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Lab Manual All Experiment

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Krishna Institute of Engineering & Technology, GHAZIABAD



1) To study V-I characteristics of SCR and measure latching and holding

2) To study single phase fully controlled bridge rectifiers with resistive and
inductive loads.
3) To study single phase fully controlled bridge rectifiers with DC motor load.
4) To compare the R, RC &UJT trigger circuit for SCR
5) To study single phase cyclo-converter.
6) To study MOSFET/IGBT based single-phase bridge inverter.

Software based experiments (MATLAB)

7) To obtain simulation of step down dc chopper with L-C output filter for
inductive load and determine steady-state values of output voltage ripples in
output voltage and load current
8) To obtain simulation of single phase full wave ac voltage controller and
draw load voltage and load current waveforms for inductive load.
9) To obtain the simulation of single phase half wave controlled rectifier with
R and RL load and plot load voltage and load current waveforms.

10) To obtain simulation of single phase fully controlled bridge rectifier and
plot load voltage and load current waveform for inductive load.


Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Name of Lab:KEE-653 (Power Electronics Lab)

Name of Student Roll No.

Semester Batch


Date of
Gradin Signature

Date of
Experiments With Course Outcomes g By of
Faculty Faculty

To study V-I characteristics of SCR and

measure latching and holding currents.
Course Outcome:- Understanding of V-I characteristics and basic operation of SCR.

To study single phase fully controlled bridge

rectifiers with resistive and inductive loads.
2. Course Outcome:- An ability to analyze an single-phase fully controlled rectifier circuit
with different load conditions (i) resistive load (ii) inductive load.

To study single phase fully controlled bridge

rectifiers with DC motor load.
Course Outcome:- An ability to analyze a single-phase fully controlled rectifier circuit with
DC motor load
To compare the R, RC &UJT trigger circuit for
Course Outcome:-Understanding of R, RC and UJT trigger circuit for turning on the
To study single phase Cyclo-Converter

5. Course Outcome:- An ability to understand the basic principle of AC-AC converter.



Date of
Gradin Signature

Date of
Experiments With Course Outcomes g By of
Faculty Faculty

To study MOSFET/IGBT based single-phase

bridge inverter.
Course Outcome:- An ability to analyze the DC-AC inverter circuits.

To obtain simulation of step down dc

chopper with L-C output filter for
inductive load and determine steady-state
7. values of output voltage ripples in output
voltage and load current.
.Course Outcome:-An ability to analyze the DC-DC chopper circuits using MATLAB.

To obtain simulation of single phase full wave

ac voltage controller and draw load voltage
and load current waveforms for inductive
Course Outcome:- Understanding of the working of single phase full wave ac voltage
controller using MATLAB .

To obtain the simulation of single phase half

wave controlled rectifier with R and RL load
and plot load voltage and load current
9. waveforms.
and loadOutcome:-
Course current waveform for inductive
Understanding load.
of the working of single phase half wave controlled
rectifier with R and RL load using MATLAB
To obtain simulation of single phase fully
controlled bridge rectifier and plot load
voltage and load current waveform for
10. inductive load
Course Outcome:- Understanding of the working of single phase fully controlled bridge
rectifier using MATLAB

Grading:- A+ = Excellent, A= VG, A- = Good, B = Satisfactory, C= Poor (Experiment

to be repeated)


OBJECT: - To study V-I characteristics of SCR and measure latching and holding


(i) Demonstration board with following facilities :-

(a) Isolated 0-230 V DC variable source – 1 Set
(b) Isolated 0-600 V DC variable source – 1 Set
(c) Isolated 0-12 V DC variable source – 1 Sets.
(d) SCR-TYN 604
(ii) Multimeter
(iii) Lamp 15 Watt 230 V – 2 Nos.
(iv) Patch Cords.


SCR (Silicon Controlled Rectifier) since the semiconductor used is SILICON. SCR is
the oldest member of thyristor family which is widely used for power switching
device. This device exhibits SWITCHING property. SCR is a four-layer device
with three terminals namely the ANODE (A), CATHODE (K), GATE (G), as shown
in fig - 1(a). When the Anode (A) is made positive with respect to Cathode (K) [refer
fig – 1(b)] junction J2 is reverse biased and only the leakage current will flow through
device. At this stage SCR is said to be in OFF STATE or FORWARD BLOCKING
STATE. When the Cathode is made position with respect to Anode junction J 1&J3 are
reverse biased and a small reverse leakage current will flow through the SCR. This is
the REVERSE BLOCKING STATE of the device.

Figure 1(a) Circuit Symbol (b) Structural Diagram


When the cathode is made positive with respect to the anode, junctions J 1 and J3 are
reverse-biased and a small reverse leakage current will flow through the SCR. This is the
reverse blocking state of the device. When the anode-to-cathode voltage is increased, the
reverse-biased junction J2 will break down due to the large voltage gradient across the
depletion layers. This is the avalanche breakdown. Since the other junctions J 1 and J3 are
forward-biased, there will be free carrier movement acrossall three junctions, resulting in
a large anode-to-cathode forward current IT. The voltage drop VT across the device will be
the ohmic drop in the four layers, and the device is then said to be in the conducting state
or on-state. Fig - 2 shows the VI characteristics of an SCR. In the on-state, the current is
limited by the external impedance. If the anode-to-cathode voltage is now reduced, since
the original depletion layer and the reverse-biased, junction J2 no longer exist due to the
free movement of carriers, the device will continue to stay on. When the forward current
falls below the level of the holding current Ih, the depletion region will begin to develop
around J2 due to the reduced number of carriers, and the device will go to the blocking
state. Similarly, when the SCR is switched on, the resulting forward current has to be
more than the latching current Il. This is necessary for maintaining the required amount of
carrier flow across the junctions; otherwise, the device will return to the blocking state as
soon as the anode-to-cathode voltage is reduced.

Figure 2 : SCR Characteristics


Latching Current: Latchingcurrent of forward biased SCR is the minimum current

which anode current must attain to continue to remain in forward conduction mode even
when gate current is removed. If the value of anode current is less than this value, the
SCR will not continue to conduct in forward direction if gate signal is removed.
Holding Current: Holding current is the minimum current flow in SCR to hold SCR in
on state. If the anode current fall below holding current SCR will turn off. And that
voltage is known as holding voltage. Holding current is less than latching current.
Break Over Voltage: SCR will not conduct up to certain value of forward voltage when
it is in forward bias condition. It blocks the current up to this particular voltage. During
this period the leakage current only flows through the device which is very less
(negligible current). This region is called as forward blocking region. The voltage at
which device starts conduction is called as forward break over voltage.

