Is 1678
Is 1678
Is 1678
Indian Standard
( Second Revision )
ICS 91.100.30
0 BIS 1998
NEW DELHI 110002
This Indian Standard ( Second Revision ) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized
by the Cement Matrix Products Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division
This specification has been prepared with a view to clarifying and defining design requirements for different types
of prestressed concrete poles used in overhead electric power transmission, traction and telecommunication lines.
This specification mainly relates to prestressed concrete poles in which initial compression has been induced by
one of the pretensioned systems. This specification also covers the requirements of earthing to be provided for
prestressed concrete poles.
This standard was first published in 1960 and subsequently revised in 1978. The present revision incorporates the
modification found necessary in the light of experience gained with the use of this standard and due to revision
ofvarious other standards referredin this standard. The major changes incorporated in this revision are modifications
in respect of materials, cover and spacing of prestressed steel, sampling and inspection. In this revision, a method
for measuring the uprightness of poles has also been incorporated.
The composition of the technical committee responsible for the formulation of this standard is given in
Annex B.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2 :
1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)‘. The number of significant places retained in the rounded
off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
IS 1678 : 1998
Indian Standard
( Second Revision )
1 SCOPE stretching of the steel in any part of the pole.
This standard covers prestressed concrete poles 3.6 Ultimate Transverse Load
suitable for use in overhead power, traction and
telecommunication lines. The load at which failure occurs, when it is applied at
a point 600 mm below the top and perpendicular to
2 REFERENCES the axis of the pole along the transverse direction with
the butt end of the pole planted to the required depth
The Indian Standards listed in Annex A contain
as intended in the design.
provisions which, through reference in this text,
constitute provision of this standard. At the time of 3.7 Working Load
publication, the editions indicated were valid. All
standards are subject to revision, and parties to The maximum load in the transverse direction, that is,
agreements based on this standard are encouraged ever likely to occur, including the wind pressure on
to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent the pole. This load is assumed to set at a point
editions of the standards listed in Annex A. 600 mm below the top with the butt end of the pole
planted to the required depth as intended in the design.
3.0 For the purpose of this standard, the following
definitions shall apply. 4.1 The minimum overall length of poles shall be
6 m and subsequent length shall be in steps of 0.5 m.
3.1 Average Permanent Load
4.2 Tolerances
That fraction of the working load which may be
The tolerances for prestressed concrete poles shall
considered of long duration over a period of one year.
be as under:
3.2 Load Factor
a) Overall length of poles *15mm
The ratio of ultimate transverse load to the transverse
b) Cross-sectional dimension &5mm
load at first crack.
c) Uprightness or straightness 0.5 percent
3.3 Transverse
The direction of the line bisecting the angle contained 4.2.1 For measurement of uprightness of straightness
by the conductor at the pole. In the case of straight of prestressed concrete pole, the procedure given
in or any other satisfactory method, mutually
nm, this will be normal to the run of the pole.
agreed between the supplier and the purchaser may
3.4 Transverse Load at First Crack be adopted.
For design, the transverse load at first crack shall be For measuring uprightness or straightness of
taken as not less than the value of the ivorking load. a pole, it shall be placed lengthwise (with smaller cross-
section side parallel to rigid surface) on a rigid straight
3.5 Ultimate Failure surface. Then using a measuring steel scale, graduated
The conditions existing when the pole ceases to sustain in mm, measure the distance (deviation) of pole surface
a load increment owing to either crushing of concrete, from the rigid surface at several locations along the
or snapping of the prestressing tendon or permanent length of the pole. Atleast two measurements in each
IS 1678 : 1998
one metre length of the pole should be taken. The largest material that may have deteriorating effect on the
value of the measured distance (deviation) shall be bond between the reinforcement and the concrete.
taken for determining uprightness. Similar Slight rust may be permitted provided there is no surface
measurements should be taken on the pole laid with pitting visible to the naked eye.
larger cross-section side parallel to the rigid surface.
5.5 Concrete
The grade of concrete shall be not less than M 40.
