HistoriDel Control StuartBennet
HistoriDel Control StuartBennet
HistoriDel Control StuartBennet
Stuart Bennett
utomatic feedback control systems have been known and hence the rate of combustion and heat output. Improved tempera
A used for more than 2000 years; some of the earliest examples ture control systems were devised by Bonnemain (circa 1743-
are water clocks described by Vitruvius and attributed to Ktesi 1828), who based his sensor and actuator on the differential
bios (circa 270 B.C.). Some three hundred years later, Heron of expansion of different metals. During the 19th century an exten
Alexandria described a range of automata which employed a sive range of thermostatic devices were invented, manufactured,
variety of feedback mechanisms. The word "feedback" is a 20th and sold. These devices were, predominantly, direct-acting con
century neologism introduced in the 1920s by radio engineers to trollers; that is, the power required to operate the control actuator
describe p arasitic , positive feeding back of the signal from the was drawn from the measuring system.
output of an amplifier to the input circuit. It has entered into The most significant control development during the 18th
common usage in the English-speaking world during the latter century was the steam engine governor. The origins of this device
half of the century. lie in the lift-tenter mechanism which was used to control the gap
Automatic feedback is found in a wide range of systems; between the grinding-stones in both wind and water mills. Mat
Rufus Oldenburger, in 1978, when recalling the foundation of thew Boulton (1728-1809) desclibed the lift-tenter in a letter
IFAC, commented on both the name and the breadth of the (dated May 28,1788) to his partner, James Watt (1736-1819),
subject: "I felt that the expression 'automatic control' covered who realized it could be adapted to govcrn thc speed of the rotary
all systems, because all systems involve variables, and one is stea m engine. The first design was produced in November 1788,
concerned with keeping these variables at constant or given and a governor was first used early in 1789. The original Watt
varying values. This amounts to conccrn about control of these governor had several disadvantages: it provided only propor
variables even though no actual automatic control devices may tional control and hence exact control of speed at only one
be intentionally or otherwise incorporated in these systems. I was operating condition (this led to comments that it was "a modera
thinking of biological, economic, political as we\1 as engineering tor, not a controller") ; it could operate only over a small speed
systems so that I pictured the scope ofIFAC as a very broad one." range; and it required careful maintenance.
This divcrsity poses difficultics for historians of the subject The first 70 years of the 19th century saw extensive efforts to
(and for editors of control journals), and this article does not improve on the Watt governor, aud thousands of governor patents
attempt to cover all application areas. were granted throughout the world. Many were for mechanisms
Thc history of automatic control divides conveniently into designed to avoid the offset inherent in the Watt governor.
four main periods as follows: Typical of such mechanisms were the governors patented by
• Early Control: To 1900 William Siemens (1823-1883) in 1846 and 1853, which substi
• The Pre-Classical Period: 1900-1940 tuted integral action for proportional action and hence produced
"floating" controllers with no fixed set point. Practical improve
• The Classical Period: 1935-1960
ments came with the loaded governor of Charles T. Porter (1858):
• Modern Control : Post-1955
his governor could be run at much higher speeds, and hence
This article is concerned with the first three of the above; other
greater forces could be developed to operate an actuator. A little
articles in this issue deal with the more recent pcriod.
later Thomas Pickering (1862) and William Hartnell (1872)
invented spring-loaded governors, which also operated at higher
Early Control: To 1900
speeds than the Watt governor and which had the added advan
Knowledge of the control systems of the Hellenic period was
tage of smaller physical size than the Watt and Porter governors.
