Powder Forged (PF) Ferrous Materials: Standard Specification For
Powder Forged (PF) Ferrous Materials: Standard Specification For
Powder Forged (PF) Ferrous Materials: Standard Specification For
1. Scope* NOTE 3—The old acronym for powder forging P/F has been replaced by
PF throughout the document. The change in the prefix for the material
1.1 This specification covers powder forged ferrous materi- designations is just to match the currently approved acronym for powder
als fabricated by hot densification of atomized prealloyed or forging. No change has been made to the material specification and
iron powders and intended for use as structural parts. performance characteristics for the various powder forged materials.
1.2 This specification covers powder forged parts made 1.2.2 Grades:
from the following materials: Grade A—Density equivalent to a maximum of
1.2.1 Compositions: 0.5 % porosity. The minimum density of those sections of the PF-10XX Carbon Steel (produced from atomized powder forged part so designated by the applicable part
iron powder and graphite powder), drawing shall not be less than the value specified in Table 1. PF-10CXX Copper-Carbon Steel (produced from Grade B—Density equivalent to a maximum of
atomized iron powder, copper and graphite powders), 1.5 % porosity. The minimum density of those sections of the PF-11XX Carbon Steel with manganese sulfide for powder forged part so designated by the applicable part
enhanced machinability (produced from atomized iron powder, drawing shall not be less than the value specified in Table 1.
manganese sulfide, and graphite powders), 1.3 The values stated in either SI units or inch-pound units PF-11CXX, PF-1130CXX, and PF-1135CXX are to be regarded separately as standard. The values stated in
Copper-Carbon Steels with manganese sulfide for enhanced each system may not be exact equivalents; therefore, each
machinability (produced from atomized iron powder, copper, system shall be used independently of the other. Combining
manganese sulfide, and graphite powders), values from the two systems may result in non-conformance PF-42XX Nickel-Molybdenum Steel (produced with the standard.
from prealloyed atomized iron-nickel-molybdenum powder
and graphite powder), 2. Referenced Documents PF-46XX Nickel-Molybdenum Steel (produced 2.1 ASTM Standards:2
from prealloyed atomized iron-nickel-molybdenum powder A255 Test Methods for Determining Hardenability of Steel
and graphite powder), B243 Terminology of Powder Metallurgy PF-44XX Molybdenum Steel (produced from preal- B311 Test Method for Density of Powder Metallurgy (PM)
loyed atomized iron-molybdenum powder and graphite Materials Containing Less Than Two Percent Porosity
powder), and B795 Test Method for Determining the Percentage of Al- PF-49XX Molybdenum Steel (produced from preal- loyed or Unalloyed Iron Contamination Present in Powder
loyed atomized iron-molybdenum powder and graphite pow- Forged (PF) Steel Materials
der). B796 Test Method for Nonmetallic Inclusion Content of
NOTE 1—Alloy composition designations are modifications of the Ferrous Powders Intended for Powder Forging (PF) Ap-
AISI-SAE nomenclature. For example: 10CXX designates a plain carbon plications
steel containing copper and XX amount of carbon. Compositional limits B797 Test Method for Surface Finger-Oxide Penetration
of alloy and impurity elements may be different from the AISI-SAE limits.
Chemical composition limits are specified in Section 6.
Depth and Presence of Interparticle Oxide Networks in
NOTE 2—XX designates the forged carbon content, in hundredths of a Powder Forged (PF) Steel Parts
percent, that is specified by the purchaser for the application. For a given B934 Test Method for Effective Case Depth of Ferrous
specified carbon content, the permissible limits shall be as specified in 6.2. Powder Metallurgy (PM) Parts Using Microindentation
Hardness Measurements
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee B09 on Metal
Powders and Metal Powder Products and is the direct responsibility of Subcom-
mittee B09.11 on Near Full Density Powder Metallurgy Materials. For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
Current edition approved Nov. 1, 2015. Published December 2015. Originally contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM
approved in 1994. Last previous edition approved in 2010 as B848 – 10. DOI: Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
10.1520/B0848-15. the ASTM website.
