Cdot Bridge Design Manual 2023 02
Cdot Bridge Design Manual 2023 02
Cdot Bridge Design Manual 2023 02
1. Project Scoping for Major Structures, Walls, and Tunnels 6
2. Preliminary Design 7
3. Final Design 9
4. Final Design Submittal 11
5. Construction 13
6. Archiving 14
1. CDOT Bridge Detail Manual 15
2. CDOT Staff Bridge Worksheets 15
3. Bridge Rating Manual 17
4. Project Special Provisions 17
5. Deck Geometry Manual 18
6. Staff Bridge Records 18
7. Retaining and Noise Wall Inspection and Asset Management Manual 19
1. CDOT Standard Specifications and Special Provisions 19
2. CDOT Design and Construction Manuals 19
3. CDOT M & S Standard Drawings 19
1. General Services for All Local Agency Projects, Developer Projects, and Access
Permits 21
2. Requirements for Local Agency Projects 21
3. Requirements for Utility and Special Use Permits 22
1.2.1 Bridge Definition 1-1
1.2.2 Culvert Definition 1-1
1.2.3 Glossary of Terms 1-1
1.3.1 Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) 1-4
1.3.2 Load Factor Design (LFD) 1-4
1.3.3 Allowable Stress Design (ASD) 1-5
10.2.1 Ring-Lined Split Barrel Sampler 10-1
10.2.2 Energy Measurements for Sampling Hammers 10-1
10.3.1 Service Limit State 10-2
10.3.2 Strength Limit State 10-2
10.3.3 Extreme Event Limit State 10-2
10.4.1 General 10-2
10.4.2 Footing Embedment 10-2
10.4.3 Tolerable Movements 10-2
10.5 DRIVEN PILES 10-3
10.5.1 General 10-3
10.5.2 Geotechnical Design and Analysis 10-5
13.2.1 AASHTO LRFD 13-2
13.2.2 AASHTO Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH) 13-2
13.2.3 FHWA Bridge Rail Requirements 13-3
Table 9-1: CDOT Standard CBT Girder Load and Resistance Factor Design (fy = 60 ksi)
Table 9-2: Rolled Steel Beams/Steel Plate Girders (12 in. [min.] wide top flange) Load and
Resistance Factor Design (fy = 60 ksi) 9-5
Table 9-3: CDOT Standard CBT Girder Load and Resistance Factor Design (fy = 100 ksi)
Table 9-4: Rolled Steel Beams/Steel Plate Girders (12 in. [min.] wide top flange) Load and
Resistance Factor Design (fy = 100 ksi) 9-7
Table 32-1: Wind Speed Data at Other Mean Recurrence Intervals 32-3
Table 32-2: Torque and Tension Limits 32-6
Figure 12-1: Minimum Deer and Elk Underpass Design Dimensions 12-4
Figure 32-1: Partial Special Wind Region Map (300 year MRI) 32-4
Figure 32-2: Sign Alignment for Curved Roadways 32-5
All AASHTO specifications and codes and BDM revisions shall apply to any
future design projects when they are officially issued. All projects should be
evaluated to ascertain the effects of using the new requirements immediately
for safety, design capacity, performance, schedule, cost, contractual and other
implications. If implications are minimal, design projects that are in preliminary
design stages should use the latest requirements. If implications are more
substantial, Shelf projects, post-FIR projects, and those projects with
contractual limitations may choose to continue with the previously issued LRFD
requirements. Safety revisions or standards revisions, such as crash tested
bridge rail, may be required to add at any stage of the project.
Using this BDM does not relieve the Engineer of their responsibility to provide
high-quality deliverables or to exercise sound engineering judgment. The
Engineer is to verify all figures. Figures are shown as examples only, but the
design responsibility is that of the Engineer. Staff Bridge will consider variances
from the policies presented in this BDM when warranted. If different
interpretations of a given article arise, guidance shall be obtained from Staff
Bridge. Unless otherwise specified, the Unit Leader in coordination with the
Staff Bridge Senior Design & Construction Engineer must authorize any
additional modifications and variances to the BDM. Variance request
examples can be found on the Bridge website.
Previous editions of the BDM and Bridge Design Technical Memorandums are
now void.
The Office of the Staff Bridge Branch maintains the computer files containing
this BDM, coordinates revisions, and makes updates available. The Staff
Bridge Branch also maintains a revision log showing all the revision dates that
have transpired for each section and the person who wrote the revision.
Before starting a structural design project, the Engineer shall obtain a copy of
this BDM or if the Engineer already has a manual, they shall inspect the current
table of contents to make certain their copy of the BDM is up to date.
This BDM is intended to be dynamic. Revisions will be incorporated as new
material is added and as criteria and specifications change. The State Bridge
Engineer shall approve and publish all revisions.
Suggestions for improving and updating this BDM are encouraged. Anyone
who would like to propose revisions should informally discuss changes with
other Bridge Engineers to further develop and refine ideas. All suggestions
shall be submitted to the Staff Bridge Manager of Policy and Standards, who
then will present the State Bridge Engineer with a preliminary draft showing the
developed concept.
On deciding to pursue the revisions, the State Bridge Engineer will assign them
to an Engineer. The Engineer receiving the assignment is responsible for
completing the final writing, distributing the revisions to all Staff Bridge
personnel for their review and comment, making revisions as appropriate
based on the comments received, and submitting the final draft to the State
Bridge Engineer for approval.
When a revision is made, the entire section containing the revision will be
reissued. The revision date is provided in the lower right corner of the page.
Whenever revisions are issued, they shall be accompanied by a cover
document signed by the State Bridge Engineer.
Staff Bridge Managed Structural Assets: Structures managed and assigned
a structure number or structure ID.
All managed assets (bulleted items below) within CDOT ROW require a
structure number. Outside of CDOT ROW, only vehicular bridges longer than
20' and tunnels require a structure number. A structure number does not
denote CDOT ownership or maintenance responsibilities, only assets that
CDOT tracks within our ROW.
Refer to Part E2 of this Section for information about structure number
Design Life / Service Life: The design life is the period for which a component,
element, or bridge is expected to function for its designated purpose when
designed, constructed, and maintained as per standards. The service life is the
period for which a component , element, or bridge provides the desired function
and remains in service with appropriate preservation activities. This may also
be called as useful life.
State Bridge Engineer: Chief Structural Engineer for the Staff Bridge Branch
of the Colorado Department of Transportation. The State Bridge Engineer is
responsible for structures within CDOT ROW and federally funded off-system
projects and manages CDOT’s Bridge Program, which includes Major
Structures, Minor Structures, Tunnels, Walls, and other highway structures,
including all ancillary and miscellaneous structures on the state highway
system and federally or state funded off-system projects.
Staff Bridge Unit Leader: A CDOT Staff Bridge employee who reports to the
State Bridge Engineer and manages the bridges and highway structures
located in a geographical CDOT Transportation Region. Refer to the CDOT
website for Region jurisdictions.
Design of structures involves compliance with the minimum requirements
outlined in this BDM, as well as coordination with disciplines including, but not
limited to, Survey, Right-of-Way, Utilities, Roadway Design, Traffic, Hydraulics,
Geotechnical, and Environmental. The structures design process outlined in
Appendix A of this Policies and Procedures section presents a diagram for the
overall structure design and a more detailed breakdown of coordination with
hydraulic design. For simplicity, the process diagram may not specifically
address each aforementioned discipline; therefore, it is important to coordinate
with each discipline throughout the entire project. Process diagrams for
rehabilitation projects and overlays are found in Section 33. Projects involving
railroad agencies will require additional submittals and longer review time.
Note that all CDOT projects and Local Agency projects with CDOT oversight
are required to use CDOT ProjectWise© for storing all project files. Files shall
be placed in CDOT ProjectWise within 2 weeks of any meeting, milestone or
deliverable date. Files shall be in accordance with Section 6 Archiving.
2. Preliminary Design
The preliminary design for Major and Minor Structures, Pedestrian
Structures, Walls, and Tunnels shall be conducted as outlined below to
ensure that CDOT obtains a structure layout and type selection that
achieves the project's objectives and minimizes revisions during the final
design and construction phases. The Structure Selection Report presents
the results of the preliminary design process. The report shall document,
justify, and explain the Project Structural Engineer’s structure layout and
type selection. The Project Structural Engineer is responsible for ensuring
that the following tasks are completed as appropriate:
a. Structure Number
All staff bridge managed structural assets must be assigned a
structure number. Tunnels and Major Structures outside of CDOT
ROW require structure numbers as well. If the owner does not provide
a number, CDOT Bridge Asset Management Unit will assign a
structure number. Tunnels, Major Structures, and other Ancillary or
Miscellaneous structures are given a structure number based on the
state grid system. Minor Structures and Walls are given a structure
number based on highway and milepost. Structure numbers for mast
arm signals are assigned based on milepost and quadrant. Any
location changes for Walls (primarily the beginning) may require a
new or a revised structure number. Locations should be finalized
before obtaining a structure number, if possible, to minimize rework.
Temporary structure numbers may be used before obtaining the final
structure number, but plans issued for construction or advertisement
shall use final structure numbers. For existing structures, the Project
Structural Engineer shall obtain new structure number from Staff
Bridge Asset Management Unit if not assigned before. For new
structures, Project Structural Engineer or PM must provide structure
information to CDOT Staff Bridge Asset Management Group as early
as possible for the assignment of a structure number. This structure
number shall be used on all subsequent correspondence and plan
sheets to identify the structure. Structure numbers should be provided
to the Project Engineer for inclusion into or updates of the SAP
Final approval, should be obtained from the Resident Engineer for the
revised general layout before proceeding with final design. The intent
of this approval is to confirm design assumptions prior to final design
to avoid costly re-designs at later design stages.
3. Final Design
The Project Structural Engineer shall ensure that the following tasks are
completed after the FIR:
The design plans and specifications for the Release for Construction
submittal shall not name sole source or proprietary products unless
approved by CDOT Unit Leader. Sole source or proprietary products
should only be used for innovative products.
e. Miscellaneous Information:
(2) For Deck Rehabilitation projects, a sketch of the plan view for
each bridge shall be provided to the largest scale that will fit on an
11”X17” and shall be provided to the Construction Manager for
g. Inspection Sketches
(1) Plans shall be submitted in both PDF and native file format. For
CDOT Projects, Microstation© files are required.
The Local Agency or Design Builder shall provide quality assurance (QA)
level fabrication inspection as defined in the Local Agency Manual or
Design Build RFP (Request for Proposal) unless otherwise approved by
6. Archiving
The Project Structural Engineer shall archive all pertinent documents in
ProjectWise when received or by Final Inspection/Owner Acceptance
Walkthrough. All PDFs with text or numerical data shall be 300 dpi, page
aligned, text searchable, compressed and in conformance with ISO
PDF/A-1b archival specifications. The Project Structural Engineer or
Structural Design Engineer is to make sure that all documents placed in
ProjectWise have their attributes updated to include all known
information. At a minimum, all documents shall include a Structure
Number. A full list of attributes and documents can be found in the CDOT
ProjectWise Reference Manual. CDOT employees are to refer to LMS My
Learning for Smart Scanning training; all others are to contact for training on Smart Scanning and
Electronic Signatures. Repair and design build projects should also follow
the archiving requirements listed. Refer to ProjectWise Reference Manual
for the Bridge Project Folder Structure.
At a minimum, pertinent documents include:
a. Design Calculations and Independent Design Check calculations
b. Final Structure Selection Report
c. Load Rating Package, including the electronic bridge model file
d. Final Geotechnical Report
e. Final Hydraulics Report
f. Final bid documents, including Plans and Specifications in PDF
g. Design Build RFP Structures Section
h. Design Build RFP Project Specials
i. Design Build RFP Alternative Technical Concepts (ATC) after award
j. MicroStation DGN files and related reference files. Verify that
reference file association is working correctly before finishing
archiving process. Provide cross-sections for walls in DGN format.
k. Final Design Submittal Checklist (by Unit Leader)
l. Correspondence directly affecting design and construction
m. Final Detail Letter & Consultant Final Submittal Letter (as applicable)
n. All construction documents, including, but not limited to, as-built
drawings, working drawings, shop drawings, material certifications,
and test reports
o. Inter-Governmental Agreements (IGA’s) when applicable
p. Inspection Sketch
r. Bid Summary
All applications of these Worksheets shall originate from the file posted
on CDOT’s website. Note that Worksheet numbers are for identification
only and shall be removed at the same time the designer’s, detailer’s, and
checker’s initials are placed on the sheet.
On deciding to pursue the revisions, the State Bridge Engineer will assign
them to an engineer and a detailer. The Engineer receiving the
assignment is responsible for completing the final design, distributing the
revisions to all Staff Bridge personnel for their review and comment,
making revisions as appropriate based on the comments received, and
submitting the final draft to the State Bridge Engineer for approval.
Revised and new Worksheets shall have their effective date given in the
upper left revision block of the drawing. On receiving new and revised
Worksheets, Staff Bridge will update the master files and the revision log.
The effective dates on the drawings and in the revision log provide a ready
means to check if a given copy is up to date.
Since the Standard Special Provisions and the Project Special Provisions
take precedence over the plan sheets, the Project Structural Engineer
carefully prepares and reviews them. The plans should refer to the
Special Provisions where applicable.
The revision log lists all the revisions that have transpired for the Project
Special Provision by showing the date and author of the revision,
accompanied by a brief explanation of the revision. Where appropriate,
the explanation includes instructions for using the Project Special
Structure Folders: Every structure has a file whose contents include the
bridge inspection reports, the Structure Inventory and Appraisal Report
(SIA), and a summary of the structural capacity rating. CDOT personnel
(and Consultants with Staff Bridge permission) may access these folders
CDOT Structure Inventory Coding Guide: This guide lists and explains
the structure inventory and appraisal items.
The following are exceptions to the policies above:
1. Structures (e.g., concrete box culverts) and sign bridges for which the
Department's M & S Standards are used are excluded from the final design
requirements previously described in Part E, Number 3, of the Policies and
Procedures (i.e., final design calculations, developing plans and
specifications). A bridge load rating sheet is still required for concrete box
culverts that are major structures based on the information in the M & S
2. Sign bridges, cantilevers, and butterflies extending over traffic are excluded
from the preliminary design requirements stated in Part E, Number 2,
Items c through e (e.g., foundation investigations, structure layout, and
structure type selection).
Staff Bridge will provide reviews of the structure plans and specifications to
help ensure that the Department’s written minimum requirements for
safety, inspection access, and geometry are satisfied and that the new
construction has no adverse impact on CDOT facilities. For bridges off of
the National Highway System, some CDOT practices may be omitted with
CDOT approval, by the State Bridge Engineer, through the variance
process. Currently these variances only consist of the requirements of
approach slabs on dirt or gravel roads. Crash tested rail below the TL-4
level will be considered on a case-by-case basis. The review will include
helping to ensure that CDOT’s written minimum requirements for structure
durability are satisfied. Examples of these requirements include those
related to corrosion protection and the use of bridge expansion devices.
A final inspection will be required for the structures that carry or could affect
the highway system. See Section 36.7 for a description.
Plans shall show CDOT ROW lines and any easements during construction.
The intent of the CDOT Bridge Design Manual (BDM) is to complement current
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Load and
Resistance Factor Design Bridge Design Specifications with current interim
edition (AASHTO) and to provide interpretations applicable to the design of
Colorado projects. This BDM also establishes CDOT policies and describes
preferred practices and procedures in the state of Colorado. Whenever
conflicts between AASHTO and this BDM arise, policies established in this
BDM shall govern.
1.2.1 Bridge Definition
A bridge is a structure that spans over a road, railway, river, or other obstacle
to provide passage for pedestrians and vehicles from one side to the other.
Bent Angle – Angle between the centerline of a support and a layout line (see
Figure 4-1). This angle is typically used as a bridge description skew and a
culvert skew.
Clear Zone – The total roadside border area, starting at the edge of the traveled
way, available for safe use by errant vehicles.
End Block – An increase in web width at the girder end intended to provide
adequate bearing.
Haunch – The section of concrete between the top of girder and the underside
of deck.
Life Cycle – The period of time used for the calculation of LCCA. A bridge is
expected to be in operation in excess of this period.
SC – Site Class
Skew Angle – Angle between the centerline of a support and a line normal to
the layout line (see Figure 4-1). This angle is typically used in Structure
Inspection Reports and Bridge Geometry.
Sleeper Slab – A strip of concrete that supports the free end of the approach
Staff Bridge Branch – A branch of CDOT tasked with setting overall policies
and procedures for bridges and bridge-related structures, providing direction,
and reviewing and approving plans for the individual projects in the state of
Colorado. Review and approval shall be by CDOT Designer/Reviewer or
CDOT Unit Leader.
This section addresses structure configuration, clearance requirements,
aesthetic guidelines, structure investigation, and selection report requirements.
Where practical, ends of approach slabs on bridges with skew ≥ 30° should be
set square to the roadway to facilitate construction and to minimize direct impact
on the joint by snowplows.
Vertical Clearances
Required minimum vertical clearances to bridges passing over the rural and AASHTO
urban principal arterial routes shall be 16.50 ft. The minimum vertical clearance
from the roadway to pedestrian bridges, utility bridges, and overhead sign
supports shall be 17.50 ft.
Vertical clearance over low speed, low volume undercrossings (i.e., collector
roads, streets, and private entrance crossings) may be modified to 15.00 ft.
minimum with approval from State Bridge Engineer and concurrence of the owner
of the low speed, low volume or private undercrossing. Any structures with
clearance less than 16.50 ft. shall be signed as part of the project.
These values include 6 in. clearance for future overlays, structure deflections,
snow on the road, vehicles oriented other than plumb, effects of sag vertical
curves, future expansion, etc., which can be modified at the Owner’s request.
Provided values should be true over the entire roadway width, including
shoulders. If construction requirements restrict the vertical or horizontal
clearances to values lower than required at final design, Staff Bridge shall notify
the Permit Department.
For vertical clearance from a pedestrian or bicycle path to an overhead
obstruction, refer to Section 31.4.2 of this BDM.
Vertical clearance over waterways should be established based on hydrology
and hydraulics explorations and shall also consider applicable watercraft
clearance requirements. The Designer is required to provide adequate freeboard
based on hydraulics elevations provided by the Hydraulics Engineer. At a
minimum, freeboard for 100-year flood should be 2 ft for low to moderate debris
streams with velocities > 6 fps. See Chapter 10 of the CDOT Drainage Manual
for additional clearance information. When minimum freeboard clearances are
not feasible, a hydraulic variance will be required. If freeboard requirements are
not met, bridge and bridge connections shall be designed for any additional
lateral loading due to the lack of clearance.
Horizontal Clearances
Horizontal clearances shall conform to AASHTO and A Policy on Geometric AASHTO
Design of Highways and Streets.
For an attached sidewalk on a vehicle bridge, the clear walkway shall be 5 ft. AASHTO
minimum but in no case shall it be narrower than the approaching sidewalk. 13.11.2
Additional width may be required in an urban area or for a shared pedestrian-
bikeway facility. Curb height of the raised sidewalk on the bridge should not be
less than 6 in. above the final grade. If the deck does not have an asphalt layer,
the sidewalk height should be increased to 9 in. to account for future overlays.
Raised sidewalk shall be connected to the deck using fully developed
Environmental Considerations
Minimizing and mitigating environmental impacts of any construction project shall
AASHTO 2.3.4
be given the highest priority. All proposed projects shall be evaluated for all
possible environmental impacts at the preliminary stages of the design.
Engineers and Contractors shall comply with state and federal laws concerning
all environmental issues, including, but not limited to:
• Ecological impacts on wetlands
• Water pollution and contaminated materials
• Erosion and sediment control
• Streams and floodplains encroachment
• Removal of embankment stabilizing vegetation
• Fish/wildlife habitation or migration routes
• Unstable slopes
• Noise/vibration control policy
• Hazardous materials and solid waste
• Asbestos containing materials/soils
• Transportation and discharge of hazardous materials
• Spill reporting
• Impact on local communities
• Historic/archaeological/paleontological sites
General Requirements
Aesthetic enhancements are defined as items not necessary for the load carrying
AASHTO 2.5.5
capability of a bridge or a structure, such as facades, monuments, and artwork.
The level of aesthetic treatment will vary from project to project depending on the
importance of the structure, sensitivity of the setting, construction budget,
location, historical value, and Owner’s preferences.
Bridge and structures will be reviewed from several vantage points. The CDOT
Landscape Architect shall determine the users and neighbors/community and
consider views of the road, both from and of the road, to generate a sense of
place, security, and context of scale by incorporating Context Sensitive Solutions
(CSS). Context sensitive design acknowledges a concern for local architectural
identity and investment.
If the bridge is a part of a specific corridor, it must be visually consistent with the
overall scheme of the corridor. Cost-effective aesthetic treatment can be
achieved by using color coating, staining, colored concrete, form liners,
rustications, and other methods. CDOT practice limits aesthetic treatment costs
to less than 5 percent on any individual project and 2 percent at the statewide
program level, unless outside funding is provided. Veneers are generally
discouraged based on safety, durability, and maintenance concerns.
The requesting entity shall maintain and repair the aesthetic enhancements. An
IGA is needed to determine appropriate responsibility to maintain which
bridge/structures/components and should be archived by the Engineer for future
reference. Access to CDOT ROW to maintain or repair the aesthetic
enhancements in the future would be requested and approved through the CDOT
Access Management Permit Office.
The placement and type of lighting poles and fixtures can have a major visual
impact on the overall appearance of the bridge. Poles should be set such that
they are visually complementary to the structure.
Underdeck lighting should be provided on bridges over roadways and trails when
requested by the region. It is preferable to place the underdeck lighting on
substructure elements rather than directly on the deck to allow easier deck
repairs and replacement.
For vertical and nearly vertical concrete surfaces with rustications that are
accessible to pedestrians, practical means should be considered to make these
surfaces unattractive for climbing. To reduce the construction labor required to
make these rustications, they should be made in dimensions that use standard
lumber sizes with a minimum number of cuts. In all cases, grooves should have
at least one beveled edge to facilitate removal of the lumber strips used to form
them. Figure 2-5 shows examples of unacceptable configurations and suggested
details. This does not apply to standard prefabricated form liners with vertical
flute configurations that have proven to be practical from previous use.
To improve durability, the use of weathering steel for railing and fencing is
discouraged. Galvanizing of steel portions of safety barriers and fences is the
minimum standard required. In cases where steel portions of safety barriers and
fences are to be painted for aesthetic or other reasons, it must be done in addition
to galvanizing using a duplex coating system.
Chain link fence is not required to be painted, but for aesthetic purposes a vinyl
coating can be added.
All existing bridge rails that meet the current AASHTO and MASH criteria may
remain in place. If the bridge falls within the limits of a Federal-Aid project, if
sufficient funds exist, or if it is an essential repair, rails should be modified to meet
these standards or be replaced with a MASH compliant rail or rehabilitated to
meet MASH compliance.
The Type 9 and Type 10 MASH bridge rails, shown on Figure 2-6, are typically
used for nearly all new construction on state highway projects. These rails offer
the overall optimum solutions given safety, cost, maintenance, appearance, and
guardrail compatibility issues. For local agency projects a test level lower than
TL-4 may be approved by State Bridge Engineer in coordination with the Bridge
Rail SMEs based on design speed, ADT and other safety factors. Bridge rails
and transitions at any test level shall be MASH compliant and crashworthy.
Fencing Chain Link Fence
All bridges with pedestrian or bicyclist access that cross roadways or railway
tracks shall be provided with chain link fabric fence or other approved fencing to
prevent objects from being thrown onto the road below. Fencing other than those
noted below shall be approved by the CDOT Unit Leader. The addition of fencing
to the bridge rail may affect its crashworthiness and test level criteria.
The maximum size opening for chain link fabric shall be 2 in. Other approved
fencing includes the use of picket fences with a maximum clear opening of 4 in.
between pickets. Fencing should extend, as a minimum, 30 ft. beyond the outside
shoulder line on the traveled way below, the bridge rail length, or as required per
railroad criteria. Bridges with pedestrian walkways over traffic should have
pedestrian fencing on the barrier or the curb.
Partial enclosure pedestrian fence should be considered at locations where there
is a history of objects being thrown over the fence. The Designer should
coordinate with the Region to determine these locations. The minimum overall
height of the barrier and fence above roadway surface should be 8 ft. Fence
above railway tracks shall be 10 ft. for vertical fence and 8 ft. for partial enclosure
fence. Refer to Figure 2-7 for more details.
Horizontal pipe members should be avoided as they are a spearing hazard. Snow Fence
A snow fence prevents snow from splashing over the barrier during snow
removal. Snow fencing shall be required over highways, over railroad facilities,
and on other bridges per Region requests.
Snow fencing may be used over pedestrian paths per Region requests. The
minimum height of the snow protection should be 36 in. with 3/8 in. mesh and
should extend, as a minimum, 30 ft. beyond the outside shoulder line on the
traveled way below, the bridge rail length, or as required per railroad criteria.
Designer shall verify the limits of snow fencing with Traffic Safety for any
obstructions to sight distance.
Vertical Clearance
All highway bridges over non-electrified railroads are required to have a minimum
vertical clearance of 23 ft above the top of rail per AREMA guidelines. Note that
greater clearances are required for tracks on a curve. For details, refer to AREMA
Manual for Railway Engineering, Chapter 28. Typically, local railroad request
clearance greater than 23’ (23’-4” for UPRR, 23’-6” for BNSF). The Structure
Selection Report should evaluate and discuss the difference in cost if a vertical
clearance larger than the normal practice specified in the design guidelines is
requested. If the cost is minimal, the project will fund the difference. If the cost is
excessive, the local railroad should be required to fund the additional cost. Please
refer to FHWA memo 130416 for discussion of funding eligibility for additional
information. The railroad shall document or justify by special site conditions the
need for clearances greater than those shown or referenced herein.
Horizontal Clearance
It is preferable to keep bridge piers outside the railroad ROW or the 25 ft clear
zone, measured perpendicular to the centerline of the track. Piers located less
than 25 ft from the centerline of the outside track shall meet the requirements to
qualify as heavy construction or are to be protected by a reinforced concrete
crash wall. Absolute minimum horizontal clearance to the face of the pier
protection wall should meet AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering or local
railroad’s requirements.
Construction Clearance
Minimum vertical temporary construction clearances shall be 21’-6” (22’-6”
AREMA) above the top of the high rail. Greater temporary clearances may be
required on a project-by-project basis. Minimum horizontal construction
clearances measured perpendicular to centerline of track to nearest obstruction
(formwork, equipment, stockpile materials, etc.) should satisfy requirements set
by the local railroad. Any excavation work within these limits requires approval of
the railroad.
If the structure over the railroad tracks is subject to snow removal, one of the
following must be provided: barrier rail with height not less than 42 in. or a snow
fence or splashboard extending to the limits of the railroad ROW. Splashboards
shall be included in the cost of Fence Chain Link (Special).
Some local electrified lines require arc flash shielding at the bottom of concrete
girders. Coordinate with the Owner’s design standards for protective shielding
details and grounding requirements.
Refer to the AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering or local railroad guidelines
for heavy construction piers and crash wall requirements. Criteria regarding
vehicle and railway collision loads on structures found in AASHTO are also
applicable to the design of crash walls, as appropriate.
All bridge girders, bearings, external tendons, and fracture critical details shall be
made accessible for long-term inspection from the ground, from walkways
installed within the girder bays, or by means of a Below Bridge Access Vehicle
(BBAV). Areas that are to undergo inspections shall be provided with handles
and ladder stops as applicable. Bridges requiring BBAV access shall have a
minimum clear distance of 12 ft. between the outside edge of barrier and any
obstruction (building, parallel structure, etc.) for access. Bridges accommodated
by regular inspection vehicles need 6 ft. minimum, up to 10 ft. preferred of lateral
shoulder clearance.
All steel box girders, cast-in-place concrete box girders and precast concrete tub
girders with an inside depth of 5 ft. or more shall be made accessible for interior
inspection. Bottom flange or slab access doors shall swing into the girder and,
when possible, shall be placed at locations that do not impact traffic under the
bridge. Lock protectors, doorstops, and tie off hooks inside the girders shall be
provided. Steel box girders, cast-in-place concrete box girders and precast
concrete tub girders without access shall have 4 in. (minimum) diameter weep
holes for camera access at 10 ft. maximum spacing.
Access doors into the girder shall be aluminum, providing a 2 ft. by 3 ft. minimum
opening, and shall open to the inside of the box girders. The doors shall be locked
by a single padlock protected by a lock guard. Neither bolts nor screws may be
substituted for the padlock. An example access door for steel box girders is
shown on Figure 2-9 and on Staff Bridge Worksheet B-618-2 for concrete box
To prevent corrosion between the aluminum door and the adjacent steel, the
plans should call for shop coating, as a minimum, of the aluminum to steel
surfaces on painted girders. The Designer may call for rubber shims at the
interfaces with unpainted ASTM A588 steel if desired.
For payment, the aluminum plate should be included in the work for the girder. It
should not receive a separate pay item. The plans should call for ASTM B209
aluminum plate, alloy number 6061-T6. Additional material specifications are not
Traffic, required ladder heights or BBAV reaches, and other obstacles shall be
considered when locating access doors. Where possible, access doors near
abutments should be placed 3 ft. minimum to 4 ft. maximum clear from top of
ground to allow entry without a ladder. Where a ladder must be used above slope
paving, support cleats or level areas for the ladder shall be provided in the slope
All internal formwork, waste, and debris shall be removed from precast and cast
in place girders that are made accessible for internal inspection by means of an
access door or a camera. For shallow cast-in-place box girders with no access
door, pour should occur in two stages to allow formwork removal (unless
approved by CDOT Unit Leader.)
A note shall be placed on the plans to phase the construction and remove internal
formwork for both cast in place and precast girders that require internal
A request for permission to attach utilities to existing bridge structures should be
coordinated through the District Utility Engineer, who should submit the request,
in writing, to Staff Bridge. Such requests shall state the following:
• Proposed schedule for installation
• Location of the conduits
• Type of conduit sleeve required
• Size, spacing, capacity, and number of inserts
When attending the FIR meeting, the Designer should inquire as to what utilities
and conduits for future use the bridge will carry to assure that they are
accommodated. The Utility Group/coordinator should provide information on the
size and number of conduits needed for proposed utilities as well as required
future or spare utility conduits. The bridge plans shall indicate the size, spacing,
and capacity of the utilities and the basis of payment for installation. The Designer
shall verify and show the locations of pull boxes and j-boxes to allow future use.
Pull boxes or other method shall be provided for all utility lines. See BDM Section
2.3.2 for the typical size of Xcel pull boxes. Unless utilities provide more defined
guidance, pull boxes shall be provided every 150 ft. in length or 360 degrees of
turns of the conduit. Buried conduit is to have 500 ft. of length between pull boxes.
Each utility may have further guidance. The Designer shall coordinate with the
lighting and utility discipline for additional requirements.
Utilities should be installed either inside the concrete barrier or underneath the
bridge deck with the blockouts provided through abutments and pier diaphragms.
CDOT prefers to install small utility conduits inside the barrier whenever practical.
For aesthetic and safety reasons, conduits on new bridges will not be permitted
to be installed under deck overhangs or on bridge railings.
Installation of utilities on bridges in service shall be coordinated with CDOT Unit
Leader. Typically, spare conduits are used when utilities are added while a bridge
is in service. If spare conduits are not available, the Vendor will need to provide
anchoring details for approval by CDOT Unit Leader. Details will need to be
evaluated for any detriment to longevity or durability of the existing bridge.
Whenever utilities are installed externally, hanger or support spacing will depend
on the size and material of piping supported, e.g., 2 in. PVC conduit may require
5 ft. ± spacing, while 2 in. steel conduit may require 10 ft. ± spacing. Spacing
shall be designed to limit deflection to less than ½ in. The utility owner should
specify spacing, and it shall be coordinated with Staff Bridge. Information about
weight of piping and heaviest conductor can be found in the National Electrical
Blockouts shall be sized to accommodate only those utilities to be installed during
bridge construction. Blockouts for the installation of "future" utilities shall not be
provided. Blockouts shall not extend below the bottom of the girders. It is
preferable to avoid utilities with rigid pipes through integral abutment. When such
installations cannot be avoided, the effects of the abutment backfill settling and
the effects of superstructure translational and rotational movements need to be
considered in the design and properly detailed.
Waterlines, gas lines, and other safety issue utilities shall not be located within
tubs or boxes unless approved by CDOT Unit Leader. If a waterline is approved
for use inside tubs or boxes, relief or drainage valves shall not be located within
the girder and a full length casing for the utility is preferred.
ITS utility boxes need to be coordinated if a sound wall will inhibit access.
Global Stability
Stability requirements, particularly global stability of walls and tall wall abutments,
shall satisfy the requirements of the Geotechnical Design Manual and AASHTO.
The Geotechnical Engineer of Record shall perform the overall global stability
calculations. Structural Engineer of Record is to verify that these calculations are
Loss of support due to erosion of riprap layers, soil removed during design and
extreme scour events, pavement structure replacement (wearing surface and
base course layers), future utility excavations, etc., should be considered in
Final sealed Geotechnical Reports for all new structures shall be provided to
CDOT Staff Bridge. Preliminary foundation recommendations should be provided
when possible.
If the structure selection process indicates two options are not definitive in the
recommended solution, two designs may be shown in the bid package. Providing
two options as an ad alternative provides more competition in the bidding
process, as an example, concrete vs steel or precast concrete vs cast-in-place
concrete. A Project Special Provision will need to be included in the
specifications. Coordination with CDOT Unit Leader should be performed and
approval obtained prior to proceeding with this option in addition to a discussion
included in the Structure Selection Report.
The Structure Selection Report for all structures shall be submitted to CDOT for
review and comment by the Project Design Team. For structures that are part of
Federal-Aid projects or National Highway System Projects, a Structure Selection
Report shall also be submitted to the FHWA Division Bridge Engineer. Allow at
least two weeks before the FIR meeting or as scheduled otherwise for report
review in the project schedule.
Appendix 2A includes the Structure Selection Report Checklist that shall be used
as a general guideline for Designers as to what topics to consider when writing
Structure Selection Reports. This list may not be all inclusive for topics that affect
the structure selection. If items are not applicable that may be left from the report
and the overall report shortened.