5.1 Cement
5.6 Admixture
The cement used in the manufacture of prestressed
Admixture may be used with the approval of the
concrete poles shall be any of the following:
purchaser. However, any admixture containing chlorides
a) Portland slag cement conforming to IS 455 but in any form shall not be used. The admixture shall
with not more than 50 percent slag content, conformto IS 9103.
b) Rapid hardening Portland cement conforming 6 DESIGN
to1s 8041,
6.1 The poles shall be so designed that they do not
c) 43 grade ordinary Portland cement conforming fail owing to failure initiated by compression in
to IS 8112, and concrete.
d) 53 grade ordinary Portland cement conforming 6.2 The maximum wind pressure to be assumed for
to IS 12269. computing the design transverse load at first crack
shall be as specified by the State Governments, who
5.2 Aggregates are empowered in this behalf under the Indian
Aggregates used for the manufacture of reinforced Electricity Rules, 1956. Wind pressure may also be
concrete poles shall conform to IS 383. Where determined as specified in IS 875 (Part 3).
specified, a sample of the aggregate shall be submitted 6.3 Depth of Planting
by the manufacturer to the purchaser for approval.
The minimum depth of planting of a pole below grotmd
5.3 Prestressing Steel
level shall be in accordance with Table 1, the actual
The prestressing steel shall be any one of the depth being determined on the basis of ground
following: conditions.
a) Plain hard drawn steel wire conforming to either Table 1 Minimum Depth of Planting of Reinforced
IS 1785 (Part 1) or IS 1785 (Part 2), Concrete Poles in the Ground
17.0 2.40
Reinforcing bars and wires shall conform to IS 432
(Part 1) or IS 432 (Part 2) or IS 1786, as the case may
be. 6.4 ‘Ikansverse Strength at Failure
5.4.1 All reinforcement shall be free from loose scale, The poles shall be so designed that its strength in
rust and coats of paint, oil, grease, clay or other transverse direction shall be sutficient to take the load
IS 1678 : 1998
due to wind on wires and poles, multiplied by load 7 MANUFACTURE
factor. Where specifically stated, snow load shall also
7.1 All reinforcement and ducts shall be accurately
be taken into consideration.
placed and maintained in position during manufacture.
NOTE - In this connection, reference may be made to Grouping of high tensile wires may be permitted as
the ‘Code of practice as regards wind pressure and long as the diameter of the wire is between 3 mm and
temperature variations for the design of overhead power
lines’ published by Central Electricity Authority. This
publication gives the recommended values ofwind pressures
7.2 For prestressed pretensioned system, all wires
to be assumed for power lines in all the Indian States.
shall be accurately stretched with uniform prestress
6.4.1 The strength of the pole in the direction of the in each wire. Each wire or group of wires shall be
line shall not be less than one-quarter of the strength anchored positively during casting. Care shall be taken
required in the transverse direction. to see that the anchorages do not yield before the
concrete attains the necessary strengths.
6.4.2 The load factor on transverse strength for
prestressed concrete poles shall not be less than 2.5. 7.3 For post-tensioned poles, the relative position of
This factor may be reduced to a value not less than wires in a cable, whether curved or straight, shall be
2.0 in the case of power transmission lines by the State accurately maintained by suitable means to ensure
Governments, who are empowered in this behalfunder the free flow of grout.
the’lndian ElectricityRules, 1956.
7.4 Grouting
6.4.3 The prestressed concrete pole shall be checked
All post tensioned ducts shall be grouted using any
for transverse cracking strength under the following suitable grouting technique ( see IS 1343 ).
7.5 Cover
a) The design transverse load at first crack shall
be assumed to act at 600 mm from top; In pre-tensioned work, the cover of concrete measured
from the outside of the prestressing tendon shall be
b) The hypothetical flexural tensile strength in atleast 30 mm or the size of the cable or bar whichever
concrete shall not exceed the value given in is bigger.
IS 1343; and
7.6 Spacing
c) Untensioned steel, if provided for augmenting
the ultimate strength, shall not be considered 7.6.1 In the case of single wire used in pretensioned
in computing the transverse strength at first crack. system, the minimum clear spacing shall not be less
than greater of the following:
6.4.4 The average permanent loads on prestressed
concrete poles shall be taken as 40 percent of the load a) Three times the diameter of the wire, and
at first crack.
b) One and one-third (If) times the maximum
6.4.5 The permissible design stress for high tensile size of aggregate used.
steel and for concrete in compression under the average
permanent load shall be in accordance with IS 1343. 7.6.2 In the case of cables or large bars, the minimum
The permissible design flexural tensile stress for concrete
clear spacing (measured between sheath/ducts,
wherever used) shall not be less than greater of the
under average permanent load may be taken as
At transfer of prestress, direct compressive stress in a) @mm,
concrete at top section of pretensioned concrete poles b) Maximum size of cable or bar, and
shall not exceed 0.8 times the cube strength of concrete.
c) 5 mm plus maximum size of aggregate.
