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Guidance and Counseling Record Management System: June 2021

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Guidance and Counseling Record Management System

Research · June 2021

DOI: 10.30534/ijatcse/2021/891032021

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2 authors:

Rachel Alegado Almon Alegado

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology


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ISSN 2278-3091
Rachel T. Alegado et al ., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 10(3), May - June 2021, 2138 – 2144
Volume 10, No.3, May - June 2021
International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering
Available Online at http://www.warse.org/IJATCSE/static/pdf/file/ijatcse891032021.pdf

Guidance and Counseling Record Management System

Rachel T. Alegado1, Almon M. Alegado2, Gloria M. Alcantara3
Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology, Philippines, rachelalegado@neust.edu.ph
Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology, Philippines, almonalegado@neust.edu.ph
Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology, Philippines, gloriaalcantara@neust.edu.ph

 must perform more efforts to maintain accurate and reliable

ABSTRACT data. The guidance and counseling office gathers students'
data/information at the beginning of each semester, resulting
The developed Record Management System for in a large number of files. They also have a difficult time
Guidance and Counseling Center of the Nueva Ecija retrieving student information for academic purposes.
University of Science and Technology aimed to provide The concept cited above prompted the researcher to
software application that will manage the record of student conduct this study to provide the Guidance and Counseling
and provides fast and easy access of personal information of Office of the Nueva Ecija University of Science and
students. The functions focused in adding and updating Technology a software application that will manage the
students’ information/profile by using the application. The record of students and provides fast and easy access of
user can produce a printed copy of the record of student. personal information of students. It saves big spaces for
The development of the Record Management System offices from files of paper records. It also makes student
underwent the phases for System Development Life Cycle record administration much easier, more efficient, less time
(SDLC) such as: Stage 1 – Planning; Stage 2 – Analysis; consuming, and more reliable without losing quality.
Stage 3 – Design; Stage 4 – Coding; Stage 5 – Testing; Stage This system helps the counselor to find the
6- Implementation; and Stage 7 – Maintenance. information of the students in the shortest time possible. The
The system took three months to be developed was user can easily input data to the student’s profile thus will
accomplished using Visual Basic 2017 programming lessen the time of work be consumed. In addition, if the new
language and Microsoft SQl Server 2017 database. Record technology is implemented it can be used by the university to
Management System has been strongly accepted by the be technologically competitive to other educational
respondents based on their assessment on these five criteria: institutions.
functionality, usability, efficiency, portability, and security. Several studies were conducted about the
The suggestions given by the group of respondents may be development of Guidance Counseling System. Authors in
considered for future enhancement of the system. [1] develop a Decision Support System for Guidance
Counseling which integrates data and report of guidance
and counseling office of the university through a
Key words: Guidance and Counseling, Record Management web-based application, researcher in [2] develop a
System, SDLC Knowledge Management System that provide assistance to
school counselors in managing counseling processes, while
1. INTRODUCTION [3] develop a Guidance and Counseling System that
encapsulates processing of the Students Information Profiles,
The Guidance and Counseling Office of the Nueva Routine Interviews, Exit Interviews and Graduate Tracking
Ecija University of Science and Technology help the students and [4] design a Web-based Information System Counseling
in discussing their personal problems to find solutions. The Guide and data management.
students undertake in counseling programs to improve their
attitude, personality, and their social and psychological 2. OBJECTIVES
The Counseling Office have been using the manual This study focused on the development and
processing of collecting individual inventory of students for evaluation of a “Record Management System for Guidance
many years now. With the increased number of students and Counseling Center of the Nueva Ecija University of
enrolled in the university, the guidance and counseling office Science and Technology.
Specifically, this study dealt with the following

Rachel T. Alegado et al ., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 10(3), May - June 2021, 2138 – 2144

