Curriculum Map Math 8
Curriculum Map Math 8
Curriculum Map Math 8
1 The learner The learner is
demonstrates able to
understanding formulate real A.1. Factors completely A.1. Quiz
of key - life problems different types of (Identification)
concepts of involving polynomials (polynomials
factors of factors of with common monomial
polynomials, polynomials, factor, difference of two
rational rational squares, sum and difference
algebraic algebraic of two cubes, perfect square
expressions, expressions, trinomials, and general
linear linear trinomials).
equations and equations and
inequalities in inequalities in
two variables, two variables, A.2. Solves problems A.2. Long Quiz
systems of systems of involving factors of (Problem
linear linear polynomials. Solving)
equations and equations and
inequalities in inequalities in
two variables two variables A.3. Illustrates rational A.3. Labeling
and linear and linear algebraic expressions.
functions. functions, and
solve these
problems A.4. Simplifies rational A.4. Short Quiz
accurately algebraic expressions. (Simplify)
using a variety
of strategies.
A.5. Performs operations on A.5. Long Quiz
rational algebraic (Solve the
expressions. problem
involving the