Oisd STD 235
Oisd STD 235
Oisd STD 235
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Prepared by
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Oil Industry Safety Directorate (OISD) publications are prepared for use in the oil and
gas industry under Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas. These are the property of
Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas and shall not be reproduced or copied and
loaned or exhibited to others without written consent from OISD.
Though every effort has been made to assure the accuracy and reliability of the data
contained in these documents, OISD hereby disclaims any liability or responsibility
for loss or damage resulting from their use.
These documents are intended to supplement rather than replace the prevailing
statutory requirements.
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At the time of development of this document, 111 Codes and Standards,
Recommended Practices and guidelines of OISD are applicable to the oil and gas
installations of Public sector oil companies in India. 11 of these standards have been
adopted by Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organisation (PESO) in various rules
administered by them and thus the provisions of these standards are mandatory for
entire Oil & Gas sector to that extent.
During 48th Steering committee meeting of Oil Industry Safety directorate (OISD),
industry members decided to develop a comprehensive new standard covering all
Aviation Fuelling Stations.
This document will be reviewed periodically for improvements based on the new
experiences and updation in national & international standards and practices.
Suggestions may be addressed to:
The Coordinator,
Committee on “AFS”
Oil Industry Safety Directorate,
8th Floor, Tower-A, OIDB Bhawan
Plot No: 2, Sector-73
NOIDA - 201301 Uttar Pradesh, India
Website:- www .oisd.gov.in
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Name Organization
Oil Industry Safety Directorate, New Delhi
Sh. U S Roy
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The Av iatio n Fuell in g Statio ns (AFS) / Avi ati on Servic e Faci li ti es (ASF) are generally
located at the airports or near to the airport for both defence and civil categories.
In view of high growth in aviation sector in India, a need was felt to consolidate and develop a
comprehensive standard covering all aspects including design, operation, maintenance and
safety in receipt, storage, handling, refuelling and fire fighting of aviation fuels at AFS. The
requirement of a safety system is to prevent emergencies from developing into major threat to
the AFS and surroundings including the airport.
2.1 This standard lays down the minimum safety requirements in design, layout, fire
protection, storage, loading and unloading operation, refuelling operation, mobile
refuelling equipment , hydrant refuelling system, inspection & maintenance, training,
emergency plan & response, and safety audit systems of AFS.
a) The intermediate depot, terminals and refineries handling aviation fuels for which relevant
OISD standards to be referred (OISD-STD-118, OISD-STD-117, OISD-STD-116 etc.) for
layout and fire protection facilities.
b) Fire fighting facilities of ports handling hydrocarbons including aviation fuels for which
OISD-STD-156 shall be referred.
2.3 Keeping in view paucity of land for AFS and availibility of a reliable fire fighting support
from the airport operator , the provisions of this standard shall be applicable to all new
upcoming AFSs. Inter distance norms as defined in this standard will not be mandatory for
existing facilities, equipments, structures that are already in place ie. are installed before
the date of publication of this Standard.The requisite inter-distance norms will also not be
mandatory for augmentated facility in existng AFS, which is necessitated due to increased
demand at the airport.
2.4 The fire protection facilities given in this standard shall be aplicable to existing and new
upcoming AFS , including augmentation of existing facilities of AFS.
2.5 Requirement of green belt /buffer zone beyond the AFS boundary is outside the scope of
this standard.
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II. AFS SCADA/Server room – The room is an enclosure, equipped with control,
monitoring and communication systems used for handling and operation of aviation fuels with
automated hydrant refuelling system. This room can be located inside an administrative
III. Explosive mixture
It is a mixture
(oxidisable of combustion
product agent
- gas, liquid (oxidising
or solid) product
in such gas, vapour,
proportions that it liquid
could or solid)
give riseand
to aavery
rapid and lively oxidization reaction liberating more energy than is dissipated through
conduction and convection.
Is the minimum concentration of a vapour in air (or other oxidant) below which propagation of
flame does not occur on contact with an ignition source. This is usually expressed as volume
percentage of the vapour in air. This is also referred as Lower Explosive Limit (LEL).
Is the maximum concentration of a vapour in air (or other oxidant) above which propagation of
It is a liquid capable of producing a flammable vapour or mist under any foreseeable operating
VIII. Earthing
Earthing is the provision of a safe path of electrical current to ground, in order to protect
structures, plant and equipment from the effects of stray electrical current, and electrostatics
A metal plate, pipe or other conductor embedded in the soil that makes a direct contact to the
general mass of the earth.
X. Earth Connection
A connection to general mass of earth by means of earth grid and /or earth electrode. An
object is said to be ‘earthed’ when it is electrically connected to earth grid and/or earth
electrode, and a conductor is said to be ‘solidly earthed’when in it electrically connected to
earth electrode witout a fuse , switch, circuit breaker, intentional resistance or impedance in
the earth connection.
XI. Bonding
Bonding is the process by which two electrical conducting bodies are connected using a
conductor to maintain electrical continuity to prevent sparking.
XII. Facility
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This refers to any building, structure, equipment, pipeline or any other physical feature used in
AFS for handling of aviation fuels at various stages of operations, fire protection, testing,
maintenance, security, utilities services, mobile equipments and communication etc.
An enclosure for electrical apparatus that will withstand, when the covers or other access
enter itare
orproperly secured,
which may an internal
originate explosion
inside the of thewithout
enclosure, flammable gas or
suffering vapourand
damage which may
communicating the internal flammation to the external.
A circuit or part of a circuit is intrinsically safe when any spark or thermal effect produced
normally (that is, by breaking or closing the circuit) or accidentally (for example, by short
circuit or earth fault) is incapable, under prescribed test conditions, of causing ignition of a
prescribed gas or vapour. An intrinsically safe apparatus is one in which all electrical circuits
are intrinsically safe. (For details, IS: 5780 shall be referred)
vapour point" of any
in sufficient petroleum liquid
concentration is an
to form theignitable
lowest mixture
temperature at and
with air which thealiquid
gives yields
flash on application of a small pilot flame under specified conditions of test as per IS: 1448
Petroleum products are classified according to their closed cup FLASH POINTS as given
Class-B Petroleum: Liquids which have flash point of 23 oC and above but below 65 oC.
Class-C Petroleum: Liquids which have flash point of 65 oC and above but below 93 oC.
Liquefied gases including LPG do not fall under this classification but form separate category.
Note: In the following cases, above classification do not apply and special precautions should
be taken as required:
(i) Where ambient temperatures or the handling temperatures are higher than the flash point
of the product.
(ii) Where product handled is artificially heated to a temperature above its flash point.
There are basically two types of aviation fuels viz. Jet A1 (K-50) as per IS-1571 & RT fuel (K-
60) and both are Class B POL products. These kerosene type aviationfuels have minimum
flash point of 38 degrees C (for Jet A1) and 28 degrees C (for K-60). At ambient temperatures
they must be treated as flammable liquids and additional precautions should always be taken
in handling them at these temperatures.
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Avgas 100LL is a Class A product and is dyed blue. The product is used for small aircrafts
with piston type engines.
As applied to valves, it is the concept of controlling the leakage to an acceptable level after
damage encountered during and after the fire achieved by dual seating.
Building housing facilities of parking fire tenders and keeping other ready to use fire-fighting
equipment for meeting plant emergencies, fire control room with required communication
facilities/mimic panel.
A structure housing fire engines, fire water pumps, fire water jockey pumps, communication,
alarm system, instrumentation and other supporting equipment.
Delivery of aviation fuel to the aircraftsfrom the refuelling equipment. The refuelling equipment
isdesigned to ensure that fuel is delivered in a safe manner to the aircraft at the required
pressure and flow rate.
Depending on the scale of operation at an airport, the fuelling methods used are - mobile
refuellers, fuel hydrant systems, fuelling cabinet or barrel refuelling. Mobile Refuelling
equipments are either refuellersor hydrant dispensers.
a. Refuellers / Bowsers :Mechanically propelled vehicles with storage tank (rigid , semi-
trailer or full trailer) for aviation fuel, filtration, pressure control system, metering device and
associated safety and quality control system for transferring fuel into or from the aircraft.
c. Fuelling cabinet: A fixed above ground structure with hose , meters and auxiliary
equipment from which aviation fuel can be dispensed into an aircraft without any additional
An area in which an explosive gas atmosphere is present, or likely to be present, in quantities
such as to require special precautions for the construction, installation and use of electrical
An area in which an explosive gas atmosphere is not expected to be present in quantities
such as to require special precautions for the construction, installation and use of electrical
XXVI. Incident
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An unplanned event (occurrence, conditionor action) which did or couldhave resulted in
personal injury or damage to the plant,community or environment.
XXVII. Near-miss
An incidentwhich does not result in anyinjury or damage to propertybut has the potential to
resultin injury and / or propertydamage.
A wall of appropriate height and size constructed of suitable material and designed to contain
the Oil spillage and to direct it to ETP/OWS.
The facilities for receipt of aviation fuel through tank trucks or/and pipelines , storage tanks in
bulk,pumps, pipingand associated equipment like filters, fuel hydrants etc, and refuelling of
storage ofthrough refuellers,
methanol & Avgas hydrant
in barrels, and fuelling
aviation cabinets.It
lubricants, also include
HSD(for facilities for
own consumption)
and other additives in packed condition.
Building for storing retention samples, packed additives,Power boost Methanol, Aviation
gasoline 100 LL, flammable materials etc.
A type of fixed refuelling system that includes an underground system of pipes and valves
used to transfer aviation fuel directly from fuel storage facility to one or more designated
aircraft parking positions. This also includes pumps, filters and controls which are usually
located at the AFS.
a. Hydrant pit valves: Mechanism connected to the termination point of the each lateral
or riser of underground fuel hydrant pipe to allow fuel to flow from the hydrant refuelling
pipeline system to the aircraft by connecting a coupler to a hose installed on hydrant
dispenser. These valves shall conform to EI 1584.
b. Hydrant pit: A chamber embedded in the apron that contains hydrant pit valve and
conforming to EI 1584.
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d. Any other apparatus for switching, controlling or otherwise regulating the energy.
The voltage which normally exceeds 250 volts but does not exceed 650 volts.
The voltage which normally exceeds 650 volts but does not exceed 33 KV.
Oil water separator is a system designed to separate gross amount of oil and suspended
solids from the oily water effluent generated due to different activities/operations in AFS.
Risk Analysis means the identification of undesired events that lead to the materialization of a
hazard, the analysis of the mechanisms by which these undesired events could occur and,
usually, the estimation of the extent, magnitude, and likelihood of any harmful effects.
Risk Assessment means the quantitative evaluation of the likelihood of undesired events and
the likelihood of harm or damage being caused by them, together with the value judgments
made concerning the significance of the results;
A variety of scenario analysis tools such as hazard and operability study (HAZOP) and
Hazards Analysis (HAZAN) are used for fire scenario analysis.
A Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) study is structured and systematic examination of process
and operation of a facility by applying a set of “Guide Words” in order to identify and evaluate
safety and operability problem that may pose risk to personnel or equipment, or prevent
efficient operation.
XLIII. Tanks
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Vertical Tanks are designed as per API STD 650 or equivalents IS standards, and horizontal
storage tanks (buried or semi-buried) as per IS 10987 or equivalent standards are called
ATMOSPHERIC PRSSSURE STORAGE TANKS. These tanks are designed to operate in its
gas and vapour spaces at internal pressure approximately equal to atmospheric pressure.
Tank height is the height from tank bottom to top of the kerb angle for cone roof above ground
tanks. For horizontal buried, semi-buried and above ground tanks, it is equivalent to the outer
diameter of the tank.
Nominal capacity shall mean the geometric volume of the tank from bottom up to Kerb angle
in case of fixed roof above ground vertical tanks,and is equal to the geometric volume for
horizontal tanks.
The maximum fill level of product within a tank as measured from the gauging reference point
(that is, striker plate) above which any additional product will overfill and spill out of the tank;
or at which level, contact or damage will occur to the tank structure or appurtenances
The level up to which the tank is allowed to receive product at the maximum allowable
receiving flow rate for a predetermined time prior to reaching the safe fill level.
Safe Capacity (stored volume) is the capacity of the tank up to the maximum safe filling height
(safe filling level) of the tank as per PESO / statutory requirements.
The safe fill level is established by determining the amount of time required to take the
appropriate action necessary to completely shut down or divert product flow before the level of
product in the tank reaches the overfill level. The safe fill level shall be established for each
specific tank that will depend on the type of tank, diameter, its internal configuration and
condition, rate of filling and the operating practices.
e. Aggregate capacity
Pumpable capacity (Net Capacity) is the capacity of the tank during operation after subtracting
the volume of tank bottom contents up to the top of pump out nozzle from safe filling capacity
of the tank.
XLVII. Utilities:
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XLIX. Should
Indicates provisions that are recommended as good engineering practice but are not
The Aviation Fuelling Station&its various facilities are covered under various regulations and
require specific approval / licence from concerned statutory authorities. The list of statutory
acts, rules, regulations include the following:
ii. Petroleum Rules, 2002 (Amended in the year 2011) of the Petroleum Act, 1934.
iii. Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (PNGRB) Act, 2006.
v. Central Electricity Authority (CEA) Safety Regulations, 2010 made under Indian
Electricity Act.
vi. The Standards of Weight & Measures Rules –1987under Weight & Measures Act -
viii. The Motor Vehicles (Central) Rules, 1989under the Motor Vehicles Act - 1988.
x. Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and Rules made there under.
xi. Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act- 1981 and Rules made there under.
xii. Manufacture, Storage &Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules – 1989 (latest edition).
xv. The Chemical Accidents (Emergency Planning, Preparedness and Response) Rules,
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The hazardous area is mainly defined for the purpose of selection and installation of electrical
also. however;definition shall be applied as specified herein after for other purposes
i. Petroleum having flash point below 65 deg.C or any flammable gas or vapour in a
concentration capable of ignition is likely to be present.
ii. Petroleum or any flammable liquid having flash point above 65 deg.C is likely to be refined
blended,handled or stored at or above its flash point.
Classification of Hazardous area (for the purpose of selection and installation of electrical
equipments): A hazardous area shall be deemed to be-
i. Zone 0for
to be present - An area
long in which
periods. a flammable
Examples atmosphere
are vapour spaceis above
is likely
storage tanks or closed containers, areas containing open tanks of volatile, flammable liquids
ii. Zone 1 - Area in which an explosive gas/mixture is likely to occur in normal operation.
Zone-1 locations may be distinguished when any of the following conditions exist:
1. Flammable gas or vapour concentration is likely to exist in the air under normal
operating conditions.
5. The area below the surrounding elevation or grade is such that flammable liquids
or vapours mayaccumulate therein.
g. Areas in which an explosive gas/air mixture is not likely to occur in normal operation
and if it occurs it will exist only for a short time like fast flushing system, sampling points
Zone-2 locations may be distinguished when any one of the following conditions exists:
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b. The flammable vapours can be conducted to the location as through trenches, pipes
or ducts.
c. Locations adjacent to Zone-1 areas.
(ATF) inIdentify and size
bulk, based thebusiness
on the facilities&needed
processfor receipt, storage
requirements andadelivery
and with provisionoffor
Class B
expansion. Facilities for receipt, storage and dispending of Class A (Av gas) shall be designed
and segregated from ATF.
3) These facilities will be located in the allotted plot of land based on the following :
i. De-licensed area consisting of admin building, security cabin, utilities will be nearer
to the entry/ exit gates to minimise movement of personnel in licensed premise.
ii. TT unloading/refueller loading area and refueller parking to be located in such a way
that vehicular movement is minimised.
iii. Facilities should be laid such that length of drain leading to OWS is minimal.
4) Risk Analysis / Assessment shall be carried out at the layout stage with an objective
to arrive at any specific mitigation measures required for Hazards identified. Risk reduction /
mitigation measures shall be given due credit.
The outcome of risk assessment shall guide in preparation of onsite& off site emergency plan.
QuantitativeRisk Assessment (QRA) shall be done when ever major addition(s) in facilities or
major changes in the surrounding areas, operating parameters,product grade takes placeor
once in every five years whichever is earlier.
5) Minimum two approaches from the major road should be provided for normal
movement and another for emergency exit.Both these approaches should be available for
receipt of assistance in emergency.
6) Roads inside the hazardous area of an AFS shall be restricted to vehicles required for
operational, maintenance and safety/security reasons and allowed only with proper safety
fittings and authorization from location in-charge/designated safety officer.
7) Alternative access shall be provided foreach facility so that it can be approached for
fire fighting in the event of blockage on one route.
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8) Road widths, gradient and turning radii at road junctions shall be designed to facilitate
movement of the largest fire-fighting vehicle envisaged in the event of emergency.
10) Vehicles with spark ignition engine shall not be allowed inside hazardous area.
Vehicles with internal combustion engine (compression ignition)such as refueller and tank
truck required to be permitted for business shall have Petroleum and Explosives Safety
Organization (PESO) approved spark arrestor fitted on the vehicle.
11) The maximum height of structure at the AFS shall not exceed the maximum
permissible height specified by the local airport authority/operator.
To prepare a layout, information should be collected on all applicable affecting aspects and
not limiting to following:
b. Product receipt / dispatch and mode of transport (by Road & Pipeline)
c. Warehouses, DP Shed (for storing Avgas 100ll or Methanol) and other open storage
areas like scrap yards
h. Highest flood level in the area, water table, natural streams/ canals
j. Aviation considerations like height restrictions and distance from flight path
k. Environmental considerations
a) Tank farm, loading / unloading gantry, utilities, OWS and approach roads should be
suitably constructed to prevent flooding.
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safe capacity) of tanks located in one dyked enclosure shall not exceed 60,000 KL for a group
of fixed roof tanks.
b) Dyked enclosure shall be able to contain the complete contents of the largest tank in the
dyke in case of any emergency. A free board of minimum 200 mm above the calculated liquid
level shall be provided for fixing the height and capacity of the dyke.
d) The height of tank enclosure dyke (including free board) shall be at least 1.0 M and shall
not be more than 2.0 M above average inside grade level.