Figure 3: 0-230 V variable DC Supply

Figure 4: 0-600 V variable DC Supply


Figure 5: 0-12 V regulated & variable DC Supply


(a) Connect the patch cords.

(b) Set the gate current at which the forward characteristics is to be obtained.
(c) Set the gate current and note anode currents at different anode voltage in table
(d) Repeat the same for another gate current.
(e) Represent the table readings in graph form.


IG = _______ Amp

S No.
VAK (Volts) IAK (mA)



(a) Latching current is found to be _________A at gate current of ------------A.

(b) Break Over Voltage is found to be _________V at gate current of
(c) Holding current is found to be ___________ at zero gate current.


1 The SCR always use with load lamp.

2 The load lamp should not be more than 15 watt 230 Volts.
3 In reverse characteristics the lamp load should the series connection of two 15
watts lamp.
4 In reverse characteristics observations the SCR should not in break over form
more than five seconds


Exercise 1.1
1) Fill in the blank(s) with the appropriate word(s)

i. A thyristor is a ________________ carrier semi controlled device.

ii. A thyristor can conduct current in ________________ direction and blockvoltagein
________________ direction.
iii. A thyristor can be turned ON by applying a forward voltage greater than forward
________________ Voltage or by injecting a positive ________________ Current pulse under
forward bias condition.
iv. To turn OFF a thyristor the anode current must be brought below ________________
current and a reverse voltage must be applied for a time larger than ________________ time of
the device.
v. A thyristor may turn ON due to large forward ________________.


SCRs find wide applications because of its wide range of voltage and current ratings.
Few applications are
(A) HVDC transmission systems as converters and inverters
(B) DC drives as controlled rectifiers

(C) Power Factor Correction as switch

(D) HVDC circuit breakersas switch


OBJECT:-To study single-phase full wave fully controlled rectifier with (i) resistive load (ii)
inductive load


1. Demonstration Board with following facilities:-

(a) Single Phase Fully Controlled Bridge
(b) Firing Pulse Generator
(c) Resistive Load (Lamp)
(d) Inductive Load (Choke)
(e) Voltmeter 0-300V
(f) Ammeter 0-5A
(g) 1:10 Attenuator for CRO
(h) Isolated 220 V AC for CRO
2. DC Motor
3. Connecting Leads
4. Lamp Holder
5. Lamp 230 Volts


The use of Single Phase Fully Control Bridge Converter in industries is for speed control
of DC motor, temperature control of electric furnace, light dimmer, generator AVRs,
battery charger etc. In all these applications the fire angle is controlled and requirement
of feedback circuit depends upon the necessity. There are two circuits used in Single
Phase Fully Controlled Bridge Converter.
(i) Single Phase Fully Controlled Bridge
(ii) Firing Circuit to fire the SCRs of the Bridge.
The circuit diagram of fully controlled firing bridge is given in Fig – ‘1’.
In first half positive cycle the current will flow from Ph, SCR1, Load, SCR4 to N. The
positive cycle will appear at Ph and the current will start to flow after the SCR1 and

SCR4. Both the SCRs will fire at the same time at required firing angle. The firing pulse
will appear at gate of both the SCRs from firing circuit. In the second half the positive
will point N, the current will flow from N, SCR3, Load, SCR2 to Ph. The firing process
of SCR2 and SCR3 will same as SCR1 & SCR4. The RC network R1 and C1, R2 and
C2, R3 and C3, R4 and C4 are used to protect the concern SCR.
The firing circuit diagram to fire the SCRs is given in Fig – ‘2’.
Here there are two sets of circuits to fire the SCRs. One set to trigger the SCR in
positive half and another set to trigger the SCR in negative half of AC cycle. 12-0-12 AC
voltage will appear at the point A-C-B. The 12V will appear at pin No 3 of IC-1 through
resistance R5. It is a cross over detector. As the positive half will start at pin No 3 of
above IC. The fix output will appear at pin No 6 and as the positive half will become zero
at pin No 3 of above IC, the voltage at pin No 6 become also zero. We can say to it that
the output square wave at pin No 6 of above IC is synchronized with applied 12-0 (AC)
This square wave will apply through resistance R6 to the integrator circuit using
resistance R7 and R8, capacitor C5. The output of integrator will triangular and this
triangular wave will apply through capacitor C6, resistance R9 and R10 to comparator.
Here the reference of comparator is variable –12V DC to +12V DC. If we made the
reference +12V, the output at pin No 6 of above IC will zero and as we change the
reference +12V to -12V, the rectangular will appear. The ON portion of output depends
upon the applied reference position i.e. depends upon the where the reference stand in
between +12V to –12V. At +12V no ON portion and at –12V output is totally ON. This
output is fed to AND gate IC No 5. A pulse train is generated in career frequency
generator using IC4, R13, R14, C7 and C8. This pulse train will also appear at the same
AND gate of IC5. Now the output of pulse train of AND gate depends the output of
comparator wave. This output of AND gate is available at pin No 8 of IC5. The selected
pulse train from pin No 8 of IC5 will apply to IC6 at pin No 9 & 10. Here the signal will
pass through two NOT gate. So the phase of wave will same. The IC6 is working as
buffer IC. The output of buffer IC is available at pin No 11 and will apply to the base of
transistor T1. The collector of transistor T1 is biased through pulse transformer PT1 and

this pulse transformer have two secondary. One to fire the SRC1 and another for SCR4.
Resistance R12 and zener diode DZ1 to voltage limiting. The another set of the circuit is
used to work in negative half cycle and description is same as above given.


Fig. 1 Fully controlled firing bridge circuit


PROCEDURE:-The whole procedure is divided into 2 parts


Part 1: Observation of Bridge Converter output wave form using Resistive


1. Keep MCB OFF.

2. Firing angle pot should be minimum.
3. Connect the lamp at field point.
4. Make the connection as per wiring diagram.
5. Connect the CRO through isolated point of demo board.
6. Switch ON the MCB.
7. Increase the Firing angle pot slowly.
8. Observe the wave shape between +ve and –ve points as given in Fig-‘1’.