B848 − 15
TABLE 1 Minimum Density for Selected Powder Forged Steel 2.2 MPIF Standard:3
Compositions (Fully Annealed Heat Treatment Condition—Ferrite/ MPIF 35 Materials Standards for PF Steel Parts
Pearlite Microstructure)A,B
Density (g/cm 3) 3. Terminology
Chemical Composition Grade A Grade B
(0.5 % porosity)C (1.5 % porosity)C 3.1 Definitions—Definitions of powder metallurgy terms
PF-1040 7.81 7.74 can be found in Terminology B243. Additional descriptive
PF-1060 7.81 7.73 information is available in the Related Material Section of Vol.
PF-10C40 7.81D 7.74D
PF-10C60 7.81D 7.73D
02.05 of the Annual Book of ASTM Standards.
PF-1140 7.79 7.71 3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
PF-1160 7.78 7.70
PF-11C40 7.79D 7.71D 3.2.1 core region—a core region is one where there is either
PF-11C60 7.79D 7.71D no decarburization as determined by the procedure in 9.3.4 or
PF-1130C50 7.82D 7.74D there is no hardened surface as determined by the procedure in
PF-1130C60 7.82D 7.74D
PF-1135C60 7.82D 7.74D S2.2.
PF-4220 7.82 7.74 3.2.2 critical region—a critical region of a part is one that
PF-4240 7.81 7.73
PF-4260 7.80 7.72 requires a density level or a microstructural characteristic to be
PF-4420 7.82 7.74 separately specified.
PF-4440 7.81 7.73
PF-4460 7.81 7.73 4. Ordering Information
PF-4620 7.82 7.74
PF-4640 7.81 7.73 4.1 Orders for parts conforming to this specification shall
PF-4660 7.81 7.73
PF-4680 7.80 7.72
include the following:
PF-4920 7.83 7.75 4.1.1 Alloy composition, including carbon content (see
PF-4940 7.82 7.74 1.2.1, Section 6, and Table 2),
PF-4960 7.81 7.74
4.1.2 Grade (minimum density requirement—see 1.2.2 and
Quench-hardening and tempering will reduce the density values. Normalized Section 7),
samples may have lower density values then fully annealed materials.
For the purpose of determining conformance with this specification, measured 4.1.3 Heat treatment condition and hardness (see 8.1.3,
values shall be rounded “to the nearest unit” in the last right-hand digit used in 8.1.4, and 8.2.3),
expressing the specification limit, in accordance with the rounding-off method of
Practice E29.
4.1.4 Location of critical regions (see 3.2.2),
Based on the method described in Smith, D. W., “Calculation of the Pore-Free 4.1.5 Whether functional or mechanical property testing is
Density of PM Steels: Role of Microstructure and Composition,” The International required, what type of testing is required, and what perfor-
Journal of Powder Metallurgy, Vol 28, No. 3, 1992, p. 259. Calculations based on
350 ppm max oxygen content and all oxygen combined as 3MnO · Al2O3 · 3SiO 2.
mance level is required (see 8.1.1, 8.1.2, 8.2.1, and 8.2.2),
The method described by Smith is not considered applicable to steels with 4.1.6 Whether the purchaser desires that his representative
admixed copper additions. Pore-free densities for these materials were deter- inspect or witness the inspection and testing of the material
mined by experiment.