preserved within the Islamic culture that was rediscovered in the
From the early years of the 19th century there were reports of
West toward the end of the Renaissance. New inventions and
problems caused by governors "hunting," and attempts to ana
applications of old principles began to appear during the 18th
lyze thc governor mechanism to determine the conditions for
century-for example, Rene-Antoine Ferchault de Reamur (1683-
stable (non - hunting) operation were made. IV Poncelet (1788-
1757) proposed several automatic devices for controlling the tem
1867) in 1826 and 1836, and G.B. Airy (1801-1892) in 1840 and
perature of incubators. These were based on an invention of
1851 produced papers that showed how dynamic motion of the
Cornelius Drebbel (1572-1663). The temperature was measured by
governor could be described using differential equ ation s, but
the expansion of a liquid held in a vessel connected to aU-tube
both met difficulties when they attempted to determine the
containing mercury. A float in the mercury operated an ann which,
conditions for stable beha vior. Airy, in 1851, stated the condi
through a mechanical linkage, controlled the draft to a fumace and
tions for stable operation, but his report is so terse that it is not
possible to determine how hc arrived at thcse conditions. In 1868,
The author is with the Department of Automatic Control & Systems James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) published his now-famous
Engineering. The University of Sheffield, Mappin Street, Sheffield paper entitled "On Governors." In it he described how to derive
S1 3JD, U.K., telephone: +44 (0)114 282 5230, email: s.bell the linear differential equations for various governor mecha
nett@sheffield.ac. uk. nisms. At this time mathematicians and physiCists knew that the
action, were significant devices. the United States, 1909 to 1936 (1921 100). =
June 1996 19
Russia and then Barkhausen's work in Germany, followed by
developments due to Cremer, Leonhard, and Mikhailov.
AT&'1' continued with its attempts to find ways of extending
the bandwidth of its communication systems, and upon obtaining
good frequency response characteristics. The ideal which they
were sceking was a constant gain over a wide bandwidth with a
sharp cut-off and with a small phase lag. Engineers in the Bell
Telephone Laboratories worked extensively on this problem, but
found that if they achieved the desired gain characteristic then
the phase lag was too large. In 1940, Hendrik Bode, who had
been studying extensions to the frequency-domain design
method, showed that no definite and universal attenuation and
phase shift relationship for a physical structure exists, but that
there is a relationship between a given attenuation characteristic
and the minimum phase shift that can be associated with it. In
the same paper he adopted the point (-1,0) as the critical point
rather than the point (+1,0) used by Nyquist, and he introduced
Fig. 2. Internal view of the Foxboro Stabilog circa 1936.
the concept of gain and phase margins, and the gain-bandwidth
limitation. Full details of Bode's work appeared in 1945 in his
book Network ,1nalysis and Feedback Amplifier Design.
The second important group, mechanical engineers and became clear during 1941 that the cumbersomc systcm of relay
physicists working in the process industries in the U.S., encour ing manually the information obtained from radar devices to the
aged by Ed S. Smith of the Builders Iron Foundry Company, gun controllers was not adequate to combat the threat of fast
began systematically developing a theoretical understanding of aircraft and that there was a need to develop a system in which
the control systems they used. They sought to establish a com an automatic tracking radar system was directly linked to the gun
mon terminology and tried to develop design methods. They director, which was in tum linked to the gun position controller.
persuaded the American Society of Mechanical Engineers to Work on this "systems" problem brought together mechani
form an Industrial Instruments and Regulators Committee in cal, electrical, and electronic engineers, and an outcome of this
1936, thus becoming the first major professional body to form a cross-fertilization of ideas was a recognition that neither the
section specifically to deal with automatic control. Several mem frequency response approach used by the communication engi
bers of this loose grouping were aware of developments in neers nor the time domain approach favored by the mechanical
Germany and in England. During this period the manufacturers engineers were, separately, effective design approaches for ser
of pneumatic controllers continued to improve and develop their vomechanisms. What was required was an approach that used
instruments, and by 1940 field-adjustable instruments with PID the best features of each.