Staff Bridge Unit Leaders or designees are to use the checklist during their QA
process. After the process is completed, the Staff Bridge Unit Leader will sign the
provided Structure Selection Report QA Checklist to acknowledge approval and
to document in writing an acceptance of the recommended structure type, layout,
and all design deviations from CDOT Structural Standards. This should be done
before FIR documents are submitted to the Region. The structure type in final
design should match the Structure Selection Report. Otherwise, amendment to
the report or a revised report shall be submitted before FOR for approval.
3. The Design Team submits the Structure Selection Report to the CDOT Unit
Leader for review. CDOT Unit Leader performs review of the Report and
signs off on the Structure Selection Report QA Checklist to acknowledge
5. The Design Team updates Structure Selection Report as required per final
geotechnical and hydraulics reports.
Major Structures
The definition of the term Major Structures is found in the Policies and Procedures
section of this BDM. Bridges
Different span arrangements and appropriate superstructure types should be
evaluated and findings presented in the Structure Selection Report. Site
conditions, phasing, bridge length, and required minimum horizontal and vertical
clearances will influence most decisions. The following are other factors that shall
be considered during the preliminary design phase:
• Construction cost
• Life cycle cost
• Possible future widenings
• Ultimate roadway section below
• Capacity of girders during phase construction
• Speed of construction and maintenance
Refer to Appendix 2A, Structure Selection Report Checklist, for more criteria to
be considered.
In the Structure Selection Report, the Designer shall evaluate, confirm, and
document the stability of the existing bridge when it is used in a partial width
configuration as part of the new construction phasing. A separate rating may be
required for the configuration of the existing bridge during phased construction to
verify sufficient load capacity. Culverts
A culvert is considered a major structure if its total length is greater than 20 ft.
measured along the center of the roadway between the inside faces of the
outside walls or spring lines of arches. It may also include multiple pipes where
the clear distance between the centerlines of the exterior pipes, plus the radius
of each of the exterior pipes, is 20 ft. or more.
Minor Structures
The Structure Selection Report for minor structures shall be provided with
applicable sections. The definition of the term minor structures is found in the
Policies and Procedures section of this BDM.
Wall Structures
The definition of the three categories of walls: retaining walls, bridge walls, and
noise walls, is found in the Policies and Procedures section of this BDM.
For walls that support a highway and are affected by scour, the selection report
shall document the cost of achieving stability for the 100 & 500 year scour
compared to replacement cost. Structural engineer should discuss with the
region for alternate criteria and resiliency requirements. Tunnels
Tunnels can typically be constructed with several different methods such as:
bottom up or cut and cover, top down, and use of boring machines. The Structure
Selection Report shall evaluate the various methods of construction and any
other criteria that may affect their design, maintenance, and construction. Site
conditions, phasing, span, length, and required minimum horizontal and vertical
clearances will influence most decisions. The following are other factors that shall
be considered during the preliminary design phase:
• Construction cost
• Life cycle cost
• Possible future widenings
• Phase construction impacts
• Speed of construction and maintenance
• Construction methods
• Emergency egress
• Need for air recirculation
Accelerated Bridge Construction
The Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) design and construction method
uses several technologies to facilitate accelerated construction, such as rapid
embankment construction, prefabricated bridge elements, various structural
placement methods, fast track contracting, etc. This method of design and
construction usually results in an overall decrease in construction time when
compared to the historic construction methods used to build bridges. The ABC
Matrix shall be evaluated and included in the Structure Selection Report for all
structures. For more details, refer to Section 39 of this BDM and to the FHWA
Accelerated Bridge Construction Manual.
For recommended default cost values to be used for CDOT projects, refer to the
latest Cost Data books published by CDOT and available online. For appropriate
interest rate values refer to the latest CDOT pavement design manual available
Aesthetic value shall be evaluated in a structure selection process for high profile
structures and structures with corridor aesthetic requirements.
Walls that support the highway should be designed to withstand 100-year and
500-year storm scour events without failing unless approved by CDOT Resident
Engineer/ Region. Region will evaluate the resiliency requirements for retaining
Based on FHWA’s model study, in instances where neither contraction scour nor
general degradation is expected to be significant, there is no benefit to be gained
from reducing local scour by placing the top of the footing supported by piles at
an elevation other than flush with the streambed. As a rule, the disturbance of
the streambed beyond the level described herein is discouraged.
Where substantial scour is predicted, the piles with pile caps may be designed to AASHTO
place the top of the pile cap below the estimated contraction scour depth where
In general, spread footing foundations shall not be used for stream crossings.
However, when shallow scour-resistant bedrock is present, spread footings may
be considered as a foundation option provided they are embedded 6” min. into
the bedrock. When considering this approach, Designers should consult with the
project geotechnical and hydraulic engineers to evaluate the suitability of the
bedrock present and get written approval from CDOT Unit Leader. When spread
footings are placed into rock the sides of the footing should not be formed and
then backfilled but should be placed to the rock.
Outlet Scour Protection and Roadway Overtopping & Revetment for culverts,
which is covered in the CDOT Drainage Design Manual, is a hydraulics design
issue and uses different criteria and definitions than typical bridge scour. The
Structural Designer should coordinate with the hydraulic designer to make sure
adequate requirements are met.
bearings. Special attention for deck drainage is needed for decks with super
elevation transitions. The FHWA publication, Design of Bridge Deck Drainage,
Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 21 (HEC-21) (Publication No. FHWA-SA-92-
010, May 1993), shall be used for the design of bridge drainage systems. The
hydraulic design frequency shall be 5 years rather than the frequencies specified
in HEC-21. The structural engineer shall coordinate with the Hydraulics Engineer
and Environmental Scientist to create appropriate details and required spacing
of drains as needed to meet their requirements.
Water exiting bridge drains shall not flow onto girder flanges, bearings, pier caps,
abutment caps, roadways, railroad templates, or pedestrian/bikeways. Pipe
drains, scuppers, and grated inlet drains shall extend below bottom of girders to
assure that drainage is kept off steel girder flanges. If possible, drains should not
be positioned above riprap. When drains must be placed over riprap, special filter
fabric shall be placed under the riprap. This filter fabric shall be highly permeable
and non-biodegradable. The bridge designer should coordinate with the
Hydraulics Engineer and show an appropriately sized energy dissipater at the
bottom of the bridge drain system to minimize scour.
Curb drains and pipe drains require approval from the CDOT Environmental
Department. When allowed, curb drains shall provide a continuous curb for wheel
impact. When allowed, pipe drains shall have a minimum diameter of 8 in. and
internal grates 2 in. below the surface or be covered by a grate designed for
16 kip wheel load. Inlet grates shall be removable for cleaning. Project-specific
details shall be included.
Approach slab drains shall be provided on the high side of expansion devices
located at the end of approach slabs. The purpose of the approach slab drain is
to minimize flow over the joint. The approach slab drain should be detailed such
that the approach slab drain is not affected from the anticipated bridge
movement. The location and size of the approach slab drain shall be designed
and coordinated with the roadway engineer and hydraulic engineer.
When a drain is placed within the limits of the sidewalk, it shall be pedestrian and
bicycle friendly.
Cleanouts shall be added to any closed pipe run to facilitate easier cleaning by
maintenance. These should be reviewed at FOR by maintenance personnel for
concurrence with the detailing and locations.
Concrete approach slabs are not required on bridges with GRS abutments that
do not have an expansion device, as differential settlement between abutment
and roadway approach is not expected to be significant. Asphalt pavement
approach should be installed to allow minor grade corrections.
Approach slabs are not required on pedestrian bridges unless the Owner
requests them.
The Designer should evaluate the use of approach slabs on concrete box culverts
with no or minimal fill cover based on settlement concerns. An alternate may be
to utilize MSE fill in the roadway section adjacent to the culvert to deal with
possible settlement issues.
In all cases, the concrete approach slab shall be anchored to the abutment.
Approach slab notches shall be provided on all abutments, even if an approach
slab will not be placed with the original construction (see Section 11 of this BDM
for details). Refer to BDM Section 14 for expansion joint requirements.
Roadway drains shall be placed in approach slabs to prevent flows across the
expansion joint. Bridge designer shall coordinate with hydraulic engineer to
determine location, number and size of drain inlets.
Staff Bridge website. As with any worksheet, designers may elect to improve on
some of the shown details for project-specific requirements, but some changes
will require CDOT Unit Leader and State Bridge Engineer approval as noted in
the worksheets or within this Design Manual.
Common damage avoidance details such as the drip groove at the edge of the
deck and wall copings are intended to minimize water damage and shall not be
revised. The coping details shown in the worksheets for MSE walls in tight ROW
situations are intended to deal with trickle flows and increase durability. This
detail may be revised, especially if water is kept away from the walls using the
preferred method of separate ditches and swales. The two longer straps at the
top of MSE walls are a damage avoidance detail primarily for impact loads but
also serve for seismic purposes. The detailing of the rail anchor slab over the
MSE wall facing is a design detail intended to separate impact loads from the
wall facing. Wall copings are primarily intended to stabilize block walls during
seismic events. Shiplap panel joints with fabric backing are used to
accommodate settlement issues as well as seismic issues. Geomembrane over
the MSE prism has the dual purpose of controlling design loads and facing
durability. The FRP Bar or stopper at the base of precast panel walls is a seismic
detail. The use of a concrete footer for MSE wall facings is another damage
avoidance detail that will require approval to remove.
Cover Sheet
☐Name of the Project and Site Address
☐Structure Number(s)
☐Property Owner Name and Contact Information
☐Report Preparer Name and Contact Information
☐Submittal and Revision Dates as Applicable
Executive Summary
☐Project Description
☐Structure Recommendations
Site Description and Design Features
☐Existing Structure(s) ☐N/A:___________________________
☐Vicinity Map
☐ROW Impact ☐N/A:___________________________
☐Traffic Detour ☐N/A:___________________________
☐Constructability & Construction Phasing ☐N/A:___________________________
☐Utilities ☐N/A:___________________________
☐Geotechnical Summary
☐Hydraulics Summary ☐N/A:___________________________
☐Environmental Concerns ☐N/A:___________________________
☐Roadway Design Features
☐Cross Section
☐Vertical Alignment
☐Horizontal Alignment
Structural Design Criteria
☐Design Specifications
☐Loading ☐N/A:___________________________
☐Collision Load
☐Earthquake Load
☐Deck Drainage ☐N/A:___________________________
☐Aesthetic Requirements ☐N/A:___________________________
☐Possible Future Widenings ☐N/A:___________________________
Structure Selection
☐Selection Criteria
☐Rehabilitation Alternatives ☐N/A:___________________________
☐Inspection Summary
☐Load Testing Requirements ☐N/A:___________________________
Add figures/sketches to the following sections as needed:
☐Structure Layout Alternatives
☐Vertical Clearances
☐Horizontal Clearances
Figures and Appendices
☐Alternative Typical Sections (if not provided in the report)
☐General Layout of the Selected Structure
☐Summary of Quantities and Cost Estimate Tables
List of Variances
Requested Variance:__________________________________________________________________
Approved?☐Yes ☐No
Requested Variance:__________________________________________________________________
Approved?☐Yes ☐No
Requested Variance:__________________________________________________________________
Approved?☐Yes ☐No
If you need more space, use an additional sheet(s) of paper.
The following section is provided as CDOT practice for loads and load factors.
The Designer shall coordinate with Staff Bridge regarding project-specific
circumstances warranting deviations from standard practices referenced
Transient construction loads shall meet all legal load limits or be approved by
CDOT’s permit office for both new and existing structures.
This unit weight results in 36.67 psf for 3-inch asphalt overlays. This unit weight
is equivalent to the roadway standard of using 110 pounds per square yard per
inch of thickness for quantities.
3.4.3 Utilities
Utility loads shall include the dead load of both the basic utility and all
connections, supports, casings, and other required appurtenances.
Waterlines carried in a casing shall be evaluated at the extreme event level for
the potential of waterline failure, resulting in the casing being filled with water.
The Engineer shall consider retrofitting the column system to achieve the
required load capacity. The existing foundation should be evaluated, along with
the column system, to ensure proper load carrying capacity.
For arch culverts, soil structure interaction with refined analysis shall be used
for vehicular load and for identifying positive arch action.
Seismic analysis is not required for mechanically reinforced earth (MSE) and
Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil (GRS) walls if Staff Bridge Structural Worksheets
are used. These worksheets contain damage avoidance details such as rail
anchor slab/beam, coping, and shiplap panel joints that cannot be revised
without approval by CDOT Unit Leader in coordination with the MSE Wall
SMEs. See Section 2.16 of this BDM for further details.
Consideration should be given to lateral earth pressures from surcharge loads AASHTO
in accordance with AASHTO 3.11.6, modified on a project-specific basis. For 3.11.6
structures that support vehicular live loads within the stated criteria of
AASHTO, the load factor on the surcharge shall be in accordance with
LS in AASHTO Table 3.4.1-1. For walls designed for a nominal surcharge to
account for backfilling operations, the load factor on the assumed surcharge
may be taken as 1.50. The lower load factor represents the temporary nature
of this surcharge effect and reflects the construction load factor in AASHTO
Settlement shall be evaluated at the service limit state with a load factor of 1.0
applied to all applicable loads. Transient loads may be omitted from settlement
Link Wind
Fence Type Opening Load Snow Impact Load*
36" Chain Link splash
guard 3/8" 31 psf 96 plf 1'-6" up from bottom of fence
60" Chain Link 1" 14 psf 96 plf 1'-6" up from bottom of fence
68" Chain Link 2" 8 psf 96 plf 1'-6" up from bottom of fence
92" Chain Link 2" 8 psf 96 plf 1'-6" up from bottom of fence
* The required mesh opening for CDOT snow fence is 3/8”.
Chain Link Fence Manufacturers Institute. 2007. Chain Link Fence Wind Load
Section 4 discusses the preferred methods of structural analysis, design, and
evaluation of bridges. The section is limited to the modeling of structures and
the determination of member stresses, forces, and deformations. The primary
analysis goals for the Designer are to satisfy force equilibrium and to identify a
load path to adequately transfer the loads to the foundations.
In most cases, the Designer should use simple models using distribution
equations from AASHTO and reasonable assumptions. Complex structures
may require refined analysis, but refinement should not be used unless
necessary. Any cost savings realized by refined analysis may be negated by
the additional efforts needed for the independent design check and the rating.
Each bridge design must consider the need for a satisfactory bridge rating,
further supporting the need for simpler, more straightforward calculations
versus refined analysis.
The Designer must validate all computer software before it is implemented into
the design. Using a software program does not relieve the Designer of the
responsibility to properly apply and interpret results. Staff Bridge does not
support a preapproved list of software but reserves the right to disallow any
software on a regular or case-by-case basis. A list of specialized software shall
be noted in the Structures Selection report and shall be approved by the CDOT
Unit Leader in coordination with the Software SMEs.
Uplift at bearings is not allowed unless approval is obtained from CDOT Unit
Leader. Hold downs or anchorages are required if uplift is permitted in the
design. There may be additional requirements for bearings when uplift is
permitted, as outlined in Section 14 of this BDM.
CDOT Unit Leader must review and approve non-standard resistance factors
for unique materials prior to implementation.
Staff Bridge allows the use of cracked section properties in the analysis of both
superstructure and substructure. The Designer should be aware that in some AASHTO 3.4.1
situations the use of 0.5 value for γTU, γCR, and γSH load factors no longer applies
in conjunction with cracked section properties.
When using moment magnification, the calculations shall follow AASHTO. AASHTO
Non-composite dead load should be distributed to the girders based on
tributary width for straight bridges. Non-composite dead load on curved I-
girders may be distributed uniformly to all girders, as long as intermediate
diaphragms or cross frames are provided and have been designed as primary
members per AASHTO. CDOT allows composite dead loads to be distributed
evenly to all girders; however, the Designer must use engineering judgment in
determining the distribution of heavier concentrated line loads such as utilities,
parapets, sidewalks, barriers, etc.
to the limit provided in the LLDF tables. Lever Rule may be used as a
conservative alternative.
The use of our 5" minimum deck over side by side girders allows the designer
to utilize the distribution factors based on F type (AASHTO Table
girder arrangements per AASHTO For normal traffic bridges
utilizing adjacent box girders, shear keys shall not be used.
For non-complex bridges with a length of 300 ft. or less that do not require a
seismic analysis, Designers may use an assumed depth to fixity method to
model pile and drilled shafts for lateral foundation analysis. In this case, the
length used for determining lateral force effects, un-braced length, beam-
column buckling analysis, and field welding requirements (BDM Section
10.5.3), may be based on engineering judgment founded on successful past
For complex bridges, such as curved, highly skewed, and where an individual
substructure stiffness varies significantly from the group, any bridge over 300
ft, or bridges that require a seismic analysis, CDOT prefers that Designers
account for foundation stiffness in a more refined manner. This may be
accomplished with the use of direct soil springs, equivalent spring constants,
or equivalent depth to fixity calibrated with a soil/structure interaction analysis.
The provisions in this section apply to the design of reinforced concrete and
prestressed concrete.
Designs shall be consistent with AASHTO, unless modified herein.
Concrete D, DF,
BZ S35 S40 S50 Shotcrete
Class DR
f’c (ksi) 4.5 4 5 5.8 7.25 4.5
*It is CDOT’s preference to avoid designs using Class S50 concrete due to
past difficulty in meeting the required cracking tendency test. In cases where
the supplier is known during design, S50 concrete may be evaluated for
Higher design values of f’c and f’ci may be permitted for special cases, after
conferring with local precast suppliers and with approval from CDOT Unit
Leader in coordination with the State Bridge Engineer.
See Section for optional compressive strength values that may be
assumed for girder camber and deflection estimates only.
Class DC concrete is a dry cast method of concrete used for precast box
Modulus of Elasticity
The unreinforced concrete unit weight for use in calculating the modulus of AASHTO
elasticity shall be per AASHTO Table 3.5.1-1 or C5.4.2.4.
Relative Humidity
When calculating creep and shrinkage coefficients, relative ambient humidity AASHTO
shall be taken as 55 percent.
Reinforcement Mild Steel
Mild steel should typically be designed with a yield strength of 60 ksi. However,
the use of 75 ksi rebar is allowed to assist in meeting the seismic transverse
reinforcement detailing requirements when required in Seismic Zone 1 (see
Section 5.4.9 for more information).
If the anchor is in continuous tension, the Designer shall use only an epoxy
system if it is approved for use in continual tension loading. Project approval
will be by the Unit Leader in coordination with the concrete SMEs and CDOT
Materials using NTPEP, APL or project specific material submittals. Many
epoxy systems are not allowed if the anchor is in continuous tension. Refer to
ACI 318 and ACI 355.4 for more information on use of post-installed adhesive
Post Tensioning Institute does not permit the use of tensioned galvanized bars
because during curing the zinc layer may react with the alkaline grout and may
generate hydrogen. Hydrogen can reduce the ductility of steel bars. Effective
long-term corrosion protection is provided by grouting uncoated bars inside
plastic ducts. The alkaline cement grout passivates the bar surface and the
plastic duct acts as a moisture barrier. Such corrosion protection requires
special anchorage details to maintain threadability and corrosion protection.
CDOT has adopted this policy.
Concrete Inserts
Material of concrete inserts/embeds that will be part of the permanent structure
shall match the material used for the attachments (e.g., bolts). Dissimilar
materials shall be avoided to prevent corrosion issues. Galvanized or stainless
steel inserts are preferred.
Table 5-3: Minimum Lap Length for Epoxy-Coated Slab, Wall, or Footing Bars Spaced at
6.0 in. min. on Center with 2.0 in. min. Clear Cover and f’c = 4.5 ksi
#4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11
1’-10” 2’-3” 3’-4” 3’-11” 4’-5” 5’-6” 6’-10” 8’-2”
Table 5-4: Minimum Lap Length for Epoxy-Coated Slab, Wall, or Footing Bars Spaced at
6.0 in. min. on Center with 1.0 in. min. Clear Cover and f’c = 4.5 ksi
#4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11
2’-3” 3’-4” 4’-7” 5’-11” 7’-5” 9’-0” 10’-11” 12’-11”
For the same size bar in both top and bottom mat, the more conservative of
the two tables shall be shown for ease of construction inspection. Table 5-4 lap
splice values may be shown on the deck reinforcing sheet as applicable for
both top and bottom mats of reinforcing bars, conservatively. The Designer
may also choose to individually detail lap splices for deck rebar to take
advantage of the smaller lap lengths required for top slab bars.
All other required lap lengths shall be detailed in the contract plans.
Appendix 5A contains design aid tables for calculating development and lap
splice lengths for reinforcing not meeting the criteria of Table 5-3 or Table 5-4.
Clear Cover
Concrete cover to main reinforcing bars shall be provided per AASHTO AASHTO
Table 5.10.1-1 and its accompanying notes, except as modified herein. For 5.10.1
minimum clear cover specified in the table, use “severe to moderate exposure”
for all cases excepted as noted in this section.
• The AASHTO provision for reducing concrete cover in the table by 0.5 in.
for stirrups and ties shall apply only to precast girder faces and the
minimum clear cover for precast girder faces shall be 1.5 in. or as shown
in the worksheets.
• The minimum cover for reinforcing steel for concrete cast against earth
shall be 3 in. for uncoated, epoxy coated, or galvanized bars.
• For CIP slabs not cast against earth or CIP deck bottoms, 1 in. minimum
cover shall be used.
• For CIP piles, use “corrosive environments” for all cases.
• For drilled shafts on bridges, refer to Table 5-5 for the minimum required
cover. The increased covers are adopted from FHWA’s recommendations
due to constructability issues that may occur when lesser values of cover
are specified for large diameter caissons.
• For elements with rustications, such as columns or abutments, required
cover at innermost face of rustications may be reduced by 0.5 in.
Reinforcement spacing requirements shall be per AASHTO, except as AASHTO
modified herein.
Mild reinforcing bars shall have minimum clear spacing of at least 2 in. for both
CIP and precast members (this includes bundled and lapped bars) unless
noted otherwise in worksheets. This deviation from AASHTO results from past
concrete consolidation issues encountered in Colorado.
Mass Concrete
Large volumes of concrete sometimes have an increased potential to generate
heat resulting in temperature-related cracking. This is typically an issue for
concrete placements with least dimension greater than 6 ft., including, but not
limited to, spread footings, thick walls, or bridge piers. In such cases, the
Designer should consider requiring the Contractor to submit a thermal control
plan. See ACI Manual of Concrete Practice Publication 207 for more
Seismic Detailing
Per AASHTO, for bridges in Seismic Zone 1 where SD1 is greater than or equal AASHTO
to 0.1, seismic detailing of columns and caissons shall be required for 5.11.2
transverse reinforcement in potential hinge zones. When seismic detailing is
required for round columns or caissons, spirals are preferred over seismic
Hooks on integral cap shear stirrups shall be bent away from the centerline of
the cap. The hooks shall enclose a cap reinforcement bar and the stirrups shall
be adequately developed. To ensure proper concrete cover for stirrup hooks,
hooks shall be below the top mat of slab steel. Figure 5-2 and Figure 5-3
provide details.
Figure 5-3: Pier Caps in Post-Tensioned Bridges with a Skew Angle Greater Than
20 Degrees and Deck Reinforcing Not Parallel to Cap
For precast girder bridges, cap reinforcement shall be enclosed in closed stirrups, as
shown in Figure 5-4 and Figure 5-5. Stirrups shall be adequately developed.
Figure 5-4: Pier Caps in Precast Girder Bridges with Constant-Depth Cap
Prestressed concrete components designed using the refined estimates of AASHTO 3.4.1
time-dependent losses as specified in AASHTO in conjunction with taking
advantage of the elastic gain shall use the increased SVC III live-load factor of
1.0. This increased live load factor also applies to designs using transformed
section properties since elastic gains from live load are implicitly accounted for.
When elastic gains are not taken advantage of, a live-load factor of 0.8 may be
used for SVC III.
If elastic gains due to slab shrinkage are taken advantage of, the corresponding AASHTO
girder moment due to slab shrinkage shall be considered in the girder stress
calculations. Alternatively, the slab shrinkage elastic gain and the
corresponding girder moment may be disregarded.
The Designer should check that the resultant of factored construction loads
falls within the area of the leveling pad and that the compression in the portion
of the pad loaded in these cases is less than the pad strength. If the resultant
falls outside the pad or if the compression strength of the pad is exceeded,
additional diaphragms should be provided to reduce eccentricity by causing
the girders to overturn in concert.
Per AASHTO, compression stresses shall be limited to 0.65 f’c at release. This AASHTO
provision is cited in the BDM due to it being a relatively recent change in
A Ix Yb
Section Depth
(sq. in.) (in.^4) (in.)
CBT37.5 37.5 792 151579 18.5
CBT45 45 845 240424 22.08
CBT54 54 908 378473 26.40
CBT63 63 971 553233 30.74
CBT72 72 1034 767268 35.10
CBT81 81 1097 1023130 39.48
CBT90 90 1160 1323390 43.87
*When setting the top flange width of U girders, the Designer shall consider the loss of concrete
width for interface shear resistance due to the support requirements for partial depth precast
deck panels. While the top flange of U girders may be eliminated entirely from a fabrication
standpoint, the limited remaining interface width may preclude using partial depth precast deck
Leap bridge concrete software girder library files are located in CDOT Bridge
homepage under Bridge Manuals & Documents section. Designers should
contact local suppliers for the following information, which may vary by
• Pretensioned strand locations
• U girder radius limitations
End blocks shall be used for box girders. End blocks are not required for typical
applications of the CBT or U girders, but an internal diaphragm of some type
is required at the ends of U girders to deal with bearing loads and splaying
loads from self-weight and handling.
The transverse reinforcing steel area in precast box girder flanges shall, as a
minimum, be equal to the minimum required shear reinforcing steel for one
web. If the top flange of the box is intended to serve as precast stay-in-place
formwork for the final deck, this reinforcing shall be designed as the bottom
mat of the deck.
Longitudinal reinforcing for negative moment placed near the top of deck may
be accomplished one of two ways:
• Continuing the typical top longitudinal deck steel over the pier and bundling
to the typical bars with larger bars where needed.
• Discontinuing the top longitudinal deck steel and continuing with larger bars
where needed. Two bar bundles may be used for the peak negative
moment region for this option.
When partial depth precast deck panels are permitted on the project, bottom
longitudinal reinforcing in the deck shall not be used for composite girder
negative moment capacity calculations.
See Section 9 of this BDM for the minimum clearance required between deck
reinforcing and the top of partial depth precast deck panels.
Pretensioned Concrete Girder Haunch, Camber, and Dead Load Deflections
A. General
The Designer is responsible for setting the thickness of the haunch at supports,
such that an adequate haunch is maintained along the length of the girder
considering the estimated girder camber with tolerance, dead load deflections,
deck profile grade and cross slope, and required precast deck panel clearance
when applicable.
For side-by-side box or slab girders, the haunch is synonymous with the deck.
In this case, the Designer is responsible for setting the deck thickness at
supports and verifying that adequate deck thickness is maintained along the
length of girder, considering the applicable factors noted previously for girder
B. Minimum Haunch
The minimum haunch at supports shall be 1.5 in. where partial depth precast
deck panels are permitted. This allows the required 1 in. vertical clearance
underneath the panels, plus 0.5 in. of tolerance that accounts for girder depth
variation and/or bearing seat height variability. Where partial depth precast
deck panels are not permitted, the minimum haunch at supports shall be 0.5 in.
The minimum estimated haunch between supports shall be 1 in. where partial
depth precast deck panels are permitted and may be taken as zero where
partial depth precast deck panels are not permitted.
For side-by-side box or slab girders, the minimum deck thickness specified at
supports shall be 5 in., in accordance with Section 9.5 of this BDM. The
minimum estimated deck thickness between supports shall also be maintained
at 5 in.
All minimum haunch requirements above must be met along the entire width
of the top flange of the girder, not only at centerline. The Designer must take
into consideration cross slope effect on the haunch variance.
C. Maximum Haunch
There is no limiting maximum haunch either at supports or for the estimated AASHTO
haunches between supports. For haunches with a side face dimension 5.10.6
estimated at 8 in. or greater, minimum temperature and shrinkage
reinforcement shall be added to the side faces of the haunch.
D. Camber Estimates
Release and erection cambers may be estimated using the plan specified
concrete design strength minimums per Section Alternatively, the
average actual f’ci and f’c may be used for camber estimates and dead load
deflection values only (girder Strength and Service design checks shall use the
plan specified design strengths per Section The averages of the
actual values provided from the primary CDOT girder suppliers are as follows:
• f’ci = 8.5 ksi
• f’c = 12.5 ksi
When using camber calculations where the age is a factor for the camber at
the time of deck pour, the age of the girder shall be assumed to be 60 days.
See Section 5.7.2 for situations where this age may be assumed to be less
than 60 days.
A weighted average haunch (or slab depth for side-by-side boxes) may be used
for dead load calculations for girder design. The equation below is derived for
the midspan moment effect assuming the haunch (or slab) varies parabolically
with the apex (either concave or convex) at midspan:
A volume-based average haunch (or slab depth for side-by-side boxes) may
be used for the concrete quantity. The equation below is derived assuming the
top of girder is chorded between the end of girder and midspan:
Where D1 is the depth over one bearing, D2 at midspan, and D3 over the other
See Example 7 for detailed examples of setting girder haunches and verifying
the above criteria.
Post-Tensioned Concrete Anchorages
The post-tensioning supplier is responsible for the design of the local zone, AASHTO
including the anchorage device itself and confinement reinforcement. The
Design Engineer is responsible for all other anchorage-related designs,
including the general zone. The Designer shall verify that all anchorage design
assumptions are correctly represented on the plans to aid the supplier in the
design of the local zone to coordinate with the design of the general zone.
AASHTO 5.4.5
Composite anchorages shall not be permitted. Multi-plane anchorages may be
The design jacking force of strands shall be 75 percent of the ultimate tensile AASHTO
strength of the tendon for the design of the post-tensioned member. For the
design of anchorages, including the local and general zones, the anchorage
force shall be based on 80 percent of the ultimate tensile strength of the
tendon. This allows reserve capacity for increasing the jacking force to the
AASHTO limit, if needed, during construction.
Design of post-tensioned members shall not require the use of more than
27-0.6 in. strands per duct, corresponding to a maximum jacking force of
1,187 kip.
The plans shall show the configuration of the anchorages and the arrangement
of ducts at typical high and low points appropriate for the duct and strand size
noted on the plans. The arrangement of anchorages shall permit a center-to-
center anchorage spacing of at least √(2.2Pj / f’ci) in. and a spacing from the
center of each anchorage to the nearest concrete edge of at least half that
value. If web flares are needed for this arrangement, they shall be dimensioned
in the plans and included in the quantities.
• For precast girder bridges, the minimum clear cover to ducts shall be the
greater of 50 percent of the nominal duct diameter or 2 in. An exception to
this is post-tensioned CBT girders, which have demonstrated good past
performance with a minimum of 1.75 in. clear cover.
• Clear cover for ducts curved in plan shall meet the greater of the applicable AASHTO
criteria above, or the confinement criteria as specified in AASHTO.
C. Eccentricity AASHTO
Eccentricity of strand within ducts shall be considered when modeling the
tendons. In lieu of using the eccentricities specified in AASHTO
Figure C5.9.1.6-1, manufacturer-specific eccentricity may be used if known
during design. Monostrands
Monostrand tendons shall be of a fully encapsulated waterproof construction
whether permanent or temporary.
Field produced members or members not using form vibrators or a fluid small
aggregate concrete shall have a clear spacing between monostrands or
bundles of monostrands of at least 1.5 in.
For each girder, any two unbonded tendons shall be assumed to be failed. The
moment strength provided by the remaining tendons and reinforcement shall
be at least 80 percent of that required by the Strength I load combination. The
same provision applies to any 13.5 ft. width of slab. The 13.5 ft. limit is a
conservative limit based on the arching capability of the slab.
Adjacent box girders without a CIP deck are not permitted for traffic bridges.
For normal traffic bridges utilizing adjacent box girders, shear keys shall not be
used. The use of our 5" minimum deck over the girder allows the designer to
utilize the distribution factors based on F type (AASHTO Table
girder arrangements per AASHTO
Section Elevation
Figure 5-9 presents examples of direct support and direct loading conditions.
that are away from the maximum moment locations and at locations of
reinforcement reduction.
• In summary of the previous two notes, if the maximum needed flexural
reinforcement is continuous through the member and not reduced,
checking the interaction equation is not required.
Figure 5-10 shows an example of an indirect support. In this case, the girders
shall be considered indirectly supported, and the pier cap shall be considered
indirectly loaded. The pier cap may be considered directly supported by the
For indirect support and loading conditions for a typical integral pier cap, the
following provisions apply:
• Interaction shall be checked in the girder at the face of the integral pier cap,
at 10th points, and at places of rebar termination.
• Interaction does not need to be checked in the girder at midspan if it is
directly loaded.
• Interaction shall be checked in the pier cap at points of maximum positive
moment, at 10th points, and at locations where positive moment
reinforcement is terminated.
• Interaction need not be checked in the pier cap at or near the face of
column, as this is at a direct support. But if negative moment reinforcement
is reduced, then interaction shall be checked at 10th points away from the
direct support and at locations of rebar termination.
For standard designs, the minimum age before establishing continuity shall be
60 days. If waiting 60 days for deck/diaphragm placement has negative
impacts to the project schedule, the minimum age may be specified as less
than 60 days. In either case, the following simplifications shall apply:
• Positive restraint moment caused by girder creep and shrinkage and deck
slab shrinkage shall be taken to be zero.
• Computation of restraint moments shall not be required.
• A positive moment connection shall be designed to resist 1.2*Mcr.
Segment Design
Where girder segments are handled before the application of prestressing, the AASHTO
provisions of AASHTO 5.6.7 shall apply until post-tensioning is applied.
Refer to Section for additional segment shipping and handling design
Deviations from items 2 and 3 may be permitted with approval from CDOT Unit
Leader in coordination with the State Bridge Engineer. In this case, an analysis
of the feasibility of future deck replacement shall be accomplished, and a future
deck replacement plan shall be provided in the bridge design plans. The deck
replacement plan shall delineate the construction steps necessary for deck
replacement including, but not limited to, the following, as applicable:
The total girder camber is the superimposed total of the individual segment
camber, the camber resulting from continuity post-tensioning, and the camber
induced through the setting of temporary support bottom-of-girder elevations.
The dead load deflection reported on the plans shall include long-term effects.
The long-term effects shall be estimated in conjunction with a time-dependent,
staged construction analysis method. The long-term dead load deflection shall
be used for setting deck grades, setting and estimating girder haunches, and
verifying overall girder camber.