prior to shipment (see 11.1 and 11.2),
4.1.7 Whether there are special microstructural require-
ments (see Section 9 and S4),
E3 Guide for Preparation of Metallographic Specimens
4.1.8 Whether certification of the material is required (see
E8 Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials
Section 13),
E18 Test Methods for Rockwell Hardness of Metallic Ma-
4.1.9 Whether there is a maximum forged-oxygen content
(see S1),
E23 Test Methods for Notched Bar Impact Testing of Me-
4.1.10 Whether case hardening is required (see S2),
tallic Materials
4.1.11 Whether there is a maximum area percent porosity
E29 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to
requirement for critical regions (see 3.2.2 and S3), and
Determine Conformance with Specifications
4.1.12 ASTM designation and year of issue.
E350 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Carbon Steel,
Low-Alloy Steel, Silicon Electrical Steel, Ingot Iron, and 5. Materials and Manufacture
Wrought Iron
E415 Test Method for Analysis of Carbon and Low-Alloy 5.1 Make the structural parts by hot forging of powder
Steel by Spark Atomic Emission Spectrometry metallurgy (PM) preforms in confined dies with or without
E562 Test Method for Determining Volume Fraction by subsequent heat treatment. Prepare PM preforms by pressing or
Systematic Manual Point Count by pressing and sintering material conforming to the designa-
E1019 Test Methods for Determination of Carbon, Sulfur, tions in 1.2.1 and meeting the chemical compositions specified
Nitrogen, and Oxygen in Steel, Iron, Nickel, and Cobalt in Section 6 and Table 2.
Alloys by Various Combustion and Fusion Techniques
E1077 Test Methods for Estimating the Depth of Decarbur- 3
Available from Metal Powder Industries Federation, 105 College Road East,
ization of Steel Specimens Princeton, NJ 08540–6692.
B848 − 15
TABLE 2 Chemical Composition Requirements for Powder
Forged Parts (Weight %)A
Element PF-10XX PF-10CXX PF-11XX PF-11CXX PF-1130CXX PF-1135CXX
Nickel, max 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
Molybdenum, 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
Manganese 0.10–0.25 0.10–0.25 0.30–0.60B 0.30–0.60B 0.30–0.60B 0.30–0.60B
Copper 0.30 max 1.8–2.2 0.30 max 1.8–2.2 2.7–3.3F 3.0–3.8F
Chromium, 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
Sulfur, max 0.025 0.025 0.23B 0.23B 0.23 0.23
Silicon, max 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03
Phosphorus, 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03
Carbon C C C C C C
Oxygen D D D D D D
Oxygen D D D D
B848 − 15
8.1.5 Typical mechanical properties of Grade A materials Quenched and Tempered Parts—Determine the
covered by this specification are shown in Appendix X1. depth of effective decarburization by the microindentation
8.2 Mechanical Property Test Methods: hardness method in accordance with Test Methods E1077.
8.2.1 Tensile Test Method—When requested, take tensile 9.4 Nonmetallic Inclusion Level:
test specimens from parts in accordance with the applicable 9.4.1 The nonmetallic inclusion level of Grade A powder
part drawing or purchase order. Test tensile specimens in forged parts shall not exceed that specified by the applicable
accordance with Test Methods E8. Determine yield strength by part drawing or purchase order.
the 0.2 % offset method. 9.4.2 Determine the nonmetallic inclusion level in accor-
8.2.2 Impact Energy Test Method—When requested, take dance with Test Method B796. For materials that contain
Charpy V-notch impact test bars from parts in accordance with manganese sulfide additions, modify the inclusion assessment
the applicable part drawing or purchase order. Test impact bars to count either only those discrete inclusions greater than or
in accordance with Test Methods E23; at room temperature, or, equal to 100 µm maximum caliper (Feret’s) diameter, or
at a temperature agreed between the producer and purchaser. change the near neighbor separation distance from 30 µm to 15
8.2.3 Hardness Test Method—Determine hardness measure- µm in accordance with Test Method B796.
ments in accordance with Test Methods E18. Make core NOTE 4—Porosity dominates the mechanical properties of Grade B
hardness measurements on sectioned parts within the core parts. Inclusion assessment of Grade B parts is therefore not necessary.
region of the part. Determine surface hardness measurements
9.5 Cross Product Contamination :
in accordance with the applicable part drawing on the original
9.5.1 The amount of unalloyed iron contamination of
forged surface, or, if machined, on the machined part surface.
