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Choose the correct answer, A, B or C for each question.
1 Teresa......................Russian at evening classes this term.
A is studying B studies C study
2 I don't know what this sentence......................
A is meaning B means C mean
3 Clive was driving into town when he ......................out of petrol.
A was running B run C ran
4 I don't enjoy computer games now, but I ......................like them when I was younger.
A was used to B used to C would
5 We expected George at 7.30 but he ......................yet.
A hasn't arrived B has arrived C didn't arrive
6 The film started............. so you’ ve missed quite a lot.
A for half an hour B half an hour ago C since half an hour
7 When......................the picnic, they went for a swim in the lake.
A they'd been eating B they'd eaten C they've eaten
8 ......................my sister three times today but her number's always engaged.
A I'd phoned B I've been phoning C I've phoned
9 Anna: Shall I ring you at one o'clock? Ben: No, my lunch hour is earlier tomorrow
so......................my lunch in the canteen then. Ring me at about one-thirty.
A I'm eating B I'll be eating C I eat
10 ......................to the dentist after college so I can't play squash with you.
A I'm going B I'll go C I go
11 I'll write to you as soon as exam results.
A I know B I'll know C I'm going to know my
12 The builders......................the house by die end of this month.
A have finished B will have finished C will have been finishing
13 This dictionary is......................useful than that one.
A less B as C so
14 I keep my grammar notes in a...................... folder.
A plastic big red B red big plastic C big red plastic
15 Until last week, he......................a motorbike before.
A had never ridden B never had ridden C had ridden never

You are going to read a magazine article about working in offices. Choose the most suitable
heading from the list A-I for each part (1-7) of the article. There is one extra heading which you
do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning (0).
A A problem often overlooked
B Get regular rest
C Managing your meals
D More than just keeping fit
E Changing your mind
F Effects on others
G A variety of health problems that can be solved
H Learning to enjoy exercise
I A modern problem
Find your energy again to manage (or not manage) your diet. Nothing is more
important than eating and drinking regularly.
0 ____I____ 4 __________
The offices that most of us work in aren't the most You should also do a session of exercise once or
healthy places in the world. If you work in a building twice a week in the evenings. This will help you to
that is more than 50 years old, it may not be perfectly get to sleep and wake up refreshed in the morning.
designed for the office environment but it is probably Recent American research has established that
healthier than one built recently. Even the best regular, vigorous exercise is a good way of
designed of today's offices represent an artificial improving your mood and that the effects last far
environment where it can be difficult to stay positive longer than the session itself. It does have to be
and bursting with energy. vigorous though -walking or tennis have to be kept
1 ___________ up for at least an hour to have a positive effect.
Complaints about feeling tired, no energy, no interest 5 ___________
in food, headaches and backache are commonplace. All the advice on exercise says that you should
Office workers often say that these health problems choose something which you like doing. To this,
are the inevitable consequences of working in an many people reply: but I don't like doing any form of
office. However, this is not the case. While there may exercise! Most people start off with the intention of
be little you can do about the ever-ringing phones or exercising but soon lose interest. The answer here is
the tempers of your colleagues, you needn't feel you must do it until you get so used to doing it that
unwell. There is plenty you can do to restore those you miss it when you don't do it. In order to motivate
energy levels and feelings of well-being. yourself, you need to keep reminding yourself of the
2 ___________ advantages.
The first thing you must address is tiredness. If at the 6 ___________
weekend you stay up all night dancing or going to If you're working in an office with no natural light,
dinner parties and sleep all the following morning, you should go out for a walk for at least half an hour
you can't expect your body to adjust on a Monday a day, even when the weather is dull and rainy. The
morning to a completely different routine. Some importance of spending some time in daylight is often
people seem to keep this lifestyle up without any ignored. We now know that lack of sunlight can
trouble but for most of us it isn't a good idea. cause depression. It is, however, something that
3 ___________ needn't happen because it can easily be overcome.
Our diets are another way we mistreat ourselves. 7 ___________
Many office workers say they don't have breakfast - You may be bothered by some of your colleagues'
but you really should eat something, however small, bad temper or lateness. Think about how their
before you leave the house. And if you're busy over behaviour influences your own state of mind and
lunch or have to go shopping, it's possible to forget remember that you don't need to behave in the same
that too. So you get to the evening and suddenly way. You are much more likely to enjoy your
realise how hungry you are. This is a disastrous way evening or weekend if you leave work feeling
positive and it's the same for your colleagues.

You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best
answer, A, B or C.
1 You hear a woman telling someone about a film she has seen. What kind of film was it?
A a thriller
B a love story
C a comedy
2 You overhear a conversation in a restaurant. What is the man complaining about?
A the food
B the service
C the noise
3 You hear a woman talking to a colleague. How did the woman feel?
A upset
B ashamed
C shocked
4 You overhear a man talking to a friend on the phone. What was damaged?
A a piece of sports equipment
B a musical instrument
C a piece of furniture
5 You hear a couple planning to meet. When will the woman telephone the man?
A about lunchtime
B late afternoon
C early evening
6 You hear the weather forecast. What will the weather be like at the weekend?
A foggy
B wet
C sunny
7 Listen to a phone conversation between two women. Why is Sarah ringing Katya?
A to make an apology
B to offer an invitation
C to make a request
8 You overhear a woman talking to someone in a shop. Who is she talking to?
A the shop manager
B a customer
C a colleague

You are going to read a magazine feature about what people do during the time between school
and university. For questions 1-15, choose from the people (A-E). Some of the people may be
chosen more than once. When more than one answer is required, these may be given in any
order. There is an example at the beginning.
Of which person or people are the following stated?
She is going to have a holiday abroad with friends. 0__A__
She is confident that she will be able to find work after her holiday. 1_____
She is about to start a job. 2____ 3_____
She intends to find a job as soon as she can. 4_____
She plans to spend time preparing for her course after a holiday. 5____
Her parents are very happy about her academic success. 6_____ 7_____
She has no holiday plans for this summer. 8_____
Her parents do not want her to spend her money on a holiday. 9_____
She believes it will be hard for her to earn money over the summer. 10_____
She wants to spend time with her friends at home before going to university. 11______
She intends to have a good time at university. 12_____
She thinks earning money will make a good change from studying. 13 _____
She does not know where she will be at the start of the summer. 14______
She will have a job similar to one she's done before. 15_____
You've finished school, passed those vital exams and got a place waiting for you at university in
the autumn. What are you going to do for the next ten weeks? Prize magazine asked five girls
who've just finished school about their plans for the summer.
A Angie Hook has got it all sorted. I'm going to be my savings, which is really nice of them, because I
know it means they'll have less to spend on their own
pretty busy. First I've got to get some money, because
I know I won't have enough when I'm a student, and
the course I'm going to follow is really demanding, so B Sally Price is less certain about her plans. 'I'm
I won't be able to take a part-time job in term time. definitely going to have to work before I do anything
So I've signed up with a company as a temporary else, because I'm so short of cash. I want to go away
secretary for most of the summer. Luckily, I'm good for a holiday somewhere by the sea, and I'll have to
on a word processor and I did the same sort of thing earn enough for that, so I've got to look for a
in previous years, so I've got a bit of experience temporary job first. I think I'll find something fairly
behind me, which is a big help. I am going to have a quickly. After that, it'll be too late to find any more
break though. Just before the university term starts work I expect, because other people will have taken
I'm going to have a fortnight in Spain with some of all the jobs by then, so I'll just have a month hanging
the people who've just left school with me. My mum about at home, messing around with my friends and
and dad are giving me the money for that as a reward things, spending time with my parents. That'll be
for doing well in my exams, so I won't have to use up good really, because I'm going to be a long way from
home when I'm at university and I won't see them doubt whether I'll go away, because I've already been
much.' on holiday with my parents earlier in the year and
C Tracy Chadwick says she has little choice about anyway I'll have to do some studying before the term
starts, because otherwise I'll just have to work so hard
what to do. 'I have to spend the last month of the
when I get to university there won't be time to enjoy
summer break getting ready for my course. I've got a
myself with my friends.'
job in a shop for the first month until I go on my
holiday. That will give my brain a rest and pay for the E Hilary Lee is going to start with a break. 'I'm
holiday. But I've already had this enormous reading really exhausted after all our school exams and stuff
list from the university, so as soon as I've had a and so I'm going to have a fortnight with my parents,
couple of weeks' holiday, I'm going to settle down just relaxing completely. We're going somewhere
and get on with studying, because I don't want to be abroad, but I don't know where, it's a surprise, a sort
behind at the beginning of term.' of present, because I've done well. I know it'll be
D Polly Targett would like to work. 'But the thing lovely. Then I'll find a job, it doesn't matter what, just
so that I can have some pocket money for the rest of
is, we live such a long way from town and I don't
the year. It won't be hard to get something, in a hotel
have my own car yet - I'm going to get one next year,
or whatever, summer's the high season for businesses
for my birthday, but it's rather difficult to get
in this area. Then I'll spend a couple of weeks doing
anywhere at the moment. Well, there's a bus, early in
nothing much, I hope, perhaps I'll paint my bedroom
the morning and I think there's one in the evening,
or something. And that'll be it - summer'll be over. I'll
but to be honest it's much easier to stay at home. I
be a university student.'


3.1 Choose the correct answer, A, B or C for each question.
1 The day before the holiday, the men worked......................than usual.
A hardly B hardest C harder
2 Doesn't your brother......................discos?
A enjoy B enjoys C enjoying
3 Let's take a break soon,......................?
A is it B will you C shall we
4 Most of the houses in this country have ………………
A a garden B the garden C garden
5 My father normally reads the paper while eating.......................
A a breakfast B the breakfast C breakfast
6 The first thing they did when they met after twenty years was to hug.......................
A each other B someone else C themselves
7 ......................the children look like their mother.
A Either B Both C Neither
8 My manager says we ...................... take more than ten minutes for our break and, if we do, he'll make us work
extra hours.
A don't have to B don't need to C mustn't
9 I ran all the way to the station but when I got there I realised that......................because all the trains were
A I didn't need to hurry B I needn't have hurried C I didn't have to hurry
10 ......................to take a spare T-shirt as you'll probably get really hot playing tennis.
A You'd better B You should C You ought
11 You look really busy.......................I put the shopping away for you?
A Would B Shall C Will
12 When I got home I looked at the bill and realised the restaurant......................added it up wrong so I'd paid too
A must have B should have C could have
13 That bicycle......................belong to Judy -it's much too big for her.
A mustn't B mightn't C can't
14 While my car......................I wandered round the city centre.
A be repaired B was repairing C was being repaired
15 Katie......................her hair cut short when she left school.
A had B did C made
3.2 For questions 1-15, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits
each space. There is an example at the beginning (0).
0 A over B from C of D by

My wife Penny and I are recovering (0) …B….. weekend visitors. Don't misunderstand me – we enjoy
company and love to (1)........our friends and relatives. But not this time. Fred and Kate were old friends
from our college (2).........So you would think we would have a fairly (3)........ idea what sort of people
they were, even though we hadn't seen them for (4)........years. We soon discovered, unfortunately, that
our lives had (5)........very different directions. Penny and I have two small children. Delightful but
(6)........, they dictate the style of our life. (7)........ many other young couples, we find weekends are a
matter of trying to snatch a few moments of relaxation in between catching up with all the (8)......... Kate
and Fred (9)........more money than us, they work longer hours, and they (10)........their leisure time to be
just that, leisure. The (11)........tiring thing Fred does on a Sunday is to walk up the road to the
(12)........newsagent. To be (13)........, Kate wasn't as bad as Fred. But she wasn't much better. By the time
they left, Penny and I were exhausted. We'd cooked, served and cleared up six meals without a
(14)........offer of help. We didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Luckily, we (15)........to laugh.

