plate yield is listed in Table III
as greater than that at bolt yield.
In a precast building, distribution
of service loads will depend on
The behavior of the base-plate member stiffness and the moment-
specimens is characterized by two rotation characteristics of the col-
distinct phases: the linear response umn-footing connections. Thus, the
to load where all steel behaves connection stiffness, M/(i B , must be
elastically and the non-linear re- computed.
sponse to load initiated by yielding For the specimens with extended
of steel in the column or connection. base plates and e = t, the connec-
The connection stiffness, i.e. the mo- tion stiffness was computed using
ment-rotation relationship M/c) B , is the distribution of forces in Fig. 12.
a measure of the Iinear response to Preliminary calculations indicated
load. The column load at which that this stress distribution yielded
the rate of rotation begins to in- the most satisfactory results in com-
crease depends on the strength of puting 4B as compared to measured
the connection and the column. The values.
computed and measured quantities Forces acting on the plate were
associated with the two stages of be- determined for a column load ap-
havior are compared in the follow- plied at an eccentricity of 15 in. by
ing sections. assuming a linear relationship be-
tween stress and strain. The plate
Moment-Rotation Behavior was treated as an infinitely rigid
The test data have demonstrated beam under the column where the
that connection rotation depends not compressive stresses act. At the end
only on the connection elements but of the compression zone in the plate,
also on the load eccentricity. It is deflection was taken equal to zero.
seen in Fig. 9 that the connection Plate deflection at the tension bolt
deforms as a result of the upward was determined from the computed
force from the column tension rein- bolt force, TB, and load-bolt elonga-
forcement and adds to the column tion test data. Deflections along the
rotation. As eccentricity is reduced, assumed beam representing the plate
larger column loads are required to were computed, and rotation of the
produce the same upward force from connection was taken as the slope
the column reinforcement. Conse- of the rigid portion of the beam.
quently, the connection deforms less Values of connection stiffnesses,
and its rotation is less. M /4B, from the computed rotations,
December 1966 31
of the column loads calculated at
failure. For specimens tested at an
initial eccentricity of 15.0 in., the
ratios of test to calculated column
loads show a trend toward smaller
values when yielding of the plate or
anchor bolts occurred at a load sig-
nificantly below that computed.
Measured ultimate column loads
were 81 to 91 percent of calculated
values for the specimens with base
plates tested at an initial eccentricity
of 7.5 in.
The ACI Code provides strength
reductions for length of compression
Fig. 12—Distribution of Forces on Base Plate members in terms of column length
and end restraint. The height to
depth ratios of the columns tested
and the ratios of measured to calcu-
was about 3. Consequently, effect of
lated connection stiffnesses are listed
column end restraint on effective
in Table II.
le.igth was not significant in these
From the test to calculated ratios,
tests. In actual building columns,
it is seen that except for Specimen
however, this effect may be signifi-
All the computed stiffnesses under-
estimate the measured stiffnesses, i.e.
It is noted that in specimens where
the theoretical rotations are greater
no yielding occurred in the connec-
than the measured rotations for the
tion before failure, the ratios of test
same moment. The measured con-
to calculated column ultimate load
nection stiffness averaged approxi-
(and also load eccentricity at failure)
mately 25 percent more than the
are about the same as those for
computed stiffness.
monolithic control specimens.
Column Strength
The column load at failure for Tension Bolt Yield
each specimen was calculated using Moment-rotation characteristics for
Eq. (19-5) in Section 1902(c) of the the extended base-plate Specimens,
1963 ACI Building Code(s) with the A2 through A16, were computed
strength reduction factor, cp, equal using the force distribution shown
to one. Assuming the columns acted in Fig. 12. From these calculations,
as cantilevers with an effective it was found that the location of
length twice the actual length, no the centroid of the upward compres-
strength reduction for length was sive stresses was very near the com-
required by Eq. (9-5) of the ACI pression face of the column. There-
Code. Measured eccentricity at fail- fore, in computing the column loads
ure, e + De, and measured material at bolt yield the approximate rela-
properties were used. Table III lists tionship shown to the right in Fig.
the ultimate column loads and ratios 13 was used. The force in the bolts
of test to calculated column loads. at yield was taken as that deter-
For specimens with base-plate con- mined from load-elongation tests of
nections, measured ultimate column sample bolts. Measured and com-
loads ranged from 78 to 104 percent puted values of the column loads
32 PCI Journal
compression face of the column for
most specimens with an extended
base and e = t. However, in all but
one of these specimens, this plate
yield was of secondary importance
and was noted after distress on the
tension side of the specimen. There-
fore, it appears that only plate yield
on the tension side of the column
is critical to connection behavior.
The critical section for yielding of
the plate in Specimens A2 through
A16 was taken as the plane across
the width of the plate and tangent
to the column steel nearest the ten-
sion anchor bolts. The plate was
treated as a cantilever beam fixed
at the face of the column reinforce-
ment for the full width of the plate
Fig. 13—Column Load, Bolt Force, and Plate
and subjected to a concentrated load
Moment Relationships at its free end by the tension bolts.