Part 2: Observation of Bridge Converter output wave forms using Resistive& Inductive

1. Keep MCB OFF.

2. Firing angle pot should be minimum.
3. Connect the field of motor and lamp load at field point.
4. Make the connection as per wiring diagram.
5. Connect the CRO through isolated point of demo board.
6. Switch ON the MCB.
7. Increase the Firing angle pot slowly.
8. Observe the wave shape between +ve and –ve points.
9. Observe the wave form across the lamp load.
10. Observe the wave form across the inductor.


Observations are to be made on CRO and following tracings are to be attached to

Practical record

(i) Gate Pulse for at least 3 different delay values


(ii) Wave shape of load voltage without filter on application of above gate pulses


Result write-up shall consist of analysis of the tracings of the quantities with
conclusion drawn.


1. Handle the kit carefully.

2. Output Current should not be increasing more than 02 Amp.
3. Input Voltage should not exceed more than 250V.
4. Use attenuator for CRO Observations.
5. Use main supply to CRO from right side of demo board.

(1) How single-phase full converter works in the rectifier mode with RLE load?
(2) Discuss how one pair of SCRs is commutated by an incoming pair of SCRs.
(3) What is the effect of source inductance on operation and current and voltage
waveforms of a 2 pulse converter?


(1) 4 quadrant DC drives

(2) DC link inverters


OBJECT:-To study single phase fully controlled bridge rectifiers with DC motor load.


1. Demonstration Board with following facilities:-

(a) Single Phase Fully Controlled Bridge
(b) Firing Pulse Generator
(c) Voltmeter 0-300V
(d) Ammeter 0-5A
(e) 1:10 Attenuator for CRO
(f) Isolated 220 V AC for CRO
2. DC Motor
3. Connecting Leads
4. Lamp Holder
5. Lamp 250 Volts


The use of Single Phase Fully Control Bridge Converter in industries is for speed control
of DC motor, temperature control of electric furnace, light dimmer, generator AVRs,
battery charger etc. In all these applications the fire angle is controlled and requirement
of feedback circuit is made depend upon the necessity. There are two circuits used in
Single Phase Fully Controlled Bridge Converter.
(i) Single Phase Fully Controlled Bridge
(ii) Firing Circuit to fire the SCRs of the Bridge.
The circuit diagram of fully controlled firing bridge is given in Fig – ‘1’.
In first half positive cycle the current will flow from Ph, SCR1, Load, SCR4 to N. The
positive cycle will appear at Ph and the current will start to flow after the SCR1 and
SCR4. Both the SCRs will fire at the same time at required firing angle. The firing pulse
will appear at gate of both the SCRs from firing circuit. In the second half the positive
will point N, the current will flow from N, SCR3, Load, SCR2 to Ph. The firing process

of SCR2 and SCR3 will same as SCR1 & SCR4. The RC network R1 and C1, R2 and
C2, R3 and C3, R4 and C4 are used to protect the concern SCR.
The firing circuit diagram to fire the SCRs is given in Fig – ‘2’.
Here there are two sets of circuits to fire the SCRs. One set to trigger the SCR in
positive half and another set to trigger the SCR in negative half of AC cycle. 12-0-12 AC
voltage will appear at the point A-C-B. The 12V will appear at pin No 3 of IC-1 through
resistance R5. It is a cross over detector. As the positive half will start at pin No 3 of
above IC. The fix output will appear at pin No 6 and as the positive half will become zero
at pin No 3 of above IC, the voltage at pin No 6 become also zero. We can say to it that
the output square wave at pin No 6 of above IC is synchronized with applied 12-0 (AC)
This square wave will apply through resistance R6 to the integrator circuit using
resistance R7 and R8, capacitor C5. The output of integrator will triangular and this
triangular wave will apply through capacitor C6, resistance R9 and R10 to comparator.
Here the reference of comparator is variable –12V DC to +12V DC. If we made the
reference +12V, the output at pin No 6 of above IC will zero and as we change the
reference +12V to -12V, the rectangular will appear. The ON portion of output depends
upon the applied reference position i.e. depends upon the where the reference stand in
between +12V to –12V. At +12V no ON portion and at –12V output is totally ON. This
output is fed to AND gate IC No 5. A pulse train is generated in career frequency
generator using IC4, R13, R14, C7 and C8. This pulse train will also appear at the same
AND gate of IC5. Now the output of pulse train of AND gate depends the output of
comparator wave. This output of AND gate is available at pin No 8 of IC5. The selected
pulse train from pin No 8 of IC5 will apply to IC6 at pin No 9 & 10. Here the signal
will pass through two NOT gate. So the phase of wave will same. The IC6 is working as
buffer IC. The output of buffer IC is available at pin No 11 and will apply to the base of
transistor T1. The collector of transistor T1 is biased through pulse transformer PT1 and
this pulse transformer have two secondary. One for fire the SRC1 and another for SCR4.
Resistance R12 and zener diode DZ1 to voltage limiting. The another set of the circuit is
used to work in negative half cycle and description is same as above given.



Observation of Bridge Converter full wave using DC Motor

1. Keep MCB OFF.

2. Firing angle pot should be minimum.
3. Connect the armature of Motor at +ve and –ve points.
4. Make the connection as per wiring diagram.
5. Switch ON the MCB.
6. Increase the speed control slowly.
7. Observe that motor speed is increasing as increasing the armature voltage.


Observations are to be made on CRO and following tracings are to be attached to Practical

(1) Gate Pulse for at least 3 different delay values

(2) Wave shape of load voltage without filter on application of above gate pulses


Result write-up shall consist of analysis of the tracings of the quantities with
conclusion drawn.


1. Handle the kit carefully.

2. Output Current should not be more than 02 Amp.
3. Input Voltage should not exceed 250V.
4. Use attenuator for CRO Observations.
5. Use main supply to CRO from right side of demo board.


(1) How single-phase full converter works in the rectifier mode with RLE load?
(2) Discuss how one pair of SCRs is commutated by an incoming pair of SCRs?
(3) What is the effect of source inductance on operation and current and voltage waveforms
of a 2 pulse converter?