CDOT has not experienced the same severity of issues regarding camber
variability and associated girder sag for spliced bridges as it has for
pretensioned girder bridges. For spliced bridges, the Designer is responsible
for determining appropriate camber tolerances used for setting and estimating
girder haunches and for verifying adequate final girder camber.
CIP box and T-beam girders constructed on falsework shall be designed using AASHTO
the specific provisions for CIP girders per AASHTO, except as amended
Box Girder Bottom Slab Slope
Except for crowned roadways, the bottom slab should be made parallel to the
top slab. For crowned roadways, the bottom slab should be made horizontal.
Web Reinforcement
One-piece “U” stirrups shall not be used in box girder webs.
For post-tensioned girders, each web face shall contain continuous longitudinal
reinforcement of at least 0.20 in2/ft, spaced at 12 in. max.
This waiver is contingent upon the bridge being designed for a future wearing
surface in accordance with Section 3 of this BDM.
Tables for development length and lap splices are provided for the following cases:
The Designer is responsible for calculating development lengths and lap splices for
situations not covered by these tables.
Calculation Variables:
Tension Development Length, Ld = Ldb*λrl*λcf*λrc*λer/λ
Basic Tension Development Length, Ldb = 2.4db*fy/sqrt(f'c)
Reinforcement Location Factor, λrl = 1.3 For top bars
λrl = 1.0 For others
Coating Factor, λcf = 1.0
λrl*λcf = 1.3 For top bars
λrl*λcf = 1.0 For others
Excess Reinforcement Factor, λer = 1.0
Concrete Density Modification Factor, λ = 1.0
Reinforcing Steel Yield Strength, fy = 60 ksi
Compressive Strength of Concrete, f'c = 4.5 ksi
db = bar diameter
Reinforcement Confinement Factor, λrc: User shall calculate
Table 5A-2: Tension Development Length of Epoxy-Coated Bars (Coating Factor = 1.5)
Calculation Variables:
Tension Development Length, Ld = Ldb*λrl*λcf*λrc*λer/λ
Basic Tension Development Length, Ldb = 2.4db*fy/sqrt(f'c)
Reinforcement Location Factor, λrl = 1.3 For top bars
λrl = 1.0 For others
Coating Factor, λcf = 1.5
λrl*λcf = 1.7 For top bars (max. of 1.7)
λrl*λcf = 1.5 For others (max. of 1.7)
Excess Reinforcement Factor, λer = 1.0
Concrete Density Modification Factor, λ = 1.0
Reinforcing Steel Yield Strength, fy = 60 ksi
Compressive Strength of Concrete, f'c = 4.5 ksi
db = bar diameter
Reinforcement Confinement Factor, λrc: User shall calculate
Table 5A-3: Tension Development Length of Epoxy-Coated Bars (Coating Factor = 1.2)
Calculation Variables:
Tension Development Length, Ld = Ldb*λrl*λcf*λrc*λer/λ
Basic Tension Development Length, Ldb = 2.4db*fy/sqrt(f'c)
Reinforcement Location Factor, λrl = 1.3 For top bars
λrl = 1.0 For others
Coating Factor, λcf = 1.2
λrl*λcf = 1.6 For top bars (max. of 1.7)
λrl*λcf = 1.2 For others (max. of 1.7)
Excess Reinforcement Factor, λer = 1.0
Concrete Density Modification Factor, λ = 1.0
Reinforcing Steel Yield Strength, fy = 60 ksi
Compressive Strength of Concrete, f'c = 4.5 ksi
db = bar diameter
Reinforcement Confinement Factor, λrc: User shall calculate
Bar # f'c = 4.0 ksi f'c = 4.5 ksi f'c ≥ 4.0 ksi
3 8.00 8.00 12.00
4 9.45 9.00 15.00
5 11.81 11.25 18.75
6 14.18 13.50 22.50
7 16.54 15.75 26.25
8 18.90 18.00 30.00
9 21.32 20.30 33.84
10 24.00 22.86 38.10
11 26.65 25.38 42.30
14 32.00 30.47 50.79
18 42.66 40.63 67.71
1. Values based on use of normal weight concrete.
2. Values based on use of grade 60 reinforcement.
3. The minimum compression development length is 8 in.
4. The minimum compression lap splice length is 12 in.
5. Where bars of different sizes are lap spliced in compression, the splice
length shall not be less than the development length of the larger bar or the
splice length of the smaller bar.
6. See AASHTO and
Calculation Variables:
Basic Development Length, Ldb = 0.63*db*fy/sqrt(f'c)
Ldb(lower limit) = 0.3*db*fy
Minimum Compression Lap Splice, Lc = m*(0.9*fy - 24)*db
Modification Factor, m = 1.0
Table 5A-5: Tension Development Length of 90 and 180 Degree Standard Hooks
Calculation Variables:
Basic Development Length, Lhb = 38*db/60*fy/(λ*sqrt(f'c))
Lhb(lower limit) = 8*db
Concrete Density Modification factor, λ taken as 1.0
Reinforcing Steel Yield Strength, fy = 60 ksi
Compressive Strength of Concrete, f'c = 4.5 ksi
Calculation Variables:
Class B Lap Splice Length = 1.3*Ld
Reinforcing Steel Yield Strength, fy = 60 ksi
Compressive Strength of Concrete, f'c = 4.5ksi
Reinforcement Confinement Factor, λrc: User shall calculate
Calculation Variables:
Class B Lap Splice Length = 1.3*Ld
Reinforcing Steel Yield Strength, fy = 60 ksi
Compressive Strength of Concrete, f'c = 4.5 ksi
Calculation Variables:
Class B Lap Splice Length = 1.3*Ld
Reinforcing Steel Yield Strength, fy = 60 ksi
Compressive Strength of Concrete, f'c = 4.5 ksi
The following table and graphs are design aids to assist with the selection of girder
types and spacing for preliminary design only. See Section 6 for span capabilities of
standardized steel girders.
Design assumptions for the table and the graphs are the same, except the f’ci in the
table may be up to 8,500 psi at the time of post-tensioning for spliced spans.
Table 5B-1
The span capabilities shown may be limited by maximum shipping weight (see
Section or site-specific limitations. For the table, the following assumptions
• No splices in simple span
• One splice in end spans
• Two splices in interior spans
Haunched pier segments were not assumed but may be feasible. Pier segments may
require a thickened top flange and a thickened web. Economic spliced span
capabilities were based on 4 ft. clear between flanges.
The box section properties shown are for 6 in. webs, 6 in. bottom flange, and 4 in.
top flange. Actual box depths used on a project should optimize use of the available
superstructure depth.
Partial Prestressing
For sheltered locations not subject to deicing salts, rain, snow, or direct sunlight,
0.024 in. may be an acceptable crack opening at the reinforcing depth. For locations
subjected to the above elements, 0.016 in. may be taken as an acceptable crack
The following section is provided as CDOT practice for steel structure design.
The Designer shall coordinate with Staff Bridge regarding project-specific
circumstances warranting deviations from standard practices referenced
The following recommended resources for steel bridge design include design
examples of I-girder and tub/box girder design:
• American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) / National Steel Bridge
Alliance (NSBA) website (
• FHWA website (
Found on the NSBA website, the “Short Span Steel Alliance Standards” should
be used only for preliminary design and are not acceptable for final design.
Refer to Section 37 of this BDM for acceptable final design calculations.
Assume 50 ksi as the default steel yield strength. CDOT allows hybrid sections.
During the design phase, the Designer should contact fabricators and NSBA
to verify that the design cross section is the most economical.
2. Low level water crossings where the girder has less than 8 ft. clearance to
the Ordinary High Water elevation. This situation could result in prolonged
periods of wetness of the steel.
When specifying unpainted weathering steel, the last 6 ft. of girders on either
side of an expansion joint shall be painted, equivalent to Federal Standard
595B Color No. 30045 (weathered steel color).
Unpainted weathering steel shall not be used for railings. See Section 2.4 and
Section 13 of this BDM for minimum railing and fencing steel requirements. Bolts
ASTM F3125 Grade A325 high strength bolts are preferred. ASTM F3125
Grade A490 bolts should be used only when necessary. It is preferred practice
not to mix A325 and A490 bolt types in the same connection type. However, if
the use of mixed bolt grades is justified, it is recommended that different bolt
diameters be used to distinguish between the grades during construction.
A490 bolts shall not be hot-dip galvanized. If a zinc coating is required, it must
follow the mechanically deposited process.
The twist-off versions of Grade A325 and A490, F1852, and F2280,
respectively, are acceptable options in structural steel joints.
6.4.2 Fracture
Refer to AASHTO LRFD for members that require mandatory Charpy V-Notch AASHTO
testing. If needed, Section 509 of CDOT Standard Specifications may be 6.6.2
revised with a Project Special Provision to resolve any differences with
AASHTO over which components and connections require Charpy V-Notch
testing. The Designer shall clearly identify on the contract plans all components
and connections requiring Charpy V-Notch testing.
The Designer shall clearly identify on contract documents all main members
and/or details that are to receive non-destructive testing.
As a default, Staff Bridge considers the following (but not limited to) fracture
critical members:
The Designer has the option to perform a rigorous analysis with assumed
cracked components to confirm the strength and stability of a damaged
structure. However, the loading cases to be evaluated, the location of potential
cracks, the appropriate level of live loads, the degree to which dynamic effects
associated with a fracture are included, the refinement of models, and the
choice of element type shall all be agreed upon with Staff Bridge. The ability of
a software product to adequately capture the complexity of the analysis shall
be considered and mutually agreed upon with Staff Bridge.
Steel girders should be cut or heat cambered to counteract service dead load
deflections and vertical profile requirements as needed.
A tabulation showing dead load deflections for the girder only, slab only, and
total shall be shown with the Girder Elevation, if “Camber and Dead Load
Deflection” sheets are not used.
For straight skewed I-girder bridges and horizontally curved I-girder bridges,
the Designer should clearly state in the contract documents the intended
erected position of girders and fit condition. The preference is to use Steel
Dead Load Fit conditions, but the Designer should consider the economic
implications of using other conditions. The selected fit condition must be either
recommended or acceptable in NSBA’s “Steel I-Girder Bridge Fit” Table 3 and
Table 4 (shown on Figure 6-1). The complete document is found on NSBA’s
website; the link is provided at the beginning of this section.
Figure 6-1: Recommended Fit Conditions
Because box girders are inherently stiff in torsion, it is difficult to achieve fit-up AASHTO
of Total Dead Load Fit conditions. As a result, external cross-frames are 6.7.2
typically detailed and fabricated to fit to the girder geometry under No-Load Fit
or Steel Dead Load Fit conditions, depending on the intended erection
For curved or skewed box girder bridges where a line girder analysis was not
used, report deflections along individual webs, not along the centerline of the
Per AASHTO, all members included in the structural model that are used to
determine girder force effects shall be designed as primary members. This
includes all diaphragms or cross-frames in horizontally curved and heavily
skewed bridges.
In general, for bridges with skew angles of 20 or less, the diaphragms or cross-
frames shall be placed parallel to the centerline of the support.
For bridges with skew angles greater than 20, the diaphragms or cross-frames
shall be placed perpendicular to the main members.
Where a support line at an interior pier is skewed more than 20 from normal,
elimination of the diaphragms or cross-frames along the skewed interior
support line may be considered. Verify with Staff Bridge that this is an
acceptable option.
CDOT does not allow chorded girders, except for a simple made continuous
design (see Section 6.6.6).
6.6.4 Constructability
Satisfy all requirements in AASHTO LRFD for primary members at all critical AASHTO
construction phases. 6.10.3
Although the brackets are typically spaced at 3 to 4 ft. along the exterior girder,
all bracket loads except the finishing machine load are assumed to be applied
uniformly. The Designer calculates the vertical load, P, acting at the edge of
the overhang bracket. The bracket is assumed to extend near the edge of the
deck overhang; therefore, half the deck overhang weight is placed on the
exterior girder and half the weight is placed on the overhang brackets.
Designers may conservatively include one-half the deck haunch weight in the
total overhang weight.
Construction loads or dead loads and temporary loads that act on the overhang
only during construction are assumed (as minimum) as follows:
Overhang deck forms: P = 40 lbs/ft.
Railing: P = 25 lbs/ft.
Falsework shall not be used for new construction and deck replacement
construction. If falsework appears necessary during design, discuss with Staff
Box girder segment widths greater than 12 ft. may present transportation
issues and should be avoided where feasible. Be aware of girder curvature
because it increases the overall out-to-out segment width. Consult with
Full penetration welds on webs and flanges made with backing should not be
allowed. The following pre-qualified welds may be used: B-U3c-S, B-Lla-S,
B-L2c-S, B-U6-S, C-U6-S, and B-U7-S.
Azizinamini, Atorod. “Simple for Dead Load-Continuous for Live Load Steel
Bridge Systems.” Engineering Journal. American Institute of Steel
Construction, Vol. 51, No. 2 (2014): 59–81.
Coletti, Domenic; Zhanfei (Tom) Fan; John Holt; John Vogel. “Practical Steel
Tub Girder Design.” Transportation Research Board 85th Annual Meeting,
The following table and graphs are design aids to assist with the selection of girder
types and spacing for preliminary design only.
Table 6B-1
A simple spreadsheet was developed by CSU in conjunction with a research project
entitled “Development of Steel Design Details and Selection Criteria for Cost-
Effective and Innovative Steel Bridges in Colorado”, Report No. CDOT-2008-12. The
design tables below are a small sample of the design tables produced. The tables
shown below are for a 44 foot width bridge and simple spans. Additional tables are
available in the report and the spreadsheet is available on the CDOT website. These
tables and the software is based on rolled beam shapes and simple for dead load
and continuous for live load details. For continuous steel girders and longer span
capabilities, additional design standards can be found at:
• 2 – 2.5 ft Overhang
• 3 rows of 5” x 7/8” Shear Studs spaced at 5.25” or 6*dia throughout length for
conservative estimate
• 2 design lanes when out to out width was 44 ft or less, 3 design lanes for widths
greater than 44 ft
• Weight estimate per square foot includes: Lightest wide flange beam weight,
shear studs, and diaphragm weight
60 ft span
Cost per
Weight Square Pounds per
Nominal per linear Foot Square Foot
Longest Span L 60 ft Depth foot (Steel) (Steel)
Full Width w 44 ft W40 X 167 $17.17 19.05
Slab Thickness Ts 9 in W36 X 170 $17.41 19.32
No. of girders Nb 4 W36 X 182 $18.36 20.42
Girder spacing S 13 ft W40 X 183 $18.43 20.51
Overhang 2.5 ft W30 X 191 $19.06 21.23
Cost per
Weight Square Pounds per
Nominal per linear Foot Square Foot
Longest Span L 60 ft Depth foot (Steel) (Steel)
Full Width w 44 ft W33 X 141 $18.22 19.69
Slab Thickness Ts 8.25 in W40 X 149 $19.04 20.60
No. of girders Nb 5 W36 X 150 $19.14 20.71
Girder spacing S 9.75 ft W33 X 152 $19.34 20.94
Overhang 2.5 ft W36 X 160 $20.15 21.85
Cost per
Weight Square Pounds per
Nominal per linear Foot Square Foot
Longest Span L 60 ft Depth foot (Steel) (Steel)
Full Width w 44 ft W33 X 130 $20.09 21.33
Slab Thickness Ts 8 in W30 X 132 $20.33 21.60
No. of girders Nb 6 W36 X 135 $20.71 22.01
Girder spacing S 7.8 ft W33 X 141 $21.45 22.83
Overhang 2.5 ft W27 X 146 $22.06 23.51
70 ft span
Cost per
Weight Square Pounds per
Nominal per linear Foot Square Foot
Longest Span L 70 ft Depth foot (Steel) (Steel)
Full Width w 44 ft W40 X 211 $20.66 23.15
Slab Thickness Ts 9 in W40 X 215 $20.97 23.51
No. of girders Nb 4 W36 X 231 $22.17 24.97
Girder spacing S 13 ft W36 X 232 $22.25 25.06
Overhang 2.5 ft W40 X 235 $22.47 25.33
Cost per
Weight Square Pounds per
Nominal per linear Foot Square Foot
Longest Span L 70 ft Depth foot (Steel) (Steel)
Full Width w 44 ft W40 X 167 $20.92 22.75
Slab Thickness Ts 8.25 in W36 X 182 $22.41 24.46
No. of girders Nb 5 W40 X 183 $22.51 24.57
Girder spacing S 9.75 ft W36 X 194 $23.58 25.82
Overhang 2.5 ft W40 X 199 $24.07 26.39
Cost per
Weight Square Pounds per
Nominal per linear Foot Square Foot
Longest Span L 70 ft Depth foot (Steel) (Steel)
Full Width w 44 ft W40 X 149 $22.51 24.03
Slab Thickness Ts 8 in W36 X 150 $22.63 24.17
No. of girders Nb 6 W36 X 160 $23.84 25.53
Girder spacing S 7.8 ft W40 X 167 $24.68 26.49
Overhang 2.5 ft W33 X 169 $24.92 26.76
80 ft span
Cost per
Weight Square Pounds per
Nominal per linear Foot Square Foot
Longest Span L 80 ft Depth foot (Steel) (Steel)
Full Width w 44 ft W40 X 277 $25.40 28.97
Slab Thickness Ts 9 in W40 X 278 $25.47 29.06
No. of girders Nb 4 W36 X 282 $25.75 29.42
Girder spacing S 13 ft W33 X 291 $26.38 30.24
Overhang 2.5 ft W40 X 294 $26.59 30.51
Cost per
Weight Square Pounds per
Nominal per linear Foot Square Foot
Longest Span L 80 ft Depth foot (Steel) (Steel)
Full Width w 44 ft W40 X 211 $25.08 27.55
Slab Thickness Ts 8.25 in W40 X 215 $25.46 28.01
No. of girders Nb 5 W36 X 231 $26.96 29.83
Girder spacing S 9.75 ft W36 X 232 $27.05 29.94
Overhang 2.5 ft W40 X 235 $27.33 30.28
Cost per
Weight Square Pounds per
Nominal per linear Foot Square Foot
Longest Span L 80 ft Depth foot (Steel) (Steel)
Full Width w 44 ft W40 X 183 $26.43 28.46
Slab Thickness Ts 8 in W36 X 194 $27.71 29.96
No. of girders Nb 6 W40 X 199 $28.29 30.64
Girder spacing S 7.8 ft W33 X 201 $28.53 30.91
Overhang 2.5 ft W36 X 210 $29.56 32.14
90 ft span
Cost per
Weight Square Pounds per
Nominal per linear Foot Square Foot
Longest Span L 90 ft Depth foot (Steel) (Steel)
Full Width w 44 ft W40 X 324 $28.69 33.32
Slab Thickness Ts 9 in W36 X 361 $31.12 36.69
No. of girders Nb 4 W40 X 362 $31.18 36.78
Girder spacing S 13 ft W40 X 372 $31.81 37.69
Overhang 2.5 ft W33 X 387 $32.75 39.05
Cost per
Weight Square Pounds per
Nominal per linear Foot Square Foot
Longest Span L 90 ft Depth foot (Steel) (Steel)
Full Width w 44 ft W40 X 249 $28.69 31.96
Slab Thickness Ts 8.25 in W40 X 264 $30.05 33.67
No. of girders Nb 5 W40 X 277 $31.21 35.15
Girder spacing S 9.75 ft W40 X 278 $31.30 35.26
Overhang 2.5 ft W36 X 282 $31.65 35.71
Cost per
Weight Square Pounds per
Nominal per linear Foot Square Foot
Longest Span L 90 ft Depth foot (Steel) (Steel)
Full Width w 44 ft W40 X 215 30.21 32.92
Slab Thickness Ts 8 in W36 X 231 32.01 35.10
No. of girders Nb 6 W36 X 232 32.12 35.24
Girder spacing S 7.8 ft W40 X 235 32.46 35.65
Overhang 2.5 ft W33 X 241 33.12 36.47
Figures 6B-2
This table shows the current span capabilities of the “Press Brake Tub Girders”.
Based on a 2022 steel estimate of $2.50/pound the per costs will vary from $242 to
$277 per linear foot depending on girder type (U12 to U33). Actual cost estimates
should reflect unit costs based on specific project constraints and current market
conditions. In general, these tub girders are considered compact sections unless
skew is involved. Additional design will be required.
This section will provide guidance to the design and construction requirements
for aluminum structures. Unless specified in the latest edition of the CDOT
Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, M&S Standard
Plans, Staff Bridge Worksheets, or this BDM, the use of aluminum as a bridge
or structural component is not permitted.
This section will provide guidance to the design and construction requirements
for wood structures. Unless specified in the latest edition of the M&S Standard
Plans, Staff Bridge Worksheets, or this BDM, the use of wood as a bridge,
retaining wall, sound barrier, or structural component is not permitted for new
on-system structures.
(CBE) Program. Prior to final design, Staff Bridge will provide the Designer
CBE’s Strategies for Enhancing Bridge Service Life Memorandum for
reference to approved deck protection methods of qualified bridges.
Additionally, the Designer will give consideration to future deck repairs and the
inevitable replacement of bridge overlays during the initial design process.
9.4.1 General
The approximate method of analysis specified in AASHTO shall be used for AASHTO
the design of concrete deck slabs that are within the limitations outlined for its
For atypical bridge decks not meeting the conditions explicit to the approximate
method of analysis, refined methods of analysis, as identified in AASHTO, shall
be used.
The Designer may propose the use of the AASHTO empirical design method
for consideration by Staff Bridge during the preliminary design phase. Prior to AASHTO 9.7.2
CDOT consideration, the Designer will confirm that the design conditions
satisfy those outlined in AASHTO. Upon approval by CDOT Unit Leader in
coordination with the State Bridge Engineer, an explanation for the use of the
empirical method will be documented in the Structure Selection Report.
Use of AASHTO exposure factor coefficient in deck design shall be as follows: AASHTO 5.6.7
• Use Class 1 exposure factor when deck has a waterproofing membrane
and overlay or polyester overlay installed.
• Use Class 2 in all other cases.
Table 9-1: CDOT Standard CBT Girder Load and Resistance Factor Design (fy = 60 ksi)
Girder Concrete
Transverse reinforcing Longitudinal reinforcing
spacing deck thick. * Maximum
CL to CL (w/o haunch) overhang Top / bot. mat slab reinforcing. ** Top mat (#4 min.) Bot. mat/ “D” bar (#5)
(ft.) (in.) (ft. - in.) Size Max. Spacing (in.) Max. Spacing (in.) Max. Spacing (in.)
The design data does not apply to deck overhang that need to be designed according to AASHTO LRFD, Section A13.4.1.
* The deck overhang varies from 27.5” to 0.5 times the girder spacing that is measured from the center of the exterior girder.
** Negative moment reinforcing steel over the pier is not included.
Table 9-2: Rolled Steel Beams/Steel Plate Girders (12 in. [min.] wide top flange) Load and
Resistance Factor Design (fy = 60 ksi)
Girder Concrete
Transverse reinforcing Longitudinal reinforcing
spacing deck thick. * Maximum
CL to CL (w/o haunch) overhang Top / bot. mat slab reinforcing. ** Top mat (#4 min.) Bot. mat/ “D” bar (#5)
(ft.) (in.) (ft. - in.) Size Max. Spacing (in.) Max. Spacing (in.) Max. Spacing (in.)
The design data does not apply to deck overhang that need to be designed according to AASHTO LRFD, Section A13.4.1.
* The deck overhang varies from 21” to 0.33 times the girder spacing that is measured from the center of the exterior girder.
** Negative moment reinforcing steel over the pier is not included.
Table 9-3: CDOT Standard CBT Girder Load and Resistance Factor Design (fy = 100 ksi)
Girder Concrete
Transverse reinforcing Longitudinal reinforcing
spacing deck thick. * Maximum
CL to CL (w/o haunch) overhang Top / bot. mat slab reinforcing. ** Top mat (#4 min.) Bot. mat/ “D” bar (#4)
(ft.) (in.) (ft. - in.) Size Max. Spacing (in.) Max. Spacing (in.) Max. Spacing (in.)
The design data does not apply to deck overhang that need to be designed according to AASHTO LRFD, Section A13.4.1.
* The deck overhang varies from 27.5” to 0.5 times the girder spacing that is measured from the center of the exterior girder.
** Negative moment reinforcing steel over the pier is not included.
Table 9-4: Rolled Steel Beams/Steel Plate Girders (12 in. [min.] wide top flange) Load and
Resistance Factor Design (fy = 100 ksi)
Girder Concrete
Transverse reinforcing Longitudinal reinforcing
spacing deck thick. * Maximum
CL to CL (w/o haunch) overhang Top / bot. mat slab reinforcing. ** Top mat (#4 min.) Bot. mat/ “D” bar (#4)
(ft.) (in.) (ft. - in.) Size Max. Spacing (in.) Max. Spacing (in.) Max. Spacing (in.)
The design data does not apply to deck overhang that need to be designed according to AASHTO LRFD, Section A13.4.1.
* The deck overhang varies from 18” to 0.33 times the girder spacing that is measured from the center of the exterior girder.
** Negative moment reinforcing steel over the pier is not included.
The flange thickness of precast box girders and T-beams shall be as AASHTO
determined by design per AASHTO, but the combined composite thickness of
the cast-in-place deck slab and top flange shall not be less than 8 in.
The spacing of #4 at 6 in. was chosen in the early 1990s from an original #5 at
18” to improve crack control when bare deck bridges were still allowed.
Cracking was seen in bridge rail with a spacing of #4 at 18” and the cracking
was eliminated when changing to #6 at 18” (.41% of the section).
To control transverse cracking at the bottom of deck overhangs, D bars shown AASHTO
in Tables 9-1 to 9-4 in Section 9.4.2 for various overhang widths is adequate
reinforcing. When the project requires a larger overhang, the Designer shall
design the longitudinal reinforcing steel in accordance with AASHTO.
For skew angles exceeding 25°, the primary reinforcement shall be placed
perpendicular to the main supporting members. The Designer shall consider
performing a refined method of analysis as referenced in BDM Section 9.4.1
for the design of decks with extreme skews to limit cracking in the acute
corners. The design span length is taken parallel to the primary reinforcement,
as shown in Figure 9-3.
The reinforcing shall be extended one development length past the centerline AASHTO
of the exterior girder in accordance with AASHTO (see Figure 9-4).
New bridge construction shall use one of the following deck protection
New concrete deck slabs shall be designed to include 3 in. of asphalt overlay
of 36.67 psf applied as a superimposed dead load over the bridge deck area.
Concrete decks with a PPC overlay shall consider the asphalt overlay load as
a future load applied without the PPC in place. Construction notes shall include
a note stating that the PPC must be removed before placing an asphalt wearing
The Designer may discuss the use of alternative bridge deck overlays (e.g.,
Silica Fume modified concrete and Epoxy-polymer concrete) with Staff Bridge
during the preliminary design phase. Discussions shall be documented in the
Structure Selection Report.
9.10.1 Membranes
All bridge decks using asphalt pavement as a deck and approach slab
protection measure shall require a waterproofing membrane between the
concrete deck and the asphalt overlay to serve as a deck surface sealant.
9.10.2 Sealer
Due to their low tolerance to abrasion and minimal service life, application of
concrete sealers on bridge decks is not permitted.
9.11.3 Diaphragms
For bridge abutment diaphragms and pier diaphragms designed integral with
the deck slab, the deck pour shall include the diaphragm and deck as one
continuous pour, with optional construction joint locations specified in
Section 9.12.
The General Notes drawing in the project plans shall include a note stating that
the Contractor shall notify the Engineer of Record for approval of emergency
construction joints.
drawing in the final bridge plans. Metal SIP deck forms are encouraged for the
following conditions:
• Structures crossing over heavy traffic, interstate highways, or railroads
• Where form removal is difficult or hazardous
• As requested by the Region or Staff Bridge
Transparent or Precast concrete panel deck forms are preferred to metal SIP
deck forms.
Refer to BDM Section 5 for special requirements concerning SIP forms for the
regions of deck over U girders.
Refer to BDM Section 2.11.3, Deck Drainage Requirements, and the CDOT
Drainage Design Manual for additional deck drain requirements.
Conduit pipes for private utilities are not permitted in concrete decks and must
otherwise be attached externally to the structure in accordance with
agreements between CDOT and the private utility company. For aesthetic and
safety reasons, conduits are not permitted under deck overhangs or on bridge
Design of structure foundations shall be in accordance with AASHTO, project
contract documents, and CDOT Geotechnical Design Manual, unless
otherwise specified in this Section of the BDM.
All sampling hammers used to complete field explorations for CDOT projects
shall be tested to determine the energy transfer ratio (the measured energy
transferred to the drill rods divided by the theoretical potential energy of the
sampling hammer) in accordance with ASTM D4633. The testing shall be
completed no more than two years before the date of sampling.
The project geotechnical report or the individual boring logs shall indicate the
energy transfer ratio. The energy transfer ratio shall also be reported on the
geology sheet. In addition, the geology sheet shall indicate whether the
reported penetration resistance values are raw values or values that have been
corrected for hammer efficiency.
For establishing spread footing embedment into stream banks based on scour
considerations, see Section 2.11.2 of this BDM.
The requirements of this section do not apply to MSE wall footers. Refer to
current Staff Bridge Worksheets for MSE Walls for MSE wall requirements.
Other H-pile sizes may be used when availability is verified with local suppliers
and when any delays due to custom pile orders do not negatively affect the
project schedule.
Although less frequently used in Colorado, other pile types may be feasible
and preferable to H-piles depending on project requirements. For instance,
closed-end pipe piles may be advantageous at sites with relatively deep
bedrock, where a closed-end pipe pile may develop greater axial resistance at
shallower depths compared to a comparable H-pile section. Sheet piles may
be used for foundation support, especially for projects where such use may
benefit the construction schedule or cost.
When using a less common pile type, the Designer shall confirm that the
selected pile section is available from local suppliers.
Where used, the preferred pile batter is 1 horizontal to 6 vertical (1H:6V). The
maximum batter of driven piles shall not exceed 1H:4V due to constructability
Piles less than 15 ft. in length and driven to refusal on bedrock shall not be
battered. Embedment
The Designer should consider the potential for piles to encounter refusal on
bedrock or obstructions, such as boulders, before reaching the depth required
for stability under axial and lateral loading. The Designer may specify a
minimum tip elevation on the plans to address this issue. Pre-boring may be
used in cases where refusal is anticipated to occur above the required
minimum tip elevation, although the Designer should consider using other
foundation types that may be preferable in terms of design or constructability.
In general, corrosion of steel piles is greatest in soils that have been disturbed,
that is, where earthwork activities have occurred. Compared to undisturbed
soils, disturbed soils have increased oxygen content, which supports corrosion.
In undisturbed soils, corrosion may occur in the zone of unsaturated soil above
the groundwater table. Corrosion may be exacerbated in the zone of fluctuation
of the groundwater table. Significant corrosion does not generally occur in
undisturbed soil/rock below the groundwater table.
The Designer shall assume that corrosion occurs over all steel surfaces in
contact with the aggressive soil/rock. Corrosion rates greater than the
minimum value specified herein may be appropriate, particularly where piles
are installed in landfill materials, cinder fills, organic soils, or mine
waste/drainage. Corrosion mitigation is not required in soil/rock below the
groundwater table.
Sacrificial steel is not necessary where concrete encasement is used for AASHTO
corrosion mitigation. Piles protected by concrete encasement should be coated C 10.7.5
with a dielectric coating near the base of the concrete jacket.
For non-weathering steel piles, aggressive conditions shall be assumed for the
first 5 ft. of pile below grade and for the entire portion of the pile exposed to
atmospheric conditions.
10.5.2 Geotechnical Design and Analysis Point Bearing Piles on Rock
Piles that will penetrate the bedrock 3 ft. or more shall be designed in AASHTO
accordance with the requirements specified by AASHTO for “Piles Driven to and
Soft Rock.” Piles that will penetrate the bedrock less than 3 ft. shall be designed
in accordance with the requirements specified by AASHTO for “Piles Driven to
Hard Rock.”
In general, it is anticipated that piles driven into the relatively weak sedimentary
bedrock typically encountered along the Front Range would classify as “Soft
Rock,” while piles driven to higher strength bedrock where significant bedrock
penetration is not typically achieved would classify as “Hard Rock.”
Pile protection (tips, points, or shoes) shall be included for all piles driven to
𝐿 3𝐿 𝐿 𝐿
𝑀𝑢𝑝 = 𝜑𝑓′𝑐 𝑏𝑓 ( ∗ − ∗ )
2 4 2 4
3 1
𝑀𝑢𝑝 = 𝜑𝑓′𝑐 𝑏𝑓 𝐿2 ( − )
8 8
4𝑀𝑢𝑝 = 𝜑𝑓′𝑐 𝑏𝑓 𝐿2
𝜑𝑓′𝑐 𝑏𝑓
L = Required pile embedment into cap (in.)
ᶲ = Strength reduction factor for concrete bearing = 0.7 (AASHTO
f’c = 28-day compressive strength of concrete (ksi)
Mup = Plastic moment capacity of pile about strong axis (kip-in.)
bf = Pile flange width (in.)
Table 10-1 presents the calculated embedments for the most common HP
shapes, based on a ᶲ of 0.7 and f’c of 4.5 ksi.
HP Pile Section
Embedment (in.)
12x53 20
12x74 24
14x89 26
For specific criteria regarding pile embedment at integral abutments, see BDM
Section 11.
In accordance with AASHTO, higher resistance factors for geotechnical axial AASHTO
resistance may be used if dynamic testing is completed during pile installation. Table
The Designer should note that for bridges with more than 100 piles, the test
frequency required by AASHTO to use a resistance factor of 0.65 is more
stringent than the test frequency required by CDOT Standard Specification
502. Therefore, if a resistance factor of 0.65 is used for a bridge with more than
100 piles, a Project Special Provision is required to modify the dynamic testing
frequency indicated in the Standard Specification to maintain compliance with
When load testing is completed, the entity completing the load test shall
prepare a report sealed by a professional engineer licensed in the State of
Colorado summarizing test results.
10.6.1 General Geometry and Dimensions
Drilled shafts used to support bridges and retaining walls shall have a minimum
diameter of 24 in. Drilled shafts used to support sound walls shall have a
minimum diameter of 18 in. Length to diameter ratios, L/D, are typically less
than 25.
Where a drilled shaft supports a single column, the top of shaft shall be
embedded a minimum of 2 ft. below ground surface, unless the Geotechnical
Engineer recommends deeper embedment.
