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P.E.S. College of Engineering, Mandya - 571 401

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P.E.S. College of Engineering, Mandya - 571 401

(An Autonomous Institution affiliated to VTU, Belagavi)
Sixth Semester, B.E. - Computer Science and Engineering
Semester End Examination; May/June - 2018
Compiler Design
Time: 3 hrs Max. Marks: 100
Note: Answer FIVE full questions, selecting ONE full question from each unit.
1 a. With a neat diagram, explain the phases of a compiler. Show the translation made by each of
the phases for the statement a = b + c * 10 where a, b and c are real.
b. Explain the input buffering strategy used in lexical analysis phase. 8
2 a. With neat diagram, explain the role of lexical analyzer. 6
b. Define the term Token, Pattern and Lexeme. Find the same for the following program
fragment : 8
printf(“Total = %d\n average = %f \n”, score, area);
c. Define regular expression and write transition diagram to recognize the tokens given below :
i) Identifier ii) Unsigned number
3 a. Define Left Recession and Left Factoring. Give the algorithm used for eliminating Left
b. Construct the predictive parsing table for the given grammar and show the parsing steps for
the string “uvuvx2”
S → uB2 12
B → Bv | vuE| vxuE | ByE
E → v | vx
4 a. Briefly explain the problem associated with Top Down Parsing. 6
b. Explain Non-recessive Predictive Parsing algorithm. 6
c. Compute First( ) and Follow( ) symbols for the following grammar and check whether
grammar is LL(1) :
S → iEtSS′|a 8
S′ → eS|ε
5 a. Explain the working of shift reduce parser and also conflicts that may arise during shift
reduce parsing with an example.
b. Write LR parsing algorithm. 6

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c. Construct LR(0) item for given grammar : A → (A) | a 8
6 a. Write the algorithm for constructing set of LR(1) items. 8
b. Construct LALR parsing table for the following grammar :
S → CC 12
C → cC | d
7 a. Define the following terms with an example :
i) Syntax directed definition
ii) Inherited attribute 10
iii) Synthesized attribute
iv) Annotated parse tree
b. Give the syntax directed definition to process a simple variable declaration in C and draw
dependency graph for int id1, id2, id3.
8 a. Explain in detail different dynamic storage allocation strategies. 10
b. Describe an activation record. Explain the purpose of each item in an activation record with
an example.
9 a. What is DAG? Write DAG for the expression :
((x+y) – ((x+y) * (x – y))) + ((x+y) * (x – y).
b. Name the different types of representation of 3-address code and translate the given
arithmetic expression into each type. 6
c. Describe the method of generating intermediate code for the branching statement (if/if-else). 10
10 a. Briefly explain main issues in code generation. 10
b. Explain the code generation algorithm and generate code for the following expression :
x = (a - b) + (a + c).


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