In computing the column load at
at bolt yield are listed in Table III. plate yield, the relationship shown
to the left in Fig. 13 was used. The
Calculated values are in good agree-
ment with those measured; the ratio plate moment was calculated using
the yield stress measured in tensile
of test to calculated ranging from
tests on plate coupons and assuming
0.93 to 1.11.
The column load at bolt yield was this yield stress was reached in both
computed for Specimens A17 and tension and compression from the
A17a by a procedure similar to that extreme plate fiber to the center of
used in computing the stiffness of the section. Comparison of test to
extended base-plate connections. The calculated values listed in Table III
shows that yielding of the plate is
distribution of the upward compres-
satisfactorily predicted.
sive stresses acting on the plate was
assumed to be triangular ranging In specimens with flush base
from zero stress at the neutral axis plates, A17 and A17a, plate yield
to a maximum stress at the edge of followed yielding of the anchor bolt
the plate. Yield force in the tension on the tension side of the column.
bolt farthest from the compression The shape of the plate after test re-
face of the column was the criterion sembled that of a beam fixed at the
used to define column load at bolt tension and compression sides of the
yield. Agreement between computed column and loaded within the span
and measured column loads at bolt by the centerline anchor bolts. The
yield for Specimens A17 and A17a plate was analyzed as a mechanism
indicates that the assumed stress dis- with plastic hinges at the tension
tribution is reasonable. reinforcement, at the centerline
Plate Yield anchor bolts, and at the section
As indicated in Table III, the con- where the computed upward com-
nection plate yielded adjacent to the pression stresses acting on the plate
December 1966 33
just reach zero. Holes for the rein- same as that for a monolithic col-
forcing bars and the anchor bolts umn-footing joint.
were deducted from the total width
of the plate at the centerline and DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS
column reinforcement sections. The For base-plate connections with
yielded plate moment at the plastic proportions and loading similar to
hinges was computed using the pro- those tested, the following design
cedure described in the previous criteria are suggested:
section. The force in the centerline
tension bolts computed for this base Strength
plate condition was 95 percent of The connection should be designed
the maximum force measured in the so that neither the anchor bolts nor
bolts in Specimen A17a at column the base plate yields before the ulti-
failure. Ratios of test to calculated mate column capacity is reached.
column load at plate yield listed in The capacity reduction factor for a
Table III shows that the analysis tied column, çb = 0.70, should be
reasonably fits actual behavior. used.
SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS Bolt force and distribution of
Column base-plate connections re- stresses acting on the plate may be
spond elastically to load prior to computed assuming a linear rela-
yield of the anchor bolts or base tionship between stress and strain.
plate. Identical connections exhibit The critical section in design of
substantially greater rotation per extended base plates is the plane
unit moment as load eccentricity is tangent to the column steel nearest
increased from 1/at to t. the tension anchor bolts.
For the same load eccentricity,
stiffness of extended base-plate con- Rotation
nections depends almost entirely on Stiffness, i.e. moment-rotation re-
the thickness of the plate. Diameter lationship, of the connection may
of anchor bolts and extension of the be computed assuming the plate acts
plate beyond the column transverse as a beam with its axis parallel to
to the applied bending moment have the direction of applied moment
little effect on stiffness. Connections and with forces and stresses linearly
incorporating base plates flush with related to strain. Bolt elongation and
the column on all sides appear to be plate deformation must be taken into
as effective as those with base plates account in computing, the rotation
extended beyond the column. between column and footing. This
Rotation increases significantly rotation, of course, must be added
with moment upon yielding, of the to that between the footing and its
anchor bolts farthest from the com- supporting soil.
pression face of the column or when
a plastic hinge mechanism is de- General
veloped in the base plate. Prema- Column capacity may be calcu-
ture yielding of the anchor bolts or lated according to the provisions of
base plate also reduces column ca- the 1963 ACI Code. Analytical meth-
pacity. When neither anchor bolts ods described in the section "Analy-
nor base plate yield before column sis of Test Results" may be used
failure occurs, the ratio of test to as a guide to proper connection de-
calculated column load is about the sign. For connections of unusual
34 1 PCI Journal
proportions, sound engineering prac- 7, No. 4, Aug. 1962, pp. 18-48; PCA
tice should be used when applying Development Department Bulletin D55.
2. Kriz, L. B. and Raths, C. H., "Connec-
simplified methods of design. tions in Precast Concrete Structures—
Eccentricity of column load must Bearing Strength of Column Heads,"
be carefully considered since both Journal of the Prestressed Concrete In-
stiffness and strength are significant- stitute, Vol. 8, No. 6, Dec. 1963, pp.