(1) 4 quadrant DC drives

(2) DC link inverters


OBJECT: -To compare the R, RC &UJT trigger circuit for SCR


(i) Demonstration Board with following facilities :-

(1) Isolated AC 230 V & 12 V Supply

(2) 10:1 Resistive Attenuator for observation on CRO.
(3) 3A Fuse for short circuit protection.
(ii). 25 Watt 230 V Lamp.
(ii). UJT triggering circuit kit controllable.

Triggering means to apply a pulse to SCR for turning ON or to bring the device in
conduction state. The pulse should be of variable nature in order to fire the SCR thus by
controlling the firing of SCR power control of AC circuit can be obtained. For power
control in AC circuits, the instant of firing the device has to be controlled.

Resistance trigger circuits are the simplest & most economical method. During the
positive half cycle of the input voltage, SCR become forward biased but it will not
conduct until its gate current exceeds gate threshold, Vgt . Diode D allows the flow
of current during positive half cycle only. R1 is the variable resistance and is used
to limit the current through the circuit (Ig) and to vary the gate voltage and thus the
firing angle. During the positive half cycle current Ig flows. Ig increases and when
Vg=Vgt= IgminRthe SCR turns ON .The firing angle can be varied from 0 — 90° by
varying the resistanceR1.


By varying the variable resistance R1, the firing angle can be varied. Capacitor, C
charges and discharges with a phase shift. When the capacitor voltage equal to the
gate threshold voltage Vgt,SCR get triggered. Diode D prevents the negative voltage to

Figure.1 Resistance firing circuit

Figure.2 RC firing circuit:

There are two type of UJT triggering circuits in experimental kit:-

1. UJT Triggering circuits without pulse transformer
2. UJT Triggering circuits with pulse transformer.

The above type of triggering comes under GATE-CONTROL method i.e. in this method
a forward voltage VF less than VBO (Forward Break Over Voltage) is applied across the
device so that it can be TURNED ON by applying a position voltage between gate and

For triggering circuit we use the principle characteristics of UJT as relaxation oscillator.
Fig–‘A’ since we know that the UJT exhibits a NEGATIVE RESISTANCE
CHARACTERISTICS i.e. where in the increase in current I E (Emitter Current) will be
complained by decrease in VE (Emitter Voltage) as shown in graph curve directed by AB.

Fig ‘A’ : Characteristics of Uni Junction Transistor

Fig ‘B’
Refer Fig ‘A’ & ‘B’ :-
(i)VC> VE - Emitter base diode-1 will be reverse biased and I E will be negative and equal
in magnitude to reverse leakage current (Between point P & A).

(ii)VC = VE - Emitter base diode-1 junction will conduct IE will be positive (At point A).
(iii)VC< VE - Due to conduction more holes are injected by emitter to base-1 due to drift
as such resistance R1 will decrease thus Emitter base diode-1 will be more forward biased
and hence IE will increase hence device will indicate negative resistance region between
A & B.

(iv) At point B – Emitter base diode-1 region will be saturated, resistance R 1 will not
decrease further and any further increase in IE will be followed by increase in Emitter
voltage (Between point B & Q).



Consider Fig ‘3’, 24 volts AC input will be applied to operate the triggering circuits.
230 V will be applied to the load circuit. 24 V AC will be rectified by diode D1, D2,
D3 & D4. Resistance R1 is current limiting resistance. Zener DZ1 will trapezoid the
pulsuated DC voltage. R2 is minimum charging current limiting Resistance. C1
capacitor will be charged through the resistance R1, R2 & VR1, the capacitor C will
be charged upto the required UJT peak Emitter Voltage. At this point regeneration
will start and capacitor will discharge the UJT and will pass the pulsuated DC to
diode D5 and D6, UJT comes to OFF state discharging of capacitor C1 and the
pulsuated DC at D5 and D6 will disappear. Pulse at D5 and D6 will be fed to the SCR
for firing. In bridge rectifier two pulse are required, one for positive half cycle control
and other for negative half cycle control.


Consider Fig ‘4’, 24 volts AC input will be applied to operate the triggering circuits.
230 V will be applied to the load circuit. The theory of UJT operating is same as
discussed above. The pulsuating DC will be fed to the primary of pulse transformer

and secondary of pulse transformer will give output pulse for triggering. The
advantage of pulse transformer is that the Thyristor will trigger at only pulse, there is
no chance to operate the Thyristor at UJT reverse leakage DC pulsuated voltage
because transformer is isolated for DC blocking (for points between P & A) from fig

Fig – ‘3’ : UJT Triggering Circuit without Pulse Transformer

Fig – ‘4’ : UJT Triggering Circuit using Pulse Transformer



Following studies can be made as given below:-


1. Complete the connections as per the circuitdiagram in fig 1.

2. Keep the potentiometer R1 in minimum position (maximum resistance in
3. Turn on the powerswitch
4. Observe the output voltage waveform, SCR voltage and gate signals for various
5. Observe the range of firing anglecontrol.

1. Complete the connections as per the circuitdiagram in fig 2.
2. Keep the potentiometer R1 in minimum position (maximum resistance in
3. Turn on the powerswitch
4. Observe the output voltage waveform, SCR voltage and gate signals for various
5. Observe the range of firing anglecontrol.

To study UJT Triggering circuit without pulse transformer.

1. Consider Fig No. 3.

2. Connect the 12 V AC Input to trigger Circuit.
3. Connect the 230 V AC Input to Load circuit.
4. Connect the firing pulse patch chords.
5. Connect the lamp load in circuit.
6. Connect 10:1 resistive attenuator across the lamp load.
7. Switch ON the demonstration board.
8. Observe that the changing in fire angle performance at 25 Watt lamp load
from OFF to full ON by changing the variable resistance VR1.
9. Switch OFF the demonstration board for connecting CRO.
10. Switch ON the demonstration board.
11. Observe the waves by varying the pot VR1.

To study UJT Triggering circuit with pulse transformer.

