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The Framework of Solution Thermodynamics

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Chapter 10

The Framework of Solution


Our purpose in this chapter is to lay the theoretical foundation for applications of
thermodynamics to gas mixtures and liquid solutions. Throughout the chemical, energy,
microelectronics, personal care, and pharmaceutical industries, multicomponent fluid mixtures
undergo composition changes brought about by mixing and separation processes, the transfer
of species from one phase to another, and chemical reaction. Thus, measures of composition
become essential variables, along with temperature and pressure, which we already considered
in detail in Chap. 6. This adds substantially to the complexity of tabulating and correlating
­thermodynamic properties, and leads to the introduction of a menagerie of new variables and
relationships among them. Applying these relationships to practical problems, such as phase
equilibrium calculations, requires that we first map out this “thermodynamic zoo.” Thus, in
the present chapter, we:

∙ Develop a fundamental property relation that is applicable to open phases of variable

∙ Define the chemical potential, a fundamental new property that facilitates treatment of
phase and chemical-reaction equilibria.
∙ Introduce partial properties, a class of thermodynamic properties defined mathemati-
cally to distribute total mixture properties among individual species as they exist in a
mixture. These are composition-dependent and distinct from the molar properties of
pure species.
∙ Develop property relations for the ideal-gas-state mixture, which provide the basis for
treatment of real-gas mixtures.
∙ Define yet another useful property, the fugacity. Related to the chemical potential, it
lends itself to mathematical formulation of both phase- and chemical-reaction-equilibrium
∙ Introduce a useful class of solution properties, known as excess properties, in conjunc-
tion with an idealization of solution behavior called the ideal-solution model, which
serves as a reference for real-solution behavior.

10.1.  Fundamental Property Relation 349

Measures of Composition
The three most common measures of composition in thermodynamics are mass fraction, mole
fraction, and molar concentration. Mass or mole fraction is defined as the ratio of the mass or
number of moles of a particular chemical species in a mixture to the total mass or number of
moles of mixture:
​m​ i​ ​​m ​​  i​​ ​n​ i​ ​​n ​​  i​​
∙ ∙

​x​ i​ ≡ ​___
​    ​  = ​ ___
∙  ​      or    ​x​ i​ ≡ ​__
   ​  = ​ __∙  ​ ​
m ​m ​  n ​n ​ 
Molar concentration is defined as the ratio of the mole fraction of a particular chemical
species in a mixture or solution to the molar volume of the mixture or solution:
​x​ i​
​C​ i​ ≡ ​__
​    ​​
This quantity has units of moles of i per unit volume. For flow processes, convenience sug-
gests its expression as a ratio of rates. Multiplying and dividing by molar flow rate ​​n  ​​ gives:

​​n ​​  i​​

​C​ i​ ≡ ​ __ ​ ​

where n​​​  ​​  i​​​is molar flow rate of species i, and q is volumetric flow rate.

The molar mass of a mixture or solution is, by definition, the mole-fraction-weighted

sum of the molar masses of all species present:

ℳ ≡ ​∑​  ​  ​x​ i​ ​ℳ​ i​​

In the present chapter, we develop the framework of solution thermodynamics using
mole fractions as composition variables. For nonreacting systems, virtually all of the same
development can be done using mass fractions, yielding identical definitions and equations.
Thus, we may take xi to represent either a mole fraction or mass fraction in nonreacting
systems. In reacting systems, it is nearly always best to work in terms of mole fractions.


Equation (6.7) relates the total Gibbs energy of any closed system to its canonical variables,
temperature and pressure:

d​(​nG​)​= ​(​nV ​)​dP − ​(​nS​)​dT​ (6.7)
where n is the total number of moles of the system. It applies to a single-phase fluid in a closed
system wherein no chemical reactions occur. For such a system the composition is necessarily
constant, and therefore:

[ ∂ P ] [ ∂ T ]
∂ ​(​nG​)​ ∂ ​(​nG​)​
​​​ _____
​​   ​​ ​​  ​​ = nV    and    ​ _____
  ​​   ​ 
​ ​​  ​​ = − nS​
T, n P, n

The subscript n indicates that the numbers of moles of all chemical species are held constant.
350 CHAPTER 10 .  The Framework of Solution Thermodynamics

For the more general case of a single-phase, open system, material may pass into and
out of the system, and nG becomes a function of the numbers of moles of the chemical species
present. It remains a function of T and P, and we can therefore write the functional relation:

nG = g​​(​P, T, ​n​ 1​, ​n​ 2​, . . ., ​n​ i​, . . .​)​​

where ni is the number of moles of species i. The total differential of nG is then:

[ ∂ P ] [ ∂ T ] [ ∂ ​n​ i​ ]

∂ ​(​nG​)​ ∂ ​(​nG​)​ ∂ ​(​nG​)​
d​(​nG​)​ = ​​ _____
​ ​​   ​​ ​​  ​​ dP + ​​ _____
  ​​   ​​ ​​  ​​ dT + ​∑​  ​  ​ _____
  ​​   ​ 
​ ​​  ​​ d​n​ i​​
T, n P, n i P, T,​ n​ ​ j

The summation is over all species present, and subscript nj indicates that all mole numbers
except the ith are held constant. The derivative in the final term is given its own symbol and
name. Thus, by definition the chemical potential of species i in the mixture is:

[ ∂ ​n​ i​ ]
∂ ​(​nG​)​
​μ​ i​≡ ​ _____
​ ​​   ​ 
​ ​​  ​​​ (10.1)
P, T, ​n​ ​ j

With this definition and with the first two partial derivatives replaced by (nV) and −(nS), the
preceding equation becomes:

​d​(​nG​)​ = ​​(​nV​)​dP − ​​(​nS​)​dT + ​∑​  ​  ​μ​ i​ d​n​ i​​
​ (10.2)

Equation (10.2) is the fundamental property relation for single-phase fluid systems
of variable mass and composition. It is the foundation upon which the structure of solution
thermodynamics is built. For the special case of one mole of solution, n = 1 and ni = xi:

dG = VdP − SdT + ​∑​  ​  ​μ​ i​ d​x​ i​​
​ (10.3)
Implicit in this equation is the functional relationship of the molar Gibbs energy to its canonical
variables, here: T, P, and {xi}:

G = G​​(​T, P, ​x​ 1​, ​x​ 2​, . . ., ​x​ i​, . . .​)​​

Equation (6.11) for a constant-composition solution is a special case of Eq. (10.3).
Although the mole numbers ni of Eq. (10.2) are independent variables, the mole fractions xi in
Eq. (10.3) are not, because ​∑​ i​ ​x​ i​ = 1.​This precludes certain mathematical operations which
depend upon independence of the variables. Nevertheless, Eq. (10.3) does imply:

( ∂ P )T, x ( ∂ T )P, x

∂ G ∂ G
​V = ​​ ​​ ___ ​ ​  ​​  ​​​ (10.4) ​S = − ​ ​​ ___ ​ ​  ​​  ​​​ (10.5)

Other solution properties come from definitions; e.g., the enthalpy, from H = G + TS. Thus,
by Eq. (10.5),

( ∂ T )P, x
∂ G
H = G − T ​​ ___
​ ​​   ​ ​  ​​  ​​​
10.2.  The Chemical Potential and Equilibrium 351

When the Gibbs energy is expressed as a function of its canonical var-

iables, it serves as a generating function, providing the means for the
calculation of all other thermodynamic properties by simple mathemati-
cal operations (differentiation and elementary algebra), and it implicitly
represents complete property information.
This is a more general statement of the conclusion drawn in Sec. 6.1, now extended to
systems of variable composition.


Practical applications of the chemical potential will become clearer in later chapters that treat
chemical and phase equilibria. However, at this point one can already appreciate its role in
these analyses. For a closed, single-phase PVT system containing chemically reactive species,
Eqs. (6.7) and (10.2) must both be valid, the former simply because the system is closed and
the second because of its generality. In addition, for a closed system, all differentials dni in
Eq. (10.2) must result from chemical reaction. Comparison of these two equations shows that
they can both be valid only if:
​∑​  ​  ​μ​ i​  d​n​ i​= 0​

This equation therefore represents a general criterion for chemical-reaction equilibrium
in a single-phase closed PVT system, and is the basis for the development of working equa-
tions for the solution of reaction-equilibrium problems.
With respect to phase equilibrium, we note that for a closed nonreacting system consist-
ing of two phases in equilibrium, each individual phase is open to the other, and mass transfer
between phases may occur. Equation (10.2) applies separately to each phase:
d​​(nG)​​​  α​ = ​(nV)​​  α​ dP − ​(nS)​​  α​ dT + ​∑​  ​  ​μ​  iα​  ​ ​dn​  iα​  ​
​​     ​  ​  β β ​ ​ ​
d​(nG)​​  β​ = ​(nV)​​  β​ dP − ​(nS)​​  β​ dT + ​∑​  ​  ​μ​  i​  ​ ​dn​  i​  ​

where superscripts α and β identify the phases. For the system to be in thermal and mechanical
equilibrium, T and P must be uniform.
The change in the total Gibbs energy of the two-phase system is the sum of the equations
for the separate phases. When each total-system property is expressed by an equation of the form,

nM = ​(​nM​)​ α​+ ​(​nM​)​ β​​
β β
the sum is: ​d​​(​nG​)​= ​(​nV​)​dP − ​(​nS​)​dT + ​∑​  ​  ​μ​  iα​  ​d​n​  iα​  ​+ ​∑​  ​  ​μ​  i​  ​d​n​  i​  ​​
i i

Because the two-phase system is closed, Eq. (6.7) is also valid. Comparison of the two equa-
tions shows that at equilibrium:
β β
​∑​  ​μ
​   ​  iα​  ​ d​n​  iα​  ​+ ​∑​  ​μ
  ​  i​  ​d​n​  i​  ​= 0​
i i
352 CHAPTER 10 .  The Framework of Solution Thermodynamics

The changes d​ ​n​  iα​  ​​and d​ ​n​  i​  ​​result from mass transfer between the phases; mass c­ onservation
therefore requires:
β β
d​n​  iα​  ​= − d​n​  i​  ​    and    ​∑​  ​  (​μ​  iα​  ​− ​μ​  i​  ​ )d​n​  iα​  ​= 0​


Quantities ​d​n​  iα​  ​​are

independent and arbitrary, and the only way the left side of the second
equation can in general be zero is for each term in parentheses separately to be zero. Hence,
​​μ​  iα​  ​= ​μ​  i​  ​    ​(​ ​i = 1, 2, . . ., N​)​​
where N is the number of species present in the system. Successive application of this result to
pairs of phases permits its generalization to multiple phases; for π phases:
​​​μ​  iα​  ​= ​μ​  i​  ​= ⋯ = ​μ​  iπ​  ​​    ​(​ ​i = 1, 2, . . ., N​)​​ (10.6)

A similar but more comprehensive derivation shows (as we have supposed) that for equilib-
rium T and P must be the same in all phases.
Thus, multiple phases at the same T and P are in equilibrium when the
chemical potential of each species is the same in all phases.
The application of Eq. (10.6) in later chapters to specific phase-equilibrium problems
requires models of solution behavior, which provide expressions for G and μi as functions of
temperature, pressure, and composition. The simplest of these, the ideal-gas state mixture and
the ideal solution, are treated in Secs. 10.4 and 10.8, respectively.