However, construction of dyke exceeding 2 M may be considered where there is severe
constraint on space availability, subject to approval of PESO. In such case, following
The dyke wall made up of earth, concrete or solid masonry shall be designed to withstand the
hydrostatic load and shall be impervious. Dyke enclosure area (inside area of the dyke) shall
be also impervious to prevent the ground water pollution. Dyke enclosure (entire area of the
dyke) shall have impervious layer of suitable material such as EPDM (ethylene propylene di-
monomer) liner / polyethylene sheet to prevent the ground water contamination in addition to
brick/stone pitching / PCC etc.
e) The dyke and the enclosures will be inspected for cracks, visible damage etc. every six
months (pre and post monsoons) and after every major repair in the tanks / dykes etc. so as
to keep it impervious.
f) Piping through dyke wall, if any, shall be properly sealed to make dyke impervious.
g) The dyke area shall have proper slope outward of tank pad towards the inner periphery of
the dyke enclosure to prevent reverse flow.
h) Earth-pits shall be provided outside of Dyke area and strips buried under the earth except
at termination points from a shortest possible distance. The earthing lay out diagram shall be
displayed for reference.
i) Pump stations and piping manifold should be located outside dyke areas.
j) Horizontal above ground tanks mounted on pedestals shall meet separation distances and
shall have dyked enclosure.
k) In case of buried tanks - Under Ground (UG/buried) & Semi-buried (SB) tanks:
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i. Kerb wall of minimum 300 mm height shall be provided in the UG/SB tank Farm Area
to contain accidental overflow.
ii. A minimum of 1.5M clear distance shall be maintained from structures / boundary.
iii. Vents shall be located / terminated at a distance of 4 M from hazards and shall be at
minimum 4 M height from the ground level.
iv. The open end of free vent pipe shall be covered with non-corrodible metal wire gauze
having 60 meshes and shall be further protected from rain by hood or by suitably
bending it downward.
v. Aviation fuels shall enter a tank through closed piping system/coupled electrically
continuous and sound hose.
vi. The manholes, dip hatch, floating suction inspection hatch should be minimum
300mm above the grade level of the tank farm.
l) Corrosion control measures like provision of cathodic protection for hydrant pipelines,
wrapping-coating for buried pipelines and tanks, epoxy lining of tanks &hydrant pipelines,
etc. shall be undertaken.
a) Tanks shall be arranged in maximum two rows so that each tank is approachable from the
road surrounding the enclosure.
b) Tanks having 50,000 KL capacity and above shall be laid in single row.
6.4.3 Fire walls inside dyke enclosure for above ground tanks;
a) In a dyked enclosure where more than one tank is located, firewalls of minimum height
600mm shall be provided to prevent spills from one tank endangering any other tank in
the same enclosure.
b) A group of small tanks each not exceeding 9 meters in diameter and in all not exceeding
5,000 cum in capacity shall be treated as one tank for the provision of firewall.
6.4.4 General
a) The tank height shall not exceed one and half times the diameter of the tank or 20 m for
above ground vertical tanks, subject to height restrictions at the airport, whichever is less.
b) All Piping from / to any tank including connected sprinkler / foam line shall comply the
ii) Shall run directly to outside of dyke to minimise piping within the enclosures.
iii) Shall not pass through other tank areas / fire walls.
Piping design inside tank dyke area should ensure easy accessibility for any operations in the
tank farm. Elevated catwalks above the height of the dyke wall shall be provided for safe
access and exit in case of normal / emergency situations. The catwalks shall run at the same
level and terminate directly outside the dyke.
c) No part of the dyked enclosure shall be below the level of surrounding ground
immediately around the outside of dyke area.
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d) The minimum distance between a tank shell and the inside toe of the dyke wall shall not
be less than half the height of the tank.
e) Properly laid out road should be provided for easy access on all four sides of each dyke,
wherever feasible.
a) Properly laid out roads around various facilities should be provided within the AFS for
smooth access of fire tenders etc. in case of emergency, for AFSs storing more than 1000
KL in above ground tanks.
b) For AFSs located outside airport/defence premises, the boundary wall should be
constructed as per the directives of the Ministry of Home Affairs or any other Government
directive. In any case the boundary wall shall be of minimum 3m height with V/Y shaped
barbed wire fencing on the wall with 600 mm diameter concertina coil on top.
c) The emergency gate shall be away from the main gate for evacuation of vehicles and
personnel in emergency and shall always be kept available and free from obstruction.
d) CCTV shall be installed in AFSs, other than defence, with aggregate storage more than
which KL, covering
should entry/exit gate,
be monitored periphery The
continuously. of installation and all critical
CCTV monitoring operating
station shouldareas
provided in control room, security cabin and in-charge room.
a) Minimum separation distances between various facilities described above shall be as per
Table-1, 2 & 3. The table shall be read in conjunction with the notes specified with the
b) The layout shall also take into account findings/recommendations of Risk Analysis /
Assessment study, which shall be carried out at all the stages of facility development
c) For large AFS, minimum separation distances are specified in Table- 1. The table is
applicable where total storage capacity for ATF in above ground tanks is more than 5000
d) For medium sized AFS, minimum separation distances shall be as specified in Table-2.
This table is applicable where total above ground storage capacity for ATF is equal to or
less than 5000 KL but more than 1000 KL.
e) For “other” category AFSs, minimum separation distances shall be as specified in Table-
3. This table is applicable where total above ground storage capacity ATF is equal to or
less than 1000 KL or where AFSs are having only buried /semi-buried tanks irrespective
of storage capacity.
f) Existing AFSs where inter distances between tanks in a dyke and / or within dykes are not
conforming to the Table 1 and 2 following additional facilities shall be provided to
enhance safety:
i.The fixed water spray system on all tanks, irrespective of tank diameter
ii.The fixed or semi fixed foam system on all tanks, irrespective of tank diameter
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S.No. rom / To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
(D+d)/4 0.5D or 20
Storage Tank‐ Class B or 10 min 15 30 min 30 30 30 8 30
Tank vehicle loading/unloading for
petroleum Class B 15 x 30 20 30 30 30 8 30
Fire water tanks & Pump House 30 30 x X 12 30 6 30 12
0.5 D or 1.5
Boundary wall around AFS 20 min 20 X x X X X X
Service/office buildings/workshop 30 30 12 X X 30 X 8 X
OWS 30 30 30 1.5 30 X 30 X 30
SCADA/Server Room 30 30 12 X X 30 X 8 X
DP shed (Class A in packed
condition) 15 15 30 15 15 30 15 8 30
Non‐FLP Motors 15 15 X X 3 15 X 15 X
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a) All distances are in meters and the table specified the minimum requirement.
b) “D” indicates the diameter of the larger tank.
c) All distances shall be measured between the nearest points on the perimeter of each facility except (i) In case of tank veh
d) distancebuilding
Service shall beshall
the centre of nearest
minimal manningbay.
and normally no hot work would be done there.
e) “ X ” means any distance suitable for constructional or operational convenience
f) Safety distances between tanks are not applicable (other than boundary wall) for double walled above ground storage tanks. N
g) Pig launcher/receiver at liquid hydrocarbon handling pipeline installations should be located at least 5 m from boundary.
1. For underground & semi buried tanks the separation distance between Tank Vents and hazard should be minimum 4 m. The verti
from the grade level.
2. Separation distance of 1.5 m to be maintained from underground and semi buried tanks to nearby structures and boundary wall.
3. OWS shall be minimum 1.5 m from boundary wall. However, OWS in this case shall have permanent covers with venting arra
boundary wall and other hazard..
4. Refueller parking space should be demarcated and a minimum distance of 4m distance to be maintained from the centre line of the n
5. Fixed type Proving Measure should be at a minimum distance of 4 m from hazard.
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SEPARATION DISTANCES BETWEEN TANK / OFFSITE FACILITIES for AFSs wi th A bov e Groun d Tank age >1000 &<=5000KL
S.No. rom / To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
D or 4.5 D or 4.5
Storage ‐ Class B 0.5D 4.5 min min 4.5 4.5 3 9 30
Tank vehicle decantation /
Topping‐up 4.5 X 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 1.5 9 30
D or 4.5
Boundary wall around AFS min 4.5 X X X X X 9 X
D or 4.5
Service/office buildings/workshop min 4.5 X X X X X 9 12
Non‐FLP motors 4.5 4.5 X X X X 3 9 x
Electrical Panel Room (PMCC/DG
room) 4.5 4.5 X X X X 3 9 X
7 FLP Electric Motors 3 1.5 X X 3 3 X 3 30
Fire water tanks & Pump House 30 30 X 12 X X 30 30 x
OWS 4.5 9 1.5 9 9 9 X 9 30
SCADA/Server Room D min 9 X X X x 3 9 12
Safety distances between tanks are not applicable (other than boundary) for double walled above ground storage tanks. No dykes are r
Notes given under Table 1 are applicable for Table 2.
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SEPARATION DISTANCES BETWEEN TANK for AFS wit h Abo ve Ground t ankage <=1000 KL or Buried/Semi Buri ed tanks irres
S.No. rom / To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
D or
1 0.5D ( note 4.5min D or 4.5
Storage ‐ Class B b) 4.5 ( note b) min 4.5 3 9 4
Tank vehicle decantation / Topping‐up 4.5 X 4.5 4.5 4.5 1.5 9 4
Boundary around AFS D or 4.5 min 4.5 X X X X 9 X
Service/office buildings/workshop D or 4.5 min 4.5 X X X X 9 X
Electrical Panel Room (PMCC/DG room) 4.5 4.5 X X X 3 9 X
FLP Electric Motors 3 1.5 X X 3 X 9 X
7 DP shed (Class A in packed condition) 9 9 9 9 9 9 X 9
8 Non‐FLP motors 4.5 4.5 X x x X 9 X
9 SCADA/Server Room 4.5 4.5 X X X 3 9 X
a) All distances are in meter and the table specifies the minimum requirement.
b) Distance norms between buried / semi buried tanks will not be applicable. The distance between buried/semi buried tanks & bo
c) “x” indicates suitable distance as per good engineering practices to meet construction, operational and maintenance requirem
d) “D” indicates the diameter of the larger tank.
e) Distances given for the tanks are shell to shell in the same dyke.
f) Where alternate distances are specified (like 0.5 D / 6.0), the minimum thereof shall be used.
g) All distances shall be measured between the nearest points on the perimeter of each facility except in case of tank vehicle loa
shall be from the centre of each bay.
h) Pig launcher/receiver at liquid hydrocarbon handling pipeline installations should be located at least 5 m from boundary.
i) Safety distances between tanks & other facilities (other than boundary are not applicable for double walled above ground s
such tanks.
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i) Horizontal tanks: Above grou nd, Undergro und and semi-buri ed Tanks
All horizontal tanks –above ground, underground and semi buried, shall be as per BIS 2092 or any
equivalent standard .
Fixed roof may be of cone type. For designing atmospheric pressure tanks, API STD 650 or IS 803
or any other equivalent shall be followed.
Selection of type of tank generally depends on ambient conditions, site requirement and the volume
of product to be handled.
Tank bottoms should be cone down with a continous slope of 1:30 minimum towards centre sump
for vertical tanks and horizontal tank should be installed with a continous slope of 1:50 minimum..
Individual above ground vertical and horizontal tanks shall be provided with access to the roof or
tank top. A platform with railing should be provided from the top of the stairway to gauge well,
vents and floating suction check point.
ii. Stairs:
height.should be made of grating. All staircases shall have resting/landing platform for every 5m
iii. Manholes:
Minimum two number of roof manholes and shell manholes to be provided in all vertical tanks.
For horizontal tanks minimum two number of manholes shall be provided.
Walkway with hand rail on the roof of the tank should be provided to facilitate
inspection/checking of vents/ flame arrestor etc. so that movement of personnel on roof is safer.
Anti-slippery path on roof should be provided in this regard.
v. Floating suction: All Aviation tanks shall be provided with floating suction of size depending on
the tank capacity and discharge flow rate, with an inspection hatch at the top of the tank.
vii Sampling draw off line and water draw off line: For vertical tanks minimum one no. sampling
draw off line and one water draw off line should be provided.
Viii Vents: Adequately sized free vents to be provided for ATF tanks as per API 2000. Vents should
be fitted with a protective screen of 60 mesh size.
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The dyke drain shall be provided along the inside periphery of the dyke enclosure wall. In case
circular drain around tank pad is provided, the same needs to be connected to the peripheral drain.
The outlet from dyke shall have the provision to divert to the OWS or to main storm water drain.
AFS with total tankage of more than 1000 KL in above ground tanks , the dyke drain valves shall be
provided with position indication and alarm system.
i) The number of inlet/outlet connections to the tank shell should be kept minimum.
Tank body valve of above ground tanks shall be manually operated valve.
The second valve on above ground tanks shall be motor operated valve (MOV) on inlet and
outlet lines for locations having hydrant refuelling system. For other AFSs, in place of MOV,
area. operated valve may be provided. This second valve should be located outside the dyke
All above ground, underground and semi-buried tanks shall have over-fill protection system
ii) Hammer blind valves of any type shall not be used in AFSs.
iii) MOV shall have open & close remote operation from control room and at field outside of dyke.
In addition, open, close & stop feature should be available for local operations close to the valve.
iv) Tank manifold(s), if provided, should be located outside the dyke area. The floor underneath the
manifold shall be paved and have Kerb walls and connected to oil water drainage system
leading to OWS.
v) Thermal safety valve (TSV) / Expansion line shall be provided in above ground tanks for blocked
portion of pipe line(s) to take care of the thermal expansion of product due to rise of
TSV outlet line or expansion line should be connected back to above ground tank / tank
inlet/outlet line before manually operated body valve with suitably positioned isolation
valve(s).One isolation valve shall be installed close to the tank body/inlet/outlet line to the
maximum extent possible.
In case the expansion line is connected at tank top, the line shall be extended inside up to the
Tank bottom to avoid free fall thru vapour space with provision of siphon breaker on top.
However, at existing locations where ever the above provision does not exist in above ground
tanks, the same shall be provided on all tanks during scheduled tank maintenance / cleaning.
vi) Any electrical fittings and fixtures inside the dyke shall be as per the hazardous area
classification. However such fittings and fixtures except for actuators of MOVs should be above
the dyke height.
Settlement of tanks takes place over a period of time and a depression is formed on tank pad along
the circumference. The same should be effectively made up with proper slope to avoid rain water
accumulation and subsequent corrosion of the bottom plate. Where large settlement is anticipated,
supporting arrangement for the connected piping shall be suitably designed to take care of the
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Arrangement should be provided in all above ground tanks for product sampling and water draw off
from tanks. These are also useful for draining water after a hydro test or initial flushing during a start-
up operation. Number and details of the drains shall be as per the applicable tank design standard.
Each drain line shall have minimum two isolation valves and pipe extended beyond tank pad up-to
drain point. One of these valves shall be of quick closing type. Ends of each drain point should have
provision of blind flange/capping arrangement.
Arrangement should be provided in all buried and semi buried tanks for product sampling and water
from tank sump.
7.7 Vents
Open Vents
For sizing the vents API STD 2000 is to be referred. However, following are the basic guidelines
need to be considered:
c. Maximum pumping in and out rates. In the event of change in any operating parameters
involving change in pumping rates complete end to end system check shall be done in line
with Management of Change. for details refer annexure(4) and(5).
a) Dip hatch or gauge hatch is used for gauging the height of the liquid in an above ground tank
as well as to take out samples for testing. In underground and semi buried tanks, separate
sampling hatch is provided in addition to dip hatch for gauging purpose.
b) Gauge well pipe (with slots) should be provided for all types of tanks.
c) The gauge well should be properly supported by means of angles/strips with bottom plate of
the tank. The above arrangement also makes the tank safer with respect to dissipation of
static charge accumulation.
7.9 Instrumentation
The SIL classification study should be carried out for AFS having hydrant refuelling system and
pipeline receipt, to determine the required SIL level. SIL of the safety instrumented function for the
tank including overfill protection shall be meeting the requirement of Part 1 of EN 61511.All
instrumentation equipment shall have required SIL certification based on the above study.
The SIL level of the entire interlock loop shall also meet the requirement of EN 61511.
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High Level (H): Between normal fill level and safe fill level
High High Level (HH): At safe fill level (PESO approved stored volume)
“H” androom.
control “HH” level switches shall have provision of audio & visual alarms on auto-actuation in the
There shall be exchange of signals between the receiving and dispatch location in case of receipt of
product through cross country pipe lines. Provision shall be made for monitoring of level of the
receiving tank along with pressure in the pipe line and MOV status and to ensure safe shut down of
the system in case of any abnormal situation.
Care need to be taken for tanks receiving product from cross country pipeline at high flow rates for
surge pressures due to sudden closures of valves and accordingly where ever required, suitably
designed Surge relief system /pump tripping to be provided.
7.10 Piping/valves/flanges
Piping: shall be designed for handling of Hydrocarbon liquid as per “ASME B 31.3: Process Piping”
or ASME B 31.4 (for cross country pipelines only entering the AFS) or API 5L or equivalent as
Pipe joints should be welded as far as practicable with full penetration weld. Number of flanged or
threaded joints should be kept to a minimum.
In case sampling point is provided on receipt line for operational requirement, the same should be
provided outside of dyke in the manifold.
Sectionalizing of the pipe lines with isolation valves and arrangements for injection /draining of water
shall be provided for facilitating hydro-testing of the pipe lines.
Buried piping shall be protected against physical damage and corrosion with suitable protective
At road crossings, in addition to protective coating, pipes should pass through secondary encasing
with properly sealed at both the ends.
The product hydrant pipelines should be provided with low point and high point drains to facilitate
emptying /sampling/hydro-testing etc. Ends of each drain point should have provision of blind
flange/capping arrangement.
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Steel valves for handling aviation products should conform to relevant API standards. . Cast iron
valves shall not be used for handling aviation products.
Steel flanges and flanged fittings shall conform to relevant ASME / ASTM/ANSI or equivalent.