1. Consider Fig No. 4.

2. Connect the 12 V AC Input to trigger
3. Connect the 230 V AC Input to Load circuit.
4. Connect the firing pulse patch chords.
5. Connect the lamp load in circuit.
6. Connect 10:1 resistive attenuator across the lamp load.
7. Switch ON the demonstration board.
8. Observe that the changing in fire angle performance at 25 Watt lamp load
from OFF to full ON by changing the variable resistance VR1.
9. Switch OFF the demonstration board for connecting CRO.
10. Switch ON the demonstration board.
11. Observe the waves by varying the pot VR1.

Observations are to be made on CRO and following tracings shall be attached to

Practical record
(I) Pulse Output without transformer
(II) Pulse Output with transformer
(III) Pulse width control and delay angle control


Result write-up shall consist of analysis of the tracings of the quantities along with
conclusion drawn.


1. Ensure that load should always be connected in circuit before performing the
2. Lamp load should not be more than 100 watt.
3. The operating voltage should be in permissible limit i.e. 200 to 250 Volts.


(i) What is Valley point and Peak point? State its significance.
(ii) What is the limitation of transformer used for isolation?
(iii) Why isolation in power circuit and control circuit is necessary?


(i) Used as firing circuit for SCRs used as switch.

(ii) Used as firing circuit for single phase half wave, full wave and half controlled


OBJECT:-To study single phase cyclo-converter


Description of experimental setup-

(i) Power Circuit consisting of two fully controlled Bridge Converter
connected in anti parallel (Bridges P & N). Bridge P supplies load current
in the positive half of output cycle and bridge N provides load current in
the negative half of output cycle.
(ii) Firing Circuit consists of Micro Controller Based Firing Unit which
provides Isolated Gate pulses through pulse transformers separately for P
& N Bridges. Toggle switch is provided to select the output frequency
(1/1f, 1/2f, 1/3f, 1/4f, 1/5f). Firing angle can be changed either :-
(a) through toggle switches for increasing and decreasing of firing
angle. Firing angle during all half cycles of AC input supply
remains same in this mode of control.

(b) throug(b) through serial port of computer by connector provided

Power AC mains ON/OFF through 10 Amp MCB.

Firing ON/OFF switch, indicator and 2 Amp fuse.
Triggering G – Gate, K – Cathode
Outputs P1, P2, P3 & P4 for positive bridge.
N1, N2, N3 & N4 for negative bridge.
Frequency Division of line frequency (50 Hz) by 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 using
Division mode switch.
Firing Inc – for increasing firing angle (Variable for 0 to 180).
Angle Dec – for decreasing firing angle (Variable for 0 to 180).
Attenuation 10:1 Resistive Attenuator
Voltmeter Digital Voltmeter 48 x 96 mm
PC Socket For connecting to the serial port of PC.
Load Bulb for resistive load
Inductor (Internally mounted) for inductive load.
Reset For bringing the controller to the default setting.
Default setting of frequency is 1/3 of line frequency and
default setting of firing angle is 45O.
on the experimental kit to the serial port of computer and than
entering the firing angle to the key board. In this mode of control
the firing angle of each half cycle of input supply can be
independently controlled.
(iii) Patch Cord.

The basic principle of operation of a cycloconverter can be explained with refer-

ence to an equivalent circuit shown in Fig-‘1’. Each two-quadrant converter is now
represented as an alternating voltage source, which corresponds to the fundamental or
wanted voltage component generated at its output terminals. The diodes connected in
series with each voltage source show the unidirectional conduction of each two quadrant
converter. If the ripple in the output voltage of each converter is neglected, then it
becomes ideal and represents the desired output voltage.

Fig – ‘1’ : Equivalent circuit of Cycloconverter

Fig-‘2’ shows the power circuit of a single-phase to single-phase cyclo-converter

employing a centre-tapped transformer. There are four thyristors, namely, P1, N1, P2,
and N2. Out of the four SCRs, SCRs P1 and P2 are responsible for generating the
positive halves forming the positive group. The other two SCRs, N1 and N2, are
responsible for producing the negative halves forming the negative group. This
configuration is meant for generating 1/3 of the input frequency, i.e. this circuit generates
a frequency of 16 ⅔ Hz at its output. Depending upon the polarities of the points P and Q
of the transformer, SCRs are gated. Natural commutation process is used for turning off
the SCRs. This circuit configuration can be analysed for purely resistive load and R-L

Fig – ‘2’ Single phase to single phase cycloconverter circuit

(1) With purely resistive load Let us analyse the configuration of Fig-‘2’ for a
purely resistive load. During the first positive half-cycle, when point P is positive and
point Q is negative, SCR P1 being in conducting mode is gated. The current flows
through positive point P, SCR P1, load and the negative point O. In the negative half-
cycle, when point Q is positive and point P is negative, SCR P1 is automatically turned-
off and SCR P2 is triggered simultaneously. Path for the current flow in this condition
will be from positive point Q, SCR P2, load and the negative point O. Direction of flow
of current through the load remains the same as in the positive half-cycle. Next moment,
again point P becomes positive and point Q becomes negative, thus, SCR P2 is
automatically line commutated. SCR PI is gated simultaneously. The current path again
becomes as in the previous case when SCR PI was conducting. Thus, it is seen that the
direction of flow of current through the load remains same in all the three half-cycle, or,
in other words, the three positive half-cycles are being obtained across the load to pro-
duce one combined positive half-cycle as output.Similarly, in the next negative half-cycle
of the A.C. input, when point Q is again positive and point P negative, SCR PI is
automatically switched off. Now, instead of SCR P2, SCR N1 (which is also in

conducting mode) is gated. The path for the current flow will be from point Q, load, SCR
N1 and back to negative point P. Thus, the direction of flow of current through the load is
reversed. In the next positive half-cycle, point P is positive and point Q is negative. SCR
N1 is automatically turned off. SCR N2 which is in the conducting mode is
simultaneously turned on. The path for the current flow becomes from positive point P,
load, SCR N2 to the negative point Q. Thus, the direction of flow of current through the
load remains the same. For the next negative half-cycle of the A.C. input when point Q is
positive and point P negative, SCR N2 is automatically switched off and SCR N1 is
gated. The current flow through the load again remains in the same direction.

