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Grade 10 - Team Handball Unit

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Team Handball

Table of Contents

Gerald Fitzgibbon
Table of Contents 2
Unit Plan Rationale 3
Respect, Equality and Relationships 6
Integrating Technology 7
Promoting a Safe and Positive Learning Environment  8
Maintaining Meaning and Relevance 8
Uniqueness is NOT a Bad Thing 9
Always Be encouraging 9
Classroom Management Plan 10
Unit Assessment Plan 14
Stage 1: Desired Results 14
General Outcomes (in full): 14
Understandings: 14
Essential Questions: 14
Specific Outcomes (in full): 14
Prior understandings… 14
Where does this lead? (Future outcomes in the same course, following grade-level
classes, etc.) 15
Stage 2: Balanced Assessment Planning Matrix 16
Stage 3: Assessment Description 17
Daily Observations Marked A 17
Daily Observations Marked C 17
Daily Observation Marked D 17

Gerald Fitzgibbon
Unit Plan Rationale

Team handball is a great game that incompases many wonderful compound movements. I

believe that team handball is a wonderful example of a sport that requires cooperation to be

effective. The game is set up so that you can only take three steps before passing, also having to

jump into the semi circle crease to shoot means there are no surprises either.

This game is a wonderful way to promote relationship building and there is so much potential

for participating in this sport outside of highschool that is often overlooked, and yet, at its

highest level, Handball is one of the most skilful, tactical and physical games, with professional

men’s and women’s leagues across the globe and played by over 5 million men, women and

children worldwide from a fun event to Olympic Games.

Team handball works on skills, and many compound movements, which in turn will help to

develop teamwork, hand-eye coordination, fair play and sportsmanship, and many

fundamental skills such as running, manipulating objects. I believe that these underrated, non-

mainstream activities give students a wonderful look into the world outside of the ESPN ideals

of traditional professional sports. With the shorter units I hope to have students playing

handball within minutes of its introduction. I aim to present a flexible approach designed to be

adapted to suit the needs of individuals, their differences and the ability of the students being


Gerald Fitzgibbon

A: Students will acquire skills through a
- A10-1 apply and refine locomotor
variety of developmentally appropriate
skills and concepts—effort, space and
movement activities; dance, games, types of
relationships—to perform and create
gymnastics, individual activities and activities
a variety of activities to improve
in an alternative environment; e.g., aquatics
personal performance
and outdoor pursuits.
- A10–5 apply and refine manipulative
skills and concepts—effort, space and
relationships—to perform and create
a variety of activities to improve
personal performance

B: Students will understand, experience and

appreciate the health benefits that result
from physical activity.

C: Students will interact positively with

- C10–3 demonstrate etiquette and fair
- C10-5 develop and apply practices
that contribute to teamwork
- C10-6 identify and demonstrate
positive behaviours that show respect
for self and others

D: Students will assume responsibility to lead - D10–1 demonstrate a commitment to

an active way of life. an active lifestyle through
participation in and out of class
- D10-3 select and apply rules, routines
and procedures of safety in a variety
of activities


For more of an in-depth analysis of my assessment, the unit assessment table in the Unit

Assessment Plan gives a more concrete and explanatory style of what the outlines will look like.

Gerald Fitzgibbon
The assessment will have both summative and formative components, using a combination of

peer, self, and teacher evaluation. This will help ensure that all aspects of the outcomes are

being assessed, and to promote critical self-reflection of students. I aim to ensure feedback is

given in a timely manner, and proper relationship building is taking place.


I place high value on living a physically active life and aspire to impart that value on my students.

My value for physical literacy is at the forefront of my mind when developing each lesson. In a

place with lower socioeconomic status, equipment and gyms might not always be the most

accessible place for students to continue to grow in their physical literacy. It is here where

smaller lessons, and higher frequency of sports help alleviate burn out and give kids a deeper

understanding and appreciation of physical activity in adult life. I believe that if a student is given

the opportunity to properly learn and develop fundamental movement skills, fundamental sport

skills, and a healthy daily activity routine that it will translate to a joy of participating in a wide

variety of activities in their daily lives. My goal is for my students to leave the semester with a

greater understanding and skill in physical literacy, as well as a greater confidence to pursue

those physical activities done in class.