PF – 42XX, PF – 46XX, PF – 44XX, or PF – 49XX, or alloyed
iron contamination of PF – 10XX, PF – 10CXX, PF – 11XX,
9. Microstructure Requirements or PF – 11CXX parts shall not exceed that agreed between the
9.1 Surface Finger Oxide Penetration: producer and purchaser.
9.1.1 The maximum depth of penetration of surface finger 9.5.2 Determine alloyed or unalloyed iron contamination in
oxides from the finished part surface, for each designated accordance with Test Method B795.
critical region of a powder forged part, shall not exceed that
agreed upon between the producer and purchaser. Designate 10. Sampling
critical regions by the applicable part drawing or purchase
10.1 Lot—Unless otherwise specified, a lot shall consist of a
specified quantity of product manufactured under traceable
9.1.2 Determine the surface finger oxide penetration in conditions as agreed upon between producer and purchaser.
accordance with Test Method B797.
10.2 Chemical Analysis—When a full chemical analysis is
9.2 Interparticle Oxide Networks: requested on the purchase order, either the chemical analysis
9.2.1 The extent of any interparticle oxide networks in each provided by the powder supplier for the specific lot of powder
designated critical region of a powder forged part shall not used to make the parts, or, testing of the forged parts, may be
exceed that agreed upon between the producer and purchaser. used to meet this requirement. However, the forged carbon
Designate critical regions on the applicable part drawing or content, and oxygen content when specified, shall be measured
purchase order. on the forged parts. Take samples from the core area of the part.
9.2.2 Determine the interparticle oxide networks in accor- For spectrometric analysis, the sample shall consist of a single
dance with Test Method B797. solid piece carefully cut using a cutting fluid to prevent
9.3 Decarburization Depth: overheating. After cutting, wash the piece with low residue
9.3.1 The maximum depth of complete decarburization acetone to remove the cutting fluid and dry with compressed
(only ferrite present) of surfaces of powder forged parts shall air. For carbon and wet chemical analysis, remove drillings,
not exceed that agreed between the producer and purchaser. chips, or solid pieces without the use of water, oil, or other
9.3.2 The depth of total decarburization (total decarburiza- lubricant, and with care to prevent overheating. Take care to
tion = complete decarburization + partial decarburization), the keep dirt and foreign substances out of the sample.
depth at which core carbon content is reached, shall not exceed 10.3 Mechanical Tests— The producer and purchaser shall
that agreed between the producer and purchaser. Alternatively, mutually agree on a representative number of specimens for
for quenched and tempered parts, an effective decarburization qualification testing or mechanical property testing.
depth (depth to a specified hardness) may be specified.
9.3.3 Determine the depth of complete decarburization by 11. Inspection
the microscopical method in accordance with Test Methods
E1077. 11.1 Inspection of the parts supplied under this specification
9.3.4 Depth of total or effective decarburization. shall be the responsibility of the producer or a mutually agreed Slow-Cooled or Normalized Parts—Estimate the upon third party.
depth of total decarburization of slow-cooled or normalized 11.2 If the purchaser desires that his representative inspect
parts microscopically from the sum of the depths of complete or witness the inspection and testing of the material prior to
and partial decarburization in accordance with Test Methods shipment, such a requirement shall be part of the purchase
E1077. order.
B848 − 15
12. Rejection and Rehearing manufactured, sampled, tested, and inspected in accordance
12.1 Parts that fail to conform to the requirements of this with this specification and have been found to meet the
specification may be rejected. Rejection should be reported to requirements. When specified in the purchase order, furnish a
the producer or supplier promptly and in writing. In case of report of the test results.
dissatisfaction with the results of the test, the producer or
supplier may make claim for a rehearing. 14. Keywords
14.1 powder forged (PF) parts; powder forged (PF) steels;
13. Certification
powder forging (PF)
13.1 When specified in the purchase order, furnish a pro-
ducer’s certification to the purchaser that the parts were
The following supplementary requirements shall apply only when specified by the purchaser in the
purchase order.