We can thus analyze it as producing one negative half-cycle at the output by

combining three negative halves of the input. In other words, it can be said that, three
cycles of the input A.C. have been combined to produce one cycle at the output, i.e. three
positive half cycles at the output by the SCRs PI and P2 whereas, three negative half-
cycle of the input A.C. are combined to produce one negative half cycle at the output by
SCRs N1 and N2. This clearly indicates that the input frequency 50 Hz is reduced to 1/3 rd
(16 ⅔ Hz) at the output across the load. The input and output waves are shown in Fig-‘3’.
The output voltage magnitude can be changed by varying the firing angle of the SCRs.

Fig – ‘3’ : Input and output waveforms of a 16 ⅔ Hz cycloconverter


(pure resistance load)

(2) With R-L Load Let us now analyse the case of an R-L load. This type of
cycloconverter will be described both for discontinuous as will as continuous load

(a) Discontinuous load current: When point P is positive with respect to

point o in Fig-‘2’, forward-biased SCR P1 is triggered at t = . With this, load current is
starts building up in the positive direction from point R to point O. Load current i O
becomes zero at t = > but less than ( + ), as shown in Fig-‘4’(c). Thyristor P1 is
thus naturally commutated at t =  which is already reversed biased after . After half a
cycle, point Q is positive with respect to O. Now, forward-biased thyristor P2 is triggered
at t = ( + ).

Fig – ‘4’ : Voltage and current waveforms for a single phase to

single phase cycloconverter with discontinuous load current.

Load current is again positive from point R to O and builds up from zero as
shown in Fig-‘4’(c). At t = ( + ), current is decays to zero and SCR P2 is naturally
commutated. At (2 + ), SCR P1 is again turned-on. Load current in Fig-‘4’(c) is seen
to be discontinuous. After four positive half-cycles of bad voltage and load current
thyristor N2 (after P2, N2 should be fired) is gated at (4 + ) when point O is positive
with respect to point Q.

As SCR N2 is forward-biased, it starts conducting but load current direction is

reversed, i.e. it is now from point O to R. After SCR N2 is triggered, load current builds,
up in the negative direction as shown in Fig-‘4’(c). In the next half-cycle, point O is
positive with respect to point P but before SCR N1 is fired, current i O decays to zero and

SCR N2 is naturally commutated.

Now, when SCR N1 is gated at (5 + ), current iO again builds up but it decays
to zero before SCR N2 in sequence is again gated. In this manner, four negative half-
cycles of load voltage and load current, equal to the number of four positive half-cycles,
are generated. Now SCR PI is again triggered to fabricate further four positive half-
cycles of load voltage and so on. For discontinuous load current, natural commutation is
achieved, i.e. SCR PI goes to blocking state before SCR P2 is gated and so on.

In Fig-‘4’, mean output voltage and current waves are also shown. It can be
observed from this figure that the frequency of output voltage and current is fO = 1/4 fS.

(b) Continuous load current: When point P is positive with respect to point O
in Fig-‘2’, SCR P1 is triggered at t = , positive output voltage appears across load and
load current starts building up, as shown in Fig-‘5’( c). At t = , supply and load
voltages are zero. After t = , SCR P1 is reverse-biased. As load current is continuous,
SCR P1 is not turned off at t = . When SCR P 2 is triggered in sequence at ( + ), a
reverse voltage appears across SCR P1; it is therefore turned off by natural commutation.
When SCR P1 is commutated, load current has built up to a value equal to KJ, as shown
in Fig-‘5’.

With the turning on of SCR P2 at ( + ), output voltage is again positive as it was with
SCR P1 on. As a consequence, load current builds up further than KJ as shown in
Fig-‘5’. At (2 + ), when SCR P1 is again turned-on, SCR P2 is naturally commutated
and load current through SCR PI builds up beyond KL as shown. At the end of four
positive half-cycles of output voltage, load current is KN. When SCR N2 is now
triggered after SCR P2, load is subjected to a negative voltage cycle and load current i O
decreases from positive KN to negative AB (say) as shown in Fig-‘5’. Now, SCR N2 is
commutated and SCR N1 is gated at (5 + ). Load current iO becomes more negative
than AB at (6 + ), this is because with SCR N1 on, load voltage is negative. For four
negative half-cycles of output voltage, current iO is shown in Fig-‘5’(c). Load current
waveform is redrawn in Fig-‘5’(d) under steady-state conditions. It is seen from load

current waveform that current iO is symmetrical about t axis in Fig-‘5’(d).

The positive group of voltage and current wave consists of four pulses and same is true
for negative group of wave. One positive group of pulses along with one negative group
of identical pulses constitute one cycle for the load voltage and load current. The supply
voltage has, however, gone through four cycles. The output frequency is, therefore,

fO = 1/4 fS in Fig-‘5’.

Fig – ‘5’ : Voltage and current waveforms for a single phase to

single phase cycloconverter with continuous load current.


Bridge Configuration

The input transformer used for the midpoint connection shown in Fig-‘2’ will not be
required if the bridge configuration shown in Fig-‘6’ is used. Here, two single phase
fully-controlled bridges are connected in opposite directions. Bridge 1 supplies load
current in the positive half of the output cycle and bridge 2 supplies load current in the
negative half of the output cycle. The two bridges should not conduct together as this will
produce a short-circuit at the input. Instead of one thyristor in the center-tap transformer
configuration, two thyristors come in series with each voltage source in the bridge
configuration. For resistive loads, the SCRs undergo natural commutation and produce
discontinuous current operation as shown in Fig-‘3’. For inductive loads, the load current
may be continuous or discontinuous, depending upon the firing angle and load power
factor. The load voltage and current waveforms would be similar to Fig-‘4’ for
discontinuous load current and as in Fig-‘5’ for continuous load current. When the load
current is positive, the firing pulses to the SCRs of bridge 2 will be inhibited and bridge
1 will be gated. Similarly, when the load current is negative, bridge 2 will be gated and
the firing pulses will not be applied to the SCRs in bridge 1. This is the circulating
current free mode of operation. Thus, the firing angle control scheme must be such that
one converter can conduct at a time, and the changeover of firing pulses from one
converter to the other should be periodic according to the output frequency. However the
firing angles of SCRs of both the converters should be the same to produce a symmetrical
output. When a cyclo-converter operates in the non-circulating current mode, the control
scheme becomes complicated if the load current is discontinuous. The control scheme
becomes somewhat simplified if some amount of circulating current is allowed to flow
between them. In this case, a circulating current limiting reactor is connected between the
positive and negative converters. This circulating current by itself keeps both the
converters in virtually continuous conduction over the whole control range. This type of
operation is called as the circulating current mode of operation.