Steel flanges should conform to the applicable provisions of ASME B 16.5 or equivalent.
Steel screwed fittings and couplings shall conform to ASME B 16.11 or equivalent.
Steel unions shall have ground metal to metal seats. Gasket type unions shall not be used.
Plugs shall be of steel. Cast iron or brass plugs shall not be used.
b) Product pumps shall be provided with suitable sized strainers on suction and NRVs on
discharge lines. All drain points of strainers shall be provided with isolation valves and ends
having provision for blind flange / screw capped
c) Pumps shall be located in an exclusive paved area with drainage facilities routed to OWS for
AFSs with more than 1000 KL above ground tanks.
d) Pump house shall be positioned at an elevated platform and shall be well ventilated on all
four sides.
f) To avoid wide variation in pressure, leading to a ‘kick’ or ‘hammering’ in header and hoses, it
is necessary to choose pumps with flat characteristic curves.
g) Unloading/loading pumps shall also be provided with additional flame proof switch located at
the strategic location in the gantry/loading-unloading bays to switch off the pump in case of
emergency such as over flow, fire or any other abnormal situation.
i) Suction and discharge lines at AFSs with above ground tanks shall be provided with thermal
safety relief device to relieve pressure due to ambient temperature rise. Thermal Safety
relief device may vent into a tank. When connected to tank, it (TSV) shall be provided with
isolation valves. One isolation valve shall be installed close to the tank body to the maximum
extent possible.
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b) Loading unloading points shall have quick shut-off valves eg. Cast steel Plug or Ball Valves.
c) No tank vehicle shall be loaded at a rate exceeding (volumetric flow rate corresponding to
linear velocity) one meter per second at the delivery/ (at the least dia fitting) and of the filling
pipe until the filling pipe is completely submerged in petroleum and thereafter the loading
rate should be gradually increased but it shall at no point of time exceed six meters per
second at the delivery end of the filling pipe.
d) Automated locations should provide suitable overfill protection system to prevent any
overflow and hazards arising out of that.
e) Where flow indicators / totalizes are provided, vapour eliminators shall be incorporated.
f) Loading hoses for Tank Trucks and refuellers shall be as per relevant API/EI/EN/BIS
g) Flameproof lighting shall be provided for night time checking of bottom leaks of trucks and
also for proper sealing and inspection wherever loading/unloading during night is required to
be done.
h) Operating
intrinsicallypersonnel of large sets.
safe walkie-talkie size AFSs (storage more than 5000 KL) shall be provided with
i) AFSs with Tank Truck unloading/loading gantries and refueller loading gantries shall be
provided with safety harness to protect the operating crew against fall from height.
j) Swing type loading ladders with counter weight & hand railing, wherever provided, shall be
light in construction. Neoprene packing shall be provided at the bottom rest to avoid spark
generation due to impact.
k) Proper handrail arrangement should be provided on platforms and stairs for safe movement
of personnel.
l) Provision shall be made for quick isolation of main product headers in case of emergency.
For this purpose, suitable type hand operated valves or remote operated valves should be
considered as per the site conditions and overall automation system in the AFS.
m) Loading and unloading bay area shall be paved for smooth draining and collection of
spillages into drains.
n) Open drains shall be covered with gratings so as not to endanger movement of personnel.
o) All tank trucks/refuellers, if not exempted by PESO, entering licenced area shall be provided
with PESO approved spark/flame arrestor at the exhaust.
p) Oil and water collected from loading/unloading areas shall be routed to Oil water separator
system for large/medium category AFSs. A slop tank should be earmarked for storing
separated oil.
q) The loading and unloading bays shall be designed such that movement of vehicle is smooth
without criss-crossing.
A network of drainage system shall be provided to collect oil drains from various equipments,
loading/unloading areas, pump houses etc. They should also collect surface drains from places
where oil spillages are likely to occur. The drainage shall lead to OWS.
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The receiving sump of the OWS shall have suitable arrangement for skimming off upper layer of
accumulated oil.
Electrical equipment including the lighting system shall conform to hazardous area classification.
The hazardous area shall be classified as per IS: 5572 and OISD-STD-113.The electrical fittings /
equipment in the respective classified area/ zone shall be of a type suitable for the particular
area/zone as per classification in line with IS: 5571.
Electrical equipment shall be selected, sized and installed so as to ensure adequacy of performance,
safety and reliability. The equipment in general shall conform to relevant Indian Standards and shall
be suitable for installation and satisfactory operation in the service conditions envisaged.
Protection: The protection system shall be designed to ensure Protection of Personnel and plant
equipment against damage which can occur due to internal or external short circuits, overloading,
abnormal operating conditions, switching, lightning surges, etc accordingly, relays and protective
devices shall be suitably selected and installed. All the protective relays for the Generator,
maintained. Motors and Switchgears shall be tested at least once in a year and test records
In order to avoid spread of fire due to cables, the outer PVC sheath of all cables including XLPE
insulated cables used inside the dyke shall be flame retardant type conforming to category AF as per
IS: 10810. The cable shall have a low smoke property. The minimum Oxygen Index shall be 29.
All power and control cables shall have extruded inner and outer sheaths. Cables should be
Aluminium /Copper Conductor PVC insulated, PVC sheathed, armoured type.
Instrument and signal communication cables shall not be laid in the same trench/tray along with
electrical cables. The overall cable layouts shall be designed for minimum interference between
signal and power cables.
Cable route markers shall be installed at every 30 metres intervals all along the cable routes and
also at cable joints and locations where the direction of cable trench changes.
Earth resistance can be directly read through an earth resistance tester which has associated Test,
auxiliary Current and Potential electrodes. This instrument which is a combination of ohmmeter and
generator works on ‘fall of potential’ principle. Test voltage is derived from the generator of the earth
resistance tester.
The testing of the earth pits shall be done six monthly one in dry and once in wet weather and
records maintained.
The resistance value of an earthing system to general mass of the earth should not exceed:
-- 4 Ohms for electrical systems and metallic structures
-- 7 Ohms for storage tanks
-- 1 Ohm for main earth grid, and bonding connections between joints in pipelines and associated
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AFS earthing design shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of Central Electricity
under the(CEA) safety
petroleum actRegulation
/ electricity2010
act Allor equivalent
earth system
connections recognised
should by for
be visible statutory authorities
inspection to the
extent possible. The earthing system shall have an earthing network with required number of earth
electrodes connected to it.
Earth electrodes shall be located at such a distance from each other so that the maximum current
likely to flow through one of them does not significantly affect the potential of the other.
The Lightning Arrestor (LA) of the Di Pole/ Four Pole structure shall be connected to two distinct
earth pits. The strips shall run on insulators / isolators so as not to come in contact with the Pole
structure. Connections shall be made to the pit directly and then pits will be connected to each other
to form a grid. The Grid of LA shall be distinct and shall not be connected to any other earth Grid.
The Di Pole/ Four Pole structure shall be earthed with two distinct earth connections. The Gang
Operated Switch shall also be earthed.
Fencing of Di /Four Pole, Transformer yard shall be earthed and also electrical continuity between
various structures the fencing shall be ensured.
The Neutral of the Transformer shall be earthed with two distinct earth pits separately.
Connections will be made to the pit directly and then pits will be connected to each other to form a
grid. This Grid shall be distinct and shall not be connected to any other earth Grid.
The Neutral of the Diesel Generator shall be connected to two distinct earth pits separately.
Connections shall be made to the pit directly and then pits will be connected to each other to form a
grid. This Grid shall be distinct and shall not be connected to any other earth Grid.
The transformer body shall be earthed at two points separately leading to earthing system.
All Metallic non-current carrying parts of all electrical apparatus shall be earthed to ensure that
the exposed metallic parts do not become dangerous by attaining high voltages in case of faults.
All the electrical equipment operating above 250 volts shall have two separate connections to the
earth. (Sub Station Panels, Motors, FLP JBs etc).
All Steel structures, loading platform / gantries etc shall have two separate and distinct
connections. Connections will be made to the pit directly and then pits will be connected to each
other to form a grid.
Storage Tanks shall have minimum two separate and distinct connections. Each connection will be
made to the respective earth pit directly. There after these earth pits should be inter-connected to
form a dedicated grid for Tank Farm. All earth pits shall be located outside dyke area. The number of
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earth pits / connections to be increased for large tanks so that the distance between the connections
does not exceed 30 meter on the tank perimeter.
For example:
For tanks upto 60 meter perimeter 2 Nos earth pits shall be provided for above 60 meter perimeter
and upto 90 meter 3 earth connections shall be provided and so on.
Tank Truck/Refueller Loading and Unloading bays: For the bays 6 mm Sq. braided copper wire
with one end firmly bolted to the Loading Unloading Arm / hoses and the other end provided with G.I
/ Copper / Non corrodible metal crocodile clips are to be used, the crocodile clips being attached to
the tank-truck/refueller under loading or discharging. (For External Bonding of Loading unloading
arms/hose with the Tank Truck).
SAMPLING /GAUGING: For sampling devices to be inserted into product tanks, use SS chain.
Static Earthing shall be provided at Tank Lorry / Refuellers loading/ Decantation Gantries , to
prevent building up of Static Charges. The Static Earthing shall be segregated from electrical
earthing by using insulation pads to prevent it from getting energized to the same voltage level as it
would exist on electrical fittings in case of fault. This earthing shall be independent of earthing
system for automation.
Lighting protection shall be provided for the equipment, structures and buildings which are higher
than 20 meters or as per the risk index analysis worked out as per IS 2309.
Self-conducting structures do not require lightning protection with aerial rod and down conductors.
They shall be connected to the earthing system at two points of the base.
If lightening arrester is provided an independent earthing network shall be provided for lighting
Low noise Earthing are required for critical data processing equipments. These are to be
independent of any other Earthing of the Building. RFI (Radio frequency interference) suppression
filters fitted to the data processing equipment may produce high earth leakage current. In such cases
failure of protective earth connection may lead to high touch voltages.
Wherever isolation transformers are used, the output neutral of the transformer shall be
independently earthed so as to ensure that the Earth-Neutral Voltage is less than 1 volt.
Size of the conductor shall be selected based on the fault current that is required to be dissipated
during emergencies.
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Power Transformer Neutral 50mmx6 mm GI strip
Power Transformer Body 40mmx6 mm GI strip
Fire Water Pump House 25mmx6 mm GI strip
Building / Structure Columns 40mm X 5mm GI Strip
Storage Tanks 40mm X 5mm GI Strip
Push Button Stations No. 8 SWG Solid GI Wire
Street Light Poles 10 mm (3/8") GI Wire Rope
Small Equipment & No. 8 SWG Solid GI Wire
Bonding of Pipes 25 mm square copper strip / braided flexible cable.
Motors up to 3.7 Kw No. 8 SWG Solid GI Wire
Motors above 3.7 Kw up to 30Kw 10 mm (3/8") GI Wire Rope
Static Earth at Tanker / Wagon loading/ 40mmx6 mm GI strip.
Unloading gantry
Flexible cable for Static Earth 10 Sq mm Copper flexible cable with lugs at one
end and crocodile clip at other end.
H. No of earth pits :
This is minimum requirement and additional earth pits shall be made such as to maintain Grid
below 1 Ohm.
Equipment Nos
Earthing for LA 2 Nos independent
For Di / Four Pole Structure, GO, Fence 2 Nos (All metal bodies connected)
Neutral of the transformer 2 Nos independent
Neutral of the D G Set 2 Nos independent for each DG Set
Body of DG Set / control panel for DG Set 2 Nos
Sub-station –PMCC Room 4 Nos
Fire Pump House 2 Nos
Air Comp House 2 Nos
All structures Shed of Pump House / Fire 2 Nos for each structures
Engine / Loading unloading Gantry / Air
Compressor / Engg Store etc.
Static Earth for Loading unloading Gantry 1 Nos independent for each bay.
(Tank Truck)
All 3 Phase Motors / FLP lights in each shed 2 Nos
High Mast Tower (HMT) 2 Nos for each HMT
Admin Blocks 2 Nos
Data Processing One for Metallic body parts of equipments and one
for neutral of isolation-transformer
Inspection Platform / Watch Tower / Weigh 1 Nos each
Water Storage Tanks (Fire Water Tank) 2 per tank
Product Storage Tank Minimum 2 nos and further as defined in Clause B
I. General
a) Fail safe Interlock / change over switch shall be provided between the Grid Power and the
DG power to ensure that the equipments get supply from one source only.
b) Insulation mats as per IS-15652 standard shall be provided in the Sub Station, control
panels etc.
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e) Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs): In case VFDs are used for motors, the motors should be
inverter grade or equivalent as VFDs require Insulation class F motor and additional cooling
of winding / bearings at lower RPM.
J. Emergency Feeder:
Emergency Feeder shall host the following equipments:
Jockey Pump, Critical lighting, Fire Siren, Borewell, Gate Barrier, safety instrumentation and
interlocks, CCTV, Dyke drain valve system, UPS of automation, supply to essential fire fighting
Sufficient lighting shall be provided so as to enable operators to move safely within the accessible
areas of AFS and to perform routine operations. In the event of normal power failure, emergency
lighting should be operational in critical areas.
Normal lighting system shall be on 415/ 240V AC supply, whereas critical emergency lighting will be
DC based in critical areas like Sub-Station, D G Room, Control Room, Security cabin.
Under normal operation, both emergency and normal lighting shall be fed by normal power source.
On failure of normal supply, emergency lighting shall be transferred to emergency source until the
start of D.G. set.
Critical Emergency lighting (D.C. supply based) shall be normally kept ‘ON’. During power failure,
battery bank shall be used to provide power.
Lighting shall be provided for the various facilities in the AFS. The illumination levels in different
areas shall be as per good engineering practice.
The Illumination in the operational areas including inside the dyke and manifold shall be such that
adequate visibility is there at all times for emergency and normal operations.
Lighting requirements provided during the failure of power supply is intended broadly to,
b) Gain access and permit ready identification of fire fighting facilities such as fire water pumps,
fire alarm stations etc.
Depending on the nature of job activities carried out, the minimum illumination levels for various
areas shall be as follows in line with OISD-RP-149:
Ar ea Lu x l evel
Main roads (Gate entry /exit , roads around TT gantry 10
Secondary roads (along storage tanks &Periphery etc) 5
Tank farm area 10
Pump / Compressor / Dosing Sheds / Fire Pump House 100
Main Operation Area & Access Stairs (TT/Refueller/dispenser 60
parking area and TW gantry, Tank manifold)
Maintenance shed 100
OWS Area 60
Sub Station /PMCC room 150
Transformer yard / HT Di pole area 100
Battery room , Charger/UPS rooms 150
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i) The lighting fixtures on various circuits shall be suitably designed so that failures of any one
circuit do not result in complete darkness.
ii) Switches controlling the lighting fixtures and exhaust fan shall be installed outside the battery
iii) Switches of lighting panels installed in hazardous area, shall have a pole to break the neutral, in
addition to the poles for phases.
8.0 Safe Operating Practices in Sto rage and handling of bulk aviatio n fuels
This section deals with the safe operating practices and provisions applying to loading, unloading
and storage of bulk aviation Fuels at AFSs. There should be strict compliance w.r.t selection,
deployment of proper skilled manpower for effective operation and maintenance.
i) AFS Control room where ever provided shall be manned on continuous basis during operations
and in emergency.
ii) Site Specific, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) shall be developed. Such procedures shall
be periodically reviewed, updated and records maintained especially whenever any changes /
modifications to the facilities are made as per Management of Change procedure (MOC).
iii) The critical operating steps based on “SOPs” shall be displayed on the board near the location
where applicable.
iv) VHF handsets provided to operating personnel shall be of intrinsically safe type.
v) All operations shall be carried out under supervision of a responsible officer. Only in serious
exigencies, permission can be granted by authorized personnel subject to obtaining a reliever
forthwith. The person leaving site shall only be allowed on a valid authorization issued by the
immediate officer and records maintained.
vi) The pipe line transfer should preferably be commenced during day light. Due to urgency if
operation requires to be carried out/extended in night time, the same to be carried out under
supervision of adequate trained & experienced staff.
vii) Manning level in the shift should be adequate to ensure coverage for normal and emergency
viii)KL, the
For locations
tank farmwith above ground
management storage
system tanksbe
should having aggregate
integrated with capacity
SAP/ERP.more than 5000
Provision of
recording of TFMS inventory levels shall be made on SAP / ERP.
ix) For locations with above ground storage tanks having aggregate capacity more than 5000 KL,
suitable interlocks shall be provided for tripping / alarm / MOV operation based on the events high
level, high high level etc.
x) The contents of the dyke drain generated from draining of tanks, any other spillage or effluent
containing oil shall be diverted to Oil Water separator (OWS) for safe disposal.
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xi) Personnel protective equipment such as safety shoe, hand gloves, apron, safety goggles, safety
belt, helmet, ear muff, bump caps, self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA), resuscitator etc.
as applicable shall be worn while carrying out operations in normal and emergency situations.
Personnel protective equipments (PPE) are equipments designed to offer protection against
potential hazards, Fire, toxicity, accidental fall etc. during normal and emergency operations.
i) Transportation of petroleum products by road is regulated by PESO through The Petroleum Rules
2002 (the latest applicable version) and The Motor Vehicle Act 1988.
ii) Containers and tank trucks shall be fabricated in accordance with The Petroleum Rules 2002 and
OISD-RP-167 POL Tank lorry design & Safety.
iii) For movement of refuellers, sampling/pit cleaning vehicles and hydrant dispensers, inside airport
premises, the relevant Motor vehicle Rules, local airport operator’s requirement and Civil Aviation
Requirements to be followed.
i) Open source of ignition shall not be allowed in the area where product transfer operations are
carried out.
ii) Vapour space of not less than 5% of its capacity shall be kept in each container and 3% in each
tank truck and refuellers in respect of Class A&B petroleum products.
iii) Fire extinguishers shall be placed near the tank trucks during operations in a designated marked
iv) The Double pole master switch shall be put off immediately after parking the truck in position. No
electrical switch on the truck shall be turned "on" or "off" during the transfer operation.
v) The first operation after positioning the truck/refueller shall be to provide proper earthing/bonding.
