Issc3: Guide For The Management of Vegetation in The Vicinity of Electricity Assets
Issc3: Guide For The Management of Vegetation in The Vicinity of Electricity Assets
Issc3: Guide For The Management of Vegetation in The Vicinity of Electricity Assets
November 2016
Title: ISSC3 Guide for the Management of Vegetation in the Vicinity of Electricity Assets
Issue Date: November 2016 Page 1 of 35
1 Name ................................................................................................................................. 4
2 Commencement ............................................................................................................. 4
4 Definitions .......................................................................................................................... 5
5 Purpose of Guide.............................................................................................................. 8
Schedule 1 .............................................................................................................................. 16
Title: ISSC3 Guide for the Management of Vegetation in the Vicinity of Electricity Assets
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S1 - 2 Vegetation Hazard Management Cycles ....................................................... 24
S1 - 3 Vegetation Hazard Remediation...................................................................... 24
S1 - 3.1 General ............................................................................................................. 24
S1 - 3.2 Minimum Clearing Requirements .................................................................. 25
S1 - 3.3 Bushfire Danger Period Preparedness .......................................................... 25
S1 - 3.4 Fall-in Vegetation Hazards ............................................................................. 26
S1 - 3.5 Hazard Remediation Prioritisation ................................................................. 26
S1 - 3.6 Special Circumstances and Exceptions ....................................................... 26
S1 - 3.6.1 Protected areas, vulnerable lands and environmental heritage ...... 26
S1 - 3.6.2 Bush Fire Prone Areas ................................................................................ 27
S1 - 3.7 Vegetation above Conductors and “Clear to the Sky” risk reduction
strategy. ........................................................................................................................... 27
Schedule 2 .............................................................................................................................. 29
Title: ISSC3 Guide for the Management of Vegetation in the Vicinity of Electricity Assets
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1 Name
This Guide is called the “Guide for the Management of Vegetation in the Vicinity of
Electricity Supply Infrastructure”, and has been written for the purposes of assisting
Network Operators achieve the safety requirements specified in the NSW Electricity
Supply (Safety and Network Management) Regulation 2014 (NSW) and Australian
Standard (AS) 5577 “Electricity Network Safety Management Systems” 2013.
2 Commencement
This Guide comes into effect as an interim Guide following its publication in
November 2016. It supersedes the previous ISSC3 Guideline for the Management of
Vegetation in the Vicinity of Power Lines (2005). At the time of publication the
Committee is aware of developments in other States, and pending finalisation of a
NSW Coronial Inquiry, that may necessitate further amendment to this Guide. When
these matters are clarified the Guide will be reassessed and updated as necessary
prior to its issue as a final Guide.
3 Revision History
This Guide was first published by the Department of Minerals and Energy as the
“Guidelines for Tree Planting and Maintaining Safety Clearances near Power Lines”
in 1983.
The Electricity Council of New South Wales updated the Second Edition 1990 in
February 1992: “Guide to Tree Planting and Maintaining Safety Clearances near
Power Lines - EC 3”.
The Electricity Association of NSW (EA of NSW) published a revised guide ISSC3 on
behalf of The Industry Safety Steering Committee (ISSC) in October 1996.
In July 2002, the Minister for Energy reconstituted the ISSC following the ‘winding up’
of the EA of NSW, and the newly formed ISSC, under the secretariat and
chairmanship of the Department of Energy, Utilities and Sustainability a revised
version of the document was released in 2005.
In February 2015, the ISSC reconvened a Working Group to review the content of the
Guide with respect to industry changes throughout Australia and the progressive
introduction of new vegetation management techniques. This updated document
“Guide for the Management of Vegetation near Electricity Supply Infrastructure”
was released in November 2016.