1 A entertain B visit C receive D host

2 A terms B days C times D ages
3 A fine B strong C good D right
4 A numerous B plenty C passing D several
5 A taken B left C chosen D had
6 A tired B tiring C amused D amusing
7 A As B Like C Similar D Same
8 A homework B housekeeping C household D housework
9 A gain B fetch C earn D bring
10 A intend B expect C insist D rely
11 A more B very C most D almost
12 A near B neighbouring C local D district
13 A fair B true C real D straight
14 A lonely B unique C alone D single
15 A achieved B succeeded C reached D managed

3.3 Fill in the gaps in these newspaper articles with suitable prepositions.
The wedding took place last Saturday of a couple who fell ................... (1) love through the internet.
Penny and Peter communicated ...................... (2) email for six months until they discovered
...................... (3) accident that they worked ...................... (4) the same building. 'Actually, I had
noticed her before and liked her, but I was too shy to speak to her ...................... (5) public,' said
blushing Peter. 'When I realised she was my internet friend, at first I suspected her ...................... (6)
laughing ...................... (7) me, and I was quite angry...................... (8) it. But luckily she
succeeded......................(9) persuading me that I was wrong. Now we're looking forward ......................
(10) spending our lives together.'
1 For questions 1-15, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space.
Use only one word in each space. There is an example at the beginning (0).
If, like me, you are called John Smith and you live in England, you have the same name
0)......as..........thousands of other people. When I was a child, I thought that (1)......................in the world
had a different name and I had a name of my (2)......................, but as (3)......................as I went to school
I realised that I was wrong because I found (4)......................were two other boys with my name. In fact,
one of them became a close friend of (5)....................... When I meet someone for (6)......................first
time, they often think that they have met me before somewhere, but then they realise that in fact they are
thinking of somebody (7)......................- another John Smith. If I say my name in a hotel or a bank, the
receptionist often looks at me suspiciously as (8)......................is a name which people use
(9)......................they have to invent one quickly. Having met people (10)......................all kinds of names,
I have decided it is better to have a common name rather (11)......................a very unusual one.
(12)......................parent chooses a name they like but when I recently met two people called Honey
Moon and Holly Bush I wondered (13)......................their parents were thinking of. (14)......................of
them appeared to mind having unusual names although they (15)......................agreed that people
sometimes did not take them seriously.

2 For questions 1-10, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line
to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (O).


A woman has lived in complete (0) isolation…. in a large house on a hill in north
Yorkshire for the last fifty years. She (1)......................visits the nearby village to order OCCASION
food. She walks (2)......................down the main street but she only speaks to the CONFIDENCE
different shop (3)......................in order to ask for something. Apart from that, she ASSIST
doesn't speak to anyone at all. She receives a (4)......................of wood once a year for DELIVER
her fire but the van driver has (5)......................to leave it on the doorstep and go away. INSTRUCT
She must have been very (6)...................... when she was young and her clothes were ATTRACT
probably (7)...................... 50 years ago. She must be about 70 years old now. FASHION
She gives the (8)......................from the way she behaves that she might have been IMPRESS
an (9)......................once. But nobody in the village knows who she is and they are ACT
(10)......................to find out unless she tells them. LIKE

3 For questions 1-15, read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are
correct, and some have a word which should not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick (√). If a
line has a word which should not be there, write the word. There are two examples at the
beginning (0 and 00).
0........√............. We visited an arts centre on the road between Salisbury and
00 ......on........... Winchester last week. It used to be on a farm and the new
1 ...................... owners have made the clever use of some old barns, stables
2 ...................... and other buildings. There are several small studios of which
3 ...................... can be rented so cheaply by local painters, sculptors, potters and
4 ...................... other artists to work in. The barn has been turned into a most
5 ...................... attractive designed gallery. The current exhibition has some lovely
6 ...................... modern glass from Scotland. The gallery is used to show of the
7 ...................... work of the artists who use the studios in addition to holding
8 ...................... exhibitions by more than famous artists from other parts of the
9 ...................... country. Most of all the artists were in their studios when we
10 .................... visited that and we were able to talk to them about what
11 .................... occupations they were doing. One potter told us that it can
12 .................... be quite a lonely job at some times, so she is happy to be in a
13 .................... place where she feels she is among people who understand her
14 .................... work. They can go across the yard for have coffee and a chat
15 .................... and share their problems one with each other.

4 Underline the correct form of the verb.

1 I noticed the man drop/dropping/to drop his ticket so I picked it up for him.
2 The tour guide advised the tourists not take/taking/to take too much money out with them.
3 I heard the horses cornel coming/to come down the lane so I waited for them to pass before driving on.
4 The old man said he would love have /having / to have the chance to fly in an aeroplane again.
5 Don't make the children cornel coming / to come with us if they don't want to.
6 I saw the boy jump /jumping /to jump into the lake before anyone could stop him.
7 I recommend phone / phoning / to phone the hotel before you set off.
8 My father used to forbid us play / playing/ to play in those woods.
9 The college only allows smoke/smoking/ to smoke in the common room.
10 It was my drama teacher who encouraged me become /becoming / to become an actor.

5 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

1 I won't help you with your homework if you....................(not tidy) your bedroom.
2 You'll need a visa if you...........................................(want) to travel to China.
3 If he...........................................(care) about other people's feelings, he wouldn't behave that way.
4 She...........................................(not be) successful if she doesn't learn to control her temper.
5 If I'd known you were such a gossip, I...........................................(not tell) you my secret.
6 They would work harder if they...........................................(not be) so tired.
7 The boss...........................................(be) furious if he'd found out what you were up to.
8 If the temperature...........................................(fall) below freezing, water turns to ice.
9 If they...........................................(not expect) delays, they wouldn't have set off so early.
10 Open the envelope and we...........................................(discover) what John has been doing.

6 Fill in the gaps with phrasal verbs from the box which mean the same as the verbs in
care for carry on cut down fill in put off ring up set off take in turn down turn up

I had been doing the same job for years and I didn't really...........(like) (1) it any more but it was
extremely well paid. Then one day I decided to look for another job, realising I would need
to.............................(reduce) (2) what I spent on luxuries. I.............................(completed) (3) lots of forms
but all my applications were............................. (rejected) (4). I.............................(continued) (5) looking
for a job but nothing suitable .............................(appeared) (6) so I booked a holiday. The day before I
was due to .............................(leave) (7) I was.............................(telephoned) (8) by a TV company who
asked me to go for an interview the next day. I.............................(postponed) (9) my holiday immediately.
It was the job of my dreams. I could hardly.............................(absorb) (10) the news when they offered it
to me. And I never went on that holiday.

7 Choose the correct collocation.

1 She had/ took/ paid attention to what I told her and started working harder.
2 I had/ made/ took over a hundred photographs on my trip to Antarctica.
3 She made/ paid/ brought me a nice compliment yesterday.
4 I got/ made/ had a bad dream last night and woke up sweating.
5 The President made/ gave/ paid tribute to all the people who had supported him.
6 I got/ had/ took a liking to our new teacher the moment I met her.
7 Did the fire do/ make/ bring much damage to the factory?
8 I hate doing/ having/ making my homework at the last minute.
9 You must make/ get/ do an effort to work harder.
10 I’m too tired to go out tonight. Let’s do/ have/ make an excuse and stay at home.
Choose the correct answer, A, B or C for each question.
1 About 100 people ……….. outside the theatre for tickets when got there.
A were queuing B queued C have queued D queue
2 I …………… at the Imperial Hotel till they get my flat ready.
A am staying B have stayed C stay D stayed
3 The river Amazon ……….. into the Atlantic Ocean.
A is flowing B flows C flew D has flown
4 This time last week I …… to Athens.
A have driven B have drove C was driving D have been driving
5 She’s changed a lot …….. she left school.
A for B since C during D after
6 She was born twenty-five years ….. in a small village in Yorkshire.
A before B since C over D ago
7 I can’t come tonight - ……….. my in-laws.
A I visit B I visited C I’m visiting D I will visit
8 Next month, the National Theatre ……. a new production of Hamlet.
A are putting on B shall put on C put on D putting on
9 Helen ……… leave the meeting early because she had a train to catch.
A must B may C had to D could
10 I ……….. get tickets after all – they were sold out.
A didn’t need to B had to C couldn’t D must
11 You’ve got three sisters, ……….?
A have you got B don’t you C isn’t it D haven’t you
12 Mary love going to the cinema and …… .
A so do I B I do too C I do so D so I do
13 I …….. happy to advise you if you’d asked me.
A had been B would have been C would be D will be
14 You’re having an operation next week, ……….?
A isn’t it B don’t you have C don’t you D aren’t you
15 As soon as you ….. what you’re doing I’d like a word with you, please.
A are finishing B will finish C will be finished D finish

