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Maintenance and Maintenance Engineering Objectives

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Maintenance and Maintenance

Engineering Objectives
• Maintenance is a function that must be
performed under normally adverse
circumstances and stress.
• Main objective is to rapidly restore the
equipment to its operational readiness state
using available resources.
Maintenance Engineering
• Maintenance Engineering improve
maintenance operations, reduce the amount
and frequency of maintenance, reduce the
effect of complexity, reduce the maintenance
skills required, reduce the amount of supply
support, establish optimum frequency and
extent of preventive maintenance to be
carried out, improve and ensure maximum
utilization of maintenance facilities.
Maintenance Terms and Definitions
• Maintenance: All actions appropriate for
retaining an item/part/equipment in, or
restoring it to, a given condition.
• Maintenance engineering: The activity of
equipment/item maintenance that develops
concepts, criteria, and technical requirements
Maintenance Terms and Definitions
• Preventive maintenance: All actions carried out
on a planned, periodic, and specific schedule to
keep an item/equipment in stated working
condition through the process of checking and
• Corrective maintenance: The unscheduled
maintenance or repair to return items/equipment
to a defined state and carried out because
maintenance persons or users perceived
deficiencies or failures.
Maintenance Terms and Definitions
• Predictive maintenance: The use of modern
measurement and signal processing methods
to accurately diagnose item/equipment
condition during operation.
• Maintenance plan: A document that outlines
the management and technical procedure to
be employed to maintain an item; usually
describes facilities, tools, schedules, and
Maintenance Terms and Definitions
• Reliability: The probability that an item will
perform its stated function satisfactorily for
the desired period when used per the
specified conditions.
• Maintainability: The probability that a failed
item will be restored to adequately working
Maintenance Terms and Definitions
• Active repair time: The component of
downtime when repair persons are active to
effect a repair.
• Overhaul: A comprehensive inspection and
restoration of an item or a piece of equipment
to an acceptable level at a durability time or
usage limit.
Maintenance Department Functions
• Planning and repairing equipment/facilities to
acceptable standards.
• Performing preventive maintenance; more
specifically, developing and implementing a
regularly scheduled work program for the
purpose of maintaining satisfactory
equipment/facility operation as well as
preventing major problems
Maintenance Department Functions
• Preparing realistic budgets that detail
maintenance personnel and material needs.
• Managing inventory to ensure that
parts/materials necessary to conduct
maintenance tasks are readily available.
• Keeping records on equipment, services, etc.
• Developing effective approaches to monitor
the activities of maintenance staff
Maintenance Department Functions
• Training maintenance staff and other
concerned individuals to improve their skills
and perform effectively.
• Reviewing plans for new facilities, installation
of new equipment, etc.
• Implementing methods to improve workplace
safety and developing safety education-
related programs for maintenance staff
Maintenance Department Functions
• Developing contract specifications and
inspecting work performed by contractors to
ensure compliance with contractual
Preventive Maintenance (PM)
• Care and servicing by individuals involved with
maintenance to keep equipment/facilities in
satisfactory operational state by providing for
systematic inspection, detection, and
correction of incipient failures either prior to
their occurrence or prior to their development
into major failure.
Objectives of Preventive Maintenance
• Enhance capital equipment productive life,
reduce critical equipment breakdowns, allow
better planning and scheduling of needed
maintenance work, minimize production
losses due to equipment failures, and promote
health and safety of maintenance personnel
Elements of Preventive Maintenance
1. Inspection: Periodically inspecting
materials/items to determine their
serviceability by comparing their physical,
electrical, mechanical, etc.
2. Servicing: Cleaning, lubricating, charging,
preservation, etc., of items/ materials
periodically to prevent the occurrence of
incipient failures
Elements of Preventive Maintenance
3. Calibration: Periodically determining the
value of characteristics of an item by
comparison to a standard; it consists of the
comparison of two instruments, one of which
is certified standard with known accuracy, to
detect and adjust any discrepancy in the
accuracy of the material/parameter being
compared to the established standard value
Elements of Preventive Maintenance
Elements of Preventive Maintenance
4. Testing: Periodically testing or checking out to
determine serviceability and detect
electrical/mechanical-related degradation.
5. Alignment: Making changes to an item’s
specified variable elements for the purpose of
achieving optimum performance.
6. Adjustment: Periodically adjusting specified
variable elements of material for the purpose of
achieving the optimum system performance
Elements of Preventive Maintenance
7. Installation: Periodic replacement of limited-
life items or the items experiencing time
cycle or wear degradation, to maintain the
specified system tolerance
Steps for Establishing a PM Program
(Information Required)
• Accurate historical records of equipment,
• Manufacturer’s recommendations,
• Skilled personnel,
• Past data from similar equipment,
• Service manuals,
• Unique identification of all equipment,
• Appropriate test instruments and tools,
• Management support and user cooperation,
Steps for Establishing a PM Program
(Information Required)
• Failure information by problem/cause/ action,
• Consumables and replaceable components/parts,
• Clearly written instructions with a checklist to be
signed off.
Steps for Establishing a PM Program
1. Identify and choose the areas. Identify and
selection of one or two important areas to
concentrate the initial PM effort. These areas
should be crucial to the success of overall
plant operations and may be experiencing a
high degree of maintenance actions. The
main objective of this step is to obtain
immediate results in highly visible areas, as
well as to win concerned management
Steps for Establishing a PM Program
2. Identify the PM needs. establish a schedule
of two types of tasks
i. Daily PM inspections
• daily PM inspections could be conducted by
either maintenance or production personnel
to check the waste water settleable solids
Steps for Establishing a PM Program
ii. Periodic PM
• Periodic PM assignments usually are
performed by the maintenance workers.
• Replacing throwaway filters, replacing drive
belts, and cleaning steam traps and
permanent filters.
Steps for Establishing a PM Program
3. Establish assignment frequency.
• Establish the frequency of the assignments.
• This involves reviewing the equipment
condition and records.
4. Prepare the PM assignments.
• Daily and periodic assignments are identified
and described in detail, then submitted for
Steps for Establishing a PM Program
5. Schedule the PM assignments on annual
• The defined PM assignments are scheduled on
the basis of a twelve-month period.
6. Expand the PM program as necessary.
• PM can be expanded to other areas.

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