门机控制器说明书 Door Operator Controller Instruction Manual
门机控制器说明书 Door Operator Controller Instruction Manual
门机控制器说明书 Door Operator Controller Instruction Manual
Canny Elevator Co., Ltd
NSFCO1-01 Door Operator Controller Instruction Book
1.Only the persons who have special qualification can adjust, maintain or check the
controller. Please read this instruction book carefully before operation.
2.Wiring operation can be carried out only when the complete disconnection of the
input electical source is confirmed.
3.Do not confusion the input terminal (L,N) with the output terminal (U,V,W),
otherwise the controller shall be demaged.
4.Please put the ground terminal of the controller to the earth reliably, otherwise the
danger of electric shock exists.
5.Do not tough the controlling terminals under the electrifying situation, otherwise
the danger of electric shock exists.
6.Operate when the charging indicator light extinguishes thoroughly or the voltages
of the positive and the negative bus bars are below 36V, otherwise the danger of
electric shock exists.
7.Prevent the screws, the washers and the metal matters from dropping into the
interior of the frequency converter, otherwise the dangers of fire and property
damaging exist.
8.The wiring of the main loop shall use the bare parts of the cable terminals, must
bind up by using the insulated rubber belt, otherwise the danger of property
damaging exist.
2、Terminal Definitions
Cable No.
Terminal Name Terminal function explanation
L/N/ Brown /blue/ kelly Single phase AC supply input terminal
U/V/W U/V/W Motor wiring terminal
8 1# Door open and close input public terminal
1 2# Door open order normally opened input
2 3# Door close order normally opened input
3 --* Door open limit normally closed input
4 --* Door close limit normally closed input
6 --* Door open speed switch normally closed
input (NC)
7 --* Door close speed switch normally closed
input (NC)
C2-C3 4# Position arrival output public terminal
A2 5# Door fully opened normally closed output
4、Wiring Diagram
Noticing: When connecting the door fully opened output cables, confirm that the logic
state outputted by the door controller is in accordance with the logic received by the
control cabinet, the factory state of the door controller is normally closed output. The
user shall choose logic state of the position arrival output according to the practical
situation of the main control cabinet. (terminal A2)-- fully opened normally opened
output, (terminal A3)-- fully closed normally opened output, (terminal C2-C3)--
output public terminal
5、Explanation of Door Opening and Closing Process
5、1 Door Opening Process
1. Start with the force moment upgrade of P05, the accelerating and decelerating
time of d28, the frequency of d15, then enter into the initiative low speed
operation of door opening with the accelerating and decelerating time of d29, the
target value of d16.
2. After time d47, begin to enter into the high speed operation of door opening with
the accelerating and decelerating time of d30, the target value of d17. The
frequency of the high speed section usually is set as a segment, that is, set the
parameter: d17=d19.
3. When the door moves to the position of the door open speed change switch, after
delaying d48, begin to enter into the low speed operation of door opening with the
accelerating and decelerating time of d33, the target value of d20.
4. When the door moves to the position of the door fully opened switch, the door
enter into the door fully opened force moment holding with the holding frequency
of d21, holding current of d40.
1. The door fully opened holding frequency is d21, the holding current is d40. The
holding time is d42, the range is from 0.1 to 999(sec), when it is set to be 0, then
hold perennially.
2. The frequency of the high speed section usually is set as a segment, that is, set the
parameter: d17=d19, here the accelerating and decelerating d32 between d17 and
d19 shall not work.
3. If the door open force moment of the low speed section is small, increase the
value of P05 properly. Noticing: too large value of P05 shall cause overcurrent
1. Start with the force moment upgrade of P05, the accelerating and decelerating
time of d34, the frequency of d22, then enter into the initiative low speed
operation of door closing with the accelerating and decelerating time of d35, the
target value of d23.
2. After time d49, begin to enter into the high speed operation of door closing with
the accelerating and decelerating time of d36, the target value of d24. The
frequency of the high speed section usually is set as a segment, that is, set the
parameter: d24=d26.
3. When the door moves to the position of the door close speed change switch, after
delaying d50, begin to enter into the low speed operation of door closing with the
accelerating and decelerating time of d39, the target value of d27.
4. When the door moves to the position of the door fully closed switch, the door
enter into the door fully closed force moment holding with the holding frequency
of d14, holding current of d41.
1. The door fully closed holding frequency is d14, the holding current is d41. The
holding time is d42, the range is from 0.1 to 999(sec), when it is set to be 0, then
hold perennially.
2. The frequency of the high speed section usually is set as a segment, that is, set the
parameter: d24=d26, here the accelerating and decelerating d32 between d24 and
d26 shall not work.
3. If the door close force moment of the low speed section is small, increase the
value of P05 properly. Noticing: too large value of P05 shall cause overcurrent
6、Basic Adjustments 1
The setting of the functional parameters of the door operator has been finished
before leaving the manufacturing factory. According to the actual requirement, the
user can adjust the door open or close operation curves by referring the diagram of
open/close operation curves and corresponding parameters.
1. Set the control mode to be panel key mode: p08=1.
Noticing: If the controller is operating, the parameter p08 can not be modified. Please
press “STOP” key, then press switch key “MODE” to ‘p’ parameter column to
modify the parameter p08.
7、 Basic Adjustments 2
When replacing the motor, changing speed or the logic (NO/NC)of limit
switch, please confirm the following procedure:
The monitoring of the parameter n16 being input signal include: ①~⑨.
The monitoring of the parameter n17 being output signal include: open limit
output, close limit output, faults output.
Press key to switch to ‘n’ parameter mode, then press or key to get
corresponding monitoring parameters, press , the states of the input / output
signals can be observed.
Signal name (do not set) Open Close Screen/Tough Open Close
speed speed pad arrival arrival
switch switch
Terminal No. ------ 7 6 5 4 3
Weight 5—15 4 3 2 1 0
(BIT )
Setting value 0 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1
Amounted 0 16 8 4 2 1
D48 Start minus timing time(SW 0.00 0-3 100 Sec R/W
D49 Shut move timing time(SW 0.30 0-3 100 Sec R/W
D50 Shut deceleration timing time 0.00 0-3 100 Sec R/W
(SW mode)
Attached note:
After setting the data of all parameters, cipher can be set to prevent changing the data
Parameter p41: the parameter of the full region cipher (P- parameter region, d-
parameter) set cipher.
Setting range: 000; 1~999(Set to be: “000” denotes not to set cipher)
Changing procedure of the parameter data after setting the cipher:
(No cipher was set when the controller left the manufacturing factory, When setting
the cipher, please record the cipher to prevent forgetting.)