You are going to read the article about a 14-year-old boy whose mother hired a private detective
to spy on him. Choose the most suitable heading from the list A-H for each part (1-7) of the
article. There is one extra heading you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning (0).
A Creating more problems
B Are they breaking the law?
C Out of touch
D Legal support for children
E What lies ahead?
F For or against?
G A need for control
H What's the worry?
I The mum who spied on him
Is someone being paid to spy on you?
Sounds unlikely, doesn't it? But private detectives all doesn't trespass on your property, it is perfectly legal for
over Britain are spying on teenagers. They aren't an investigator to take pictures of you or record what you
working for the government or the police; they've been say. And if your mum or dad owns the phone they can let
hired by ordinary parents. Incredibly, each week around an investigator tap it. Investigators are not allowed to
500 parents are thought to hire investigators to spy on interfere with personal property such as your letters but
their own children. But what does it feel like to discover they may read them if they're left in view.’
that your mum or dad has paid someone to investigate 4 ___________
your life? A few weeks ago, 14-year-oid Liam found out Understandably, human rights groups see this as a
that his Mum had done just that. worrying trend. A spokesperson from human rights
The boy who was spied on group Liberty spoke to us. 'Although we wouldn't argue
'When mum told me that she'd hired someone to spy on that it should be against the law for parents to spy like
me, I was totally stunned. She said she'd only done it this, we do believe these private detective agencies ought
because she was worried I was hanging out with the to be properly regulated to ensure they act responsibly.
wrong type of lads. She says it shows she cares about This is a sensitive issue and certain limits should be
me, but it'll take a while before I get over the shock and imposed on what can and cannot be done.”
I'm ready to trust her again.'
5 __________
0 ___I____
Liam's mum explained her side of the story. 'I wanted to Sugar's agony aunt Wendy Granditer gave us her views.
be sure that Liam wasn't hanging out with the wrong 'Parents spying on children is a terrible invasion of
crowd, so I hired someone to investigate. I only did it privacy. Its like reading someone else's diary. Even if
because I want the best for him. The detective bugged they do find out their children have been misbehaving,
our telephone for four days, followed Liam to the local they're going to have to reveal where they got their
youth club and took a few photos. I did feel a bit guilty, information from. Children are unlikely to want to
but I don't regret doing it at all. It was such a relief to discuss a problem with their parents once they discover
know he wasn't part of the local gang. Now I can sleep at they've been spied on. It will only make the relationship
night without worrying about him.' between them worse. I can see why parents worry, but
they shouldn't go behind their children's backs.’
1 _________
At around Ј250 a day, hiring a private investigator can be
6 __________
pricey but that doesn't put many parents off. Spying on Will we ever be free from the risk of being investigated
teenagers is a growing trend and there are hundreds of or will we always be looking over our shoulders? In a
investigation agencies around the country. So what is it society where security cameras film our every move and
that parents are so intrigued to find out? It seems that the all our private details are recorded on computers,, will
main reasons for parents hiring an investigator are to find our privacy vanish completely? According to Mark Cox,
out who their child is hanging out with, whether he or we can all help stop the number of teen investigators
she is up to no good and what their boyfriend or growing. 'It's all down to families communicating with
girlfriend is really like. each other/ he says. 'If everyone started speaking to each
other honestly, secrets and suspicion could become a
2 _________ thing of the past.’ Let's just hope he's right.
One investigator, Mark Cox, told us, 'I'm often hired by
parents who want me to watch their children and I
7 __________
generally find that parents are much more worried about So, do you think hiring private investigators to track
their daughters than their sons/ But why don't these teenagers is a good idea or is it a blow to your personal
parents just talk to their kids about their worries? 'Parents freedom? Phone in and register your vote.
aren't always aware of what teenagers are up to; they • If you think teen investigators are a good idea phone
don't talk to them and don't know what's going on in their 0660 191 952
lives/ says Mark. That's where I come in.' • If you think they're a bad idea call 0660 191 953
We'll reveal the results in a future issue of Sugar. You
3 __________ can also send your opinions for publication on our
Rather worryingly, a legal advisor told us, 'There is no 'Readers' Articles' page to the usual Sugar address.
general right to privacy in England. As long as he or she
You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best
answer, A, B or C.
1 Listen to this woman talking about an actor. What is her opinion of him?
A He is handsome.
B He is fashionable.
C He is rude.
2 You overhear this conversation between two friends. What type of film are they going to see?
A an historical drama
B a romance
C a thriller
3 You hear a conversation in a video hire shop. How long has the customer had the video for?
A one day
B two days
C three days
4 You hear an actress talking about her performance in a play. How does she feel?
A tired
B disappointed
C excited
5 You overhear this man talking on the telephone. Who is he talking to?
A an old school friend
B a work colleague
C a relative
6 You hear a young woman talking to her friend about a film. Why didn't she like it?
A It was too slow.
B There was too much violence.
C It was very predictable.
7 You hear a woman telephoning a bookshop. What is she doing?
A making a complaint
B making a suggestion
C apologizing
8 You hear this young man talking on the phone. What does he have in common with his girlfriend?
A They were born under the same star sign.
B They share the same taste in music.
C They have the same sense of humour.

You are going to read a magazine article about a young woman who works in a nursery school.
Seven paragraphs have been removed from the article. Choose from the paragraphs A-H the
one which fits each gap (1-6). There is one extra paragraph which you do not need to use. There
is an example at the beginning (0).
Nursery school teacher Sarah Oliver tells how a chance meeting changed her life
I really love my job, it makes me feel good at the 1 ________
beginning of every week, because I love working Their father worked abroad and their mother had
with small children and I enjoy the challenges that some high-powered job in an insurance company. I
arise. But I also think what I do is something did most of the housework and I had a lot of
worthwhile and there was a time when I thought I responsibility for the children although I was only
would never have that sort of career. sixteen.
0 ___H____ 2 ________
But in my final term I started thinking what I might The problems began really when I agreed to live in,
do and I realised that I didn't have much to offer. If so that I would be there if my boss had to go out for
I'd worked harder, I would have had better grades, business in the evening. What was supposed to
but it was too late. I just accepted that I wasn't the happen was, if I had to work extra hours one week,
type to have a career. she'd give me time off the next.
3 ________ from families where there are problems,
Anyway, one Sunday, I was in the park with them, unemployment, poor housing and so on.
while their parents were on yet another business trip, 6 ________
and I met this girl Megan I used to go to school with. I shall always be grateful to Megan. If I hadn't
We weren't particularly friendly before, but she asked bumped into her, I would have stayed on where I
me what I was doing, so we got chatting. was, getting more and more fed up. I wish I'd realised
4 ________ earlier that you can have a real career, even if you
I thought you couldn't do courses if you didn't have aren't top of the class at school.
all sorts of exams from school, but she persuaded me
to phone the local college and they were really
helpful. My experience counted for a lot and I got on
a part-time course.
5 ________
But it was worth it in the end. Now I've got a full-
time job. Most of the children in this school come

A younger than me. So I found myself a job as a

I had to leave my job with the family, but I got nanny, looking after two little girls.
work helping out at a nursery school. I was really E
short of money and I even had to get an evening It wasn't too bad at first, because I was living at
job as a waitress sometimes. home and my mum gave me advice and looked
after me when I got home exhausted. And it felt
great to be earning.
I find that the work we do helps in lots of ways. I was telling her how I loved the kids but hated
The children benefit, but also the parents. It the job and she said, if you want to work with
gives them time to sort things out, go for training, children, you ought to do a course and get a
or job interviews and so on. qualification.
But unfortunately, it didn't often work out. I was The following year I gained a further certificate
getting more and more tired and fed up, because which means I could apply for the post of deputy
I had too many late nights and early mornings if it became vacant, or even transfer somewhere
with the little ones. I felt trapped, because if I else if I want to.
walked out there wouldn't be anyone to look H
after them. I wasn't very good at school. I mean, I didn't like
D studying much, so I didn't try very hard. I thought
Then I thought, well, I've spent every holiday for I was the sort of person who couldn't do
the past five years helping my mum - I've got schoolwork, I suppose. I was just impatient to
two little brothers and a little sister, all much leave as soon as I could.


3.1. Choose the correct answer, A, B or C, for each question.
1 Gareth......................he was never going to lend Robert anything again.
A informed B said C told
2 I asked Ruth where......................her coat.
A did she buy B had she bought C she had bought
3 I always avoid......................on the bus because it makes me feel ill.
A to read B reading C read
4 My grandfather remembers......................into this house when he was a very small boy.
A moving B move C to move
5 If you don't know a word, you can look ......................in your dictionary.
A it up B up it C it
6 I've never really got......................my neighbour, probably because we're so different.
A up to B through C on with
7 I'll book seats for the concert, if there .......................any good ones available.
A will be B were C are
8 Liam would have saved a lot of money, if he......................to my advice.
A would listen B had listened C was listening
9 We'll go for a walk......................it's foggy -I hate walking in the fog.
A if B in case C unless
10 I wish I......................a good memory – it would make learning English much easier.
A had had B had C would have
11 Alfred wears an old coat......................his suit when he walks to work.
A on B above C over
12 We're having a party......................the last day of term.
A in B on C at
13 As we can't agree......................this subject, we won't discuss it again.
A about B in C with
14 All the nurses were very kind......................me when I was ill.
A with B to C of
15 I enjoyed......................last week.
A the book you lent me B the book which you lent it to me C the book, that you lent me
16 This is the room in......................the famous poet died.
A which B where C that
17 I left the cinema......................I had a headache and the film was very noisy.
A as B so that C therefore
18 I'm......................tired to work tonight. I'll finish my homework in the morning.
A very B too C so
19 ......................Martin could easily afford to go on holiday, he never does.
A Although B Despite C In spite of
20 Since......................school, Sheila has had several interesting jobs.
A left B leaving C to leave

3.2. For questions 1-15, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits
each space. There is an example at the beginning (0).
0(A) round B through C across D over
Brian Jones is the British half of the first team to go (0) ...A.. the world in a balloon. He and his Swiss co-
pilot have written an account of the 19-day expedition they (1)........in March 1999. It was an astonishing
triumph. Nobody (2)........them to finish the voyage. They (3)........with poisonous fumes, temperatures of
minus 50 degrees Celsius and an Atlantic crossing with (4)........any fuel. Fourteen years (5)........ , Brian
was a reasonably successful businessman, (6)........he tired of his furniture business and (7)........to buy a
balloon. Before long he was one of the country's (8)........balloon instructors and pilots. Why did he risk
everything for one trip? He says he was not a very confident child: 'At seven a friend (9)........me to go
down a water slide. I still (10)........ being absolutely terrified. I couldn't swim and I have never learnt to
swim properly.' He thinks everyone should face their greatest (11)........and that is one reason why he went
up in the balloon. Six of the 19 days they were (12)........the air were spent (13)........at the Pacific Ocean -
8,000 miles of water. Brian says he won't (14)........to do it again because there are so many other things
he (15)........to do.

1 A followed B succeeded C performed D completed

2 A expected B hoped C intended D admitted
3 A did away B got along C kept up D put up
4 A almost B hardly C quite D rather
5 A after B ago C since D past
6 A but B although C since D so
7 A thought B considered C afforded D decided
8 A unique B preferable C leading D suitable
9 A demanded B dared C threatened D wished
10 A forget B remind C remember D regret
11 A fears B suspicions C disturbances D frights
12 A on B in C by D to
13 A watching B observing C seeing D staring
14 A delay B imagine C attempt D suggest
15 A wants B fancies C enjoys D appreciates

3.3 Fill in the gaps in these newspaper articles with suitable prepositions.
An elderly brother and sister were reunited today for the first time since they were children. Freda and
Cecil Brown's parents had been ...................... (1) debt and the children had been put in children's homes
until their family was ...................... (2) difficulties. But the country was ...................... (3) war, the
children were separated, and their papers were lost. Cecil's granddaughter began trying to find Freda five
years ago. 'It was hard, but ...................... (4) last I found the daughter of the woman who had been
...................... (5) charge of the home where Freda was. She said that some of the girls were sent to
Canada to be...................... (6) danger during the war and many of them never returned. When I thought
I'd found Freda, I wanted to tell Dad immediately, but I decided I to meet her......................(7) secret first,
in case I was wrong. But I was right.' Two days ago, Cecil travelled ...................... (8) air for the first
time ………….. (9) his life. 'We've got a lot of catching up to do,' he said.

1 For questions 1-15, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space.
Use only one word in each space. There is an example at the beginning (0).
How to tell a ghost story
A classic ghost story must contain (0) the figure of somebody who is known to have (1)____alive,
who is known to have died and (2)____form is seen after their death. You could have a ghostly animal, a
ghostly dog for example, (3)____you can't have vampires or monsters (4)____ they belong in horror. In a
ghost story you're trying to chill people, to make them look (5)____their shoulder and frighten them,
whereas in horror you're aiming to terrify people and (6) ____ them scream.
Atmosphere is the key. (7)_____it you won't, chill anyone. You need a sense of a haunted place, often a
house, preferably isolated or (8)____some way unnerving, although not always, there have been a
(9)____ of good stones set in London in broad daylight and the unexpected appearance of a ghost there
can work well.
Stories of knights in armour walking down stairs or ladies in white floating (10)____walls are fine, but
your ghost needs to have some (11)____of reason or moral purpose for them to return and for you to see
them. The closer your ghost resembles a person, (12) _____more chilling it becomes. Come back to the
ordinary now and again in your story, otherwise it ceases to (13)___frightening. You need a balance
between the everyday and the abnormal; something happens and then everything is normal for a while. In
the back of (14)___ minds people will (15)____wondering when it will happen again.