The definition of the chemical potential by Eq. (10.1) as the mole-number derivative of nG
suggests that other derivatives of this kind may prove useful in solution thermodynamics.
¯ ​​  i​​​ of species i in solution as:
Thus, we define the partial molar property ​​​M 

[ ∂ ​n​ i​ ] P, T, ​n​ ​
∂ (​ ​nM​)​
¯ ​​  i​​ ≡ ​ ______
​​​​M  ​​   ​ 
​ ​​  ​​​​ (10.7)

Sometimes called a response function, it is a measure of the response of total property nM to

the addition of an infinitesimal amount of species i to a finite amount of solution, at constant
T and P.
The generic symbols M and M ​​​ ¯ ​​  i ​​​may express solution properties on a unit-mass basis as
well as on a molar basis. Equation (10.7) retains the same form, with n, the number of moles,
replaced by m, representing mass, and yielding partial specific properties rather than partial
molar properties. To accommodate either, one may speak simply of partial properties.
Interest here centers on solutions, for which molar (or unit-mass) properties are repre-
sented by the plain symbol M. Partial properties are denoted by an overbar, with a subscript
to identify the species; the symbol is therefore ​​​M  ¯ ​​  i​​​. In addition, properties of the individual
species as they exist in the pure state at the T and P of the solution are identified by only a
10.3.  Partial Properties 353

subscript, and the symbol is Mi. In summary, the three kinds of properties used in solution
thermodynamics are distinguished using the following notation:

Solution properties   M,   for example :  V, U, H, S, G
Partial properties ​  ​  ​    ​​M¯ ​​  i ​​,​  ​    for example :   ​​V¯​​  i ​​, ​​U¯ ​​  i ​​, ​​H¯​​  i ​​, ​​S¯​​   i​​, ​​​G¯ ​​  i ​​​ ​​
Pure-species properties   ​M​ i​,   for example :   ​V​ i​, ​U​ i​, ​H​ i​, ​Si​ ​, ​G​ i​

Comparison of Eq. (10.1) with Eq. (10.7) written for the Gibbs energy shows that the
chemical potential and the partial molar Gibbs energy are identical; i.e.,
​μ​ i​≡ ​​G¯ ​​  i ​​​
​ (10.8)

Example 10.1
The partial molar volume is defined as:

[​​  ∂ ​n​ i ​
​ ] P, T, ​n​ j​
∂ (​​nV ​)​
¯​​  i​​ ≡ ​ _____
​ ​​  ​​​ (A)

What physical interpretation can be given to this equation?

Solution 10.1
Suppose an open beaker containing an equimolar mixture of ethanol and water
occupies a total volume nV at room temperature T and atmospheric pressure P.
Add to this solution a drop of pure water, also at T and P, containing Δnw moles,
and mix it thoroughly into the solution, allowing sufficient time for heat exchange
to return the contents of the beaker to the initial temperature. One might expect
that the volume of solution increases by an amount equal to the volume of the
water added, i.e., by VwΔnw, where Vw is the molar volume of pure water at T and
P. If this were true, the total volume change would be:

Δ​(​nV​)​= ​Vw​  ​ Δ ​n​ w​​
However, experimental observations show that the actual volume change is somewhat
less. ­Evidently, the effective molar volume of water in the final solution is less
than the molar volume of pure water at the same T and P. We may therefore write:
Δ​(​nV​)​= ​​V˜ ​​  w​​ Δ ​n​ w​​
​ (B)
​​​ ˜ ​​  w​​​represents the effective molar volume of water in the final solution. Its
where V
experimental value is given by:
Δ​(​ ​nV​)​
˜ ​​  w​​ = ______
​​​V  ​    ​ (C)
Δ ​n​ w​
In the process described, a drop of water is mixed with a substantial amount of solu-
tion, and the result is a small but measurable change in composition of the solution.
354 CHAPTER 10 .  The Framework of Solution Thermodynamics

For the effective molar volume of the water to be considered a property of the original
equimolar solution, the process must be taken to the limit of an infinitesimal drop.
Whence, Δ ​ ​n​ w​→ 0,​and Eq. (C) becomes:
Δ​(​ ​nV​)​ _____
˜ ​​  w​​ = ​  lim​ ​ ______
​​​V  ​    
​= ​    ​​
Δ​n​ w​→0 Δ ​n​ w​ d​n​ w​
Because T, P, and na (the number of moles of alcohol) are constant, this equation
is more appropriately written:

[ ∂ ​n​ w​ ]
∂ (​ ​nV​)​
˜ ​​  w​​ = ​ ​ _____
​​​V  ​   ​ 
​ ​​  ​​​
P, T, ​n​  ​ a

¯​​  w​​​
˜ ​​  w​​​is the partial molar volume ​​​V 
Comparison with Eq. (A) shows that in this limit ​​​V 
of the water in the equimolar solution, i.e., the rate of change of the total solution
volume with nw at constant T, P, and na for a specific composition. Written for the
addition of dnw moles of water to the solution, Eq. (B) is then:
d​(​nV​)​= ​​V¯​​  w  ​​ d​n​ w​​
​ (D)
When ​​​V¯​​  w  ​​​is considered the molar property of water as it exists in solution, the total
volume change d(nV) is merely this molar property multiplied by the number of
moles dnw of water added.
If dnw moles of water is added to a volume of pure water, then we have every
reason to expect the volume change of the system to be:

d​(​nV​)​= ​Vw​  ​ d​n​ w​​ (E)
where Vw is the molar volume of pure water at T and P. Comparison of Eqs. (D)
¯​​  w​​ = ​Vw​  ​when the “solution” is pure water.
and (E) indicates that ​​​V 

Equations Relating Molar and Partial Molar Properties

The definition of a partial molar property, Eq. (10.7), provides the means for calculation of
partial properties from solution-property data. Implicit in this definition is another, equally
important, equation that allows the reverse, i.e., calculation of solution properties from knowledge
of the partial properties. The derivation of this equation starts with the observation that
the total thermodynamic properties of a homogeneous phase are functions of T, P, and the
numbers of moles of the individual species that comprise the phase.1 Thus for property M,
we can write nM as a function which we could call ​𝕄​:
nM = 𝕄​​(​T, P, ​n​ 1​, ​n​ 2​, . . ., ​n​ i​, . . .​)​​

The total differential of nM is:

[ ∂ P ] [ ∂ T ] [ ∂ ​n​ i​ ]

∂ (​ ​nM​)​ ∂ ​(​nM​)​ ∂ ​(​nM​)​
d​(​nM​)​= ​ ​ ______
​ ​   ​​ ​​  ​​ dP + ​ ​ ______
  ​   ​​ ​​  ​​ dT + ​∑​  ​  ​ ​ ______
  ​   ​ 
​ ​​  ​​ d​n​ i​​
T, n P, n i P, T,​ n​ ​ j

1Mere functionality does not make a set of variables into canonical variables. These are the canonical variables
only for M ≡ G.
10.3.  Partial Properties 355

where subscript n indicates that all mole numbers are held constant, and subscript nj that all
mole numbers except ni are held constant. Because the first two partial derivatives on the
right are evaluated at constant n and because the partial derivative of the last term is given by
Eq. (10.7), this equation has the simpler form:

( ∂ P )T, x ( ∂ T )P, x

∂ M ∂ M
d​(​nM​)​= n​​ ___
​ ​​   ​ ​  ​​  ​​ dT + ​∑​  ​  ​​M¯ ​​  i ​​ d​n​ i​​
​​   ​ ​  ​​  ​​  dP + n​​ ___ (10.9)

where subscript x denotes differentiation at constant composition. Because ni = xin,

d​n​ i​= ​x​ i​  dn + n d​x​ i​​


d​(​nM​)​= n dM + M dn​

When dni and d(nM) are replaced in Eq. (10.9), it becomes:

( ∂ P )T, x ( ∂ T )P, x

∂ M ∂ M
n dM + M dn = n ​​ ​ ___
​ ​   ​ ​  ​​  ​​ dT + ​∑​  ​  ​​M¯ ​​  i ​​​(​ ​x​ i​  dn + n d​x​ i​)​​
​   ​ ​  ​​  ​​ dP + n ​​ ​ ___

The terms containing n are collected and separated from those containing dn to yield:

[ ( ∂ P )T, x ( ∂ T )P, x ] [ ]

∂ M ∂ M
​​​ ​dM − ​ ​ ___ ​   ​ ​  ​​  ​​ dT − ​∑​  ​  ​​M¯ ​​  i ​​ d​x​ i​ ​n + ​ ​M − ​∑​  ​  ​x​ i​ ​​M¯ ​​  i ​​​ ​dn = 0​
​   ​  ​ ​​  ​​ dP − ​ ​ ___
i i

In application, one is free to choose a system of any size, as represented by n, and to

choose any variation in its size, as represented by dn. Thus n and dn are independent and
­arbitrary. The only way that the left side of this equation can then, in general, be zero is for
each term in brackets to be zero. Therefore,

( ∂ P )T, x ( ∂ T )P, x

∂ M ∂ M
dM = ​ ​ ___
​ ​   ​ ​  ​​  ​​ dT + ​∑​  ​  ​​M¯ ​​  i ​​ d​x​ i​​
​   ​ ​  ​​  ​​ dP + ​ ​ ___ (10.10)

and ​​M = ​∑​  ​  ​x​ i​ ​​M¯ ​​  i ​​​​  (10.11)


Multiplication of Eq. (10.11) by n yields the alternative expression:

​​nM = ​∑​  ​  ​n​ i​ ​​M¯ ​​  i ​​​​ (10.12)


Equation (10.10) is in fact just a special case of Eq. (10.9), obtained by setting n = 1,
which also makes ni = xi. Equations (10.11) and (10.12) on the other hand are new and vital.
Known as summability relations, they allow the calculation of mixture properties from partial
properties, playing a role opposite to that of Eq. (10.7), which provides for the calculation of
partial properties from mixture properties.
356 CHAPTER 10 .  The Framework of Solution Thermodynamics

One further important equation follows directly from Eqs. (10.10) and (10.11).
­Differentiation of Eq. (10.11), a general expression for M, yields a general expression for dM:

dM = ​∑​  ​  ​x​ i​ d​​M¯ ​​  i ​​ + ​∑​  ​  ​​M¯ ​​  i ​​ d​x​ i​​

i i

Combining this equation with Eq. (10.10) yields the Gibbs/Duhem2 equation:

( ∂ P )T, x ( ∂ T )P, x

∂ M ∂ M
​​​​ ​ ___ ​   ​ ​  ​​  ​​ dT − ​∑​  ​  ​x​ i​  d​​M¯ ​​  i ​​ = 0​​
​   ​ ​  ​​  ​​ dP + ​ ​ ___ (10.13)

This equation must be satisfied for all changes occurring in a homogeneous phase. For the
important special case of changes in composition at constant T and P, it simplifies to:

​​​∑​  ​  ​x​ i​ d​​M¯ ​​  i ​​ = 0​     ​​(​const T, P​)​​ (10.14)


Eq. 10.14 shows that the partial molar properties cannot all vary independently. This
constraint is analogous to the constraint on mole fractions, which are not all independent
because they must sum to one. Similarly, the mole-fraction-weighted sum of the partial molar
properties must yield the overall solution property (Eq. 10.11), and this constrains the varia-
tion in partial molar properties with composition.