In contrast to AASHTO, CDOT allows the use of drilled shafts that are smaller AASHTO
in diameter than the columns they support. This allows constructability
advantages, such as eliminating the need for separate column dowels
embedded into the caisson. Tip Elevation
The Designer shall add a note on the plans requiring drilled shafts to be
advanced to the estimated tip elevation or to the minimum penetration into
bedrock, whichever produces the lower tip elevation. No allowance will be
made to terminate the drilled shafts above the estimated tip elevation on
account of encountering bedrock above the anticipated elevation or any other
10.6.2 Geotechnical Design and Analysis Axial Resistance in Weak Rock
Rock-socketed drilled shafts are frequently used in Colorado. SPT-based
methods are often used to estimate the axial resistance of sedimentary
bedrock encountered along the Front Range. For sites with bedrock N-values
typically between 20 and 100 blows per foot, the “soil-like claystone” design
procedure described by Abu-Hejleh et al. (2003) may be used to determine
nominal unit side resistance and end bearing values.
The resistance factor of 0.75 recommended by Abu-Hejleh et al. (2003) for the AASHTO
“soil-like claystone” method shall not be used because this value exceeds Table
typical resistance factors specified by AASHTO, including the maximum
resistance factor of 0.70, which assumes load testing is completed.
A resistance factor of 0.60 shall be used with the “soil-like claystone” method
(Abu-Hejleh et al., 2003). The resistance factor was calculated by fitting to
allowable stress design (ASD) assuming the following:
• Ratio between permanent and live loads of 3:1
• Permanent Load Factor of 1.25
• Live Load Factor of 1.75
• Factor of Safety of 2.25
For sites with bedrock N-values typically greater than 100 and where rock
coring produces suitable core recovery (i.e., samples can be recovered for
strength testing and the rock mass can be characterized to an appropriate
degree), it is preferable to evaluate axial resistance using design methods
based on the unconfined compressive strength, as described in AASHTO and
FHWA Report No. FHWA-NHI-10-016 (Brown et al., 2010).
Because shear rings are difficult to inspect, they shall not be used unless
approved by CDOT Unit Leader in coordination with the Foundations SMEs..
As an alternative to using shear rings to increase axial resistance, the drilled
shaft could be lengthened or increased in diameter.
Methods based on the analysis of stress waves, such as sonic echo and
impulse response, shall not be used as the primary test method unless access
tubes are unavailable.
CSL access tubes shall be installed in all non-redundant drilled shafts. With
respect to CSL testing requirements, a non-redundant drilled shaft is defined
as any drilled shaft at an abutment or a pier supported by two or fewer drilled
shafts. CSL access tubes shall also be installed in all drilled shafts to be
constructed in a water crossing and in all drilled shafts that will be constructed
in soil/rock requiring the use of temporary excavation support (i.e. casing or
drilling fluid). At the discretion of the Designer, other drilled shafts on the project
may be selected to require CSL testing, such as largely spaced shafts.
CSL testing shall be completed on all non-redundant drilled shafts. CSL testing
shall be completed on a minimum of 50 percent of drilled shafts equipped with
CSL access tubes. Testing locations shall be at the discretion of the Engineer.
If CSL testing indicates anomalies, the remaining drilled shafts at the
pier/abutment shall also be tested.
Installation of CSL access tubes and integrity testing are not required for drilled
shafts with permanent casing socketed into bedrock, regardless of redundancy
or shaft location.
The Designer shall indicate in the plans the minimum number of drilled shafts
to be tested.
If test methods other than CSL are proposed, the Designer shall specify criteria
for the evaluation and acceptance of test results in a Project Special Provision.
When load testing is completed, the entity completing the load test shall
prepare a report sealed by a professional engineer licensed in the State of
Colorado summarizing test results. The report shall include all necessary
information and data to enter the test into the DSHAFT load test database (see
Garder et al., 2012).
CDOT Research, 2003, Improvement of the Geotechnical Axial Design
Methodology for Colorado’s Drilled Shafts Socketed in Weak Rocks, Report
No. CDOT-DTD-R-2003-6.
This section provides design guidance and construction requirements for
abutments, piers, and retaining walls. Abutments and piers support bridge
superstructures, whereas retaining walls function primarily as earth retaining
structures but can serve a dual purpose as an abutment.
The design of abutments, piers, and retaining walls shall be in accordance with AASHTO
AASHTO, this BDM, the Geotechnical Design Manual, and current Staff Bridge Section 11
CDOT permits the following abutment types:
• Integral
• Semi-integral
• Tall Wall
• Seat Type
• Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil (GRS)
• Other, (i.e., semi-deep, exposed multi-column in front of a retaining wall,
integral on sheet piling) with approval from CDOT Unit Leader in
coordination with Foundations SMEs.
Abutments shall be designed for all applicable AASHTO load combinations. AASHTO
Loads from the girders shall be applied at the centerline of bearing and can be Table
assumed continuous over the centerline of foundation elements. Dynamic load,
allowance shall be included in the design of the bearing cap and diaphragm
but not the foundation elements. The Designer need only apply one-half of the
approach slab dead load to the bearing cap. Live loading on the approach slab
may be ignored. If no approach slab is provided, equivalent soil heights for live
load surcharge of varying abutment heights shall be as provided in AASHTO.
If the height of the bearing cap varies more than 18 in. from each end, the
Designer should slope the bottom of the cap.
When Strut & Tie Models are used for the design, they must be shared with
the design checker to obtain concurrence on the models. Refer to Section 37.5
of this BDM for more details.
Pile and drilled shaft spacing and minimum clearances shall be per AASHTO. AASHTO
The minimum foundation element length shall be 10 ft. below bottom of bearing,, &
The Structure Selection Report shall document the recommended type of
abutment selected for the project.
In addition to meeting the maximum unit length restrictions in Table 11-1, the AASHTO
total factored movement in one direction, expanding or contracting, at the 3.12.2
integral abutment from the point of zero movement shall be 2 in. or less. The
total factored movement shall include temperature, creep, shrinkage, and elastic
shortening. The temperature range used to determine the movement shall be
per Section 14 of this BDM and AASHTO. Assume a base uniform temperature
of 60° in calculating the directional movement toward each abutment.
With CDOT Unit Leader approval, greater unit lengths may be used if analysis
shows that abutment, foundation, and superstructure design limits are not
exceeded, and that the expansion joint can accommodate movement at the
end of the approach slab. Include an analysis backing up the decision with the
design calculations for the structure. The Structure Selection Report shall
include a discussion of this approach. CDOT has successfully used longer unit
lengths on integral bridges of 1,000 ft. (for the Vasquez over Colorado Blvd
bridge) by using a finger plate expansion device. Unit lengths when using a 0-
4 in. strip seal shall be limited to 800 ft.
Do not use integral abutments when a straight-line grade between ends of a
unit exceeds 5 percent. Research shows that the presence of high grades
tends to lock up one end, thereby causing higher movements on the other.
During design, a pinned connection is assumed to develop between the pile
cap and foundation element to allow the transfer of vertical and shear loads
into the foundation element. If a pin does not develop, a fixed or partially fixed
condition will be present, which can cause cracking in the deck and girders due
to the developed moment from lack of girder rotation.
The preferred pile orientation is to align the weak axis of the pile with the
centerline of abutment. The Designer should use the detail shown on
Figure 11-1. Weak axis bending generates less resisting force in the piles from
unintended frame-action with the superstructure and better accommodates
bridge displacements, when compared with strong axis bending. A single row
of piles shall be used with integral abutments.
To increase pile flexibility, the Designer may use the details shown on
Figure 11-1 and shall determine the pile depth to establish stability. If oversized
holes are used, the length shall be determined by the design and the hole shall
have a minimum diameter of pile d + 1 ft., where “d” is pile depth. This detail
increases the depth to point of fixity, thereby decreasing pile stiffness. Assume
the point of fixity for laterally loaded piling as either the location of zero
movement or location of maximum moment. The pile should extend a minimum
length of 10 ft. beyond the prebore/pipe and through the overburden until
stability is achieved. Design the single row of piles as an axial loaded beam-
column interaction. Check steel H-piles for lateral stability and buckling
capacities. Ignore soil confinement to the full depth of estimated scour and
limits of pea gravel fill. Consider a semi-integral abutment configuration or seat
type abutment if there is uncertainty about the development of a pin, insufficient
flexibility, or if integral abutment design criteria cannot be met.
Drilled shafts may be used for integral abutments provided a pin detail such as
that shown on Figure 11-2 is specified at the top of caisson. Extending fully
developed drilled shaft reinforcing around the perimeter into the bearing cap
prevents a pin from forming and is not permitted. Design dowels connecting
the drilled shaft to the bearing seat for seismic loading.
To ensure that girder ends will rotate during the deck pour, the Designer shall
add a note to the plans requiring the Contractor to pour the deck within two
hours of the integral diaphragms.
The depth of the integral abutment, measured from top of deck to bottom of
pile cap, shall typically be less than or equal to 13 ft. The maximum pile cap
depth shall be less than or equal to 6 ft. and the minimum shall be 3.5 ft. These
maximum limits prevent framing action on an integral abutment from occurring
and ensure it acts like the intended pin by controlling bending and torsional
forces. Designs that require greater abutment depth will need a special design
with considerations for torsional and passive earth pressure bending forces.
The bottom of the bearing cap shall be embedded 1.5 ft. minimum into the
embankment and provide 2 ft. minimum from the top of the embankment to the
bottom of the girder. If the bridge is curved, the maximum degree of curvature
shall be less than or equal to 5°.
Skewed bridges induce biaxial bending into the foundation elements from
passive soil pressure. Unless otherwise approved by CDOT Unit Leader, limit
skew angles to 30° or less. The Designer shall also include in the analysis all
forces that rotate the structure.
On skewed bridges, the Designer shall provide 3 in. minimum clearance from
the girder flanges to the back face of abutment. If sufficient clearance is not
provided, the flange shall be coped or the abutment width increased. The
coping shall parallel the centerline of abutment and not extend across the
girder web.
For pre-tensioned or post-tensioned concrete bridges, use methods to
increase foundation flexibility when the girder contraction due to elastic
shortening, creep, shrinkage and temperature fall exceeds 1 in. Methods
include temporarily sliding elements between the diaphragm and bearing cap,
details that increase the foundation flexibility, or other details approved by the
CDOT Unit Leader. Take steps to ensure that the movement capability at the
end of the approach slab is not exceeded.
13. Grout #7 Bars into the PVC sleeve prior to the diaphragm pour. The girder
worksheet should show the cast in PVC sleeve instead of a coil tie.
Figure 11-3 and Figure 11-4 show semi-integral abutments on drilled shafts.
9. Bearings pads designed per Section 14.5 of this BDM are required for
semi-integral abutment types. Leveling pads are not allowed.
10. Grout #7 Bars into the PVC sleeve prior to the diaphragm pour. The girder
worksheet should show the cast in PVC sleeve instead of a coil tie.
5. Bearings pads designed per Section 14.5 of this BDM are required for seat
type abutments. Leveling pads are not allowed.
GRS has been used most widely to support single-span bridges. However, the
use of GRS to support continuous-span bridges is also feasible. Settlement
The tolerable settlement is defined in terms of angular distortion between AASHTO
supports. Without a refined superstructure and substructure interaction LRFD
analysis, use the angular distortion requirements stipulated in AASHTO as a,
guide. C10.5.2.2
at the end of the approach slab or, for bridges without an approach slab, at the
back face of abutment, as shown on Figure 11-11 and Figure 11-12,
respectively. The asphalt pavement camber can be accomplished with added
asphalt during construction or post-construction resurfacing if the actual
settlement is greater than that estimated.
a. Connect the soil reinforcement directly under the girder seat spread footing
to the facing with either a frictional or a mechanical connection.
b. Limit the nominal soil bearing resistance beneath the spread footing to
14,000 pounds per square foot or as stated in the project geotechnical
report. Higher bearing pressures may be feasible depending on the
maximum grain size of the backfill and the spacing and properties of the
c. Require a setback equal to H/3, with a minimum value of 3 ft., from the
back of the facing to the centerline of the Service I resultant, where H is the
height from the bottom of the spread footing to the roadway.
See Figure 11-9 and Figure 11-10.
d. Use reinforced concrete for the girder seat and back wall.
e. Provide a GRS slope face with the reinforcement wrapped up and around
the face of the individual soil layers and anchored (burrito wrap) behind the
abutment and wingwalls.
f. Require a minimum vertical clearance of 2 ft. from the top of wall facing to
the bottom of girder (see Figure 11-7 through Figure 11-10 and Chapter 11
in the Bridge Detail Manual).
g. Use concrete for the leveling pad at the base of the GRS abutment.
11.3.6 Wingwalls Wingwall Design Length
The wingwalls, as shown in the Bridge Detail Manual, shall be laid out from a
working point defined as the intersection of abutment back face and wingwall
fill face to 4 ft. minimum beyond the point of intersection of the embankment
slope with the finished roadway grade. In most situations, using the working
point provides the Contractor economy of design by having the same wingwall
length at opposite corners. It is preferred that the wingwall be constructed
parallel to girders to minimize the soil pressure against the wingwalls. The
maximum integral wingwall length from the working point shall be 20 ft. If a
longer wingwall is required, as shown in the Bridge Detail Manual, the Designer
should use a maximum of a 10 ft. long integral wingwall in conjunction with an
independent wingwall to achieve the required design length. It is not desirable
to add a footing or support at the end of wingwalls for integral abutments unless
provision for movement and rotation are provided. It is acceptable to support
the wingwall ends on seat type abutments, on semi-integral abutments if the
wingwall is not attached to the superstructure, or where no abutment rotation
is expected.
The Designer needs to be aware of the various effects of soil on wingwalls and
design for the anticipated loading due to the downdrag from fill settlement or
uplift due to expansive soils. These forces can cause cracking of the wingwalls
and abutment if they are not accounted for. If significant movement is
predicted, the Geotechnical Report shall provide design recommendations and
coordinate with the Designer on possible solutions. The Designer should
analyze the torsional effects from the soil on the wingwall abutment connection
and determine if 135° hooked stirrups are required. For wingwalls on box
culverts, see Section 12.
Figure 11-11: Transition Zone Behind Abutment Backwall (With Expansion Joint,
Concrete Slab, and Roadway Pavement)
Figure 11-12: Transition Zone Behind Abutment Backwall (With Asphalt Pavement, No
Approach Slab and No Expansion Joint)
The wingwall analysis shall include a live load surcharge load per AASHTO, regardless of the presence of an approach slab. Do not include
vehicular collision unless the barrier is attached to the top of the wingwall.
Due to equilibrium of fill pressures on each side of the wingwall, the Designer
may ignore the earth pressure below a line that extends from a point 3 ft. below
the top of the wingwall at the end of the wingwall to another point at the bottom
of the wingwall at the back face of the abutment. For erosion along the outside
of the wingwall, 3 ft. is an assumed depth. This trapezoidal loading condition
applies to wingwall design only and is not to be used for foundation stability
analyses. Refer to Example 8: Cantilever Wingwall Design Loads for sample
calculations and equations.
If not using the details shown on the Staff Bridge Worksheets, design the AASHTO
approach slab per AASHTO. Limit post-construction settlement at the free end Sections 3
of the slab to 1 in. If the Geotechnical Engineer anticipates settlement greater &5
than 1 in., the Designer shall incorporate plan details to mitigate the amount of
settlement to 1 in. or less. One possible mitigation detail would be to raise the
end of approach slab by the anticipated long-term settlement. For additional
information on approach slabs, see Section 2.13 of this BDM and Staff Bridge
11.4 PIERS
Bridge piers provide intermediate support to the superstructure and a load path
to the foundation. Suitable types of piers include, but are not limited to, the
• Solid Wall Piers
• Multi-Column (Frame) Piers
• Single Column (Hammerhead) Piers
• Straddle Bent Piers
Forces acting on the pier in the vertical, longitudinal, and transverse direction AASHTO
shall be per AASHTO. The connection between the superstructure and pier 11.7.1
should be pinned by use of bearings or a key detail, allowing rotation in the
longitudinal direction of the superstructure and eliminating longitudinal moment
transfer to the substructure. Fixed or integral connections between the
superstructure and substructure are not desirable. If the bridge is being
designed with staged construction, each stage shall meet AASHTO.
The bearing cap should be a sufficient width and length to support the
superstructure, meet support length requirements, and provide adequate
bearings edge distances. A recommended pier width to depth ratio is less than
or equal to 1.25. If the depth of the cap varies more than 18 in. from each end,
slope the bottom of the cap. For precast prestressed concrete girder
superstructure types, place the bearing lines a minimum of 12 in. normal to the
centerline of cap. The minimum cap size shall be 3 ft. by 3 ft. and should
increase thereafter by 3 in. increments. In section, the cap should overhang
the column by 3 in. minimum. The length of the cap should not extend past the
drip groove and should be rounded down to the nearest inch.
When designing the pier cap for negative moment, the preferred design plane
is located at the face of the column or equivalent square for a round column.
To properly model the column / pier cap connection, provide a rigid link from
the centerline column to the face of the column. If a rigid link is not provided,
use the maximum moment at the centerline of column. See Section 5.4.11 of
this BDM for pier cap reinforcing details.
When Strut & Tie Models are used for the design, they must be shared with
the design checker to obtain concurrence on the models. Refer to Section 37.5
of this BDM for more details.
To ensure that the girder ends will rotate during the deck pour, the Designer
shall add a note to the plans requiring the Contractor to pour the deck within
two hours of the integral diaphragms.
Coordinate the selection of column type with the architect and CDOT. Possible
column types include, but are not limited to, round, square, rectangular,
tapered, and oblong. Standard forms should be used whenever possible and
shall be 2 ft-6 in. minimum. To match standard form sizes, round, rectangular,
and square columns should have length and width dimensions in 3 in.
increments. When the columns are tall, place construction joints at
approximately 30 ft. spacing. The preferred method of analysis for columns is
moment magnification.
Unless in a seismic zone as defined in Section 5.4.9 of this BDM or requested AASHTO
otherwise, tied hoops are preferred for transverse reinforcement, rather than
spirals. The column spacing on framed piers should balance the dead load
moments in the cap.
When setting the foundation location, the Designer shall provide 2 ft. minimum
cover on top of the foundation element. To protect from frost heave, place the
bottom of any footing below the frost depth indicated in the Geotechnical
Report and no less than 3 ft. minimum below finished grade. See
Section 10.4.2 of this BDM for additional details.
When placing a pier in the floodplain, the Designer should align the pier with
the 100-year flood flow. The preferred pier location is outside the floodplain
whenever possible. To prevent drift buildup and when recommended by the
Hydraulics Engineer, provide web walls between columns. The Designer shall
consider the effects of uplift due to buoyancy forces when designing piers
located in floodplains. Final pier locations should be coordinated with the
Hydraulics Engineer.
When checking cracking, all caps and columns shall use Class 1 exposure
condition. Foundation elements shall use Class 2 exposure condition.
The Structure Selection Report shall document the selected pier type and its
location for the project.
If the pier has bearings that may need future maintenance or replacement, the
Designer should show jacking locations and loads on the drawings. CDOT
Standard Specification 503.20 provides the following horizontal tolerances for
drilled shaft construction:
Also provide adequate dimensional tolerance between the column and drilled
shaft via a non-contact lap splice, either by oversizing the drilled shaft or by
oversizing the column. The inside cage should be able to move laterally by the
amount of specified allowed construction tolerance without compromising the
design or details of the members.
Steel straddle bent caps are not permitted due to corrosion issues, inspection
access concerns, fracture critical designation, high cost, and maintenance
11.4.5 Aesthetics
Special corridor projects and signature bridges can have variations of the
standard pier types or entirely unique pier designs. Coordination with Staff
Bridge is essential at the preliminary phase of the project to determine the
aesthetic requirements. The Structure Selection Report should document all
aesthetic treatments required by the project.
11.4.6 Details
When a footing on pile is used, refer to Figure 11-14.
Retaining walls can be classified into three categories according to their basic
mechanisms of soil retention and source of support. Externally stabilized
systems use a physical structure to retain the soil. Internally stabilized systems
involve reinforcement (e.g., soil nails and geosynthetics) to support loads. The
third system is a hybrid that combines elements of both externally and internally
stabilized systems.
Calculate earth pressures in accordance with AASHTO. The Designer shall AASHTO
use Coulomb’s earth pressure theory to determine the active coefficient of Section
lateral earth pressure. The minimum equivalent fluid due to soil pressure shall 3.11.5
be 36 pcf. If the wall design height is less than 4 ft. and a geotechnical report
is not required or has not been provided, the Designer may assume a nominal
soil bearing capacity of 6 ksf.
Settlement criteria will depend on the wall type and project constraints, such
as nearby structures and the project schedule. The structural and geotechnical
engineers should coordinate to select and design an appropriate wall system
capable of meeting project requirements. For instance, the bearing resistance
of wall footings will depend on the footing size.
Most walls that support vertical loads, unlike columns, do not require the 1%
minimum longitudinal steel. When the vertical load becomes so great that
buckling is a concern, walls should be treated like columns and meet
compressive member requirements. A ratio of the clear height to the maximum
plan dimensions of 2.5 may be used per AASHTO to differentiate between
walls and columns (C5.11.4.1), but it should primarily be behaviorally based.
Some references use b/d ratios of 3 to 6 to differentiate between walls and
columns. See Section 11.4.3 of this BDM for more information on solid pier
Provide weep holes or a drainage system behind the wall stem to prevent water
accumulation. The Designer should reference Staff Bridge Worksheets for
required size and spacing of weep holes or provide drainage system details in
the project plans. The final drainage system selected will depend on the
amount of water anticipated to infiltrate into the backfill and shall consider
groundwater conditions.
Runoff shall not be permitted to pass freely over the wall; rather, a wall coping,
drain system, or a properly designed ditch shall be used to carry runoff water
along the wall to be properly deposited. Where this is not feasible, such as soil
nail walls in steep terrain, the Designer shall coordinate with Staff Bridge to
develop a solution that has concurrence from Region Maintenance and Bridge
Asset Management.
When laying out walls, if possible, provide a 10 ft. inspection zone in front of
the wall. The Designer must consider ROW limits for placement of the footings
and if temporary easements are needed for excavation. Any wall footings,
straps, soil anchors, or other wall elements shall be contained within the
established ROW limits unless a permanent easement is obtained. The
Designer shall coordinate with the Roadway Engineer to determine final wall
layouts and grading requirements.
The Wall Structure Selection Report shall be provided per Section 2.10.4 of
this BDM. Appendix 11A contains worksheets to assist in developing wall
selection options.
The following are the most common retaining walls used in Colorado:
11.5.1 Cantilever Retaining Wall
Cast-in-place and precast cantilever retaining wall systems are considered
semi-gravity walls. Conventional cantilever walls consist of a concrete stem
and a concrete footing, both of which are relatively thin and fully reinforced to
resist the moment and shear to which they are subject. A cantilever wall
foundation can be either a spread footing or a footing on deep foundations.
Document the recommendation of the soil parameters and preferred
foundation type in the Geotechnical Report and include in the plan set.
For retaining walls without concrete curb or barrier attached to the top of the
wall, top of the wall shall be a minimum of 6 in. above the ground at the back
If a shear key is required to provide adequate sliding resistance, place it
approximately one-third of the footing width from the heel to the centerline of
the key. If additional depth for development length of the reinforcing is needed,
it may be shifted to under the stem in lieu of increasing the footing thickness.
Passive resistance shall be neglected in stability calculations and shall not be
counted on for sliding resistance unless a shear key below frost depth is
provided. Soil that may be removed due to future construction, erosion, or
scour shall not be included in determining passive sliding resistance. The
Designer shall, at a minimum, ignore the top 1 ft. of front face fill when
determining sliding resistance. See Figure 11-15 for the passive resistance
loading due to the shear key.
Protect retaining wall spread footings from frost heave by placing the bottom
of the footing a minimum of 3 ft. below finished grade at front face. Top of
footings shall have a minimum of 1.50 ft. of cover.
Sufficient ROW is required to install the reinforcing strips that extend into the AASHTO
backfill area 8 ft. minimum, 70 percent of the wall height or as per design
requirements, whichever is greater. Truncated base or linearly varied
reinforced zone per Staff Bridge Worksheets is allowed in cut conditions; they
can be used when space constraint is a concern. Barrier curbs constructed
over or in line with the front face of the wall shall have adequate room provided
laterally between the back of the curb or slab and wall facing so that load is not
directly transmitted to the top wall facing units. For more details, refer to Staff
Bridge Worksheets B-504-V1.
For block walls and partial height panel facing walls, set the leveling pad a
minimum of 18 in. from finished grade at front face to top of pad. When using
full height panels, set them a minimum of 3 ft. below finished grade at front
face to top of pad. If the front face fill is sloped in either direction, the Designer
shall provide a 4 ft. minimum horizontal bench measured from the front face of
facing. MSE structures are considered earth structures and are not subject to
the minimum depth requirements for frost heave. The concrete leveling pad
shall be reinforced along its entire length per the worksheet details.
For a retaining wall with a rail anchor slab placed at the top of the wall, allow a
minimum 8 ft. wide (including rail), 20 ft. long monolithically constructed
reinforced concrete barrier and slab system to carry and spread loads. See
Example 12, Rail Anchor Slab Design, for additional information on the design
of a rail anchor slab.
Attach a minimum 12 in. wide geotextile to the back face of all joints in facing
panels to reduce the loss of backfill through the joints.
Two-stage MSE walls are constructed in two stages. During the first stage, the
reinforced soil mass is constructed and left to settle until the remaining
settlement is within the tolerances of the permanent facing. Settlement could
be accelerated by installing wick drains, if necessary. The second stage is the
installation of the permanent wall facing.
Full height panel width is limited to 10 ft. and the height to 30 ft. The use of
larger panel dimensions will require the approval of CDOT Unit Leader in
coordination with the Wall SMEs and must be documented in the Structure
Selection Report.
The segmental panel will tolerate more differential settlement than the full
height panel.
This type of retaining wall will tolerate greater differential settlement between
the blocks than a segmental panel or full height panel.
Use of dry cast blocks in a wall is not a preferred option adjacent to a roadway
due to challenges of repair in the event of vehicular collision, water intrusion,
and deterioration from de-icing chemicals and therefore their use requires Unit
Leader approval. Dry cast blocks are an acceptable facing solution for
landscape walls and around detention basins.
CDOT has experienced wall failures when using blocks in front of soil nail walls
with inadequate block anchoring. To prevent future failures, the Designer shall
apply the full earth pressure to the block anchorage connection.
The design Engineer of Record shall thoroughly check internal, external, and
global stability. The geotechnical report shall address temporary cut slope
The Geotechnical Engineer shall be responsible for the entirety of the wall
design, except for structural components such as the permanent facing, or as
otherwise identified by the Geotechnical Engineer and shown in the Structure
Selection Report.
When soil nail walls extend past the existing bridge abutment, future widenings
need to be considered. To allow room for future pile installation, diamond
patterns shall not be used within the ultimate configuration of the bridge
(Figure 11-17).
Soil nail walls are typically designed with the assumption of dry soil conditions.
For dry conditions, the typical soil nail bond strength is 10 to 15 psi with a
maximum of 30 psi. However, for a high ground water table, spring water
seepage, or heavy storm water runoff conditions, bond strength is reduced
significantly. Without rigorous temporary drainage measures required during
construction, wet condition bond strength must be considered and designed
for by the Contractor's design Engineer of Record.
11.5.7 Gravity Walls
Rigid retaining walls of concrete or masonry stone that derive their capacity
through the dead weight of their mass may be used for earth retention. Due to
increases in material costs, conventional types of these walls made from
concrete or stone are expensive. More affordable gravity walls, such as gabion
baskets, have become more prevalent and are easily constructible.
11.5.8 Landscape Walls
Landscape walls retain soil less than 4 ft. in height from the finished grade to
the top of the wall at any point along the length of the wall.
Strength Ia 0.90 1.00 – 1.75 1.50 –
Strength Ib 1.25 1.35 1.75 1.75 1.50 –
Strength Design
Extreme II 1.00 1.00 – – – 1.00 Eccentricity,
Service I 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 – Wall Crack Control
Note that live load surcharge (LS) and horizontal earth load (EH) are not
included in the Extreme Event load case for vehicle collision load (CT). It can
be assumed that the horizontal earth pressure is not activated due to the force
of the collision deflecting the wall away from the soil mass at the instant of
Use the service limit state for the crack control check.
For a Type 9 barrier, assume that the total lateral distribution will extend
horizontally for 3.5 ft. and then downward at 45° from the point of collision. The
length of distribution from impact force, Lt = 3.5 ft., for a TL4 rated barrier is
taken from AASHTO LRFD Table A13.2-1.
For collision with a Type 10 barrier (post and rail), distribute CT horizontally
between posts (3 maximum) and down from top of curb/wall to bottom of
footing at 45°. At the end of a wall, assume a horizontal distribution distance
from the edge distance to the first post plus one bay and then down at
45 percent.
The previously described method is fairly conservative and does not always
correlate with reality well since it assumes that reinforcing is similar vertically
and horizontally. Walls with barrier on top should generally be designed using
Chapter 13 of the AASHTO code as a very tall parapet which makes Lu a
function of the relative strength vertically and transversely. For barrier with steel
posts, the transferred load should be based on the capacity of the post as the
impact is typically shared between 3 and 6 posts.
The findings of NCHRP 22-20(2) and report 663 may be used to determine
equivalent static forces for sliding and overturning stability on MSE walls. For
CIP walls the load may be reduced as the section of interest goes below the
riding surface due to the increased mass and reaction time as more of the wall
is involved. These values can be tentatively used as 100% at the ground line,
33% at 6' below the load application and 0% at 9' below the load application.
These values are extrapolated from the data in 22-20(2) with the “6' below”
percentage reflecting the results for sleeper significant movement at the back
of the sleeper for TL3 and 4 crashes. The value of the 0% at 9' reflects the
depth at no movement for TL-5 crashes.
To mitigate the effects of live load collision with CIP or precast face panels, for
all walls that use face panels (e.g., caisson walls, soil nail walls, MSE Walls),
a void between soil mass (or caissons) and back face of the panel shall be
filled with granular material to the minimum height of 5 ft. above the roadway
surface. Wall panels shall be required to support their own weight in case of
impact damage that would allow the panel to slip below precast copings or clip
angles. Reinforcing spacing should be minimized on panels to limit projectile
size when impacted (6 in. max spacing). Welded wired fabric may be used in
addition to reinforcing to minimize projectile size.
Compound stability of MSE and soil nail walls will depend on the reinforcement
type, length, and spacing. Therefore, the wall designer shall provide the
required information to the project Geotechnical Engineer to evaluate the
compound stability (see Figure 11-19).
Internal stability typically includes both pullout and rupture of the reinforcement.
Responsibility for this check includes wall system components, including facing
units, soil reinforcements, structural attachments, reinforcement connections
to the facing units, bearing pads, and joint covering filter fabrics. Design
responsibility shall fall on the engineer responsible for the design, whether that
be the owner’s representative, Geotechnical Engineer, Structural Engineer, or
Global stability, compound stability, and deep seated failure conditions are
closely related to external stability checks. It can be defined as the overall
stability of the wall and surrounding slopes and structures. It requires the
analysis of the surrounding circular slip surfaces. See Section 11.5.12 of this
BDM for global stability requirements.
The Project Engineer of Record is responsible for collecting and reviewing wall
submittals, which can include, but are not limited to, stamped calculations,
shop drawings, etc. During the shop review process, bearing pressure, strap
length and other minimum requirements from the worksheets shall be
reviewed. Separate contractor designs are required when not meeting
minimum requirements of the worksheets.
If the wall or abutment includes conditions or areas that promote the trapping
or intrusion of water, such as low point on a sag curve or a drainage inlet, the
Designer shall create details to address the issues that may occur. The
approach slab drain details used shall allow movement of the abutment while
noting that the approach slab drain does not move. Add water sealers,
waterproofing membranes, and protection details to the plans.
Shoring is generally not designed by the EOR, but shall be designated in the
plans and indicate which shoring areas will require an independent review.
Areas that typically need review are those areas that support the roadway or
could cause a safety issue.
FHWA, 2012, Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Integrated Bridge System Interim
Implementation Guide, Publication No. FHWA-HRT-11-026.
FHWA, 2015, Soil Nail Walls Reference Manual, Publication No. FHWA-NHI-
This section covers the design of buried structures, including, but not limited
to, precast and cast-in-place concrete box culverts, wildlife crossings, tunnels,
and pipes.
Site-specific designs shall follow AASHTO standards and design criteria listed
in this section. Thrust (axial compression) shall be assumed to be zero for
design of CIP and precast culvert top and bottom slabs. Wingwalls shall be
monolithic and rigidly connected to concrete headwalls to reduce the possibility
of differential movement. The design of M standard M-601-20 is based on this
assumption of 2 way action. In the event that a non-rigid connection is allowed
by the unit leader, an independent wingwall design and check is required.
The limits of a CBC should be kept within CDOT right-of-way (ROW). If the end
of a culvert extends beyond the ROW, the Engineer shall provide inspection
access from within the ROW.
12.4.2 Loading
When designing non-standard CBCs, live load is applied as follows:
• For design of culvert walls and bottom slabs, only the design lane load
is applied.
• For design of culvert top slabs, only axle loads of the design truck or
design tandem are applied.
Apply live loads to both earth pressure cases shown in the M-Standard and as
described in AASHTO 3.11.7 and AASHTO C3.11.7. Note that, due to the 50
percent reduction in earth pressure, the minimum load factor need not be
applied to the 30 lb/ft3 horizontal earth pressure load case. Live load
distribution for various earth fills shall be per AASHTO For CBC
designs using either M-Standard or site-specific method, the controlling fill
heights shall be shown on the plans. Designer shall consider live load on travel
lanes and shoulders and any future roadway expansion.
Thrust (axial compression) shall be assumed to be zero for design of CIP and
precast culvert top and bottom slabs. Applying thrust forces is inadvisable
when designing non-standard CBCs unless significant benefits can be
demonstrated. This criterion is consistent with CBC M-Standard and AASHTO
BrR rating software design methodology, and is conservative due to
unpredictable on-site foundation conditions and preparations. The Engineer
may consider the benefits of thrust forces in non-standard designs but shall
discuss its use in the Structure Selection Report and obtain approval from
CDOT Unit Leader in coordination with the Staff Bridge Manager of Policy and
12.4.3 Replacement
Existing culverts under consideration for replacement, extension, or other
modifications shall be assessed as part of the Structure Selection Report. A
culvert that shows no visible distress but yields an operating rating factor less
than 1.0 when rated in accordance with the Bridge Rating Manual is not
necessarily a candidate for replacement; refer to Section 33 – Rehabilitation of
Structures of this BDM for additional information. Considerations for keeping
an existing culvert include the age and condition of the existing culvert
compared with the constructability and economy of a proposed replacement.