2 For questions 1-10, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line
to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (O).
There are two types of astronaut – (0) …commanders …… who fly the spacecraft and COMMAND
carefully trained specialists who conduct (1) ……….….. experiments and carry out SCIENCE
spacewalks to repair damaged (2) ……….. . EQUIP
Astronauts have to pass a medical and have (3) ……………… in a relevant subject. QUALIFY
They have to be willing to live in an (4) ……………….. small space and work well EXTREME
with other people . Experiments can go (5) …………….. wrong, risking the lives of DANGER
astronauts. They have to be able to react (6) ………………. In a difficult situation as CALM
well as be prepared to work hard.
The first British astronaut was, (7) ………….…….., a woman – most astronauts are USUAL
male. Helen Sharman got the job after hearing an (8) ………………… on the radio. ANNOUNCE
There were 18 000 applicants and, (9) …..…… for Helen, she was chosen. She said that LUCK
the most (10) ………... Thing for her was seeing the earth from 120 miles into space. AMAZE
3 For questions 1-15, read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are
correct, and some have a word which should not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick (√). If a
line has a word which should not be there, write the word. There are two examples at the
beginning (0 and 00).
0 .........√............. If we read English language newspapers or listen to newsreaders
00 ........all.......... who use English in all different parts of the world, we will quickly
1 ....................... develop the impression on that one form of English is so widely used
2 ....................... that it will soon unite all the different varieties of English which
3 ....................... exist. Is there enough evidence to support for this impression?
4 ....................... It is in real fact misleading in several ways since a version of
5 ....................... English which is exactly the same in everywhere and has the
6 ....................... same high status throughout the complete world does not yet exist.
7 ....................... For one thing, people that whose first language is English value
8 ....................... their linguistic identity. Therefore, they try to preserve it from the
9 ....................... influence of other forms of English. New Zealanders, for an example,
10 ...................... do not want to speak like Australians. In addition with, there
11 ...................... are too very many regional differences in vocabulary for the
12 ...................... language to be the same everywhere. People need specialised
13 ...................... words in order to discuss each local politics, business, culture
14 ...................... and natural history. Lastly, there is the fact that learners of
15 ...................... English may be taught by either American or British forms.
4 Underline the correct word or phrase in the sentences below.
1 He denied telling/ to tell lies.
2 He denied/ refused that he had told lies.
3 They suggested to postpone/ postponing the match to the following week.
4 The weather delayed that they arrived /their arrival.
5 I can’t bear to see/ see children suffer.
6 We really can’t afford buying/ to buy a new washing machine.
7 I look forward to seeing/ to see you at the party.
8 Before going/ that I went to the interview, I bought a new tie.
9 I’d rather stay/ to stay at home tonight, if that’s all right.
10 I saw someone to climb/ climbing through the window.
5 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
1 I wish I ………………(have) more money so I could buy a new sweater.
2 If only I ……………. (be) a little bit slimmer.
3 If I ……….. (have) more time, I would take up tennis.
4 If I ……….. (be) in your position, I would buy a new suit.
5 Unless you …….. (leave) now, you will be late.
6 Paul will bring you a sweater in case it …… (get) cold.
7 If I had taken an umbrella, I ……… (not get) wet.
8 If you hadn’t invited me, I ……. (not go).
9 If you had started coming to the course earlier, you ……. (could pass) the exam.
10 If he ……… (not see) the other car, there would have been a serious accident.
6 Fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs in the box to make phrasal verbs.
break come do go hand look fall get make give turn work
On the Run
The film On the Run tells the story of three prisoners who manage to . (1) ……………. out of a jail on an
island. One of the prison guards is not very honest. The prisoners....................(2) round him by offering
him money and he....................(3) over some keys. They....................(4) for a nearby forest and decide to
wait there for a bit because they haven't had time to ....................(5) out a plan. While they ....................
(6) over the possibilities, a woman who is walking through the forest ....................(7) across them and
promises to bring them food each day if they help her to....................(8) for wood. They are hungry and
are not very good at ....................(9) without their dinner. She is also very beautiful so they....................
(10) in with her idea. But on the third day the woman....................(11) up with a policeman.
She....................(12) away their secret in order to get the reward offered.
7 Choose the correct collocation.
1 I gave/ made/ had a feeling I had met Richard before, but I couldn’t remember where.
2 I went to Douglas Farnham’s funeral to give/ take/ pay my last respects to a fine man.
3 I think I’ll take/ make/ do a chance and leave my flight booking till the last minute. I may get a
cheaper ticket.
4 Shall we make/ get/ have a party for Jane? She’s leaving the school next week.
5 We need to make/ get/ take action immediately!
6 I The president made/ gave/ paid tribute to all the people who had supported him.
7 The dentist told me to shut/ close my mouth.
8 I haven’t finished/ ended my essay yet. I can’t decide how to finish/ end it.
9 I am a(n) alone/ single/ only child. I sometimes wonder what it would be like to have a brother or sister.
10 Jack has already taken/ /gained a very good reputation as a talented lawyer.
Choose the correct answer, A, B C or D, for each question.
1. "Why are you driving so fast?" "I'm _____."
a) must be hurry c) in a hurry
b) in hurry d) hurrying
2. I have your music CD. I think I _____ your concert video.
a) also have c) too have
b) have too d) have further
3. I really have to go now. I have _____ the doctor.
a) appointments to c) appointment with
b) an appointment to d) an appointment with
4. I can meet you at Central Station. Will _____?
a) convenient for you c) that be convenient
b) that convenient d) you be convenient
5. I would rather _____ a quiet cup of coffee in the office than sit in a noisy cafe.
a) have c) prefer
b) to have d) prefer to have
6. “Sorry to be late. I was delayed by _____."
a) a heavy traffic c) some heavy traffic
b) heavy traffic d) traffic being heavy
7. The sky is getting dark. It _____ rain is on its way.
a) looks c) seems to
b) looks like d) will be
8. Would you do me a small favour? I _____ very much.
a) appreciate it c) would be appreciative
b) would appreciate d) would appreciate it
9. "How _____ a crowd had gathered at the scene of the accident?" "I don't know exactly, but there
were a lot of shocked onlookers."
a) large c) many
b) often d) much
10. I have to have this report finished _____.
a) by Friday c) Friday before
b) until Friday d) Friday beginning
You are going to read a magazine article about the actor Keanu Reeves. Choose the most
suitable heading from the list A-H for each part (1-7) of the article. There is one extra heading
which you do not need to use.
A Settling down
B The big break
C Getting started
D Life on the move
E Contrary to expectations
F A question of priorities
G Taking it seriously
H Roots
He's been a cop, a computer hacker, a With such an unusual name, It was obvious from the
muscular hero and Buddha. But who is the start that Keanu's life was going to be different. Born
teal Keanu Reeves? in Beirut on September 2 1964, his name is
1 __________ pronounced 'key-ah-noo’ and is Hawaiian for 'cool
breeze over the mountains'. His Chinese-Hawaiian Speed 2: Cruise Control but he shocked everyone by
father, Samuel, moved away when Keanu was two, rejecting the reported £9 million offer to tour Europe,
leaving his English-born mother Patricia to raise him America and Japan with his band Dogstar, in which
and his younger sister Kim. They lived in Australia he plays bass guitar.
and New York before finally settling in Toronto, 5 __________
Canada. So what else does he get up to? In general, Keanu is
2 __________ very guarded about his private life. He keeps a low
Keanu decided to be an actor at the age of 15, when profile claiming that he's 'a homebody', but in reality
he had a few acting lessons and became hooked. He he has no home at all! Instead, he lives out of a
spent some time working in a pasta restaurant and suitcase and flits from one five star hotel to another.
sharpening skates at an ice hockey rink in order to ‘I’ve never really thought about a home,’ he says, 'I
pay his way. He went to auditions between shifts and feel that's a trap.' We do know, however, that he's into
got various parts in local theatre and TV productions, motorbikes in a big way and that the reckless rider
as well as a part in a Coca-Cola advert. has had two accidents, one in which he broke an
3 __________ ankle and the other which left him with a 25-
At 19 he decided to take a risk and try his luck in centimetre navel-to-chest scar.
Hollywood. Within eight months, he'd got his first 6 __________
major role in Youngblood, which, funnily enough, Keanu likes to do things properly and once he gets a
was all about ice hockey. After Youngblood Keanu role, he loves getting his teeth into it. For the film
starred in several other films, but it wasn't until 1991, The Matrix he lost weight and shaved his hair and
when he was given the part of Ted in Bill and Ted's eyebrows off. 'The first two weeks after I've finished
Excellent Adventure, that he started to make a name a movie I feel so exhausted that I can't speak about
for himself. anything,’ he confesses.
4 __________ 7 __________
Keanu often played troubled, slightly weak characters Despite his good looks, a successful career, vast sums
and he soon gained a reputation for being the same in of money and even a film-study course at a California
real life. Trying to shake off his 'dumb and distant' University named after him, you would have thought
image, Keanu took more challenging parts, like a that Keanu Reeves would feel on top of the world.
hired killer in I Love You to Death and an FBI agent Well, think again. 'My life isn't actually that
in Point Break, but it was in the box office hit Speed interesting,’ he says. 'I go to work, then I go back to
in 1994 that he really showed his talent. Producers LA, then I go to work. Life isn't a bowl of cherries
were desperate to have Keanu back for the sequel and I don't consider myself a happy person.’

You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-7, choose the best
answer, A, B or C.
1 You hear a man talking to some tourists. Who is he?
A a cafe owner
B a tourist guide
C a street trader
2 You hear a woman and her friend in an airport. What has the woman lost?
A her handbag
B her passport
C her boarding pass
3 You hear a man talking about his holiday. Which place did he enjoy most?
A the seaside
B Bangkok
C the north
4 You hear a girl talking about choosing a coat. Whose advice did she follow?
A her mother's
B her sister's
C the shop assistant's
5 In an office, you hear a man talking on the telephone. Where is Mr Richardson?
A in a hotel
B in America
C at home
6 You overhear a man telling a friend about a trip to a gym. How does the man feel?
A ashamed
B determined
C angry
7 You hear a woman talking to a doctor's receptionist. Why does she want an early appointment?
A because she mustn't eat before she comes in
B because she's having problems eating
C because she wants to see the doctor without taking time off work