Earthing/bonding shall be disconnected just before the release of the truck.
vi) All Refuelling Hoses shall conform to EI-1529/ISO 1825 standard and shall be handled with care
and hydrostatically tested once in 6 months in line with JIG (Joint Inspection Group) guidelines.
vii) No repairs shall be made on the truck/refueller while it is in the loading/unloading area.
I. Check for following in a tank truck/Refueller as per statutory regulations before accepting it for
a) Provision of PV vent, emergency vent valve ( for refueller), master valve, spark arrestor and
other safety fittings.
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b) Fire screen between cabin and tank is provided. For this purpose, cabins with metallic back
cover without any opening will be considered as fire screen.
c) Each tank truck shall be provided with 2 nos. of Fire Extinguishers of ISI mark (1 no.10/9 kg
DCP and 1 no. 1 kg CO2 /equivalent approved fire extinguisher in driver’s cabin).
d) Each refueller shall be provided with 3 nos. of Fire Extinguishers of ISI mark (2 no.10/9 kg
DCP and 1 no. 1 kg CO2 /equivalent approved fire extinguisher in driver’s cabin).
e) Spark arrestors , unless exempted by PESO , shall be welded on the exhaust.
f) No leakage in exhaust silencer pipe.
III. Place the truck/refueller on loading/topping up bay and place wheel chokes at front and rear
wheels. Keep the truck/refueller in neutral mode with hand brakes "ON".
IV. Stop the engine and switch off all electrical equipment.
VI. Provide earthing connections of the vehicle at specified point to the fixed grounding system.
VII. Ensure tank vent valve is open and fire extinguisher is readily available near loading point
IX. The quantity loaded into the truck/refueller can be assessed by -Liquid recorded through
manual dipping/dial gauge reading.
iv) Before releasing the trucks, ensure that valves are closed/ends are capped.
v) An authorized person of the company shall supervise the unloading operation and respond
immediately in the event of an emergency.
Checklist for bulk petroleum products tank trucks at loading / unloading locations is given at
Pipeline transfer of ATF is carried out through dedicated pipeline for receipt of ATF at the AFS from
refineries / cross country pipeline/ marketing terminal/other AFSs within the same company or
between oil companies.
Where ever pipe line transfer is envisaged between various companies, a mass flow meter/flow
meter with integrator shall be installed on receipt line. Signal shall be provided in the control rooms
of both despatching and receiving companies for monitoring.
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ii) Physical inspection shall be carried out up to the exchange manifold for any leakage/damage
iv) Seal the pressure relief lines of receipt nozzles of product tanks connected to the same common
receipt header.
vi) Pumping shall be commenced initially at low flow rate and only after stabilizing of flow, the flow
rate may be increased.
vii) Product shall not be pumped beyond safe filling height of the tank
ix) In case of Emergency Shutdown, care shall be taken so that back pressure is not developed in
the pipelines and pump head.
x) Sampling shall be carried out as per provisions of DGCA approved Quality Control Manual.
xi) Pipe Line transfer (PLT) from a pipeline shall not be taken simultaneously in more than one tank.
xii) In case product is required to be taken into more than one tank, tank should be switched over
after completion of operation in first tank, close all valves to the first tank, make line through for
the second tank as per procedure.
i) Whenever operations are not in progress, 100% closure of all the operating valves must be
ensured and they shall not be left in partial open condition.
ii) All electrical fittings shall be maintained to ensure its integrity and type of protection.
iii) The tank farm must be kept clean and free from vegetation.
iv) Tanks must be periodically checked for leakages / sweating and repairs must be immediately
carried out whenever scaling / pitting are observed. Ref OISD STD 129.
v) Proper earthing and bonding shall be maintained and ensured at all times for the tank body,
electrical continuity from shell to ladder for above ground tanks.
vi) Dyke drain valve shall be in closed condition and shall be operated only under supervision of an
authorised person and log book maintained.
vii) Isolation Valves on expansion line(s)/TSV vent line(s) shall be always kept open except under
requirement during location specific operations to take care thermal expansion.
viii) No gauging or sampling of tanks should be undertaken during thunder or hail storms.
ix) Flow velocity at tank inlet should not exceed 1 m/s until the inlet is completely submerged.
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For easy reference, permissible flow rates for initial filling are given below:
100 59
80 25.5
x) Safety shoes shall be worn by the operating staff in the operational area.
xi) Tank dip pipes shall be extending to tank bottom. If dip pipes are not provided, give a relaxation time
of 30 minutes before sampling/gauging.
xii) Synthetic fibre cord shall not be used for sampling, gauging etc. If the sampling, gauging, etc.,
equipment is a conductor, the cord must be conductive, e.g. a metal wire/chain. Proper bonding to be
provided in this case.
xiii) While cleaning the tanks, care should be taken to avoid generation of static electricity.
Cleaning of tanks by gas oil spray shall not be permitted.
• Cleaning of tanks by steaming shall not be permitted for Class A& B products.
Earthing and bonding connections shall be ensured during the entire operating process.
i. For piston engines methanol/water mixtures (MWM) are used and these may have 1% of
anti-corrosion oil added. The injection system may be used to compensate the power lost
when operating under high temperature and/or high altitude conditions where air densities
are very low or to obtain increased take off power under normal atmospheric conditions by
permitting high boost pressure for a short period.
ii. In the case of turbine engines, water alone or Methanol/Water mixtures are used, to restore
the take-off power or thrust lost when operating under low air density conditions. Use of a
corrosion inhibitor in thrust augmentation fluids used for these engines, is not permitted.
iii. The principal grades of Methanol Water Mixtures in use is MWM (45/55/0). In this grade 45
parts of PBM is mixed with 55 parts of de-ionized water and there is no corrosion inhibitor
which is denoted by ‘0’. This grade is used in the turbine engines in Aircraft like Avro,
Fokker Friendship, etc.
iv. Raw water has minerals in the form of metal salts. These minerals have to be removed from
water. This removal of minerals from water is achieved by Ion exchange process. The water
thus produced is de-ionized water. It may be either purchased from outside source; stock
transferred from another location or refinery or may be generated at the location itself.
v. Containers used for storage of De-ionized Water shall be of high density polythene (HDP) or
stainless steel and will be flushed clean before use.
vi. High density Polythene (HDP) pipes shall be used for transferring De-ionized Water from
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the storage licence number of the consignee and total quantity of PBM being dispatched in
xi. De-ionized Water used for blending of Methanol Water Mixture shall be as per the
requirements laid down in the QC Manual.
xii. Blending of Methanol Water Mixture is carried out in a blending unit kept in a ventilated area.
xiii. The blending unit has two identical containers which are provided with level indicators.
xiv. De-ionized
the requiredWater and PBM
proportion. Onlyshall be pumped
polythene pipesinto thestainless
and blendingsteel
unit through a hand
pipes shall pumpfor
be used in
suction of PBM and De-ionized Water.
xv. Both PBM and De-ionized Water are simultaneously allowed to mix in a blender, by
adjusting the valves in the blending unit. The Methanol Water Mixture is drawn out of the
unit and loaded into the MWM refuelling unit, through a funnel provided with 100 mesh
xvi. All the sampling procedures and tests required as per Quality Control Manual shall be
carried out.
xvii. In case where blending units are not available, blending may be carried out in the refuelling
unit itself. Refuelling of MWM is through a refuelling unit kept specifically for that purpose
and is refuelling in special tanks in the aircrafts. All precautions taken in normal refuelling is
done for MWM refuelling also.
Aircraft Refueller or Bowser – It will be designed and constructed as per Petroleum Rules,
Motor Vehicle Rules and othe statutory requirements. Each refueller shall comply with the
requirements of PESO licence, local RTO, local Weights & Measure etc.
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wired and sealed in the interlock operating position. The sealing wire shall be easy to break
in an emergency. Interlock status warning indicator light will indicate whenever an interlock
protected component is removed from its stowed position. An emergency override status
warning light which indicates whenever the override mechanism is moved from its normal
operating position shall be fitted in a prominent position in the cab.
j. Overwing (trigger) fuelling nozzles shall not have hold-open ratchets. Overwing fuelling
nozzles shall be grade marked and colour coded (black for Jet A-1). Nozzle spouts shall
k. not be paintedequipments
All refuelling or coated. Brake interlock
(hydrant to beand
servicers extended to the shall
Refuellers) overwing nozzle.
be fitted with pressure
control systems to protect aircraft from excessive flow and shock pressures (surge) which
can damage aircraft fuel systems. The pressure control equipment shall be of a type and
design which has undergone a formal approved test procedure. The minimum requirements
for pressure control equipment are as follows:
i) Maximum achievable pump/hydrant pressure below 3.5 bar (50 lbf/in2) : Not required.
ii) Maximum achievable pump/hydrant pressure 3.5 to 5.5 bar (50 to 80lbf/in2): Hose End
Pressure Control Valve required. In-line Pressure Control Valve required for vehicles with
maximum flow rates of 1000 litres/min or more per delivery hose.
iii)Maximum achievable pump/hydrant pressure above 5.5 bar (80lbf/in2): Hose End
Pressure Control Valve and In-line Pressure Control Valve required.
Other features:
I. Hose End (Primary) Pressure Control Valves are situated at the nozzle at the end
of the delivery hose. In-line (Secondary) Pressure Control Valves are situated on the
vehicle, in the inlet coupler (hydrant servicer). A second Hose End Pressure Control
Valve is acceptable in place of an In-line Pressure Control Valve, provided that the
maximum inlet pressure does not exceed 8 bar (115 lbf/in2).
IV. Emergency Engine and Fuel Stop Control: Externally mounted emergency
engine stop and fuel stop controls shall be provided and shall be clearly identified.
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l. Refueller Tank
i) All Refueller tanks shall be either constructed of mild steel internally coated with a light
coloured epoxy material (approved as being compatible with aviation fuels) or of aluminium
alloy or stainless steel. The tank shall be designed as a single compartment with baffles as
per PESO.
i. When the aircraft parking position is known, the refuelling equipment and crew shall proceed
to the fuelling area, for refueling the aircraft, when it arrives. The vehicle brakes should be
checked before approaching the aircraft. Strictly follow all the apron safety rules and
regulations specified by the local airport authority.
ii. Fuelling of aircrafts shall only be done outdoors and not less than 15 meters away from any
iii. Refuelling equipment shall be operated carefully on the periphery roads and apron and
speed shall not exceed the approved limits for the airport. If the speeds are not specified at
any airport, the following speeds maybe taken into consideration:
a. On the periphery roads : 30 kmph.
b. On the Apron : 15 kmph.
c. Approaching aircraft : 5 kmph.
iv. The use of a mobile phone whilst driving a fuelling vehicle is strictly prohibited. Calls shall
not be made or received whilst driving.
v. Vehicles shall not approach aircraft until the aircraft anti-collision lights have been switched
vi. The approach to an aircraft shall be such that in the event of the vehicle’s brake failure,
collision will be avoided.
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vii. The order of arrival of support equipment is generally prescribed by the airline, with the
stairs or aerobridge being positioned first. Refuelling equipment shall arrive strictly on time in
order to avoid congestion and the possibility of fuelling delays. This is particularly important
for large refuellers, which require a substantial area for manoeuvring.
viii. Wherever possible, refuelling equipment should be moved in a forward direction. If moving a
refuelling equipment in reverse is necessary in an emergency, guides (crewman/supervisor
or assistance from airline) shall be used.
e. the fuelling
Special point.
precautions shall be taken to ensure that vehicles used for underwing
fuelling have sufficiently low profile for this purpose.
x. If possible, avoid any part of vehicle being in line with aircraft engine exhaust ensuring that
deck hoses can hang freely and vertically (without sideways pressure) from the aircraft
xi. Due allowance should be made for settlement of the aircraft wing and other surfaces under
increased fuel load in positioning the fuelling vehicle. If possible, the engine of the fuelling
vehicle should not be positioned under the wing of the aircraft.
xii. Under normal circumstances the fuelling equipment shall be positioned to allow a clear
forward drive out in an emergency and to permit ready movement to another aircraft when
fuelling is complete.
xiii. When in position, the operator of the refueling equipment shall not leave the cab until the
parking brakes have been applied.
xiv. While raising the lift platform of a dispenser, care shall be taken to ensure that it does not
touch any part of the aircraft.
xv. Operating staff shall be wearing PPE like safety shoes, bump cap/helmet, high visibility
jacket, gloves and ear protection while refuelling.
xvi. Place the traffic cones in position for segregating the refuelling area
xvii. Carry soak mat ( spill containment kit) with vehicle.
Promptly after the dispenser has been positioned for the refuelling as detailed above, the
following operations shall be performed in sequence:
a) When the equipment has been positioned properly, the operator shall activate the
handbrakes and place chokes under front and rear tyres.
b) An earthing plate should be securely placed under the vehicle tyre.
c) Fire extinguisher to be unclamped or kept at panel side of the Refuelling Equipment at an
easily accessible position.
d) Unreel and securely connect the bonding reel wire to a designated point on the aircraft. If
no point is designated, select a point (preferably with the assistance of the aircraft operator)
which is bare metal but not to:
i) Any part of a wheel assembly (there may be no continuity to the rest of the aircraft);
ii) Any radio antenna;
iii) Any polished, sliding or stressed components such as under carriage details, flap
tracks or propellers. Suggested components suitable for bonding include the lip around
many fuelling panel access doors or other similar apertures. This should however be
done only after obtaining the clearance from the aircraft engineer.
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e) Connect delivery hoses to aircraft. Ensure that the bonding of the nozzle to the aircraft is
done before the nozzle is connected to aircraft adaptors. Open the nozzle valve. Ensure that
the opening lever handle is in the over centre position. Check that the connection to the
aircraft adaptor is secure by attempting to remove the nozzle with the nozzle handle in the
locked position.
f) Remove the hydrant pit cover and remove any dirt or water on adapter surface.
g) Attach lanyard to hydrant pit valve and extend lanyard towards the operating position and
clear of obstructions. Ensure that the pit valve is closed by activating the lanyard to close the
pit valve.
h) Connect intake hydrant coupler to pit valve. Do not actuate hydrant pit valve until fuelling
is to start. Place the traffic cones in position for segregating the area.
k) Note and record accurately all meter totalizer readings. Wait for airlines representative for
opening manual fuelling valve on aircraft, if provided.
m) QC Check to be performed on the line sample drawn from the outlet of the filter monitor
vessel or filter water sump. When an Airline representative advises that delivery can start,
open hydrant pit valve and actuate deadman control to start flow;
n) If so requested by the airline, after start of flow to aircraft; approximately 1000 litres will
ensure most dispensers have been flushed of fuel from the previous delivery before taking
the sample.
o) The showing of the sample and microdetector capsule check results to the airline
representative is desirable to facilitate the acknowledgment of acceptance of a water and
p) Hand holdfreeopen
delivery in the Aircraft
deadman control Delivery Receipt
throughout (ADR).
fuelling and maintain a clear view of the
dispenser control panel and aircraft fuelling points. Where deadman timers are installed, the
deadman should be actuated in frequency with the setting to avoid interruption to the
Note: All the Electrical deadman systems include a deadman override. This should be
preferably of the spring loaded, push button type. In case no spring return deadman override
switches are used the same need to be properly sealed in the inoperative position at all
times other than for emergency use. Whenever used during refueling, it should be
continuously attended by a refuelling operator/supervisor. Preferably, all deadman override
switches should be converted to push button type. Deadman override switch should be used
only for completing the ongoing refuelling and the deadman should be repaired before it is
taken for the next refueling.
a) During fuelling, occasionally check the vehicle, inlet and all delivery hoses for
leaks, aircraft fuel vents for overflow and monitor the dispenser gauges for operation
within limits, particularly the differential and fuelling sense pressures. Record the
Inlet pressure, Nozzle Pressure, differential pressure and the flow rate of the
refuelling when the differential pressure is noted. Be alert to and respond to
instructions from the airline representative, or to situations requiring emergency
action; If the fuelling sense (venturi) pressure is greater than the maximum indicated
on or adjacent to the aircraft gauge (limits for the same is 50 psi unless a lower limit
is prescribed for the aircraft)while fuel is flowing, the fuelling should be stopped
since the secondary pressure controller (the Pressure Control Valve) is apparently
no longer able to limit steady flow pressure to a level which is safe for the aircraft.
b) On completion of fuelling and after confirmation from airline representative, close
hydrant valve and accurately record meter totalizer readings and delivered quantity.
c) Disconnect nozzles and attach dust covers; retrieve hoses and securely stow
nozzles in holders. Do not remove ladder or lower lift platforms until airline
representative has completed his check of the adapters, etc. And has completed
panel work.
d) Before removing dispenser on the completion of the fueling, perform a final check
, including a complete “360 Degree” walk around the vehicle to ensure that the
aircraft fuel caps have been refitted, that the fuelling vehicle is properly
disconnected from the aircraft and that all equipments are stowed correctly. Ensure
that all hoses are properly stowed and that lift platform and rails are fully retracted.
Disconnect and retrieve bonding and grounding wires and ensure that no items are
left behind.
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l) During fuelling occasionally check the vehicle and delivery hoses for leaks, aircraft
fuel vent for overflow and monitor the fueller gauges for proper operation within
limits, particularly the differential and fuel sense (nozzle) pressures. Be alert and
respond to instruction from the airline representative or to situations requiring
emergency action; Adjust engine speed as required by delivery conditions;
m) On completion of fuelling and after confirmation from airline representative,
disengage pump and accurately record meter totalizer readings;
stowed and and retrieve
that bonding
no items and
are left grounding
behind. wires
Before and ensure
removing that all hoses
the refueller at the
completion of the fuelling, ensure, perform a final check, including a complete “360
degree” walk around the vehicle to ensure that aircraft fuel caps have been re-fitted,
that the fuelling vehicle is properly disconnected from the aircraft and that all
equipment is stowed correctly. Ensure that all hoses & ladder are properly stowed.