The design and layout of wildlife crossings shall include 8 ft. high game fencing
and escape ramps at a 3H:1V slope. Game fencing shall be installed between
the structure and roadway, rather than terminated at the wingwalls. Note that
nonstructural items, such as fencing, are typically the responsibility of the
Roadway design team and are included in Roadway bid items.
For tunnel design criteria, refer to AASHTO, Technical Manual for Design and
Construction of Roadway Tunnels – Civil Elements (FHWA-NHI-10-034),
NFPA 502: Standard for Road Tunnels, Bridges and Other Limited Access
Highway and AASHTO LRFD Road Tunnel Design and Construction
12.7 PIPES
For design of metal pipe, reinforced concrete pipe, corrugated polyethylene
pipe, PVC pipe, metal pipe arches, pipe headwalls and outlet paving, and
concrete and metal end sections, refer to the M-Standards.
This section will provide guidance on the selection, design, and construction
requirements for bridge railing. For pedestrian, bicycle, and safety railing
requirements, refer to Section 2.4 of this BDM and to AASHTO.
CDOT Bridge Rail Type 9 and Type 10 MASH are provided by CDOT to meet
MASH 2016 Test Level 4 (TL-4) and in some cases TL-5 requirements. They
are to be used on all new and widened bridges, box culverts, and retaining
walls. M-Standard options such as inside mounted MGS rail on CBCs or MGS
rail a minimum of 3 feet away from wall faces are acceptable options but only
provide TL-3 protection. Other available or retired Colorado railing systems
shall be used only with approval from the State Bridge Engineer in coordination
with the bridge rail SMEs.
MASH testing involves utilizing vehicles with characteristics similar to, or more
critical than, 85% to 95% of vehicles of the type and speeds and angles of
incidence similar to, or more critical than, 85% to 95% of road departure
incidences. Actual crash conditions are at least partially random and chaotic
in behavior so design and testing does not assure benign behavior during all
crash incidents. Bridge rail design and evaluation should:
CDOT will monitor in-service behavior of rail types to identify flaws in design
or operation. Most fatalities associated with rail are due to rollovers or
“bouncing” out into thru traffic for another collision (vehicle interaction).
Deflection of a rail system reduces occupant injury potential and the tendency
for the vehicle to be thrown back into traffic, if without penetration or
“pocketing”. Looking at old bridge rails, abutments, and piers that previously
lacked motorist protection you will occasionally come across little crosses
painted or scratched into them. There is a reason that bridge rail ends were
called tombstones. CDOT will make any crash test results and evaluations of
current bridge rails available upon request.
Railing design, including, but not limited to, height of traffic barrier or railing,
bicycle railing, pedestrian railing, and design live loads for pedestrian railings, Section 13
shall adhere to AASHTO and MASH evaluation criteria.
Railing geometry and anchorages shall be in accordance with AASHTO and AASHTO
MASH. Appendix A13
Traffic railing design forces for concrete railing and post and beam railing shall AASHTO
follow AASHTO and MASH criteria. A13.2,
Design calculations are not required to be performed for Type 9 and Type 10 A13.3.2
MASH bridge railings, provided they are not modified to affect performance
from the worksheet details.
MASH presents uniform guidelines for crash testing permanent and temporary
highway safety features and recommends evaluation criteria to assess test
• All new testing will follow MASH evaluation techniques.
• Guardrail hardware shall meet MASH requirements for replacement and
new installation.
• All new products must be tested using MASH crash test criteria for use
on the NHS.
MASH loads and evaluation are based on the most recent research and crash
testing and is typically more up to date than the AASHTO Chapter 13 analysis.
Below are the loads that should be used in any evaluation or analysis of
existing or new rails.
All projects on the NHS after December 31, 2019, shall be at least TL4 MASH
compliant bridge rail systems per CDOT requirements.
Existing bridge rails not meeting the above FHWA mandate should be
evaluated based on site and traffic conditions and the condition of the existing
railing. Rails that are too short or too weak for the appropriate TL level should
be replaced. For additional information about evaluation and rehabilitation of
existing bridge rail, refer to Section of this BDM.
For piers located inside the clear zone and designed for the CT force, the
Designer shall consult the CDOT Project Manager to determine if safety
protection is still desired.
Clear zone to the pier shall be determined at the ultimate configuration of the
roadway adjacent to the pier. It shall consider all anticipated widenings.
that may be transferred from the anchor slab to the wall element below during
a vehicular impact.
When a rail anchor slab is required to be designed, the Designer shall use the
recommended design procedures from NCHRP Report 663 and outlined in the
BDM Example 12, Moment Slab Design. For anchor slab details on MSE walls,
the Designer should reference the Staff Bridge Worksheets for MSE walls.
Joint and bearing systems shall be designed to accommodate all calculated
movements and loading expected throughout the life of the bridge. Joints and
bearings shall also be designed to accommodate regular maintenance activities
that will prolong the life of these devices.
Unless otherwise noted, the design of joints and bearings shall be in accordance
with the latest AASHTO, as supplemented by the AASHTO Guide Specifications
for LRFD Seismic Bridge Design, where applicable.
Long-term concrete properties, including creep and shrinkage strains, shall be
determined in accordance with AASHTO.
The Designer is responsible for giving adequate thought to the type, size, and
performance of the selected expansion joint system to ensure that the
appropriate system is used on the structure.
When the skew angle is greater than or equal to 30o, the Designer shall consider
placing the expansion joint normal to the roadway alignment to prevent snowplow
Refer to BDM Section 11.3 for additional information on integral abutments and
approach slab requirements.
For non-complex straight bridges with no skew, the total movement shall be
determined by using AASHTO 3.12.2 and For complex bridges,
movement calculation shall include consideration for superstructure type,
contributing length, structure curvature, construction phasing, fixity condition
between superstructure and substructure, superstructure rotations, and
substructure stiffness. Skews, horizontal and vertical alignment, grade, and cross
slopes shall be considered when selecting and designing a joint system. This can
be accomplished by finite element analysis, modeling soil as springs, calculating
depth of fixity based on soil/structure interaction analysis, etc.
Asphaltic Plug
Asphaltic plug joints consist of modified asphalt installed in a preformed block-
out over a steel plate and backer bar. These joints provide a smooth riding
surface that is built to match the adjacent roadway.
Due to observed creep and poor expansion performance of these joints, CDOT
does not recommend asphaltic plug joints on Interstate Highways, State
Highways with high traffic counts, or roadways with heavy trucks. Therefore, use
of asphaltic plug joints requires approval from CDOT Unit Leader in coordination
with Expansion Joint SMEs approval.
Silicone Seals
Silicone seals are flexible, poured sealants designed to provide a watertight
expansion joint seal in both new and rehabilitation projects. Silicone sealants
allow good elastic performance over a range of temperatures; provide self-
leveling installations; can be installed against non-parallel surfaces; and bond
without the use of additional adhesives.
Silicone seals shall be installed such that the maximum tension movement is no
more than 100 percent of the install width and the compression movement does
not exceed 50 percent of the install width. Silicone seals shall be installed a
minimum of ¼ in. below the pavement surface to minimize contact with crossing
The maximum gap shall not exceed 2 in. at -30o F to prevent damage from debris
and wheel loads.
Compression seals are not allowed on bridges with skew angles exceeding 15o.
This is due to past performance and improper joint sizing to accommodate the
transverse movement component.
Saw-seal joints control cracking in the overlays and reduce potholes, which
increase the likelihood of water intrusion in the deck.
The use of epoxy bonded strip seal joint systems is not allowed on new
Strip seal steel rail components shall be installed as one continuous length where
possible due to maintenance concerns. It is preferred to have the steel rail
component of the strip seal be supplied in as long of pieces as possible based
on phasing and slope changes to minimize the number of field splices. Horizontal
angle changes in the expansion joint exceeding 35o shall be avoided so that the
factory requirement of vulcanizing the strip seal corners is not necessary.
Strip seal neoprene glands shall be installed as one continuous length to provide
a watertight joint sealing system.
Strip seals are the preferred joint alternative for bridge lengths greater than 250 ft.
because they have proven to provide the best long-term performance. Strip seals
shall be used for all new construction where the total joint movements are
expected to be 4 in. or less and the skew is less than or equal to 25o. For joints
between ¾ to 2” of movement, small movement joints may be used with CDOT
Unit Leader’s approval in coordination with Expansion joint SMEs. If the skew is
greater than 25o, oversized glands shall be considered subject to the conditions
CDOT Unit Leader in coordination with Expansion Joint SMEs will approve the
use of oversized glands, but oversized glands may be considered under the
following conditions:
• Total factored joint movement does not exceed 5 in.
• Factored cyclical (Thermal) joint movement does not exceed 3.5 in.
• Modular joints are not practical due to joint lead time during construction.
• Use of oversized glands allows the bridge to require joints at the ends of
approach slabs only.
Modular joints shall be specified in 3 in. increments, with 6 in. being the minimum.
In addition to thermal movements determining the size of joints, manufacturers
have gap requirements that may increase the size of the required joint. For
example, a 0 in. to 9 in. joint may be required where movement indicates that a
0 in. to 6 in. joint is feasible. The Designer shall check manufacturer's
requirements before final sizing.
Cover plates shall not protrude above the walking surface by more than ½ in. and
shall be installed flush with the walking surface whenever possible. Where cover
plates protrude more than ¼ in. above the walking surface, a 2:1 edge taper shall
be provided.
Cover plates shall have an anti-slip surface treatment such as treads and
roughened surfaces. These surfaces shall be galvanized.
When using modular joints or replacing finger joints, the Engineer of Record shall
be responsible for ensuring that the provided block-out can accommodate the
specified joint system, regardless of manufacturer.
The use of accelerated mix designs and bagged mixes is allowed per the
requirements of Concrete Class DR.
14.5.1 General
Bridge bearings transfer permanent and transient loads from the bridge
superstructure to the substructure. These loads can be vertical (e.g., dead load
or live load) and horizontal (e.g., wind, braking, or seismic). Bearings shall also
accommodate anticipated movements (e.g., thermal/creep/shrinkage) and
rotations. When bearings and expansion joints are collocated, movements
allowed by bearings shall be accommodated by adjacent expansion joint
systems, which requires that bearings and expansion joints be designed
interdependently and in conjunction with the anticipated behavior of the overall
Several bearing types are available that can achieve the above requirements,
including elastomeric bearings (plain and reinforced); polytetrafluoroethylene
(PTFE) sliding bearings; and High-Load Multi-Rotational (HLMR) bearings (pot,
spherical, and disc bearings). Each bearing type differs in regard to vertical and
horizontal load carrying capacity, displacement capacity, and rotational capacity.
Understanding the properties of each bearing system is critical for economical
selection of bearing systems or the elimination of bearings in favor of integral
connections of the superstructure to the substructure.
All bearings shall be the same size and type at each substructure unit. This is
due to potential damage from differing deflection and rotational characteristics.
Bridge superstructure units (e.g., superstructure limits between expansion joints)
requiring Type III bearings shall use Type III bearings for the entire superstructure
The bridge plans shall provide all structural elements necessary to jack and
support the bridge for bearing replacement. This may consist of a block-out in the
superstructure diaphragm, corbels, or steel jacking brackets bolted to the
substructure. The design of the jacking system shall be based on using either
50-ton or 100-ton jacks, which are commonly used in Colorado. The minimum
size of 50-ton jacks is 6 in. high by 8 in. in diameter. The minimum size of
100-ton jacks is 8 in. high by 10 in. in diameter. Designing for these sizes ensures
that most jacks that differ from these sizes will still fit the designed structural
element supporting the jack. Only one size of jack shall be used at each
substructure location. If multiple jacks are required or a jacking block-out in the
diaphragm is used, an additional 3 in. horizontally shall be provided for the
hydraulic jack hoses. Bearings shall be designed to be removed with a jacking
height of ¼ in. or less. Other commonly used and available jacks with reduced
height requirements may be used with CDOT Unit Leader in coordination with
the Fabrication/Construction Unit approval.
Jacking the bridge under live load is not permitted without CDOT Unit Leader in
coordination with the State Bridge Engineer and Fabrication/Construction Unit
approval. Live load may be placed on the bridge provided that temporary blocking
is in place or the jacks are securely locked out. The substructure plans shall state
this policy and show the Service Loads for Dead Load, Live Load, and Live Load
plus Dynamic Load Allowance.
The minimum bearing height shall be 2 in. to facilitate inspection and removal of
the bearing. The bearing height shall be limited to 6 in. based on constructability
and cost-effectiveness.
The Structural Design Engineer shall verify that the stiffness of the elastomeric AASHTO
pad is sufficient to enable the sliding surface to engage without excessive pad
The size of the level concrete surface is to provide the ability to adjust the position
of the bearing in the future and to provide adequate beam seat width for seismic
displacement. CDOT Unit Leader shall review all deviations from the
aforementioned seat width requirements, such as a narrower beam seat with a
recessed bearing.
The plans shall clearly show the orientation of guided bearings along the bent
Sole plates and masonry plates shall be a minimum of ¾ in. thick at the edges of
the plate.
Sole plates and bearing top plates shall be oversized 2 in. longitudinally (1 in. in
each direction) to accommodate construction tolerances.
Because Type III bearings are dependent on the manufacturer of the bearing,
they are generally shown schematically on design drawings. The Structural
Design Engineer shall be responsible for coordinating with bearing suppliers
and/or manufacturers when Type III bearings are required.
If slotted holes are needed in bearing top plates for anchor bolts in the direction
of structure movement, they shall be sized for the maximum horizontal
displacement (∆o). Slots shall be oversized a minimum of 1 in. (½ in. in each
direction) or 1 anchor bolt diameter, whichever is greater.
This section provides guidance for the design of sound or noise barriers.
AASHTO and CDOT pay items refer to sound barriers while FHWA typically
refers to noise barriers. The terms should be considered interchangeable
although noise wall is preferred and used throughout this Design Manual,
inspection reports, and APL lists.
AASHTO generally concerns itself with the structural design requirements for
noise barriers while FHWA Noise Barrier Design Handbook deals with the
noise reduction properties of the wall.
A typical CDOT noise barrier consists of a concrete panel mounted on concrete
or steel posts. Refer to Section 2.3.3 of this BDM for acceptable concrete
aesthetic treatments.
Wood is not allowed because of past experience with durability issues. Staff
Bridge will consider other materials and designs if design criteria are met.
15.4 LOADS
Wind loads shall be in accordance with AASHTO. When a noise barrier is in & Figure
Colorado’s special wind region, use the Partial Special Wind Region Map in
Section 32 of this BDM to determine wind speed.
Vehicle collision forces need not be considered for the following cases: AASHTO
• Noise barriers located beyond the acceptable clear zone.
• Noise barrier/rail systems within the clear zone that have been
successfully crash tested.
• Noise barriers behind a crashworthy traffic railing with a setback greater
than 4 ft. The Designer should make every effort to achieve a minimum
setback greater than 4 ft.
• Noise barriers or portions thereof at locations where the collapse of a
wall has minimal safety consequences, as determined by Staff Bridge.
When the above requirements cannot be met, the railing test levels and crash AASHTO
Sections 13,
criteria shall be in accordance with AASHTO.
A13.3, & 15
Noise barrier materials shall be selected to limit shattering of the noise barrier AASHTO
during a vehicle collision. When reinforced concrete panels are used, AASHTO 15.8.4
recommends the use of two mats of steel to limit the concrete shattering during
a vehicle collision.
New noise barriers shall meet AASHTO Test Level 3 (TL-3) requirements. AASHTO
Table A13.2-1
This section addresses design and performance requirements for typical
pedestrian bridges intended to carry pedestrians, bicyclists, equestrian riders,
and light maintenance vehicles.
Wider bridges are preferred for two-directional pedestrian traffic rather than
narrow decks with passing spaces due to the difficulty in design and
constructability of the landings. However, when passing spaces are used, they
should conform to ADA requirements and be located at reasonable intervals,
not to exceed 200 ft.
Coordinate with the local agency to determine the final section on a pedestrian
or bicycle bridge.
Pedestrian bridges over waterways shall satisfy all requirements set for vehicle
bridges for freeboard, scour, and overtopping. Ramps
Pedestrian overpass structures, if practical, may be provided with both ramps
and stairways, but under no condition should a structure be built with stairs
The deck and ramps shall have a non-skid surface, such as a transverse fiber
broom finish for concrete. Concrete bridge decks must have transverse joints
to minimize map cracking. The Designer shall specify the spacing of the joints.
The deck of the bridge should maintain the cross-slope of the approach trail.
Cover plates should be provided at all expansion joints to minimize tripping
hazards. Approach slabs are not required on pedestrian bridges unless
requested by the Owner.
Section 2.4 of this BDM outlines the requirements for the pedestrian and
bicycle railing.
All pedestrian bridges designed to carry vehicle load must be rated, with the
rating factor specified on the plans or shop drawings. Either the truss
manufacturer or the Engineer of Record is expected to perform the rating.
Rating requirements should be coordinated with Staff Bridge to determine the
appropriate vehicles and load case assumptions.
31.5.2 Collision
Vehicular collision load will not be considered in the structural design of the
pedestrian bridge superstructure. However, all pedestrian bridges must be
provided with the means to prevent the superstructure from sliding off the
supports and onto the highway in case of collision. These means can include
shear keys, keeper blocks, and anchor bolts at piers and abutments.
31.9 DECK
Any available deck types, except steel grid, are allowed on pedestrian bridge
structures. The Designer should consider the use of protection systems on all
pedestrian bridge decks to extend the service life of the structure. Use of
innovative materials is encouraged but must be discussed with Staff Bridge. All
pedestrian bridge decks shall have non-skid surfaces.
For pedestrian bridge lighting requirements, refer to Section 2.3.2 of this BDM.
Curbs shall be provided on both sides of pedestrian bridges that cross roads
and highways to prevent water running over the sides. Drainage systems must
be installed at bridge ends in combination with the curbs. Positive deck cross-
slope may be used to facilitate drainage.
This section provides guidance for the design and construction of signs,
luminaires, and traffic signals. Such structures include but are not limited to:
• Bridge mounted signs.
• Ground mounted signs, including overhead sign bridges (that is, single
span, multi-span), and cantilevered sign structures (that is, single sided,
two sided/butterfly).
• Pole and wire systems for signs and traffic signals; and
• Poles for traffic lighting, luminaires, and traffic cameras.
Existing caissons are not to be reused for new sign structures unless they
match the current standards or can be analyzed to verify they match any new
loads from the current code.
Unless modified herein, design of highway signs, luminaires, and traffic signals
shall be in accordance with the most current edition of AASHTO LRFD
Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires, and
Traffic Signals (AASHTO LTS) or current M&S Standards. The M&S Standards
take precedence, even though the current M&S Standards have not been
updated to most current AASHTO LTS. If a design falls within the parameters
of the M&S Standards, then the M&S Standards shall be used. A project
specific or special design is only required when a project specific design does
not meet the limits of the M&S Standard. When a project specific design is
required, it shall follow the most current edition of AASHTO LRFD LTS. Where
sign panels are changed or updated at existing sign structure locations, the
original design assumptions may be used to evaluate the additional or revised
When M&S Standard requires that the Contractor submit a design for the item,
for example M-613-1 Roadway Lighting, then the design shall follow the most
current edition of AASHTO LRFD LTS. A summary of Contractor submittals
can be found in Table 105-1 of CDOT’s Standard Specifications for Road and
Bridge Construction.
Designs falling outside the limits of the S-Standards will require a special
design. Sign structures are to follow the Major Structures requirements in the
Structures Process outlined in Part E of the Policies and Procedures section of
this BDM.
Due to concerns with fatigue, CDOT limits pole shapes to those that are round AASHTO
or have greater than or equal to the minimum number of sides defined in LTS 5.6.2
The alternate method for fatigue design per AASHTO LTS Appendix C shall
not be used to determine alternative wind loads.
The effects of torsional load on caisson-soil interaction must be evaluated for
all structures where torsional load is present due to wind load and structure
geometry. This check is shown in Example 10 of this BDM.
Dampeners or other mitigation for galloping will be considered on a project
basis since galloping is challenging to predict.
Blue 85 mph 95 mph 100 mph 105 mph 120 mph 125 mph 135 mph
Yellow 90 mph 100 mph 110 mph 120 mph 130 mph 140 mph 150 mph
Peach 100 mph 110 mph 120 mph 130 mph 140 mph 150 mph 160 mph
Orange 110 mph 120 mph 130 mph 140 mph 155 mph 165 mph 175 mph
Red 115 mph 130 mph 140 mph 150 mph 165 mph 175 mph 190 mph
Pink 150 mph 165 mph 180 mph 190 mph 210 mph 225 mph 245 mph
210 mph
165 mph
155 mph
Assumed data
demarcation line
140 mph
130 mph
120 mph
105* mph
Figure 32-1: Partial Special Wind Region Map (300 year MRI)
(* min value of 120 mph must be used in design)
Unless the Traffic Engineer directs otherwise, place bridge mounted sign
structures normal to an approaching vehicle’s line of sight. For horizontally
curved roadways below bridges, place bridge mounted sign structures normal
to a 500-ft.-long chord that extends from the intersection of the centerline of
travel lanes and the back face of the bridge barrier to a point on the centerline
of travel way (see Figure 32-2).
Expansion type concrete anchors are undesirable for attaching sign support
brackets to the supporting structure because of vibration and pullout concerns.
Instead, A307 or A325 bolts shall be used as through bolts or A307 all-thread
rod may be used to make drilled-in-place anchor bolts bonded to the supporting
concrete with an approved two-part epoxy system. If the anchor is in
continuous tension, the Designer shall use only an epoxy system if it is
approved for use in continual tension loading. Many epoxy systems are not
allowed if the anchor is in continuous tension. Refer to ACI 318 and ACI 355.4
for more information on using post-installed adhesive anchors. Through and
drilled-in-place anchor bolts can be used to resist direct tension and shear
loads. Unless a refined analysis permits shallower anchorage, a minimum
depth and diameter of drilled holes for bonded anchor bolts shall be 9 bolt
diameters plus 2 in. and one bolt diameter plus 1/8 in. respectively. Bonded
anchors bolts are 100 percent effective if the spacing and edge distance is
equal to or greater than 9 bolt diameters and are considered to be 50 percent
effective when the edge distance or spacing is reduced to 4.5 bolt diameters.
Edge distances and spacings less than 4.5 bolt diameters are not allowed.
When an approved two-part epoxy system is specified, add the following note
to the plans:
For torque limits for all through bolts and tension limits due to permanent
service dead load for bonded anchor bolts, see Table 32-2. Use interpolation
for values not shown in the table.
0.50 70 50 –
* A36 may be substituted for A307; A449 may be substituted for A325.
The provisions of this section apply to structure preservation and rehabilitation
projects, as defined herein.
33.1.1 Definitions of Preservation and Rehabilitation
Preservation and rehabilitation projects can be categorized into two primary
groups based on the general scope of the work performed and the cost of the
project relative to the cost of a replacement structure. Bridge Preservation
The FHWA defines bridge preservation as “actions or strategies that prevent,
delay or reduce deterioration of bridges or bridge elements, restore the function
of existing bridges, keep bridges in good condition and extend their life” (2011).
Preservation includes bridge maintenance activities (both preventive and
reactive), as well as major preservation work.
Bridge maintenance projects are typically narrow in scope and restore the
structure to its original condition by addressing existing deficiencies. These
projects have minor costs and require minimal new design work. Example work
types are crack sealing, concrete patching, debris clearing, and joint repair.
Preservation involves the repair and protection of a bridge element against
future deterioration, thereby extending the service life of a bridge without
significantly increasing load-carrying capacity or improving geometrics.
Projects that cost less than 30 percent of the cost of a new replacement bridge
are considered preservation projects. Bridge Rehabilitation
Bridge rehabilitation involves a significant investment in a bridge to improve its
condition, geometrics, or load-carrying capacity to a minimum standard. This
work is expected to provide a long-term benefit and reduce the need for
additional investments. Projects that cost more than 30 percent of the cost of
a new bridge are generally considered rehabilitation projects. Deck
replacements, bridge widenings and superstructure replacement projects are
considered rehabilitation projects regardless of estimated costs.
Bridge replacement should be considered if the cost of rehabilitation
approaches or exceeds 70 percent of the cost of a new replacement bridge.
The final determination on rehabilitation vs. replacement should be based on
many factors, as discussed in the following sections. Cost
In conjunction with the CDOT Project Manager, the Designer shall coordinate
the development of an appropriate comparison of the total project cost
estimates for both rehabilitation and replacement options. Comparison of total
project costs (including any anticipated costs associated with phasing,
realignment, detours, environmental concerns, right-of-way acquisition, etc.) is
necessary to determine the most cost-effective alternative. Rehabilitation and
replacement costs should be estimated after all other factors have been
investigated because the other factors may affect or determine the scope of
the rehabilitation or replacement project. Safety
Accident history should be considered for the existing structure. Accident
potential should be considered for both existing and potential replacement
structures. If the accident history or potential of the existing structure is
determined to be unacceptable, the safety problem must be addressed either
through rehabilitation or replacement. Rehabilitation costs associated with
safety improvements shall be included in the rehabilitation estimate for
comparison to replacement cost.
more favorable results due to more refined methods of live load distribution or
structural capacity. The intent of this provision is to not preclude the use of
LRFD in these situations. A structure found to meet the minimum performance
criteria when checked with either code should be considered acceptable.
When projects in this category require the design of a new element or retrofit,
it is preferred to use AASHTO LRFD, when practical.
If existing caissons meet the current S-Standard requirements and the anchor
bolts are in good condition, i.e. minimal corrosion, no loss of capacity, they may
be reused for new sign structures. Required Documentation and Minimum Performance Criteria
For existing structure evaluations, a rating summary sheet shall be completed
for the element(s) under investigation using the applicable design code. Super-
and substructure ratings shall be completed and documented in accordance
with the CDOT Bridge Rating Manual and the Technical Rating Memorandum
dated February 10, 2017. Additionally, for applicable substructure load
combinations beyond the standard rating equations, performance ratios shall
be reported separately.
Acceptable performance objectives for existing structure evaluations are as
• Operating rating factor ≥ 1.0
• White color code
• Performance ratios for other load combinations ≥ 1.0
If all the above criteria are met, generally, no action needs to be taken or scour
critical designation applied. When scour is involved, the operating rating
factors and performance ratios typically refer to substructure elements affected
by the scour, e.g. pile or caisson capacity.
If any of the above criteria are not met, it is not necessarily cause for action.
The ratings of the element(s) under investigation shall be compared to the
overall load rating of the bridge. In some cases, the overall bridge rating will
not be controlled by the elements that required special investigation. If the
overall rating is controlled by a substructure element, repairs are typically
desired before making posting decisions. In all cases, existing structure
evaluation results that do not meet the above criteria shall be discussed with
Staff Bridge to determine the appropriate course of action. If a substructure is
determined to be scour critical, refer to Section 33.13 for more information.
33.2.2 Rehabilitation Projects
This section defines the acceptable design methodologies, codes, and
minimum performance requirements to be used for rehabilitation projects, as
defined in Section Because rehabilitation projects represent a
substantial investment in an existing structure, they are subject to more
stringent performance criteria to help ensure that they meet service life
extension goals commensurate with their level of investment.
If the existing portion does not meet these performance objectives, the
structure should be evaluated for strengthening and/or repair to the same load-
carrying capacity as the widened portion. For the evaluation, the following
should be considered, as appropriate:
• Cost of strengthening or repairing the existing structure
• Physical condition, operating characteristics, and remaining service life of
the structure
• Other site-specific conditions
• Width of widening
• Traffic accommodation during construction
The final decision on whether the existing portion requires rehabilitation, and
what it should include, shall be coordinated with the Region and CDOT Unit
33.3.1 General Requirements
The rehabilitated structure shall have a fair or good NBI condition rating after
▪ Same as deck
• Temporary bridges
▪ 3 to 5 years Micropiles
Micropiles are commonly used for a range of retrofit or rehabilitation purposes,
• Arresting or preventing structure movement
• Increasing load-bearing capacity of existing foundations
• Repairing or replacing deteriorating or inadequate foundations
• Adding scour protection to existing structures
CFRP features include a slim profile, high strength to weight ratio, chemical
resistance, and ease of application. These attributes can lead to long-lasting,
inexpensive, and rapid restorations that can be implemented in the field with
minimal disturbance to traffic flow. Lastly, the structure’s original configuration,
including vertical and horizontal clearances, is maintained.
ACI 440.2R-08, “Guide for the Design and Construction of Externally Bonded
FRP Systems for Strengthening Concrete Structures,” provides guidance for
the design and construction requirements of CFRP retrofits.
Projects involving night-time lane closures may also benefit from the use of a
bagged patching mix because of the reduced cure time compared to Class DR.
A bagged mix can accommodate traffic loading in as little as 3 hours, where
Class DR requires 6 hours. This time constraint is especially restrictive when
replacing expansion devices and end dams because these projects require the
completion of time intensive tasks during the closure, thereby limiting the time
available for concrete curing. If a night-time closure cannot accommodate the
required cure time before reopening to traffic, temporary bridge decks must be
used. Temporary bridge decks may require the placement of extensive asphalt
ramps and have experienced other difficulties in the field. For these reasons,
a bagged mix is typically preferable for deck patching and placement of new
expansion joint end dams.
The current policy of allowing either a bagged mix or Class DR may be revised
in the future if either option proves to have superior durability.
The effect of initial settlement of the new foundation elements relative to the
existing foundation should also be considered. This phenomenon can be
expected even where the widened foundation is of similar type and stiffness to
the existing foundation. Isolating the existing and new substructures is a
potential strategy to mitigate this issue.
For these reasons, projects that will include deck repair, patching, or
installation of new waterproofing membrane and overlay should first identify
the chloride contamination of the deck before determining viable rehabilitation
methods. See Section 33.1.3 for requirements on coring and chloride testing
of existing bridge decks.
The distribution of chloride ions at the steel depth should be used to quantify
both the susceptibility of the concrete element to corrosion in areas that are
not currently damaged and the future susceptibility to corrosion-induced
damage. If sufficient chloride ions are present to initiate corrosion, then
corrosion-induced damage in the near future is expected, and only aggressive
corrosion mitigation techniques, such as cathodic protection and
electrochemical chloride extraction, can be used to control the corrosion
process. However, if the chloride ion concentration distribution at the steel
depth is low and future corrosion is not expected to initiate, less expensive
corrosion control systems—such as sealers, membranes, and/or corrosion
inhibitors—can be used to either control or stop the rate of corrosion.
Therefore, an index that provides a good representation of the distribution of
chloride ions at the steel depth is useful in selecting a corrosion control system.
The SI is a scaled ratio of the average moment from the threshold normalized
by the threshold. An SI of 10 means that no chloride ions exist at reinforcing
depth for any test location. The SI is 0 if the chloride concentration at every
location is equal to the threshold. A negative SI indicates that corrosion has
initiated at most tested locations and that deterioration of the deck, even in
currently sound areas, is expected.
Selection of corrosion control systems must also consider the desired service
life of the rehabilitated element to avoid unnecessary expenditures. For
example, structures programed for replacement within the next 10 years may
not be good candidates for a cathodic protection system that could be expected
to last up to 25 years.
Figure 33-2 shows the optimal corrosion control systems for a given SI. See
Section through Section for more information.
SI 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10
SI values greater than or equal to 8.0 indicate that a corrosion control system
is not necessary. Sealers
For the purposes of Figure 33-2, a sealer is defined as any coating that is
“breathable,” that is, capable of limiting the flow of moisture into the concrete
but still allowing the flow of moisture out of the concrete. CDOT commonly uses
an alkyl-alkoxy silane sealer. Sealers are an acceptable form of corrosion
control for decks with SI values of 7.0 or greater. Membranes
Membranes are differentiated from sealers in that they restrict the movement
of moisture in either direction and do not allow chloride intrusion. The
membrane category includes asphalt wearing surfaces over a waterproofing
membrane and thin-bonded epoxy overlays. As shown in Figure 33-2,
membrane type corrosion control systems can be used as the primary form of
protection when the SI is 5.0 or greater. For decks with an SI less than 5.0, a
membrane may be used in conjunction with more aggressive corrosion control
systems. Overlays
Overlays include both cementitious and non-cementitious wearing surfaces
installed on the deck surface. Polyester concrete overlays fall into this
category. Asphalt wearing surfaces are not considered overlays (in terms of
corrosion protection) because they do not serve as barriers to moisture and
chloride ions. Overlays limit corrosion by reducing the rate of chloride and
water diffusion into the deck and by increasing the depth to which chlorides
must diffuse to reach the reinforcing. The result is an increased time to initiation
of corrosion. Overlays also serve as a wearing surface.
If the weight of the proposed deck and attachments causes the load rating of
the girders or substructure to fall below the minimum acceptable rating as
defined in Section, the following measures may be considered to
reduce dead load:
Figure 33-3 depicts one option for moving an expansion joint at a seat-type
abutment to the end of a new approach slab.
CDOT has accomplished this type of joint removal successfully in the past.
Details for any proposed joint elimination shall be coordinated with Staff Bridge.
The Designer shall verify that the structure can be jacked to the necessary
height without overloading any structural components, including, but not limited
to, girders, diaphragms, deck, and substructure.
For situations where a jacking height of ¼ in. or less is required and all girders AASHTO
at a support will be jacked simultaneously, 1.3 times the permanent load
reaction at the adjacent bearing may be assumed as the design jacking force.
Otherwise, a refined jacking analysis is required to determine the design
jacking force. The unfactored jacking force resulting from a refined analysis
shall be increased by a minimum load factor of 1.3 to obtain the design jacking
Refined jacking analyses shall account for the stiffness contributions of the
deck, diaphragms, and other structural elements, as appropriate.
33.11.1 Load Induced Fatigue
For rehabilitation projects involving steel superstructures, all superstructure
components shall be checked for the remaining fatigue life. When feasible, the
remaining fatigue life shall be at least the desired service life of the type of
rehabilitation being considered.
The length of the web gap has a significant impact on the magnitude of fatigue
stresses in the web gap. A longer web gap is more flexible and may be able to
distort without resulting in large stresses, while a shorter web gap may be
sufficiently rigid to reduce web gap distortion, which can also reduce fatigue
stress magnitudes. Web gaps of approximately 2 to 4 in. in length generally
produce the largest magnitude fatigue stresses.