45-75; PCA Development Department
ly affected by load eccentricity. Area Bulletin D73.
of the anchor bolts should be com- 3. Gaston, J. R. and Kriz, L. B., "Connec-
puted using the root diameter of tions in Precast Concrete Structures—
the threaded portion and not on the Scarf Joints," Journal of the Prestressed
diameter of the shank. Additional Concrete Institute, Vol. 9, No. 3, June
1964, pp. 37-59; PCA Development De-
precautions should be taken when partment Bulletin D79.
shear is transmitted across the joint. 4. Kriz, L. B. and Raths, C. H., "Connec-
Details of the connection such as tions in Precast Concrete Structures—
welding column reinforcement to the Strength of Corbels," Journal of the
plate, grouting the space beneath Prestressed Concrete Institute, Vol. 10,
No. 1, Feb. 1965, pp. 16-61; PCA De-
the plate, and filling the recesses in velopment Department Bulletin D85.
flush base-plate columns require spe- 5. Salmon, C. G., Schenker, L. and John-
cial attention since poor quality fab- ston, B. G., "Moment Rotation Charac-
rication in any of these locations teristics of Column Anchorages," Trans-
may lead to reduced strength. actions of the American Society of Civil
Engineers, Vol. 122, Paper No. 2852,
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 1957, pp. 132-154.
The investigation reported in this 6. Eberbach, D. E., "An Investigation of
Base Restraints of Precast Reinforced
paper was made in the Structural Concrete Columns," Unpublished The-
Development Laboratory of the sis, University of Toronto, (1959) 128
Portland Cement Association under PP.
the direction of Drs. Eivind Hogne- 7. "Connection Details for Precast-Pre-
stad and W. G. Corley. The work stressed Concrete Buildings," PCI Com-
mittee on Connection Details, Pre-
was also guided by Mr. Norman W. stressed Concrete Institute, October
Hanson, Senior Development Engi- 1963.
neer, and Dr. Alan H. Mattock, for- 8. `Building Code Requirements for Rein-
mer Principal Development Engi- forced Concrete," (ACI 318-63), ACI
neer. Contributions were made by Committee 318, June 1963, 144 pp.
9. Hognestad, E., Hanson, N. W., Kriz,
several members of the laboratory L. B. and Kurvits, O. A., "Facilities and
staff, particularly Messrs. B. W. Full- Test Methods of PCA Structural Labo-
hart, A. G. Aabey, and K. Hirte. ratory," Journal of the PCA Research
and Development Laboratories, Vol. 1,
REFERENCES No. 1, Jan. 1959, pp. 12-20 and 40-
1. Rostasy, F.; "Connections in Precast 44; Vol. 1, No. 2, May 1959, pp. 30-
Concrete Structures—Continuity in Dou- 37; Vol. 1, No. 3, Sept. 1959, pp. 35-
ble-T Floor Construction," Journal of 41; PCA Development Department
the Prestressed Concrete Institute, Vol. Bulletin D33.
December 1966 35
APPENDIX columns and footings. The No. 9
MATERIALS AND FABRICATION bars used as longitudinal reinforce-
ment in the columns had a yield
The concrete used in all columns
stress of 48,100 psi.
and footings had approximately five
All column base plates were made
percent entrained air and was made
of hot-rolled, mild steel. The yield
with Type I Portland cement, Elgin
stresses of the plates listed in Table
sand, and a/4 -in, maximum size gravel.
All were determined from tension
All test specimens were cast in ply-
tests on strips cut from plates.
wood forms and cured under a
Anchor bolts were prepared at the
plastic cover for three days. The
PCA Laboratories from hot-rolled
specimens were stored in the labo-
plain bars having a yield stress of
ratory at 70°F and 50% relative hu-
about 55,000 psi. After threads were
midity until tested at an age of 6
machined, sample bolts were tested
to 14 days. The average compressive
in tension to obtain load versus bolt
strengths at the time of test listed
elongation data. The yield forces de-
in Table AI were determined from
termined from these tests are pre-
a minimum of three 6 x 12-in. cyl-
sented in Table AIII.
Table Alil—Bolt Yield Force
Tab!e Al—Column Concrete Strength
Bolt Yield
Specimen f Specimen f^ Diameter Force
No. (psi) (in.) (kips)
No. (psi)
36 PCI Journal
all specimens. The nuts on the
anchor bolts above the base plate
were turned down finger-tight. After
these nuts were tightened, the re-
cesses in the columns of the flush-
plate specimens were filled with a
dry-pack using 3/s-in, maximum size
A non-shrink grout was used as a
bearing pad under the base plates.
This commercially available grout
completely filled the space between
the footing and the plate and cov-
ered an area slightly larger than the
plate. The grout was cured for at
least two days prior to testing.
38 FCI Journal
load cell strain readings were re-
corded during the constant load in-
terval. The time interval between
load increments was two to five
a ( Measured)
J The measured deflection at the
top of the column was used to com-
pute change in column load eccen-
tricity at the column base. As shown
in Fig. A3, the column top moved
2" e I Ae = 0.328 6 laterally an amount 8 due to speci-
men deformation when the load was
increased by P. The plane of the
connection region was assumed at
2 in. above the footing and the ec-
I _ centricity, De, at that level was com-
Fig. A3 —Load Eccentricity puted from geometry to be equal
to 0.3288.
Discussion of this paper is invited. Please forward your Discussion to PCI Headquarters
before March 1 to permit publication in the June 1967 issue of the PCI JOURNAL.
December 1966 39