Dermatita Atopica La Copiipdf
Dermatita Atopica La Copiipdf
Dermatita Atopica La Copiipdf
32 Pagina 53
M. Rahman
Atopic dermatitis is a term that is attributed to the tradition- System strain or stress and irregularities within the immune
al understanding of the histamine mediated reaction leading system, as well as deficiencies of gut function. My initial pre-
ultimately to the characteristic symptomatology of atopic scription, at this point and time, is ARD Colostrum, one
eczema. What is described may be part of the triad of allergy- sachet twice a day and Eubiflor, 5 drops twice a day. My sec-
dermatitis-asthma. While conventional thinking has ond visit in November revealed on subjective and objective
described this condition as idiopathic, the non convention- findings little change and so the second prescription included
al viewpoint is different. Pediatric dermatitis may be viewed Guna®-Dermo, 10 drops twice a day which helped to sympto-
as a manifestation of gut dysfunction and imbalances of the matically manage what was happening at the endodermal
non conventional occurring flora, especially manifesting or functions and to address the immuno deficiency state, I pre-
presenting as food related intolerances. Physiological scribed Citomix, one to two pellets once a day.
Re gulating Medicine (PRM) see s this condition as an
imp regnation of the toxins at endodermal level, possibly My assessment was this little boy was using his primary emu-
being held in place by immune miscommunication creating nctories bowel and kidneys especially as a way of elimination.
a TH1 and TH2 imbalance and an ensuing deficiency of the I prescribed Guna®-Kidney, one pellet once a day.
TH1 subset of cytotokines, such as Interleukins 1, Interleukin At this point, I also advised the parents to change the soya
2, In terleukin 4, an d INF-gamma. The toxin deposition in based formula to a milk based organic predigested formula, as
children may principally be due to the possibility of heavy he was possibly manifesting a soya based reaction.
metal contamination, such as mercury, aluminum, lead, or In December, the family returned to report to me that the diar-
vaccination intoxication; it is also concievable that these rhea was better and eczema was about 80% better, but
exposures may occur in the antenatal
or prenatal time.
PRM:Art. Milani 12/11/09 11.32 Pagina 54
not completely cleared. I added the remedy Guna®-Matrix, Enclosed are the following photos that reveal the remarkable
5 drops, twice a day and the homeopathic pellet Citric acid- change in the patient’s skin. Notice the change from dermatitis
ium 4 C, 3 pellets per day for matrix regeneration and occurring from the abdomen (FIGS. 1, 2), back (FIGS. 3, 4) and
cle ansing in the alle rgic diathe sis. In the first wee k of face (FIGS. 5, 6) to no rash at all. To date, the parents have not
J anuary, I prescribed to the parents a rotation and elimina- had any return of symptomatology.
tion type diet. Upon return, in the later part of J anuary 2009, Once again proving the benefits of using the PRM to address
the parents reported almost 100% reversal of the dermatitis drainage and detoxification functions of the dermis by and the
situation and a complete reversal of all bowel symptoms. regulating effects of the gut. ■
However, to provide more bowel support I added Guna ®-
Bowel, 5 drops once daily.