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4 Definitions
Title: ISSC3 Guide for the Management of Vegetation in the Vicinity of Electricity Assets
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Fall-in Visually defective vegetation (which is vegetation that is dead,
Vegetation dying and appears structurally unsound as identified from the
Hazard perspective of the Network Asset as far as it is reasonably
practicable to do so), that is outside the minimum Clearing
Requirement distances from Electricity Assets and which may
require pruning, cutting, or removal to obviate the risk of it falling,
dropping, and contacting the assets.
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Network For the purposes of this guide the entity that has responsibility for
Operator the safe and reliable operation of an Electricity Distribution Supply
Network in NSW, or its authorised representative.
The Network Operator may or may not be the owner of the
Electricity Assets, but will have legal responsibility for their safe
operation in accordance with the Electricity Supply (Safety and
Network Management) Regulation 2014 (NSW) and other relevant
Non Bushfire All areas not classified as a Bushfire Prone Area.
Prone Area
Regrowth The additional clearance allowance required that is added to the
Allowance Minimum Vegetation Clearance, as determined by the Network
Operator, to prevent vegetation regrowth incursions into the
Minimum Vegetation Clearance between Hazard Management
RFS Rural Fires Service of NSW
Transmission The electricity supply assets that typically operate at voltage
System levels at or above 132kV, and whose operation is undertaken by a
licenced Transmission Network Service Provider in NSW.
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5 Purpose of Guide
The purpose of this Guide is to provide a minimum standard for the management of
vegetation in the vicinity of electricity supply infrastructure in NSW. The content of
this Guide has been developed to assist in the fulfilling of a Network Operator’s
obligations pertaining to:
• The safety of the public, and persons near or working on the network
including the maintenance of electrical safety clearances;
• The protection of property and Electricity Assets;
• Protection of the environment, including protection from ignition of fires; and
• Continuity of electricity supply.
This Guide is intended to provide a minimum requirement for the establishment and
maintenance of vegetation clearances from electricity supply infrastructure in order
to achieve and maintain currently accepted levels of safety, risk and reliability
performance of electricity supply networks.
Variation from the specific clearance requirements in this Guide may be at the
discretion of the Network Operator on the basis that an alternative risk management
outcome has been determined to be consistent with the risk outcomes of this Guide.
6.1 Scope
This Guide applies specifically to all Electricity Assets in NSW that are associated with
an Electricity Supply Distribution Network, whether they are publicly or privately
owned and/or operated.
It outlines the vegetation management requirements to be applied in the vicinity of
Electricity Assets in the absence of a comprehensive site-specific risk assessment.
It is applicable to the following Electricity Assets:
• Overhead power lines;
• Poles, towers and other power line support structures;
• Kiosk Substations / Switching Stations;
• Electricity supply substations and associated infrastructure and related
fenced areas;
• Network Operator communication cables attached to power line support
• Street Lighting Luminaires (for the purposes of protection of the asset); and
• Waterway warning signs advising of overhead power line crossings.
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6.2 Exclusions
This Guide does not specifically apply to transmission electricity supply assets (as may
be operated by a TNSP), although they may be instructive for the management of
some aspects of transmission electricity supply assets.
This Guide does not apply to the following circumstances, assets, or vegetation
management requirements.
• Electricity network asset corridor clearing beyond the minimum Clearing
Requirement for the purposes of efficient long term corridor management;
• Any third party communication cables not owned by a licenced network
operator but are installed on power line support structures where the use of
the structure by a third party is based on a formal joint-use agreement.
6.3 Application
The requirements of this Guide are applicable to the maintenance of existing
electricity supply infrastructure that has been constructed and is available for
service. It is not applicable to the management of vegetation during the design and
construction phase of new assets, which is provided for by the associated planning
and construction approvals for those assets.
This Guide:
• Outlines the clearance requirements for vegetation management adjacent to
Electricity Assets belonging to a Network Operator;
• Provides a standard set of vegetation clearances to be maintained for
vegetation in the vicinity of Electricity Assets; and
• Maintains the risk of vegetation contact and human contact with live electricity
supply assets at levels consistent with current public safety requirements,
regulatory safety obligations, and community expectations.