1. Development and Description of Records status of the Guidance and Counseling Office and its
Management System based on the following stages proficiency for technological change.
of system development: 1.2 The data given by the Guidance and Counselors
1.1 Planning. were carefully analyzed, organized, and categorized in
1.2 Analysis. preparation for the presentation design.
1.3 Design. 1.3 The researchers enlisted a set of categorical
1.4 Coding. components as basis for content presentation. Through
1.5 Testing. several research, supplements were constantly being added to
1.6 Implementation; and the original outline until a final outline had been completed.
1.7 Maintenance. 1.4 Aside from the components for content
2. Assessment of respondents on the developed Record presentation, the schedule of activities was also plotted.
Management System based on the following criteria: Project’s Gantt chart illustrates the seven stages of system
2.1 Functionality. of the project development with respect to time, i.e., from the
2.2 Usability. first week of January 2018 to the last week of March 2018.
2.3 Portability.
2.4 Efficiency; and
2.5 Security.


3.1 Research Design

The developmental method of research was used
in the study. This method involves analysis, design,
Figure 1: Record Management System Gantt Chart
development, and evaluation phase [5]. The most
prevalent sorts of developmental research are those Stage 2 – Analysis
in which the product development procedures are
investigated and reported, and the completed This stage was done from January 08 to January 15,
product is reviewed to ensure its success. 2018. The following activities were accomplished:
The study was developmental in nature as it also 2.1. The organized information from the Guidance
adopted these stages: planning, analysis, design, and Counseling Office was carefully reviewed to see whether
coding, testing, implementation, and maintenance. a set of information needs to be included as content for the
The program was evaluated in terms of the management system or whether a set of information was
following criteria: functionality, usability, updated and pertinent.
portability, efficiency, and security. 2.2. The categorical components constructed from
Stage 1 were analytically compared with some existing
3.2 Analysis of Data contexts seen on the related studies to possibly improve the
The data gathered in the assessment stage was components.
analyzed using weighted mean. 2.3. Categories of a set of information with specific
components were done to verify the completeness and
relevance of the information given by the Guidance
4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Counselor. This also helped the researcher determine if there
1. Development and Description of the Record were other missing files needed for the record management
Management System for the Guidance and Counseling system. The files of information that were found lacking were
Office to be provided by the Guidance Counselor.

This project is developed using System Development Stage 3 – Design

Life Cycle (SDLC), which consist of seven phases of
development. The lay-out of the project and the scope of This stage was completed within two weeks from
operation are discussed below: January 16 to January 31, 2018. The following activities were
Stage 1 – Planning 3.1. The researcher developed precise framework of
content presentation based on the components already
This stage covered the period from the January 3 to envisioned. The researcher also determined the types of file
January 7, 2018, with the following activities accomplished: formats used to present the information.
1.1 The researcher conducted interviews with 3.2. Forms to be integrated were designed and
Guidance and Counselor of the different Colleges of Nueva created by the Guidance Counselor. The form from the
Ecija University of Science and Technology to understand the Guidance Counselor was converted into suitable and more

Rachel T. Alegado et al ., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 10(3), May - June 2021, 2138 – 2144

desirable for the record management using Visual Basic 3.4 The entity-relationship diagram was drawn to
2017. Figure 2 shows the Visual Basic 2017 Integrated show the overall concept of the system. Figure 4 illustrates the
Development Environment, in this form a student will be able entity relationship diagram for the developed record
to view his/her profile and edit information such as personal management system for Guidance and Counseling Office of
information, family background, educational background, Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology.
Academic Performance and self-evaluation.
Stage 4 – Coding

Stage 4 was accomplished within 21 days, from

February 1 to February 21, 2014. The software coding
consists of: application program to create the computerized
system and the database that will hold all the data of the
Application Program. The application program is
developed with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 programming
language. The advantages of Microsoft Visual basic 2010
programming language are its robustness, easy to program,
has an excellent database connectivity, runs on the two most
common operating system platforms (Windows and Unix)
and it has a larger user community that provides online
Figure 2: Visual Basic 2017 Integrated Development Environment