With my goal for providing a variety of physical activities at shorter intervals, I believe that this

will not only provide a larger exposure of activities but will reduce the chances of kids not being

involved or showing up to class in the lower levels due to their dislike for a unit and the unit

going on for over a month! In these short units, the kids, whether they like it or not, will allow

them to participate for three to four classes, and then move on, now with the knowledge of the

Gerald Fitzgibbon
activity. If they enjoy the activity, they now have the tools and knowhow to participate in the

activity outside the school. These quick classes accentuate Physical Literacy as so many activities

have cross over movements.

I want each of my students to look forward to coming to class and participate in the activities. I

will do this by not placing extreme emphasis on sports competition. I will mostly be focusing on

skill acquisition, and activity play through. It is here that they learn the basics and how to

integrate the activity into their environment. Through teaching students the skills they need, and

how their bodies move, they are going to be more aware of their bodies and how to live a fit and

active life. I want my students to leave my classroom with the tools they need in order to be

active for life. In order to do this, we as physical educators, need to model healthy behaviors and

‘practice what we preach’.

I believe that teaching effectively in an uncertain and large place like a gym, or ice rink, or wall

climbing area can come with challenges. It is hard to create order and be able to teach everyone

properly, however if done right, can greatly impact the role of critically looking at physical

activities in daily life. I feel as though there are some I want to focus on such as:

Respect, Equality and Relationships

In a physical education class, respect is the most important thing to promote well being

throughout the class. I believe it is reciprocity both in and out of class. Respect, fairness and

good work ethic are fostered when a teacher develops strong relationships with students, and

when these demonstrated attributes are implemented by teachers, students will reciprocate

them. Respect is not solely student-to-teacher interactions, but must permeate through to

Gerald Fitzgibbon
student-to-student interactions. I aim to become a transformational teacher through my

learning endeavours, hoping to see students succeed in their lives exhibiting respect, wellness,

and relationships with those around them. I also hope to impart a sense of inclusivity and

equity that students will use to promote change in their environment. Imparting tools the

students need to become critical thinkers able to overcome day to day problems outside of the

classroom. Respect is the foreground to relationships in a student teacher role.

Students should respect you first, then the relationship will grow. It is through the

respect that the students won’t get hurt, and will be able to succeed in gym or alternative

classroom setting. The relationship simply helps break down that barrier for trying new or

strange things, to persisting in the midst of failure. When dealing with life skills, and personal

things like what a student consumes, it can be hard, therefore having meaningful relationships

are crucial. But the foundation of respect must already be laid and cured.

Integrating Technology

While I am the biggest nerd when it comes to technology and ways to integrate it into the

classroom, it is my job to be socially aware of my surroundings. This school has a wide range of

socioeconomic status. In many cases, some students do not possess computers at home. There

are little resources accessible to students by means of technology for physical activity.

Therefore, incorporating technology is going to only be feasible in class settings. There is no

way I can expect students to do take home work that would require a computer as it wouldn’t

be fair if they cannot afford one. However when I do use technology, I want to encourage my

students to be efficient and creative with it. As the new generations move to a more

technological centric society, there seems to be little place for an absence of technology. That

Gerald Fitzgibbon
being said, phones are a no-no in gym classes as they take away from physical activity. There

are only a few options that I would consider for phones to be included in classes, on a class by

class basis

Promoting a Safe and Positive Learning Environment 

Every student needs to feel safe and comfortable, unafraid to take risks or make mistakes.