Read the extract from a writer's journal. For Questions 1-8, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.
A recent survey of crime statistics shows that we are all more likely to be burgled now than 20 years ago
and the police advise everyone to take a few simple precautions to protect their homes.
The first fact is that burglars and other intruders prefer easy opportunities, like a house which is very
obviously empty. This is much less of a challenge than an occupied house, and one which is well-protected. A
burglar will wonder if it is worth the bother.
There are some general tips on how to avoid your home becoming another crime statistic. Avoid leaving
signs that your house is empty. When you have to go out, leave at least one light on as well as a radio or television,
and do not leave any curtains wide open. The sight of your latest music centre or computer is enough to tempt any
Never leave a spare key in a convenient hiding place. The first place a burglar will look is under the
doormat or in a flower pot and even somewhere more 'imaginative' could soon be uncovered by the intruder. It is
much safer to leave a key with a neighbour you can trust. But if your house is in a quiet, desolate area be aware that
this will be a burglar's dream, so deter any potential criminal from approaching your house by fitting security lights
to the outside of your house. But what could happen if, in spite of the aforementioned precautions, a burglar or
intruder has decided to target your home? Windows are usually the first point of entry for many intruders.
Downstairs windows provide easy access while upstairs windows can be reached with a ladder or by climbing up the
drainpipe. Before going to bed you should double-check that all windows and shutters are locked. No matter how
small your windows may be, it is surprising what a narrow gap a determined burglar can manage to get through. For
extra security, fit window locks to the inside of the window.
What about entry via doors? Your back door and patio doors, which are easily forced open, should have top
quality security locks fitted. Even though this is expensive it will be money well spent. Install a burglar alarm if you
can afford it as another line of defence against intruders.
A sobering fact is that not all intruders have to break and enter into a property. Why go to the trouble of
breaking in if you can just knock and be invited in? Beware of bogus officials or workmen and, particularly if you
are elderly, fit a chain and an eye hole so you can scrutinise callers at your leisure. When you do have callers never
let anybody into your home unless you are absolutely sure they are genuine. Ask to see an identity card, for
If you are in the frightening position of waking in the middle of the night and think you can hear an intruder, then on
no account should you approach the intruder. Far better to telephone the police and wait for help.
1 A well-protected house:
A is less likely to be burgled.
B is regarded as a challenge by most criminals.
C is a lot of bother to maintain.
D is very unlikely to be burgled.
2 According to the writer, we should:
A avoid leaving our house empty.
B only go out when we have to.
C always keep the curtains closed.
D give the impression that our house is occupied when we go out.
3 The writer thinks that hiding a key under a doormat or flower pot:
A is a predictable place to hide it.
B is a useful place to hide it.
C is imaginative.
D is where you always find a spare key.
4 The 'aforementioned precautions' refer to steps that:
A will tell a burglar if your house is empty or not.
B are the most important precautions to take to make your home safe.
C will stop a potential burglar.
D will not stop an intruder if he has decided to try and enter your home.
5 Gaining entry to a house through a small window:
A is surprisingly difficult.
B is not as difficult as people think.
C is less likely to happen than gaining entry through a door.
D is tried only by very determined burglars.
6 According to the writer, window locks, security locks and burglar alarms:
A cost a lot of money but are worth it.
B are good value for money.
C are luxury items.
D are absolutely essential items.
7 The writer argues that fitting a chain and an eye hole:
A will prevent your home being burgled.
B avoids you having to invite people into your home.
C is only necessary for elderly people.
D gives you time to check if the visitor is genuine.
8 The best title for the text is:
A Increasing household crime.
B Protecting your home from intruders
C What to do if a burglar breaks into your home.
D Burglary statistics.
3.1 Choose the best alternative for each question.
1. Hi! I just ___ to say how much I enjoyed our chat last night.
a) wished b) wanted
2. I’m ____ to go and study abroad next year.
a) wishing b) hoping
3. I ____ David but we have never been close friends.
a) like b) am keen on
4. We played cards to ___ the time till morning.
a) spend b) pass
5. They had to rush to get to work ___ time.
a) on b) in
6. I managed to ____ them that the story was true.
a) convince b) persuade
7. The newspaper ___ there’s been a hijacking.
a) tells b) says
8. I was ___ happy when I received your letter.
a) very b) too
9. I only caught a ___ of him as he drove off.
a) glimpse b) glance
10. You don’t think he would have broken the window on ____, do you?
a) purpose b) accident

3.2 For questions 1-15, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits
each space. There is an example at the beginning (0).
0 A over B from C of D by
My wife Penny and I are recovering (0) …B….. weekend visitors. Don't misunderstand me – we enjoy
company and love to (1)........our friends and relatives. But not this time. Fred and Kate were old friends
from our college (2).........So you would think we would have a fairly (3)........ idea what sort of people
they were, even though we hadn't seen them for (4)........years. We soon discovered, unfortunately, that
our lives had (5)........very different directions. Penny and I have two small children. Delightful but
(6)........, they dictate the style of our life. (7)........ many other young couples, we find weekends are a
matter of trying to snatch a few moments of relaxation in between catching up with all the (8)......... Kate
and Fred (9)........more money than us, they work longer hours, and they (10)........their leisure time to be
just that, leisure. The (11)........tiring thing Fred does on a Sunday is to walk up the road to the
(12)........newsagent. To be (13)........, Kate wasn't as bad as Fred. But she wasn't much better. By the time
they left, Penny and I were exhausted. We'd cooked, served and cleared up six meals without a
(14)........offer of help. We didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Luckily, we (15)........to laugh.

1 A entertain B visit C receive D host

2 A terms B days C times D ages
3 A fine B strong C good D right
4 A numerous B plenty C passing D several
5 A taken B left C chosen D had
6 A tired B tiring C amused D amusing
7 A As B Like C Similar D Same
8 A homework B housekeeping C household D housework
9 A gain B fetch C earn D bring
10 A intend B expect C insist D rely
11 A more B very C most D almost
12 A near B neighbouring C local D district
13 A fair B true C real D straight
14 A lonely B unique C alone D single
15 A achieved B succeeded C reached D managed

3.3 Fill in the gaps in these newspaper articles with suitable prepositions.
The wedding took place last Saturday of a couple who fell ................... (1) love through the internet.
Penny and Peter communicated ...................... (2) email for six months until they discovered
...................... (3) accident that they worked ...................... (4) the same building. 'Actually, I had
noticed her before and liked her, but I was too shy to speak to her ...................... (5) public,' said
blushing Peter. 'When I realised she was my internet friend, at first I suspected her ...................... (6)
laughing ...................... (7) me, and I was quite angry...................... (8) it. But luckily she
succeeded......................(9) persuading me that I was wrong. Now we're looking forward ......................
(10) spending our lives together.'
1 For questions 1-15, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space.
Use only one word in each space. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Life of a tiger
The tiger can live in almost (0) …any…..natural environment from hot, steamy jungles to
snowfields with subzero temperatures. A female tiger has her first cubs when she is less (1)
……………….. four years old. About half usually die before they (2) ……………….. a year old. They
kill their first small animals when they are about one and leave their mother a year(3) ……………….
Tigers are good swimmers, can climb trees (4) ………… eat 23 kilos of meat in a night. They
can jump nearly nine metres, (5)…………… is about the length of a double-decker bus. A tiger
depends (6) ………. its sharp eyes and keen ears. It waits in cover and rushes at the animals it hunts,
jumping on (7) ……………… . If it fails, it often (8) …………………. up because it gets tired very
easily. It can go for more than a week (9) ……………….. catching anything.
Tigers communicate by many sounds, including a roar that can be (10)…………….. over
several miles. Adult tigers usually live alone, (11) ……………. they are quite friendly with each other.
They mostly hunt (12) ……….. night. They often meet while they (13) ……………. out hunting, rub
heads together and then part.
They have similar bodies (14) ………….. lions. Nevertheless, (15)…………… never mate
together in the wild. Occasionally they do in zoos and their offspring are called 'tiglons' or 'tigons'.

2 For questions 1-10, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line
to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (O).
The way children play has changed (О) considerably over the last fifty years. In the CONSIDER
past, parents did not have to fear for the (1) ……………. of their children if they SAFE
went out to play. Most (2) ………………. were communities in which everyone NEIGHBOUR
knew everyone and children could be left to play (3) …………….by adults. In (4) SUPERVISE
………………….. there was hardly any traffic and a street could be (5) …………… ADD
transformed into a football pitch or used for a game of tag. (6) …………….. things EASY
are very different today. Apart from the fact that our streets are much more (7) FORTUNATE
…………….. than they were in the past, the last fifty years have seen the (8) DANGER
……………….. of more and more sophisticated games, (9) …………………., of CREATE
course, the thousands of computer games on the market. Too much time spent alone INCLUDE
with a computer may damage the child's (10) ……………………….. to form
friendships with other children. ABLE

3 For questions 1-15, read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are
correct, and some have a word which should not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick (√). If a
line has a word which should not be there, write the word. There are two examples at the
beginning (0 and 00).
0 ……√…... Even the most experienced performers suffer from
00 …..the… the stagefright. Sometimes this can be so extreme
1 …………. that it almost completely paralyses the person concerned.
2 …………. They stand in the wings, their heart beating at a rate of
3 …………. 130 or 135 for a minute and often seriously think about
4 …………. not going on. Some even they find it impossible to remember
5 …………. the performance at all after it is over. Others genuinely believe
6 …………. they have completely forgotten all their lines or one of in
7 …………. particular. Most have feel ill. They sweat and shiver and their
8 …………. stomachs are make strange noises. Considering the
9 …………. agonies that even such as well-known actors as Dustin
10 …………. Hoffman or Robert de Niro go through, it is surprising
11 …………. that less experienced performers ever have the courage to walk
12 …………. on stage at all. So next time that you are feeling nervous before a
13 …………. job interview or an oral examination, remember you are in
14 …………. good company. The world's top performers know exactly how do
15 …………. you feel. They should. They often feel a lot worse.

4 Underline the correct form of the verb.

1 I noticed the man drop/dropping/to drop his ticket so I picked it up for him.
2 The tour guide advised the tourists not take/taking/to take too much money out with them.
3 I heard the horses cornel coming/to come down the lane so I waited for them to pass before driving on.
4 The old man said he would love have /having / to have the chance to fly in an aeroplane again.
5 Don't make the children cornel coming / to come with us if they don't want to.
6 I saw the boy jump /jumping /to jump into the lake before anyone could stop him.
7 I recommend phone / phoning / to phone the hotel before you set off.
8 My father used to forbid us play / playing/ to play in those woods.
9 The college only allows smoke/smoking/ to smoke in the common room.
10 It was my drama teacher who encouraged me become /becoming / to become an actor.
5 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
1. If only I ____ (know) you already had tickets, I ____ (not get) any for you.
2. I ___ (apply) for several posts this year but I still ___ (not manage) to find what I’m looking for.
3. The roads were wet because it ___ (rain) all night.
4. Look, that car ___ (crash)!
5. I ___ (start learning) Spanish a few months ago but I ___ (not obtain) a qualification in it yet.
6. ___ (take) part in our play? You are a really good actor, we need you!
7. You will be late unless you ___ (leave) now.
8. Bruce wishes he ___ (have) more money so he could buy a new sweater.
9. Whatever she ___ (say), they won’t believe her.
10. However, I ___ (wait) for a reply for several weeks and I still ___ (not receive) any answer.
6 Complete each sentence with the most suitable phrase.
1. There isn’t any sugar, I’m afraid. You’ll have to _____ .
a) run out b) put up with c) do without d) make for
2. How much money do you manage to _____ ?
a) come into b) go in for c) deal with d) live on
3. The weather was fine, and everyone was _____ the coast.
a) going for b) making for c) joining in d) seeing about
4. I was passing their house, so I _____ Claire and Michael.
a) dropped in on b) came up with c) got on with d) ran into
5. I don’t really _____ winter sports very much.
a) deal with b) face up to c) go in for d) get round to
6. Losing my job was a great shock, but I think I’m _____ it.
a) Seeing to b) putting up with c) standing for d) getting over
7. Sheila’s gone to _____ having a new phone installed.
a) See about b) deal with c) get round to d) ask after
8. I’ve had to _____ a lot of insulting behavior from you!
a) Look down on b) put up with c) stand up for d) get on with
9. The hotel was terrible, but the wonderful beach _____ our disappointment.
a) Got over b) faced up to c) saw to d) made up for
10. Jack has decided to _____ the time he spends watching television.
a) Run out of b) see to c) cut down on d) come up with
7 Choose the correct collocation.
1 She had/ took/ paid attention to what I told her and started working harder.
2 I’m too tired to go out tonight. Let’s do/ have/ make an excuse and stay at home.
3 You must make/ get/ do an effort to work harder.
4 I hate doing/ having/ making my homework at the last minute.
5 The President made/ gave/ paid tribute to all the people who had supported him.
6 I got/ had/ took a liking to our new teacher the moment I met her.
7 Did the fire do/ make/ bring much damage to the factory?
8 I got/ made/ had a bad dream last night and woke up sweating.
9 She made/ paid/ brought me a nice compliment yesterday.
10 I had/ made/ took over a hundred photographs on my trip to Antarctica.
Section II. Grammar Comprehension

Task 2. Insert a, an or the if necessary.