A Rationale for Partial Properties

Central to applied solution thermodynamics, the partial-property concept implies that a
solution property represents a “whole,” i.e., the sum of its parts as represented by partial
properties M​​​ ¯ ​​  i ​​​of the constituent species. This is the implication of Eq. (10.11), and it is a
proper interpretation provided one understands that the defining equation for M  ​​​ ¯ ​​  i​​​ Eq. (10.7) is
an apportioning formula which arbitrarily assigns to each species i its share of the solution
The constituents of a solution are in fact intimately intermixed, and owing to molecular
interactions they cannot have private properties of their own. Nevertheless, partial properties,
as defined by Eq. (10.7), have all the characteristics of properties of the individual species as
they exist in solution. Thus for practical purposes they may be assigned as property values to
the individual species.
Partial properties, like solution properties, are functions of composition. In the limit as
a solution becomes pure in species i, both M and ​​​M¯ ​​  i ​​​approach the pure-species property Mi.

​ lim​ ​  M = ​ lim​ ​​​M¯ ​​  i ​​ = ​M​ i​​

​x​ i​→1 ​x​ i​→1

2Pierre-Maurice-Marie Duhem (1861–1916), French physicist. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre Duhem.

3Other apportioning equations, which make different allocations of the solution property, are possible and are, in

principle, equally valid.

10.3.  Partial Properties 357

For a partial property of a species that approaches its infinite-dilution limit, i.e., a par-
tial property value of a species as its mole fraction approaches zero, we can make no general
statements. Values come from experiment or from models of solution behavior. Because it is
an important quantity, we do give it a symbol, and by definition we write:
¯ ​​  i∞
​​​M  ​  ​ ≡ ​ lim​ ​   ​​M¯ ​​  i ​​​
​x​ i​→0

The essential equations of this section are thus summarized as follows:

[ ∂ ​n​ i​ ]
∂ (​ ​nM​)​
¯ ​​  i​​ ≡ ​ ______
Definition: ​​​M  ​​   ​ 
​ ​​  ​​​ (10.7)
P, T, ​n​ ​ j

which yields partial properties from total properties.

M = ​∑​  ​  ​x​ i​ ​​M¯ ​​  i ​​​

Summability: ​ (10.11)

which yields total properties from partial properties.

( ) ( ∂ T )P, x
∂ M ∂ M
​∑​  ​  ​x​ i​ d​​M¯ ​​  i ​​ = ​​ ___
Gibbs/Duhem: ​ ​   ​   ​​  ​​dP + ​​ ___
​   ​   ​​  ​​dT​ (10.13)
i ∂ P T, x

which shows that the partial properties of species making up a solution are not independent of
one another.

Partial Properties in Binary Solutions

An equation for a partial property as a function of composition can always be derived from
an equation for the solution property by direct application of Eq. (10.7). For binary systems,
however, an alternative procedure may be more convenient. Written for a binary solution, the
summability relation, Eq. (10.11), becomes:
M = ​x​ 1​ ​​M¯ ​​  1  ​​ + ​x​ 2​ ​​M¯ ​​  2  ​​​
​ (A)

dM = ​x​ 1​ d​​M¯ ​​  1  ​​ + ​​M¯ ​​  1  ​​ d​x​ 1​+ ​x​ 2​ d​​M¯ ​​  2  ​​ + ​​M¯ ​​  2  ​​  d​x​ 2​​

Whence, ​ (B)

When M is known as a function of x1 at constant T and P, the appropriate form of the Gibbs/
Duhem equation is Eq. (10.14), expressed here as:

​x​ 1​  d​​M¯ ​​  1  ​​ + ​x​ 2​  d​​M¯ ​​  2  ​​ = 0​
​ (C)

Because x1 + x2 = 1, it follows that dx1 = −dx2. Eliminating dx2 in favor of dx1 in Eq. (B) and
combining the result with Eq. (C) gives:
​    ​= ​​M¯ ​​  1  ​​ − ​​M¯ ​​  2  ​​​
​ (D)
d​x​ 1​
Two equivalent forms of Eq. (A) result from the elimination separately of x1 and x2:
M = ​​M¯ ​​  1  ​​ − ​x​ 2​(​​M¯ ​​  1  ​​ − ​​M¯ ​​  2  ​​ )  and  M = ​x​ 1​(​​M¯ ​​  1  ​​ − ​​M¯ ​​  2  ​​ ) + ​​M¯ ​​  2  ​​​

358 CHAPTER 10 .  The Framework of Solution Thermodynamics

In combination with Eq. (D) these become:

dM dM
​​​M¯ ​​  1  ​​ = M + ​x​ 2​ ____
​    ​ (10.15) ​​​M¯ ​​  2  ​​ = M − ​x​ 1​ ____
​    ​ (10.16)
d​x​ 1​ d​x​ 1​

Thus for binary systems, the partial properties are readily calculated directly from an expres-
sion for the solution property as a function of composition at constant T and P. The corre-
sponding equations for multicomponent systems are much more complex. They are given in
detail by Van Ness and Abbott.4
Equation (C), the Gibbs/Duhem equation, may be written in derivative forms:

d​​M¯ ​​  1  ​​ d​​M¯ ​​  2  ​​ ¯
d​​M ​​  1  ​​ ¯
​x​ 2​d​​M ​​  2  ​​
​x​ 1​ ____ ____
​  d​x​   ​​ + ​x​ 2 ​​  d​x​   ​​ = 0​ (E)

​  d​x​   ​​  = − ___ ____​
 ​​x​   ​​​  d​x​   ​​  (F)
1 1 1 1 1

​​​ ¯ ​​  1  ​​​ and ​​​M¯ ​​  2  ​​​ are plotted vs. x1, the slopes must be of opposite sign. Moreover,
Clearly, when M
d​​M¯ ​​  1  ​​ d​​M¯ ​​  2  ​​
​ lim​ ​ ____
​ ​   ​ = 0  (Provided  ​ lim​ ​ ____
​   ​    is finite)​
​x​ 1​→1 d​x​ 1​ ​x​ 1​→1 d​x​ 1​

d​​M¯ ​​  2  ​​ d​​M¯ ​​  1  ​​
​ lim​ ​ ____
​ ​   ​ = 0  (Provided  ​ lim​ ​ ____
​   ​    is finite )​
​x​ 2​→1 d​x​ 1​ ​x​ 2​→1 d​x​ 1​

Thus, plots of ​​​M  ¯ ​​  1​​​ and M ​​​ ¯ ​​  2  ​​​ vs. x1 become horizontal as each species approaches purity.
Finally, given an expression for ​​​M  ¯ ​​  1​​​(​ ​x​ 1​)​​, integration of Eq. (E) or Eq. (F) yields an
expression for M ​​​ ¯ ​​  2  ​​​(​x​ 1​)​ that satisfies the Gibbs/Duhem equation. This means that expressions
cannot be specified independently for both ​​​M  ¯ ​​  1​​​(​x​ 1​)​​ and ​​​M¯ ​​  2  ​​​(​x​ 1​)​​.

Example 10.2
Describe a graphical interpretation of Eqs. (10.15) and (10.16).

Solution 10.2
Figure 10.1(a) shows a representative plot of M vs. x1 for a binary system. The
tangent line shown extends across the figure, intersecting the edges (at x1 = 1 and
x1 = 0) at points labeled I1 and I2. As is evident from the figure, two equivalent
expressions can be written for the slope of this tangent line:
dM M − ​I​ 2​ dM
​ ____  ​= _____
​     ​         and​        ____
​    ​= ​I​ 1​− ​I​ 2​
d​x​ 1​ ​x​ 1​ d​x​ 1​

4H. C. Van Ness and M. M. Abbott, Classical Thermodynamics of Nonelectrolyte Solutions: With Applications to

Phase Equilibria, pp. 46–54, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1982.

10.3.  Partial Properties 359

Constant T, P Constant T, P

I1 M1

0 1 0 1
x1 x1

(a) (b)

Figure 10.1: (a) Graphical construction of Example 10.2. (b) Infinite-dilution values of partial

The first equation is solved for I2; it combines with the second to give I1:
dM dM
​I​ 2​= M − ​x​ 1​ ____
​ ​    ​   and​    ​I​ 1​= M + ​(​1 − ​x​ 1​)____
​    ​​
d​x​ 1​ d​x​ 1​

Comparisons of these expressions with Eqs. (10.16) and (10.15) show that:
​I​ 1​= ​​M¯ ​​  1  ​​​   ​and​   ​
​I​ 2​= ​​M¯ ​​  2  ​​​
Thus, the tangent intercepts give directly the values of the two partial properties.
These intercepts of course shift as the point of tangency moves along the curve,
and the limiting values are indicated by the constructions shown in Fig. 10.1(b).
For the tangent line drawn at x1 = 0 (pure species 2), M  ​​​ ¯ ​​  2​​ = ​M​ 2​, and at the opposite
​​​ ¯ ​​  1  ​​ = M
intercept, M ​​ ¯ ​​  1 ∞​  ​​. Similar comments apply to the tangent drawn at x1 = 1 (pure
species 1). In this case ​​​M  ¯ ​​  1​​ = ​M​ 1​​ and ​​​M¯ ​​  2  ​​ = ​​M¯ ​​   ∞​  ​​.

Example 10.3
The need arises in a laboratory for 2000 cm3 of an antifreeze solution consisting of
30 mol-% methanol in water. What volumes of pure methanol and of pure water at
25°C must be mixed to form the 2000 cm3 of antifreeze, also at 25°C? Partial molar vol-
umes for methanol and water in a 30 mol-% methanol solution and their pure-species
molar volumes, both at 25°C, are:
360 CHAPTER 10 .  The Framework of Solution Thermodynamics

Methanol​(​​1)​​:​ ​​V¯​​  1​​ = 38.632  ​cm​​ 3​ ​⋅ mol​​ −1​   ​V​ 1​= 40.727  ​cm​​ 3​ ​⋅ mol​​ −1​

​​       ​  ​  ¯ ​  ​​ ​
Water​(​​2)​​:​ ​​V​​  2​​ = 17.765  ​cm​​ 3​ ​⋅ mol​​ −1​   ​V​ 2​= 18.068  ​cm​​ 3​ ​⋅ mol​​ −1​

Solution 10.3
The summability relation, Eq. (10.11), is written for the molar volume of the
binary antifreeze solution, and known values are substituted for the mole fractions
and partial molar volumes:
V = ​x​ 1​ ​​V¯​​  1  ​​ + ​x​ 2​ ​​V¯​​  2  ​​ = ​(​0.3​)​(​38.632​)​+ ​(​0.7​)​(​17.765​)​= 24.025  ​cm​​ 3​⋅mol​​ −1​​

Because the required total volume of solution is Vt = 2000 cm3, the total num-
ber of moles required is:
​V​ t​ 2000
n = ___
​ ​   ​ = ______
​    ​ 
= 83.246 mol​
V 24.025
Of this, 30% is methanol, and 70% is water:
​n​ 1​= ​(​0.3​)​(​83.246​)​= 24.974​    ​n​ 2​= ​(​0.7​)​(​83.246​)​= 58.272 mol​