control were available-for example, an improved version of the Work by Gordon S. Brown and his students at -'1IT showed
Stabilog and the Taylor Fulscope. In 1942, J.G. Ziegler and N.B. how many mechanical and electrical systems could be repre
Nichols of the Taylor Instrument Companies published papers sented and manipulated using block diagrams. Albert C. Hall
describing how to find the optimum settings for PI and PID showed, in 1 943, that by treating the blocks as transfer functions
control-the so called Ziegler-Nichols tuning rules. These were (he used the Laplace transform approach) the system transfer
extended in the mid-1950s by Geraldine Coon (Taylor Instru locus could be drawn, and hence the Nyquist test for stability
ment). could be used. More importantly the gain and phase margin could
The third group was located in the Electrical Engineeling be determined, and he introduced the use of M and N circles
Department of MIT and was led by Harold L. Hazen and Gordon which enable estimates of the dosed loop time domain behavior
S. Brown. They used time-domain methods based on operator to be made. Another group working the so called Radiation
techniques, began to develop the use of block diagrams, and used Laboratory at MIT (this laboratory was concerned with develop
the differential analyzer to simulate control systems. Scholarly ing radar systems for the detection and tracking of aircraft)
interchanges between MIT and the University of Manchester led designed the SCR-584 radar system, which, linked with the M9
to a ditferential analyzer being built at Manchester University director, was deployed in southeast England and had a high
and, in 1936, Douglas Hartree and ArtllLlr Porter assisted A. success rate against VI rockets. The M9 director was designed
Callender of ICI to use the machine to simulate an industrial by a group led by Bode and including Blackman, C.A. Lovell,
control system and to derive design charts for the system. and Claude Shannon, working in the Bell Telephone Laboratory.
The advent of the second world war concentrated control Out of the work on the SCR-584 came the Nichols chart design
system work on a few specific problems. The most important of method, work by R.S. Phillips on noise in servomechanisms, and
these was the aiming of anti-aircraft guns. This is a complex W. Hurewicz's work on sampled data systems. After the war,
problem that involves the detection of the position of the air details of the work were published in the seminal book Theory
plane, calculation of its future position, and the precise control oj Servomechanisms.
of the movement of a heavy gun. The operation required up to The Radiation Laboratory group used phase advance circuits
14 people to carry out complicated observation and tracking in the forward loop to modify the performance of their control
tasks in a coordinated way. The design of an adequate servo system. Several other workers, particularly in the U.K., used
mechanism to control the gun position was a ditficult task. It also minor loop feedback to modify system response and hence found
bandwidth, resonance, and gain and phase margins and provided whole range of performance indicators including I AE, ISE,
a graphical, pictorial view of the system behavior. The alternative ITAE, and ITSE (Graham and Lathrop, 1953). Sterile arguments
approach based on the solution of the ditlcrential equations using developed about which the performance indicator was the "best"
Laplace transform techniques expressed performance in terms of until it was accepted that what was important was the choice of
rise time, percentage overshoot, steady-state error, and damping. an appropriate performance indicator for a particular application.
Many cngineers preferred the latter approach because the pcr In addition to performance criteria based on minimizing some
formance was expressed in "real" terms, that is, the time behavior error function there was, for certain classes of system, interest in
of the system. The disadvantage, of course, is that until the minimizing the time to reach a set-point (obvious applications
development of the root !locus method there was no simple and are military target seeking servomechanisms and certain classes
easy way in which the designer could relale parameter changes of machine tools). Donald McDondald's "Non-Linear Tech
to time behavior changes. niques for Improving Servo Performance" (1950) was followed
The achievements of the classical era began to be consoli during the 1950s by extensive work on the time-optimal problem
dated and disseminated in books published during the 1940s and relating to the single controlled variable with a saturating control.
early 1950s. The first book dedicated to control systems was Ed The problem was studied by Bushaw (1952) and by Bellman
S. Smith's Automatic Control Engineering. published in 1942; (1956). Tn a definitive paper .T.P. LaSalle (1960) generalized all
however, this book had a pre-war feel to it and it did not reflect the previous results and showed lhat if optimal control exists it
the changes in approach that were developing from the wartime is unique and bang-bang. The progress made in this area is
work. The later hooks, Bode's hook (referred to above) and Leroy summarized in Oldenburger's book Optimal Control ( 1966).