1. “How much are ___ leeks?” “They’re 80 pence ___ pound.”
2. I went to ___ wonderful concert by ___ London Symphony Orchestra.
3. ___ local school is soon to be closed.
4. I usually go to ___ work by ___ train.
5. Is ___ meat in ___ oven?
6. Is this ___ first time you’ve been to ___ Isle of Man?
7. He’s ___ art teacher and she’s ___ electrician.
8. A lot of people give ___ money to ___ charity at this time of ___ year.
9. ___ life is very difficult for ____ unemployed these years.
10. ___ police have had a lot of support from ___ general public over this issue.

Task 3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of could, be able to, manage to,
succeed in, must, will, should, ought to, have to, need.
1. Kerry’s rather late. She _____ (miss) the train.
2. We _____ (leave) at 11 o’clock last night because the last bus went at 11.20.
3. I don’t think you _____ (offer) to help him. You’ve got enough work to yourself.
4. ‘I hope Josh is OK at that summer camp. He might be homesick.’ ‘Don’t worry about
him. He _____ (have) a great time.’
5. We _____ (not phone her up) because her phone had broken, but fortunately we _____
(get) a message to her.
6. They _____ (not pay) to stay in a hotel. They can stay with us.
7. I _____ (ride) this bike soon: I just need more time to practice.
8. We’ve been staying in a hotel for the last two weeks so we _____ (not cook) our own
9. He doesn’t do very much when he’s here. He _____ (be) more helpful.
10. You _____ (come round) for dinner one evening. We haven’t had a good talk for a long

Section I. Listening Comprehension
Task 1. You will hear part of a radio interview with a man who is the director of an
Environmental Centre. For questions 1-10 complete the sentences.
The Environmental Centre has been open for 1) ________________ .
The Centre has working displays of sun and wind 2) ____________________.
School children visit the Centre to carry out a 3)________________ on the environment.
The majority of courses take 4) _____________, apart from ones in the summer.
Accommodation is provided in basic 5) ____________ made of food.
The Centre does not allow anyone 6) _______________inside.
The course on garden wildlife and different plants is called 7) ____________ gardening.
The most popular course shows people how to save 8) __________________
The cost of a course depends on whether people have a 9) _____________ or not.
The centre has a 10) _______________ to make sure nobody is refused a place on a course.

Section II. Reading Comprehension and vocabulary

Task 1. Complete each sentence with a word from the box.
popular novel paperback reading exciting entertainment borrow chapter
gripping programmes information imagination television do reviews
Is it worth (1) ___ books, why nowadays there are so many other forms of (2) ___ ?
Some people say that even (3) ___ books are expensive, and not everyone can (4) ___ books
from a library. They might add that television is more (5) ___ and that viewers can relax as they
watch their favourite (6) ___ . All that may be true, but books are still very (7) ___ . They
encourage the reader to use his or her (8) ___ for a start. You can read a (9) ____ of a book, or
just a few pages, and then stop. Of course, it may be so (10) ____ that you can’t stop! There are
many different kinds of books, so you can choose a crime (11) ___ or an autobiography, or a
book which gives you interesting (12) ___ . If you find it hard to choose, you can read
(13) ____, or ask friends for ideas. Personally I can’t (14) ___ without books, but I can give up
(15) ___ easily enough. You can’t watch television at bus stops!

Section III. Grammar Comprehension and Vocabulary

11. When she opened the window she was happy to see it ___ (snow) lightly. In fact, it ___
(snow) all night and snow ___ (cover) all the rooftops.
12. According to my diary, we ___ (meet) at 3 pm tomorrow.
13. I wish you __ (do) that. It annoys me.
14. I ___ (lend) you the book as long as you ____ it _____ (bring back).
15. By November 30 a new government ___ (elect).
16. I wish you ___ (keep) your mouth shut yesterday. Now Mary knows everything.
17. This time tomorrow, Maria ___ (sunbathe) on a beach in Majorca.
18. If you __ (not spend) so much money, I ___ (not be) angry now.
19. When we got back from our holiday we discovered that someone ___ (break) into our
house. The burglars, however, ___ (drop) a piece of paper with an address on it as they
___ (climb) out of the window.
20. The Prime Minister ___ (travel) to Brussels tomorrow.

Task 2. Choose the correct sentence.

1. a) He performed very well in the interview however he didn’t get the job.
b) He performed very well in the interview, however he didn’t get the job.
c) He performed very well in the interview; however he didn’t get the job.
d) He performed very well in the interview; however, he didn’t get the job.
2. a) He told her not to eat it, explaining that there was a risk of food poisoning.
b) He told her not to eat it, explaining, that there was a risk of food poisoning.
c) He told her not to eat it explaining that there was a risk of food poisoning.
d) He told her not to eat it explaining, that there was a risk of food poisoning.
3. a) The woman, living next door works for a television company.
b) The woman, living next door, works for a television company.
c) The woman living next door works for a television company.
d) The woman living next door, works for a television company.
4. a) Her books read by people all over the world, are still immensely popular.
b) Her books, read by people all over the world are still immensely popular.
c) Her books read by people all over the world are still immensely popular.
d) Her books, read by people all over the world, are still immensely popular.
5. a) ‘Well; I’m not sure but I think he’s going to ask her to marry him next week.’
b) ‘Well, I’m not sure, but I think he’s going to ask her to marry him next week.’
c) ‘Well, I’m not sure but I think, he’s going to ask her to marry him next week.’
d) ‘Well I’m not sure, but I think he’s going to ask her to marry him next week.’
6. a) I need three items at the store, dog food, vegetarian chili, and cheddar cheese.
b) I need three items at the store — dog food, vegetarian chili, and cheddar cheese.
c) I need three items at the store; dog food, vegetarian chili, and cheddar cheese.
d) I need three items at the store,— dog food, vegetarian chili, and cheddar cheese.
7. a) As we discussed, you will bring two items; i.e., a sleeping bag and a tent are not
b) As we discussed you will bring two items; i.e., a sleeping bag and a tent are not
c) As we discussed you will bring two items i.e. a sleeping bag and a tent are not
d) As we discussed, you will bring two items; i.e. a sleeping bag and a tent are not
8. a) Look out! - she screamed. "You almost ran into my child."
b) "Look out!" she screamed - "You almost ran into my child."
c) "Look out!" she screamed. "You almost ran into my child."
d) "Look out!" - she screamed.- "You almost ran into my child."

Task 3. Rewrite each sentence, putting the verb underlined in the passive where this is possible.
1. People ate most of the food at the party.
2. Jane won the poetry competition.
3. Peter’s new car cost over £20,000.
4. Martin always wears casual clothes.
5. One of our visitors lost this cigarette lighter.
6. They haven’t decided the exact time of the match yet.
7. Most of the guests had left the hotel by midday.
8. Some parents read to their children every night.
9. People think that an apple a day is good for you.
10. Last Thursday we appointed a new marketing manager.

Section I. Reading Comprehension
Task 1. You are going to read a magazine article about Sarah Bryant, an acupuncturist. Seven
sentences have been removed from the article on the left. Choose the most suitable
sentence from the list A-H on the right for each part (1-7) of the article. There is one
extra sentence which you do not need to use.
A These are twelve acupuncture channels along which energy travels in the human body.
B Also on a physical level I’ve treated a woman for problems with eczema.
C I'd like to work with practitioners of homeopathy, reflexology, aromatherapy and perhaps counselling.
D There was a lot more to it than that though.
E It is common for people there to have acupuncture treatment, not only if they’re ill but also to prevent
the onset of diseases.
F Contrary to popular belief, having the needles placed in your body is quite painless.
G I’ve had a lot of acupuncture treatment and found it particularly useful.
H This is very different from Western medicine which is supposed to work solely on the body.
This month in lifestyles we feature Sarah a It would be an odd state of affairs if a
practising acupuncturist. practising alternative therapist had not had
I’ve done a lot of travelling in Europe and treatment themselves and this is certainly
Asia throughout my adult life and it was not the case for myself.
whilst I was teaching in China that I became 4  
interested in acupuncture.
I’ve never suffered particularly from physical
1 problems but treatment for my mental and
It was after returning from China and witnessing spiritual wellbeing has been very successful.
how successful it had been that I reached the I’ve treated a wide range of people for
decision to become an acupuncturist myself. I various conditions, for example people
was lucky to discover that the town where I suffering from stress and anxiety and helped
lived had a famous and well-reputed college of them to cope with stressful situations in their
traditional acupuncture.
Alternative medicine is particularly
important for me because I firmly believe
that it works on the level of body, mind and There’s another woman who suffers from
spirit. arthritis of the hip and at the moment I’m
treating an old lady who has several health
2   problems, one of them being Parkinson’s
Of course this medicine is very powerful and Disease. All these people have found that
can consequently have powerful side effects. acupuncture has made them feel more balanced
Alternative medicine like acupuncture on the in themselves and they have certainly benefited
other hand is aimed at treating the person as a from the treatment.
whole. When a person’s ill, there’s something in To date I currently own the Licentiate in
their life which is putting their energy levels out Acupuncture. This course lasted three years and
of balance. What alternative therapies try to do I had to go to the college about one weekend in
is help to gradually push that energy back into three.
balance. The result is that any disease present 6  
might naturally disappear as it cannot survive
when energies are balanced. I had a large amount of homework to do and
practical work, which I did two or three
The treatments consist largely of balancing
evenings a week. This entailed locating points
the energy between the different meridians on different people. As you can imagine, this
of a person’s body. isn’t straightforward as people are different sizes
3   and have different shaped bodies.
Treatment aims to free blocks of energy in these In the future I hope to set up an alternative
meridians which may be causing ill health and health clinic which will involve myself as an
which may have been there for many years. acupuncturist but perhaps other people as well.
I’d like to set this up somewhere in a rural able to sit and enjoy the scenery, go for walks
setting, where people could enjoy coming not and basically feel free from the stresses of life.
only for the treatment but where they would be

Section II. Grammar Structure and Vocabulary.

