DIN67510-1 Smart - Signs - Vinyl - Strip - 50 - MM - DIN PDF
DIN67510-1 Smart - Signs - Vinyl - Strip - 50 - MM - DIN PDF
DIN67510-1 Smart - Signs - Vinyl - Strip - 50 - MM - DIN PDF
Object One photoluminescent strip, denoted Vinyl Ledelinje,
width 50 mm, thickness 1,0 mm.
Object state Upon arrival the object had no visual damages.
Arrival date Apr 29, 2011
Location Bors
Measurement date May 09, 2011
Measurement conditions
Room temperature (23 2) C
Relative humidity (45 5) %
Illumination Perpendicular to the sample, CIE standard illuminant D65
Postal address Office location Phone / Fax / E-mail Laboratories are accredited by the Swedish Board for Accreditation and Conformity
SP Vstersen +46 10 516 50 00 Assessment (SWEDAC) under the terms of Swedish legislation. This report may
Box 857 Brinellgatan 4 +46 33 13 55 02 not be reproduced other than in full, except with the prior written approval of the
SE-501 15 Bors SE-504 62 Bors info@sp.se issuing laboratory.
Date Reference Page
The results only refer to the object specified in this document.
Table 2: CIE 1931 chromaticity coordinates for 2 standard observer. The colour
denominations is according to Fig. 1 in DIN 67510-1:2001 (excitation attenuation).
Sample ID During excitation During attenuation Colour
x y x y
Vinyl Ledelinje 0,332 0,395 0,272 0,581 EW-K
Measuring uncertainty
The measuring uncertainty is 5 % of the measured luminance values and 0,005 of the given
values for x and y.
Xenon-lamp with D65-filter, SP inv.no 502959
Luminance meter ERP-105, SP inv.no 602931
Multimeter Keithley 2000, SP inv.no. 602550
Luxmeter Hagner S2, SP inv.no 500305
Photometer Spectrascan PR-705, SP inv.no 503130
Measured luminance, table and diagram
Date Reference Page
Appendix 1
Luminance (mcd/m2)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time (min)