Especially with the short units, having the willingness to try and be comfortable to take a risk on

something you dislike might be hard. It is for this reason that I yearn to create an inclusive

environment free from stigmatization. I want all of my students to understand that their

presence matters. Physical activity is often better in a communal setting, and it is through the

development of this sense of community that I will ensure a supportive environment, where

everyone feels included and significant. Participation and engagement of all students is

something I wish to achieve in my practice. This is why we conduct the shorter units. This can

also be fostered through quality feedback, inclusion/differentiation, and showing students that

their participation is known and appreciated. Being encouraging is all fun and good, however it

does little to actually aid in honing in the skill acquisition, and preparing the student to for their

goals in life. It is only through positive constructive feedback that lasting change can occur.

Maintaining Meaning and Relevance

A student needs to know why they are doing what we are doing. A lack of student

understanding leads to a feeling of apathy and disinterest. Understanding why what we are

doing is relevant and useful to their lives helps to make it meaningful. Student choice is

Gerald Fitzgibbon
something I value if it means it is making something more significant to them. While the units

are preplanned, the content is malleable, and a good teacher should have the ability to think

deeply and critically and alter lesson content if needed. Students need to buy into this program

in order for this to work. Educating students about the positive effects physical activity can

provide will promote appreciation of physical education into adult life.

Uniqueness is NOT a Bad Thing

Every student will have different needs, interests and strengths. They will excel in some things

and not in others, while some students might excel or struggle in all activities. Simply because

you struggle does not make you bad, but makes you unique, and that is the defining

characteristic about what separates us as human beings. This uniqueness only needs a slight

shift to ensure the students eclipses their full potential in the class. It is my job as the teacher

to ensure that I am meeting all of the needs of the students to help them thrive. Student

differences should be celebrated and nurtured, not marginalized and shamed. Diversity is

inevitable, and as physical educators we must teach accordingly, with the appropriate

differentiation in place for every individual. After all, it was in physical education that

differentiation was created.

Always Be encouraging

I believe that kids are only as responsive as you are. If you are dragging your feet and are

unenthusiastic about what you are doing and learning then it really is a problem of the teacher.

The teacher needs to be the vibe check for the students in terms of energy levels and

motivation. No kid wants to participate with people who don’t really care, as that negative

Gerald Fitzgibbon
energy is contagious, but so is enthusiasm, thus you must take the positive attitude when

dealing with kids. Especially with Logs, and reflections, it can seem discouraging and students

might want to stop, or not show what’s on their logs, however being encouraging to the

student and just giving positive reminders can really impact a child.

Physical Education is a fundamental component of the mental, physical and

psychological wellbeing of students. Therefore as a teacher, I want to make sure my students

are eating properly, and engaging in proper mental health practices. I want all of my units to be

interlaced with body positivity and mental health. Physical Education is not solely the muscles.

Students need to develop fundamental nutritional literacy skills in order to be confident and

competent in their daily lives and adult surroundings. As a teacher, I strive to promote bodily

literacy through check ins, chats, and formative feedback. I also plan to “walk the walk” by

practicing these things myself. In doing this, the student should develop a holistic approach to

health focusing on all the pillars. This is achieved like any other subject; the teacher must find

the strengths of the students and use them to effectively instruct others, build relationships,

and help them hone in their skills. When students feel safe, welcomed, encouraged to learn,

they will develop a love for the activity they otherwise wouldn’t have on their own.

Gerald Fitzgibbon
Classroom Management Plan


Classroom management is important, especially when dealing with a large gym of 39

kids. There are going to be balls flying around, physical contact, and the risk for injury is

heightened. Therefore, it is imperative that students are listening to orders, and instructions

and understand safety and concerns. There is also a blind student in our PE 10 class. While

possessing around 20% of their vision, there are no peripherals. This brings a whole new layer

of safety into play as the student would not be able to see oncoming balls, and people. There is

an EA there, and I believe that with proper accommodation, the student will be able to acquire

skills, and enjoy the game of handball like the other students.

I have laid out expectations on day one, and thus expect the students to follow them.