6.5 Poles intended to be fitted with stays or supported
by struts shall be designed accordingly, and ifrequired 7.7 Welding and Lapping of Reinforcement
by the purchaser, they shall be appropriately tested. The high tensile steel wire or bar shall be continuous
6.6 Method of selection of prestressed concrete over the entire length of the tendon. Welding shall
pole in any given situation shall be as specified in not be allowed in any cases. Jointing or coupling in
IS7321. the case of bars and indented or crimpted wires may
IS 1678 : 1998
be permitted provided the strength of the joint or concrete poles in conjunction with wood, steel or
coupling is not less than thestrength of each individual reinforced or prestressed concrete cross arms.
bar or wire.
7.12 If desired by the purchaser, to facilitate handling
7.8 Compacting of poles during transport and erection, an eyehook
may be provided in every pole at 100 mm below ground
Concrete shall be compacted by vibrating, shocking level on the face of the pole so as to utilize the maximum
or other suitable mechanical means. Hand compaction flexural strength of the section during handling.
shall not be permitted.
7.9 Curing
8.1 During manufacture, tests on concrete shall be
The concrete shall be covered with a layer of sacking, carried out as detailed in 7.9.
canvas, hessian or similar absorbent material and kept
constantly wet up to the time when the strength of 8.2 Transverse Strength Test
concrete is at least equal to the minimum strength of
concrete at transfer of prestress. Thereafter, the pole The transverse strength test on poles shall be
conducted in accordance with IS 2905. A prestressed
maybe removed from the mould and watered at intervals
concrete pole shall be deemed not to have passed the
to prevent surface cracking of the unit; the interval
should depend on the atmospheric humidity and test if cracks wider than 0.1 mm appear at a stage prior
to the application of the design transverse load at first
temperature. Steam curing may also be permitted.
crack and the observed ultimate transverse load is less
During manufacture, daily tests on concrete cubes shall than the design ultimate transverse load.
be carried out till the concrete achieves the required
strength at transfer. Thereafter the test on concrete
shall be carried out as detailed in IS 1343. The 9.1 Scale of Sampling
manufacturer shall supply when required by the
purchaser or his representative, results of compressive 9.1.1 Lot
test conducted in accordance with IS 456 on concrete In a consignment, 500 poles or a part thereof of the
cubes made from the concrete used for the poles. If same overall length, same dimensions and belonging
the purchaser so desires, the manufacturer shall supply to the same batch of manufacturer shall be grouped
cubes shall be tested in accordance with IS 456. together to consitute a lot.
7.10 Earthing
9.1.2 For ascertaining the conformity of the materials
Earthing shall be provided by one of the following in the lot to the requirements of this specitication samples
means: shall be tested from each lot separately.
9.1.3 The number of poles to be selected from the lot
4 By having a length of 25 x 3 mm copper strip
or equivalent bare copper cable or 4 mm dia shall depend on the size of the lot and shall be according
galvanized iron wire embedded in concrete during to Table 2.
manufacture and the ends of the strip or cable 9.2 Number of Tests and Criteria for Conformity
left projecting from the pole to a length of
SOmmat 215mm fromtopand 150 mm below 9.2.1 All the poles selected according to 9.1.3 shall
ground level (see Fig. 1 ). be tested for overall length, cross-section and
uprightness (see 4.2). A pole failing to satisfy one or
b) By providing two holes of suitable dimensions more of these requirements shall be considered as
2l5mmfromtopand150mmbelowgroundlevel defective. All the poles in the lot shall be considered
(seeFig.l)toenable25mmx3mmcopper as conforming to these requirements if the number of
strip or equivalent bare copper cable to be taken defective poles found in the sample is less than or equal
~omthetopholetothebottomthroughthecentral to the corresponding acceptance number given in
hole. co1 3 of Table 2.