Disconnect and retrieve bonding and grounding wires and ensure that no items are
left behind
p) Drive refueller off moving in a forward direction; if reversing is necessary due to
congestion, the assistance of guide shall be obtained.
u) In case the brake interlocks or Deadman Override seal is broken in emergency
situation or any other defect/ abnormality is observed in equipment during refuelling
the information of same shall be recorded in Log Book.
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k) Check that overwing nozzles do not include ratchet lugs or other mechanical
devices to hold nozzle open. Overwing nozzles shall not be wedged open under any
m) Bond the overwing nozzle to the aircraft if this is possible before removing the fill
cap. Maintain bonding until the cap is replaced;
n) Adjust the fuelling rate to meet the aircraft operator’s specified conditions
provided the operator’s requirements do not conflict with the procedure in this
o) Have available a clean waterproof tarpaulin to cover nozzle and fill opening
during rains or thunder storms. Do not use a chamois leather or any other type of
strainer at the aircraft fill opening when fuelling jet aircraft. In wet or dusty
conditions, it may be necessary to block the gap between the nozzle and filler orifice
with a clean, lint-free cloth made from natural fibres;
p) Maintain close coordination with airline representative at fuelling panel gauges
a) No electrical connection between the fuelling vehicle and the hydrant pit. If lanyards are
attached to vehicle-mounted reels, the reels should be electrically isolated from the vehicle.
b) All new hydrant pit valves shall be as per EI1584 specifications. These must be compatible
with hydrant servicer intake couplings.
c) Hydrant
shall be lines should
cleaned preferably
by flushing be the
with internally epicoated.
product, Before
which the being
line will put into operation,
eventually carry, untilthey
traces of rust and other impurities completely disappear from samples drawn at delivery
d) Hydrant pit valves should have isolation valves.
e) All the hydrant systems shall be provided with equipment that allows the fuel flow to be shut
down quickly in an emergency. The preferred hardwired fixed system consists of Emergency
Stop Buttons which, when activated, shut down the hydrant pumps (and valves where the
pressure head results in continued fuel flow with pump shut down.)
f) Emergency Stop Buttons (ESBs)/Emergency Shut Down (ESD) shall be located close
(maximum 80 meters) to fuelling bays and should also be provided for high/low point valves.
They shall be clearly identified and easily accessible. High visibility identification signs,
emergency instructions should be mentioned such that they remain visible at all times.
g) All hydrant pit covers shall be tethered or permanently connected to pits to prevent them
from being picked up by jet blast.
h) All hydrant low point drains shall be clearly identified.
j) All hydrant pits, high and low points shall be numbered clearly.
k) Larger hydrants should be split into sections, which can be isolated for emergencies and
testing and repairs. Isolation should be by Gate Valve or double block and bleed valves
l) Colour Coding & Identification:
All colour coding shall be in line with Aviation Quality Control and Assurance Manual. All pipelines
leading to or from tanks, fittings such as valves/flanges, filters, strainers, delivery/discharge hoses,
etc. shall be properly colour coded to the grade of fuel to which they are dedicated.
Driving inside the airport needs certain discipline. The airport rules are to be followed at all times
and importance should be given to the local airport regulations. However, the following driving
rules may be taken as guidelines and followed if not contravening local airport regulations:
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e) The vehicle shall be halted before crossing any runway and the clearance from the ATC/
pilot vehicle is taken before cr ossing.
f) All road signs such as ‘STOP’,“NO PARKING” shall be observed.
g) A minimum distance of roughly one vehicle length shall be maintained from the vehicle
h) Necessary signals shall be given when turning left, right or stopping.
i) Double parking, or parking in the opposite lane of drive shall be avoided. Vehicles shall be
parked sufficiently away from any intersection, if required.
j) If required to park the vehicle adjacent to the runway. It will be parked parallel to the runway
at least 75 feet outside the runway boundary lights.
k) When approaching other vehicles or taxiing aircraft, the headlight beams shall be dipped.
l) Traffic lanes shall be followed as far away as possible from the parked aircraft.
m) Before the aircraft enters the parking ramp area, vehicles shall be parked in a position outside
the minimum space envelope as decided by the airline officials.
n) Vehicles shall be moved into position only after the aircraft has come to full stop and all engines/
propellers stopped.
o) Vehicles shall not be driven under the wings of an aircraft except with the permission of the
responsible representative of the airline concerned and/or airport manager.
i. When approac hing or leavi ng the aircr aft, the vehicl e shall be manoeuvred slowly
and carefully, taking care not to drive across lanes leading to passenger loading gates.
ii. The vehicle shall be positioned near the aircraft in a long sweeping single approach in
the forward direction, avoiding any manoeuvring.
r) At the sound of an emergency alarm, the moving vehicle shall be parked in a safe position,
except when responding to an emergency. The vehicle shall be moved out such that it is not in
the emergency area or in the path of the emergency equipment.
a. Maximum speeds while driving fuelling equipments on a normal dry surface shall be as
given below:
i) Peripheryroad:30km/hr
ii) Transiting ramp: 15km/hr
iii) Approaching aircraft: 5km/hr
I. Positioning of fuelling equipments around aircraft shall be resolved with the local airport and
airline authorities. The most suitable position is as near as possible to the fuelling points of
the aircraft. The unit shall be parked in such manner as to prevent any of the aircraft
surfaces from bearing on the fuelling unit. Fuelling staff shall ensure that clear path is
maintained to permit rapid removal of fuelling equipments in case of emergency.
II. After parking, the driver shall not leave the cabin until the Handbrake is on and in locked
position and the wheel chocks placed in position.
III. The front wheels are to be turned in a direction so as to permit the equipment to be driven
out away from the aircraft, without further guidance.
IV. The driver shall not leave the unit unattended, with the engine operating.
V. If the truck has to be left unattended on the ramp for work other than that associated
directly with fuelling, the driver shall:
a. Stop the engine.
b. Place hand brake in “ON” and “LOCKED” position.
c. Check brake air pressure.
d. Chock the tractor drive wheels with a wedge block to ensure absolute firmness.
a. “NO SMOKING” and “NO USE OF MOBILE PHONES” sign shall be prominently
b. Fuelling shall only be done outdoors and not less than 15m from any building.
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temperature range and the design characteristics of all items affecting pressure and flow,
a. tanks;
b. pumping sets;
f. shock alleviators;
corrosion protection meeting
of underground localsystems
pipeline or national standards
feeding fuel to should be installed to prevent the
When CS pipes are installed below ground they should be appropriately protected against
corrosion. The following are the preferred methods:
system.made during installation
The integrity should
of the external be protected
coating by an of
and wrapping appropriate proprietary
buried pipes should bewrapping
and any defects corrected before the trenches are backfilled; great care should be taken to
protect the wrapping during back filling.
Hydrant pits are positioned in the areas where aircraft are parked and they should embody
the features described in a) to e) below:
(b) Pits should be provided with suitable flush fitting covers sealing against rainwater. The
design of covers should be such that they can be safely lifted by one person. Materials used
for pit covers should not produce sparks when struck. Covers should be hinged to pits to
prevent them being carried away by jet blast or propeller vortex. Pit boxes, where riser pipes
enter, should be adequately sealed to prevent water entering from below and to prevent any
fuel from seeping into the ground. Where there is more than one system in an airport, covers
should be provided with a suitable plate to identify the name of the owner/operator and the
grade of fuel. If the pit box is fitted with a hinged lid, the lid should be so orientated that,
when open, it does not cause the lanyard to become snagged.
(c) High loadings can be imposed on hydrant pit boxes from aircraft wheels, tugs, other service
vehicles or from settlement or movement of adjacent aprons. To prevent transmission of
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these loadings to hydrant risers (to which the hydrant pit valve is fitted, each hydrant pit box
should be effectively isolated from its hydrant riser by means of a sealing arrangement that
can accommodate both lateral and vertical differential movement.
(d) Pits should be installed so that they project at least 25 mm (1 inch) above the apron level to
prevent the entry of surface water. Concrete surrounds should be ramped up at a gradient
0 0
between 3 and 5 to the top of pits.
(e) Isolating valve should be installed between the riser flange and the hydrant pit valve. (as per
API/EI 1584 3 Edition)
(a) Hydrant pit valves should be of the ‘quick release’ type designed to close at a controlled rate
so that during closure the build-up of shock pressure in the hydrant line is minimized.
(b) As a minimum, the pilot device controlling the operation of the valve should be fitted with a
manual means of opening and closing, the closing action being made possible by pulling on a
lanyard. However, an air-operated pilot device to be installed with the pit valves.
(c) The lanyard should always be of fire-resistant material of adequate strength to enable the
valve to be operated remotely should an emergency occur during the fuelling operation and
should preferably be red in colour.
(d) Where a dual closure device is provided, the air-operated pilot device should be fitted with a
lanyard. (as per latest API/EI 1584).
(e) A self-sealing male adaptor with tethered dust cap should be incorporated in the hydrant pit
valve outlet to which the female coupling of the hydrant inlet hose is attached. It should be so
designed that the hydrant hose can be connected or disconnected without spillage of fuel.
(f) Hydrant pit valves should be fitted API standard hydrant pit outlet adaptors. The hydrant pit
assembly arrangement should conform to API/EI 1584.
Because of the nature of aircraft fuelling operations and the distance between the pumps in the
airport fuel depot and the fuelling location, it is essential to have a safe system to shut down the
flow of fuel in an emergency. Details provided in Clause 8.10 (f). Hard wired systems have been
preferred but new technologies exist that do not require, hard wiring. Regardless of the system
used, it should be reliable.
a. Fire Water System -(storage / pumps / distribution piping network with hydrant / monitors)
b. Fixed Spray System
c. Foam System.
d. First Aid Fire Fighting Equipment.
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For AFSs storing less than & equal to 1000 KL aggregate product, the following fire protection
facilities shall be provided:
a) Facilities shall be designed on the basis that city fire water supply is not available close to the
b) The fire water pumps shall be provided with auto start facility with pressure drop in fire water
c) The fire water system shall be based on single contingency for locations where total storage
capacity is up to 30,000 KL. Wherever water replenishment @ 50% or more is available, the
storage capacity can be reduced to 3 hours aggregate rated capacity of main pumps.
d) The fire water system shall be provided based on two largest fire contingencies simultaneously
for locations where total storage capacity is above 30,000 KL.
Wherever water replenishment @ 50% or more is available, single fire contingency shall be
considered for Fire water storage.
e) The hazardous areas shall be protected by a well laid combination of hydrants & monitors. AFS
having aggregate above ground storage capacity of less than & equal to 1000 KL are exempted
f) ATF above ground Petroleum storage tanks (fixed roof) of diameter larger than 30 m shall be
provided with fixed water spray system.
g) Fixed foam system or Semi-fixed foam system shall be provided on all tanks (fixed roof)
exceeding 18 m diameter storing ATF (Class B).
h) AFS having above ground storage capacity more than 1000 KL constructed prior to publication
of 1 Edition of OISD-STD-117 in July’1989, where inter distances in a dyke and/or within dykes
are not conforming to the provisions of OISD-STD-118, proper mitigation measures shall be
taken to reduce enhance risk like the following:
(i) Arrangement of mutual aid scheme with the local airport operator/authority.
(ii) Arrangement with neighbouring agencies on sharing of fire fighting facilities.
9.2.3 Tank Truck (TT) / Refueller/ unloading facilities, Manifold area of product pump house and
Exchange pit shall be fully covered with alternate hydrant and UL/FM listed/approved variable flow
(pattern) water cum foam monitors having multipurpose combination nozzles for jet, spray & fog
arrangement and
application rate of located at a spacing
6.5 lpm/sq.m of 30
(in line with M on both
NFPA-11 sides
for spill fireofmore
than ensuring min to
1 inch deep) foam
target zone of the relevant facility.
i) The high volume long range ( HVLR) water cum foam monitors (Capacity 500/750/1000
GPM & above) to be prov ided as under:
(i) AFSs with above ground storage capacity more than 1000 KL and meeting the safety distance
norms as per this standard, minimum one no. trolley mounted mobile type water cum foam HVLR
monitor shall be placed for covering the above ground tank farms storing Class B products.
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(ii) For AFSs with above ground storage capacity more than 1000 KL and no t meeting the safety
distance norms as per this standard, HVLR monitors of fixed type shall be provided for tank farms.
Requirement of HVLR monitors shall be calculated for full surface fire scenario of the largest tank
@8.1 lpm/sq m.
(iii) Provision for connecting / hooking the portable monitor shall be made in the hydrant system
around the fixed roof tanks at various strategic points.
(iv) Well laid procedures and plans shall be made and put into use for use of mobile HVLRs to
combat emergencies without loss of much time.
(v) The location of HVLRs to be planned in such a way that the very purpose of these monitors is
served and throw of the monitors is safely delivered at the aimed object. These high volume long
range monitors shall be located at a minimum distance of 15m subject to:
a. Monitors shall be positioned in such a way that throw of monitors are safely directed to the
target tank under full surface fire without damaging tank shell, tank pad and other objects.
b. The throw is directed on the inner upper surface of the tank and not in the middle of the
tank to prevent splash over.
(vi) For determining the total foam solution requirement, potential foam loss from wind and other
factors shall be considered while designing.
(vii) Adequate foam drum/tank or reliable replenishment for foam induction system shall be provided
near the hook up points of mobile HVLRs with the hydrant system
9.3.1 General:
I. Even though all efforts are made to avoid fires from taking place, it is necessary to have
fire fighting equipment ready for use all times.
II. As stated earlier, to produce fire, three elements are necessary, namely, Fuel, Oxygen,
and Ignition. Elimination of any one of these three elements can stop a fire. All Fire
fighting methods are based on this principle.
III. Fires are classified depending on the nature of fuel and the means of extinction as
a. CLASS A: Fires involving solid materials such as wood, paper, cloth and natural fibres. Fire
temperature toused for the
below this ignition
type of fires
pointuse water
of the forthereby
fuel “Quenchinactivating
cooling”. This
the reduces the
ignition and
stopping the fire.
b. CLASS B: Fires involving liquids or liquefiable solids such as petroleum products, methanol,
oils, fats etc. Extinguishers used for this type of fire are based on the principle of “Blanket
Smothering” and use foam, vapourising liquids, carbon-dioxide and dry powder. This cuts off
oxygen from the fuel and puts off the fire.
c. CLASS C: Fires involving gases or liquefied gases such as butane, methane, propane etc.
Extinguishers for this type of fire are based on “Smothering” and use foam, dry chemical
d. CLASS D: Fires involving metals such as magnesium and aluminium where extinguishers
work by smothering and use dry powders only.
e. CLASS E: Fires due to live electrical equipment. The supply to the live electrical equipment
involved in the fire must first be isolated before tackling the fire.
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a) Location should carry out monthly mock fire drills to combat different fire situations that may occur
in the location. These Fire Drills should be conducted and recorded as per Monthly Fire Drill Report.
b) Six monthly mock fire drills (DCMP) shall be conducted involving the local neighbouring industries
and local statutory authorities. The outcomes of these drills shall act as learning tools for all the
personnel for effective fire fighting.
a) The most effective equipment to fight fires when they start is Fire Extinguishers. There are
different types of fire extinguishers in use at the AFSs given below:
Dry chemical powder (DCP) fire extinguisher: These are used in class B & C fires and fires
caused by electricity. It consists of a dry Chemical powder, usually sodium bicarbonate, and
a small cylinder of carbon dioxide under pressure, which acts as a propellant and discharges
the powder in the form of a fog. The chemical reaction of the powder, when applied on the
fire, smothers the fire. The effective range of discharge is 8 to 12 feet.
b) Carbon dioxide type fire extinguisher: These are used on class B & class C fires and also on
electrical and electronic equipment. They consist of a liquid carbon dioxide under pressure
which, when discharged, reduces the oxygen content to a point where combustion cannot
c) All extinguishers and fire fighting equipments shall be made clearly visible against a bright
red background, surrounded by bright yellow stripes. They should be located at easily
accessible places. All fire fighting equipments shall be regularly maintained and inspected.
i. All fire extinguishers shall conform to respective IS/UL or Equivalent codes, viz. 9/10Kg DCP
Type (IS:2171/UL299), 4.5/6,8 Kg CO2 Type (IS:2878/UL154) & 25/50/75Kg DCP Type
(IS:10658/UL299) and bear ISI/UL mark. BIS/UL or Equivalent certificates of all extinguishers shall
iii. The Dry Chemical Powder used in extinguisher and carbon dioxide gas used as expelling agent
shall be as per relevant IS/ UL or Equivalent code.
iv. While selecting the dry chemical powder, due consideration should be given to the typical
properties viz. Apparent Density (0.65+/-0.05), Fire Rating(144B),Thermal Gravimetric Analysis (with
decomposition at around 250 degree C ) and foam compatibility.
vi. Spare CO2 cartridges and DCP refills as required based on their shelf life should be maintained.
However, minimum 10% of the total charge in the extinguishers should be maintained at the
vii. Portable fire extinguishers shall be located at convenient locations and are readily accessible and
clearly visible at all times.
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viii. The sand buckets shall have round bottom with bottom handle having 9 liter water capacity
conforming to IS:2546. The sand stored in bucket shall be fine and free from oil, water or rubbish.
ix. Rain protection of suitable design should be provided for all extinguishers & sand buckets.
xi. The extinguisher shall be installed in such a way that its top surface is not more than 1.5m above
the floor/ground level.
1 Lube Godown 1no. 10Kg DCP extinguisher for every 200m or min.
2nos. in each Godown, whichever is higher.
2 Storage of Class A/B in packed 1no.10Kg DCP extinguisher for every 100m or min
Containers and stored in open/closed area 2Nos. in each shed, whichever is higher.
(Example- Downgraded ATF in drums or HSD
in drums for own use)
3 Pump House (Class A/B) UPTO 50HP 1No.10Kg DCP for 2 pumps.
Above 50 HP but below 100HP 1No.10Kg DCP for each pump.