While I recognize this is a grade 10 class, there is going to be a time where I repeat safety and

expectation considerations so the students can recall that information. Some of the

expectations I have for these students are:

Kind Classroom Policy

I expect this gym, and any class in it to be an open and free space. Physical education is

a space to experiment, fail, and try again. There is no place in my classroom for bullying, name

calling, or disregard for feelings. A student who is trying to work hard and try their best,

regardless of their skill level is a student being an exemplary model for activity into adulthood,

and I believe that in stifling a child's love for physical activity through name calling, or being

Gerald Fitzgibbon
made fun of, is the same as any other form of bullying. Being Aware of the feelings of their

peers is a critical skill that is touched on in the physical education curriculum as it is all about

fair and respectful communication, and exemplifying fair play. Therefore it is important to really

have students self check on their words, and feelings.

Be Still When I am Speaking

When instruction is being given, it is something that needs to be said. I have told the

kids on day one that I do not speak solely to hear myself speak, but rather because information

being disseminated to the students is important and should be listened to. Therefore I have no

mouths open when I am speaking; That also goes for bouncing balls, moving around the gym, or

being too far away as to not hear me. These are situations that safety concerns are not being

heard by the student, rules are being missed, and then they are not playing safely or according

to the game. Not only is this detrimental for the students who did listen, putting them in danger

of injury, but also puts the individual not listening in danger as they are now subjected to

frustration by their peers, and injury to themselves as the mechanics are not there. Ultimately,

Students need to be close enough that they can hear me, and quiet enough that I don’t have to

yell. While I will be using a louder “gym” voice, I expect that I do not have to outright shout. If

these expectations are not being met, then I will simply wait. I will stop talking, and I will wait

for the individual to finish. If they continue, I will interrupt them, and ask if they are done. This

should be assisted by Peer intervention as they see I stop, the peers will tell the other kids to

listen and be quiet.

In Summary, I expect students to be respectful of themselves, their peers, and myself in

order to achieve an inclusive and enjoyable time in physical education.

Gerald Fitzgibbon
Additionally, There are schedules posted outside the gym letting students know what is

happening that day, and the expectations that they are expected to follow. Having visual

schedules, and cues will keep students on track, as it will avoid them “goofing off” during

learning activities. Especially when there are only a few lessons in the unit.


Classroom management cannot exist without properly developed relationships. As the teacher

it is my job to learn their names, and get to know them as people. It is here that I can truly

assess their performances, and their motivations. I hope to keep an open communication policy

in my classroom as well as keep it on a first name basis with them (school policy). I will also be

implementing a policy that the student must tell me their name and a fun fact about them

before asking me a question. It is imperative to develop relationships to help facilitate effort,

prolonged joy and motivation. Physical Education shares a special bond with relationships and

enjoyment. It is crucial that students feel safe and willing to try in the gym and in your class.

Through learning names, and sharing some appropriate personal stories, students will feel like

they have a deeper understanding of you as a teacher and are more willing to come to you for

things. Another thing is to be accommodative, there are kids with injuries, and trauma, and it is

unfair to have a blanket participation policy. I want all students to participate in a way that

they feel safe to do so. Thus I think the biggest thing after learning names is being flexible and


Gerald Fitzgibbon

Team Handball has so many movements that are found in other sports, that the motivation

comes from the sheer amount of games you can play while still working on the skills. There are

so many options to play and refine skills that students are rarely going to be not refining their

skills. This coupled with the joy of short units means that even those who have little motivation

are still more likely to try the activities and stick with it due to the promise of swiftness.