7.11 During manufacture, sufficient number of holes 9.2.2 The lot having been found satisfactory according
shall be provided in the poles for the attachment of to 9.2.1 shall be further tested for transverse strength
cross arms and other equipment. A typical arrangement ( see 8.2 ) of the poles. For this purpose, the number
of holes shown in Fig. 1 permits the use of prestressed of poles given in co1 4 of Table 2 shall be tested, these
IS 1678 : 1998
3 Plugged holes are provided for fixing danger plate and number plate. These may be plugged with hard wood or
other suitable material.
All dimensions in millimetres.
up to 100 10 1 2 1
101 to 200 15 1 3 1
201 to 300 20 2 4 1
301 to 500 30 3 5 2
IS 1678 : 1998
poles ma! be selected from those ahead\- tested 4 Indication of the source of manufacture,
according to 9.2.1 and found satisfactory. All these
b) Month and year of manufacture,
poles tested for transverse strength shall satisfy the
corresponding specification requirements. If one or c) Serial number of the poles, and
more poles fail. twice the number of poles orginally 4 Position of centre.
tested shall be selected from those already selected
10.2 BIS Certification Marking
and subjected to this test. If there is no failure among
these poles, the lot shall be considered to have satisfied The product may also be marked with the Standard
the requirements of this test. Mark.
10.2.1 The use of Standard Mark is governed by the
provisions of the Bureau ofIndian StandarhA4ct. 1986
10.1 The poles shall be clearly and indelibly marked and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The
with the following particulars either or after the details of conditions under which the licence for the
manufacture, but before testing, at a position so as to use of Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturers
be clearly read after erection in position: or producers may be obtained from the Bureau of Indian
IS 1678 : 1998
( Clause 2 )
383 : 1970 Specification for coarse and tine concrete reinforcement ( third
aggregates from natural sources revision )
for concrete ( second revision)
2090 : 1983 High tensile steel bars used in
432 Specification for mild steel and prestressed concrete (first
medium tensile steel bars and revision )
hard-drawn steel wire for concrete
2905 : 1989 Method of test for concrete poles
for overhead power and
(Part 1) : 1982 Mild steel and medium tensile steel telecommunication lines (jkt
bars ( third revision ) revision )
(Part2): 1982 Hard drawn steel wire ( third 6003 : 1983 Specification for indented wire for
revision ) prestressed concrete (jirst
revision )
455 : 1989 Specification for Portland slag
cement (fourth revision ) 6006 : 1983 Specification for uncoated stress
relieved strand for prestressed
456 : 1978 Code of practice for plain and concrete (first revision )
reinforced concrete ( third
revision ) 7321: 1974 Code of practice for selection,
handling and erection of concrete
875 (Part 3) : 1987 Code of practice for design loads poles for overhead power and
( other than earthquake) for telecommunication lines
buildings and structures : Part
3 Wind loads ( second revision ) 8041: 1990 Specification for rapid hardening
Portland cement (first revision )
1343 : 1980 Code of practice for prestressed
concrete (first revision ) 8112 :1989 Specification for 43 grade ordinary
Portland cement (jirst revision )
1785 Specification for plain hard-drawn
steel wire for prestressed concrete 9103 :I979 Specification for admixtures for
(Part 1) : 1983 Cold drawn stress relieved wire
(second revision )
12269 : 1987 Specification for 53 grade ordinary
Portland cement
(Part2) : 1983 As drawn wire (jirst revision )
14268 : 1995 Uncoated stress relieved low
1786 : 1985 Specification for high strength relaxation seven-ply strand for
deformed steel bars wires for prestressed concrete
IS 1678 : 1998
( Foreword )
Cement Matrix Products Sectional Committee, CED 53
Chairman Representing
Additional Director ( Civ Engg ), BIS
( Cunbnued on page 9 )
IS 1678 : 1998
DR N. RA~HVENDRA National Council for Cement and Building Matenals. New Delhi
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau oflndian StmdardsAct, 1986 to promote harmonious
development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and attending to
connected matters in the country.
BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form without
the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing the
standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations. Enquiries relating to
copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.
Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue
of ‘BIS Handbook’ and ‘Standa:,ds : Monthly Additions’.
This Indian Standard has been developed from Dot : No. CED 53 (4852).
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