Beyond 100HP 2nos. of 10Kg or 1no. 25Kg DCP for each Pump.
4 Tank Truck loading & Unloading 1No.10KgDCP extinguisher for each bay plus 1no
Gantry for Class A/B products .75Kg DCP extinguisher for each Gantry.
5 Aboveground Tank Farm 2nos. 10Kg DCP extinguisher for each tank plus
4nos. 25kg DCP extinguishers for each Tank Farm
positioned at four corners. In case of adjoining tank
farms, the no. of 25Kg extinguishers may be reduced
by 2nos. Per tank farm.
6 U/G & semi-buried Tank Farm 2nos. 10Kg DCP extinguisher for each Tank Farm
7 Other Pump Houses (fire pump house or water 1no. 10Kg DCP extinguisher for every two pumps or
pumps) min 2nos. 10Kg DCP extinguisher for each pump
House whichever is higher.
8 Admn. Building/ Store House 1no. 10Kg DCP extinguisher for every 200m or min.
2nos. 10Kg DCP extinguishers for each floor of
building/store whichever is higher.
9 DG Room 2nos. each 10Kg DCP & 4.5Kg CO2 extinguishers
for each DG Room.
10 Main Switch Room/PMCC/Sub-station 1no. 4.5Kg CO2 extinguisher for every 25m plus 1
no. 9 litre sand bucket.
12 SCADA/Server/Computer room/Cabin 2nos. of 2Kg CO2 or 2nos. of 2.5 Kg clean agent
extinguisher per computer room and 1 No. 2Kg CO2 or
1No.1.0 Kg clean agent extinguisher per cabin.
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Minimum fire accessories to be provided in a location without fire hydrant system areas follows:
Sand drum with scoop :4 Nos.
Safety helmet :1 No. per person.
Stretcher with blanket :2 Nos.
First Aid box :1 No.
Rubber hand gloves :2 Pairs.
Explosimeter :1 No.
Fire proximity suit :1 Suit.
Resuscitator :1 No.
Electrical siren (3Km range) :1 No.
Hand operated siren :One
Waterjel blanket :1 No.
Red & Green flag-fire drill :2 Nos. in each colour.
Self Carrying Breathing Apparatus Set (30minutecapacity): 1 set with spare cylinder.
The common water storage facility for fire fighting purpose may be shared between AFS, POL
terminal/depot under following conditions:
a) AFS located within POL/LPG/RETAIL OULETS facility shall meet the design, layout & fire
protection system requirements of combined facilities corresponding to the stringent OISD standards
and have common boundary wall and ownership of both the facilities under same company. The fire
water requirement shall be based on two fire contingencies simultaneously in the combined facility
for above ground tanks aggregated storage capacity more than 1000 KL and fire water storage
capacity shall be fixed accordingly. The responsibility of maintenance of these tanks and maintaining
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the water level in the storage tank at all the time shall rest with occupier of POL/LPG/Retail Outlet
with whom AFS will be located facility.
b) For AFSs located adjacent to an existing LPG bottling plant, POL terminal/depot or retail outlet,
separate licence to be obtained for such AFS. Requirement of fire-fighting facilities, safety
distances shall be guided as per details given in this standard. The common water storage facility
for fire fighting purpose may be shared between AFS and LPG bottling plant.
c) The pump house may be common / separate. In case common pump house is provided the control
of the pump house shall remain with POL/LPG group.
11. FIRE WATER SYSTEM DESIGN (applicable for AFSs with aggregate capacity of more than
1000 KL in above grou nd tanks ):
Water is used for fire extinguishments, fire control, and exposure protection of equipment, foam
application and personnel from heat radiation.
Header Pressure: Fire water system shall be designed for a minimum residual pressure of 7 kg/cm
at hydraulically remotest point in the AFS considering the design flow rate.
a) A fire water ring main shall be provided all around perimeter of the location facilities with
hydrants/monitors spaced at intervals not exceeding 30 M when measured aerially. Fire hydrants
and monitors shall not be installed within 15 Meters from the facilities/ equipment to be protected.
b) The AFS shall have facilities for receiving and diverting all the water coming to the installation to fire
water storage tanks in case of an emergency.
The fire water system shall be provided based on single largest fire contingency for all locations
where total tankage in the AFS with total above ground tankage more than 1000 KL upto 30,000
KL. The fire water system shall be provided based on two largest fire contingencies
simultaneously for all locations where total tankage in the AFS is more than 30,000 KL.
a) Fire water flow rate for a tank farm shall be aggregate of the follo wing :-
i. For water flow calculations, all tanks farms having class B petroleum storage (above ground)
more than 1000 KL capacity, shall be considered irrespective of diameter of tanks and
whether fixed water spray system is provided or not.
ii. Water flow calculated for cooling a tank on fire at a rate of 3 lpm/sqm of tank shell area.
iii. Water flow calculated for exposure protection for all other tanks falling within a radius of (R
+30) m from centre of the tank on fire (R-Radius of tank on fire) and situated in the same
dyke at a rate of 3 lpm/m² of tank shell area.
iv. Water flow calculated for exposure protection for all other tanks falling outside a radius of
(R+30) m from centre of the tank on fire and situated in the same dyke at a rate of 1 lpm/m2
of tank shell area.
v. Water flow required for applying foam on a single largest tank by way of fixed foam system,
where provided, or by use of water/foam monitors whichever is higher.
vi. (Foam solution applicable rate for cone roof tanks shall be taken as 5 lpm/sqm).
vii. Various combinations shall be considered in the tank farm for arriving at different fire water
flow rate and the largest rate to be considered for design.
Design flow rate shall be based on the combination of the above.
b) Supplementary water: Fire water flow rate for supplementary streams shall be based on using 4
single hydrant outlets simultaneously. Capacity of each hydrant outlet as 36 kl/hr shall be
considered at a pressure of 7 kg/cm2
The supplementary water stream requirement shall be in addition to the design flow rates.
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a) Water for the fire fighting shall be stored in easily accessible surface or underground or above
ground tanks of steel, concrete or masonry.
b) The effective capacity of the reservoir/tank above the level of suction point shall be minimum 4
hours aggregate rated capacity of pumps.
c) Fresh water should be used for fire fighting purposes. In case sea water or treated effluent water
is used for fire fighting purposes, the material of the pipe selected shall be suitable for the
d) Storage reservoir
cleaning and (RCC)
repairs. shall
In case be intanks
of steel two there
be minimum compartments to the
two tanks and all facilitate
shall be of equal height/depth to prevent any migration/overflow due to difference in
height/depth. During maintenance of water tanks, availability of at least 50% of the water
capacity shall be ensured.
e) Large natural reservoirs having water capacity exceeding 10 times the aggregate fire water
requirement can be left unlined.
f) In case existing land area is insufficient to have additional water tanks as per requirement, water
replenishment rate from the local airport operator/AAI may be added to existing water storage
capacity to fulfil the net requirement.
a) Fire water pumps having flooded suction shall be installed to meet the design fire water flow rate
and head.
capacity If fire
shall water is for
be provided stored in underground
flooded tanks, an for
suction and accounting overhead water
leakages tank
in the of sufficient
network, if any.
Pumps shall be provided with suitable sized strainers on suction and NRVs on discharge lines.
b) The pumps shall be capable of discharging 150% of its rated discharge at a minimum of 65% of
the rated head. The Shut-off head shall not exceed 120% of rated head for horizontal centrifugal
pumps and 140% for vertical turbine pump.
c) At least one standby fire water pump shall be provided up to 2 nos. of main pumps. For main
pumps 3 nos. and above, minimum 2 nos. standby pumps of the same type, capacity & head as
the main pumps shall be provided. Fire water pumps shall be of equal capacity and head.
d) The fire water pump(s) including the standby pump(s) shall be of diesel engine driven type.
Where electric supply is reliable, 50% of the pumps can be electric driven. The diesel engines
shall be quick starting type with the help of push buttons located on or near the pumps or
located at a remote location. Each engine shall have an independent fuel tank adequately sized
for 6 hours continuous running of the pump. Fuel tank should be installed outside of fire pump
house. If tanks are located inside the pump house, the vent shall have provision for venting
outside the pump house.
e) Fire water pumps & storage shall be located far away from the potential leak sources / tankage
are and shall be at least 30 M (minimum) away from equipment or where hydrocarbons are
handled or stored.
f) Fire water pumps shall be exclusively used for fire fighting purpose only.
g) Suction and discharge valves of fire water pumps shall be kept full open all the times.
h) Jockey pump shall be provided for keeping the hydrant system /line pressurized at all times. The
capacity of the pump shall be sufficient to maintain system pressure in the event of leakages
from valves etc. Capacity of the jockey pump shall be 3% min. and 5 % max of the designed fire
water rate. Besides the main jockey pump the stand by pump of same capacity and type shall be
i) Auto cut-in / cut-off facility should be provided for jockey pumps to maintain the line pressure.
j) The fire water pumps shall be provided with auto start facility which shall function with pressure
drop in hydrant line and specified logic even if initial pump does not start or having started, fails
to build up the required pressure in the fire water ring main system the next pump shall start and
so on.
a) Looping: The fire water network shall be laid in closed loops as far as possible to ensure multi-
directional flow in the system. Isolation valves shall be provided in the network to enable
isolation of any section of the network without affecting the flow in the rest. The isolation valves
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shall be located normally near the loop junctions. Additional valves shall be provided in the
segments where the length of the segment exceeds 300 M.
b) Fire hydrant ring main shall be laid above ground ensuring that:
i) Pipe line shall be laid at a height of 300 mm to 400mm above finished ground level.
ii) The pipe support shall have only point contact. The mains shall be supported at regular
a. For pipeline size less than 150 mm, support interval shall not exceed 3 mtrs.
b. Pipe line size 150mm and above support interval shall not exceed 6 meters or
design approved.
iii) The system for above ground portion shall be analysed for flexibility against thermal
expansion and necessary expansion loops where called for shall be provided.
c) Fire hydrant ring main may be laid underground at the following places:
i) At road crossings.
ii) Places where above ground piping is likely to cause obstruction to operation and vehicle
iii) Places where above ground piping is likely to get damaged mechanically.
iv) Where Frost conditions warrant and ambient temperature is likely to fall below zero deg.
Centigrade underground piping at least 1 meter below the ground level should be provided.
Alternatively, in such cases for above ground pipelines, water circulation to be carried out.
d) Fire water ring main laid underground shall ensure the followings:
i) Pipes made of composite material shall be laid underground
ii) The Ring main shall have at least one meter earth cushion in open ground, 1.5 m cushion
under the road crossings and in case of crane movement area pipeline shall be protected
with concrete/steel encasement as per design requirement and in case of rail crossing,
provisions stipulated by Indian Railways shall be complied.
iii) The Ring main shall be suitably protected against soil corrosion by suitable coating/wrapping
with or without cathodic protection.
iv) In case of poor soil conditions it may be necessary to provide concrete/ masonry supports
under the pipe line.
e) Size of hydrant pipeline
i) The hydraulic analysis of network shall be done at the design time. Also whenever fire
water demand increases due to addition of facilities or extensive extension of network,
fresh hydraulic analysis shall be carried out.
ii) The velocity of water shall not exceed 5 meter per second in fire water ring main.
iii) Fire water ring main shall be sized for 120% of the design water flow rate. Design flow
rates shall be distributed at nodal points to give the most realistic way of water
requirements in an emergency. It may be necessary to assume several combinations of
flow requirement for design of network.
iv) The stand post for hydrants and monitors shall be sized to meet the respective design
water flow rates.
i) Fire water mains shall not pass through buildings or dyke areas. In case of
underground mains the isolation valves shall be located in RCC/brick masonry
chamber of suitable size to facilitate operation during emergency & maintenance.
ii) Associated Sprinkler/foam riser/branch connections meant for storage tanks if
applicable shall be taken directly to the outside of tank dyke and shall not pass through
fire wall of any adjacent tanks.
iii) The riser connections shall be taken directly from the mains and provided with separate
isolation valve outside of dyke. Suitable strainer shall be provided on sprinkler branch
connection and shall be located outside of dyke.
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a) Hydrants/ monitors shall be located considering various fire scenario at different sections of
the premises to be protected and to give most effective service.
b) At least one hydrant post shall be provided at every 30 mtrs of external wall measurement
or perimeter of battery limit in case of high hazard areas. For non-hazardous area, they
shall be spaced at 45 mtrs. intervals. The horizontal range & coverage of hydrants with
hose connections shall not be considered beyond 45 mtrs.
c) Hydrants shall be located at a minimum distance of 15 mtrs from the periphery of storage
tank or equipment under protection. In case of buildings this distance shall not be less than
2 mtrs. and not more than 15 mtrs. from the face of building.
d) Provision of hydrants within the building shall be provided in accordance with IS: 3844.
e) Hydrant/Monitors shall be located along road side berms for easy accessibility.
f) Fixed water/water cum foam monitors on the network shall be provided with independent
isolation valves and Double headed hydrants with two separate landing valves.
Hydrants/Monitors shall be located with branch connection.
g) Double headed hydrants and monitors on suitably sized stand post shall be used. All
hydrant outlets/monitor isolation valves shall be situated at workable height of 1.2 meter
above ground or hydrant/monitor operating platform level.
h) Monitors shall be located to direct water on the object as well as to provide water shield to
firemen approaching a fire. The requirement of monitors shall be established based on
hazards involved and layout considerations.
i) Hydrants and monitors shall not be installed inside the dyked areas. However, as an
additional requirement, oscillating monitors shall be provided in inaccessible area within the
dyke with isolation valve outside the tank farm (In cases inter distances between tanks in a
dyke and/or within dykes are not meeting the requirements).
j) TT/Refueller loading & unloading facilities shall be provided with alternate hydrant / water
cum foam monitor of suitable capacity and size to ensure adequate coverage and located
at a spacing of 30 M on both sides of the gantry.
k) The hydrants & monitors shall be located at a minimum distance of 15 M from the hazard
(e.g.TT loading/unloading facilities) to be protected.
The materials used in fire water system shall be of approved type as indicated below:-
a) Pipes: Carbon Steel as per IS: 3589/IS: 1239/IS: 1978 or Composite Material or its equivalent
for fresh water service. In case saline, blackish or treated effluent water is used, the fire water
ring main of steel pipes, internally cement mortar lines or glass reinforced epoxy coated or pipes
made of material suitable for the quality of water able to withstand the temperature and pressure
shall be used. Alternately, pipes made of composite materials shall be used. The composite
material to be used may be as per API 15LR/API 15HR / IS12709. In case composite pipes are
used they shall be used underground.
b) Isolation Valves: Gate valve or quick shut off type isolation valves made of Cast Steel having
open/close indication shall be used. Other materials such as cupro-nickel for saline/blackish
water can be used. The material of the valve shall be suitable for the service.
c) Hydrants post:
Stand post - Carbon Steel
Outlet valves - Gunmetal/ Aluminum/ Stainless/ Steel/Al-Zn Alloy
d) Monitor s / High Velocity Lon g Range Water Cum Foam Monitors (HVLR):
Approved / listed by international certifying agencies like UL, FM, VdS or LPC.
The electrical or hydraulic remote control mechanism shall be in line with Hazardous Area
e) Fire Hoses:
Reinforced Rubber Lined Hose as per IS 636 (Type A) /Non-percolating Synthetic Hose (Type
B)/UL or Equivalent Standard.
f) Painting:
a. Fire water mains, hydrant & monitor stand posts, risers of water spray system shall be
painted with “Fire Red” paint as per of IS: 5.
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b. Hose boxes, water monitors and hydrant outlets shall be painted with “Luminous Yellow”
paint as per IS: 5.
c. Corrosion resistant paint shall be used in corrosion prone areas.
a) Fixed water spray system is a fixed pipe system connected to a reliable source of water supply
and equipped
surface of areawith water
to be spray nozzles
protected. for specific
The piping system iswater discharge
connected andhydrant
to the distribution over
system the
supply through an automatically or manually actuated valve which initiates the flow of water. In
case the system is manually actuated, the isolation valve shall be located outside the dyke for
ease of access & operation.
b) Spray nozzles shall be directed radially to the tank at a distance not exceeding 0.6 M from the
tank surface.
c) For Tank Truck/refueller loading gantries specifically for those cases which have obstructions in
water throw, sprinklers should be provided.
Fire fighting foam is a homogeneous mass of tiny air or gas filled bubble of low specific Gravity,
which when applied in correct manner and in sufficient quantity, forms a compact fluid and stable
air from which is capable
reaching of floating on the surface of flammable liquids and preventing atmospheric
the liquid.
Foams are classified by producing action of generation and expansion. Foam concentrate to be
used shall conform to IS: 4989 2006/UL-162 or Equivalent Standard
It is produced by mechanically mixing a gas or air to a solution of foam compound (concentrate) in
water. Various types of foam concentrates are used for generating foam, depending on the
requirement and suitability. Each concentrate has its own advantage and limitations. The brief
description of foam concentrates is given below.
Foam expansion ratio vary from 51:1 to 500:1 as typically produced by self aspirating foam branch
pipes with nets. This foam has limited use in controlling hydrocarbon liquid fire because of it's
limitations w. r. t. poor cooling, poor resistant to hot surface/radiant heat, etc.
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heat, etc. It is used for protection of hydrocarbon gases stored under cryogenic conditions and for
warehouse protection.
This is similar to protein base foam with fluro-chemical which makes it more effective than protein
base foam.
The concentrate forms a thick foam blanket and is suitable for hydrocarbon liquid fires, but not on
water miscible liquids. The foam is very effective on deep pools of low flash point fuels which have
had lengthy pre burn time.
foam. is available for induction rate of 3 to 6% and the shelf life is similar to that of protein
The foam concentrate mainly consists of fluoro carbon surfactants, foaming agent and stabilizer.
This can be used with fresh water as well as with sea water.
