Coa DBM Joint Circular No 1 S 2021
Coa DBM Joint Circular No 1 S 2021
Coa DBM Joint Circular No 1 S 2021
R S I, B A S
March 8, 2021
1.1 To prescribe guidelines procedures relative to the reversion of
accounts payable (A/Ps),^rsuant to E.O. No. 87 dated 13 August
2019; and ''
1.2 To provide the guidelines required in the release of funds for legitimate
obligations that may arise after the reversion of A/Ps.
The following terms as defined and used under existing guidelines are hereby
reiterated or modified for the purpose of E.O No. 87 and this joint circular:
4.1 In line with Section 1 of E.O. No. 87, NGAs/GOCCs shall revert all A/Ps
for FY 2017 and prior years thereto in the Accumulated
Surplus/(Deficit) on or before the end of 2021.
4.2.1 Those which have remained outstanding for two (2) years after
the completion date of the project per loan/grant documents,
shall be reverted to the Accumulated Surplus/(Deficit); and
4.3 All A/Ps that were reverted to the Accumulated Surplus/(Deficit); and
which have been validated by competent authorities or by final and
executory decisions, to be legitimate claims, shall be charged against
the following:
4.5 A Special Allotment Release Order (SARO) shall be issued for reverted
and legitimate claims for which the actual transactions, i.e., delivery of
goods and services, have already been completed. The SARO to be
issued shall have the following conditions:
5.1 NGAs/GOCCs shall review and analyze all recognized A/Ps in their
respective books of accounts. On the other hand, A/Ps for
infrastructure capital outlays, including those subsidy releases for
GOCCs for infrastructure projects which remained outstanding for two
(2) years or more, may not be reverted immediately if the following
conditions are present;
5.2 To effect the reversion of A/Ps, a Journal Entry Voucher (JEV) shall be
prepared for the reversion to the Accumulated Surplus/(Deficit). A copy
of the JEV certified by the Chief Accountant and supported with List of
Reverted A/Ps (Annex A), shall be submitted to DBM and GAS-COA.
The Accounting Unit shall furnish the Budget Unit copies of JEV for the
reversion of A/Ps, to adjust the Registry of Allotments, Obligations and
Disbursements (RAOD) and ORS.
The Chief Accountant shall record the reverted A/Ps to the Registry of
Reverted Accounts Payable (RRAP) (Annex B). The registry shall be
maintained by the Accounting Division/Unit.
5.3 All A/Ps that were reverted to the Accumulated Surplus/(Deficit),
pursuant to Section 1 of E.O No. 87, may be considered for payment
upon determination, thru administrative processes, of the existence,
validity and legality of the claims, subject to the following procedures:
5.3.1 The claimants shall take the initiative to file their requests with
the agency concerned;
5.3.4 The SARO and Notice of Cash Allocation chargeable against the
fund/s identified for the purpose, shall be released by the DBM
after which the agency shall process the payment of the claims.
5.3.5 Upon receipt of the SARO by the Agency, the Budget Unit shall
furnish the Accounting Unit of the copy thereof, for
posting/recording in the RRAP.
Failure of the officials and employees concerned to comply with the provisions
of this Circular shall subject them to penalties imposed under Section 43,
Chapter 5, Book VI of E.O. No. 292, the revised Administrative Code of the
All provisions of existing circulars and other Issuances inconsistent with this
Circular are hereby rescinded/repealed and/or modified accordingly.
Cases not covered in this Circular shall be referred to the DBM and shall be
jointly resolved with COA.
This Circular takes effect immediately.
Obligation Request and St
Name of Creditors Utilization Request anc Status* 2017 2016 Other Years (pis. spec Ify) Total Amount
Number Date Amount PS MOOE CO Total PS MOOE CO Total PS MOOE CO Total
—------- —
'For Fund Clusters 05 to 07, Budget Utilization Request and Status shall be used.
Chief Accountant Director of Financial Management Service (FMS) or Equivalent Agency Head or Authorized Official
Date' Date: _______________________ Date:______________ ___________
a. be prepared by the National Goveinment Agencies (NGAs), and Govemmcnl Cotporalions (GCs) maintaining Special Account in the General Fund (SAGF) with Accounts Payable (A/P) which are outstanding as at
December 31, 2017;
b. be prepared by fund clusters as follows: 01-Regular Agency Fund; 02-Foreign Assisted Projects Fund; 03-Special Account-Locally Funded/ Domestic Grants Fund; 04-SpeciaI Account-Foreign Assisted/Foreign Grants
Fund; 05-InternalIy Generated Funds; 06-Business Related Funds; and 07-Trust Receipts;
c. be certified correct by the Chief Accountant and approved by the Agency/Entity Mead or authorized official as recommended by the Director of Financial Management Service (FMS) or equivalent; and
d. be submitted on or before January 31.2022 to the COA Auditor. Department of Budget and Management (DBM) and COA-Govemment Accountancy Sector (GAS), copy fiiniishcd the Budget Division/Unit.
Operating Unit
Fund Cluster
(e.g. UACS Fund Cluster: 01-Regular Agency Fund, 02-Foreign Assisted Projects Fund, 03-Speclal Account-Locally Funded/ Domestic Grants Fund, 04-Special Account-Foreign Assisted/Foreign Grants Fund,
05-lnternally Generated Funds, 06-Business Related Funds and 07-Trust Receipts)
1 16=13+14+15 17=8+12+16 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 =5+6+7 9 10 11 12 • 9+10+11 13 14 15
’For Fund Clusters 05 to 07. Budget Utilization Request and Status shall be used
1. The Registry of Reverted Accounts Payable shall;
a. be prepared by the National Govemment Agencies (NOAs) and Govcmnicnl Corporations (GCs) maintaining Special Account in the General Fund (SAGE) with Accounts Payable (A/Pl which arc outstanding
as at December 31, 2017;
b. be maintained by fund clusters as follows: 01-Regular Agency Fund; 02-Foreign Assisted Projects Fund; 03-Special Account-Locally Funded/ Domestic Grants Fund; 04-Special Account-Foreign Assisted/Foreign
Grants Fund; 05-lnternally Generated Funds; 06-Business Related Funds; and 07-Trust Receipts; and
c. be maintained by the Accounting Division/Unil for monitoring of the reverted A/P.
Particulars Source Document Account Title Debit Credit
a. Recognition of Reverted A/P List of Reverted A/P Accounts Payable 20101010 100,000.00
Accumulated Surplus/( Deficit) 30101010 100.000.00
To recognize reversion of A/P to ihe Accmniihiled Surplus/
(Deficit} of the General Fund
b. Posting of the reverted A/P in the Registry JEV Posting of the reverted A/P in the Registry of Reverted Accounts Payable (RRAP)
List of Reverted A/P
a. Receipt ofSARO from the DBM sourced from SARO Posting to Ihe appropriate RAPAI. and RAOD by the Budget Unit
Contingent Fund/Specific budget of the Agency Posting to the RRAP by the Accounting Division/Unit
b. Incurrence of Obligations ORS I’osting of ORS in Ihe RAOD by the Budget Unit
Posting to the RRAP by the Accounting Division/Unit
c. Receipt of the Notice of Cash Allocation NCA Cash-Modified Disbursement System (MDS), Regular 10104040 lOO.OOO.OO
Subsidy frcmi National Government 40301010 ino.otio.on
To recognize receipt of NCA from DHM
(I. Recognition of goods received/services rendered lAR Appropriate expense or asset 100,000.00
Certificate of Completion/ Accounts Payable 20101010 100,000.00
Progress Report To set up the validated A/Ppreviously reverted
other SDs