Fig – ‘6’: Bridge configuration single phase cyclo-converter


(i) Connect the patch cords as shown in the figure 6.

(ii) Apply resistive load (bulbs).
(iii) Apply proper Gate Signals to Bridge 1 and Bridge 2.


Observations are to be made on CRO and following tracings are to be

attached to Practical record
(1) Gate Pulse for at least 3 different frequencies.
(2) Wave shape of load voltage without filter for frequencies.


Result write-up shall consist of analysis of the tracings of the quantities along
with conclusion drawn.


(1) Handle the kit carefully.

(2) Output Current should not be more than 02 Amp.
(3) Input Voltage should not exceed 250V.
(4) Use attenuator for CRO Observations.
(5) Use main supply to CRO from right side of demo board


(i) How the frequency of the output is controlled in cycloconverters?

(ii) Do these converters affect input AC power quality? Justify.


(1) V/F control of AC drives

(2) AC locomotives

To study MOSFET/IGBT based single-phase bridge inverter.


1. Demonstration Board with following facilities :-

(a) Isolated DC 110 V.
(b) Isolated Gate Frequency
(c) External Load 200 W Lamp for Short Circuit Protection
(d) 1:10 Resistive Attenuator
(e) 1A Fuse for short circuit protection.
2. Demonstration Board Cover
3. Patch Cords


Inverter is a unit to convert DC supply to AC. There are several methods to

achieve the same. Selection of method is depending upon our required AC data and DC
availability. One question arrives that Oscillator is also used for the same purpose. What
is the difference between Oscillator and Inverter? The oscillator is used to generate few
milli watts and KHz AC. The circuit efficiency is inconsiderable factor and frequency
accuracy is most important. But by inverter AC is generated in several Watts or KWs at
50 Hz or nearby frequency. Here efficiency is most considerable factor. The bridge
inverter has higher efficiency to generate AC wave. Generating frequency can be varied
by the potentiometer. Generated wave can be observed on CRO. The circuit is operated at
110 V DC. At short circuit condition, a a protective resistance 200 W Lamp is given. The
circuit alongwith power supply is capable to tolerate the short circuiting by the IGBT
upto one or two minutes alongwith protective resistance.

Gate Frequency Generation

The Gate Frequency Generation circuit is given in Fig-‘1’. To operate gate wave
circuit + 5V DC is developed through diode D10, D11, D12, D13, C7, C8 and IC7.

IC1 is astable multi-vibrator VR1 to control its frequency. It will give the output
from pin No. 3 and fed to IC2 that is JK flip-flop and its output will come through pin
No. 14 & pin No. 15. The frequency at 14 and 15 will half the astablemultivibrator
frequency. The output from Pin No. 15 will feed to pulse generator using IC3. Here IC3
is a monostable multivibrator and gives the pulse to diode side of opto coupler IC4 &
IC5. The opto coupler is given for electrically isolation between gate frequency to IGBT
1 & 2.
The Output of IC2 (JK flip-flop) pin No. 14 is also fed to another monostable
multivibrator using IC6. The output of IC6 from pin No 3 is fed to opto coupler IC7 &
IC8. The Opto Coupler is also given for electrically isolation from each other.
For electric isolation every gate pulses generation is required separate isolated +
12V supply, so it also given in diagram.

Consider the fig ‘2’, the first gate wave will appear at IGBT-1 & 2. So these
IGBT will fire and a current will flow from 110V DC to IGBT-1, load & IGBT-2. At the
time of appearing gate wave at IGBT-1 & 2, the gate wave at 3 & 4 will remain zero.
Now after disappearing/zeroing the gate wave No 1 & 2, the gate wave of 3 & 4
will appear and the current will flow through load in opposite direction with respect to
previous case. The current will flow from 110V DC to IGBT-3, load and IGBT-4. This
process will be repeated.


Figure.2 Single phase H-bridge inverter

Figure.3 Gate signal for inverter circuit

Figure.4 Inverter Output voltage



The complete procedure is divided into 2 steps.


Step 1: Observation of Gate Waves

1. Switch ON the demonstration board.

2. Keep maximum frequency.
3. Keep the CRO at dual trace mode.
4. Connect the CRO channel first at gate wave 1 and lock it.
5. Connect the CRO channel second at gate wave 2, 3 and 4 one by one.
6. Observe the Gate Wave as given in Fig-‘3’.
Step 2: To Study Bridge Inverter

1. Connect the main lead.

2. Consider the Fig-‘2’.
3. Connect the 110V DC.
4. Connect the load.
5. Connect the Gate Waves 1a, 4a, 1, 4, 3, 2, 3a and 2a with bridge inverter circuit.
6. Keep all the pots in most anti clockwise position.
7. Switch On the demonstration board.
8. Now connect the CRO with load.
9. Now increase the frequency of gate waves, positive width control and negative width
control slowly.
10. The wave will be near about as given in Fig-‘5’.


Observations are to be made on CRO and following tracings are to be attached to Practical record
(1) Gate Pulse for at least 3 different on time values
(2) Wave shape of load voltage without filter on application of above gate pulses

Result write-up shall consist of analysis of the tracings of the quantities with conclusion drawn.


Respective gate wave should be connected respective IGBTs.


(1) What is pulse width modulation? List the various PWM Techniques.
(2) Compare the various PWM Techniques.


(i) Uninterrupted power supplies

(ii) Household inverters


OBJECT:-To obtain simulation of step down dc chopper with L-C output filter for inductive load
and determine steady-state values of output voltage ripples in output voltage and load current.


DC voltage source, MOSFET , Series RLC block ,Voltage and Current measurement blocks, Scope,
POWERGUI block (Continuous).



Figure.1 shows the circuit diagram of step down DC-DC converter, commonly known as buck converter.
When switch S is ON, diode D is reverse biased and voltage across inductor will be Vs-Vo. So inductor
current increases and attains apeak. When switch S is OFF, diode D is forward biased and voltage across
inductor will be -Vo. So inductor current decreases. Hence inductor with diode ensures an uninterrupted
current flow and hence a constant output voltage with capacitor for removing voltage ripples.
Output voltage is given by
𝑉𝑜= 𝐷𝑉𝑠, Where D is duty cycle and VSis input voltage.

