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Talking About Medical Profesional


I’ am a Nurse

Kalila : Hi, Falih , Assalamualaikum. Good to see you again, how are you doing?

Falih : Hello, Kalila. Waalaikumsalam. It’s so pleasure to see you again. I am fine, how about you ?

Kalila : Alhamdulilah, I’m good, thank you

Falih : By the way, where do you work now , Kalila?

Kalila : I work in Adhiguna Hospital.

Falih : What do you do there ?

Kalila : I am a Nurse. I take care of the pastient there. What about you?

Falih : It’s a good job . do you like your job?

Kalila : Yeah, so much, you know, my job is in the medical ward. I feel excited when I care the
patients. How about you ? Where do you work now Falih?

Falih : Well, you know what, we’re not exactly different, I also work in a hospital.

Kalila : Really ? Are you a nurse also ?

Falih : No, I’m a SURGEON.

Kalila : Oh really? Oh Falih Iam proud of you.

Falih : You know what? Start from tomorrow , I’m going to work in Adhigunas Hospital, that’s why I
come back here after I finished my study.

Kalila : Wow, we’re in the same hospital then.

Falih : Yes partner!

Kalila : Alright Doc. See you soon in the Hospital.



 Surgeon Dokter Spesialis Bedah

 Intenist Dokter Spesialis Penyakit Dalam
 Cardiologist Dokter Spesialis Jantung
 Dermatologist Dokter Spesialis Kulit
 Ophthalmologist Dokter Spesialis Mata
 Neorologist Dokter Spesialis Syaraf
 Obstetrician Dokter Spesialis Anak
 Pediatrican Dokter Spesialis Kandungan
 Hematologist Dokter Ahli Penyakit Darah
 Psychologist Ahli Psikologi/Psikologis
 Nurse Perawat
 Head of Nurse Kepala Perawat
 Physican Dokter Umum
 Midwife Bidan
 Anesthetist Ahli Anastesi
 Nutricionist Ahli Gizi
 Medical Record Staff Petugas Rekam Medis
 Regiologist Petugas Radiologi
 Lab Technician Tekmisi Labolatorium/Laboran


 Admission Dept Tempat Pendaftaran Pasien

 Informasion Center Pusat Informasi
 Emergency Room UGD/IGD
 Polyclinic Policlinic
 Medical Ward Ruang Perawatan Umum
 Surgical Ward Ruang Perawatan Bedah
 Paedatric Ward Ruang Perawatan Anak
 Maternity Ward Ruang Perawatan Ibu Melahirkan
 Delivery Room Kamar Bersalin (VK)
 Operating Theatre Ruang Oprasi
 Out Patient Dept Klinik Rawat Jalan
 Long Stay Patient Dept Klinik Rawat Inap
 Nurse station/Nurse lounge Ruang Jaga Rawat
 Doctor Lounge Ruang Dokter
 Intensive Care Unit Ruang Perawatan Insentive
 CVCU Ruang Perawatan Penyakit Jantung
 Orthopedic Ward Ruang Perawatan Untuk Penyakit Tulang
 Geriantic Ward Ruang Perawatan Lansia
 Perinatology Ruang Perawatan Bayi yang Mengalami Masalah Kesehatan
 CSSD Ruang Tempat Pensterilan alat atau liner
 Nutrient Dept Dapur Gizi
 Corpse Room Kamar Jenazah
 Pharmacy Apotik
 E.N.T Poli Telinga Hidung Tenggorokan (THT)
 Laundy Dept Tempat Pencucian Liner
 X-Ray Dept Ruang Radiology
 Dentistry Clinic Klinik Gigi
 Laboratory Ruang Laboratorium
 Mental Illness Hospital Rumah Sakit Jiwa (RSJ)
 Community Health Center PUSKESMAS
 Health Insurance Ansuransi Kesehatan
 Referral Letter Surat Rujukan


Where do these prodessions work ?

You may answer like the example below :

“ A Surgeon works in the operating theatre”

a. Obstetrician

b. Midwife

c. Anesthetist

d. Lab Technician

e. Psysicion

f. Phychologist

g. Dentist

h. Ophthalmologist

i. Nurse

J. Pharmatic

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