S1. Forged Oxygen Content S2.2 Determine the effective case depth of surface hardened
S1.1 The maximum permissible oxygen content of forged parts in accordance with Test Method B934.
parts shall be as specified by the applicable part drawing or the S3. Critical Region Porosity
purchase order.
S3.1 The maximum area percent porosity plus oxide inclu-
S1.2 Take at least one sample for analysis from each lot.
sions of each designated critical region of a powder forged part
Take samples from the core region of the part. The sample shall
shall not exceed that agreed upon between the producer and
consist of a single solid piece carefully cut with a low speed
purchaser. Designate critical regions on the applicable part
precision cut-off wheel using cutting fluid to prevent overheat-
drawing or purchase order.
ing. After cutting, wash the sample with low residue acetone to
S3.2 Determine the critical region percentage porosity plus
remove the cutting fluid and dry with compressed air.
oxide inclusions in accordance with Test Method E562 or by an
S1.3 Determine the oxygen concentration in accordance
agreed upon automated image analysis method.
with Test Method E1019. (Calibration standards should be
selected with an oxygen level appropriate to the level of S4. Microstructural Uniformity
oxygen in the forged sample.) S4.1 Microstructural uniformity requirements for powder
forged parts shall be agreed upon between the producer and
S2. Case Hardening purchaser.
S2.1 The effective case depth of surface hardened (for S4.2 Remove a metallographic specimen representing the
example, carburized or carbonitrided) powder forged steel specified region or regions of the part for examination. Prepare
parts shall meet the range specified by the applicable part the specimen following the procedures described in Practice
drawing or as agreed upon by the producer and purchaser. E3.
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 Data for typical mechanical properties of Grade A mechanical properties that may be expected from specimens
powder forged ferrous structural parts are given in Table X1.1. machined from sample blanks of the chemical composition and
The data do not constitute a part of the specification. They are heat treatment condition specified.
merely intended to indicate to the purchaser the typical
B848 − 15
TABLE X1.1 Carbon SteelA
Typical ValuesB
Tensile Properties Compressive
Material Code Heat Treat Ultimate Yield Strength Elongation Reduction of Yield Strength Mean Fatigue
Designation ConditionC Strength 0.2 % Offset (in 1 in.) Area Hardness Impact Energy 0.1 % Offset Limit
(103 psi) (103 psi) (%) (%) (Rockwell) (ft·lbf) (103 psi) (103 psi)D
PF-1020 N 64 50 30 55 70 HRB 20 55
PF-1040 N 75 45 27 50 75HRB 3 60
Q 140 120 12 42 30 HRC 15 110E
PF-1060 N 90 55 17 37 90 HRB 2 65 45
Q 125 100 12 30 26 HRC 4 95E
Q 195 175 8 25 40 HRC 10 130E
Typical ValuesB
Tensile Properties Compressive
Material Code Heat Treat Ultimate Yield Strength Elongation Reduction of Yield Strength Mean Fatigue
Designation ConditionC Strength 0.2 % Offset (in 25.4 mm) Area Hardness Impact Energy 0.1 % Offset Limit
(MPa) (MPa) (%) (%) (Rockwell) (J) (MPa) (MPa)D
PF-1020 N 440 340 30 55 70 HRB 27 380
PF-1040 N 250 310 27 50 75 HRB 4 410
Q 970 830 12 42 30 HRC 20 760E
PF-1060 N 620 380 17 37 90 HRB 3 450 310
Q 860 690 12 30 26 HRC 5 660E
Q 1340 1210 8 25 40 HRC 14 900E
Data from MPIF Standard 35.
Mechanical property data derived from laboratory-prepared test specimens sintered and forged under commercial manufacturing conditions.
N: Normalized condition (austenitize and cool in still air)
Q: Quenched and tempered condition (austenitized, oil quenched and tempered 1 h at temperature to Rockwell C hardness level indicated)
Rotating beam fatigue.