Gerald Fitzgibbon
Date March 3rd March 5th March 9th

Introduction to Variable Games Full Games, Half

Lesson Title
Handball and Myself court

GLO’s A, C, D A, C, D A, C, D

SLO’s A-1 A-1 A-1

A-5 A-5 A-5
C-6 C-3 C-3
D-1 C-5 C-5
D-3 C-6 C-6
D-1 D-1
D-3 D-3

Learn Objectives Students will be able Warm Up with

Students will be able to take skills from the Scatterball
to understand and previous class and
perform the basic refine those skills: Play two half court
skills of Handball ● Only Three games of 7v7 or any
Steps variation of it.
Students will ● Shorter
conceptualize the passes Work and
ways to move the ball ● Better communicate as a
down the court throwing team
● Dribbling
Display and enact
● Passing
Students will Build on proper safety
Students will develop their understanding protocol
a basic understanding of the rules and
of Team Handball gameplay of Team
rules: handball:
● Only holding
● 3 steps with onto the ball
ball in hand for 3 seconds
● nobody in ● No Double
crease Dribble
● Must dribble
ball to move Students will be
exposed to their first

Gerald Fitzgibbon
modified game of
Students will refine Team Handball.
skills of Team
Handball through a Students will use the
variety of adapted cues they have
handball games. encountered to
develop team
Play adapted communication
handball game
Students will display
proper safety when
throwing balls at
each other.

Assessment Daily Observations Daily Observations Daily Observations

(A,C,D) (A,C,D) (A,C,D)

Understands the Are Safety Concerns

three main rules of being met?
team Handball
Are students playing
Recognizes and fair, and
demonstrates the collaboratively?
proper ways to move
the ball down the Can the students
court. recall the previous
rules, and implement
the new rules into

Safety No body contact. No headshots No headshots

No violently throwing No Body Checking No Body Checking
the ball at each other No wailing on each No wailing on each
other other
Make sure that the Make sure that the Make sure that the
bball nets are up bball nets are up bball nets are up
Make sure the doors Make sure the doors
Make sure the doors are closed, and the are closed, and the
are closed, and the bleachers aren’t in bleachers aren’t in
bleachers aren’t in the way. Make sure the way. Make sure
the way. that the nets are that the nets are
good to be used, no good to be used, no
jumping on the nets. jumping on the nets.

Gerald Fitzgibbon
Instructional Direct Instruction, TGFU Full Time Play
Strategies TGFU

Equipment Cones, Balls, Pinnies, Cones, Balls, Nets, Cones, Balls, Nets,
Goalie Gloves, Maybe Goalie Gloves, Maybe
the Dividing curtain the Dividing curtain

Motivation Students will be Today students are We bring everything

beginning a new unit, going to be playing a together today, We
and therefore will variety of games as a will have teams, and
have a lot of precursor to their two games going at
movement through modified game of once. they can switch
games. They will also handball against each to make sure they’ve
be learning a new other. played everyone.
game and the
mechanics that are

Gerald Fitzgibbon
Unit Assessment Plan

Stage 1: Desired Results

General Outcomes (in full):

A: Students will acquire skills through a variety of developmentally appropriate movement activities; dance,
games, types of gymnastics, individual activities and activities in an alternative environment; e.g., aquatics and
outdoor pursuits.

C: Students will interact positively with others

D: Students will assume responsibility to lead an active way of life.

Understandings: Essential Questions:

Big picture/ideas after you have unpacked the These address more specifically how you will achieve the big
outcomes picture/ideas

● Students will Understand and adapt the ● How do the Mechanics of Team handball translate into
rules and skills of Team handball to play other physical activities?
together. ● How does Team Handball impact our knowledge of
● Students will exact safety precautions. “mainstream sports”
● Students will play team handball in a
cooperative manner.