June 1996 21
The more difficult problem was how to choose the control reach a region in state-space and there would be a specified
structure that would give the best performance and how to define amount of time left. Formulated in this way, the problem can be
this "best" performance. To do this, a model of the plant was treated as a multistage decision making process. Working with
needed: either physical-mathematical balance equations of mass, Stuart Dreyfus. Bcllman developed computer programs to pro
energy, etc., in which the parameters are functions ofthe physical duce numerical solutions to a range of problems, and the results
data of the process, or "black box" models based on experimental were published in 1962. The principal difficulty with dynamic
measurements-for cxample, frequency response in which the programming is the dimensionality problem, and even though
parameters are not directly related the physical data of the we now have computing power far beyond anything available to
systems. Bellman and Dreyfus we still need to use approximations to
Work on developing freqnency response ideas and design handle complex systems.
methods continued throughout the 1950s. Design methods for As well as involving positional accuracy, performance re
systems containing non-linearities were developed, as were the quirements also involve constraints expressible as optimization
theoretical foundations of sampled-data systems. The teaching requirements; for example, reaching a specified position in mini
of servomechanisms and control theory spread, initially through mum time, or carrying out a set of maneuvers with minimum fuel
special courses run for practicing engineers and graduate stu consumption. Consequcntly, attention once again focuscd on thc
dents and then through incorporation within the standard sylla differential equation approach to the analysis and design of
bus of many engineering courses. control systems. Dynamical problems that involve minimizing
or maximizing some performance index have "an obvious and
Modern Control strong analogy with the classical variational formulations of
Although thc direction of some post-war work was influenced analytical mechanics given by Lagrange and Hamilton." The
by the insights and new understandings developed during the generalization of Hamilton's approach to geometric optics by
war, the trajectory of development, Alistair J.G. MacFarlane Pontryagin (1956), in the form of his maximum principle, laid
(1979) argues, was largely determined by two factors: first, the the foundations of optimal control theory. This and Bellman's
problem that governments saw as important. the launching, insight into the value and usefulness of the concept of state for
maneuvering, guidance, and tracking of missiles and space ve the formulation and solution of many control and decision prob
hicles; and second, by the advent of the digital computer. The lems led to extensive and deep studies of mathematical problems
first problem was essentially control of ballistic objects, and of automatic control. And the growing availability of the digital
hence detailed physical models could be constructed in terms of computer during the late 1950s made a recursive algorithmic
differential equations, both linear and non-linear; also measuring solution possible (as opposed to the search for a closed-form
instruments and other components of great accuracy and preci solution in the classical approach).
sion could be developed and used. Engineers working in the Michael Athans has placed the origin of what is now referred
aerospace industries, following the example set by Poincare, to as modern control theory as 1956, and in September of that
turned to formulating the general differential equations in terms year an international conference on automatic control, organized
of a set of first-ordcr equations, and thus began the approach that by the joint control committee of the VDI and VDE, was held in
became known as the "state-space" approach. Heidelberg, Germany. During the conference a group of dele
Between 1948 and 1952 Richard Bellman, working in the gates agreed to form an international organization to promote
mathematics department of the RAND Corporation, studied the progress in thc field of automatic controL An organizing
problem of determining the allocation of missiles to targets so as group-Broida (France), Chairman, Grebe (Germany), Letov
to inflict thc maximum damage. This work led him to formulate (USSR), Nowacki (Poland), Oldenburger (U.S.) Welbourn
the "principle of optimality" and to dynamic programming. The (U.K.), with Ruppel (Germany) as Secretary-was charged with
choice of name was, according to an account published in 1984, drawing up plans for an international federation. The organiza
dctermincd by political expediency. The research was supportcd tion, the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC),
by the Air Force but the then-Secretary of Defense had an was officially formed at a mceting held in Paris on Sept. II and
aversion to the word research and it was assumed he would have 12, 1957. Also chosen were attendee Harold Chestnut as the first
an even greater aversion to mathematical research, Dynamic was, president, with A.M. Letov and V. Broida elected as vice presi
and still is, a word with positive connotations, and programming dents, G. Ruppel as secretary, and G. Lehmann as treasurer. At
was thought to be more acceptable that planning. (Names are this meeting the Russian delegate extended an invitation to hold
important, and looking back over 50 years it does seem that the the first conference in Moscow in 1960.