Task 1. Complete the sentences with the most suitable word or a phrase.
1. ____ that the American Indian crossed a land bridge into North America from what is
now Russia.
a) It is considered
b) It is thought
c) It was thought
2. None of the students _____ a car.
a) has
b) have
c) have got
3. Never before _____ as rapidly, as during the last three decades.
a) communications have developed
b) have communications developed
c) have developed communications
4. It is not yet clearly understood _________ cause obesity.
a) why eating too many hamburgers can
b) why can eating too many hamburgers
c) eating too many hamburgers can
5. _______ the Depression, individual stock ownership was common in the United States.
a) It was during
b) By the time of
c) Because
6. While most New Yorkers believe in ghosts, ______ do not.
a) are a few who
b) there are a few which
c) there are a few that
7. It was ______ Johnny finally gave up.
a) such difficult that
b) so difficult that
c) so a difficult test that
8. __________, I would have returned it immediately.
a) If I knew that you wanted to read it
b) I had known that you wanted to read it
c) Had I known that you wanted to read it
9. Considering human history, it ______________ using mass communications.
a) has recently been that man
b) is only recently that man has begun
c) only recently is that man has begun
10 Never before _____ more closely, as during the past decade.
a) have world leaders worked
b) world leaders have been working
c) world leaders have worked
Task 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form (gerund or infinitive). Add the correct
preposition when it is necessary.
1. He has promised ____ (deliver) it to me this afternoon.
2. Why are you blaming me for ____ (get) lost? You’ve got the map.
3. I’d like to enquire ___ (enroll) on one of your evening courses.
4. Don’t keep on ___ (talk) about it. It’s upsetting me.
5. Why do you always blame me ___ (start) the arguments?
6. I don’t recommend ___ (study) on your own.
7. I regret ___ (not keep) in touch with my old friends.
8. Maria isn’t expecting him ___ (phone) her tonight but she hopes he does.
9. Don’t forget ____ (lock up) when you go to bed.
10. We don’t believe in ___ (buy) each other big presents.
Task 3. Fill in the blanks. The first letter of each missing word has been given.
A vegetarian is someone who eats only (1) v____ , bread, fruit, eggs etc. and doesn’t eat
(2)m____ . However, some do eat (3) f______ which I find strange. Others eat chicken but not
(4) r_____ meat. A vegan doesn’t eat meat, fish, or any (5) d____ products such as eggs, milk
and (6) c_____ . They do eat fruit and (7) n____ . A (8) g____ knows a lot about food and
enjoys good food and (9) w_____ . A (10) c_____ is someone who prepares and cooks food in a
hotel or restaurant.

Task 4. For questions 1 - 10, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end
of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the
beginning (0).

Task 5. Choose a, b, or c according to the meaning of the idiomatic expressions.

1. To put the "cart before the horse" means ___.
a) to plan ahead
b) that you can't do something
c) to do things in the wrong order
2. To "bear in mind" means ___.
a) to forget something
b) to be crazy
c) to remember something
3. If someone is "down to earth", they are ___.
a) strange
b) practical
c) shy
4. To "face the music" means ___.
a) accept your punishment
b) listen carefully
c) ask a lot of questions
5. If you are "fed up" you have ___.
a) had enough
b) eaten enough
c) drunk too much
6. If something is "half baked", it's ___.
a) very useful
b) incomplete
c) unusual
7. To "make a difference" is to ___.
a) lose something
b) matter
c) be in charge
8. If something happens "rain or shine", it'll happen ___.
a) at some point, but we don't know when
b) outside
c) no matter what
9. If something "rings a bell", it ___.
a) makes a lot of noise
b) is frightening
c) sounds familiar
If it's "safe and sound", it's ___.
a) not allowed
b) beautiful
c) not harmed
In eight of these sentences there is a mistake. Underline each mistake and write the correction.
1 The child spread thicklu the.jam on the piece of bread..........
2 I used to see Sharon at the gym every week but I haven't seen her lately. ………………….
3 My grandmother drives less careful than she used to. .................................................
4 I never have bought anything from that expensive shop over there...........................
5 Paul is extremely careless - he loses something nearly every day..............................
6 At Tony's garage I always have my car repaired............................................................
7 You must return the book by next Friday to the library.............................................
8 My uncle speaks very well Spanish because he lived in Peru for a while......................................
9 My sister doesn't make friends as easily than I do. ........................................................
10 Jon can't go out much at the moment as he has to study hardly for his degree ...............................................

D Exam practice
Use of English
Rewrite these sentences using the correct form of must, need, should or have to.
1 It's her fault that she's lost her watch because she didn't look after it.
She s.b^!4..b^y!?...i^^....ftЈt^...k^...^J.d?.:...............................................................................................................
2 I don't expect you to phone me before you come.
3 It is essential for students to buy a good dictionary.
4 It was wrong of you to take money from my purse without asking.
5 I was getting ready to drive to the station to pick up my sister when she arrived in a taxi.
6 It's not fair that I do the washing-up on my own.
7 Students aren't allowed to smoke in the canteen.
8 She turned the music down to avoid disturbing her neighbours but they'd gone out.
9 I think she's wrong to make promises which she doesn't keep.
10 You can give the tour guide a tip but it is not necessary.
D Exam practice
Use of English
Complete these sentences with words from the box to make phrasal verbs with get.
at away with by down on out of over round round to through

1 Simon always manages to get...........................doing the washing-up because he says he has a lot of homework.
2 My grandfather got...........................................the flu very quickly because he's such a fit man.
3 Maria's daughters must be on the phone all the time because I can never get ...........................................when I try
to ring her.
4 I tried to take a message but I didn't get...........................................everything Paula said.
5 Peter hasn't had much success with jobs so far but I'm sure he'll get........................................... in his new one.
6 I finally got...........................................watching the video of a film I recorded two months ago.
7 People think they need lots of money but you can get...........................................with very little.
8 We don't keep things on the top shelf because we can't get...........................................them without standing on the
9 The news of Billy and Jane's engagement got...........................................the office very quickly.
10 I can never get...........................................telling a lie because my face always goes bright red.


In Paper J you have 1 hour 15 minutes to answer questions on four different texts.
Understanding of each of the four texts is tested in a different way with a different
type of task each time. In this unit we will look at how to read each of the text
Part 1: Multiple matching
1 Part 1 consists of a text from which headings or summary sentences have been
removed and placed before the text in a different order. You have to decide which
paragraph in the text each of the headings or summary sentences belongs to. This
tests your ability to identify the main ideas expressed in each paragraph. You do
not necessarily need to understand every word in the text. You should focus on the
general idea of each paragraph, without worrying about individual words or
For the text on the opposite page, read the summary sentences first, together with
the title and the introductory sentence. This will give you an idea of the main
points of the text. Then read through the text quite quickly before you start to make
your choices.
Be careful. Looking for words in the text which are the same as the words in a question
does not guarantee you will find the correct answer. For example, look again at the
example sentence for paragraph 0: I The heat can create serious health problems for
The word 'heat' appears in paragraphs 4 and 5, but neither of these paragraphs is the
correct answer.
Similarly, the words 'create problems for walkers' can be seen in paragraph 6, but this is
also the wrong answer.
A Getting wet is one way of keeping temperatures down.
B Your clothing acts as an important defence against the sun.
C Water has a number of important advantages.
D There are several alternatives to just water.
E The wrong clothing can cause problems.
F Always protect those parts of your body which are not covered by clothing.
G One part of your body which can suffer is your feet,
H Take enough water and drink it sensibly.
I The heat can create serious health problems for walkers.
Part 2: Multiple choice
1 Part 2 consists of a text followed by seven or eight multiple choice questions.
Most of the questions in this task require a detailed understanding of the text.
Look back at page 28 to see the different types of questions you can expect to find
in the exam. Then look at questions О-7 on the opposite page and decide which
type of question each one is. These questions all refer to the text you have just read
for the Part 1 task, but in the exam they will refer to a completely different text.
Example: Question 1 is testing our detailed understanding of the text.
3 Now for questions 1-7 choose the answer which you think fits best according
to the text. For questions 3, 4 and 6 you should first decide on the meaning of the
words in italics in the paragraphs with the same numbers. Use the context in which
each word appears to help you work out the meaning.

A walk in the midday sun

When the heat is on, walkers need to be on their guard.
Hot weather makes your heart pump harder, and if you're not very fit, you start to
understand why the majority of mountain rescue statistics are made up from summer
walkers suffering heart attacks. Heat exhaustion is quite easy to get when you're 5
making a great physical effort. It happens where your body can't produce enough sweat to
keep you coot.
The answer is to keep up your water intake. It's a good idea to drink a pint of water for
every 10 degrees Fahrenheit every 24 hours. So, if the temperature is in the 70s, and you
are doing 10 a five-hour walk, you'll need a minimum of around one and a half pints of
water. It's vital that you don't wait until you develop a raging thirst before you stop for a
drink - keep taking regular swigs from your water bottle.
\2 | 1
Many walkers flavour their water with fruit juice, which makes 15 it a lot more palatable.
You could even use one of the isotonic drinks made for athletes, which replace the body's
salts lost through sweating. Powders such as Dioralyte, which you may have in the house
as a treatment for diarrhoea, will do the job just as well, as its main aim is also effective
rn~ ' ]
20 Given that evaporation is your body's cooling mechanism, you can help things along
with an external application of water. Soaking your hat with water is a great way to cool
the head, though if the sun is beating down, it will probably dry off almost immediately.
Better still then if you can plunge into a
25 river or the sea tully-clothed. And if that's not possible, then at least take off your
boots and socks and paddle in a cool stream.
Ready for Read
14 I I
Walking in the heat increases the rate at which your feet swell, which can lead to them
feeling tight in your boots. Cool water from a stream reduces any swelling and helps
general foot comfort. At the same time, you can check out your feet for signs of blisters.
Extra sweating makes the skin softer and increases the chance of blisters forming, in the
same way as when water teaks into your boots and gets to your feet.
|S |
As for what clothing you wear, this should be lightweight and reasonably loose-fitting.
Tight clothing will feel uncomfortable and may even lead to the formation of an irritating
rash known as 'prickly heaf on your skin. The answer, if this does develop, is to try and
stay cool as much as possible. Do this by either keeping in the shade, or washing the
affected area with cold water, but without soap. But prevention is by far the best
approach, so keep your clothing light.
|6 1
It's understandable to want to remove any extraneous clothing when it's extremely hot,
but it doesn't really make much sense to take off T-shirts. The sun's rays can be quite
strong, and shoulders are always very sensitive to sunburn. This is the worst place to be
red and sore when you are wearing a heavy rucksack on your back. Wearing shorts can
also create problems for walkers, as the backs of the legs can catch the sun very easily.
|7 1 " ^^^^^2 J
50 In fact, those days when an apparently harmless breeze is blowing can be the most
deceptive. It might not feel so hot so you probably won't notice the damage being done
so soon. As on every other day then, a good strong sun cream should therefore be applied
to any skin which is exposed. Make the most of the 55 summer, but treat the sun with the
respect it deserves.
1 What does the writer say about 'Dioralyte'? A It helps to reduce sweating.
B It prevents the loss of body salts.
C It will prevent you getting diarrhoea.
D It works in the same way as an isotonic drink.
2 'it' in line 23 refers to A the sun.
B your hat. C the head. D water.
3 According to the text, when might your feet suffer? A when they cool down
B if you are wearing tightly-fitting boots
C when they are wet
D if you have to walk through water
4 According to the writer, it is better to wear loose-fitting clothing because
A it keeps you cool.
B it is very light.
C it is less likely to create problems for your skin.
D it lasts longer than tight-fitting clothing.
5 What does the writer mean by 'extraneous' clothing in line 42?
A clothing which is no longer needed to keep you warm
B clothing which most people would consider
unusual in hot weather C clothing which is too tight D clothing which is too heavy
to wear
6 According to the writer, when are walkers particularly at risk from the effects of
the sun? A when they are unaware of the heat
B if their sun cream is not strong enough C when there is a strong wind D if they
have suffered an injury
7 Who has the text been written for?
A people who go walking in the mountains B walkers who are unfit C people who
go walking in hot weather D people who only go walking in summer

Settling down: this usually means 'to lead a more stable life', so the relevant
paragraph might talk about Keanu Reeves buying a house or getting married and
having children.
Now read the text through quickly before you try to match the headings. Were your
ideas in exercise 1 correct?