​​ 1t ​​  = ​n​ i​ ​V​ i​​; thus,
The volume of each pure species is V​ 
​​​V​  1t ​​  = ​(​24.974​)​(​40.727​)​= 1017  ​cm​​ 3​​    ​V​  2t ​​  = ​(​58.272​)​(​18.068​)​= 1053  ​cm​​ 3​​

Example 10.4
The enthalpy of a binary liquid system of species 1 and 2 at fixed T and P is repre-
sented by the equation:

H = 400​x​ 1​+ 600​x​ 2​+ ​x​ 1​ ​x​ 2(​​40​x​ 1​+ 20​x​ 2)​​​

where H is in J·mol–1. Determine expressions for H  ​​​¯​​  1​​​ and ​​​H¯​​  2  ​​​ as functions of x1, numer-
ical values for the pure-species enthalpies H1 and H2, and numerical values for the
​​​¯​​  1∞​  ​​ and ​​​H¯​​  2 ∞​  ​​.
partial enthalpies at infinite dilution H 

Solution 10.4
Replacing x2 by 1 – x1 in the given equation for H and simplifying gives:
​​H = 600 − 180 ​x​ 1​− 20 ​x​  13​  ​​​ (A)
​    ​ = − 180 − 60 ​x​  12​  ​​

d​x​ 1​
By Eq. (10.15),
¯​​  1​​ = H + ​x​ 2​ ____
​​​H  ​    ​​ 
d​x​ 1​
10.3.  Partial Properties 361

¯​​  1​​ = 600 − 180​x​ 1​− 20​x​  3​  ​ − 180​x​ 2​− 60​x​  2​  ​ ​x​ 2​​
​​​H  1 1

Replacing x2 with 1 – x1 and simplifying:

​​​​H¯​​  1  ​​ = 420 − 60​x​  12​  ​ + 40​x​  13​  ​​​ (B)
By Eq. (10.16),
¯​​  2​​ = H − ​x​ 1​ ____
​​​H  ​    ​ = 600 − 180​x​ 1​− 20​x​  13​  ​ + 180​x​ 1​+ 60​x​  13​  ​​
d​x​ 1​
​​​​H¯​​  2  ​​ = 600 + 40​x​  13​  ​​​ (C)
One can equally well start with the given equation for H. Because dH/dx1 is a
total derivative, x2 is not a constant. Also, x2 = 1 – x1; therefore dx2/dx1 = –1.
­Differentiation of the given equation for H therefore yields:
​    ​ = 400 − 600 + ​x​ 1​ ​x​ 2​(​40 − 20​)​+ ​(​40 ​x​ 1​+ 20 ​x​ 2​)​(​− ​x​ 1​+ ​x​ 2​)​​

d​x​ 1​
Replacing x2 with 1 – x1 reproduces the expression previously obtained.
A numerical value for H1 results by substitution of x1 = 1 in either Eq. (A) or
(B). Both equations yield H1 = 400 J·mol–1. Similarly, H2 is found from either
Eq. (A) or (C) when x1 = 0. The result is H2 = 600 J·mol–1. The infinite-dilution
​​​ ¯​​  1 ∞​  ​​ and ​​​H¯​​  2 ∞​  ​​are found from Eqs. (B) and (C) when x1 = 0 in Eq. (B) and
values H
x1 = 1 in Eq. (C). The results are: H  ​​​ ¯​​  1∞​  ​ = 420  ​J·mol​​ −1​​and ​​​H¯​​  2 ∞​  ​ = 640  ​J·mol​​ −1​
Exercise: Show that the partial properties as given by Eqs. (B) and (C) combine
by summability to give Eq. (A) and that they conform to all requirements of the
Gibbs/Duhem equation.

Relations Among Partial Properties

We now derive several additional useful relationships among partial properties. By Eq. (10.8),​
μ​ i​≡ ​​G¯ ​​  i ​​​, and Eq. (10.2) may be written:
​​d​​(​nG​)​= ​(​nV​)​dP − ​(​nS​)​dT + ​∑​  ​  ​​G ​​  i ​​d​n​ i​​​ (10.17)

Application of the criterion of exactness, Eq. (6.13), yields the Maxwell relation,

( ∂ T )P, n ( ∂ P )T, n

∂ V ∂ S
​​​​ ___
​​   ​ ​  ​​  ​​ = − ​ ___
​​    ​​  ​​  ​​​​ (6.17)

plus the two additional equations:

∂ ​​G¯ ​​  i ​​ ∂ ​​G¯ ​​  i ​​

( ∂ P )T, n [ ∂ ​n​ i​ ] P, T, ​n​ j​ ( ∂ T )P, n [ ∂ ​n​ i​ ] P, T, ​n​ j​
∂ ​(​nV​)​ ∂ ​(​nS​)​
​​​ ___
​​   ​ ​ ​​  ​​ = ​ _____
​​   ​ 
​  ​​  ​​​    ​ ___
​​   ​ ​ ​​  ​​ = − ​ _____
​​   ​ 
​  ​​  ​​​​
362 CHAPTER 10 .  The Framework of Solution Thermodynamics

where subscript n indicates constancy of all ni, and therefore of composition, and subscript nj
indicates that all mole numbers except the ith are held constant. We recognize the terms on the
right-hand side of these equations as the partial volume and partial entropy, and thus we can
rewrite them more simply as:

( ∂ P )T, x ( ∂ T )P, x

∂ ​​G¯ ​​  i ​​ ∂ ​​G¯ ​​  i ​​
​​​​ ​​ ___ ​​ ​ ​​  ​​  = ​​V¯​​  i ​​​ (10.18) ​​​​ ​​ ___ ​​ ​ ​​  ​​  = − ​​S¯​​   i​​​ (10.19)

These equations allow us to calculate the effects of P and T on the partial Gibbs energy (or
chemical potential). They are the partial-property analogs of Eqs. (10.4) and (10.5). Many
additional relationships among partial properties can be derived in the same ways that rela-
tionships among pure species properties were derived in earlier chapters. More generally, one
can prove the following:
Every equation that provides a linear relation among thermodynamic
properties of a constant-composition solution has as its counterpart
an equation connecting the corresponding partial properties of each
­species in the solution.
An example is based on the equation that defines enthalpy: H = U + PV. For n moles,

nH = nU + P​​(​nV​)​​

Differentiation with respect to ni at constant T, P, and nj yields:

[ ∂ ​n​ i​ ] [ ∂ ​n​ i​ ] [ ∂ ​n​ i​ ]

∂ (​ ​nH​)​ ∂ ​(​nU​)​ ∂ ​(​nV​)​
​​​ _____
​​   ​ 
​ ​​  ​​ = ​ _____
​​   ​ 
​ ​​  ​​ + P ​​ _____
​​   ​ 
​ ​​  ​​​
P, T, ​n​ ​ P, T, ​n​ ​ j j P, T, ​n​ ​ j

By the definition of partial properties, Eq. (10.7), this becomes:

¯​​  i​​ = ​​U¯ ​​  i ​​ + P ​​V¯​​  i ​​​

which is the partial-property analog of Eq. (2.10).

¯ ​​  i​​​is a function of T and P, and therefore:
In a constant-composition solution, ​​​G 

( ∂ T ) ( ∂ P )
∂ ​​G¯ ​​  i ​​ ∂ ​​G¯ ​​  i ​​
d​​G¯ ​​  i ​​ = ​ ___
​ ​​   ​ ​ ​​  ​​ dT + ​ ___
​​   ​ ​ ​​  ​​ dP​
P, x T, x

By Eqs. (10.18) and (10.19),

d​​G¯ ​​  i ​​ = − ​​S¯​​   i​​ dT + ​​V¯​​  i ​​ dP​

This may be compared with Eq. (6.11). These examples illustrate the parallelism that exists
between equations for a constant-composition solution and the corresponding equations for
the partial properties of the species in solution. We can therefore write simply by analogy
many equations that relate partial properties.
10.4.  The Ideal-Gas-State Mixture Model 363


Despite its limited ability to describe actual mixture behavior, the ideal-gas-state mixture
model provides a conceptual basis upon which to build the structure of solution thermody-
namics. It is a useful property model because it:

∙ Has a molecular basis.

∙ Approximates reality in the well-defined limit of zero pressure.
∙ Is analytically simple.

At the molecular level, the ideal-gas state represents a collection of molecules that do not
interact and occupy no volume. This idealization is approached for real molecules in the limit
of zero pressure (which implies zero density) because both the energies of intermolecular
interactions and the volume fraction occupied by the molecules go to zero with increasing
separation of the molecules. Although they do not interact with one another, molecules in
the ideal-gas state do have internal structure; it is differences in molecular structure that give
rise to differences in ideal-gas-state heat capacities (Sec. 4.1), enthalpies, entropies, and other
Molar volumes in the ideal-gas state are Vig = RT/P [Eq. (3.7)] regardless of the
nature of the gas. Thus for the ideal-gas state, whether of pure or mixed gases, the molar v­ olume
is the same for given T and P. The partial molar volume of species i in the ­ideal-gas-state
mixture is found from Eq. (10.7) applied to the volume; superscript ig denotes the ideal-gas

[ ∂ ​n​ i​ ]
∂ ​(​n ​V​ ig​)​
[ ∂ ​n​ i​ ] ( )
¯​​  iig​  ​= ​ _______ ∂ ​(​nRT / P​)​ RT ∂ n RT
​​​V  ​​   ​  
​ ​​  ​​ = ​ ________
​​   ​  
​ ​​  ​​ = ___ ​    ​  ​​  ​​ = ___
​   ​  ​​ ___ ​   ​ ​
T, P, ​n​ ​ P ​
i ​n​  j​​ P
T, P, ​n​ j​ j

where the final equality depends on the equation ​n = ​n​ i​+ ​∑​ j​ ​n​ j​. This result means that for the
ideal-gas state at given T and P the partial molar volume, the pure-species molar volume, and
the mixture molar volume are identical:
¯​​  iig​  ​= ​V​  iig​  ​= ​V​ ig​= ___
​​​V  ​   ​ ​ (10.20)
We define the partial pressure of species i in the ideal-gas-state mixture (pi) as the
pressure that species i would exert if it alone occupied the molar volume of the mixture. Thus,5
​y​ i​ RT
​p​ i​≡ _____
​ ​  ig    ​= ​y​ i​ P  ​(​i = 1, 2, . . ., N​)​​
​V​  ​
where yi is the mole fraction of species i. The partial pressures obviously sum to the total
Because the ideal-gas-state mixture model presumes molecules of zero volume that
do not interact, the thermodynamic properties (other than molar volume) of the constituent

5Note that this definition does not make the partial pressure a partial molar property.
364 CHAPTER 10 .  The Framework of Solution Thermodynamics

species are independent of one another, and each species has its own set of private properties.
This is the basis for the following statement of Gibbs’s theorem:
A partial molar property (other than volume) of a constituent species in
an ideal-gas-state mixture is equal to the corresponding molar property
of the species in the pure ideal-gas state at the mixture temperature but
at a pressure equal to its partial pressure in the mixture.
¯ ​​  i​  ​≠ ​​V¯​​  i ​  ​​by the equation:
This is expressed mathematically for generic partial property ​​​M 
ig ig

¯ ​​  iig​  ​​(​T, P​)​= ​M​  iig​  ​​(​T, ​p​ i​)​​

​​​M  (10.21)
Enthalpy in the ideal-gas state is independent of pressure; therefore
¯​​  iig​  ​​(​T, P​)​= ​H​  iig​  ​​(​T, ​p​ i​)​ = ​H​  iig​  ​​(​T, P​)​​
More simply,
¯​​  iig​  ​= ​H​  iig​  ​​
​​​H  (10.22)
where ​​H​  i​  ​​is
the pure-species value at the mixture T. An analogous equation applies for Uig
and other properties that are independent of pressure.
Entropy in the ideal-gas state does depend on pressure, as expressed by Eq. (6.24),
restricted to constant temperature:

d​S​  i​  ​= − Rd ln  P    ​​(​const T​)​​
This provides the basis for computing the entropy difference between a gas at its
partial pressure in the mixture and at the total pressure of the mixture. Integration from pi to
P gives:
​​S​  i​  ​​(​T, P​)​− ​S​  i​  ​​(​T, ​p​ i​)​= − R ln ​__
   ​   = − R ln ​___
ig ig
     ​ = R ln ​y​ i​​
​p​ i​ ​y​ i​ P
ig ig
​​S​  i​  ​​(​T, ​p​ i​)​= ​S​  i​  ​​(​T, P​)​− R ln ​y​ i​​

Comparing this with Eq. (10.21), written for the entropy, yields:
¯​​  ig​  ​​(​T, P​)​= ​S​  ig​  ​​(​T, P​)​− R ln ​y​ i​​
​​​S  i i

¯​​  ig​  ​= ​S​  ig​  ​− R ln ​y​ i​​
​​​S  (10.23)
i i
where S​​ ​  i​  ​​is the pure-species value at the mixture T and P.
For the Gibbs energy in the ideal-gas-state mixture, Gig = Hig − TSig; the parallel rela-
tion for partial properties is:
¯ ​​  ig​  ​= ​​H¯​​   ig​  ​− T ​​S¯​​   ig​  ​​
​​​G  i i i

In combination with Eqs. (10.22) and (10.23) this becomes:

¯ ​​  ig​  ​= ​H​  ig​  ​− T ​S​  ig​  ​+ RT ln ​y​ i​​
​​​G  i i i
10.4.  The Ideal-Gas-State Mixture Model 365


​​μ​  i​  ​≡ ​​G¯ ​​  i ​  ​= ​G​  i​  ​+ RT ln ​y​ i​​

ig ig ig

Differentiation of this equation in accord with Eqs. (10.18) and (10.19) confirms the results
expressed by Eqs. (10.20) and (10.23).
The summability relation, Eq. (10.11), with Eqs. (10.22), (10.23), and (10.24) yields:
​​​H​ ig​= ​∑​  ​  ​y​ i​ ​H​  i​  ​​​ (10.25)

​​​S​ ig​= ​∑​  ​  ​y​ i​ ​S​  i​  ​− R​∑​  ​  ​y​ i​ ln ​y​ i​​​ (10.26)
i i

​​​G​ ig​= ​∑​  ​  ​y​ i​ ​G​  i​  ​+ RT ​∑​  ​  ​y​ i​ ln ​y​ i​​​ (10.27)
i i

Equations analogous to Eq. (10.25) may be written for both ​​C​  P​  ​​and ​V​ ig​. The former
appears as Eq. (4.7), but the latter reduces to an identity because of Eq. (10.20).
When Eq. (10.25) is written,
​H​ ig​− ​∑​  ​  ​y​ i​ ​H​  i​  ​= 0​


the difference on the left is the enthalpy change associated with a process in which appropriate
amounts of the pure species at T and P are mixed to form one mole of mixture at the same T
and P. For the ideal-gas state, this enthalpy change of mixing is zero.
When Eq. (10.26) is rearranged as:
​S​ ig​− ​∑​  ​  ​y​ i​S​  i​  ​= R​∑​  ​  ​y​ i​ln ​__
​    ​​ 
i i

y ​ i​

the left side is the entropy change of mixing for the ideal-gas state. Because 1/yi > 1, this
quantity is always positive, in agreement with the second law. The mixing process is inher-
ently irreversible, so the mixing process must increase the total entropy of the system and
surroundings together. For ideal-gas-state mixing at constant T and P, using Eq. (10.25) with
an energy balance shows that no heat transfer will occur between the system and surroundings.
Therefore, the total entropy change of system plus surroundings is only the entropy change of
ig ig
An alternative expression for the chemical potential μ​ 
​​ i​  ​​results when G​ 
​​ i​  ​​in Eq. (10.24)
is replaced by an expression giving its T and P dependence. This comes from Eq. (6.11)
written for the ideal-gas state at constant T:

d​G​  i​  ​= ​V​  i​  ​dP = ___
ig ig
​ ​   ​  dP = RT d ln P  ​(​const T​)​​

Integration gives:
​​G​  i​  ​= ​Γ​ i ​(​T​)​+ RT ln P​ (10.28)
366 CHAPTER 10 .  The Framework of Solution Thermodynamics

where Γi(T), the integration constant at constant T, is a species-dependent function of temper-

ature only.6 Equation (10.24) is now written:

​​​μ​  i​  ​≡ ​​G¯ ​​  i ​  ​= ​Γ​ i​(​T​)​+ RT ln ​(​ ​y​ i​ P​)​​​

ig ig

where the argument of the logarithm is the partial pressure. Application of the summabil-
ity relation, Eq. (10.11), produces an expression for the Gibbs energy for the ideal-gas-state

​G​ ig​≡ ​∑​  ​  ​y​ i​ ​Γ​ i​(​T​)​+ RT ​∑​  ​  ​y​ i​ ln ​(​ ​y​ i​ P​)​​

​ (10.30)
i i

These equations, remarkable in their simplicity, provide a full description of ideal-gas-state

behavior. Because T, P, and {yi} are the canonical variables for the Gibbs energy, all other
thermodynamic properties for the ideal-gas model can be generated from them.


As is evident from Eq. (10.6), the chemical potential μi provides the fundamental criterion
for phase equilibrium. This is true as well for chemical-reaction equilibria. However, it exhib-
its characteristics that discourage its direct use. The Gibbs energy, and hence μi, is defined
in relation to internal energy and entropy. Because absolute values of internal energy are
unknown, the same is true for μi. Moreover, Eq. (10.29) shows that μ​  ​​ i​  ​​approaches negative
infinity when either P or yi approaches zero. This is true not only for the ideal-gas state, but
for any gas. Although these characteristics do not preclude the use of chemical potentials, the
application of equilibrium criteria is facilitated by the introduction of the fugacity,7 a property
that takes the place of μi but does not exhibit its less desirable characteristics.
The origin of the fugacity concept resides in Eq. (10.28), valid only for pure species i in
the ideal-gas state. For a real fluid, we write an analogous equation that defines fi, the fugacity
of pure species i:

​G​ i​≡ ​Γ​ i ​(​T​)​+ RT ln ​fi​ ​​ (10.31)
This new property fi , with units of pressure, replaces P in Eq. (10.28). Clearly, if Eq. (10.28)
is viewed as a special case of Eq. (10.31), then:
​​f​  i​  ​= P​ (10.32)

6A dimensional ambiguity is evident with Eq. (10.28) and with analogous equations to follow in that P has units,

whereas ln P must be dimensionless. This difficulty is more apparent than real, because the Gibbs energy is always
expressed on a relative scale, absolute values being unknown. Thus in application only differences in Gibbs energy
appear, leading to ratios of quantities with units of pressure in the argument of the logarithm. The only requirement is
that consistency of pressure units be maintained.
7This quantity originated with Gilbert Newton Lewis (1875–1946), American physical chemist, who also

developed the concepts of the partial property and the ideal solution. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilbert N.
10.5.  Fugacity and Fugacity Coefficient: Pure Species 367

and the fugacity of pure species i in the ideal-gas state is necessarily equal to its pressure.
Subtraction of Eq. (10.28) from Eq. (10.31), both written for the same T and P, gives:
​fi​ ​
​G​ i​− ​G​  i​  ​= RT ln ​__
​    ​​ 
ig ig
By the definition of Eq. (6.41), ​G​ i​− ​G​  i​  ​​is the residual Gibbs energy, ​​G​  i​  ​​; thus,

​fi​ ​
​​​G​  iR​  ​= RT ln ​_
    ​ = RT ln ​ϕi​ ​​​ (10.33)

where the dimensionless ratio fi/P has been defined as another new property, the fugacity
coefficient, given by symbol ϕi:

​fi​ ​
​ϕi​ ​≡ _
​ ​    ​​   (10.34)

These equations apply to pure species i in any phase at any condition. However, as a ­special
​​ iR​  ​ = 0, ​ϕi​ ​ = 1​, and Eq. (10.28) is
case they must be valid for the ideal-gas state, for which G​ 
recovered from Eq. (10.31). Moreover, we may write Eq. (10.33) for P = 0 and combine it
with Eq. (6.45):

P→0 ( RT )
​G​  R​  ​
​ lim​ ​  ​​​ ___
​ ​  i  ​   ​​​ = ​ lim​ ​  ln ​ϕi​ ​= J​

As explained in connection with Eq. (6.48), the value of J is immaterial and is set equal to
zero. Whence,

​fi​ ​
​ lim​ ​  ln ​ϕi​ ​= ​ lim​ ​  ln ​ ​ _
​ ​    ​  ​​ = 0​
P→0 P→0

​fi​ ​
​ lim​ ​ ​ϕi​ ​= ​ lim​ ​   ​__
​    ​ = 1​
P→0 P→0 P

The identification of ln ϕi with ​​G​  iR​  ​ / RT​by Eq. (10.33) permits its evaluation by the inte-
gral of Eq. (6.49):

​​ln ​ϕi​  ​​ = ​   ​  ​(​Z​ i​​ − 1) ​ ___


​   ​      ​​(​const T​)​​​ (10.35)

Fugacity coefficients (and therefore fugacities) for pure gases are evaluated by this equation
from PVT data or from a volume-explicit equation of state.
For example, when the compressibility factor is given by Eq. (3.36), written here with
subscripts to indicate that it is applied to a pure substance:
​B​ ii​ P
​Z​ i​− 1 = ____
​ ​   ​  ​
368 CHAPTER 10 .  The Framework of Solution Thermodynamics

Because the second virial coefficient Bii is a function of temperature only for a pure
species, substitution into Eq. (10.35) gives:

​   ​  ​   ​  ​dP ​  ​(​const T​)​​

​B​ ii​ P
RT ∫ 0
ln ​ϕi​ ​= ___

​B​ ii​ P
ln ​ϕi​ ​= ____
​ ​   ​  ​ (10.36)

Vapor/Liquid Equilibrium for Pure Species

Equation (10.31), which defines the fugacity of pure species i, may be written for species i as
a saturated vapor and as a saturated liquid at the same temperature:

​​G​iv​  ​= ​Γ​ i​ ​(​T​)​+ RT ln ​f​iv​  ​​ (10.37) ​​G​il​  ​= ​Γ​ i​ ​(​T​)​+ RT ln ​f​il​  ​​ (10.38)

By difference,
​f​  v​  ​
​​G​  iv​  ​− ​G​  il​  ​= RT ln ​ __il ​ ​ 
​f​  i​  ​
This equation applies to the change of state from saturated liquid to saturated vapor, at temper-
​​ isat
ature T and at the vapor pressure P​  ​​ iv​  ​− ​G​  il​  ​= 0​; therefore:
​  ​​. According to Eq. (6.83), G​ 
​​f​  i v​  ​= ​f​  i l​  ​= ​f​  isat
​  ​​ (10.39)

where f​​ ​  isat

​  ​​indicates the value for either saturated liquid or saturated vapor. C
­ oexisting phases
of saturated liquid and saturated vapor are in equilibrium; Eq. (10.39) therefore expresses a
fundamental principle:
For a pure species, coexisting liquid and vapor phases are in equilibrium
when they have the same temperature, pressure, and fugacity.8
An alternative formulation is based on the corresponding fugacity coefficients:
​f​  sat
​  ​
​  ​ = ____
​​ϕ​  isat ​  i sat  ​​   (10.40)
​P​  i​  ​
​​ϕ​  iv​  ​= ​ϕ​  il​  ​= ​ϕ​  isat
​  ​​ (10.41)

This equation, expressing the equality of fugacity coefficients, is an equally valid crite-
rion of vapor/liquid equilibrium for pure species.