use of the names control engineering, automatic control, and The Moscow Conference was an important and highly visible
systems engineering have not achieved for our subject the rec symbol of the change in direction that had been slowly develop
ognition that might have bccn expected. Names such as cyber ing during the 1950s, and it is fitting that at the conference
netics a n d robotics command a greater degree of pnblic Kalman presented a paper, "On the General Theory of Control
recognition and apparent understanding.) Systems," that clearly showed that a deep and exact duality
In the latter part of the 1950s Bellman began working on existed between the problems of muitivariable feedback control
optimal control theory, at first using the caleulus of variations and multivariable feedback filtering, hence ushering in a new
but later, because of the boundary value problem inherent in the treatment of the optimal control problem.
calculus of variations approach, seeking to formulate determi An important step was Kalman's treatment of the linear
nistic optimization problems in a way in which they could be multivariable optimal control problem with a quadratic perform
solved by using dynamic programming. His insight was to scc ance indcx, and in particular the provision of a synthesis proce
that by applying a particular control policy tIle system wonld dure. Futther impetus to the state-space approach was given with
June 1996 23
Brown and Duncan Campbell, in 1949, laid out clearly what they Lauer, H., Lesnik, R., Matson, L., Servomechanism Funda
saw as the areas of application of control in the future: mentals
"Improved automatic control . . . is the co-ordinated design of
plant, instruments. and control equipment. We have in mind more
a philosophic evaluation of systems which might lead to the Brown, G. S . , and Campbell, D.P, Principles ofServomecha
improvement ofproduct quality, to better co-ordination ofplant
operation, to a clarification ofthe economics related to new plant Oldenbourg, R . e . , Sartorius, The Dynamics of Automatic
social-industrial community. These general remarks are illus Wiener, 1\., Cybernetics: or Control and Communication in
trated by mention that certain industries operating at large the Animal and the Machine
1942 1953
Gardner, M . A . , and Barnes, J.L., Transients in Linear Systems Flugge-Lotz, 1., Discontinuous Automatic Control
Smilh, E.S., Automatic Control Engineering Haines, J.E. , Automatic Control of Heatinr; and Air Condi-
Jones, R.W., Electric Control Systems
Griffiths, R . , Thermostats and Temperature Regulating in
Nixon, F.E., Principles ofAutomatic Control
Thaler, R J . , Brown, R.G., Servomechanism Analysis
Hall, A . C . , The Analysis and Synthesis ofLinear Servomecha
nisms Tustin, A., Mechanism of Economic Systems
West, J.e . , Textbook of Servomechanisms
Oldenbourg, R.C., S artorius, R., Dynamik SelbsttCitiges Re 1954
gelungen Ahrendt, W.R., Servomechanism Practice
Profos. P, Vektorielle Regeltheorie Evans, W.R . , Control System Dynamics
VDI, Regelungstechnik: Begriffe und Bezeichnungen Fett, G.H., Feedback Control Systems
Izawa. K., Introduction to Automatic Control
La Joy, M .H., Industrial Automatic Controls
Bode, H.W., Network Analysis and Feedback Amplifier
Oppelt, W., Kleines IIandbuch Technisches Regelvorgange
Eckmann, Donald P, The Principles of Industrial Process Peters, J., Einschwingvorgange, Gegenkopplung, Stabilitat
Chestnut, H., Mayer, R.W., Servomechanisms and Regulating rion," InternatiolUll Joumal olControl, vol. 50, pp. 2 3 1 3-332, 1989.
G.S. Brown and D.P.Camp bell , " Instrument Engineering: Its Growth and
Systems Design vol. 2
Promise in Process-Control Problems," Fall Meeting of Industrial Instmments
Thaler, G.J., Elements of Servomechanisms
and Regulators Division of ASME, September 1949. Published in Mechanical
Truxal, J.G. . Automatic Control System Synthesis
Engineering. vol. 72, pp. 1 24-7 and 136: discus sionpp . 587-589. 1950.
Tsypkin , Y.Z., Themy ofRelay Control Systems (i n Russian), �1.S. Fagen. ed., A History of EngineeJing and Science in the Bell System:
Van Valkenburg, M.E., Network Analysis The Early Years ( 1875-1925). MIllTay Hill. l\J: Bell Telephone Laboratories,
Young. A.J. . An Introduction to Process Control Systems 1975.