The requirements of this Guide have been determined to provide the minimum risk
outcomes required in the management of hazards arising from vegetation in the
vicinity of Electricity Assets in the absence of site-specific vegetation hazard related
risk assessments. They are based on empirically–determined hazard remediation
requirements that also provide for ensuring the amenity of vegetation is maintained
consistent with community expectations.
The onus remains at all times on a Network Operator to assess and understand the
risks from the proximity of vegetation to their electricity supply assets relevant to their
particular operational and environmental circumstances and to take any necessary
action to address these risks consistent with regulatory obligations and community
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This Guide is to be read and applied in conjunction with any other codes, guides,
standards and legislation relevant to NSW Vegetation Clearance Requirements.
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7 Legislative and Regulatory Framework
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• Electricity Supply Regulation (Safety and Network Management) 2014 (NSW)
• Work Health Safety Act 2011 (NSW)
• Code of Practice - Electricity Transmission and Distribution Asset Management
These three instruments require the Network Operator to have systems in place to
manage the safety, reliability and fire risks associated with their networks, as well as
the health and safety of its workers and the general public due to the operation of
the network, to levels which are ALARP.
While management of safety risk is the key objective of The Electricity Supply
Regulation (Safety and Network Management) 2014 (NSW), Part 5 of the regulation
provides requirements regulating the removal and trimming of trees by Network
Operators so as to minimise damage to or destruction of trees growing under or near
Network Assets. In particular section 36 states:
• a Network Operator must not remove any tree, or trim any tree in a way that
substantially damages the tree unless it is necessary for protection of the
Network Assets or the safety of persons or property under or near the Network
Assets; and
• the Network Operator has considered alternative methods and is of the
opinion none of those methods are feasible (including being economically
feasible) in the circumstances; and
• the Network Operator is acting in accordance with a tree management plan.
The requirements for tree management plans and associated consultation with
councils and the public are detailed in the above regulation, Section 37 and Section
38 respectively.
In addition to the general requirements for preservation of trees, further notification
requirements and limitations are detailed below including those relevant to heritage
listed items, critical habitats, wilderness areas, coastal wetlands, littoral rainforests
and national parks.
7.3 Notification and Consent Requirements
The notification and consent requirements for Network Operators to implement their
relevant Safety Management Systems in relation to vegetation management are
stated in the following four instruments:
• State Environmental Planning Policy (Infrastructure) 2007 (NSW) (ISEPP)
• National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 (NSW)
• Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1997 (NSW)
• Electricity Supply Act 1995 (NSW)
These provide Network Operators with a range of exclusive powers to manage their
obligations outlined in this guide.
The ISEPP and National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 (NSW)(NP&W Act) both define a
number of activities as “exempt developments” and “routine agricultural
management activities” respectively. This therefore excludes vegetation
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management for the management of risk under this guideline by Network Operators
from a range of requirements that would normally be imposed.
These exemptions are however bound by a number of limitations (as outlined in
Clause 7.4 Limitations of Exemptions) to ensure the impact to the environment and
community are minimised to the extent reasonably necessary to manage the risks
from vegetation hazards.
Vegetation management work defined as an “exempt development” or “routine
agricultural management activity” is not required to obtain consent from any parties
and/or landowners.
Under clause 43(1)(k) of the ISEPP any vegetation management complying with a
tree management plan prepared in accordance with clause 37 of the Electricity
Supply (Safety and Network Management) Regulation 2014 (NSW) that is within the
limits of the legislations may be carried out without consent on any land (excluding
the limitations defined in clause 7.4).
The Electricity Supply Act 1995 (NSW) provides further clarification as to the
responsibility, cost allocation and powers of entry associated with the management
of vegetation in the proximity to Network Operators electrical assets. Clauses in the
Electricity Supply Act 1995 (NSW) relevant to these topics include:
• Division 2 “Power and Duties of Network Operators and Retailers”, Section 48
“Interference with Electricity Works by Trees”
• Division 2A “Special Powers for bushfire prevention”
• Division 3 “Powers of Entry”
7.4 Limitations of Exemptions
As per the ISEPP clause 41(2)(b) the exemption defined in clause 7.3 are only
applicable to existing or established assets.
