Som-Ii Uqb 2019-20
Som-Ii Uqb 2019-20
Som-Ii Uqb 2019-20
1) Write down deflection formulae for open coil and closely coiled spring. (Dec-19 R16)
64 WR 3 n
Ans) Deflection of closely coiled spring is δ =
Cd 4
cos 2 α sin2 α
Deflection for open coiled spring is δ = 2WR3n πsecα [ + ]
n = no. of coils
R = mean diameter
D = diameter of wire
C = modulus of rigidity
E = Modulus of elasticity
I = moment of inertia
Ans) Torque: It is certain amount of force applied on a body in any particular direction
with the other end fixed. It is vector quantity and is equal to the product of force applied
(tangentially to ends of a shaft) and radius of the shaft.
Ƭ = r x F = r F sin θ
3) State the assumptions made in the theory of pure torsion. (Dec-19 R16)
Ans) springs are the elastic bodies which absorb energy due to resilience. Absorbed
energy is released as and when required. Spring which is capable of absorbing great
energy without getting permanently distorted is known as best spring. The two important
types of spring are:
2 π NT
Ans) Power transmitted by the shaft = watts
N – rpm of the shaft
T – Mean torque transmitted in Nm
6) Write down the expressions of polar section modulus for solid shaft and hollow shaft.
J π D3
Ans) a) Polar modulus of solid shaft, zp = =
R 16
J π (D40−D 4i )
b) Polar modulus of hollow shaft, zp = =
R 16 D0
Stiffness of spring, k =
Springs are connected in parallel, k = k1 + k2
1 1 1
Springs are connected in series, = +
k k1 k2
W – Load on spring
δ - Deflection
1. The material of the shaft is uniform throughout.
2. The twist along the shaft is uniform.
3. The shaft is of uniform circular section throughout.
4. Cross-sections of the shaft, which are plane before twist remain plain after twist.
5. All radii which are straight before twist remain straight after twist.
6) Write an expression for strain energy stored in a shaft of uniform section subjected to
torsion. (May-17 R15)
U = .V
Ʈ – Shear stress on the surface of the shaft at radius R
C – Shear modulus or Modulus of rigidity
V – Volume of shaft (πR2l), l is length of shaft & R- Radius of shaft.
7)A shaft of 20 mm diameter and length 1000 mm is subjected to twisting moment such
that θ = 0.1 rad. What is the shear strain in the shaft at outer surface? (May-16 R13)
Rθ 10 x 0.1
Shear strain in the shaft = = = 1 x 10-3
L 1000
8) A shaft is subjected to twisting moment, show how shear strain varies along the
radius of the shaft. (May-16 R13)
L – Length of shaft
T – Torque
Φ – Angle of shear strain.
2a) A hollow steel shaft 4m is to transmit 150kw power at 150rpm. The total angle of
twist in this length is not to exceed 2.5 0 and the allowable shear stress is 60N/mm 2.
Solve the dimensions (inside and outside diameters of the shaft if N = 0.82 x 10 5
N/mm2). (Dec-19 R16)
2b) derive an expression for the power transmitted by the shaft due to torsion.
(Dec-19 R16)
3a) how do you find the stiffness of the composite spring, when the springs are
connected in series and in parallel? (May 2019 R16)
3b) Compare the weight of a solid shaft with that of a hollow one having same length to
transmit a given power at a given speed, if the material used for the shafts is the same.
Take the inside diameter of the hollow shaft as 0.6 times the outer diameter.
(May 2019 R16)
4) A hollow steel shaft 4 m is to transmit 150 kW power at 150 rpm. The total angle of
twist in this length is not to exceed 2.5 0 and the allowable shear stress is 60 N/mm 2.
Determine the inside and outside diameters of the shaft if N = 0.82 x 10 5 N/mm2
(April -18 R16)
5) A close coiled helical spring is made of 10 mm diameter steel rod, the coils having 10
complete turns and a mean diameter of 80 mm. Calculate the increase in the number of
turns and the bending stress induced in the section, if it subjected to an axial couple of
10 N.m. Also, calculate the torsional stiffness of the spring. Take E = 2.1 x 10 5 N/mm2
-18 R16)
6) Compare the weight of a solid shaft with that of a hollow one having same length to
transmit a given power at a given speed, if the material used for the shafts is the same.
Take the inside diameter of the hollow shaft as 0.6 times the outer diameter.
(May-17 R15)
7) A hollow shaft is to transmit 300 kw at 80 rpm. The internal diameter is 0.6 of the
external diameter. The maximum torque is 40% more than the mean torque. If the shear
stress is not to exceed 60 N/mm 2, find the external and internal diameters of the shaft.
17 R15)
9) Find the safe torque which can be applied to a circular shaft of diameter 250 mm if
the permissible shear stress in the shaft material is 60 N/mm 2 and the permissible angle
of twist is 0.450 per meter length, determine the maximum power to be transmitted by
the shaft if the shaft rotates at 300 rpm. Assume the modulus of shaft material is 2 x 10 5
N/mm2 and the Poisson’s ratio is 0.25. (Nov-16 R13)
10) An open coiled helical spring with 10 coils is made up of a steel wire of diameter 16
mm and the mean diameter of the helix is 150 mm. Determine the maximum axial load
that can be applied on the spring if the maximum bending stress and the maximum
shear stresses are limited to 150 N/mm2 and 75 N/mm2 respectively. Also determine the
deflection of the spring. Adopt the angle of helix equal to 15 0. (Nov-16 R13)
11) A circular beam of radius 4 m has uniform cross-section and is supported on six
symmetrically placed columns. The beam is subjected to uniformly distributed load of
intensity 30kN/m. Determine the position and magnitude of maximum torsional moment.
(Nov-16 R13)
13) Find the power that can be transmitted by a 60 mm diameter shaft at 160 rpm, if the
permissible shear stress is 80 N/mm2 and the maximum torque 30% greater than the
mean torque. (May-16 R13)
14) A solid circular steel shaft is required to transmit 60 HP at 200 rpm. Determine the
diameter of the shaft, if the maximum shear stress is not to be exceeding 60 N/mm 2 in
shaft. The solid shaft is now replaced by a hollow steel shaft with the internal diameter
equal to 75% of the external diameter. Determine the external diameter of the shaft if it
is required to transmit the same horse power at same rpm and the maximum shear
stress produced is also the same. Find the % saving of the material by using hollow
shaft in place of solid shaft. (May-16 R13)
1. Slenderness ratio is the ratio of length of the column to least radius of gyration of
its cross section.
2. It is used in classifying the various columns as short or intermediate or long
le l
3. It is given by ʎ = or ʎ =
k k
Where k= radius of gyration
If l/k < 32 short column
32 < l/k < 120 intermediate column
l/k > 120 long column
2) What is the effect of lateral load on the buckling of columns? (Dec-19 R16)
Ans) Long columns do not fail by crushing alone also fails by bending (also known as
buckling). Such load is buckling load or crippling load. Buckling load is less than the
crushing load.
Maximum stress = σ0 + σb
P p xe
= +
The column will fail when maximum stress is more than the crushing stress, σ c. In case
of long columns, direct compressive stresses are negligible as compared to buckling
stress. Hence very long columns are subjected to bucking only.
Ans) The effective length of an given column with given end condition is length of an
equivalent column of the same material and cross section with hinged ends and having
the value of crippling load equal to that of given column.
4) Define and explain the maximum shear strain theory of failure. (May19-R16)
Ans) This theory states that the failure occurs when the maximum shear strain energy
component for the complex state of stress system is equal to that at the yield point in
the tensile test. Total shear strain energy per unit volume due to principal stresses
σ1 σ2 σ3 is given as = [(σ1-σ2)2+ (σ2-σ3)2 + (σ3- σ1)2].
The shear strain energy per unit volume at elastic limit in simple tension will be =
For design purpose, equation to be used is (σ1-σ2)2+ (σ2-σ3)2 + (σ3- σ1)2 = 2(σt)2
7) A hollow circular column with D = 100 mm and d = 80 mm, what is its radius of
gyration? (May-16 R13, May19-R16)
Ans) Columns having transverse load in addition to the axial compressive load are
termed as beam column. Example: Strut pinned at both ends and subjected to an axial
thrust P and a transverse load W at the centre.
10) Explain the behavior of short and long columns. (Nov-16 R13)
Ans) Short column: Columns which have length less than 8 times their respective
diameters or slenderness ratio less than 32 are called short column. It is assumed that
short columns are always subjected to direct compressive stresses only.
Long column: Column having their length more than 30 times their respective
diameters or slenderness ratio more than 120 are called long columns. They are
usually subjected to buckling stress.
11) What do you mean by equivalent length of a column? Mention its value for different
end conditions of the column. (May-16 R13)
Ans) The distance between adjacent points of inflexion is called equivalent length or
effective length (le). A point of inflexion is found at every column end that is free to
rotate and at every point where there is a change of the axis.
12) What is the difference between beam and beam column? (May-16 R13)
Ans) Beam: It is a flexural member subjected to transverse loading and axial load is not
1a) Explain the difference between beam and beam column? (Dec-19 R16)
1b) derive Euler’s critical load for one end fixed and other end hinged. (Dec-19 R16)
3) What are the merits of Rankine’s load over Euler’s load in buckling? (May 2019 R16)
4a) Write a short notes on column? (May 2019 R16)
4b) Derive expression for one end fied and the other end hinged. (May 2019 R16)
5) Derive expression for one end fixed and the other end is hinged. (April -18 R16)
6) Determine the section of a cast iron hollow cylindrical column 3 m long with both
ends fixed, if it carries an axial load of 800 kN. The ratio of internal to external diameter
of the column is 5/8. Use Rankine’s formula by taking the Rankine’s constant as 1/1600
and working crushing strength of material as 550 N/mm 2 (May-17 R15)
7) A strut 30mm diameter and 2.2 m long is hinged at both ends. It carries a uniformly
distributed load of 60 N/m in addition to an axial thrust of 8000 N. Calculate the
maximum stress. E=200 Gpa. (May-17 R15)
9) A hollow circular mild steel column is 6 m long with both ends fixed. Determine the
maximum diameter of the column if it has to carry an axial load of 500 kN with a factor
of safety of 2. Assume the internal diameter is 0.75 times the external diameter. Adopt
the Rankine’s constants fc = 320 N/mm2 and α = (Nov-16
10) A 3.6 m long steel horizontal member has square hollow section with external
dimensions 150 mm and wall thickness 10 mm. The member is subjected to an axial
compressive load of 25 kN and a concentrated load of 50 kN at its mid span. Determine
the maximum stresses in the member if it is simply supported. (Nov-16 R13)
11) A cast iron column of a hollow circular section with an external diameter of 250 mm
and a wall thickness of 45mm is subjected to an axial compressive load. The column is
7 m long with both ends hinged. Taking factor of safety as 8, determine the safe value
of “P” Rankine’s constants are σc = 560 N/mm2 a= 1/1600 where a=σc/π2E.
(May-16 R13)
12) What are the merits of Rankine’s load over Euler’s load in buckling? (May-16 R13)
13) A column of a circular section diameter ‘d ‘ and length L, buckles at a load of 25 kN,
when the column is fixed at one end and free at the other end. If both the ends of the
column are now fixed, what will be its buckling load? (May-16 R13)
Ans) A dam should be stable under all conditions. But the dam may fail:
P m
= -
P P xexd /2
= −
π d 2/4 π d 4 / 64
Hence (1−8 e /d )≥ 0
4 d2
e≤ d /8 or (1−8 e/d )≥ 0
d- diameter of circular column
3) Write down the criteria for the design of a retaining wall. (April-18 R16)
Ans) The retaining wall which are used for retaining the soil or earth. Rankine’s theory
of earth pressure is used to determine the pressure exerted by the earth or soil on the
retaining wall. This theory is based on the following assumptions.
Ans) When the load is subjected to area in the rectangular section and it does not
produce tensile stress in whole section, it is known as core or kernel of section.
5) State the assumptions made in Winkler’s Bach theory for curved beams(May-17 R15)
1. Transverse sections which are plane before bending remain plane after bending.
2. Hook’s law is applicable. This means the working stresses are below the limit of
3. The longitudinal fibres of the bar, parallel to centroidal axis exert no pressure on
each other. This means the distance between any longitudinal fibre from
centroidal axis is same before and after bending.
4. Each layer of the beam is free to expand or contract, independently of the layer,
above or below it.
6) Define the core of a section and find the core of circular section of diameter ‘a’
Ans) When the load is subjected to area in the rectangular section and it does not
produce tensile stress in whole section, it is known as core or kernel of section.
Core of circular section =
1a) design the stress in a curved beam subjected to bending using Winkler-Bach theory.
(Dec-19 R16)
3a) derive an expression for the normal stress and shear stress on an oblique section of
a rectangular body when it is subjected to direct stress in one plane only.
(May 2019 R16)
3b) briefly illustrate the shear strain energy theory. (May 2019 R16)
4) A mild steel column is of hollow circular section with 120 mm as external diameter
and 90 mm as internal diameter. The column is 3 m long, hinged at both the ends and
has to carry a load of 80 kN at an eccentricity of 20 mm from the geometrical axis.
Calculate the maximum and minimum intensities of stresses. Also, calculate the
maximum permissible eccentricity so that no tension is induced anywhere in the section.
Take E = 2.05 x 105 N/mm2 (April-18 R16)
5) A masonry retaining wall trapezoidal in section with one face vertical is 1 m wide at
top, 3 m at the base and 8 m high. The material retained on the vertical face exerts a
lateral pressure varying from zero at top to 25 kN/m 3 at the base. If the unit weight of the
masonry is 21kN/m3, calculate the maximum and minimum stress intensities induced in
the base. (April-18 R16)
6) A 4 m long hollow circular cast iron column with fixed ends has 200 mm external
diameter and 20 mm thickness. The column carries a load of 130 kN at an eccentricity
of 30 mm from the axis of the column. Determine (i) the extreme stresses on the cross-
section and (ii) the maximum eccentricity when there is no tension anywhere on the
cross-section. The elastic modulus of the material of the column is 60 GPa.
(May-17 R15)
7) Derive the Winkler-Bach formula to calculate the stress in a curved beam subjected
to bending. (May-17 R15)
8) Illustrate with suitable examples about middle-third rule and one-fourth diameter rule.
17 R15)
(May-17 R15)
10) A masonry retaining wall of height 10 m has trapezoidal section 2 m wide at the top
and 3.5 m at the base, with earth retaining side vertical. The unit weight of soil is
15kN/m3 and the angle of repose is 300. Calculate the maximum and minimum
intensities of stresses at the base section. Assume the unit weight of masonry is
18kN/m3 and the retaining wall retains earth up to its top. (Nov-16 R13)
11) A simply supported beam of angle section 150 mm x 75 mm x 12 mm, with shorter
leg horizontal is subjected to a bending moment of 25 kNm acting in the vertical plane
through the centroid of the section. Find the maximum bending stresses induced.
16 R13)
12) A cast iron column of section 200 x 250 mm is subjected to a vertical load of 300kN
acting at a point 40 mm away (along the diagonal) from the center. Determine the
resulting stress at the corners a, b, c and d of the section. (May-16 R13)
13) The cross section of a short column is shown in figure. Load of 160 kN is applied at
P, 75 mm from edge AD. Section is symmetrical about xx-axis. Determine the stresses
at corners A, B C and D. (May-16 R13)
1) Write the maximum value of shear stress in thin cylinder. (Dec-19 R16)
pd pd
(σ 1−σ 2) − pd
Ans) Maximum shear stress,Ƭmax = = 2t 4 =
2 8t
Where σ1= circumferential stress
The units of P, σ1, σ2 should be same and expressed in N/m2 or N/mm2 and units of ‘d’
and ‘t’ should be same and expressed in m or mm.
Thick cylinders:
3) Write down the formulae for stresses in thin spherical shell. (April -18 R16)
Ans) Hoop or circumferential stress, σ1 =
P – Internal fluid pressure
d – Internal diameter of a thin spherical cell
t – Thickness of spherical cell
4) What are the Lame’s assumptions of thick cylinders? (April -18 R16, May-17 R15)
Ans) In compound cylinder, by shrinking the outer cylinder over the inner cylinder, some
compressive stresses are produced in the inner cylinder. In order to shrink the outer
cylinder over the inner cylinder, the inner diameter of the outer cylinder should be
slightly less than the outer diameter of the inner cylinder.
7) Derive the expression for change in volume of a thin cylinder. (Nov-16 R13)
Ans) Change in volume of a thin cylinder = (2d.L.δd + δL.d2)
d – Diameter of the cylindrical shell
L – Length of cylindrical shell
δd – Change in diameter due to stresses set up in the material
δL – Change in length
8) In a thick cylinder subjected to internal pressure, explain the assumption that plane
section remains plane after the application of internal pressure. (May-16 R13)
Ans) The assumption states that plane section remains plane after the application of
internal pressure because the change in cross section of geometry is very small. So it is
9) Take a small element of a thin spherical shell and show the stresses acting on this
element. (May-16 R13)
1a) derive the stress developed in thin cylindrical vessels subjected to internal pressure.
(Dec-19 R16)
1b) A cast iron having an internal diameter of 30cms has wall thickness of 6mm and is
closely wounded with a single wound with a single layer of steel wire 3mm diameter
under a stress of 8MN/m 2. Calculate the stress in the pipe and wire when the internal
pressure in the pipe is 1MPa. (Dec-19 R16)
2a) a cylindrical shell is 3m long, internal diameter and 15mm metal thickness.
Calculate the maximum intensity of shear stress induced and also the changes in the
dimensions of the shell, f it is subjected to an internal pressure of 1.5MN/m 2. Take
E=204MN/m2, µ=0.3. (Dec-19 R16)
2b) Derive the expression for change in volume of a thin cylinder. (Dec-19 R16)
3a) what are the Lame’s assumptions of thick cylinders. (May 2019 R16)
3b) explain in detail about thin cylinder and thick cylinder. (May 2019 R16)
4) A cast iron pipe has 20 cm internal diameter and 50 mm metal thickness and carries
water under a pressure of 5 N/mm2. Calculate the maximum and minimum intensities of
circumferential stress. Sketch the distribution of circumferential stress and radial
pressure across the section. (April -18 R16)
8) Which shell is more efficient in resisting pressure the cylindrical or the spherical
shell? Why? (May-17 R15)
9) Estimate the maximum and minimum hoop stress across the sections of pipe of
400mm internal diameter and 100 mm thick, the pipe contains a fluid at a pressure of
8kN/mm2 also sketch the radial pressure distribution across the section. (May-17 R15)
10) A steel cylindrical shell of 10 mm thickness, 1.25 m internal diameter and 3 m long
is carrying a fluid at 3.5 N/mm 2 pressure. Find the change in diameter, change in length
and change in volume of the cylindrical shell. (Nov-16 R13)
10) A steel compound cylinder is made by shrinkage one cylinder over the other such
that its external diameter is 250 mm, internal diameter is 150 mm and common diameter
at the junction is 200 mm. If the original difference in radii is 5 mm, determine the radial
pressure at the junction. (Nov-16 R13)
Ans) Centroid: It is a point wher there is equal volume on all sides and centroid of a
solid boy made from a single material is the centre of its mass. It is average position of
all points of an object and is represented by ‘G’.
Ans) Principal planes: Principal planes are planes about which the shear stresses are
zero and only normal stresses are present.
Principal stresses: Principal stress is the maximum normal stress a body can have at its
same point. It represents purely normal stress.
Ans) if the plane of loading is parallel to the plane containing the principal centroidal ais
of the inertia of cross section of the beam, that type of bending is known as symmetrical
If the plane of loading is not parallel to the plane that contains the principal centroidal
ais of the cross section, that bending is known as unsymmetrical bending. In case of
un-symmetrical bending, the neutral axis i not perpendicular to the plane of bending.
5) What are centroidal principal axes. (April -18 R16, Nov-16 R13)
Ans) The axes having no shear stress and it has only normal stress. These axes are
called centroidal principal axes.
8) Indicate the location of shear centre of T and Angle sections. (Nov-16 R13)
Ans) In T sections having one axis of symmetry, the shear centre does not coincide with
the centroid but lies on the axis of symmetry.
In angle sections having no axis of symmetry, therefore shear centre does not lie on
centroid and axis of section.
Ans) If the plane of loading or the plane of bending does not lie in (or parallel to) a plane
that contains the principal centroidal axis of the cross-section, that bending is known as
unsymmetrical bending.
The shear centre lies on the axis of symmetry, if the section is symmetrical about
one axis. The shear centre does not coincide with the centroid in this case.
For sections having two axes of symmetry, the shear centre lies on the
intersection of these axes and thus coincides with centroid.
Shear centre is also known as centre of twist
1) a simply supported beam of span 3.6m carries a load of 600N at its centre. The
section of the beam is an equal angle of size 120mm by 120mm by 15mm as shown in
figure. The load line passes through the centroid of the section and is along line YG.
2b) explain the stress developed due to un symmetrical bending. (Dec-19 R16)
3) Sketch an unequal I-section and write down the formula for determining the shear
centre of it. (May 2019 R16)
4) Locate the shear centre of the section shown in Figure 1. Thickness is 6mm throught.
(May 2019 R16)
5) A beam of rectangular section 80mm wide and 120mm deep is subjected to a
bending moment of 12KN.m The trace of the plane of loading is inclined at 45 0 to the y-y
axis of the section. Locate the neutral axis of the section and calculate the maximum
bending stress induced in the corner of the section. (May 2019 R16)
6) Sketch an unequal I-section and write down the formula for determining the shear
center of it. (April -18 R16)
7) Determine the position of shear center for a channel section of 400 mm x 200 mm
outside and 5 mm thick. (April -18 R16)
8) Analyze the shear center of a channel section of 400mm × 200mm outside and 5mm
thick. (May-17 R15)
9) Explain the concept of unsymmetrical bending. What are the conditions that should
be satisfies for a beam to bend without twisting? (May-17 R15)
10) Derive general equations for unsymmetrical bending and also state the assumptions
made in analyzing a beam for unsymmetrical bending. (May-17 R15)
11) Explain the concept of shear centre with a suitable example. (May-17 R15)