Design A.T. Fuller, edition ofEJ. Routh's Stability ofMotion, Taylor & Francis,
London. 1 97 5 .
Stuart Bennett is a Semor Lecturer in the Department E. Gerecke, "Theory and Mathematical Method, of Automatic Con trol
of Antomatic Control & Systems Engineering at the Until 1 963," Automatica, vol. 14. pp. 59-61, 1 978.
University of Sheffield, UK. He teaches computer con 1. Horowitz, "History of Personal Involvement in Feedback Control
trol and real-time software design. He has written ex Theory." Control Systems Magazine. vol. 4, pp. 22-3, 1984.
tensively on the history of control engineering and is the TP. Hughes, Elmer Sperry: Inventor and Engineer, Baltimore: Johns
author of two books on the subject. one covering the Hopkins Press , 1 97 1 .
period I gOO to I <)30 and the second covering the period R.E Kalman. "On the General Theory of Control Systems," Proceedings
1930 to 1955. During 1 988-89 he was a senior postdoc 481 -492, London. Butter
olthe First IMC Congress in !vloscow. vol. 1 , pp.
toral fellow at the National Museum of American His worth, 1 960.
tory, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC, where he worked on the A V. Khramoi, History of,1ulOmation in Russia Before ]<)17 (Moscow)
history of process control. (in Russian), 1956; English translation, Jerusalem, 1969.
1. Lefkowitz, "Don Eckman and His Impact on Process Control," Control
The books and papers listed below have been used exten A.GJ. MacFarlane. "Thc Development of Frequency-Response Methods
sively in preparing this article; for details of other papers about in Automatic Control." IEEE TrailS. on Automatic Control, vol. AC-24, pp.
250-265. 1 979. Reprinted in Frequency-Respoll.le Methods in Control Sys
the history of control see C.c. Bissell, "Secondary Sources for
tems, New York, IEEE Press, 1979.
the History of Control Engineering: An Annotated Bibliog
P.R. Masani , Norbert Wiener 7894-1 9n4, Basel, B irkhauser, 1 990.
raphy," fntem atiol1ai Journal of Control, vol. 54, 5 1 7-2R, 1 9 9 1
O. Mayr, The Origins of Feedback Control, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press,
( an updated version o f this paper i s due to appear during 1996). 1970.
K.J. Astrom and P. Eykhoff. "System Identification-A Survey," Auto O. Mayr. "Yankee Practice and Engineering Theory: Charles T Porter
matica. vol. 7, pp. 1 2 3 - 1 62, 1 97 1 . and the Dynamics of the H igh Speed Steam Engine," Technology and
M. Athans, "Perspectivcs i n Modern Control Theory," in Science, Tech Culture, vol . 1 6, pp. 570-602, 1975.
nology, and the Modem Navy, Thirtieth Anniversary 1946-1976. edited by O. Mayr, "Vi ctorian Physicists and Speed Regulation: An Encounter
Edward 1. Solkovitz. Department of the Navy, Office of Naval Research, Between Science and Technology," Notes and Records of the Royal SOCiety
Arlington. Va., p. 143, 1 976. of LondOll, vol. 26, pp. 205-228, 1 97 1 .
S. Bennett, "The Search for 'Uniform and Equable Motion' : A Study of O . Mayr, "James Clerk �1axwel1 and the Origins of Cybernetics," Isis,
the Early Methods of Control of the Steam Engine." International Journal vol. 62, pp. 425-444, 197 1 .
ofControl, vol. 2 1 , pp. 1 13 - 147, 1975 . D.C. McDonald, "Non-Linear Techniques for lmproving Servo Perform
S. Bennett,'The Emergence of a Discipline: Automatic Control 1 940- ance," Proc. Natl. Electronics Cont. vol. 6, pp. 400-2 1 , 1'!50.
1960." A utomatiCC/ , vol. 1 2. pp. 1 1 3- 1 2 1 . 1 976. R. Oldenburgcr, " IFAC, from Idea to Birth," Automatica, vol. 14, pp.
Peter Peregrinus, 1 979, reprinted 1986. E.P. O' Neill, A History of Engineering and Science in the Bell System: