How To Build Concrete Parking Lots: New ACI Guide Focuses On Techniques
How To Build Concrete Parking Lots: New ACI Guide Focuses On Techniques
How To Build Concrete Parking Lots: New ACI Guide Focuses On Techniques
as all cars or all interstate trucks.
in the late 1970s, concrete costs. They also open up a new job Parking lots for facilities expecting
parking lots were a rare market for contractors (read “How a range of vehicles often have con-
sight. Even though they are to Exploit the Concrete Parking Lot trols separating heavy vehicles from
now more cost-competitive with Ad va n t a g e,” Concrete Co n s t ru c- light ones.
asphalt, they still aren’t common. tion, May 1988, page 459). On highways and streets, most
Large concrete paving contractors To encourage good construction vehicles travel along the pavement
usually aren’t interested in small of concrete parking lots, the Ameri- edges. But parking lots, like floors,
p ro j e c t s, and smaller contractors can Concrete Institute (ACI) formed have most loads imposed on interi-
are content with floors or curbs and Committee 330, Parking Lots, in or slabs that are supported on all
gutters. But parking lots are a cost- 1982. Last December, the commit- sides by load transfer to adjacent
effective alternative to asphalt that tee’s first document, ACI 330R-87, slabs. Howe ve r, like streets, parking
Figure 1. To form a band that confines a
parking lot slab, the ACI parking lot
committee suggests installing deformed
tir bars across the first longitudinal joint
from the psvement edge
Jointing guidelines
The ACI guide details jointing and
how steel works in the pavements.
Narrow, closely spaced joints con-
trol cracking, reduce slab curling,
and enhance load transfer. De-
formed tie bars are suggested across
lots are subjected to the environ- for a chosen concrete strength. the first longitudinal joint from the
ment. Te m p e ra t u re and moisture Remember that a parking lot is pavement edge to form a band to
gradients cause differential volume much more than a slab to park cars confine the slabs. This keeps interi-
changes. Because of these similari- on. It’s a system of slabs, joints, or joints from opening. Adding tie
ties, ACI’s guide borrows construc- curbs, islands, light poles, and bars at all longitudinal joints,
tion and design methods from drainage facilities. In the most eco- though, restricts contraction and
floors and streets. nomical project, these components expansion too much and adds to
must function together efficiently. material and labor costs.
Think concrete from the start Too often, engineers design a The guide also recommends us-
By covering all phases of parking parking lot with asphalt in mind, ing tie bars across longitudinal
lot construction in one publication, then put it out for alternate bids, joints in entrance driveways where
the ACI guide helps planners to start simply asking the concrete contrac- spreading can be a problem. If
thinking concrete at the beginning
of the design process. The guide in-
cludes tables and figures needed to
establish soil support conditions
and choose predicted traffic cate-
g o ri e s. These allow the designer to
determine required slab thickness