It produces very fluid foam, which flows freely on liquid surface. The aqueous film produced
suppresses the liquid vapour quickly. The foam has quick fire knock down property and is suitable
for liquid hydrocarbon fires. As the foam has poor drainage rate, the effectiveness is limited on deep
pool fires of low flash point fuels which have lengthy pre burn time.
The concentrate is available for induction rate of 1 to 6% and the shelf life is more than 10 years.
This can also be used with non aspirating type nozzles.
Multipurpose AFFF concentrate is synthetic, foaming liquid designed especially for fire protection of
water soluble solvents and water insoluble hydrocarbon liquids. This can be used either with fresh
water or sea water.
When applied it forms foam with a cohesive polymeric layer on liquid surface, which suppresses the
vapour and extinguishes the fire. The foam is also suitable for deep pool fires because of superior
drainage rate and more resistive to hot fuels/radiant heat.
The 3% induction rate is suitable for liquid hydrocarbon fires and 5% for water miscible solvents. The
shelf life of concentrate is not less than 10 years. This can also be used with non aspirating type
FFFPF combines the rapid fire knock down quality of conventional film forming AFFF with the high
level of post fire security and burn back resistance of flouro-protein foam. The concentrate can either
be used with fresh water or sea water. The foam is suitable for hydrocarbon liquid fires including
deep pool fires of low flash point fuels which have had lengthy pre burn time.
The concentrate is available for induction rate of 3 to 6% and the shelf life is 5 years. This can also
be used with non aspirating type nozzles.
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To be stored for AFSs storing PBM (Power Boost Methanol) required for preparation of Water
Methanol Mixture. The product is as per standard UL-162, Govt. of India specs IS: 4989 Part 4.
Synthetic foam concentrate is used with suitable devices to produce medium and high expansion
foams. This can be used on hydrocarbon fuels with low boiling point. The foam is very light in weight
and gives
break downpoor cooling
by hot fuel effect
layersin comparison
and to low expansion foams. The foam is susceptible to easy
radiant heat.
The induction rate in water should vary from 1.5 to 3%. Many of the low expansion foam concentrate
can also be used with suitable devices to produce medium / high expansion foam.
For combating large hydrocarbon fires particularly in a contained area like storage tank, foam has
proved useful for its inherent blanketing ability, heat resistance and security against burn back.
Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF) compound is technically superior and compatible with other fire
fighting agents.
Efficient and effective foam delivery system is a vital tool for its usefulness in controlling the fire.
The process of adding or injecting the foam concentrate to water is called proportioning. The mixture
of water and foam compound (foam solution) is then mixed with air in a foam maker for onward
transmission to burning surface.
The system consists of an adequate water supply, supply of foam concentrate, suitable
proportioning equipment, a proper piping system, foam makers and discharge devices designed to
adequately distribute the foam over the hazard.
Conventional systems are of the open outlet type, in which foam discharges from all foam outlets at
the same time, covering the entire hazard within the confines of the system. There are three types of
i. Fixed
ii. Semi-Fixed
iii. Mobile
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Foam conveying system shall have a vapour seal chamber before the foam discharge outlet.
Features of the foam system for fixed roof protection shall be as follows:
i) System shall be designed to create foam blanket on the burning surface in a reasonably
short period.
ii) Foam shall be applied to the burning hazard continuously at a rate high enough to overcome
iii) the
Thedestructive effects
vapour seal of radiant
chamber heat.
shall be provided with an effective and durable seal, fragile under
low pressure, to prevent entrance of vapour into the foam conveying piping system.
iv) Where two or more pourers are required these shall be equally spaced at the periphery of
the tank and each discharge outlet shall be sized to deliver foam at approximately the same
rate. Tanks should be provided with foam discharge outlets/pourers as indicated below :-
Portable monitors/foam hose streams shall be provided for fighting fires in dyked area and spills.
For Class B above ground tanks mor e than 1000 KL aggregate capacity:
Two nos. portable foam generator for each location.
The minimum delivery rate for primary protection based on the assumption that all the foam reaches
the area being protected shall be as indicated below :-
For cone roof tanks containing liquid hydrocarbons, the foam solution delivery rate shall be at least 5
lpm/ sqm of liquid surface area of the tank to be protected.
In determining total solution flow requirements, potential foam losses from wind and other factors
shall be considered.
The equipment shall be capable of providing primary protection at the specified delivery rates for the
following minimum duration.
i) Tanks (fixed roof) containing Class 'B' -65 minutes.
ii) Where the system's primary purpose is for spill fire protection such as dyked area and non
dyked area (TT/refueller etc) - 30 minutes.
Water quantity required for making foam solution depends on the percent concentration of foam
Compound. Foams in normal use have a 3% to 6% proportioning ratio. However, foam supplier data
shall be used for determining water requirement.
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i) Foam solution application at the rate of 5 lpm/ sqm for the liquid surface of the single largest
cone roof tank.
2. For locations aggregate capacity more than 30,000 kl (Double contingency). (Assume, two cone
roof tank farm are the two largest simultaneous fire risk in a double contingency Installation for
the purpose of foam requirement).
i) Foam solution application at the rate of 5 lpm/ sqm for the liquid surface of the single largest
cone roof tank.
ii) Two hose streams of foam each with a capacity of 1140 lpm of foam solution.
The aggregate quantity of foam solution should be largest of D1(i) & D2(i+ii) whichever is
be usedcompound should be
can be protein, stored as explained
fluro-protein or AFFF. in IS-4989:2006/UL-162.
Alcohol Resistant Foam Type
shall of
usedcompound to
for handling
methanol/ ethanol or furfural fires. Minimum 1000 litres of Alcohol Resistant Foam compound shall
be maintained at the installation to handle methanol.
Shelf life of foam compound shall be taken from manufacturer’s data. Foam compound shall be
tested periodically as per OEM guidelines to ensure its quality and the deteriorated quantity
replaced. The deteriorated foam compound can be used for fire training purposes.
Care shall be taken to avoid mixture of two/more different grades/batches of foam in a foam storage
tank. In such cases foam shall be tested on yearly basis to check its efficacy and record maintained.
For details of type of tests & their periodicity, refer IS 4989: 2006/UL-162 or Equivalent Standard.
Quantity of foam compound equal to 100% of requirement as calculated above, should be stored in
an AFS.
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11.5. Emergency shut Down (ESD)/Emergency Shutdown Button (ESB) logic for Automation
The ESD/ESB for automated locations shall be provided in SCADA room as well as at various
strategic locations. ESD/ESB system shall be only through push buttons with wired connection.
1. Trip all the panels other than Emergency panel. The Emergency panel should host Siren, Bore
wells, critical High Mast tower lights outside the licensed area, security cabin, critical lights in
unloading/Refueller loading area, Admin block, MCC room and power to the control
room/Automation system.
2. There should be interlock between ESD for operations shut down and ESD for Power shut down
so that full power shut down takes after a time lag required for closing the MOVs and full closure
of valves shall be ensured. The time lag shall be location specific.
At pipe line locations alarm signal shall be exchanged between the two control rooms so that
necessary actions are taken by the operating personnel at both ends.
The system shall be checked during each fire drill conducted with full system shut down and records
shall be maintained.
A well- defined comprehensive Onsite Emergency Plan as per OISDGDN- 168 shall be drawn.
i) Training on safety, fire fighting and rescue operation shall be compulsory for all officers,
operators, security, T/T drivers & contract workmen, clericals who are likely to be
present/working in the installation& record maintained. The above training shall be imparted
before induction.
Each employee shall undergo a refresher course once in every three years after initial training.
ii) The training shall be conducted through an expert agency such as Fire Brigade/recognized
training institute/in-house experts/Oil industry approved reputed agency. The training also
include usage of personnel protective equipments.
iii) All operating personnel shall be given training on Live Fire training representing fire scenarios
likely to occur at AFS installations.
iv) Every employee or authorized person of contractor working in the AFS shall be familiarized with
fire siren codes and the location of fire siren operating switch nearest to his place of work.
v) Instructions on the action to be taken in the event of fire should be pasted at each siren point
and familiarity with these instructions ensured and recorded.
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v) The testing of standby jockey pump, if provided shall be checked weekly. Frequent starts &
stops of the pump indicate that there are water leaks in the system which should be attended to
i) The ring main shall be checked for leaks once in a year by operating one or more pumps &
keeping the hydrant points closed to get the maximum pressure.
ii) The ring mains, hydrant, monitor & water spray header valves shall be visually inspected for any
missing accessories, defects, damage and corrosion every month and records maintained.
iii) All valves on the ring mains, hydrants, monitors & water spray headers shall be checked for
leaks, smooth operation and lubricated once in a month.
Foam system on storage tanks should be tested once in six months. This shall include the testing
of foam maker/chamber. The foam maker/chamber should be designed suitably to facilitate
discharge of foam outside the cone roof tank. After testing the foam system, piping should be
flushed with water.
Fire hoses shall be hydraulically tested once in six months to a water pressure as specified in
relevant IS/UL/Equivalent codes.
Electric and hand operated fire sirens should be tested for their maximum audible range once a
i) Above ground fire water tanks should be inspected externally & internally as per OISD-STD-129.
ii) The water reservoir shall be emptied out & cleaned once in 3 years. However, floating leaves,
material or algae, if any shall be removed once in 6 months or as & when required.
Inspection, testing frequency and procedure should be in line with OISDSTD- 142.
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Where there is cluster of AFSs of different companies, provision of jointly owned common fire
fighting facility may be considered. The cluster of AFSs should be treated as single entity for the
purpose of designing fire fighting facility, considering one of the following two categories as the case
may be:
12.1 GENERAL :
This section covers the maintenance and inspection practices to be followed to ensure safe and
trouble free operation of various equipment.
Personnel protective equipment such as safety shoe, hand gloves, apron, safety goggles, safety
belt, helmet, ear muff, , bump caps, fluorescent jackets, self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA),
resuscitator etc. as applicable shall be worn while carrying out maintenance. Such equipments shall
be checked periodically and maintained for ready use in normal and emergency situations.
For details refer OISD STD-155.
Cold Work: An activity which does not produce sufficient heat to ignite a flammable air-hydro
carbon mixture or a flammable substance.
Hot Work: An activity that can produce a spark or flame or other source of ignition having sufficient
energy to cause ignition, where the potential for flammable vapours, gases, or dust exists.
Based on the nature of work to be performed, the following minimum type of work permits shall be
All Maintenance/ Inspection jobs shall be carried out in line with OISD Standard; OISD-STD-105 on
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Petroleum products and water are stored in tanks in AFSs. Storage tanks of various types and sizes
are used. The failure of any part of a tank is not desirable.
Timely inspection and preventive maintenance of these storage tanks assume high importance.
Accordingly, the inspection schedules of storage tanks are to be prepared and implemented.
This standard covers the minimum inspection requirements for atmospheric and low-pressure
storage tanks constructed as per standards IS-803, API-STD- 650, IS 10987 or equivalent. The
various types of storage tank inspections along with types of repairs and areas of inspections have
been covered in this standard.
Safety in AFSs comes through continuous efforts at all stages and as such it can be ensured by
observing that plant and equipment are designed, constructed, tested and maintained as per
Engineering Standards and subsequent modifications and repairs are conforming to the same
This standard covers minimum inspection requirements for plant piping and off-site piping
constructed as per Standard ANSI B-31.4 or equivalent. Areas to be inspected, facilities needed for
inspection, frequency of inspection, likely causes of deterioration of pipelines in service and
inspection of pipe fittings and repairs have been specified. Also included briefly are the inspection
and testing requirements for the new pipelines during fabrication and prior to commissioning.
Type of Inspection
1. Visual Inspection :
Shall covers all the 10 parameters as given in OISD-130, Clause 8.1.1, (viz. Leaks, Misalignment,
Supports, Vibration, External Corrosion, Bulging, Bowing & Sagging, Mechanical Damage, Paint /
coating failure, Cracks, particularly near weld joints and Insulation damage
Shall be carried out to ascertain the remaining wall thickness of piping. Minimum readings to be taken
are to be guided by OISD-130, Clause 8.1.2.
3. Radiographic Inspection:
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Critical spots which cannot be inspected by Ultrasonic testing (UT) shall be radiographed in line with
OISD-130, Clause 8.1.3.
b. Comprehensive testin g
II. In addition, following one or, more of the tests given hereunder shall also be carried out.
1. Other NDT Tests
These shall be conducted only if necessitated after external checks and thru’ a competent
2. Pressure test
Pressure test for all pipelines in operation shall be carried out with ATF at as per the code to which
the same is designed.
Loading unloading hoses shall be inspected & tested at maximum interval of 6 months as detailed in
OISD-STD-135 on "Inspection of Loading and Unloading Hoses for petroleum products" and records
maintained thereof.
Strainers & filters shall be inspected and cleaned as per following frequency, unless it warrants
earlier inspection:
Safety Relief valves shall be tested once in a year. Further an on-stream visual inspection should be
carried out at least once in every 6 months to check the following:
i) PUMPS :
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For maintenance of Diesel Engines Original Equipment manufacturer guidelines and OISD-STD-
127 shall be followed.
6 months.gauges shall be checked daily for its proper functioning and shall be calibrated once in
Calibration of the flowmeters shall be carried out in line with requirement of Department of Legal
Fire fighting equipment shall be inspected and tested as per OISD-STD-142 and record
Proper functioning of electrical equipment can only be ensured by means of periodic preventive
and predictive maintenance of the equipment. This enhances equipment life and also ensures
safety of the equipment, installation and operating personnel.
Maintenance shall be daily, weekly, quarterly or annual depending upon the type of equipment.
Adequate logs shall be maintained to ensure that maintenance is carried out as per approved
checklists. Preventive maintenance shall be carried out as per schedules laid down in OISD-STD-
Special emphasis shall be laid on the maintenance of equipment installed in hazardous areas.
All electric apparatus and wiring in a hazardous area shall at all times be so maintained as to
retain the characteristic on which their approval has been granted.
Precautions to be taken for repairs and testing of f lameproof equipment shall be as below:
i. No Flame proof or intrinsically safe apparatus shall be opened and no work likely to impair the
safety characteristics of such apparatus or electric wiring connected thereto shall be carried out
until all voltage has been cut off from said apparatus or wiring. The voltage shall not be restored
thereto until the work has been completed and the safety characteristics provided in connection
with the apparatus and wiring have been fully restored.
ii. Use of soldering apparatus or other means involving flame, fire or heat or use of industrial type
of apparatus in a zone “1” area shall be permitted for the purposes of effecting repairs and testing
and alterations, provided that the area in which such apparatus or wiring has been installed, has
first been made safe and certified by a competent person after testing with an approved gas –
testing apparatus to be safe and free from inflammable vapours, gases or liquids and is
maintained in such conditions, so long as the work is in progress.
iii. No alteration that might invalidate the certificate or other document relating to the safety of the
apparatus shall be made to any apparatus.
Replacement fasteners, nuts, studs and bolts shall be of the type specified by the manufacturer for
the particular apparatus. No attempt shall be made to replace or repair a glass in a flameproof
enclosure e.g. in a luminaire or other enclosures, except by replacement with the complete
assembly or part obtainable from the manufacturer, complying with the approval certificate.
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If replacement components such as cable glands, conduit or conduit accessories, are available
only with thread forms which differ from those provided on the apparatus, suitable adaptors having
necessary certification and approval shall be employed.
iv) Equipment enclosures and fittings shall be examined to see that all stopping plugs and bolts
are in position and properly tightened. Locking and sealing devices shall be checked to ensure
that they are secured in prescribed manner.
v) If at any time, there is a change in the area classification or in the characteristics of the
flammable material handled in the area or if the equipment is relocated in the area, the area
classification drawing should be correspondingly revised and a check shall be made to ensure
that the equipment selection corresponds to the revised area classification.
vi) A system shall be established to record the results of all inspections and the action taken to
correct defects.
13.1 Objective
Institute a system whereby any intended changes in facilities, documentation, personnel,
defined operating procedures & working environment including new processes are thoroughly
evaluated, and managed to ensure that health, safety and environmental risks arising from
these changes are effectively controlled.
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D. Execution of Change
On approval of the MOC Request, modifications / changes in facilities/ procedures can be
executed / effected. Physical inspection of the changes done in line with the MOC approval
shall be conducted by appropriate official as per DOA in An nex ur e-2 and confirmed thru’ a
signed document.
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14.1 General
Several major accidents leading to grave disasters have occurred across the world in the past. The
lessons learnt from the disasters made it essential to draw aDisaster Management Plan to handle
such eventuality. Disaster Management Plan is essential to obviate such an eventuality by providing
the measures to contain the incident and minimise the after affects.
The best way to manage any emergency is to prevent it. Following guidelines for emergency
prevention shall be followed:
i. Sound engineering practice in the design, fabrication, installation and maintenance of
ii. Careful selection and correct use of equipment.
iii. Observance of safety and security regulations.
iv. Deployment of eligible/qualified manpower.
v. Development and adherence to site specific operating procedure (SOP).
vi. Proper and constant training and guidance to all personnel working in the installation with
particular reference to product knowledge and maintenance practices.
vii. Following Management of change (MOC) procedure.
viii. Good House-keeping.
ix. Constant supervision and alertness.
The relevant provisions of the concerned Acts and Rules as indicated in para 4.0 shall apply.
Further guidelines have been provided in Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (Codes of
Practices for Emergency Response and Disaster Management Plan (ERDMP)) Regulations, 2010,
published by Petroleum & Natural Regulatory Board shall be referred for further details.
A detailed guideline on the subject is also provided in OISD-GDN-168, which may be referred for
15.1 General
Products handled at the AFS are hazardous in nature. Therefore, safety education and training
requires great attention. Training courses including the refresher courses shall be conducted to
develop the skills and safety awareness of employees, contractor workers, security staff and crew
A dedicated, qualified and experienced officer should be designated as ‘Safety Officer’ of the AFS
after training. He should be given exposure to Hazop, Risk Assessment, Safety Audit and upkeep of
fire fighting facilities and conducting Safety Meetings.