Steel girder bridges built before 1985 and detailed with unstiffened web gaps
are considered high risk for development of fatigue cracks. This includes
bridges where girder connection plates attach to floor beams, diaphragms, or
For roadway widening projects that require extending an existing box culvert,
consideration should be given to replacing the existing culvert in lieu of
extending it if the existing portion is in poor condition and/or would require
extensive repair during the predicted service life of the extended portion.
Maintenance painting is important for all bridges but is of particular concern for
bridges more than 100 ft. long. For smaller bridges (less than 100 ft.), the
proportionally higher cost of environmental controls for cleaning may outweigh
the benefits of painting. Packaging multiple bridges into one contract for
structures less than 100 ft. may be appropriate. For larger bridges (longer than
500 ft.) or complex bridges, paint preservation should be prioritized due to the
high replacement cost of the bridge.
Bridge painting is weather sensitive. The air temperature must be warm and
the humidity must be low. Therefore, work/letting needs to be scheduled when
there is low probability of unsuitable weather conditions. Typically, May through
September is the ideal time to accomplish bridge painting. If a painting project
occurs outside this range, a controlled environment is required.
When repainting existing bridges over high ADT roadways where roadway
restrictions must be minimized, use of a rapid deployment strategy should be
considered. Rapid deployment is a viable option primarily designed for use on
highway overpasses where the structural steel is easily accessible from the
roadway below using a mobile work platform. This mobile work unit includes a
containment device, dust collector, and blast equipment. Rapid deployment
methodologies may be specified using Special Provisions. For field painting
activities, use a two-coat system with an organic primer.
Leaking deck joints and other bridge deficiencies that may affect paint system
performance should be corrected before completing any new painting
aesthetic considerations for the visible portions of the bridge, such as fascia
While a study of preliminary costs will likely conclude that an overcoat system
is the most economical alternative, a life-cycle cost analysis will often show full
paint removal and application of a high durability coating system to be more
cost-effective than an overcoat option, particularly for bridges exposed to
significant deicing salt application.
Expansion joint elimination should be considered for all bridges requiring joint
replacements. See Section 33.8 for more information.
Abutment or Pier
(Asphaltic Plug)
Replacement Joint Type
Bridge Expansion Device (0-___ Inch) 518-010XX X
Bridge Expansion Device (0-4 Inch)1 518-01004 X6 X X X X X X X X
Bridge Expansion Device (Gland) (0-4 Inches)2 518-01060 X X
Bridge Expansion Joint (Asphaltic Plug)3 518-01001 X X X X
Bridge Compression Joint Sealer 518-00000 X X X
Joint Sealant4 408-01100 X
Sawing and Sealing Bridge Joint 518-03000 X X
Roadway Compression Joint Sealer5 518-00010 X
None X
These are general recommendations, final determination of replacement joint type shall be discussed with Staff Bridge unit leader.
X = Preferred joint type
X = Acceptable joint type
This is CDOT’s default joint. It has the longest service life and should be considered strongly for any location where there is
potential leaking onto pier caps or abutment seats.
The gland manufacturer must be the same as the manufacturer of the rails.
To be used for rotational movement only. Translational movement of joint should be limited to ½”. Proper seating of the bridging
plate is critical to ensure it doesn’t rock.
To be used for rotational movement only. Translational movement of joint should be limited to ½”.
Parallel saw-cuts are critical on both sides of joint for proper placement.
Some modular joints can be replaced with 0-4 Inch joints with an oversized gland.
The following types of deck protection systems are permissible for use on
preservation and rehabilitation projects:
• 3 in. HMA/SMA wearing surface over a waterproofing membrane
• ¾ in. polyester concrete overlay
• ⅜ in. thin-bonded epoxy overlay
asphalt. For this reason, the preferred deck protection system for these bridges
is a waterproofing membrane with a 3 in. asphalt wearing surface.
The following references may be considered for further guidance:
ACI 440.2R-08: Guide for the Design and Construction of Externally Bonded
FRP Systems for Strengthening Concrete Structures.
Dexter, R.J. and J.M. Ocel. 2013. Manual for Repair and Retrofit of Fatigue
Cracks in Steel Bridges, Report No. FHWA-IF-13-020. March.
Sohanghpurwala, A.A., W.T. Scannell, and W.H. Hartt. 2002. Repair and
Rehabilitation of Bridge Components Containing Epoxy-Coated
Reinforcement. NCHRP Web Document 50.
The Designer shall refer to the latest Bridge Detail Manual for guidance in
structure plan preparation and generally accepted detailing notes, standards,
and procedures. The Designer is responsible for becoming knowledgeable
about the Bridge Detail Manual and subsequent updates to its contents.
Quantities of the various materials involved in project construction are essential
for determining the estimated project cost and for establishing a basis for the
Contractor’s bid and payment.
Prepare quantity calculations and project cost estimates at the conceptual, and
preliminary stages of project development. Square Foot (SF) cost may be used
at conceptual or planning stages. Cost estimate at preliminary stage is only
required for structure selection report. The best available cost data and project
information at the respective design stage shall be used.
The Engineering Estimate and Market Analysis (EEMA) Unit tracks and
tabulates bid items and costs for all projects awarded for construction. Data
are published on CDOT’s website. The Item Code Book provides individual bid
items listed sequentially by eight-digit code, item description, and unit. If a new
item is required, the Engineer shall coordinate a request through EEMA.
CDOT’s Construction Cost Data Book provides unit costs for each awarded
project. The cost data summarize the final Engineer’s estimate (completed by
EEMA), the average project bid, and the awarded bid. Engineers and
technicians should use these resources when developing project cost
The scoping phase follows the planning/conceptual phase. Scoping is the
phase of the project to determine the objectives and requirements necessary
to complete a project. Properly defining the scope allows the team to effectively
estimate cost and schedule.
Each set of calculations shall compare and meet the required percent
difference per Table 35-1 for each item in the element breakdowns as outlined
in the Bridge Detail Manual, i.e., Superstructure, Abutment 1, Pier 2, etc. For
example, the Designer’s values for excavation for Pier 2 and Pier 3 shall be
compared separately against the corresponding values determined by the
checker. The quality process shall follow the QA/QC procedure outlined in
Section 37 of this BDM.
Use logical breaks between the superstructure and substructure quantities for
the calculations. Such breaks may be construction joints, bearing seats,
expansion devices, abutment front face, abutment back face, or breaks
indicated on the plans. Except for precast prestressed and post tensioned
• Include all concrete and rebar below the top of bearing seats at
abutments, wingwalls, and piers in the substructure quantities.
• Include all projecting rebar embedded into the concrete designated as
substructure in the substructure quantities.
• Include a column in the Summary of Quantities Table for approach slab.
Calculate approach slab from the back of approach notch. Include the
anchorage bar into the abutment in the superstructure quantities.
• Except as noted below, include all concrete and rebar above the top of
bearing seats at abutments, wingwalls, and piers in the superstructure
• Precast girder members, bridge railings, and caissons have designated
pay items and do not require concrete and rebar quantities.
• Precast panel deck forms required by the plans will be paid for at the
contract unit price for the area shown on the plans. The quantities shall
be in the superstructure quantities.
The following will be included as roadway quantities only and will not be shown
on the bridge Summary of Quantities sheet:
• All revetment such as slope mattress or riprap and associated
excavation. When information for revetment is shown within bridge plan
set, the quantities should be shown. The quantities and checking are
the responsibility of the hydraulic designer.
• Excavation and backfill relating to revetment installation
• All excavation and embankment for spur dikes, channel improvements,
or bike paths
• Common backfill not associated with the construction of the structure or
not shown in the backfill quantities figure
• Unclassified excavation
Design − Check
% Difference = %
The project construction cost estimate should include a line item to cover
overhead and indirect costs such as Construction Engineering, Owner
Controlled Insurance Program (OCIP) and Design Services During
Construction. The general percentage for construction overhead and indirects
is typically 26 percent but can vary from project to project and should be
coordinated with the Region Business Office.
The following section addresses the role of the Project Structural Engineer
during project advertisement and construction. The Project Structural Engineer
shall determine scope, hours, and fee for post-design services using items
defined in this section and through conversations with the Project Engineer.
For consultant designed projects, the CDOT Structural Reviewer shall also
designate hours for assistance as defined herein.
The Request for Proposal and other related Contract Documents define the
role of the Project Structural Engineer for projects contracted under the design-
build delivery method. Consideration of construction methods and tolerances
for specific design elements can be found in their respective sections within
this BDM.
The Bridge Fabrication and Construction Unit within Staff Bridge acts as a
liaison between the field and design engineers and provides fabrication
inspection for the Bridge Program. The Project Structural Engineer may consult
this unit for advice when responding to questions from the field or during girder
fabrication. It should not be assumed that this unit will handle all construction-
related inquiries independently.
During project advertisement, the Project Engineer shall respond to all inquiries
from contractors, suppliers, or the media regarding the structural plans and
specifications, unless the Project Engineer directs otherwise. This applies to
CDOT employees and participating design consultants. All questions and
responses will be archived and made available to all bidders during the
advertisement phase.
For MSE walls, the bearing pressure, strap lengths and other design
elements shall be checked against the project worksheets. Values not
meeting worksheet requirements will required stamped calculations from
the Contractor. Values exceeding the values in the worksheet may not
be cause for Change Orders. The Contractor needs to be made aware
that quantity overruns from changes to the project worksheets will not be
paid for.
5. When the review is complete, the Project Structural Engineer will sign,
date, and mark the shop drawings in accordance with Standard
Specifications Subsection 105.02(c). A shop drawing review stamp
indicating the review action is required on each sheet of the shop drawings.
6. The Project Structural Engineer shall retain, in addition to the office copy,
one set of reviewed and marked shop drawings, forward one set to the
CDOT Structural Reviewer (consultant designed projects only), and return
the remaining sets to the Project Engineer. For electronic submittals, the
Project Structural Engineer or the CDOT Structural Reviewer shall return a
copy of the reviewed and marked shops drawings to the Project Engineer
and place a copy on CDOT ProjectWise©. This process supersedes the
transmittal process outlined in the CDOT Construction Manual
Section 105.2.3.
Local Agency projects that involve FHWA/FEMA funds will also require a final
inspection of all structures before project acceptance. The CDOT Structural
Reviewer shall work with their Local Agency Coordinator during the design
phase of the project to inform local agencies of the requirement. The Local
Agency Project Manager shall coordinate the final inspection with the Local
Agency Project Engineer and invite the CDOT Local Agency Coordinator and
the Project Structural Engineer at a minimum. The CDOT Structural Reviewer
or Unit Leader should be invited as a courtesy but the primary responsibility is
on the Project Structural Engineer and the Local Agency for identifying
nonconformant work. Some regions may require a stamped memo from the
Local Agency’s licensed Engineer that the project is in conformance. Refer to
the current edition of the Local Agency Manual for additional requirements and
The final inspection is considered a final walk through for observation and
structure acceptance, and shall be held to determine whether the work was
completed in reasonable conformance with the plans and specifications
including any authorized changes. The intent is to show good stewardship of
All construction submittals that concern or relate to structures shall be archived
in ProjectWise including Working Drawings, Shop Drawings, RFIs, NCRs,
erection and demolition plans.
All design construction documents, reports, studies, and any other documents
delivered to CDOT must comply with the minimum requirements of this BDM
and the documents referenced in the Policies and Procedures. Deliverables
are subject to both Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) as
described herein.
All entities (CDOT and Consultants) producing deliverables for CDOT must use
a rigorous QA/QC program to accomplish the following objectives, which
include but are not limited to:
• Ensure safe structures for the traveling public
• Provide structures that are low maintenance for the life of the structure
• Prevent problems from occurring during construction
• Provide cost-effective solutions
• Prevent errors
• Provide consistency
• Promote ingenuity
The purpose of this section is not to supplant QA/QC programs and policy
already established internally within CDOT or with individual consulting firms but
rather it describes the minimum requirements that must be included in a QA/QC
program applied to a CDOT project. Unless otherwise described in this BDM,
specific methodologies for conducting and documenting QA/QC procedures are
the prerogative of the entity executing a project. For example, an independent
technical review, described in Section 37.3, is required, but the entity performing
the work is responsible for determining the exact procedure and forms necessary
to perform the review and to document that it has occurred.
This section defines the types of QA/QC reviews, discusses project planning,
and identifies the required QA/QC reviews for each design phase in the order
in which each design phase occurs.
For definitions not included in this section, refer to the Policies and Procedures
Section of this BDM.
Quality Assurance (QA): The procedure that verifies and documents that
established QC procedures have been implemented during the execution of a
project. QA is performed through audits as defined below.
Quality Control (QC): A systematic procedure that checks the accuracy of
design calculations, construction plans, specifications, and other pertinent
documents to achieve the objectives noted in Section 37.2. When properly used,
QC procedures detect and correct errors and omissions before a project is
constructed. QC procedures include the independent design check, independent
38.1.1 Delivery Method Evaluation
Currently, several types of project delivery systems are available for publicly
funded transportation projects. The most common systems are Design-Bid-
Build, Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC), and Design-Build.
No single project delivery method is appropriate for every project. Each project
must be examined individually to determine how it aligns with the attributes of
each available delivery method. CDOT has developed a Project Delivery
Selection Matrix to evaluate all methods for a project and ultimately to select
the delivery method.
The latest version of the Project Delivery Selection Matrix can be found at
CDOT most commonly uses the Design-Bid-Build delivery format to develop
plans and specifications. With this format, the design is completed with a
complete set of plans and specifications before project advertisement. The
plans and specifications are competitively bid on, and a Contractor is selected.
The Designer shall follow the Structures Process Diagram presented in
Policies and Procedures, Section E of this BDM when preparing designs,
plans, and specifications. The design plans and specifications for
advertisement/bid may name proprietary products but shall generally include
two to three product options to promote competition unless it is an innovative
begins. If CDOT and the Contractor cannot agree on the bid and schedule, the
project is put out to bid in a manner like that of a Design-Bid-Build project.
This section provides general guidance for the use of accelerated bridge
construction (ABC) techniques.
Subsection 39.2.2 outlines the approach for the ABC decision-making process
and how it is used during project development. The ABC Evaluation and
Decision Matrix Workflow – Attachment A, shown in Figure 39-1, has been
developed to graphically assist project engineers and planners in implementing
the ABC process.
2. If the ABC rating indicates a benefit to implementing ABC, the Design Team
shall execute the FHWA AHP software. This process uses a structured
technique to organize and analyze only complex bridge construction
decisions. It also provides a more in-depth evaluation to select the most
appropriate ABC methods to meet the project goals and constraints. The
ABC Construction Matrix – Attachment C (Figure 39-2) provides examples
of construction methods with respect to project complexity. The second
step will take place after pre-scoping but before completion of FIR level
design efforts. This interactive process is completed with the CDOT
specialty groups and led by the Project Engineer and a CDOT subject
matter expert (SME). The Design Team shall capture and document for the
project files summaries of each step of the decision process.
This ABC methodology shall be evaluated for all projects that include bridges.
The final project submittal will include a justification letter written to the project
file explaining why an ABC technique is or is not used. The Design Team shall
also document the ABC decision process, including any supporting materials,
in the Structure Selection Report (refer to Section 2.10 of this BDM for
additional information) as part of FIR level design tasks.
The values assigned to each project decision measure are multiplied by the
corresponding weight factor. The ABC rating score is the ratio of the weighted
score to the maximum score shown as a percentage and is categorized into
three ranges: 0 to 20, 20 to 50, and over 50. The minimum score of 20 is
intended to capture any project receiving a score of 5 in any one of the four
most heavily weighted categories, while the higher threshold score of 50 is
intended to capture any project receiving an average score of 3.5 in the four
most heavily weighted categories. The range of scores is set to ensure that
accelerated construction is commonplace when the measured benefit is more
significant than the measured cost with respect to accomplishing FHWA EDC
initiatives and CDOT’s goals. Apply the ABC rating score to the flowchart to
work toward a conclusion.
Together, the ABC Rating Procedure and ABC Decision Flowchart are used to
make a final determination of the appropriate construction methods for each
project. If ABC is deemed beneficial to the project at the pre-scoping level, the
Design Team should proceed to the second step in the evaluation process,
applying the AHP software and discussing with CDOT specialty groups such
as Staff Bridge, Utilities, Environmental, Traffic, and Hydraulics, to better
identify site constraints, project goals, and preferred ABC technologies and
delivery methods.
over 1 ft. greatly impact, if not inhibit, the ability to accelerate construction.
Additionally, time sensitive utilities may limit the time available for
construction, local soil stability may preclude the use of heavy
construction equipment, or adjacent ROW designations may limit staging
opportunities. This measure addresses physical fatal flaws to the ABC
delivery process.
• Environmental Concerns – The presence of endangered species or
annual spawning seasons may shorten the opportunity for construction.
In other cases, projects may have limitations due to wetlands, air quality,
extreme weather, historical designations, or noise ordinances. ABC may
be necessary to accomplish an acceptable level of impact on the
surrounding environment. This measure does not specifically address a
goal and is not a weighted factor in determining the ABC rating score;
rather, it is included in the ABC Decision Flowchart to evaluate if ABC can
provide appropriate mitigation to an environmental commitment or
Disclaimer: These examples, associated software to develop them, and other files are intended for use by Consultants working
for CDOT Staff Bridge in their development of projects for the Colorado Department of Transportation. Any other use is at the sole
discretion of the user. The Colorado Department of Transportation makes the examples, associated software, and other files
available "AS IS" and assumes no liability nor makes any warranty of any kind, including warranties of non-infringement, fitness or
merchant ability whether expressed or implied, to the accuracy or functionality of these files. By using, referencing, and/or
downloading any files, you are agreeing to this disclaimer. The examples provided are intended to provide common examples
associated with bridge and structure design. They do not provide the full design requirements for structure design or analysis and
the designer should finish all additional calculations and code checks to accomplish the full evaluation and analysis for the
Per CDOT Bridge Design Manual (BDM) Section 14.5.7, leveling pads are plain elastomeric pads (PEP) and are designed using
Method A procedures in accordance with AASHTO LRFD 7th Edition Section 14.7.6
Leveling pads are primarily used with integral substructures and will not experience shear displacements in that condition. In
addition, design for bearing rotation is implicit within Method A procedures (AASHTO C14.7.6.1). The Designer, however, shall
confirm that the thickness of the leveling pad is sufficient to prevent girder-to-support contact as a result of anticipated girder
rotations, girder skew, and roadway vertical geometry. Leveling pads used with integral substructures are designed for dead loads
only, up to and including the deck pour, per BDM Section 14.5.7.
Shear Modulus
The least favorable value is assumed since the material is specified by its hardness value (AASHTO
Profile grade between supports %= -1.50 %
∁L bearing to FF Abutment Ad = 1.25 ft
Rotations include effects of girder camber. For all rotation values, positive indicates an upward rotation while negative indicates a
downward rotation.
Service I Limit State Loads
Net girder rotations (camber plus 𝜃 = 0.004 rad
dead loads)
Include a rotational allowance of 0.005 radians due to uncertainties in bearing fabrication and bearing seats. Per
BDM 14.5.4, the flatness tolerance for bearing seat uncertainties is accounted for in the rotational allowance.
Loads acting on the leveling pad are dead load girder reactions, up to and including the deck pour, at the service limit state. Loads
are per bearing.
Shape Factor
Total thickness of interior layer, hri, is equal to total elastomer thickness, hrt (hri = hrt)
𝑆𝑖 (10.00*37.00) / [2*0.75*(10.00+37.00)] = 5.25 AASHTO
2ℎ 𝐿 𝑊
𝜎 average compressive stress due to total load from applicable service load combinations
𝜎 136.00 / (10.00*37.00) = 0.37 ksi
Compressive Deflection
Compressive deflection under initial dead load of a PEP shall meet the following criteria in AASHTO and
Total thickness of interior layer, hri, is equal to total elastomer thickness, hrt (hri = hrt). Note the graphs presented in Figure
C14. apply to laminated bearings; equation C14. will be used in lieu of these graphs to determine the strain in
the bearing pad under applicable stresses.
𝛿 ∑𝜀 ℎ AASHTO
Total bearing thickness shall not exceed the lesser of the following dimensions:
10.00 / 3 = 3.33 in
37.00 / 3 = 12.33 in
Check hrt = 0.75 in < 3.33 in OK
Confirm that the thickness of the leveling pad is adequate to prevent girder-to-support contact under anticipated girder rotations
and roadway geometry. Assume rotations are about the centerline of bearing.
Maximum rotation, including compressive deflection effects, before bottom of girder comes in contact with the
top of support:
Total girder rotation, including camber, dead loads, allowances for construction and bearing fabrication uncertainties,
and roadway geometry.
Total rotations through the deck pour need to be less than the maximum rotation:
Per CDOT Bridge Design Manual (BDM) Section 14.5.8, reinforced bearing pads may be designed using Method A upon
approval by CDOT Unit Leader in coordination with the Bearing SMEs. This example is in accordance with AASHTO LRFD 7th
Edition Section 14.7.6.
This example assumes a concrete superstructure that can displace under the effects of temperature, creep, and shrinkage, and
assumes a rectangular bearing similar to that shown in Figure 1. The structure is assumed to move freely in the longitudinal
direction for the range of temperatures conforming to AASHTO Procedure B. Design for rotation is implicit within Method
A procedures per AASHTO C14.7.6.1 and is not investigated. The Designer, however, shall confirm that the thickness of the
bearing pad is sufficient to prevent girder-to-support contact as a result of anticipated girder rotations, girder skew, and roadway
vertical geometry.
Shear Modulus
The least favorable value is assumed at each check since the material is specified by its hardness value (AASHTO
The shear modulus of the elastomer is based on a temperature of 73°.
Gmax= 0.130 ksi AASHTO T14.7.6.2-1
Gmin= 0.095 ksi
Check = 0.08 ksi < G < 0.175 ksi OK AASHTO
Loads acting on the bearing are dead and live load girder reactions at the service limit state. Per AASHTO 14.4.1, dynamic load
allowance is excluded from the live load influence. Loads are per bearing.
Shear deformations include movements from temperature, creep and shrinkage, prestressing effects, live loads, wind, braking,
earthquake, and construction tolerances from service load combinations per AASHTO C14.4.1.
Shape Factor
Rectangular, steel reinforced bearing shape factor without holes:
𝑆𝑖 (12.00*25.00) / [2*0.50*(12.00+25.00)] = 8.11 AASHTO
2ℎ 𝐿 𝑊
Confirm Method A is applicable for the design of the reinforced bearing pad per AASHTO
Check 22 = (8.11^2) / 5 = 13.15 < 22 OK AASHTO
𝜎 average compressive stress due to total load from applicable service load combinations
𝜎 (102.00+43.00) / (12.00*25.00) = 0.48 ksi
Compressive Deflection
Compressive deflection under instantaneous live load and initial dead load shall meet the following criteria in AASHTO
(Method A) and (Method B). Note the design aids presented in Figure C14. are used in determining the
compressive strain. For cases where the steel reinforced bearing pad material is specified by its shear modulus, equation
C14. is used in lieu of these graphs to determine the strain in the bearing pad under applicable stresses. Refer to
Example 3 accordingly.
𝜎 average compressive stress due to live load at the service limit state
𝜎 43.00 / (12.00*25.00) = 0.14 ksi
𝛿 𝜀 ℎ 0.005*2.75 = 0.0138 in
𝛿 ∑𝜀 ℎ AASHTO
𝜎 average compressive stress due to dead load at the service limit state
𝜎 102.00 / (12.00*25.00) = 0.34 ksi
𝛿 𝜀 ℎ 0.0175*2.75 = 0.0481 in
𝛿 𝛿 𝛼 𝛿 AASHTO
𝛼 0.25 AASHTO T14.7.6.2-1
𝛿 ∑𝜀 ℎ compressive deflection due to live load and dead load AASHTO
𝜎 0.48 ksi
𝛿 𝜀 ℎ 0.026*0.50 = 0.0130 in
Shear Deformation
Total elastomer thickness = hrt
Total bearing thickness, t, shall not exceed the lesser of the following dimensions:
12.00 / 3 = 4.00 in
25.00 / 3 = 8.33 in
Check t= 3.50 in < 4.00 in OK
ℎ .0625𝑖𝑛
(Service Limit State)
ℎ 0.125 in > 0.0625 in OK
Combining equations:
𝜇𝑃 ℎ
∆ , (0.20*102.00*2.75) / (0.13*300.00) = 1.438 in.
𝜇 0.20 Coefficient of friction AASHTO C14.8.3.1
𝑃 DL 102.00 kip
𝐴 𝐿𝑊 300.00 in2
ℎ 2.75 in
∆ , 1.438 in > ∆ 1.068 in OK
In cases where Δs exceeds Δs,allow, anchor bolts shall be sized and designed in accordance with those Articles specified in
AASHTO 14.8.3
The minimum unreinforced bearing pad thickness of 2 in. is assumed sufficient to prevent girder-to-support contact under the
applied girder rotations and compressive deflections. Under extreme skews, large girder loads or rotations, and/or steep profile
grades, the Designer shall confirm the bearing thickness. Refer to Example 1 - Elastomeric Leveling Pad.
Per CDOT Bridge Design Manual (BDM) Section 14.5.8, steel reinforced bearing pads shall be designed using
Method B. This example follows AASHTO LRFD 7th Edition Section 14.7.5.
This example assumes a steel superstructure that can displace under the effects of temperature and assumes a rectangular
bearing shown below in Figures 1 and 2. Externally bonded plates are not used. The structure is assumed to move freely in the
longitudinal direction only for the range of temperatures conforming to AASHTO Procedure A.
Loads acting on the bearing are dead and live load girder reactions at the service limit state. Per AASHTO 14.4.1, dynamic load
allowance is excluded from the live load influence. Loads are per bearing.
Rotations include effects of girder camber. For all rotation values, positive indicates a downward rotation while negative
indicates an upward rotation. Note this example does not account for profile grade differences between supports.
Service I Limit State Rotations
Dead Load Rotations 𝜃 -0.002 rad
Live Load Rotations 𝜃 0.001 rad
Include a construction tolerance of 0.005 radians to account for uncertainties in bearing fabrication and bearing seat
construction. Per BDM 14.5.4, the flatness tolerance for bearing seat uncertainties is accounted for in the construction tolerance.
Shear deformations include movements from temperature, creep and shrinkage, prestressing effects, and miscellaneous
movement from loads such as live and wind loads from service load combinations per AASHTO C14.4.1. Assume the bearings
are not adjusted after construction; therefore, the 65 percent reduction in thermal movement range per
AASHTO is not included per BDM 14.5.3.
Shape Factor
Rectangular, steel reinforced bearing shape factor without holes:
𝑆𝑖 (15.00*20.00) / [2*0.500*(15.00+20.00)] = 8.57 AASHTO
2ℎ𝑟𝑖 𝐿 𝑊
𝜎 (115.00+85.00) / (15.00*20.00) = 0.67 ksi
𝜎 average compressive stress due to total load from applicable service load combinations
𝜎 85.00 / (15.00*20.00) = 0.28 ksi
𝜎 average compressive stress due to live load at the service limit state (cyclic load)
𝜎 115.00 / (15.00*20.00) = 0.38 ksi
𝜎 average compressive stress due to dead load at the service limit state (static load)
𝛿 ∑𝜀 ℎ 𝜀 ℎ AASHTO
𝜀 0.28 / (4.8*0.13*8.57^2) = 0.006
4.8𝐺 𝑆
𝛿 𝜀 ℎ 0.006*4.750 = 0.030 in
𝜀 0.38 / (4.8*0.13*8.57^2) = 0.009
4.8𝐺 𝑆
Shear Deformations
Total elastomer thickness = hrt
Axial strain from cyclic loads: 𝛾 , 𝐷 AASHTO
Da = 1.40 AASHTO
𝜎, 1.40*0.38
𝛾 , 𝐷 = 0.491
𝐺 𝑆 0.13*8.57
𝜎, 1.40*0.28
𝛾 , 𝐷 = 0.363
𝐺 𝑆 0.13*8.57
𝐿 𝜃 ,
Rotational strain from cyclic loads: 𝛾 , 𝐷 AASHTO
ℎ 𝑛
Dr = 0.50 AASHTO
𝐿 𝜃 ,
𝛾 , 𝐷 0.50 ( 15.00 / 0.500 ) ^2 *(-0.002+0.005) / 9 = 0.150
ℎ 𝑛
𝐿 𝜃 ,
𝛾 , 𝐷 0.50 ( 15.00 / 0.500 ) ^2 *(0.001) / 9 = 0.050
ℎ 𝑛
Shear strain from cyclic loads: 𝛾, AASHTO
∆ , ∆ ∆ 1.663 in
∆ , ∆ 0.040 in
𝛾 , 1.663 / 4.750 = 0.350
𝛾, 0.040 / 4.750 = 0.008
𝛾 , 𝛾 , 𝛾 , 1.75 𝛾 , 𝛾 , 𝛾, 5.0
If the above criteria for stability are not satisfied, the following equations shall be investigated:
ℎ .0625𝑖𝑛
(Service Limit State)
(Fatigue Limit State)
ℎ 0.125 in > 0.0625 in OK
𝜃 𝜃 , 1.75𝜃 , 𝜃 +𝜃 1.75𝜃
If the Engineer elects to use externally bonded plates, limitations on hydrostatic pressure per AASHTO shall be
Combining equations:
𝜇𝑃 ℎ
∆ , 0.20*115.00*4.75 / (0.17*300.00) = 2.11 in
𝜇 0.20 Coefficient of friction AASHTO C14.8.3.1
𝑃 DL 115.00 kip
𝐴 𝐿𝑊 300.00 in2
ℎ 4.75 in
∆ , 2.11 in > ∆ 1.66 in OK
In cases where Δs exceeds Δs,allow, anchor bolts shall be sized and designed in accordance with those Articles specified in
AASHTO 14.8.3
Per CDOT Bridge Design Manual (BDM) Section 14.5.9, Type II bearings are Type I bearings with a PTFE sliding surface. Type II
bearings shall meet the same requirements as steel reinforced bearings, in addition to providing adequate slip on the sliding plane to
accommodate horizontal movements without causing excessive bearing pad deformation. The following example is in accordance
with Method B procedures per AASHTO LRFD 7th Edition Section 14.7.5.
This example assumes a concrete superstructure that can displace under the effects of temperature, creep, and shrinkage and
assumes a rectangular bearing shown below in Figures 1 and 2. The bearing is fixed in the transverse direction and free to move
longitudinally. Assume temperature movements conform to AASHTO Procedure B. The PTFE surface is assumed unfilled
and lubricated and no externally bonded plates are present.
Bearing Dimensions
Bearing Width W= 24.00 in AASHTO
Bearing Length L= 10.00 in AASHTO
Bearing Pad Layers
Exterior Elastomeric Thickness hre = 0.125 in OK < 70% hri AASHTO
Interior Elastomeric Thickness hri = 0.500 in
Steel Plate Thickness hs = 0.125 in
No. of Steel Shim Plates nshims = 5
No. of Interior Elastomer Layers n= 5 AASHTO
Total Elastomer Thickness hrt = 2.625 in
Total Bearing Height t= 3.250 in OK 2" minimum height per BDM 14.5.8
PTFE thickness hPTFE = 0.094 in OK AASHTO
Loads acting on the bearing are dead and live load girder reactions at the service limit state. Per AASHTO 14.4.1, dynamic load
allowance is excluded from the live load influence.
Service I Limit State Loads
DL = 200.00 kip
LL= 60.00 kip
Rotations include effects of girder camber. For all rotation values, positive indicates a downward rotation while negative indicates an
upward rotation. Note this example does not account for profile grade differences between supports.
Include a construction tolerance of 0.005 radians to account for uncertainties in bearing fabrication and bearing seat construction. Per
BDM 14.5.4, the flatness tolerance for bearing seat uncertainties is accounted for in the construction tolerance.
Shear deformations include movements from temperature, creep and shrinkage, prestressing effects, and miscellaneous movement
from loads such as live and wind loads from service load combinations per AASHTO C14.4.1. Assume the bearings are not adjusted
after construction; therefore, the 65 percent reduction in thermal movement range per AASHTO is not included per BDM
Shape Factor
Rectangular, steel reinforced bearing shape factor without holes:
𝑆𝑖 (10.00*24.00) / [2*0.500*(10.00+24.00)] = 7.06 AASHTO
2ℎ 𝐿 𝑊
𝜎 (200.00+60.00) / (10.00*24.00) = 1.08 ksi
𝜎 average compressive stress due to total load from applicable service load combinations
𝜎 60.00 / (10.00*24.00) = 0.25 ksi
𝜎 average compressive stress due to live load at the service limit state (cyclic load)
𝜎 200.00 / (10.00*24.00) = 0.83 ksi
𝜎 average compressive stress due to dead load at the service limit state (static load)
𝑀 0.5𝐸 𝐼 (0.5*41.26*2000.00)*(0.010/2.63) = 157.17 k-in
𝜎, 𝜎 1.08 + [157.17 / ((1/6)*24.00*10.00^2)] = 1.48 ksi
𝑀 0.5𝐸 𝐼 Service moment due to dead load AASHTO
ℎ AASHTO C14.6.3.2
𝜃 𝜃 +𝜃 -0.001 + 0.005 = 0.004 rad
𝑀 0.5𝐸 𝐼 (0.5*41.26*2000.00)*(0.004/2.63) = 62.87 k-in
𝜎 , 𝜎 0.83 + [62.87 / ((1/6)*24.00*10.00^2)] = 0.99 ksi
where is derived from My/I, where y is L/2, and I is WL 3/12
𝜎 1.083 ksi
Pressure (ksi)
Temp. ͦF
1.0 1.083 2.0 𝜇 0.044
68 0.030 0.0296 0.025
𝑇 -10 -10 0.044 0.0440 0.039
-13 0.045 0.0446 0.040
Shear Deformations
Since a low friction sliding surface is implemented, Δs need not be taken larger than the deformation corresponding to first slip
(AASHTO The minimum pressure will create the largest coefficient of friction and the largest movement.
The minimum service shear force transferred by the sliding surface at the specified minimum temperature:
The deflection of the elastomeric bearing, before first slip of the sliding surface, is estimated as:
The Designer shall size the steel sliding surface, sole plate, anchor bolt holes, and edge distances accordingly to accommodate the
above movement.