Reacting to the text

Read the following Part 4 instructions.

Read this article about different study Web sites. For questions 1-15, choose from
the Web sites A-F. The Web sites may be chosen more than once. When more than
one answer is required, these may be given in any order. There is an example at the
beginning (0).
Now look at each question one by one, scanning the texts to find the answers.
Which of the Web sites would you consult in the following situations?
You know the date, but not the day of your next exam. You want to check the
exact meaning of the verb 'to swell'. You are curious to see what problems other
students have had. You need some advice on how to prepare for your exams. You
are going to Australia to study English and you need to know the exchange rate for
the Australian dollar. You want to receive some personal attention from someone.
You are 16 and vour cousin is 13: vou both need information about chemistry'
which is appropriate to your level. You want to consult a site which is not too
serious. You do not want to waste time looking at sites which turn out to be
irrelevant to you.
For geography homework you have been told to find out the capitals of all the
countries in south east Asia. You are interested to see what the person answering
your questions looks like.
in m
A Topmarks www.topmarks.co.uk
An excellent UK site offering links to sites across all subjects, including astronomy,
classics, design technology, economics, personal and social education, physical education
and religious studies-You can select under subject and age group, and each link has a
five-line description so you know exactly where you are going. There is a particularly
good section on exam help, with lots of links to help revise different subjects, while the
parents' area has a number of useful articles.
B Homework Elephant www.homeworketephant.free-ort-nne.co.uk
A UK service with 700 links to some of the best educational sites on the Web, as well as
other resources like dictionaries and search engines. You'll also find revision tips for each
subject, and a section pointing towards relevant online experts, who may be able to give
you more individual help. If you're still stuck, consult the Agony Elephant, which will
point you in the right direction. Not to be missed.
C Study Web www.studyweb.com
Over 118,000 links across subjects as diverse as agriculture, philosophy, architecture,
criminology and medicine, as well as all the usual curriculum subjects. Each link has a
US school grade to indicate its approximate age level, while the Study Buddy offers a
wide range of online useful extras, including a calculator and currency converter.
D Kid Info School Subjects www.kidinfo.com/SchoolSubjects.html
An easy-to-use site offering links across the full range of subjects, as well as calendars,
dictionaries, quotations, atlases, encyclopedias and museums.
E Pitsco's Ask an Expert www.askanexpert.com
Can connect you to hundreds of real live experts, from astronomers to zoologists and
plenty in between. You can browse via category or keyword search to find the most likely
candidate, then visit their Web site to see if your answer is already there; if not, stick it on
e-mail, press send, and wait for your reply. In the Arts/Humanities section, for example,
there is a fine art expert, an artist a classical musician, a composer and even a piano
F Ask Or Universe www.wsu.edu/DrUniverse/
A good-looking and appealingly light-hearted site which lets you pose questions to
researchers at Washington State University, then follow them up by e-mail if you want to
explore further. You can also look up archives of former questions, which are usually
accompanied by photos of the answering academic.
the Web: Education
Emma Houghton looks at several useful Web sites for students who need information
fast. The sites offer links to other Web sites, search engines and the increasingly popular
ask-the-expert sites.
Multiple choice O

Before you listen to the recording, read through all the questions and try to predict
the type of information you will hear for each one.
Potential recruits are not required to have any They do not have to satisfy any
However, there are tests to measure the strength of their Hove Fire Station currently
After working a series of day and night shifts firefighters have At the Watch Parade they
have to
Then they carry out a thorough inspection of the Most call-outs occur during Firefighters
can spend
as well as the equipment.
Being a firefighter is a
clearing up after a fire, To] job.
(Use of English!?) Multiple choice cloze
FCE Part 1
For questions 1-15, read the text below and underline which answer A, B, C or D
best fits each space. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Before you do the task, make sure you read the whole text through first. As you
read, answer the following question:
How does Roger Press feel about his decision to change career?
A more commercial tune
Roger Press, 40, has (0) B his career. After
spending five years (1)_a concert pianist he
has gone into business, recently (2)_up his
own company.
'After leaving university I decided to (3)_
myself to a career in music. I loved performing but it
was very hard (4)__. I played at concerts in
Europe and America, made recordings and got good
(5)_. But after a while I felt I had gone as
(6)_as I could. Unless you're one of the world's
top pianists, it's difficult to earn a good (7)_
and I wasn't one of the greatest.
I have always thought that it's important to be commercial, to participate and compete in
modern world. So although (8)_on was a
difficult decision, having reached it I felt relieved in
many (9)_. When I (10)_up my
performing career, people around me were more sad and disappointed than I was. But I
felt free and (11)_I knew I was getting serious about life.
After getting a (12)_in business administration
I (13)_the recording company EMI and started
their classical video division, producing programmes about famous artists. A year ago I
left EMI and formed a new company. New Media Systems, which (14)_in multimedia
Now that I run my own business I am in control of my life and I can feel proud of my
Although the stress is high and I work (15)_
hours, the stress involved in piano playing was much worse. It took physical, emotional and mental skills. I prefer the pressures I live with now.
0 A moved B changed C adjusted D stopped
1 Alike B working C how D as
2 A giving B setting C forming D bringing
3 A devote Btake C assign D employ
4 A job B effort C work D career
5 A reviews B critics C reports D praise
6 A soon B often Cfar D much
7 A life B living C money D payment
8 A changing B getting C continuing D moving
9 A factors B forms C manners D ways
1 A took B brought C gave D put
1 A lastly B at last C at the end D lately
1 A B title C graduate D grade
2 qualification
1 A enrolled B applied C attended D joined
1 A specializes B focuses C concentrates D dedicates
1 A overtime B large C long D bonus
(Use ofEngllshT^) Error correction
iHi^ifl For questions 1-15, read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some
of the
lines are correct and some have a word which should not be there. If a line is
correct, put a tick (/) in the space at the end of the line. If a line has a word which
should not be there, write the extra word in the space. There are two examples at
the beginning (0 and 00).
Maternal patience
0 I can now understand perfectly why people say you need to have J 00 had limitless
patience when you have children. The child is no problem; had
1 it's the relatives and other adults that make me to feel [ike screaming and shouting
2 in despair. Why does everyone think they know better than you do? Advice is
3 given in all forms and the most of it is either mildly irritating or downright
4 lunatic. I've been told that my daughter looks like a boy and I should to put
5 some pink clothes on her; that in temperatures as high as 30°C she ought to have
6 socks on; that she's thirsty and needs drink a little fruit juice (at two weeks _
7 old it probably would have to killed her!). When changing my daughter's
8 nappy I have received disapproving looks because I don't can use talcum powder; _
9 and this advice came from a man whose last child he was born 40 years ago _
10 and was brought up by a nanny. One interfering relative even went so far as to say _
11 that no mother of a small baby should not have long hair: for some unknown reason _
12 she wanted me to have my hair cut! Unfortunately, all new mothers have to _
13 go through this stage and some may be find it difficult to cope with the relentless
14 and seemingly pointless advice. If you have suffer the same situation as I do,
15 remember that no matter how angry you get you shouldn't never smack your relatives.
It only makes them worse.
(Use of English; ) Open cloze
For questions 1-15, read the text below and think of a word which best fits each
space. Use only one word in each space. There is an example at the beginning (0).
FCE Part 1
Look at the title and try to predict what you are going to read about. The title of this text
is 'How to tell a ghost story' What do you think are the essential ingredients of a good
ghost story?
Read the text through first, ignoring the spaces, for a general understanding. Compare
what it says with your own ideas. Now start completing the spaces. Look at the whole
sentence and not just the words before and after the space. You may also need to look at
the previous or next sentence to make your decision.
What are some of the typical types of words which are omitted in the Open cloze? See
page 80.
Make sure there is only one word in each of the spaces.
Don't leave any spaces unfilled. If you're not sure, work out the part of speech required
and make an 'intelligent guess'. The answers are never contractions (eg can't, she's) or
hyphenated words (eg three-hour, open-air). Remember that you may need a word with a
negative meaning (eg not without, unless).
Listening notetaking 128
What are the best ways to protect your house from burglary? How well is your
house protected?
Read the following Listening Part 2 instructions. Try to predict the type of
information you will hear for each question before you listen.
You will hear part of a radio programme, in which a police officer talks about
burglary. For questions 1-10, complete the missing information.
* almost half of burglaries occur
• most burglaries take
♦ targets criminals who
• led to a
4_ decrease in burgfary
in first year
HOUSEHOLDERS • don't hide keys
deter burglars with a ask for advice about choosing fit locks to the
NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH SCHEMES • particularly helps protect people like the
10 people benefit from the

reading 131

Reacting to the text

Do you agree with Wendy Granditer that phone tapping and parents spying on
children is an invasion of privacy'? Does everyone have 'a right to privacy'? Even
royalty and other famous people?

D Exam practice
You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best
answer, A, B or C.
1 You hear a woman telling someone about a film she has seen. What kind of film was it?
A a thriller
B a love story
C a comedy
2 You overhear a conversation in a restaurant. What is the man complaining about?
A the food
B the service
C the noise
3 You hear a woman talking to a colleague. How did the woman feel?
A upset
B ashamed
C shocked
4 You overhear a man talking to a friend on the phone. What was damaged?
A a piece of sports equipment
B a musical instrument
C a piece of furniture
5 You hear a couple planning to meet. When will the woman telephone the man?
A about lunchtime
B late afternoon
C early evening
6 You hear the weather forecast. What will the weather be like at the weekend?
A foggy
B wet
C sunny
7 Listen to a phone conversation between two women. Why is Sarah ringing Katya?
A to make an apology
B to offer an invitation
C to make a request
8 You overhear a woman talking to someone in a shop. Who is she talking to?
A the shop manager
B a customer
C a colleague

Exam practice
Use of English


D Exam practice
Use of English
For questions 1-15, read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and
some have a word which should not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick (/). If a line has a word which
should not be there, write the word. There are two examples at the beginning (0 and 00).
AThis task tests grammar from the rest of the book as well as the
grammar in this unit

D Exam practice
Use of English
For questions 1-15, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word
in each space. There is an example at the beginning (0).
A This task tests grammar from the rest of the book as well as the
grammar in this unit.
It is probable that until two hundred years (0).......33?......., Antarctica had never been seen
by any human eyes. The first people who are known to have seen it (1)......................hunters
on ships in 1819. Two years later, one of them (2)......................to land there even
(3)......................conditions prevented him from exploring very far. Larger scientific expeditions
later came to the Antarctic to find out more. By the end of the nineteenth century they had
succeeded in mapping the coast of the continent, in (4)......................of the fact that
Antarctica is almost entirely covered by a thick (5)......................of ice which in places
stretches far (6)......................the edge of the land onto the sea.
There was something else which attracted people to Antarctica (7)......................scientific
research. This was the South Pole. A number of attempts to reach it were (8)......................in
the early years of the twentieth century, (9)......................the first person to get there was the
Norwegian, Roald Amundsen, in 1911. Travelling with dogs (10)......................pull the sledges
(11)......................carried his party's supplies, he arrived (12)......................the pole five weeks
before his rivals, a British group (13)......................by Robert Scott.
(14)......................the terrible weather conditions, many nations now have scientific bases on
Antarctica, (15)......................out research on a great range of subjects.

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