3.3 The data flow diagram was drawn to show the

flow of data within the system. This is the diagram used by the
researcher to visualize the flow of data as provided by
different external entities.
Figure 3 illustrates the data flow diagram for the
developed Record Management System. The user of the
system will enter his/her username and password. The system
will verify if the username and password combination are
correct and stored in the database. If yes, the process will go to
adding/editing of Student Information, if no, the process will
go to the inputting of username and password. The user can
manage Student’s Information such as personal information,
family background, educational background, Academic
Performance, and self-evaluation if he/she has entered the Figure 5: Record Management System Software Coding
correct username and password combination. The user will be Environment
able to search/view the student information. Figure 5 shows the snapshot of the interface of the system
and the actual coding environment of Microsoft Visual Basic
2010 where the system has been developed. Figure 5 shows
the log in form, this will enable the user to log in using their
respective username and password.
Database. The database consists of tables that stores
records implemented in Microsoft SQL Server database.
However, this can be migrated to any other relational database
of choice. SQL Server is fast and easy; it can store a very large
record and requires little configuration.

Stage 5 – Testing

This stage was completed within two weeks from

February 22, 2018, to March 07, 2018. The objective of this
stage is to evaluate the capability of a program or system and
Figure 3: Record Management System Data Flow Diagram determine that it meets its required results. The developed
record management system was tested and evaluate based on
the following criteria: functionality, usability, efficiency,
portability, and security.
Rachel T. Alegado et al ., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 10(3), May - June 2021, 2138 – 2144

Each module of the developed system where students.

checked, making sure that all processes are complete. The
transactions and processes should perform according to the
The system
requirements and should come up with the desired output. facilitates the
Also, during the testing phase some of the codes were already preservation,
corrected. 4.40 SA 4.10 SA 4.25 SA
retrieval, use,
and disposition of
Stage 6 – Implementation records.
The system
Stage 6 was conducted for 14 days starting from March 8, provides or
2018, to March 21, 2018. The researcher did the following enables the
4.30 SA 4.30 SA 4.30 SA
activities: ability to retrieve
records relevant
1.In this stage of development, the Record Management
to a query.
System was completed, checked, and validated. The system
2.Software assessment evaluation was done by the provides printing
different College Guidance Counselor of Nueva 4.50 SA 4.50 SA 4.50 SA
of records of
Ecija University of Science and Technology and IT students.
experts to determine if further enhancement of the AVERAGE 4.43 SA 4.28 SA 4.35 SA
system could be made based on their evaluation.
Based on the assessment made, all the four items presented
Stage 7 – Maintenance
in the functionality category got “Strongly Agree”
responses. These are the following interpretation for
Stage 7 was conducted for 7 days starting from
functionality: The system collect, organizes, and categorizes
March 22, 2018, to March 28, 2018. The researcher did the
records of students (WM = 4.35); The system facilitates the
following activities:
preservation, retrieval, use, and disposition of records (WM =
1. Errors that became visible in the actual
4.25); The system provides or enables the ability to retrieve
implementation were corrected.
records relevant to a query (WM = 4.30); The system
2. Updated and enhanced the developed system to
provides printing of records of students (WM = 4.5). The
satisfy the needs of the users.
“Strongly Agree” responses of the two sets of respondents
confirms that the developed system is found functional in the
2. Assessment of the Respondents on the Developed
sense that it provides the recommended functionality for the
Record Management System for Guidance and
Counseling Center of the Nueva Ecija University of
Science and Technology. 2.2 Usability
The assessment conducted was based on the record
management characteristics, functionality, usability, Table 2 shows the result of the assessment made by
efficiency, portability, and security. the two groups of respondents on the Developed Record
Management System based on its usability.
2.1 Functionality Table 2 shows that an overall weighted mean of 4.33
interpreted as “Strongly Agree” was computed for the
Table 1 shows the result of the assessment made by assessment of the two groups of respondents. This means that
the two groups of respondents on the Developed Record the two groups of respondents strongly agreed on the usability
Management System based on its functionality. Table 1 of the Record Management System.
confirms that the developed system is highly functional based Based on their assessment, all these four items got
on the point of view of the respondents, because an overall strongly agree responses: The system provides
weighted mean of 4.35 interpreted as “Strongly Agree” was appropriateness of option in the user interface (WM = 4.25);
computed. The system design, screen layout and colors are appealing
Table 1: Assessment of the Respondents on Functionality (WM = 4.30); There is less effort required to learn how to use
the system (WM = 4.45); The system is easily operated by a
User of the IT given user in each environment (WM = 4.30). These strongly
STATEMENT Overall agree responses of the two groups of respondents signify that
System Practitioner
WM VD WM VD WM VD the Developed Record Management System is found usable by
The system them in the sense that the system provides appropriateness of
collect, option in the user interface so that the new and old users of the
organizes, and 4.50 SA 4.20 SA 4.35 SA system can easily learn and operates the system.
records of