8The word fugacity is based on a Latin root meaning to flee or escape, also the basis for the word fugitive. Thus

fugacity has been interpreted to mean “escaping tendency.” When the escaping tendency is the same for the two
phases, they are in equilibrium. When the escaping tendency of a species is higher in one phase than another, that
species will tend to transfer to the phase where its fugacity is lower.
10.5.  Fugacity and Fugacity Coefficient: Pure Species 369

Fugacity of a Pure Liquid

The fugacity of pure species i as a compressed (subcooled) liquid may be calculated as the
product of the saturation pressure with three ratios that are each relatively easy to evaluate:
​f​  v​  ​ (​P​  sat ​f​  l​  ​ (​P​  sat
​  ​) _______ ​  ​) ______ ​f​  l​  ​(P) sat
​​f​  il​  ​ (P) = ________
​​  i sati​ ​  ​​​     iv isat
 ​​  ​​  l i sat ​ ​​
​ ​ ​​​ 
 ​   ​​P
 ​  i​  ​​ 
​  ​P​  i​  ​   ​ ​f​  i​  ​(​P​  i​  ​)  ​f​  i​  ​(​P​  i​  ​)
⏟ (A) ⏟ (B) (C)

All terms are at the temperature of interest. Inspection reveals that cancellation of
numerators and denominators produces a mathematical identity.
Ratio (A) is the vapor-phase fugacity coefficient of pure vapor i at its vapor/liquid satu-
ration pressure, designated ​​ϕ​  isat
​  ​​. It is given by Eq. (10.35), written,

ln ​ϕ​  i​  ​ = ​   ​  ​​​ ​Z​  iv​  ​− 1​ ​​ ​___

​P​  isat
​  ​

​ sat
( )   ​​(​const T​)​​ (10.42)

As shown by Eq. (10.39), expressing the equality of liquid and vapor fugacities at
e­ quilibrium, ratio (B) is unity. Ratio (C) reflects the effect of pressure on the fugacity of pure
liquid i. This effect is generally small. The basis for its calculation is Eq. (6.11), integrated at
constant T to give:

​  ​ = ​   sat ​ ​ ​V​  il​  ​  dP ​​


∫ ​P​  i​  ​
​G​ i​− ​G​  isat

Another expression for this difference results when Eq. (10.31) is written for both Gi and ​​G​  isat
​  ​​;
subtraction then yields:
​fi​ ​
​ ​  ​ = RT ln ​ ____
​G​ i​− ​G​  isat    ​​ 
​f​  isat
​  ​
The two expressions for ​G​ i​− ​G​  isat
​  ​​are set equal:

   ​ = ​     ​  ​   sat ​ ​ ​V​  il​  ​  ​dP​

​fi​ ​ ___ 1 P

​f​  i​  ​ RT ∫ ​P​  i​  ​

ln ​ ____
​ sat

Ratio (C) is then:

​     ​  ​   sat ​ ​ ​V​  il​  ​ ​ dP ​​

( RT ∫ ​P​  i​  ​ )
​f​  il​  (​​ P)​ 1 P
​​ _______
l sat
= exp​ ___
​f​  i​  ​(​P​  i​  ​ )
Substituting for the three ratios in the initial equation yields:

​     ​  ​   sat ​ ​ ​V​  il​  ​ ​ dP ​​

( RT ∫ ​P​  i​  ​ )
1 P
​fi​ ​= ​ϕ​  isat
​ ​  ​ exp​ ___
​  ​ ​P​  isat (10.43)

Because V ​​ ​  il​  ​​, the liquid-phase molar volume, is a very weak function of P at temperatures well
below Tc, an excellent approximation is often obtained by taking ​​V​  il​  ​​to be constant at the value
for saturated liquid. In this case,
​V​  il​  ​(P − ​P​  isat
​  ​ )
​fi​ ​= ​ϕ​  isat
​ ​  ​ exp ​ ___________
​  ​ ​P​  isat  ​  
​   (10.44)
370 CHAPTER 10 .  The Framework of Solution Thermodynamics

The exponential is known as a Poynting9 factor. To evaluate the fugacity of a compressed

­liquid from Eq. (10.44), the following data are required:

∙ Values of Z​  ​​ isat

​​ iv​  ​​for calculation of ϕ​  ​  ​​by Eq. (10.42). These may come from an equation of
state, from experiment, or from a generalized correlation.
∙ The liquid-phase molar volume ​​V​  il​  ​​, usually the value for saturated liquid.
∙ A value for ​​P​  isat
​  ​​.

If ​​Z​  iv​  ​​is given by Eq. (3.36), the simplest form of the virial equation, then:
​B​ ii​ P ​B​ ii​ ​P​  isat
​  ​
​​Z​  iv​  ​− 1 = ____
​   ​  ​  ​ = exp ​ _______
  and  ​ϕ​  isat  ​  

and Eq. (10.44) becomes:

​B​ ii​ ​P​  isat
​  ​ + ​V​  il​  ​(P − ​P​  isat
____________________ ​  ​ )
​fi​ ​= ​P​  isat
​ ​  ​ exp ​     ​ ​   (10.45)

In the following example, data from the steam tables form the basis for calculation of
the fugacity and fugacity coefficient of both vapor and liquid water as a function of pressure.

Example 10.5
For H2O at a temperature of 300°C and for pressures up to 10,000 kPa (100 bar)
calculate values of fi and ϕi from data in the steam tables and plot them vs. P.

Solution 10.5
Equation (10.31) is written twice: first, for a state at pressure P; second, for a
low-pressure reference state, denoted by *, both for temperature T:

​G​ i​= ​Γ​ i​ (T ) + RT ln   ​fi​ ​    and    ​G​  i*​  ​ = ​Γ​ i​ (T ) + RT ln   ​f​  i*​  ​​

Subtraction eliminates Γi(T), and yields:

​fi​ ​ 1
ln ​ __*  ​ = ___
​ ​     ​( ​G​ ​− ​G​  i*​  ​)​
​f​  i​  ​ RT i

By definition Gi = Hi − TSi and ​​G​  i*​  ​ = ​H​  i*​  ​ − T ​S​  i*​  ​​; substitution gives:

​f​  i​  ​ R [ T ]
​fi​ ​ 1 _______ ​H​ i​− ​H​  i*​  ​
ln ​ __*  ​ = __
​ ​   ​  ​​   ​  
 − (​Si​ ​− ​S​  i*​  ​)​ ​​​ (A)

9John Henry Poynting (1852–1914), British physicist. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John Henry Poynting.
10.5.  Fugacity and Fugacity Coefficient: Pure Species 371

The lowest pressure for which data at 300°C are given in the steam tables is
1 kPa. Steam at these conditions is for practical purposes in its ideal-gas state, for
which ​​f​  i*​  ​ = ​P​ *​= 1 kPa​. Data for this state provide the following reference values:
​​H​  i*​  ​ = 3076.8 J⋅​g​ −1​  ​S​  i*​  ​ =10.3450 J⋅​g​ −1​⋅K​​ −1​​
Equation (A) may now be applied to states of superheated steam at 300°C for various
values of P from 1 kPa to the saturation pressure of 8592.7 kPa. For example, at
P = 4000 kPa and 300°C:
​H​ i​= 2962.0 J⋅​g​ −1​  ​Si​ ​= 6.3642 J⋅​g​ −1​⋅K​​ −1​​

Values of H and S must be multiplied by the molar mass of water (18.015 g⋅mol−1)
to put them on a molar basis for substitution into Eq. (A):

[ ]
​fi​ ​ 18.015 ______________
2962.0 − 3076.8
ln ​___
​   *  ​= ______
​   ​ 
​ ​      ​ 
− ​(6.3642 − 10.3450)​​​ ​​ = 8.1917​
​f​  ​ 8.314 573.15

​fi​ ​ / ​f​ *​= 3611.0

​  ​ ​​
​fi​ ​= ​(​3611.0​)​(​ ​f​ *​)​= ​(​3611.0​)​(​1 kPa​)​= 3611.0 kPa​

Thus the fugacity coefficient at 4000 kPa is:

​fi​ ​ 3611.0
​ϕi​ ​= __
​ ​   ​ = ______
​= 0.9028​
P 4000
Similar calculations at other pressures lead to the values plotted in Fig. 10.2 at
pressures up to the saturation pressure ​​P​  isat
​  ​ = 8592.7 kPa​. At this pressure,
​​ϕ​  isat
​  ​ = 0.7843  and  f​​  isat
​  ​ = 6738.9 kPa​
According to Eqs. (10.39) and (10.41), the saturation values are unchanged by
condensation. Although the plots are therefore continuous, they do show discon-
tinuities in slope. Values of fi and ϕi for liquid water at higher pressures are found
by application of Eq. (10.44), with ​​V​  il​  ​​equal to the molar volume of saturated
liquid water at 300°C:
​​V​  il​  ​= ​(1.403)​(18.015)​= 25.28​ cm​​ 3​⋅mol​​ −1​​
At 10,000 kPa, for example, Eq. (10.44) becomes:
​(​25.28​)​(​10,000 − 8592.7​)​
​fi​ ​= (0.7843)(8592.7) exp ​____________________
​          ​= 6789.8 kPa​
The fugacity coefficient of liquid water at these conditions is:

​ϕi​ ​= ​fi​ ​ / P = 6789.8 / 10,000 = 0.6790​
Such calculations allow the completion of Fig. 10.2, where the solid lines show
how fi and ϕi vary with pressure.
The curve for fi starts at the origin and deviates increasingly from the dashed
line for the ideal-gas state (​​f​  i​  ​ = P​) as the pressure rises. At ​​P​  isat
​  ​​there is a
372 CHAPTER 10 .  The Framework of Solution Thermodynamics

7 fisat 1.0

6 fi 0.9

5 0.8 sat
fi P

4 0.7

i Figure 10.2: Fugacity


and fugacity coefficient

of steam at 300°C.