𝛿 ∑𝜀 ℎ 𝜀 ℎ AASHTO
𝜀 0.25 / (4.8*0.128*7.06^2) = 0.008
4.8𝐺 𝑆
Axial strain from cyclic loads: 𝛾 , 𝐷 AASHTO
Da = 1.40 AASHTO
𝜎, 𝜎 = Compressive stress due to total static load at service limit state
𝜎, 𝜎 = Compressive stress due to cyclic load at service limit state
𝜎, 1.40*0.83
𝛾 , 𝐷 = 1.296
𝐺 𝑆 0.13*7.06
𝜎, 1.40*0.25
𝛾 , 𝐷 = 0.389
𝐺 𝑆 0.13*7.06
𝐿 𝜃 ,
Rotational strain from cyclic loads: 𝛾 , 𝐷 AASHTO
ℎ 𝑛
Dr = 0.50 AASHTO
𝐿 𝜃 ,
𝛾 , 𝐷 0.50 ( 10.00 / 0.500 ) ^2 *(-0.001 + 0.005) / 5 = 0.160
ℎ 𝑛
𝐿 𝜃 ,
𝛾 , 𝐷 0.50 ( 10.00 / 0.500 ) ^2 *(0.006) / 5 = 0.240
ℎ 𝑛
∆ , ∆ 0.100 in.
𝛾 , 0.755 / 2.625 = 0.288
𝛾, 0.100 / 2.625 = 0.038
𝛾 , 𝛾 , 𝛾 , 1.75 𝛾 , 𝛾 , 𝛾, 5.0
1.92 𝐿 1.92*(2.625 / 10.00) = 0.37 AASHTO
2.0𝐿 SQRT [ 1 + (2*10.00) / 24.00]
2.67 2.67 = 0.27 AASHTO
𝐿 (7.06+2.0) * [1+10.00 / (4.0*24.00)]
𝑆 2.0 1
If the above criteria for stability are not satisfied, the following equations shall be investigated:
If the above criteria for stability are not satisfied, the following equations shall be investigated:
ℎ 0.0625𝑖𝑛
(Service Limit State)
(Fatigue Limit State)
ℎ 0.125 in > 0.0625 in OK
𝜃 3𝜀
𝑛 𝑆
𝜃 total of static and cyclic service limit state design rotation. Cyclic component is multiplied by 1.75
𝜀 total of static and cyclic average axial strain. Cyclic component is multiplied by 1.75
𝜃 𝜃 , 1.75𝜃 , 𝜃 +𝜃 1.75𝜃
If the Engineer elects to use externally bonded plates, limitations on hydrostatic pressure per AASHTO shall be
Combining equations:
𝜇𝑃 ℎ
∆ , 0.20*200.00*2.63 / (0.13*240.00) = 3.43 in
𝜇 0.20 Coefficient of friction AASHTO C14.8.3.1
𝑃 DL 200.00 kip
𝐴 𝐿𝑊 240.00 in2
ℎ 2.63 in
𝑈𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐺 : ∆ , 3.43 in. > ∆ , 0.76 in. OK
In cases where Δs,slip exceeds Δs,allow, anchor bolts shall be sized and designed in accordance with those Articles specified in
AASHTO 14.8.3
0 - 4 INCH
Assuming a 340-ft multi-span, precast, prestressed BT63 girder superstructure with a 20 deg. skew, determine the range of
movement for a 0-4 inch expansion device due to temperature, creep, and shrinkage. Specify the installation gap sizes for
temperatures ranging from -30 ͦF to 120 ͦF, at 10 degree increments, for placement in the expansion device construction
drawing. The following example is in accordance with AASHTO LRFD 7th Edition Section 14.5. Refer to CDOT Bridge Design
Manual (BDM) Section 14 for additional information and movement considerations. Assume temperature movements conform
to AASHTO Procedure B. Stiffnesses in the supporting elements may affect thermal length contribution and may not
be symmetrical, this example assumes the stiffness in supporting elements are symmetrical. The 340-ft length includes the
approach slabs.
Bridge Properties
Superstructure Type Bridge Concrete
Expansion Length L= 170.00 ft
Skew Skew = 20 ° Measured from a line normal to bridge ∁L
Thermal Coefficient 𝛼 6.0E-06 in./in./°F AASHTO
Temperature Range
Maximum Temperature 𝑇 110 ͦF AASHTO F3.12.2.2-1
Minimum Temperature 𝑇 -10 Fͦ AASHTO F3.12.2.2-2
Strength Load Factor, TU 𝛾 1.20 AASHTO & T3.4.1-1
For demonstration, the following solution assumes a structure temperature of 60 ͦF at the time of expansion device
installation. The Designer shall determine "A" and "W" for the additional installation temperatures accordingly as shown in the
completed table below.
𝑇 60 ͦF
The total horizontal joint movement shall not exceed the maximum manufacturer recommended joint opening:
∆𝑇 𝑇 𝑇 60 - (-10 ) = 70 ͦF
∆𝑇 𝑇 𝑇 110 - (60 ) = 50 ͦF
𝐴 1.35 in.
𝐴 0.31 in.
Check that the factored cyclic joint movement does not exceed 3.50 in. per BDM 14.4.4
Dimension "A" at the given installation temperature needs to accommodate the hot and cold temperature
movement ranges within the capabilities of the 0-4 in. joint.
The maximum opening the joint is allowed at the installation temperature is the
recommended maximum opening minus the maximum joint expansion under
cold temperatures.
The minimum opening the joint is allowed at the installation temperature is the
recommended minimum opening plus the maximum joint contraction under hot
The "A" dimension is determined as the value midway between Amax and Amin. The "A" value specified in
the plans should be at least the minimum gland opening required for installation. If the temperature is too
warm, causing a narrow joint opening, waiting for a drop in the air temperature is an option prior to gland
The "W" dimension specified in the plans shall be the total width of the expansion device, measured as the
gland opening "A" plus the two rails on either side, E
Air Temp.
∆𝑻𝑪 (°) ∆𝑻𝑯 (°) 𝑨𝒎𝒂𝒙 (in) 𝑨𝒎𝒊𝒏 (in) "A" "W"
T i (°)
-30 -20 140 3.89 2.05 2.97 5.47
-20 -10 130 3.75 1.91 2.83 5.33
-10 0 120 3.62 1.77 2.69 5.19
0 10 110 3.48 1.63 2.56 5.06
10 20 100 3.34 1.50 2.42 4.92
20 30 90 3.20 1.36 2.28 4.78
30 40 80 3.06 1.22 2.14 4.64
40 50 70 2.93 1.08 2.00 4.50
50 60 60 2.79 0.94 1.87 4.37
60 70 50 2.65 0.81 1.73 4.23
70 80 40 2.51 0.67 1.59 4.09 Note "A" dimension is
80 90 30 2.37 0.53 1.45 3.95 less than required for
90 100 20 2.24 0.39 1.31 3.81 installation. Wait for
100 110 10 2.10 0.25 1.18 3.68 drop in structure
110 120 0 1.96 0.12 1.04 3.54 temperature before
120 130 -10 1.82 Too Small 1.82 4.32 installing joint.
The "A" dimension values provided are based on a joint with a minimum opening of 0.5 in. and a maximum opening of 4 in.
The Contractor shall adjust the "A" dimension values for joints fabricated with different minimum and maximum opening
dimensions accordingly.
Based on AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications 9.6.1, there are 3 methods of deck analysis:
1. Approximate Elastic Method, or "Equivalent Strip" Method (AASHTO
2. Refined Methods (AASHTO
3. Empirical Design Method (AASHTO 9.7.2)
This design example uses the Approximate Elastic Method (Equivalent Strip Method), in which the deck is divided into
transverse strips, assumed to be supported on rigid supports at the center of the girders.
Positive Moment
+Mdeck= 0.100 klf * (11.00 ft)^2 * 0.08 = 0.968 k-ft/ft
+MWS= 0.037 klf * (11.00 ft)^2 * 0.08 = 0.355 k-ft/ft
Negative Moment
-Mdeck= 0.100 klf * (11.00 ft)^2 * 0.10 = 1.21 k-ft/ft
-MWS= 0.037 klf * (11.00 ft)^2 * 0.10 = 0.444 k-ft/ft
Note - it is conservative to use minimum load factors for positive values of M 100 and M200 and negative values of M150.
CDOT Bridge Design Manual February 2023
Design of deck reinforcement, including flexural resistance, limits of reinforcement, and control of cracking is based on
AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications 5.7.3 (typical rectangular beam design). The following design method can be
used for normal weight concrete with specified compressive strengths up to 15.0 ksi. Refer to Section 9, Deck and Deck
Systems, of this BDM for information about acceptable deck reinforcement sizes and spacing.
Cracking moment 𝑀𝑐𝑟 = 𝛾3 𝛾1 𝑓𝑟 + 𝛾2 𝑓𝑐𝑝𝑒 𝑆𝑐 − 𝑀𝑑𝑛𝑐 −1 AASHTO
CDOT Bridge Design Manual February 2023
When simplified by removing all values applicable to prestressed and noncomposite sections, this equation becomes the
following: 𝑀𝑐𝑟 = 𝛾3 𝛾1 𝑓𝑟 𝑆𝑐
Flexural cracking variability factor γ1 = 1.6 (non-segmental brg.)
Ratio of specified min. yield strength to ultimate tensile strength γ3 = 0.67 (A615 steel)
Concrete density modification factor λ= 1.0 AASHTO
dc - thickness of concrete cover measured from extreme tension fiber to center of the flexural
reinforcement located closest thereto. For calculation purposes, d c need not be taken greater than 2
in. plus the bar radius
𝛽𝑆 = 1 + = 1 + 1.31 in. / [0.7 (8.0 in. - 1.31 in.)] = 1.28
0.7(𝑡𝐷𝑒𝑐𝑘 − 𝑑𝐶 )
𝐴𝑆 2
Tension reinforcement ratio 𝜌= = 0.62 in. / (12 in. * 6.69 in.) = 0.008
𝑘= 2𝑛𝜌 + 𝑛𝜌 2 − 𝑛𝜌 = 0.271
𝑗 = 1 − 𝑘/3 = 0.910
+𝑀𝑢_𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑖𝑐𝑒 2
8.78 kip-ft. * 12in./ft. / (0.62 in. * 0.91 * 6.69 in.) = 27.95 ksi
𝑓𝑠𝑠 = =
𝐴𝑆 𝑗𝑑𝑆
𝑠𝑚𝑎𝑥 = − 2𝑑𝐶 = 700 * 1.00 / (1.28 * 27.95 ksi) - 2 * 1.31in. = 16.94 in.
𝛽𝑆 𝑓𝑆𝑆
Spacing of positive moment reinforcement used in the design = 6.00 in.
𝐶ℎ𝑒𝑐𝑘 𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑢𝑠𝑒𝑑 ≤ 𝑠𝑚𝑎𝑥 : 6.00 < 16.94 OK
CDOT Bridge Design Manual February 2023
Check Cracking at Top of Deck (spacing of Negative Moment reinforcement):
dc = cTop + 1/2 db = 2.0 in. + 0.625 in. / 2 = 2.31 in.
𝛽𝑠 = 1 + = 1+ 2.31 in. / [0.7 * (8.0 in. - 2.31 in.)] = 1.58
0.7(𝑡𝐷𝑒𝑐𝑘 − 𝑑𝐶 )
2 0.313
𝑘= 2𝑛𝜌 + 𝑛𝜌 − 𝑛𝜌 =
𝑗 = 1 − 𝑘/3 = 0.896
−𝑀𝑢_𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑖𝑐𝑒 2
𝑓𝑠𝑠 = = 6.17 kip-ft. * 12in./ft. / (0.74 in. * 0.90 * 5.69 in.) = 19.55 ksi
𝐴𝑆 𝑗𝑑𝑆
𝑠𝑚𝑎𝑥 = − 2𝑑𝐶 = 700 * 1.00 / (1.58 * 19.55 ksi) - 2 * 2.31 in. = 18.03 in.
𝛽𝑆 𝑓𝑆𝑆
Spacing of negative moment reinforcement used in the design = 5.00 in.
𝐶ℎ𝑒𝑐𝑘 𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑢𝑠𝑒𝑑 ≤ 𝑠𝑚𝑎𝑥 : 5.00 < 18.03 OK
1.3𝑏 𝑡𝐷𝑒𝑐𝑘
𝐴𝑆 ≥ AASHTO 5.10.6-1
2(𝑏 + 𝑡𝐷𝑒𝑐𝑘 )𝑓𝑦
0.11 ≤ 𝐴𝑆 ≤ 0.60 AASHTO 5.10.6-2
As,min = 1.3 * 12.0 in.* 8.0 in. / [2 (12.0 in. + 8.0 in.) 60.0 ksi] = 0.052 in. /ft.
As,min = 0.11 in. /ft. - controls
Per Section 9.6 of the CDOT BDM, the minimum longitudinal reinforcing steel in the top of the concrete bridge deck shall be
#4 @ 6.00 in. Longitudinal reinforcement in the bottom of the deck slab can be distributed as a percentage of the primary
reinforcement for positive moment.
Effective span length 𝑆 = 𝑆𝐺𝑑𝑟 − 𝑔𝑖𝑟𝑑𝑒𝑟 𝑤𝑖𝑑𝑡ℎ = 11.0 ft. - 48.0in. / 12in./ft. = 7 ft.
Amount of reinforcement required in secondary direction in the bottom of the slab
220 220
≤ 67% = 83% Use - 67% AASHTO
Area of primary reinforcement for positive moment = 0.62 in. /ft.
2 2
Required area of bottom longitudinal steel: AS_Req = 67% * 0.62 in./ft.= 0.42 in. /ft.
CDOT Bridge Design Manual February 2023
CDOT Bridge Rail Type 10MASH consists of a concrete parapet and a metal rail. The resistance to transverse vehicular
impact loads shall be determined as specified in AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications A13.3.3. End impact is not
considered. See CDOT Worksheet B-606-10MASH for barrier details.
The TL-4 maximum capacity of Type 10 MASH is shown for overhang example.
Overall barrier height HB = 43.0 in.
Concrete cover (For SS rebars) c= 1.5 in.
Resistance factors φEE = 1 (Extreme Event) AASHTO
φS = 0.8 (A325 bolts in shear) AASHTO
φT = 0.8 (A325 bolts in tension) AASHTO
Test level MASH TL-4 AASHTO T.A13.2-1
Transverse design force Ft = 80.0 kips See table below
Impact force distribution Lt = 5.0 ft. See table below
Height HW = 13.4375 in.
Width at base d= 18.0 in.
Concrete Compressive Strength f'c = 4.5 ksi
Reinforcing Steel fy = 75.0 ksi
Type W6x20
Steel grade ASTM A-572, Grade 50
Post spacing L= 10 ft. (max)
Effective height HR = 32.5 in.
Area of post APost = 5.87 in.
Web depth D= 5.47 in.
Web thickness tW = 0.26 in.
Flange thickness tF = 0.37 in.
Flange width bf = 6.02
Depth of W beam db= 6.2
Fy (post) = 50 ksi AISC Table 1-1
Zx-x (post) = 14.9 in.
Mn=Mp=FyZ (F7-1 AISC Manual) Mpost= 62.08 kip-ft
Width of base plate Wb = 12.0 in.
Thickness of base plate tb = 0.6875 in.
Distance to bolts dbo = 10.0 in.
Bolt diameter Ø= 0.875 in.
Min tensile strength Fub = 120.0 ksi
Number of bolts nb = 2
CDOT Bridge Design Manual February 2023
Flexural resistance 𝑀𝑊 = 𝜑𝐸𝐸 𝐴𝑆 𝑓𝑦 𝑑𝑆 − =
1.0 * 0.40 in. * 75.0 ksi * (15.75 in. - 0.60 in. / 2) / 12 in./ft. = 38.62 kip-ft.
2. Determine M C : flexural resistance of cantilevered parapet about an axis parallel to the longitudinal
axis of the bridge. Flexural moment resistance is based on the vertical reinforcement in the barrier.
Stirrup Size = #4 Bar Diameter = 0.5 in.
Stirrup spacing = 10.00 in. Avg Bar Area = 0.1635143 in
For a hooked # 4 bar, the basic development length lhb with modification factors is:
ldh= 11.20 in.
CDOT Bridge Design Manual February 2023
The bar is hooked with a vertical embedment: 7 in Then the development fraction is:
Development length factor = 0.82
Area of steel per design strip AS = Bar Area * b / Stirrup spacing = 0.20 in. /ft.
Effective depth of section dS = d - c - 1/2 Stirrup Dia. = 16.25 in.
𝐴𝑆 𝑓𝑦
Depth of equivalent stress block 𝑎= = 0.32 in.
0.85𝑓𝑐′ 𝑏
Flexural moment resistance 𝑀𝑐 = 𝜑𝐸𝐸 𝐴𝑆 𝑓𝑦 𝑑𝑆 − = 19.73 kip-ft./ft.
𝐿𝑡 𝐿𝑡 8𝐻𝑊 𝑀𝑏 + 𝑀𝑊
Critical length of yield line failure pattern 𝐿𝐶 = + + = 7.38 ft.
2 2 𝑀𝐶
2 𝑀𝐶 𝐿2𝐶
𝑅𝑊 = 8𝑀𝑏 + 8𝑀𝑊 + = 259.97 kip AASHTO A13.3.1-1
2𝐿𝐶 − 𝐿𝑡 𝐻𝑊
CDOT Bridge Design Manual February 2023
There is no eccentricity in shear loading and so modification factor for eccentricity yec,V = 1.0 ACI 318
Edge distances (along the curb) > 1.5 x bolt distance and so modification factor for edge distance yed,V = 1.0 ACI 318
Analysis indicates no cracking at service loads and so modification factor for concrete yc,V = 1.4 ACI 318
Anchor embedment hef = 10.75 in
1.5 * dbo = 15.00 in
The resistance of each component of a combination bridge rail shall be determined as specified in Article A13.3.1 and
A13.3.2 of the AASHTO code. The flexural strength of the rail shall be determined over one and two spans. The resistance
of the combination parapet and rail shall be taken as the lesser of the resistances determined for the two failure modes.
Impact at Midspan (3 spans) (Other odd spans didn't control and so not included)
Number of spans N= 3
Designing deck overhang for strength > strength of rails and curb is conservative. Therefore, design only for maximum MASH
Ft loads. Assume the rails fail during impact and curb resists the remaining load.
CDOT Bridge Design Manual February 2023
Therefore Use RW= 12.47 kip (80.00 kip - 67.53 kip ) Single span 𝑅ത = 80.00 kip
AASHTO A13.3.3-2
𝑅𝑅 𝐻𝑅 + 𝑅𝑤 𝐻𝑤
𝑌ത = =(67.53 kip * 32.50 in. +12.47 kip * 13.44 in.) / 80.00 kip
𝑅ത Y= 29.53 in
Impact at Post (2 spans) (Other even spans didn't control and so not included)
Number of spans N= 2
AASHTO A13.3.2-2
16𝑀𝑝 + 𝑁 2 𝑃𝑝 𝐿
𝑅′𝑅 = =(16 * 93.33 kip-ft + 2^2 * 27.76 * 10.00/ (2 * 2 * 10.00 ft - 5.00 ft)
2𝑁𝐿 − 𝐿𝑡
R'R= 74.39 kip
𝑅𝑤 𝐻𝑤 − 𝑃𝑝 𝐻𝑅 =(259.97 kip * 13.44 in. -27.76 kip * 32.50 in.) / 13.44 in AASHTO A13.3.3-5
𝑅′𝑤 = R'W= 192.84 kip
𝑅ത = 𝑃𝑝 + 𝑅′𝑅 + 𝑅′𝑤 = 27.76 kip + 74.39 kip + 192.84 kip 294.99 kip AASHTO A13.3.3-3
Use 𝑅ത = 80 kip Ignore R'W and use reduced R'R = 52.24 kip (80.00 kip - 27.76 kip )
AASHTO A13.3.3-4
𝑃𝑝 𝐻𝑅 + 𝑅′𝑅 𝐻𝑅 + 𝑅′𝑤 𝐻𝑤 =(27.76 kip * 32.50 in. +52.24 kip * 32.50 in. + 0.00 kip * 13.44 in. ) / 80.00 kip
𝑌ത = Y= 32.5 in
𝑇= Tpost = 7.26 kip/ft
𝑊𝑏 + 𝑑𝑏 + 2𝐻𝑤
𝑀𝐶𝑇 = 𝑇 ∗ 𝑌ത MCTpost = 19.66 kip-ft/ft
Use greater of the two failure modes \ Mct = 19.66 kip-ft/ft T= 7.26 kip/ft
Impact at post controls the design as the transfer width is narrower than the impact between posts
Use the following data for Deck overhang design at the front face of the curb (Test Level 4):
Controlling Axial Load Per Unit Length of the Deck TAxial = 7.26 kip/ft.
Deck Overhang Moment Mct = 19.66 kip-ft./ft.
CDOT Bridge Design Manual February 2023
The CDOT Bridge Rail Type 9 design follows the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications A13.3.1 design
procedure for concrete railings, using strength design for reinforced concrete. The following calculations show case
of impact within barrier segment, assuming that barrier will be extended past the limits of the bridge. For cases
concerning impact at end of the barrier, refer to AASHTO Appendix A13. The applied design force (F t) and the
longitudinal length of distribution of the impact force (Lt) in this example is from the research conducted under
NCHRP Project 22-20(2). The TL-4 maximum capacity of Type 9 is shown for overhang example.
CDOT Bridge Design Manual February 2023
1st vertical rebar (Bar A) #4 @ 9 in. Bar Diameter = 0.500 in.
Bar Area = 0.20 in.
AS h davg dS bc a=ASfy/k φMn MC
k= .85f'Cb
(in. ) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (kip-ft.) (kip-ft./ft.)
Section 1 0.27 9.00 11.84 10.09 12.00 45.90 0.44 16.46 3.45
Section 2 0.27 19.00 8.00 6.25 12.00 45.90 0.44 10.05 4.44
Section 3 0.27 13.00 12.81 11.06 12.00 45.90 0.44 18.07 5.46
Section 4 0.27 2.00 17.81 16.06 12.00 45.90 0.44 26.41 1.23
Barrier MC (Bar A) = 14.58
CDOT Bridge Design Manual February 2023
3. Rail resistance within a wall segment.
2 𝑀𝐶 𝐿2𝐶
𝑅𝑊 = 8𝑀𝑏 + 8𝑀𝑊 + AASHTO A13.3.1-1
2𝐿𝐶 − 𝐿𝑡 𝐻
𝐿𝑡 𝐿𝑡 8𝐻 𝑀𝑏 + 𝑀𝑊
𝐿𝐶 = + + AASHTO A13.3.1-2
2 2 𝑀𝐶
Shear contact area ACV = bV LV = 216.00 in.
Area of shear reinforcement AVF = 12 in. * 0.20 in. / 12 in. = 0.2 in.2/ft.
𝐶ℎ𝑒𝑐𝑘 𝐴𝑣𝑓 ≥ = 0.144 OK AASHTO
For concrete placed against clean concrete surface, free of laitance, but not intentionally roughened
𝐾1 𝑓𝑐′ 𝐴𝐶𝑉 = 0.20 * 4.50 ksi * 216.0 in. = 194.4 kip AASHTO
Vn = min 𝐾2 𝐴𝐶𝑉 = 0.80 * 216.0 in. = 172.8 kip
𝑐𝐴𝐶𝑉 + 𝜇 𝐴𝑉𝐹 𝑓𝑦 + 𝑃𝐶 = 0.075 ksi*216in.+0.60(0.20 in.* 75 ksi+0kip) = 25.20 kip
CDOT Bridge Design Manual February 2023
Barrier Type 9 satisfies all checks outlined in AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications Appendix 13. Use the
following data for Deck overhang design at the front face of the curb when Barrier Type 9 is used (Test Level 4):
Axial Load Per Unit Length of the Deck TAxial = 7.35 kip/ft.
Moment Capacity of the Barrier Mc = 22.65 kip-ft./ft.
CDOT Bridge Design Manual February 2023
Bridge deck overhang shall be designed for three separate design cases: AASHTO A13.4.1
• Case 1 - Horizontal and longitudinal forces from vehicle collision load (Extreme Event II limit state)
• Case 2 - Vertical force from vehicle collision load (Extreme Event II limit state)
• Case 3 - Vertical Dead and Live Load at the overhang section (Strength I limit state)
The deck overhang region shall be designed to have resistance larger than the MASH impact forces. Therefore, analysis of
MASH barriers must be done. Refer to Example 6.2 for detailed strength calculations for Barrier Type 10 MASH.
The deck overhang is designed to resist an axial tension force and moment from vehicular collision (CT) acting
simultaneously with the Dead Load (DC/DW) and Live Load (LL) moment. The critical section shall be taken at the face of
the box girder (AASHTO In addition, Extreme Event II combination is also checked at the face of the curb. Loads
are be assumed to be distributed at a 45 degree angle starting from the base plate.
DESIGN CASE 1: Extreme Event II (Transverse Collision) at the face of the curb
Distance from edge of deck to design section K= 1.50 ft. AASHTO
Distance from barrier face to design section X= 0.00 ft.
Depth of the section under consideration hDesign = 9.00 in. (may add min haunch depth if needed,
conservative to use constant deck depth)
Bending moments from dead load of structural components and nonstructural attachments:
Barrier MDC-Barrier = W Barrier * (K - XC.G.) = 0.289 kip/ft. * (1.50 ft. - 12.63 in. / 12 in./ft.) = 0.129 kip-ft./ft.
Deck MDC-Deck = W C * tOH(min) * K2 / 2 = 0.150 kcf * 8 in. / 12 in./ft. * (1.50 ft.)² / 2 = 0.113 kip-ft./ft.
Additional overhang concrete MDC-Add = 0.5 W C * SGdr_Edge (TOH(max) - TOH(min)) * (K - 2/3 SGdr_Edge) =
= 0.5 * 0.150 kcf * 1.50 ft. * (10.0 in. - 8.0 in.) / 12 in./ft. * (1.50 ft. - 2/3 * 1.50 ft.) = 0.009 kip-ft./ft.
Total DC = MDC-Barrier + MDC-Deck + MDC-Add = 0.13 kip-ft.+0.11 kip-ft.+0.009 kip-ft. = 0.251 kip-ft./ft.
CDOT Bridge Design Manual February 2023
Both design bending moment and design axial tension are calculated based on the properties of the barrier on the deck.
See Type 10MASH tab for information on strength design.
Design factored moment (Extreme Event II, Case I) AASHTO 3.4.1, A13.4.1
Mu1 = 1.0MDC + 1.0MDW + 1.0MCT = 0.251 kip-ft. + 0.000 kip-ft. + 19.66 kip-ft. = 19.92 kip-ft./ft.
DESIGN CASE 2: Extreme Event II (Vertical Collision) at the face of the curb
Vertical and Longitudinal collision cases will not control generally and so other critical sections are not included.
Lever arm for vertical collision la= 0.448 ft
Vertical Design Force FV = 22.00 kips
Longitudinal distribution of Vertical force LV = 18.00 ft
Design factored moment (Extreme Event II, Case I) AASHTO 3.4.1, A13.4.1
Mu2 = 1.0MDC + 1.0MCT = 0.547 kip-ft./ft. + 0.251 kip-ft./ft. = 0.798 kip-ft./ft.
For decks with overhangs not exceeding 6.00 ft. measured from the centerline of the exterior girder to the face of a
structurally continuous concrete railing, the outside row of wheel loads may be replaced with a uniformly distributed line load
of 1.0 klf intensity per AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications
CDOT Bridge Design Manual February 2023
Distance from edge of deck to design section K= 3 ft.
Distance from barrier face to design section X= 1.5 ft.
Depth of the section under consideration hDesign = 10.00 in.
Distance from LL application to design section z = 0.5 ft.
Live Load multiple presence factor m= 1.00 AASHTO T.
Dynamic load allowance IM = 0.33 AASHTO 3.6.2
Bending moment from Dead Loads (equal to the loads calculated for Design Case 1)
Barrier MDC-Barrier = 0.562 kip-ft./ft.
Deck MDC-Deck = 0.45 kip-ft./ft.
Add. overhang concrete MDC-Add = 0.038 kip-ft./ft.
Deck overlay MDW-WS = 0.041 kip-ft./ft.
Bending moment from live load MLL = 1.0 klf * 0.50 ft. = 0.5 kip-ft./ft.
Design factored moment (Strength I) Mu 3 = 1.25M DC +1.50M DW +1.75m(M LL+IM) =
= 1.25 * 1.05 kip-ft./ft + 1.50 * 0.041 kip-ft./ft + 1.75 * 1.00 * 1.33 * 0.50 kip-ft./ft = 2.54 kip-ft./ft.
Design Summary (By observation, other load cases will not control and are not included in this example)
Design Case 1 Mu1 = 19.916 kip-ft./ft.
Design Case 2 Mu2 = 0.798 kip-ft./ft.
Design Case 3 Mu3 = 2.538 kip-ft./ft.
Controlling Case = Mu1 = 19.916 kip-ft./ft. DESIGN CASE 1 CONTROLS
Area of top steel per design strip ASt = b (Ab / s) = 12 in. * 0.31 in. / 5.0 in. = 0.744 in. /ft.
Area of bottom steel per design strip ASb = b (Ab / s) = 12 in. * 0.31 in. / 5.0 in. = 0.62 in. /ft.
Steel in each layer resisting tension Aten = Taxial * 0.5 / Fy = 7.26 kip * 0.5 / 60.0 ksi = 0.061 in.2/ft.
Area of top steel per design strip resisting moment Ast - Aten
0.74 sq. in. - 0.06 sq. in. = 0.683 in.2/ft.
CDOT Bridge Design Manual February 2023
CDOT Bridge Design Manual February 2023
The profile grade of the bridge is a crest vertical curve, with the bridge alignment on a horizontal curve with a
constant cross-slope. The bridge is supported by chorded girders. The example shows how both the vertical and
horizontal deck geometrics affect the deck profile above the girders, and thereby affect the haunch depths.
For this example, the design f'c per BDM Section was used for the given predicted girder cambers and
DL deflections, not the optional actual values permitted in BDM Section
The dead load deflections given in this example do not contain an increase for long-term effects, permissible per
BDM Section of this BDM.
Girder span length, L = 100 ft.
Deck cross-slope, CS = 0.06 ft./ft.
Proposed haunch at CL brg. at CL girder, D1 = D3 = 3.00 in.
Assumed weighted average haunch for DL, Davg,DL = 5.81 in. (may require iteration)
Girder top flange width, Btf = 43 in.
Dead load deflection, ΔDL = -1.51 in. (includes superimposed DL)
Predicted girder camber at deck placement, Cdp = 3.43 in. (Cdp = P/S Camber - ΔGirder Self Weight)
CDOT Bridge Design Manual January 2018
GIVENS (Continued):
r= -4.000 %/STA
STAVPC = 3+00.00
ELEVVPC = 5264.00
Profile effect 1, δPE1 = ELEV ELEV ∗ 12 .
ELEVD = 5271.50
δPE1 = 6.00 in.
CDOT Bridge Design Manual January 2018
D D-
Estimated haunch at midspan, D2 = ∆ / C01 δ 3
D2 = 6.37 in. @ CL Girder
OK, Davg,DL matches assumed average haunch used for dead loads
Note: D2 may be used as the haunch thickness at midspan for the following items:
• Calculating ΔDL reported on the girder sheet and used in setting deck elevations
• Calculating haunch concrete quantities
CDOT Bridge Design Manual January 2018
OK, D2,over > minimum haunch thickness of 1.00 in. if girders over-camber by 20%
Note: Girder has been designed for all strength and service criteria using the following:
• D2,under as the haunch at midspan for composite section properties
• Davg,DL,under as the weighted average haunch thickness for dead load
• Girder design compressive strength, f'c per BDM Section
A proposed haunch of 3 in. at CL of girder at supports passed all required checks. The haunch at supports
was intentionally minimized to avoid an excessively thick haunch at midspan.
The example shows how a crest vertical curve adds to the haunch thickness at midspan and, in this case,
results in a thicker estimated haunch at midspan than at supports. The haunch thickness at midspan is
partially offset by the apparent sag effect of chording girders on a horizontally curved bridge deck.
Other geometric situations that will impact the haunch depth include flared girders and deck cross-slope
CDOT Bridge Design Manual January 2018
This example uses the option of specifying shims at the bearing seats in lieu of accounting for girder over-
camber when checking minimum deck thickness, permissible per Section of this BDM. Also, the
optional actual average values of girder strengths were used in determining the given values of predicted
camber and dead load deflection, permissible per BDM Section
The dead load deflections given in this example do not include an increase for long-term effects, permissible
per BDM Section
The bridge is on a vertical tangent with a constant deck cross-slope, and the girders are sloped to match.
Therefore, the deck geometry does not impact the variable deck thickness.
Girder span length, L = 100 ft.
Proposed deck thickness at CL abut., D1 = D3 = 8.00 in.
Assumed weighted average deck thickness for DL, Davg,DL = 5.54 in. (may require iteration)
Dead load deflection, ΔDL = -1.68 in. (incl. superimposed DL)
Predicted girder camber at deck placement, Cdp = 4.63 in. (Cdp = P/S Camber - ΔGirder Self Weight)
CDOT Bridge Design Manual January 2018
D D-
Estimated deck thickness at midspan, D2 = ∆ / C01
D2 = 5.05 in.
Step 2: Verify assumed weighted average deck thickness for dead loads
D 10 ∗ D D-
Actual weighted avg thickness for DL, Davg,DL = BDM Eq. 5-1
Davg,DL = 5.54 in.
OK, Davg,DL matches assumed weighted average thickness for dead loads
Note: Use D2 as the deck thickness at midspan for the following items:
• Calculating ΔDL reported on the girder sheet and used in setting deck elevations
• Calculating deck concrete quantity
D 2∗D D-
Weighted avg thickness for quantities, Davg,QTY = BDM Eq. 5-2
Step 3: Calculate camber tolerances per BDM (50% over & 50% under for box girders)
Over-camber tolerance, δover = 0.50 ∗ C01 = 1.0 in.
δover = 2.31 in.
Provide 2 5/16 in. shim stack and lower abutment seat elevations by same amount
Note: Add a plan note requiring that shims be removed only as necessary to
maintain a 5 in. minimum deck thickness.
CDOT Bridge Design Manual January 2018
D 10 ∗ D ,9:0;< D-
Weighted avg. thickness for DL, Davg,DL,under =
Davg,DL,under = 7.47 in.