Additionally, as per the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 (NSW) the
exemptions defined in clause 7.3 are also not applicable if the land on which the
vegetation management is proposed to be undertaken is classified as:
• a critical habitat of endangered species, populations and ecological
communities (as defined in Part 3 of the Threatened Species Conservation
Act); or
• is, or is part of, a wilderness area (as defined in the Wilderness Act 1987 (NSW)
or the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 (NSW).
Further to these limitations, any vegetation management proposed within the
following regions shall be limited to the minimum possible extent reasonably
necessary to carry out the required vegetation management work and shall involve
no more than the minimum impact on such land or heritage areas, such as
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• Land covered by State Environmental Planning Policy No 14 – Coastal
Wetlands (NSW);
• Land covered by State Environmental Planning Policy No 26 – Littoral
Rainforests (NSW);
• Land covered by the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 (NSW); and
• A State or local heritage item or a heritage conservation area.
The exemptions within National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 (NSW)(NP&W Act) for
“routine agricultural management activities” is not applicable to land referred to in
Part 3 (Urban Areas) of Schedule 1 of the Native Vegetation Act 2003.
7.5 Interim Protection Orders
In addition to the above requirements any work associated with land subject to an
interim protection order (as defined in Division 2 of the National Parks and Wildlife
Act) shall adhere to the orders requirements / limitations.
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8 Contributions and Disclaimer
8.1 Contributors
In the development of this Guide, the following parties are represented on the
• NSW Electricity Distributors
o Essential Energy
o Endeavour Energy
o Ausgrid
• NSW Government Agencies
o Department of Industry, Skills and Regional Development, NSW
(Department of Industry)
Whilst due care has been exercised in the compilation of this Guideline, much of the
content has been sourced externally to the ISSC and the Department of Industry.
The Department of Industry cannot accept responsibility for the content.
8.2 Disclaimer
This Guide has been prepared on the basis that the user will be appropriately
trained, qualified, authorised and competent.
This Guide does not purport to ensure compliance with all relevant statutes and
regulations, such as work health and safety laws. Users shall satisfy themselves as to
the requirements of all relevant laws.
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Schedule 1
Vegetation Management:
Clearance and Hazard
Management Requirements
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S1 - 1 Specific Clearance Requirements
S1 - 1.1 General
The vegetation hazard reduction clearances provided in this Schedule have been
empirically derived based on the experience of the electricity distribution supply
industry in NSW.
They represent the current industry understanding of the vegetation hazard
reduction requirements in order to manage the risk to a level that is consistent with
overall community expectations regarding public safety, environmental amenity
and operational efficiency.
They represent a deterministic standard of vegetation hazard management
requirements in order to meet these expectations.
Additional clearances may be required to meet specific operational, maintenance
and performance requirements of Network Assets, or to mitigate specific risk
conditions as determined by the Network Operator.
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Table 1 Minimum Vegetation Clearances (in metres) for span lengths 0 to 300m
An additional 0.5m clearance is to be added to all bare conductor clearances for bush
fire prone areas
Span Length (X metres)
Conductor Clearance Portion of
Voltage 50 < X ≤ 100 < X 200 < X
Type Profile Span X ≤ 50
100 ≤ 200 ≤ 300
All First &
1.5 3.5
Bare directions Last 1/6th
1.0 1.0
Conductor from any
conductor Middle 2/3rd 2.5 4.0
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Table 2 Minimum Vegetation Clearances (in metres) for span lengths 300m to 600m
An additional 0.5m clearance is to be added to all bare conductor clearances for bush
fire prone areas.
The clearances in Table 2 have been based on the experience gained through the application of
the clearances outlined in Table 1 and expanded for application to spans greater than 300m.