1. Create a new MATLAB model file and create the MATLAB model as shown in figure 2
corresponding to DC-DC buckconverter.
2. Give the run time value as 0.5 secs.
3. Run the simulation model and obtain theresults.
4. Repeat the simulation for different values of dutycycles.


Input voltage, VS=100V


Output Voltage required VO=60 V

Output current IO= 0.6 A Switching
frequency fS=50kHZ
Ripple allowed in inductor current,
∆𝐼= 2mA
Ripple allowed in capacitor voltage, ∆𝑉𝑐= 50mV


FIGURE.2 MATLAB simulation of DC-DC

Buck Converter


Output and inputvoltages:


Inductor voltage andcurrent:

RESULT:Take print out of the simulation circuit and waveform for different load


(1) How to design the value of inductor and capacitor?

(2) How much percentage of ripple voltage and current is allowed according to IEEE standard?


(1) Speed control of DC motor

(2) Indian railway


OBJECT:- To obtain simulation of single phase full wave ac voltage controller and draw load voltage and load
current waveforms for inductive load.


AC voltage source, MOSFET, Series RLC block ,Voltage and Current measurement blocks, Scope,
POWERGUI block (Continuous/discrete).


Fig. 1. Single Phase AC Voltage Controller Using R Load

THEORY:The AC regulators are used to obtain a variable AC output voltage from a fixed AC source. A single
phase AC regulator is shown in the figure. It consists of two SCRs connected in anti-parallel. Instead of two
SCRs connected in anti-parallel, a TRIAC may also be used. The operation of the circuit is explained with
reference to RL load. During positive half-cycle SCR-1 is triggered into conduction at a firing angle. The
current raises slowly due to the load inductance. The current continues to flow even after the supply voltage
reverses polarity because of the stored energy in the inductor. As long as SCR-1conducts, conduction drop
across it will reverse bias SCR-2.Hence SCR-2 will not turn on even if gating signal is applied. SCR-2 can be
triggered into conduction during negative half cycle after SCR-1 turnsoff.

Fig. 2. Single Phase AC Voltage Controller Using RL Load


1. Create a new MATLAB model file and create the MATLAB model as shown in figure1,2.
2. Give the firing pulses accordingly at a suitable firing angle from the firing circuit.
3. Observe the load voltage on the screen and note down the firingangle.
4. Draw the waveforms and calculate the RMS value of outputvoltage.

For R Load

Fig 3. Waveforms for R laod

For RL Load

Fig 4. Waveforms for RL Load


RESULT: Take print out of the simulation circuit and waveform for different load.


(1) What is the main drawback of AC voltage regulators?

(2) How AC voltage regulators affect input power quality?


(1)Fan regulator

(2) Light intensity dimmer



OBJECT: -To obtain the simulation of single phase half wave controlled rectifier with R and RL
load and plot load voltage and load current waveforms.


AC voltage source, MOSFET, Series RLC block ,Voltage and Current measurement blocks,
Scope,Powergui block (Continuous/discrete).


Fig.1. Half Wave Rectifier With R-Load


A single phase half wave controlled converter only has one SCR is employed in the circuit. The
performance of the controlled rectifier very much depends upon the type and parameters of the
output (load)circuit.The simulation circuit of the half wave converter is shown in fig (1) during the
positive half-cycle of input voltage, the thyristor anode voltage is positive with respect to cathode
and the thyristor is said to be forward biased. When thyristor T 1 is fired at wt=α, thyristor T 1 is
conducts and input voltage appears the load. When the input voltage starts to be negative at wt=∏,
the thyristor anode is negative with respect to cathode and thyristor is said to be reverse biased; and
it is turned off. The time after the input voltage starts to go positive until the thyristor is fired is
called the delay or firing angleα. The simulation waveforms of input voltage, output voltage and load
current are shown in fig. This converter is not used in industrial applications because its output has
high ripple content and low ripple frequency.

Fig. 2.Half Wave Rectifier With RL-Load

Gating Sequence. The gating sequence for the thyristor is as follows:

1. Generate a pulse-signal at positive zero crossing of the supply voltageVs.

2. Delay the pulse by desired angle α and apply it between the gate and cathode terminal
terminals of T1 through a gate-isolatingcircuit.


1. Connect the circuit as shown in the circuitdiagram.

2. Give the firing pulses accordingly at a suitable firing angle from the firing
3. Observe the load voltage on the screen and note down the firingangle.
Waveform:R- LOAD

Fig.3. Waveform for R Load


Fig.4. Waveform for RL Load

Result:Take print out of the simulation circuit and waveform for different load.


(1) How single-phase Half wave converter works in the rectifier mode with RLE load?
(2) Discuss how one pair of SCRs is commutated by an SCRs.
(3) What is the effect of source inductance on operation and current and voltage waveforms
of a converter?


(1) 4 quadrant DC drives


(2) DC link inverter



OBJECT: - To obtain simulation of single phase fully controlled bridge rectifier and plot load
voltage and load current waveform for inductive load.


AC voltage source, Thyristors , Pulse generator, Series RLC block ,Voltage and Current
measurement blocks, Scope, POWERGUI block (Continuous/discrete).

The given circuit rectifies AC to DC with the help of thyristors. It is called a bridge rectifier as 4
thyristors are used. The use of 4 thyristors increases the control over output DC waveform. But
an additional control circuitry (i.e. gate pulse) is also required.


Fig.1. Single Phase Fully Controlled Bridge Rectifier


1. Connect the circuit as shown in the circuitdiagram.

2. Give the firing pulses accordingly at a suitable firing angle
from the firing circuit.
3. Observe the load voltage on the screen and note down the firingangle.
4. Observe the load Current on the screen.


Fig.2. Load Voltage Waveform :

Fig.3. Load Current Waveform :

RESULT: Take print out of the simulation circuit and waveform for different load.


(1) How single-phase full converter works in the rectifier mode with RLE
(2) Discuss how one pair of SCRs is commutated by an incoming pair of

(3) What is the effect of source inductance on operation and current and
voltage waveforms of a 2 pulse converter.


(1) Four Quadrant DC drives

(2) DC link inverters

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