Rachel T. Alegado et al ., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 10(3), May - June 2021, 2138 – 2144

Table 2: Assessment of the Respondents on Usability Table 3 shows that an overall weighted mean of 4.29
is interpreted as “Strongly Agree” was computed for the
IT assessment of the two groups of respondents. This means that
User of the
STATEMENT Practitione Overall the two groups of respondents strongly agreed on the
efficiency of Developed Record Management System.
The system
Based on the assessment of the two groups of
provides respondents, all these four items got strongly agree responses:
appropriateness of 4.20 SA 4.30 SA 4.25 SA The system permit retrieval of both individual records and
option in the user files or other groupings of related records(WM = 4.25); The
interface. system provides complete and accurate information of
The system students(WM = 4.45); The system provides faster response
design, screen and processing of information needed (WM = 4.20); The
4.30 SA 4.30 SA 4.30 SA
layout and colors system is capable to provide the administrator to access fast
are appealing. and unfailing information (WM = 4.25).The strongly agree
There is less effort
responses of the two groups of respondents can be interpreted
required to learn
4.50 SA 4.40 SA 4.45 SA to mean that they find the Record Management System
how to use the
system. efficient because it allows them to retrieve individual records
The system is and files, as well as other groups of related records, and
easily operated by provides faster response and processing of information.
4.30 SA 4.30 SA 4.30 SA
a given user in
each environment. 2.4 Portability
AVERAGE 4.33 SA 4.33 SA 4.33 SA Table 4 shows the assessment of the two groups of
respondents on the Developed Record Management System
based on its Portability.
2.3 Efficiency Table 4: Assessment of the Respondents on Portability
User of the
Table 3 shows the assessment of the two groups of Practitione Overall
respondents on Developed Record Management System based r
on its efficiency. W W W
Table 3: Assessment of the Respondents on Efficiency Backups are
IT provided by the
User of the system to protect
STATEMENT Practitione Overall
System against data loss 4.20 SA 4.30 SA 4.25 SA
WM VD WM VD WM VD due to equipment
The system failure or human
permits retrieval mistake.
of both individual The system can
4.20 SA 4.30 SA 4.25 SA keep the records in
records and files
or other groupings a usable format for
of related records. their required
4.20 SA 4.30 SA 4.25 SA
The system retention period
provides complete and until their
and accurate 4.50 SA 4.40 SA 4.45 SA permitted disposal
information of date.
students. Through
The system conversion or
provides faster migration, the
response and system maintains a
4.20 SA 4.20 SA 4.20 SA 4.30 SA 4.20 SA 4.25 SA
processing of relationship
information between records
needed. and associated
The system is metadata.
capable to provide The system ensures
the administrator that data is not lost
4.20 SA 4.30 SA 4.25 SA due to
to access fast and 4.25 SA 4.30 SA 4.28 SA
unfailing technological
information. changes or
AVERAGE 4.28 SA 4.30 SA 4.29 SA degradation
AVERAGE 4.24 SA 4.28 SA 4.26 SA

Rachel T. Alegado et al ., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 10(3), May - June 2021, 2138 – 2144