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S1 - 1.3 Poles
In addition to The Minimum Vegetation Clearance requirements that apply in the
proximity of the conductors, a minimum clearance of 2 m is to be achieved in all
directions around a pole irrespective of the material from which the pole is made.
S1 - 1.4 Towers
In addition to the Minimum Vegetation Clearance requirements that apply in the
proximity of the conductors, a minimum clearance of 3 m is to be achieved in all
directions around the structure of a tower or a 12m radius from the centre of the
tower, whichever is greater.
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S1 - 1.5 Kiosk Substations and Switching Cubicles
Kiosk substations and switching cubicles shall have no vegetation within the
easement or specified buffer zones other than maintained lawns or grasses, or
where the Network Operator has determined that the vegetation, due to its type,
is not considered a hazard and does not impede access to the assets.
There shall be no vegetation overhanging the assets within 2 m of the top of the
For kiosk substations and switching cubicles without a formal easement (e.g. those
installed in the road verge) the vegetation shall be cleared to a minimum of 1 m
horizontally and 2 m above the cubicle.
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Major substations in Bush Fire Prone areas shall have a total 10 m asset protection
zone established surrounding the boundary fence, where only maintained lawn or
grasses are permitted.
1m 1m
2m 2m 2m 2m
2m 2m
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S1 - 1.8 Waterway Crossing Warning Signs
In accordance with the Crossings of NSW Navigable Waters: Electricity Industry
Code, Waterway crossing signs are to be visible to operators of watercraft to
make them aware of the potential hazard at least 100m from the crossing. This is
to enable the operators sufficient time and distance to manoeuvre the watercraft
away from the crossing if necessary. This distance may need to be greater
depending on the prevailing local conditions (e.g. topography, winds and
To facilitate this, the Minimum Safe Clearance for waterway crossing signs is to be
such that the entire face of the sign is visible to operators of watercraft:
• from any point on the waterway at least 100m from the sign.
• from water level to 5 metres above the surface of the water.
Any vegetation that is encroaching or, due to regrowth, will encroach or is likely to
obscure the view of the sign prior to the next Hazard Management Cycle shall be
cleared. Care is to be exercised that vegetation removal will not lead to erosion
which jeopardises the stability of the sign.
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Where the environmental impacts outweigh the assessed reduction in risk to
navigation from visibility of waterway crossing warning signs, it may be
appropriate to consider a reduction in the amount of vegetation clearing,
particularly in situations where signage is an optional risk treatment in accordance
with the Crossings of NSW Navigable Waters: Electricity Industry Code or this
S1 - 3.1 General
The Network Operator shall develop and implement a plan for the regular
identification and remediation of Vegetation Grow-In and Fall-In hazards. The
remediation of hazards shall be in accordance with the minimum Clearing
Requirements. Priority attention is to be given to remediating hazards in Bushfire
Prone Areas in accordance with the requirements of this guide.
An objective of a Network Operator’s vegetation hazard management plan is to
avoid any encroachment into the Minimum Vegetation Clearance between
Hazard Management Cycles as far as is reasonably practicable. At the time of
trimming, additional cutting of the vegetation beyond the Minimum Vegetation
Clearance may be required to prevent incursions due to regrowth between
Due to the number of environmental factors that impact the growth rate of
vegetation and the wide variations in selecting efficient Hazard Management
Cycles for vegetation management programs, it is not practical to provide
clearances that incorporate vegetation regrowth without being overly
prescriptive, and therefore potentially conservative.
Regrowth allowances are therefore to be determined by the Network Operator in
accordance with the principles outlined in this Guide and to meet the particular
needs of their assets and the environment in which they are domiciled.
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The Network Operator shall determine regrowth allowances based on its
vegetation Hazard Management Cycles and the significance of the vegetation
affected. The regrowth allowance shall at a minimum take into consideration the
following aspects:
• Type of vegetation;
• Surrounding environmental conditions;
• Local experience, and
• The Hazard Management Cycle period.