For these heat-treated steels, the hardenability of the alloy is not sufficient to completely through harden the 0.375 in. (9.53 mm) diameter test specimen. Typically, smaller
cross sections have higher compressive yield strengths and larger sections somewhat lower strengths due to the hardenability response of the materials.
Typical ValuesA
Tensile Properties Compressive
Material Code Heat Treat Ultimate Yield Strength Elongation Reduction of Yield Strength Mean Fatigue
Designation ConditionB Strength 0.2 % Offset (in 25.4 mm) Area Hardness Impact Energy 0.1 % Offset Limit
(MPa) (MPa) (%) (%) (Rockwell) (J) (MPa) (MPa)C
PF-10C40 N 690 480 18 38 97 HRB 4 620
PF-10C50 N 830 550 16 30 22 HRC 3 660 340
PF-10C60 N 860 590 11 27 24 HRC 3 690 340
PF-11C40 N 660 480 14 36 98 HRB 5 590 330
Q 900 830 10 30 26 HRC 7 790D
Q 1340 1100 7 25 38 HRC 9 860D 520
PF-11C50 N 860 590 15 30 24 HRC 5 620 340
PF-11C60 N 900 620 11 23 28 HRC 4 620
PF-1130C50 N 1035 720 15 22 30 HRC 690
PF-1130C60 N 1070 760 12 16 30 HRC 760
PF-1135C60 N 1200 830 11 18 35 HRC 800
Mechanical property data derived from laboratory-prepared test specimens sintered and forged under commercial manufacturing conditions.
N: Normalized condition (austenitize and cool in still air)
Q: Quenched and tempered condition (austenitized, oil quenched and tempered 1 h at temperature to Rockwell C hardness level indicated)
Rotating beam fatigue.
For these heat-treated steels, the hardenability of the alloy is not sufficient to completely through harden the 0.375 in. (9.53 mm) diameter test specimen. Typically, smaller
cross sections have higher compressive yield strengths and larger sections somewhat lower strengths due to the hardenability response of the materials.
B848 − 15
TABLE X1.3 Low Alloy PF-42XX Steel
Typical ValuesA
Tensile Properties Compressive
Material Code Heat Treat Ultimate Yield Strength Elongation Reduction of Yield Strength Mean Fatigue
Designation ConditionB Strength 0.2 % Offset (in 1 in.) Area Hardness Impact Energy 0.1 % Offset Limit
(103 psi) 3
(10 psi) (%) (%) (Rockwell) (ft·lbf) (103 psi) (103 psi)C
PF-4220 N 75 55 25 55 84 HRB 25 60
Q 120 100 23 55 26 HRC 30 95
Q 175 140 9 35 38 HRC 25 105
PF-4240 N 100 70 16 40 97 HRB 8 80 55
Q 130 120 15 40 28 HRC 20 130
Q 190 170 9 35 38 HRC 8 180
PF-4260 N 110 75 15 30 22 HRC 5 80 50
Q 130 120 15 35 30 HRC 18 130
Q 190 170 9 32 38 HRC 14 180 80
Q 235 210 5 25 45 HRC 8 205
Q 280 255 <1 20 54 HRC 3 255
Typical ValuesA
Tensile Properties Compressive
Material Code Heat Treat Ultimate Yield Strength Elongation Reduction of Yield Strength Mean Fatigue
Designation ConditionB Strength 0.2 % Offset (in 25.4 mm) Area Hardness Impact Energy 0.1 % Offset Limit
(MPa) (MPa) (%) (%) (Rockwell) (J) (MPa) (MPa)C
PF-4220 N 520 380 25 55 84 HRB 34 410
Q 830 690 23 55 26 HRC 41 660
Q 1210 970 9 35 38 HRC 34 720
PF-4240 N 690 480 16 40 97 HRB 11 550 380
Q 900 830 15 40 28 HRC 27 900
Q 1310 1170 9 35 38 HRC 11 1240
PF-4260 N 760 520 15 30 22 HRC 7 550 340
Q 900 830 15 35 30 HRC 24 900
Q 1310 1170 9 32 38 HRC 19 1240 550
Q 1620 1450 5 25 45 HRC 11 1410
Q 1930 1760 <1 20 54 HRC 4 1760
Mechanical property data derived from laboratory-prepared test specimens sintered and forged under commercial manufacturing conditions.