Table 4 shows that an overall weighted mean of 4.26 Table 5 shows that an overall weighted mean of 4.28
interpreted as “Strongly Agree” was computed for the is interpreted as “Strongly Agree” was computed for the
assessment of the two groups of respondents. This means that assessment of the two groups of respondents. This means that
the two sets of respondents strongly agreed on the portability the two groups of respondents strongly agreed on the security
of the Record Management System. of Developed Record Management System
Based on the assessment of the two groups of respondents Based on the assessment of the two groups of
all these four items got strongly agree responses: Backups are respondents, all these four items got strongly agree responses:
provided by the system to protect against data loss due to The system allows only authorized personnel access to the
records in the system(WM = 4.28); The system allows only
equipment failure or human mistake (WM = 4.30); The
authorized personnel to perform administrative functions
system can keep the records in a usable format for their
required retention period and until their permitted disposal such as assigning access rights(WM = 4.35); The system is
date.(WM = 4.25); Through conversion or migration, the capable to minimize the risk of unauthorized alteration or
system maintains a relationship between records and erasure of the records(WM = 4.20); The system is capable to
associated metadata. (WM = 4.25); The system ensures that provide an appropriate level of security for the records its
data is not lost due to technological changes or degradation. manages(WM = 4.28).The strongly agree responses of the
(WM = 4.30). This strongly agree responses of the two two sets of respondents can be interpreted to mean that the
groups of respondents indicates that the Developed Record Developed Record Management System is found secured by
Management System is found portable in the sense that the them since the system is capable to provide an appropriate
system can retain the records in a usable format for their level of security for the records its manages, and capable to
minimize the risk of unauthorized alteration or erasure of the
required retention period and until their authorized
disposition date, and it provides backup to protect against data
loss due to equipment failures or human error.
2.5 Security 5. CONCLUSIONS

Table 5 indicates how the two sets of respondents The following are the conclusions drawn from the
rated the efficiency of the Developed Record Management findings of the study.
System. 1. The development of the Record Management
Table 5: Assessment of the Respondents on Security
System underwent the phases for System Development Life
IT Cycle (SDLC) such as: Stage 1 – Planning; Stage 2 –
User of the Analysis; Stage 3 – Design; Stage 4 – Coding; Stage 5 –
STATEMENT Practitione Overall
System Testing; Stage 6- Implementation; and Stage 7 –
WM VD WM VD WM VD Maintenance.
The system allows 2. The system took three months to be developed was
only authorized accomplished using Visual Basic 2017 programming
personnel access to 4.25 SA 4.30 SA 4.28 SA language and Microsoft SQL Server 2017 database.
the records in the 3. Record Management System has been strongly
accepted by the respondents based on their assessment on
The system allows
these five criteria: functionality, usability, efficiency,
only authorized
personnel to portability, and security.
perform 4. The suggestions given by the group of respondents
4.30 SA 4.40 SA 4.35 SA may be considered for future enhancement of the system.
functions such as
assigning access 6. RECOMMENDATIONS
The system is Based on the findings drawn, the following
capable to recommendations were presented:
minimize the risk 1. A full implementation of Record Management
of unauthorized 4.20 SA 4.20 SA 4.20 SA System must be done for every Guidance and Counseling
alteration or
offices in each different campuses and colleges of the
erasure of the
records University.
The system is 2. Training for the users of the Record Management
capable to provide System must be done, for the correct and reliable encoding of
an appropriate information on the database system.
4.25 SA 4.30 SA 4.28 SA
level of security for 3. Provide policies and guidelines that give emphasis
the records it on the usage, application, and benefits of the system
AVERAGE 4.25 SA 4.30 SA 4.28 SA

Rachel T. Alegado et al ., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 10(3), May - June 2021, 2138 – 2144

especially not just only to the students but also to the

Guidance Counselor and Coordinators.
4. Colleges, universities and other educational
institutions should also consider using Record Management
System for Guidance and Counseling Office.


The authors are grateful to the staff of Guidance

Counseling Office, Nueva Ecija University of Science and
Technology, Philippines for guidance, assistance, help for
data collection and support to make this research work

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