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Cupertino High School

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Cupertino High School


PH: (408) 366-7300 FAX: (408) 255-8466
Cupertino is a suburban, residential community surrounded by high technology industries located 50 miles south of San Francisco in the heart
of Silicon Valley. One of five public high schools in the Fremont Union High School District, Cupertino is accredited by the Western
Association of Schools and Colleges and has received three prestigious California State Distinguished School Awards. The student body
represents diverse ethnic, racial, religious and socioeconomic groups.

Total Class of 2021 African Asian Hispanic Nat Hawaiian or White Two or More
Enrollment American Other Pac Islander Races
2195 531 25 1586 200 3 242 136

Average: 32.5:1 with a range between 12 and 39. Class of 2021

Class Size 9th grade Literature & Writing classes staffed at 23:1, Algebra 1 at 28:1, GPA Range Students in class
English 28:1 in 10th -12th grade, Physical Education at 40:1, Music at 36:1 (Unweighted) 531
Faculty: 127: 80 with a Master’s degree, 4 with a Doctorate degree
Average teaching experience is 12 years 3.76 – 4.00 185
GRADING 3.51 – 3.75 107
A - 4 grade points, Superior F - 0 grade points, Failure 3.01 – 3.50 125
B - 3 grade points, Above Average NM - No Mark, No Credit 2.51 – 3.00 82
C - 2 grade points, Average I - Incomplete, No Credit 2.5 and below 32
D - 1 grade point, Below Average P - Pass (C or better), Credit
The marking system uses letter grades (see above) that are converted to a grade point value using a 4.0 scale. All grades are un-weighted
and grade point averages are shown on the transcript. Fremont Union High School District policy prohibits the reporting of student class
rank. It is our district practice that all students with out of country transcripts will only receive Pass/Fail grades in their transcript.
Due to the extraordinary circumstances resulting from COVID-19 school closures, FUHSD adopted a Credit/No Credit structure for
Spring of 2020. During that time, students completed synchronous and asynchronous assignments in order to earn credits.
Final semester grade marks include letter grades only and no +/- scale option
ERW CHS 548 students in class
2019-20 632
2018-19 652 92% ENTERED COLLEGE
2017-18 631
395 entered 4-year College (72%)
2016-17 660
110 entered 2-year College (20%)
43 Work, military, travel, or other (8%)
2019-20 684
2018-19 703
2017-18 687
Class of 2021
22 National Merit Semifinalists
2016-17 692
81 Commended Scholars
2020: 911 Students took exams in 30 subjects, 2138 total tests taken, 89% scored 3 or better
2019: 860 Students took exams in 26 subjects, 2193 total tests taken, 92% scored 3 or better
2018: 859 Students took exams in 28 subjects. 2161 total tests taken, 93% scored 3 or better
2017: 835 Students took exams in 28 subjects. 2182 total tests taken, 90% scored 3 or better

AP courses offered in Biology, Chemistry, Physics C: Mech., Physics C: E & M, English, US History, Japanese, Spanish, French,
Chinese, Government, Economics, Statistics, Computer Science, Studio Art, Environmental Science and Calculus AB & BC.
CEEB-ACT CODE (CHS testing code): 050718
Completion of 220 units (10 units = 1 year of work in a subject)
English ............................. 40 credits Fine Arts*, Applied Arts* or World Language* ………20 credits
Social Studies ................... 30 credits *Ten credits in two of the three areas required
Science .............................. 20 credits Fine Arts include Art and Music.
Mathematics ...................... 20 credits Applied Arts include Business, Living Skills/Culinary Arts, and
Physical Education ............ 20 credits Industrial Technology.
Electives………………………………………………..70 credits
CURRICULUM Due to budgetary constraints, FUHSD students are limited to one course per subject area per year and they are only guaranteed six
classes. Most students do not get a seventh class unless they participate in a support program.

Literature & Writing, World Literature, American Literature, British Literature, Voices of Modern Culture-Pacesetter English, Journalism,
American Literature/Writing Honors, AP English Literature & Writing, English Language Development, Global Literature

Algebra I, Geometry, Geometry Enriched, Algebra II, Algebra II/Trigonometry, Applications of Advanced Mathematics, Math Analysis, Pre-
Calculus Honors, AP Calculus (B/C), AP Calculus (A/B), AP Computer Science, AP Statistics, Math Workshop (supports Algebra 1 for non-math
elective credit)

Social Studies
World History, U.S. History, AP U.S. History, Economics, AP Microeconomics, U.S. Government, AP U.S. Government

Biology, AP Biology, Physiology, Chemistry, Chemistry Honors, AP Chemistry, Environmental Science, Physics, AP Physics 1, AP Physics C:
Mechanics, AP Environmental Science

Modern Language
French 1, 2, 3, 4H, 5(AP), Spanish 1, 2, 3, 4H, 5(AP), Japanese 1, 2, 3, 4H, 5(AP), Chinese 1, 2, 3, 4H, 5(AP)

Other Elective Departments

Physical Education, Athletics, Art, Business, Living Skills/Culinary Arts, Industrial Technology, Music, Lab Assistant, Student Tutor, Teacher

World Studies Literature/World Studies History (World Core)

Integrated World Literature/Writing and World History curriculum taught to students during their sophomore year.

Drama/Advanced Drama/Advanced Drama Honors

These interdisciplinary courses provide students with opportunities to learn all aspects of dramatic and musical stage production.

Work Experience
A career awareness and skills program designed for students who plan to work. Students must work a minimum of 10 hours per week and attend a
regularly scheduled class.

CTE (Career Technical Education)

Provides vocational/career training courses.

Honors/AP Classes
Enriched courses designated with an ‘H’ or ‘AP’ on the transcript. CHS classes include: AP Computer Science A, AP English Literature &
Writing, American Literature/Writing Honors, AP U.S. History, AP U.S. Government, AP Microeconomics, AP Statistics, AP Environmental
Science, AP Calculus (AB & BC), Pre-Calculus H, AP Biology, Chemistry Honors, AP Chemistry, AP Physics 1
AP Physics C: Mechanics/E&M, Spanish 4H & AP, French 4H & AP, Chinese 4H & 5AP, Japanese 4H & 5AP and AP Studio Art. Some students
also take courses at the local community colleges for more advanced work.

Middle College: An alternative educational program that allows students the opportunity to explore and be challenged by new options at the 11th
and/or 12th grade levels. Students complete their requirements for high school graduation while also exploring individual interests through a
diverse college curriculum. Students earn both high school and college credit.

College Now: Accelerated program in which students spend their senior year at DeAnza College taking courses.

The guidance program offers a comprehensive and developmental 9-12 program involving all students. It is designed to offer on-going support and
provide information to students and their parents through their four years of high school. The guidance team is composed of four assistant
principals, four guidance counselors and a College and Career Advisor. Crisis and intervention counseling is available with a student advocate
(licensed marriage family therapist - LMFT).


Cupertino High School sponsors a broad program in interscholastic sports, including 20 sports with equal opportunities for male and female
students. Other activities include student government, choir, drama, spirit groups, drill team, marching band and auxiliary units, school newspaper,
yearbook, speech/debate and many honor, service and special interest clubs.

Cupertino High School is home of the powerful PIONEERS!

Principal: Kami Tomberlain Assistant Principals: Yukari Salazar, Melina Nafrada, Steven Puccinelli, Jackie Corso
Guidance Counselors: Gregg Buie, Tamara Emmert, Belinda Olson, Lillie Phares

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