N: Normalized condition (austenitize and cool in still air)
Q: Quenched and tempered condition (austenitized, oil quenched and tempered 1 h at temperature to Rockwell C hardness level indicated)
Rotating beam fatigue.
B848 − 15
TABLE X1.4 Low Alloy PF-46XX Steel
Typical ValuesA
Tensile Properties Compressive
Material Code Heat Treat Ultimate Yield Strength Elongation Reduction of Yield Strength Mean Fatigue
Designation ConditionB Strength 0.2 % Offset (in 1 in.) Area Hardness Impact Energy 0.1 % Offset Limit
(103 psi) 3
(10 psi) (%) (%) (Rockwell) (ft·lbf) (103 psi) (103 psi)C
PF-4620 N 80 60 20 50 96 HRB 25 70
Q 140 130 24 50 28 HRC 60 135
Q 190 155 90 30 38 HRC 20 160
PF-4640 N 100 80 17 40 98 HRB 8 80 43
Q 130 120 15 30 28 HRC 25 125
Q 190 155 13 30 38 HRC 18 160
PF-4660 N 115 85 15 30 24 HRC 5 80 60
Q 140 130 13 25 28 HRC 20 130
Q 190 155 12 25 38 HRC 16 170 80
Q 240 200 6 15 48 HRC 9 220
Q 290 250 <1 9 54 HRC 3 245
PF-4680 N 135 90 11 30 25 HRC 3 85
Q 245 210 4 13 48 HRC 4 220
Typical ValuesA
Tensile Properties Compressive
Material Code Heat Treat Ultimate Yield Strength Elongation Reduction of Yield Strength Mean Fatigue
Designation ConditionB Strength 0.2 % Offset (in 25.4 mm) Area Hardness Impact Energy 0.1 % Offset Limit
(MPa) (MPa) (%) (%) (Rockwell) (J) (MPa) (MPa)C
PF-4620 N 550 410 20 50 96 HRB 34 480
Q 9710 900 24 30 28 HRC 81 930
Q 1310 1070 9 30 38 HRC 27 1100
PF-4640 N 690 550 17 40 98 HRB 11 550 300
Q 900 830 15 30 28 HRC 34 860
Q 1310 1070 13 30 38 HRC 24 1100
PF-4660 N 790 590 15 30 24 HRC 7 550 410
Q 970 900 13 25 28 HRC 27 900
Q 1310 1070 12 25 38 HRC 22 1170 550
Q 1650 1380 6 15 48 HRC 12 1520
Q 2000 1720 <1 9 54 HRC 4 1690
PF-4680 N 930 620 11 30 25 HRC 4 590
Q 1690 1450 4 13 48 HRC 5 1520
Mechanical property data derived from laboratory-prepared test specimens sintered and forged under commercial manufacturing conditions.
N: Normalized condition (austenitize and cool in still air)
Q: Quenched and tempered condition (austenitized, oil quenched, and tempered 1 h at temperature to Rockwell C hardness level indicated
Rotating beam fatigue.
B848 − 15
B848 − 15
Committee B09 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue (B848 – 10)
that may impact the use of this standard.
(1) PF-1130CXX and PF-1135CXX have been added to sub- (3) Chemical composition limits have been added for PF-
section 1130CXX and PF-1135CXX in Table 2.
(2) Grade A and Grade B density values have been added for (4) Mechanical property data have been added to Table X1.2
PF-1130C50; PF-1130C60; and PF-1135C60 in Table 1. for PF-1130C50, PF-1130C60, and PF-1135C60.
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
(www.astm.org). Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the Copyright Clearance Center, 222
Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, Tel: (978) 646-2600; http://www.copyright.com/