Specific Outcomes (in full): Prior Understandings…

Students will be able to… ● How to properly throw a ball

● How to communicate in a group
A10-1 apply and refine locomotor skills and concepts—effort,
space and relationships—to perform and create a variety of

Gerald Fitzgibbon
activities to improve personal performance Where does this lead? (Future outcomes in the same
A10–5 apply and refine manipulative skills and concepts—
course, following grade-level classes, etc.)
effort, space and relationships—to perform and create a
variety of activities to improve personal performance

C10–3 demonstrate etiquette and fair play Using these skills, students should be able to use the
C10-5 develop and apply practices that contribute to
throwing skills for flag football, softball, and so much more,
teamwork even leading into variations such as aussie-rules football,
and other games.
C10-6 identify and demonstrate positive behaviours that
show respect for self and others

D10–1 demonstrate a commitment to an active lifestyle

through participation in and out of class

D10-3 select and apply rules, routines and procedures of

safety in a variety of activities

Gerald Fitzgibbon
Stage 2: Balanced Assessment Planning Matrix

Stage 2: Assessments
Title Daily Observation - A Daily Observation - C Daily Observation - D
Outcomes Type Formative/ Formative/ Formative/
ative) Summative Summative Summative
Weighting 33% 33% 33%

A10-1 apply and refine

locomotor skills and concepts

—effort, space and
relationships—to perform and
create a variety of activities to
improve personal performance

A10–5 apply and refine

manipulative skills and
concepts—effort, space and

relationships—to perform and
create a variety of activities to
improve personal performance

C10–3 demonstrate etiquette

and fair play

C10-5 develop and apply

practices that contribute to ✔

C10-6 identify and

demonstrate positive

behaviours that show respect
for self and others

D10–1 demonstrate a
commitment to an active

lifestyle through participation
in and out of class

D10-3 select and apply rules,

routines and procedures of ✔
safety in a variety of activities

Gerald Fitzgibbon
Stage 3: Assessment Description

Assessment Tool Brief Description Assessment FOR Learning Assessment OF


Daily Observations These are observation chats, and skills that follow ✔ ✔
Marked A in-line with the General Outcome A or activity and
skills. If a kid is really good, but isn’t pushing
themselves, there is a conversation to be had, if the
attitudes persist, then a point is deducted. There is a
total of 10 points which everyone starts out with,
and it goes from there.

Daily Observations These are observation chats, and skills that follow ✔ ✔
Marked C in-line with the General Outcome C or Cooperation,
and teamwork. If a kid is acting out towards another
kid or fighting or yelling, there is a conversation to
be had, if the attitudes persist, then a point is
deducted. There are a total of 10 points which
everyone starts out with, and it goes from there.

Daily Observation These are observations, chats, and skills that follow ✔ ✔
Marked D in-line with the General Outcome D or Do it daily…
for life. The point for this one is that the student can
identify that these skills are skills that can be
transferred to other things, and other recreational
activities outside of school, The aim is that they take
an interest in it.If the student’s general attitude is
lacking, this is where points would come off of.
There is a total of 10 points which everyone starts
out with, and it goes from there.

Gerald Fitzgibbon
Rubric for Daily Observations
● Consistently Late

● Avoids Participation
● Excessive Socialization
● Often Interfering with Others
● Off-Task/Fooling Around
● Excuses like “I’m Bored”, “I can’t” Etc.
● Is Uncooperative and unwilling to compromise.

● Going Through the Motions….. Not Active or Sweating

● Just Trying to “Survive” P.E.
● Shows no Willingness to Improve Skills
● Contributes Very Little to Team Play (i.e., Not moving to get open, moving
only when ball is coming to them)
● Numerous “Excuses” as to why they can’t work hard
● Displays Negative Body Language (Rolling Eyes, turning away)

● Exerts good effort only when the teacher is watching, only when they are

paired with friends, or if interested in, or good at the activity
● Minimal Improvement of Skills
● Requires Constant Prompting to put Forth an acceptable level of effort.

● Effort Is Consistent and often Unprompted

● Demonstrated Enthusiasm and Interest in Activities
● Shows Good Improvement in Skills
● Is Willing to help and Encourage Others
● Follow Directions

Gerald Fitzgibbon
● Displays Enthusiasm and Interest regardless of activity

● Gives 100% of Effort 100% of the time
● Resects Equal Participation
● Noticeable Improvement is Skills
● Cooperative With Students and Teachers
● Self-Motivated

Gerald Fitzgibbon

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