Deflection (revised using Davg,DL,under), ΔDL,under = -2.06 in. (from software)
Note: Girder has been designed for all strength and service criteria using the following:
• D2,under as the structural deck thickness at midspan
• Davg,DL,under as the weighted average deck thickness for dead load
• Girder design compressive strength, f'c per BDM Section
A proposed deck thickness of 8 in. at the supports was determined to be acceptable. Using shims at the bearing
seats as a strategy for addressing girder over-camber results in the following:
Using the optional actual average girder strengths for camber and dead load deflections has the effect of
reducing the predicted camber and dead load deflection magnitudes. The corresponding camber tolerances also
decrease in magnitude as a result.
The combined strategies of using shims to account for over-camber and using the actual average girder
strengths for predicted camber and dead load deflections may be advantageous when designing slender side-by-
side box girders or slabs that would otherwise have difficulty meeting sag criteria.
CDOT Bridge Design Manual January 2018
Example 8: Cantilever Wingwall Design Loads 1
Problem Statement
Example 8 covers the design of a wingwall cantilevered off a standard CDOT integral abutment.
The example illustrates the following items:
• The 20 ft. length (measured as shown in Figures 1 & 2) used in Example 8 is the
maximum length permitted for cantilevered wingwalls per BDM Section
• The example wingwall is skewed 30°, which is the maximum allowed for an integral
abutment per BDM Section 11.3.1.
• At-rest earth pressure is required for skewed wingwalls per BDM Section
• Per BDM Section, a portion of the earth pressure acting on the buried part of the
wingwall may be neglected, as shown in Figure 1 below. Equations are provided to assist
in calculating the resultant wingwall force effects from the trapezoidal shape of earth
• Force effects are summarized at the two design sections shown in Figure 2. Design
Section A is the critical design section for the wingwall. Design Section B summarizes the
force-effects transferred to the abutment .
• The backfill is assumed to be sufficiently drained so that hydrostatic pressure does not
• Example 8 assumes that no settlement of the backfill is anticipated. See BDM Section for guidance when significant settlement is expected.
Provided by Geotechnical Engineer.
= 2.59 ft.
Ultimate Moment, MU_CC 𝛾 2𝑆′ℎ𝐻 𝐻 ℎ 2𝑆′ 𝐻 ℎ
= 276 kft
Ultimate Thrust, PU 𝛾 𝐻 ℎ 𝐻 ℎ 3𝑆′
= 61.9 kip
𝑀 _
= 7.35 ft., from back face of abutment
𝑀 _
= 4.45 ft., from top of wall
Self Weight:
= 30.0 kip
= 37.5 kip
Service Moment at Design Section A, MS_wall 𝑉 ∗
= 300 kft
Ultimate Moment at Design Section A, MU_wall 𝑉 ∗
= 375 kft
These moments are used to design the primary horizontal reinforcement along the inside face of
the wingwall for a 1 ft. wide section with a depth of t. For example calculations of reinforced
concrete design, see BDM Design Examples 6 and 11. Per calculations not shown, #8 bars at 6
in. spacing are selected as primary reinforcing. All wingwall reinforcement is required to be
corrosion resistant, in accordance with BDM Section 5.4.5.
These moments are used to design the required top reinforcing bars in the wingwall for a section
of width t and depth of H. Per calculations not shown, the primary horizontal reinforcing provided
above is sufficient to resist the imposed moment; no additional bars are needed.
𝑒 𝐴′
_ 𝑥̅
= 8.99 ft.
𝑒 _ 𝑦
= 0.454 ft.
My, Service 𝑃 ∗𝑒 _
= 373 kft
Mx, Service 𝑃 ∗𝑒 _
= 18.8 kft
𝐿 𝐴′
Tz, Service 𝑉
= 352 kft
𝑒 𝐻
_ 𝑦
= 0.548 ft.
My, Ultimate 𝑃 ∗𝑒 _
= 562 kft
Mx, Ultimate 𝑃 ∗𝑒 _
= 34.0 kft
𝐿 𝐴′
Tz, Ultimate 𝑉
= 440 kft
The shear, tension, torsion, and bi-axial moments summarized above are concurrent and must
be resisted by the abutment. Careful detailing is required to provide adequate capacity and
sufficient reinforcement development at Design Section B. See Figure 11-13 of the BDM for
reinforcement details at the wingwall/abutment interface.
This design example shows the primary calculations needed to develop design forces for a
cantilever wingwall supported by an integral abutment. While all force effects were calculated for
completeness, it is noted that for this example the following force effects are negligible: self-
weight shear at sections A & B, self-weight moment M_wall at Section A, and earth pressure
moment Mx at Section B.
Problem Statement
Most bridges in Colorado fall into the Seismic Zone 1 category. Per AASHTO, no AASHTO
seismic analysis is required for structures in Zone 1. However, seismic criteria must be 4.7.4
addressed in this case. This example illustrates the seismic-specific code requirements
associated with bridges in Zone 1, including:
• Determination of seismic zone
• Horizontal connection forces
• Minimum support length requirements
• Substructure transverse reinforcement requirements
This example bridge is a skewed, 2-span, steel I-girder bridge supported by semi-
integral abutments and a multi-column pier, with a drop style pier cap and each column
supported by a single caisson (see Figures 1 and 2). The caisson reinforcing clear
cover allows the same reinforcing cage diameter to be used for both column and
Fixed Type 1 bearings are used at the pier while expansion Type 1 bearings are used at
the abutments. Anchor bolts projecting through a sole plate are assumed as the restraint
mechanism at the bearings, with the holes in the sole plate slotted in the longitudinal
direction at the abutments. Note that integral abutments would typically be specified for a
bridge with this span arrangement, but expansion abutments are included for illustrative
Total Bridge Length, L = 235.00 ft.
Pier 2 Column Height, H = 18.00 ft. See Figure 2
Bridge Skew, S = 5.00 degrees
Abutment Support Length = 36.00 in.
Extreme Event I LL Factor, γEQ = 0.00 AASHTO 3.4.1
Earthquake Load Factor, γ = 1.00 AASHTO 3.4.1
1 kip per Abutment
Permanent Vertical Reaction at Abut. 1, R 1 = 494
Permanent Vertical Reaction at Pier 2, R 2 = 1759 kip per Pier
Permanent Vertical Reaction at Abut. 3, R 3 = 561 kip per Abutment
Column Diameter, D = 42.0 in.
Column Clear Cover = 2.00 in.
Caisson Diameter, Dc = 48.0 in.
Caisson Clear Cover = 5.00 in.
Assumed Depth to Moment Fixity2 = 10.00 ft. See Figure 2
f'c, Column = 4.50 ksi
f'c, Caisson = 4.00 ksi
fy = 60.00 ksi
Seismic Design Parameters: 3
Site Class = D
PGA = 0.103 g AS = 0.165 g
SS = 0.212 g SDS = 0.338 g
S1 = 0.053 g SD1 = 0.127 g
These values are the unfactored total for the support.
Assumed for this example, Designers should determine analytically for each project.
Provided by Geotechnical Engineer for an event with a 7% probability of exceedance in
75 years.
Determination of Seismic Zone
Bridges are assigned to seismic zones based on the SD1 parameter and
Table 3.10.6-1 in AASHTO, re-created here:
Since SD1 = 0.127 < 0.15, the bridge is located in Seismic Zone 1.
The factored horizontal design connection force for each bearing at Pier 2:
=1.0*440/8 = 55.0 kip
The factored horizontal design connection force for each bearing at Abutment 3:
=1.0*140/8 = 17.5 kip
The transverse and longitudinal connection forces determined above are simplified
approximations AASHTO allows for Zone 1, in lieu of performing a refined seismic
analyis using stiffness based force distribution. As such, the horizontal and longitudinal
connection forces need not be combined as described in AASHTO 3.10.8, the provisions
of which are predicated on a perpendicular seismic analyis.
Adequate resistance of the connection force shall be verified at any connection (not
necessarily just bearing devices) whose failure could cause loss of support or structure
instability, as described in AASHTO C3.10.9.2. Previous versions of AASHTO required
that the connection force be addressed from the point of application through the
substructure and into the foundation elements. However, the 2015 Interim Revisions to
AASHTO removed this requirement.
Transverse Reinforcement for Confinement at Plastic Hinges
Seismic hoop or spiral transverse reinforcement is required in the expected plastic hinge
regions. Per BDM Section 5.4.9, CDOT prefers spirals for confinement reinforcement of
round elements.
For a circular member, the volumetric ratio, ρ s, of spiral reinforcement shall satisfy either
of the following:
4𝐴 𝐴 𝑓′
𝜌 0.45 ∗ 1 AASHTO
𝐷 𝑠 𝐴 𝑓
4𝐴 𝑓′
𝜌 0.12 AASHTO
𝐷 𝑠 𝑓
f'c = specified 28-day compressive strength of concrete (ksi)
fy = minimum yield strength of reinforcing (ksi) ≤ 75.0 ksi
Ag = gross area of concrete section (in.2)
Ac = area of the core measured to the outside diameter of the spiral (in.2)
Asp = cross-sectional area of spiral or hoop (in.2)
Dcore = core diameter of column measured to the outside of spiral or hoop (in.)
s = pitch of spiral or vertical spacing of hoops (in.)
Recall that:
Column Diameter, D = 42.0 in.
Column Clear Height, H = 18.0 ft.
Column Clear Cover = 2.00 in.
Caisson Diameter, Dc = 48.0 in.
Caisson Clear Cover = 5.00 in.
Column Spiral:
Core diameter, Dcore = D - 2*(clear cover)
Dcore = 38.0 in.
Ag 𝜋
Ag = 1385 in.2
Ac 𝜋
Ac = 1134 in.2
The volumetric ratio of spiral reinforcement, ρ s, must satisfy either of the following:
1385 𝑖𝑛. 4.5 𝑘𝑠𝑖 AASHTO
ρs 0.45 ∗ 1
1134 𝑖𝑛. 60 𝑘𝑠𝑖
≥ 0.0075
4.5 𝑘𝑠𝑖 AASHTO
ρs 0.12
60 𝑘𝑠𝑖
≥ 0.0090
ρs, min = 0.0075
AASHTO limits the spacing of confinement reinforcement to 1/4th the
member diameter, D, or 4.0 in. The 4.0 in. maximum spacing controls.
Try #5 spirals at pitch, s = 4.00 in.
#5 diameter = 0.625 in.
Spiral diameter, ds = Dcore - 0.625"
ds = 37.38 in
As a #5 bar has a cross-sectional area of 0.31 in.2, using #5 spirals at a 4.0 in. pitch
satisfies the confinement requirements.
Lap splices of the confinement reinforcement in the hinge zone are not permitted;
rather, splices shall be made by full-welded splices or by full-mechanical connections.
AASHTO C5. also recommends spacing longitudinal bars a maximum of 8 in. to
help confinement (see Figure 4).
At the top of the column, confinement reinforcement must be provided over a length not
less than:
• the maximum cross-sectional column dimension,
Column Diameter, D = 3.50 ft.
• 1/6th of the bending height of the column/caisson,
1/6*(H+10') = 4.67 ft. < Controls
• or 18 in.
18.0 in. = 1.50 ft.
And extend into the adjoining pier cap for a distance not less than: AASHTO
• one-half the maximum column dimension
D/2 = 1.75 ft < Controls
• or 15 in.
15.0 in. = 1.25 ft
In accordance with the provisions for pile bents, confinement reinforcement must be
provided in the caisson over a length extending from 3.0 times the diameter below the
point of moment fixity in the caisson to a height of one diameter, but not less than 18 in.,
above the mud line.
Horizontal design connection forces and minimum seat lengths are typically critical for
bridges that use bearing devices, which the example bridge highlighted. Guidelines for
other common CDOT situations with respect to horizontal connection forces are as
• Standard CDOT integral abutments that are designed and detailed per BDM
Section 11.3.1 are considered restrained in all directions and may be
assumed to meet horizontal design connection force requirements by
• The typical CDOT “pinned” piers where the girders are embedded in concrete
pier diaphragms that are connected to the pier cap with a single line of
dowels, require Designers to check the doweled connection to the diaphragm
for the horizontal connection force. Shear friction at the pier diaphragm to pier
cap interface should be used as the resistance.
• For the situation where a significantly larger caisson is used under each
column and the column bars are embedded into the caisson, the lower hinge
during an earthquake is likely to occur at the bottom of column, not within the
caisson. In this case, the hinge zone for the column may use the actual clear
column height to establish the upper and lower column hinge zone limits. The
caisson is then considered an adjoining member, and the column’s
confinement reinforcement should be extended into the caisson as required in
AASHTO The caisson’s transverse reinforcement need not meet
the special requirements for confinement at plastic hinges.
• For the situation where a caisson is significantly smaller than the column that
is used, and the caisson bars project into the column, the lower hinge during
an earthquake is likely to occur in the caisson. The “pile bent” criteria shown
in the example should be used to establish the top and bottom hinge zone
limits, except that confinement reinforcement need not be provided for the
bottom of column as no plastic hinge is expected there. The caisson
transverse confinement reinforcement should be extended into the column as
required in AASHTO for adjoining members.
The design follows the LRFD Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires, and
Traffic Signals, First Edition 2015, with 2017 updates (AASHTO LTS), with references to AASHTO LRFD
Bridge Design Specifications, 8th Edition (AASHTO). Example 10 was designed with a geotechnical
investigation performed on the soil. If one does not have geotechnical data, it is CDOT's preference to
use the Brom's method in Section 13 of the AASHTO LTS to determine shaft embedment.
Concrete: CDOT Concrete Class BZ
Concrete Compressive Strength f'c = 4 ksi
Concrete Unit Weight γc = 150 pcf
Larm = 16 ft
øpole-T = 12.5 in
esp = 11 ft
Lsp = 8 ft
øpole-B = 15.5 in X
Existing Ground
Dshaft = 13 ft
øshaft = 36 in
Use the load combinations and factors from AASHTO LTS T3.4-1 for all loads acting on the sign
structure. Determine the loads at the top of the shaft foundation:
Misc. Weight (Anchors and Sign Support) DC4 = 0.08 kip *Assumed to be 50% of Sign Weight
Is LL applicable? no
Is ICE applicable? no
Run static L-PILE analysis with parameters from geotechnical report and calculated factored loads.
Soil Properties
*From Geotechnical Report
Top of Unit Weight Cohesion
Soil Type Angle Ɛ50 k (pci)
Soil Elev. (pcf) (psf)
5297.00 Stiff Clay w/o free water using k 120.00 0.00 2000.00 0.006 500.00
5290.00 Stiff Clay w/o free water using k 130.00 0.00 2500.00 0.005 1000.00
L-Pile models in only one plane, therefore:
Shear in the X Direction is paired with Moment in the Z Direction
Shear in the Z Direction is paired with Moment in the X Direction
Pile-Head Loading Moment
Load Case Shear (lb) Axial (lb)
Condition (lb-in)
1 1 0 54,347 1,367
2 1 372 77,892 1,203
3 1 2,370 540,557 1,203
4 1 372 69,196 984
5 1 2,370 540,557 984
6 1 372 73,544 1,093
7 1 2,370 540,557 1,093
*Agg size assumed to be 0.75"
Reinforcement 13 #8
Clear Distance Between Bars 5.64 in.
Spacing Check for Min Spacing >
Min Clear Allowed, Max(1.5db, 1.5*Agg Size, 1.5") = 1.50 in. AASHTO
Min Clear Allowed, Max(5*Agg Size, 5") = 5.00 in. AASHTO
Area of Steel 10.27 in.2
Percentage of Steel 1.01%
0.80% AASHTO
L-Pile provides Nominal Moment Resistance for each axial value.
The maximum factored applied moment from each L-Pile case with varying axial is compared to the
nominal moment resistance provided by L-Pile.
𝜑𝑀 𝑀 𝑀
ɸ= 0.75 AASHTO
K= 1.00
Torsional Cracking Moment Tcr = 2,308.54 k-in.
0.25φTcr = 519.42 k-in.
Tu = 251.08 k-in.
Torsional effects can be neglected
dv = 27.50 in.
Shear Stress 𝑣 ɸ
= vu = 0.0081 ksi AASHTO Eq.
Transverse Reinforcement
Transverse Reinforcement is required where: Vu > 0.5φVc AASHTO Eq.
Vu = 7.26 kip
0.5φVc = 115.15 kip
Transverse reinforcement not necessary
𝑏 𝑠
Minimum Transverse Reinforcement Av, min ≥ 0.0316λ 𝑓′ AASHTO Eq.
Av, min ≥ 0.46 in.2
Av, prov'd = 0.62 in.2
0.5𝑁 𝑉
For sections containing at least the minimum amount of transverse reinforcement specified in Art., the value of β may be determined by the following equation:
1 750𝜀 AASHTO Eq.
β= 4.09
θ= 29.81 AASHTO Eq.
Drilled shaft side resistance 𝑇 𝐷 1.5∅ ·𝑠 Tu
Drilled shaft toe resistance 𝑇 𝑠
Ts = 240.33 k-ft.
Tt = 14.14 k-ft.
Nominal Total Torsion Resistance 𝑇 𝑇 𝑇 254.47 k-ft. Dshaft
ɸTn = 203.58 k-ft.
Tu = 20.92 k-ft.
It is CDOT's approach that the soil resistance to torsion in cohesionless soils is based on the drilled
shaft embedment into the soil. Perform the following check if the drilled shaft is in cohesionless soil.
𝜋·∅ Tu
Drilled shaft side resistance 𝑇 𝐷 ·𝑟
Drilled shaft toe resistance 𝑇 𝑊 · 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜑
Coefficient of lateral 𝐾 1 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜑 1.44
earth pressure 3∅
Unit shaft side resistance 𝑟 𝐾𝛾 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜑 0.65 ksf
Ts = 119.55 k-ft.
Tt = 7.96 k-ft. KγDshaft
Nominal Total Torsion Resistance 𝑇 𝑇 𝑇 127.51 k-ft.
ɸTn = 102.00 k-ft.
Tu = 20.92 k-ft.
Example 11 demonstrates design procedures for cast-in-place cantilever retaining walls supported on
spread footing in conformance with AASHTO and Section 11.5 of this BDM. Horizontal earth pressure is
applied based on the Coulomb earth pressure theory.
Example Statement: The retaining wall supports 15'-0" of level roadway embankment measured from
top of wall to top of footing. The wall will be built adjacent to the roadway shoulder where traffic is 2 ft.
from the barrier face. The wall stem is 1'-6" wide to accommodate mounting a Type 7 Bridge Rail to the
top of wall. See Figure 3.
Soil: CDOT Class 1 Backfill-Drained
Footing bears on soil
Soil unit weight γs = 0.130 kcf
Angle of internal friction (backfill) ϕ= 34 deg
Wall-backfill friction angle δ = 2/3ϕ = 22.67 deg
Coefficient of active earth pressure Ka = 0.261 (Coulomb) AASHTO Eq.
Coefficient of passive earth pressure Kp = 7.60 AASHTO Fig.
Active equivalent fluid weight EFW (a) = Ka γs = 0.036 kcf (36 pcf min) BDM 11.5
Passive equivalent fluid weight EFW (p) = Kp γs = 0.988 kcf
CDOT Bridge Design Manual February 2023
When not provided in the project-specific geotechnical report, refer to the indicated AASHTO sections.
Bearing ɸb= 0.55 AASHTO T.11.5.7-1
Sliding (concrete on soil) ɸT= 1.00 AASHTO T.11.5.7-1
Sliding (soil on soil) ɸT s-s= 1.00 AASHTO T.11.5.7-1
Passive pressure ɸep= 0.50 AASHTO T.
Extreme event ɸEE= 1.00 AASHTO 11.5.8
Use the load combinations and factors from AASHTO 11.5.6 and BDM Section 11.5.1 for all loads acting
on the retaining wall. Evaluate the retaining wall for the following:
1. Eccentricity
2. Sliding
3. Bearing
Note: The Geotechnical Engineer is responsible for evaluating global stability with consideration for both
footing width and embedment.
Loads not listed here may be applicable for different design cases.
DC - dead load of structural components and nonstructural attachments
EH - horizontal earth pressure load
EV - vertical pressure from dead load of earth fill
CT - vehicular collision force
LS - live load surcharge
CDOT Bridge Design Manual February 2023
Bridge Rail
Type7 TTop
CT Roadway
Finished EH
Grade δ
CL Shear Key
HTF EV3 TBot (when required)
σV See Figure 2 for
B-2e B/3 Shear Key Information
CDOT Bridge Design Manual February 2023
Note: The collision force (CT) is assumed to be distributed over a length of “Lt” ft. at the point of impact
and is also assumed to spread downward to the bottom of the footing at a 45° angle. Conservatively, CT
is assumed at the end of the wall where the force distribution occurs in one direction. See Figure 11-20 in
Section 11 of this BDM.
Reinforcement between the Bridge Rail Type 7 and the wall interface is assumed to be adequate to
transfer the collision load from the rail through the wall to the footing.
𝐶𝑇 = 𝑃𝐶𝑇 Τ 𝐿𝑡 /2 + ℎ𝐶𝑇 + 𝐻 + 𝑇𝐹
Load Combinations
The table that follows summarizes the load combinations used for the stability and bearing checks of the
wall. To check sliding and eccentricity, load combinations Strength Ia and Extreme Event IIa apply
minimum load factors to the vertical loads and maximum load factors to the horizontal loads. To check
bearing, load combinations Strength Ib, Strength IV, and Extreme Event IIb apply maximum load factors
for both vertical and horizontal loads.
CDOT Bridge Design Manual February 2023
CT load is considered with Extreme Event II limit state when checking eccentricity, sliding, and bearing.
Note: LSH, LSV, and EHH are not included in Extreme Event IIa or IIb. It is assumed that the horizontal
earth pressure is not activated due to the force of the collision deflecting the wall away from the soil mass
at the instant of collision.
LSV is not applied when analyzing sliding and overturning; rather, it is applied only for load combinations
that are used to analyze bearing (AASHTO 11.5.6, Figure C11.5.6-3a).
The service limit state is used for the crack control check and settlement.
Load Factors:
γDC γEV γLS_V γLS_H γEH γCT Application
Strength Ia 0.90 1.00 - 1.75 1.50 -
Bearing, Strength
Strength Ib 1.25 1.35 1.75 1.75 1.50 -
Extreme IIa 0.90 1.00 - - - 1.00
Wall Crack
Service I 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 -
CDOT Bridge Design Manual February 2023
Vertical stress for wall supported on soil: 𝜎𝑣 = AASHTO
𝐵 − 2𝑒
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CDOT Bridge Design Manual February 2023
HTF K ≈ B/3
z Inert block μu dKey
c Rep
μu s-s 𝑅1 = 𝜎𝑉 𝑋𝐾𝑒𝑦
𝑅2 = 𝜎𝑉 (𝐵 − 𝑋𝐾𝑒𝑦 )
R1 R2
Shear resistance between soil and foundation: 𝜙𝜏 𝑅𝜏 = 𝐶 𝑅1 𝜇𝑢 𝑠−𝑠 cos 𝛿𝑆𝑢𝑏 + 𝐶 𝑅2 𝜇𝑢 (Strength Ia)
𝜙𝐸𝐸 𝑅𝜏 = 𝐶 𝑅1 𝜇𝑢 𝐸𝐸 cos 𝛿𝑆𝑢𝑏 + 𝐶 𝑅2 𝜇𝑢 𝐸𝐸 (Extreme IIa)
𝑋 = (Σ𝑀𝑉 − Σ𝑀𝐻 )/Σ𝑉 𝑒= −𝑋 𝜎𝑣 =
2 𝐵 − 2𝑒
Load ΣV Σ MV Σ MH X e σV R1 R2 ϕRτ
Combination (kip/ft.) (kip-ft./ft.) (kip-ft./ft.) (ft.) (ft.) (ksf) (kip/ft.) (kip/ft.) (kip/ft.)
Strength Ia 19.86 128.95 52.33 3.86 1.14 2.57 14.78 10.92 9.11
Extreme IIa 17.12 101.50 49.38 3.04 1.96 2.82 16.22 11.99 10.00
CDOT Bridge Design Manual February 2023
Concrete compressive strength f'C = 4.50 ksi
Yield strength of the reinforcement fy = 60.00 ksi
Concrete unit weight γc = 0.150 kcf
Correction factor for source aggregate K1 = 1.00 AASHTO
Modulus of elasticity of reinforcement ES = 29000 ksi AASHTO
Modulus of elasticity of concrete 𝐸𝐶 = 120,000𝐾1 𝛾𝑐2 𝑓𝑐′0.33 = 4435.31 ksi AASHTO
Modular ratio n = ES / EC = 6.54 AASHTO 5.6.1
Compression zone factor 𝛽1 = 0.85 − 𝑓 ′𝑐 − 4.0 0.05 = 0.825 AASHTO
Resistance factor for flexural-tension control ϕf = 0.90 AASHTO
Resistance factor for shear-tension control ϕv = 0.90 AASHTO
Design width b= 12.00 in.
It has been assumed that the load combination Strength Ib generates the maximum moment at the
interface of the stem wall and footing. However, the Designer should check all possible load
combinations, including extreme event, and select the combination that produces the maximum load for
the design of the stem.
Note: The Designer/Engineer is encouraged to use engineering judgment to determine the moment and
required area of reinforcing steel at other points of the stem for tall walls (H ≥ 10.0') to reduce the amount
of steel required at higher elevations.
CDOT Bridge Design Manual February 2023
CDOT Bridge Design Manual February 2023
CDOT Bridge Design Manual February 2023
Shear typically does not govern the design of retaining walls. If shear becomes an issue, the thickness of
the stem should be increased. Ignore benefits of the shear key (if applicable) and axial compression.
Per AASHTO, this section does not qualify for simplified procedure for determining shear
resistance parameters. General procedure will be used (AASHTO
+ 0.5𝑁𝑢 + 𝑉𝑢 − 𝑉𝑝 − 𝐴𝑝𝑠 𝑓𝑝𝑜
Longitudinal tensile strain in the section 𝜀𝑠 =
𝐸𝑠 𝐴𝑠 + 𝐸𝑝 𝐴𝑝𝑠
Removing all prestress steel unknowns, + 0.5𝑁𝑢 + 𝑉𝑢
the equation will be as follows: 𝜀𝑠 =
𝐸𝑠 𝐴𝑠
Factored moment Mu = max (Mu str , Vu str * dv) = 42.23 kip-ft./ft.
Factored axial force Nu = 1.25 (DC1+DC2+DC4) = -5.19 kip
Area of steel on the flexural tension side As = in2 / ft.
Modulus of elasticity of reinforcement Es = 29,000 ksi
Longitudinal tensile strain in the section εs = 0.00182 in / in
4.8 51
Parameter β for sections with no transverse reinforcement 𝛽=
(1 + 750𝜀𝑠 ) (39 + 𝑠𝑥𝑒 )
dv = 18.20 in
Crack spacing parameter (1) sx = min s= 12.00 in (see below - #4 @ 12")
if As_layer ≥ 0.003besx = 0.67 in2
sx = 18.20 in
Crack spacing parameter (2) 𝑠𝑥𝑒 = 𝑠𝑥 = 18.20 in (12.0 in ≤ sex ≤ 80.0 in)
𝑎𝑔 + 0.63
4.8 51
Shear resistance parameter 𝛽= = 1.81 AASHTO
(1 + 750𝜀𝑠 ) (39 + 𝑠𝑥𝑒 )
Nominal Shear Resistance 𝑉𝑐 = 0.0316𝛽𝜆 𝑓𝑐′ 𝑏𝑑𝑣 = 0.0316 (2)(1) 4.50 (12)(18.20) = 26.50 kip
Factored Shear Resistance VR = ϕvVc = 0.90 (26.50) = 23.85 kip
CDOT Bridge Design Manual February 2023
Retaining wall footings and stems are typically unreinforced for shear. Confirm
transverse reinforcement is not required by design, 0.5 VR > Vu str AASHTO
0.5 VR = 11.93 kip
0.5 VR > Vu str OK
The critical section for shear and moment is at the back face of the stem wall (C5.13.3.6). The heel is
designed to carry its self weight and the soil block above it. Conservatively, it is common to ignore
upward soil reaction under the footing heel, thus Strength 1b is not checked. For shear in footings, the
provisions of are not applicable, thus ϕVc ≥ Vu.
Summary of Unfactored Vertical Loads and Moments at the Back Face of the Stem:
V Moment M
Load Type Description
(kip/ft.) Arm (ft.) (kip-ft.)/ft.
DC Heel dead load 1.03 2.75 2.83
EV1 Vertical pressure from dead load of fill on heel 10.73 2.75 29.51
By inspection, load combination Strength IV generates a maximum moment at the interface of the footing
heel and stem wall. However, the Designer should check all possible load combinations and select the
combination that produces the maximum load for the design of the footing.
For reinforcement design, follow the procedure outlined in Section 2.1. Exposure Class I can be used for
cracking check. Results of the design are as follows (also shown on Figure 3):
Transverse horizontal bar at top of footing - #6 @ 6.0"
Longitudinal reinforcement, top and bottom of footing - #4 @ 12.0"
CDOT Bridge Design Manual February 2023
Controlling loads:
Maximum bearing stress (factored) σV = 3.08 ksf (from bearing resistance check)
Factored shear Vu str = σV S = 8.47 kip/ft.
Factored bending moment Mu str = Vu S/2 = 11.65 kip-ft./ft.
Service loads:
X= (Σ MV - Σ MH) / Σ V = (130.18 - 33.30) / 20.53 = 4.72 ft.
e= B/2-X= 10.0 / 2 - 4.72 = 0.28 ft.
σV = ΣV / (B-2e) = 20.53 / (10.0 - 2 (0.28)) = 2.17 ksf
Factored shear Vu serv = σV S = 5.97 kip/ft.
Factored bending moment Mu serv = Vu S/2 = 8.21 kip-ft./ft.
For reinforcement design, follow the procedure outlined in Section 2.1. Results of the design are as
follows (also shown on Figure 3):
Transverse horizontal bar at bottom of toe - # 5 @ 6.0"
Note: Check that the toe length and footing depth can accommodate development length of the hooked
bar past the design plane.
The critical section for shear and moment is at the interface with the bottom of the footing. Shear key
reinforcing is designed to resist passive pressure determined in the sliding analysis. Passive pressure
load resultant is located at a distance "z" from the bottom of footing, if using inclined wedge (see Figure
For reinforcement design, follow the procedure outlined in Section 2.1. Results of the design are as
follows (also shown on Figure 3):
Vertical 'U' bars at front and back face of shear key - #4 @ 6.0"
Longitudinal reinforcement in shear key - #4 @ 12.0"
CDOT Bridge Design Manual February 2023
CDOT Bridge Design Manual February 2023
To calculate Mn, the dead loads are tabulated and multiplied by the distance from their center of gravity to
Point A (lb). The distance between expansion joints in this example is 30 ft.
The impact load is distributed over the length LC of the barrier rail. LC is the critical length of the yield line as
calculated in Example 6.3 of this BDM. The rail anchor slab reinforcing is placed in the top of the slab and is
designed in a 1 ft. strip.
Design Section
Ф Mn = Ф As fs ( ds ‐ a/2 ) AASHTO
a = As fy / 0.85 f'c b
c = β1 / a AASHTO
β1 = 0.85 - 0.05 ( f'c - 4 ) ≥ 0.65, for f'c > 4 ksi AASHTO
d = h - CTOP - dbar / 2
εs = 0.003 ( d ‐ c ) / c AASHTO
Cracking Moment Mcr = 3 1 fr Sc = 13.1 k-ft./ ft. CONTROLS min reinf. & is < Ф Mn
1.33 * Factored Moment 1.33 Mu = 19.3 k-ft./ ft. OK
The following were also assumed in modeling the pier in the LEAP Bridge Substructure program:
→ The end of the column is fixed at the top of the drilled shaft
→ The drilled shaft point of fixity is located at 3x drilled shaft diameter = 13.5 ft.
→ Total drilled shaft length is 5x drilled shaft diameter = 23 ft.
The Designer should use the project geotechnical information and a suitable design tool to determine the
drilled shaft point of fixity and required drilled shaft total length and enter it in the LEAP Bridge
Substructure program.
Applied Loads:
In this example, the only loads included in the analysis are collision loads and dead loads, due to the
improbable coincidence of other loads (BDM Section 3.5.2). Designer may choose to include live loads,
but in most cases shear from vehicle impact will control the design.
If the LEAP Bridge Superstructure model is available, DC and DW loads may be imported to pier model.
Otherwise, they can be autogenerated as shown below.
DC: 1. Slab and girder dead loads - autogenerated from superstructure input, γ = 150 pcf
2. Barrier dead loads - total load per foot = 486 plf (see Structural Worksheets B-606-7B)
DW: 1. Wearing surface total load per foot = 36.67 psf *(57 ft clear roadway width) = 2090.19 plf
(refer to BDM Section 3.4.2)
CT: Equivalent static load = 600 kip, applied in a direction of 0 to 15 degrees, 5 ft. above the
ground (AASHTO
In the case of a multi-column pier, the Designer must investigate the collision force CT acting
on each column separately and select the one with the maximum shear force. The Designer
should then check the shear capacity of the column. The Designer is responsible for
determining the most conservative load cases taking into account both directions of travel
under the bridge and the geometry of the bridge.
Note: The critical design section for a column is at the point of impact. The Designer should
add additional check points near the impact from the 'Structure Model' menu to get information
needed for design.
Column length in LEAP Bridge Substructure model (includes drilled shaft length to fixity)
L = 1/2 x 4 ft. cap depth + 20 ft. + 13.5 ft. = 35.50 ft.
Point of application of CT from drilled shaft point of fixity
y1 = 5 ft. + 2 ft. drilled shaft cover + 13.5 ft. = 20.50 ft.
FX =579.56 kip
FZ = 155.29 kip
Analysis of the columns is performed using the P-delta method. See below for the following outputs from
LEAP Bridge Substructure:
→ Summary of load combinations used in the design
→ Controlling column design results
→ Detailed shear design calculation for controlling column
Summary of Design:
Column reinforcement - main rebar 22 #10 bars, equally spaced
shear reinforcement #4 ties @ 6"
Design of a drilled shaft in the Extreme Event collision case is similar to the design of a drilled shaft in
the Strength cases and will not be shown for this example. The Designer must account for the collision
load in the drilled shaft design by applying Extreme Event loads from the bottom of the column to the top
of the caisson. It is recommended that the Designer use a suitable design tool to analyze shaft-soil
interaction to determine stability and strength requirements.