The Network Operator is required to review the effectiveness of its processes for
determining regrowth allowances to ensure that the overall objectives of this
Guide in achieving public safety and public risk outcomes are maintained in
between vegetation Hazard Management Cycles.
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S1 - 3.4 Fall-in Vegetation Hazards
Fall-In Vegetation Hazards shall be identified as part of the vegetation
management process and the general asset management and inspection
processes implemented by the Network Operator.
A Network Operator shall assess the risk of Fall-in Vegetation Hazards that are
readily visible from the perspective of the Network Asset as far as it is reasonably
practicable to do so.
In assessing the potential risk of a Fall-in Vegetation Hazard consideration is to be
given to the length of the vegetation beyond the potential breaking point
compared to the distance from the network asset.
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appropriate management processes in place to record, and provide ongoing
management of the special circumstance requirements.
In these cases the Network Operator will apply its respective company’s process
for assessing exceptions or consider the acceptability of an exception on a
risk- based, case-by-case basis.
S1 - 3.7 Vegetation above Conductors and “Clear to the Sky” risk reduction
“Clear to the Sky” vegetation hazard reduction measures involve the practice of
removing all vegetation above the Electricity Assets to the width of the minimum
Clearing Requirement. This is shown in Figure 7 below.
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In general, the following circumstances shall require the application of “Clear-to-
the Sky” hazard remediation:
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Schedule 2
Vegetation Clearance Principles
for Power Lines
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S2 - 1 Minimum Vegetation Clearances for Power Lines
S2 - 1.1 General
Development of vegetation clearance requirements (either not in line with those
stated in Schedule 1 or beyond its scope) shall at a minimum take into consideration
the principles and considerations outlined in this Guide.
The assumptions and calculations used in the development of such clearances shall
be recorded by the Network Operator and not establish a lesser public safety and
risk outcome than that achieved by adhering to the requirements of Schedule 1.
The overarching principles of any clearances developed under the principles
described in Schedule 2 are based on the requirements of the Network Operators to
minimise the risks associated with vegetation near electrical assets to a level of
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• meet the safety clearance requirements commensurate with the nominal
design voltage of the assets,
• provide protection against switching and other electrical surges; and
• ensure safe approach distances are maintained for both Network
Operators and the general public.
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Figure 9 below illustrates the movement of a conductor under wind conditions.
The appropriate wind value to use in these calculations is the key factor in deriving
vegetation clearances and must take into consideration both technical and
practical aspects. Particularly as span length increases, further considerations should
be given to the use of span reduction factors (gust widths), wind only being applied
to limited sections of the span or at a range of inception angles including cardinal
direction, height, dynamic movement of the conductor, probability of exceedance
based on wind return periods and probability of exceedance coinciding with
increased fire danger periods.
Wind on the conductor impacts both the conductor temperature and horizontal
tension and therefore needs to be considered at all conductor temperatures within
the lines design range.
Since conductor temperature rapidly approaches ambient temperate (regardless of
electrical load) as wind increases, blowout does not necessarily need to be
considered at the maximum conductor sag.
Where there is a significant difference between the conductor temperature / sag at
the lines maximum design temperature and under wind conditions. Consideration
may need to be given to conductor blowout under low non-continuous winds and
rapid step changes in conductor temperature.
Calculations to determine conductor blowout may be based on the methods
defined in AS/NZS 7000, Appendix R “Conductor Blow Out and Insulator Swing”.
Figure 10 illustrates the movement of a conductor due to wind.
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Figure 10 - Conductor Blowout (detail)
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This can be achieved by defining all clearance values relative to the conductor
position at the time of cutting, whilst allowing for the conductor to be in any position
in the development of the clearance envelope.
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The level of simplification largely depends on the range of conductors and span
lengths that exist within the network and the practicalities associated with
vegetation management.
The clearances in this Guide have been rationalised on a conductor-type basis using
a “two-step” (e.g. 1/6th, 2/3rd section length) clearance mechanism, as shown in
Figure 12.
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