Duties and responsibilities of the dedicated/designated safety officer shall be to build & ensure a
safe working environment at the location, and also to advise & assist the location in-charge in
complying statutory requirements or otherwise concerning health, safety, security & environment of
the location. These duties shall include the following:
a) Advise various functions within the location in planning and organizing measures necessary for
safe & secure work environment, including effective prevention and control of personal injuries.
b) Conduct routine safety checks on AFS facilities & equipment to ensure conformity with prevalent
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c) Updation and implementation of fire organization chart, Disaster Control Management Plan, Risk
Assessment & other statutory plans.
d) Co-ordinate and conduct regular mock drill, DCMP drill, Mutual aid meeting with neighbouring
e) Conduct safety meeting and monitor compliance with statutory and OISD norms.
f) Implementation of sound safety culture to promote safe practices including wearing of personnel
Protective Equipment (PPEs) amongst all section of personnel at the location-employees, contract
g) labour,
ConductTT crew,audit
safety Security staff and Visitors.
and co-ordinate/facilitate for conducting other internal and external audits.
h) Prepare & Monitor periodical compliance status of various audit recommendations.
i) Prepare & submit to appropriate authorities various periodical reports on safety, security, health,
environment including training. Maintain all related records for the purpose of reference & audits.
j) Monitor the appropriate administration of security measures (gate passes,, antecedent verification,
access control procedures).
k) Ensure and monitor implementation of effective work permit system and record maintained.
l) Near miss analysis with specific focus on the root causes, reporting, dissemination of finding with
all concerned across the location and corrective action required for preventive measures.
However, following
Training should specificontrainings
be based areofalso
the needs the to be imparted to the AFS personnel.
Training on live fire simulation in an area designated for this purpose.
Training through Fire Department.
Training on first aid by recognised agencies.
For supervisors, intimate knowledge of the operators job is essential and this should be ensured.
For AFS-in-charges, safety training should include areas like
i. Basics of safety management system
ii. The causes and effects of accidents
iii. Hazard identification
iv. Risk assessment and risk mitigation
v. Controlling risks and preventing accidents
vi. Emergency preparedness
vii. Critical task analysis
viii. Crisis management
ix. Importance of trip/alarm and safety procedures and systems
x. Learning from case histories
For training needs of various operating personnel refer Annexure-(6).
Appropriate training techniques on the following basis should be selected and used in order to attain
the objectives of the various training courses outlined in this document:
expected to produce. For example, the aim of basic safety course is:
a) To provide good understanding and identification of the hazards associated with the job.
b) To provide clear understanding of the safe way to perform the job.
c) To evoke correct and prompt response in any emergency situation.
The objective of the course will be that on completion of the course, the trainee should be able to:
i. Recognise hazardous condition at his place of work;
ii. Perform his job in accordance with the safe operating procedure;
iii. Help rectify an unsafe condition;
iv. Escape safely in case of release of toxic gases;
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The more accurately and clearly the objective specifies the training outcome, the more helpful it will
be to co-ordinators and Faculties in designing their programmes. The objective of the programme
should be written down and communicated to the participants in the beginning.
B) Target Group:
The courses mentioned in this document are intended for different groups of persons. In a target
group, the academic background, proficiency in language likely to be used in a course and levels of
comprehension of subjects to be discussed may vary. Therefore, while inviting participants to a
course, it should be clearly stated what is the expected level of knowledge/experience that one
should have before he can derive full advantage of the intended course.
If the participants in a group are more or less at the same mental level of comprehension, then it is
easier to select the training technique that would be most useful for that target group.
C) Climate Setting:
Effective learning requires setting a climate in a training situation that is conducive to learning. The
following factors which help create such climate, should be considered:
i. Persons are more open to learning if they feel respected and not being talked down to,
embarrassed or ridiculed.
ii. Participation in group exercises where trainees see themselves as mutual helpers rather
than rivals.
iii. Mutual trust and friendliness between trainees & faculty.
iv. Care of human needs such as peaceful environment, comfortable seats, adequate breaks
between training sessions, proper lighting and ventilation.
D) Course Design :
This section specifies the minimum safety inputs to be included in safety or functional training course
for various categories of employees in selected areas through individual Course Modules.
Hazardous/high risk operation should be specifically highlighted indicating the risks and precautions.
It is likely that a new incumbent may not have been exposed to the type of safety training prescribed
in this standard before taking up his assignment. It shall, therefore, be ensured that such persons
are also exposed to the relevant training programmes.
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The faculties shall use the relevant OISD Standards while presenting the topics listed in the
course contents, as given in the reference at the end.
A number of refresher courses are listed hereafter. However, organisations themselves should
select the type of courses and decide how often the refresher courses should be held but the
Employees shall be imparted First Aid training by recognised agencies / Institute for development of
necessary skills. The requirement of minimum number of employees trained in a location shall be as
per statutory requirement. Refreshment training shall be arranged as per statutory rules/once in 3
years whichever is earlier.
All the employees and contractor workmen including TT crew members shall receive induction
training programme at the site. Visitors shall be given safety briefing before entry to the location.
Intended For : Fresh Entrants (Officers & Supervisors) and transferred employees from other
Duration: 2 days
Objective: To provide knowledge on hazards associated with the job and safe way to perform
the job & to evoke correct & prompt response in any emergency situation.
Course Content:
xii) Housekeeping
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Intended For: All Officers and Supervisors (except those in sales) in Service
Duration: 3 days
Course Contents:
xiii) Housekeeping
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Duration: 1 day
Course Content
a) Receipt Operations.
b) Refueling
d) Tank Cleaning.
To provide knowledge on hazards associated with the job and Safeway to perform the job.
To evoke correct and prompt response in any emergency situation.
Course Content:
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Duration: 1 day
Course Content;
v) Action in Emergency
Duration:1 day
To provide knowledge on hazards associated with the job and safeway to perform the job.
Course Content:
vi) Housekeeping.
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The evaluation of safety training programmes in terms of their overall effectiveness towards
attainment of course
the criteria and objectiveness
techniques explainedand changes
in the necessary for improvement, should be based on
OISD 154.
Safety training needs of persons can be assessed only if relevant information is readily available.
Records of training, therefore, should be maintained in respect of every employee indicating the
types and the period of training programmes attended, performance evaluation (Ref. OISD 154 for
Safety audit is a well-recognised tool to improve the effectiveness of safety programme and loss
prevention measures by carrying out systematic and critical appraisal of potential safety hazards
involving personnel, plants and equipments.
For a structured and systematic safety audit of any plant/ facility, check lists are the most important
prerequisite. Check lists should cover all the operational areas, major equipments, operating/
maintenance procedures, safety practices, fire prevention/ protection systems etc. Observations/
recommendations of safety audit team should be presented in the form of a formal report and action
plan for corrective measures should be prepared and subsequently monitored for implementation.
General guidelines on safety audit methodologies and techniques are also given in OISD - GDN-
a) Introduction
Identification of vulnerable areas and specific potential hazards, is one of the prime function of loss
prevention in oil industry. Safety audit is an important tool in undertaking this function.
While the basic aim of safety audits is to identify the areas of weaknesses and strengths, safety
audits are undertaken to meet different specific objectives viz.-
i. To identify any design deficiencies and also any weaknesses which might have cropped up
during modifications / additions of facilities.
ii. To ensure that fire protection facilities and safety systems are well maintained.
iii. To ensure that operating / maintenance procedures, work practices are as per those
stipulated in the manuals and standards, which might have degraded with time.
iv. To check on security, training, preparedness for handling emergencies and disaster
management etc.
1. To check on mutual aid scheme, preparedness practice with district authority/fire brigade.
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v. As a social objective to cater to public opinion and concern for safe environment. This also
improves public relation of the organization.
A Safety Audit subjects various areas of a company's activities to a systematic critical examination
with the objective of minimizing loss. This includes all the components of the system viz.
management policy, attitudes, training, design aspect (Process, Mechanical, Electrical, etc.), layout
and construction of the plant, operating Inspection & Maintenance procedures, emergency plans,
personal protection standards, accident records.
Audit conducted by Internal Audit teams of the organization is categorized as Internal Safety Audit.
Internal Safety Audits will be coordinated by local management under the overall direction from the
respective Corporate Offices.
External safety audits will be carried out by outside teams consisting of technical experts from other
organizations in Oil Industry, professional bodies and statutory authorities under the overall
coordination of OISD.
a) Frequency of audits:
The facilities in an AFS should be covered minimum once every year. However, facilities' design can
be audited every 3 years or after any major modification or additions. For this purpose, the individual
organisation/ installation should draw up a calendar in advance for carrying such audits for every
calendar year which should be made known to all the Departments and concerned Managers. The
areas to be audited should be clearly identified and logically grouped.
b) Duration of audit
Depending on the nature of audit and type / complexity of the installations in the selected group, the
duration of internal safety Audit can be fixed. This may vary from 1 to 2 working days for facilities
under each group.
At the end of this section area specific sample checklist is given and that maybe further developed
based on the facilities in the AFS.
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The safety Audit team visits any particular facility for carrying out Safety Audit, it would be essential
to study all relevant documents as below to get complete picture :
1. Layouts
2. P & IDs
3. Operating Manuals/”SOP”
4. Maint. / Inspection Manuals
5. Fire and Safety Manuals, etc.
6. Earlier internal audit /external inspection reports
Depending upon the nature of audit more emphasis can be given to study specific documents. All the audit
team members should study these documents in advance to know the details of the installation.
e) Briefing:
Before beginning of each audit, all concerned persons of the area/installation be briefed by the team
leader about the purpose of the audit. No impression should be left that audit will throw bad light on
f) Site inspections:
Most of the information could be gathered through site inspection using ready-made check lists. The
auditors should enter their observations under the remarks column and not simply state "yes" / "no".
Wherever necessary, observations should be recorded in separate sheet. Inspection should be
carried out accompanied by Installation Manager/In-charge or the assigned officials.
g) Discussions:
Further information can also be gathered through discussions (formal & informal), with site
personnel and AFS in-charge or other officers. The audit team should interact with persons from
various disciplines such as Operations, Maintenance, Electrical, Instrumentation, etc.
h) Study of documents:
In addition to the documents which are already studied before inspection of the facilities, other
documents, such as standard Operating Instructions, Standing Orders, Log Books, Log sheets,
Accident Records, Minutes of Safety Committee Meetings etc. may also be studied as required.
The work of the Internal Safety Audit item should be presented in the form of a Safety Audit Report
for each group which should contain observations & recommendations and also in brief the
modalities adopted in conducting audit and the names of the audit team member/s.
The audit team shall finalize the audit report based on the discussions with auditee/location-in-
Generally, the Internal Safety Audit Reports are submitted to the concerned authority who appoints
the audit team for undertaking needful follow up actions. Only the appointing authority should
exercise judgement in rejecting any of the recommendations.
The crux of the safety audits lie in removing the weakness identified during the audit.
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In such cases, it would be necessary to undertake a detailed study of the specific area and to
identify the rectification measures. Wherever the necessary in-house expertise is not available for
detailed studies, help of consultants / professional bodies should be sought for.
k) Implementation of recommendations:
The final and most important phase is the implementation of recommendations. A senior person
should be nominated for coordinating implementation of all accepted recommendation under a time
bound program. Senior management should review the progress of implementation of
recommendations periodically through Management Safety Committee meetings and other review
Check List
S.No. Type of Safety Audit By whom Frequency
Annexur e
Safety walk around Designated Safety
1 Daily Annexure-7
checks of AFS officer (DSO)
Safety inspection of
2 In-charge AFS Monthly Annexure-7
Accredited electrical Once in 4 years or as
Engineers per statutory
3 Electrical audit Annexure-8
/Authorised Class A requirement whichever
Electrical engineer is earlier.
As per OISD-
4 Internal safety audit HS&E representative Yearly
Before commissioning
and any major addition
Pre-commissioning OISD Pre-Com
5 OISD/As applicable of facilities such as
inspection check list
increase in storage or
despatch facilities.
Two inspections at an
External safety audit interval of 5 years, OISD ESA
6 OISD/As applicable
(ESA) there after a request check list
7 Surprise inspection OISD/As applicable As and when decided Random Checks
Officers of the level
of Executive Director/
Special Inspection by Two major installations
8 General Manager of Random Checks
senior officers per year
respective oil
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Overfill Level
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Note: Settings to be such that under no circumstances the Safe Fill level is exceeded.
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An nexur e: 2
Checklist for Bulk ATF Tank Trucks at AFS:
Sr Item Remarks
Daily Checks
1 Whether valid licence, Fitness, Calibration and explosives
certificates are available in the vehicle?
2 Whether the vehicle has two fire extinguishers (9/10 kg DCP)?
3 Whether there are any sources of ignition like matches etc. in the
4 Whether the vehicle has at least a driver and a cleaner as its crew
5 Whether the driver has a valid driving licence with endorsement for
having undergone training for carrying hazardous goods as per
Motor vehicle act.
6 Whether approved quality flame arrester provided on the engine
exhaust and muffler/silencer is properly bolted without any leaks?
7 Whether each compartment of tank is fitted with independent
vacuum and pre-operated vents (PV Valve)?
8 Whether vehicle’s cabin is checked for presence of any
flammable/explosive substance being carried by the crew?
Ad diti on al Chec ks :
9 Whether the vehicle has a cut off switch for electrical system?
10 Whether there is facility to shut off the drain valves in case of
11 Whether the vehicle has First Aid Box, Tool Box?
12 Whether the driver has a copy of standing instructions and TREM
13 Whether the exhaust is wholly in front of tank truck and has ample
clearance from fuel oil system and combustible material.
14 Whether all electric wiring is properly insulated?
15 Whether all junction boxes are sealed properly?
16 Whether electrical equipments like generator switches, fuses and
circuit breakers are located inside the cabin or engine
17 Whether battery is in easily accessible position with a heavy duty
switch close by, to cut off the battery in emergency?
18 Whether battery terminals have protective rubber covers?
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Diesel Engines:
“A” Daily Checklist
Sln. Maintenance Steps Remarks
1 Check previous day's engine log book. Correct as required
2 Drain water and sediment from fuel tank and Before starting engine.
fuel filter through drain cock.
3 Check engine oil level and top up if necessary Must be slightly less than or equal to "h" mark on dip stick
when engine is stopped and has stood for 20 minutes or
more (must be measured after all oil is drained back into oil
4 Check for fuel,oil,water Correct if leaking.
5 Fill radiator/surge tank with treated water Radiator cap must be firmly tightened back into the
(Chromate concentration 3500 ppm). radiator/surge tank neck engine must not be operated
without the radiator cap since this will cause aeration and
overheating of the coolant.
6 Check air cleaner oil level and change oil, Use clean engine oil
if required (if oil bath type) clean dust pan
and pre cleaner of day type air cleaner.
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Location ______________
Request No. : __________ Request Date
____________________________ _____________________
Name & Designation of Initiator Signature of the Initiator
Comments of the Reviewer
____________________________ _____________________
Name & Designation of Reviewer Signature of the Reviewer
Comments of the Approver
____________________________ _____________________
Name & Designation of Approver Signature of the Approver
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E. Laboratory
F. Transformer yard
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H. TT Checks required to be carried out on random basis by Officer (Total no of TTs plying in
location shall cover in a quarter):
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C-01 All lighting fixture flame proof as per area classification.
C-02 Whether flame proof condition of fixtures ensured ?
C-03 Whether proper earthing of fixture provided ?
C-04 Condition of wiring good.
C-05 Does water enter and accumulate in fixture distribution boxes etc ?
C-06 Whether lighting DB, switches, MCB well maintained ?
C-07 Any other unsafe point observed.
D-01 Whether grounding of mast OK ?
D-02 Condition of junction boxes, switch board, fuses etc. OK
D-03 Approach to electrical installation and ladder good and safe.
D-04 Condition of flood lights :
a) Is gasket present ?
b) Is glass cover in good condition ?
c)Is control gear condition OK
D-05 Is earthing electrode of mast OK and its connection with mast proper ?
E-01 Are pipelines provided with flange earth jumper connection for electrical continuity?
E-02 Are earthing provision on storage tanks well maintained ?
E-03 Condition of grounding electrode OK
E-04 Continuity of location, hoses maintained.
E-05 Grounding resistance at inlet of grounding connection checked/ date
E-06 Connection of earth-bonding of railway track OK.
a) Area classification drawings duly approved by PESO?
b) Conditions if any, specified by PESO for electrical substation, switch room etc. and
their compliance.
F-02 Certificate in respect of FLP for each electrical equipment- records maintained.
F-03 Earthing network diagram available and site checks done from time to time.
F-04 Records for electrical testing/ checks maintained upto date.
F-05 Work permit system is effective and records are maintained.
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The fire water system in an installation shall be designed to meet the fire water flow
requirement of fighting single largest fire scenario.
Consider various areas under fire and calculate fire water demand for each area based on
design basis.
Total storage capacity in one dyke area = 50,000 m³.
No. of tanks = 4.
Capacity of each tank = 12,500 m³.
Diameter of each tank = 37.5 m.
Height of each tank = 12 m.
Cooling water required for tanks falling within (R+30) from centre of tank on fire
Cooling water
water rate
required =
= 3 lpm/m
3.142 of tank
x 37.5 m x area.
12 m x 3 lpm/m x 3.
= 12726 lpm.
= 12726 x 60 m³/hr = 764 m³/hr.
Total cooling water required = 254 + 762 = 1019 m3/hr.
Total foam water required = 1019 m3/hr .
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Total design fire water flow rate would be the largest of fire water flow rates calculated as per
2.1, 2.2 above.
1.1 Foam compound calculation for single largest coned roof tank in a dyke.
Tank Data
Total storage capacity inone dyke area = 50,000 m .
No. of tanks = 4.
Capacity of each tank = 12,500 m .
Diameter of each tank = 37.5 m.
Height of each tank = 12 m.
Foam compound required for 65 minutes = 65 min. x165.69 lpm = 10770 li res.
Foam compound requirement for two port able foam monitor s of 2400 lpm capacity
F l ti i d 2 2400 l
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