3 0.6


0 2 4 6 8 10
P 10 3/kPa

discontinuity in slope, and the curve then rises very slowly with increasing pres-
sure, indicating that the fugacity of liquid water at 300°C is a weak function of
pressure. This behavior is characteristic of a liquid at a temperature well below
its critical temperature. The fugacity coefficient ϕi decreases steadily from its
zero-pressure value of unity as the pressure rises. Its rapid decrease in the liquid
region is a consequence of the near-constancy of the fugacity itself.



The definition of the fugacity of a species in solution is parallel to the definition of the
pure-species fugacity. For species i in a mixture of real gases or in a solution of liquids, the
equation analogous to Eq. (10.29), the ideal-gas-state expression, is:
​μ​ i​≡ ​Γ​ i​ ​(T)​+ RT ln   ​​fˆ​​  i ​​​
​ (10.46)
374 CHAPTER 10 .  The Framework of Solution Thermodynamics

This result combined with Eq. (10.50) and the identity ​μ​ i​≡ ​​G¯ ​​  i ​​​ gives:

¯ ​​  R​  ​= RT ln  ​​ϕˆ ​​   i​​​​

​​​​G  (10.51)

where by definition,

ˆ ​​  i​​ ≡ ____​​fˆ​​  i ​​

​​​​ϕ  ​     ​​​   (10.52)
​y​ i​ P
ˆ ​​  i​​​ is called the fugacity coefficient of species i in solution. Although
The dimensionless ratio ​​​ϕ 
most commonly applied to gases, the fugacity coefficient may also be used for liquids, and in
this case mole fraction yi is replaced by xi, the symbol traditionally used for mole fractions in
the liquid phase. Because Eq. (10.29) for the ideal-gas state is a special case of Eq. (10.46):
​​​f ˆ​​  i ​  ​= ​y​ i​ P​ (10.53)
Thus the fugacity of species i in an ideal-gas-state mixture is equal to its partial pressure.
​​​¯ ​​  iR​  ​= 0​.
Moreover, ​​​ϕˆ ​​   i​  ​= 1​, and for the ideal-gas state, G 

The Fundamental Residual-Property Relation

The fundamental property relation given by Eq. (10.2) is put into an alternative form through
the mathematical identity [also used to generate Eq. (6.37)]:

( RT ) RT
nG 1 nG
d​ _
​ ​    ​  ​≡ ___
​     ​  d(nG ) −  ____
​  2  ​  dT​
R ​T​  ​
In this equation d(nG) is eliminated by Eq. (10.2) and G is replaced by its definition,
H − TS. The result, after algebraic reduction, is:

​​G¯ ​​  i ​​
( RT ) RT
nG nV nH
​​d​​ _
​    ​  ​= _
​    ​  dP − _
​  2  ​  dT + ​∑​  ​  ___
​    ​d  ​n​ i​​​ (10.54)
R ​T​  ​ i

All terms in Eq. (10.54) have the units of moles; moreover, in contrast to Eq. (10.2), the
enthalpy rather than the entropy appears on the right side. Equation (10.54) is a general
­relation expressing nG/RT as a function of all of its canonical variables, T, P, and the mole
numbers. It reduces to Eq. (6.37) for the special case of 1 mol of a constant-composition
phase. Equations (6.38) and (6.39) follow from either equation, and equations for the other
thermodynamic properties then come from appropriate defining equations. Knowledge of
G/RT as a function of its canonical variables allows evaluation of all other thermodynamic
properties, and therefore implicitly contains complete property information. Unfortunately,
we do not have the experimental means by which to exploit this characteristic. That is, we
cannot directly measure G/RT as a function of T, P, and composition. However, we can obtain
complete thermodynamic information by combining calorimetric and volumetric data. In this
regard, an analogous equation relating residual properties proves useful.
Because Eq. (10.54) is general, it may be written for the special case of the ideal-gas state:

( RT )
​​G¯ ​​   ​  ​
n ​G​ ig​ n ​V​ ig​ n ​H​ ig​
d​ _
​ ​      ​ ​= ____
​      ​ dP − ____
​  2 ​   dT + ​∑​  ​  ___
​  i  ​ d  ​n​ i​
RT R ​T​  ​ i
10.6.  Fugacity and Fugacity Coefficient: Species in Solution 375

In view of the definitions of residual properties [Eqs. (6.41) and (10.50)], subtracting this
equation from Eq. (10.54) gives:

( RT ) RT
n ​G​ R​ n ​V​ R​ n​H​ R​ ​​G¯ ​​   R​  ​
​​d​​ _
​      ​ ​= _
​   ​   dP − _
​  2 ​  dT + ​∑​  ​  ___
​  i  ​ d  ​n​ i​​​ (10.55)
R​T​  ​ i

Equation (10.55) is the fundamental residual-property relation. Its derivation from Eq. (10.2)
parallels the derivation in Chap. 6 that led from Eq. (6.11) to Eq. (6.42). Indeed, Eqs. (6.11)
and (6.42) are special cases of Eqs. (10.2) and (10.55), valid for 1 mol of a constant-composition
fluid. An alternative form of Eq. (10.55) follows by introduction of the fugacity coefficient as
given by Eq. (10.51):

( RT ) RT
n ​G​ R​ n ​V​ R​ n​H​ R​
​​d​​ _
​      ​ ​= _
​   ​   dP − _
​  2 ​  dT +  ​∑​  ​  ln ​​ϕˆ ​​   i​​ d​n​ i​​​ (10.56)
R​T​  ​ i

Equations so general as Eqs. (10.55) and (10.56) are most useful for practical applica-
tion in restricted forms. Division of Eqs. (10.55) and (10.56), first, by dP with restriction to
constant T and composition, and second, by dT and restriction to constant P and composition
leads to:

[ ] [ ]
​V​ R​ ∂ (​G​ R​ / RT ) ​H​ R​ ∂ (​G​ R​ / RT )
​ ___  ​=   ​​ __________
​​   ​  ​ ​​  ​​​ (10.57) ​ ___  ​= − T ​​ __________
​​   ​  
​ ​​  ​​​ (10.58)
RT ∂ P RT ∂ T
T, x P, x

These equations are restatements of Eqs. (6.43) and (6.44) wherein the restriction of the deriv-
atives to constant composition is shown explicitly. They lead to Eqs. (6.46), (6.48), and (6.49)
for the calculation of residual properties from volumetric data. Moreover, Eq. (10.57) is the
basis for the direct derivation of Eq. (10.35), which yields fugacity coefficients from volumet-
ric data. It is through the residual properties that this kind of experimental information enters
into the practical application of thermodynamics.
In addition, from Eq. (10.56),

[ ]
∂ (n ​G​ R​ ​ / RT )
​​ ln  ​​ϕˆ ​​  i ​​ = ​ __________
​​   ​  
​  ​​  ​​​​ (10.59)
∂ ​n​ i​ P, T, ​n​ j​

This equation demonstrates that the logarithm of the fugacity coefficient

of a species in solution is a partial property with respect to GR/RT.

Example 10.6
Develop a general equation to calculate l​n ​​ϕˆ ​​   i​​​values from compressibility-factor data.
376 CHAPTER 10 .  The Framework of Solution Thermodynamics

Solution 10.6
For n mol of a constant-composition mixture, Eq. (6.49) becomes:

​= ​   ​  ​(nZ − n) ​___
n ​G​  ​

____ dP
​         ​  ​​

In accord with Eq. (10.59) this equation may be differentiated with respect to ni at
constant T, P, and nj to yield:

ln ​​ϕˆ ​​   i​​ = ​​   ​  ​  ​ _
∫ 0 [ ∂ ​n​ i​ ] P, T,​ n​ ​ P
P ∂ (nZ − n ) dP
​ ​      ​ ​ ​​  ​​ ___
​   ​ ​

Because ∂​  (nZ)/∂ ​n​ i​= ​​Z¯ ​​  i​​​ and ​∂ n / ∂ ​n​ i​= 1​, this reduces to:

 ln  ​​ϕˆ ​​   i​​ = ​   ​  ​ (​​Z¯ ​​  i​​ − 1) ​___


​    ​  ​​ (10.60)

where integration is at constant temperature and composition. This equation is the

​​​ˆ ​​  i​​​ values from
partial-property analog of Eq. (10.35). It allows the calculation of ϕ 
PVT data.

Fugacity Coefficients from the Virial Equation of State

Values of ​​​ϕˆ ​​   i​​​ for species i in solution are readily found from equations of state. The simplest
form of the virial equation provides a useful example. Written for a gas mixture it is exactly
the same as for a pure species:
Z = 1 + ___
​ ​    ​​ (3.36)
The mixture second virial coefficient B is a function of temperature and composition. Its exact
composition dependence is given by statistical mechanics, which makes the virial equation
preeminent among equations of state where it is applicable, i.e., to gases at low to moderate
pressures. The equation giving this composition dependence is:

​B = ​∑​  ​  ​∑​  ​  ​y​ i​ ​y​ j​ ​B​ ij​​

​ (10.61)
i j

where yi and yj represent mole fractions in a gas mixture. The indices i and j identify ­species,
and both run over all species present in the mixture. The virial coefficient Bij characterizes bimo-
lecular interactions between molecules of species i and species j, and therefore ​B​ ij​ = ​B​ ji​​. The
double summation accounts for all possible bimolecular interactions.
For a binary mixture i = 1, 2 and j = 1, 2; the expansion of Eq. (10.61) then gives:

B = ​y​ 1​ ​y​ 1​B​ 11​+ ​y​ 1​y​ 2​B​ 12​+ ​y​ 2​y​ 1​B​ 21​+ ​y​ 2​y​ 2​B​ 22​​

B = ​y​  12​  ​B​ 11​+ 2​y​ 1​y​ 2​B​ 12​+ ​y​  22​  ​ ​B​ 22​​

​ (10.62)
10.6.  Fugacity and Fugacity Coefficient: Species in Solution 377

Two types of virial coefficients have appeared: B11 and B22, for which the successive sub-
scripts are the same, and B12, for which the two subscripts are different. The first type is a
pure-species virial coefficient; the second is a mixture property, known as a cross coefficient.
Both are functions of temperature only. Expressions such as Eqs. (10.61) and (10.62) relate
mixture coefficients to pure-species and cross coefficients. They are called mixing rules.
Equation (10.62) allows the derivation of expressions for l​ n ​​ϕˆ ​​   1​​  and ln ​​ϕˆ ​​   2​​​for a binary gas
mixture that obeys Eq. (3.36). Written for n mol of gas mixture, it becomes:
nZ = n + ____
​ ​   ​ 

Differentiation with respect to n1 gives:

[ ∂ ​n​ 1​ ] [ ∂ ​n​ 1​ ]
∂ (nZ )
¯​​  1​​ ≡   ​​ _____ P ∂ (nB )
​​​Z  ​​   ​  
​ ​​  ​​ = 1 + ___
​    ​  ​ ______
​​   ​ 
​ ​​  ​​​
P, T,​ n​  ​
RT T, ​n​  ​
2 2

Substitution for ​​​Z¯ ​​  1​​​in Eq. (10.60) yields:

​     ​  ​​   ​  ​ _
RT ∫ 0 [ ∂ ​n​ 1​ ] RT [ ∂ ​n​ 1​ ] T,​ n​  ​
1 P ∂ (nB) P ∂ (nB )
ln ​​ϕˆ ​​   1​​ = ___
​ ​    ​ ​ ​​  ​​ dP = ___
​    ​  ​ ______
​​   ​

​ ​​  ​​​
T,​ n​ 2​ 2

where the integration is elementary because B is not a function of pressure. All that remains is
evaluation of the derivative.
Equation (10.62) for the second virial coefficient may be written:
B =  ​y​ 1​ (1 −  ​y​ 2​ ) ​B​ 11​  + 2 ​y​ 1​ ​y​ 2​ ​B​ 12​  +  ​y​ 2​ (1 −  ​y​ 1​ ) ​B​ 22​  

​    ​ ​​
  =  ​y​ 1​ ​B​ 11​  −  ​y​ 1​ ​y​ 2​ ​B​ 11​  + 2 ​y​ 1​ ​y​ 2​ ​B​ 12​  +  ​y​ 2​ ​B​ 22​  −  ​y​ 1​ ​y​ 2​ ​B​ 22​


B = ​y​ 1​ ​B​ 11​+ ​y​ 2​ ​B​ 22​+ ​y​ 1​ ​y​ 2​ ​δ​ 12​  with  ​δ​ 12​≡ 2 ​B​ 12​− ​B​ 11​− ​B​ 22​​
Multiplying by n and substituting yi = ni/n gives,
​n​ 1​ ​n​ 2​
​nB = ​n​ 1​ ​B​ 11​+ ​n​ 2​ ​B​ 22​+ ____
​      ​  ​δ​  ​
n 12
By differentiation:

[ ] ( n ​n​ 2​) 2 12​
∂ (​ nB)​ 1 ​n​ 1​
​​ _____
​   ​ ​​  ​​ = ​B​ 11​+ ​ __
​   ​− ___
​   ​ ​ ​n​  ​ ​δ​  ​
​​ ∂ ​n​ 1​    ​  T,​ n​ 2​ ​ ​  ​​
​ = ​B​ 11​+ ​(1 − ​y​ 1​)​ ​y​ 2​ ​δ​ 12​= ​B​ 11​+ ​y​  22​  ​ ​δ​ 12​

ln  ​​ϕˆ ​​   1​​ = ___
​ ​    ​( ​B​ 11​+ ​y​  22​  ​ ​δ​ 12​)​ (10.63a)
ln  ​​ϕˆ ​​  2  ​​ = ___
​ ​    ​( ​B​ 22​+ ​y​  12​  ​ ​δ​ 12​)​ (10.63b)
378 CHAPTER 10 .  The Framework of Solution Thermodynamics

Equations (10.63) are readily extended for application to multicomponent gas mixtures; the
general equation is:10

RT [ ]
P 1
ln  ​​ϕˆ ​​   k​​ = ___
​ ​    ​  ​B​ kk​+ _
​   ​ ​∑​  ​  ​∑​  ​  ​ ​y​ i​ ​y​ j​ (2​δ​ ik​− ​δi​ j​ )​ ​​ (10.64)
2 i j

where the dummy indices i and j run over all species, and

​δ​ ik​≡ 2 ​B​ ik​− ​B​ ii​− ​B​ kk      ​ ​δi​ j​≡ 2​B​ ij​− ​B​ ii​− ​B​ jj​​


​δi​ i​= 0, ​δ​ kk​= 0, etc.,      and  ​δ​ ki​= ​δ​ ik​,  etc.​

Example 10.7
Determine the fugacity coefficients as given by Eqs. (10.63) for nitrogen and methane
in a N2(1)/CH4(2) mixture at 200 K and 30 bar if the mixture contains 40 mol-% N2.
Experimental virial-coefficient data are as follows:

​B​ 11​= − 35.2  ​B​ 22​= − 105.0  ​B​ 12​= − 59.8​ cm​​ 3​⋅mol​​ −1​

Solution 10.7
By definition, ​δ​ 12​= 2 ​B​ 12​− ​B​ 11​− ​B​ 22​​. Whence,

​δ​ 12​= 2​(​−59.8​)​+ 35.2 + 105.0 = 20.6 ​ cm​​ 3​ ​⋅mol​​ −1​

Substitution of numerical values in Eqs. (10.63) yields:

(83.14 ) (200 ) [
ln  ​​ϕˆ ​​  1  ​​ = ___________
​ ​      ​  ​− 35.2 + ​(0.6 )​​ 2​(20.6 )​]​= − 0.0501​

(83.14 ) (200 ) [
ln  ​​ϕˆ ​​  2  ​​ = ___________
​ ​      ​  ​− 105.0 + ​(0.4 )​​ 2​(20.6 )​]​= − 0.1835​


​​​ϕˆ ​​   1​​ = 0.9511  and  ​​ϕˆ ​​   2​​ = 0.8324​

Note that the second virial coefficient of the mixture as given by Eq. (10.62) is
B = −72.14 cm3⋅mol−1, and that substitution in Eq. (3.36) yields a mixture
­compressibility factor, Z = 0.870.

10H. C. Van Ness and M. M. Abbott, Classical Thermodynamics of Nonelectrolyte Solutions: With Applications to

Phase Equilibria, pp. 135–140, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1982.

10.7.  Generalized Correlations for the Fugacity Coefficient 379



Fugacity Coefficients for Pure Species

The generalized methods developed in Sec. 3.7 for the compressibility factor Z and in Sec. 6.4
for the residual enthalpy and entropy of pure gases are applied here to the fugacity coefficient.
Equation (10.35) is put into generalized form by substitution of the relations,
​P = ​Pc​  ​ ​Pr​ ​     dP = ​Pc​   ​d​Pr​ ​

ln ​ϕi​ ​= ​   ​  ​(​Z​ i​− 1) ​___

Pr d​Pr​ ​
​    ​  ​​ (10.65)
​Pr​ ​

where integration is at constant Tr. Substitution for Zi by Eq. (3.53) yields:

ln ϕ = ​   ​  ​(​Z​ 0​− 1)​___

   ​  ​ + ω​   ​  ​Z​ 1​ ___
​Pr​ ​ ​Pr​ ​
d​Pr​ ​ d​Pr​ ​
∫0 ∫0
​ ​   ​  ​​
​Pr​ ​ ​Pr​ ​
where for simplicity subscript i is omitted. This equation may be written in alternative form:
ln ϕ = ln ​ϕ​ 0​+ ω ln ​ϕ​ 1​​
​ (10.66)

ln ​ϕ​ 0​≡ ​   ​  ​(​Z​ 0​− 1) ​___

   ​  ​  and  ln ​ϕ​ 1​≡ ​   ​  ​Z​ 1​ ___
Pr d​Pr​ ​ Pr d​Pr​ ​
∫0 ∫0
​ ​   ​  ​​
​Pr​ ​ ​Pr​ ​
The integrals in these equations may be evaluated numerically or graphically for various
­values of T and P from the data for Z0 and Z1 given in Tables D.1 through D.4 (App. D).
r r
Another method, and the one adopted by Lee and Kesler to extend their correlation to fugacity
coefficients, is based on an equation of state.
Equation (10.66) may also be written,
ϕ = (​ϕ​ 0​)​(​ϕ​ 1​)​ ω​​
​ (10.67)
and we have the option of providing correlations for ​ϕ​ 0​and ​ϕ​ 1​rather than for their logarithms.
This is the choice made here, and Tables D.13 through D.16 present values for these quan-
tities as derived from the Lee/Kesler correlation as functions of Tr and Pr, thus providing a
three-parameter generalized correlation for fugacity coefficients. Tables D.13 and D.15 for ​ϕ​ 0​​
can be used alone as a two-parameter correlation which does not incorporate the refinement
introduced by the acentric factor.

Example 10.8
Estimate from Eq. (10.67) a value for the fugacity of 1-butene vapor at 200°C and
70 bar.
380 CHAPTER 10 .  The Framework of Solution Thermodynamics

Solution 10.8
At these conditions, with Tc = 420.0 K, Pc = 40.43 bar from Table B.1, we have:

​Tr​ ​= 1.127  ​Pr​ ​= 1.731  ω = 0.191​
By interpolation in Tables D.15 and D.16 at these conditions,
​ϕ​ 0​= 0.627  and  ​ϕ​ 1​= 1.096​

Equation (10.67) then gives:
ϕ = (0.627) ​(1.096)​​ 0.191​= 0.638​

​f = ϕP = ​(​0.638​)​(​70​)​= 44.7 bar​​

A useful generalized correlation for ln ϕ results when the simplest form of the virial equation
is valid. Equations (3.57) and (3.59) combine to give:
​Pr​ ​
Z − 1 = ___
​ ​   ​(  ​B​ 0​+ ω ​B​ 1​)​
​Tr​ ​
Substitution into Eq. (10.65) and integration yield:
​Pr​ ​
ln ϕ = ___
​ ​   ​(  ​B​ 0​+ ω​B​ 1​)​
​Tr​ ​

[ ​Tr​ ​ ]
​Pr​ ​
ϕ = exp ​ _
​ ​   ​(  ​B​ 0​+ ω ​B​ 1​ )​ ​​ (10.68)

This equation, used in conjunction with Eqs. (3.61) and (3.62), provides reliable values of ϕ
for any nonpolar or slightly polar gas when applied at conditions where Z is approximately
linear in pressure. Figure 3.13 again serves as a guide to its applicability.
Named functions HRB(TR,PR,OMEGA) and SRB(TR,PR,OMEGA) for the ­evaluation
of HR/RTc and SR/R by the generalized virial-coefficient correlation are described in
Sec. 6.4. Similarly, we introduce here a function named PHIB(TR,PR,OMEGA) for the
­evaluation of ϕ11:

It combines Eq. (10.68) with Eqs. (3.61) and (3.62) to evaluate the fugacity coefficient for
given reduced temperature, reduced pressure, and acentric factor. For example, the value of ϕ
for carbon dioxide at the conditions of Example 6.4, Step 3, is denoted as:

PHIB(0.963,0.203,0.224) = 0.923​

11Sample programs and spreadsheets for the evaluation of these functions are available in the Online Learning

Center at http://highered.mheducation.com:80/sites/1259696529.
10.7.  Generalized Correlations for the Fugacity Coefficient 381

Extension to Mixtures
The generalized correlation just described is for pure gases only. The remainder of this section
shows how the virial equation may be generalized to allow the calculation of fugacity coeffi-
cients ​​​ϕˆ ​​  i ​​​for species in gas mixtures.
The general expression for calculation of ​ln   ​​ϕˆ ​​   k​​​from second-virial-coefficient data is
given by Eq. (10.64). Values of the pure-species virial coefficients Bkk, Bii, etc., are found
from the generalized correlation represented by Eqs. (3.58), (3.59), (3.61), and (3.62). The
cross coefficients Bik, Bij, etc., are found from an extension of the same correlation. For this
purpose, Eq. (3.59) is rewritten in the more general form:12
ˆ​​  ij​​ = ​B​ 0​+ ​ω​ ij​ ​B​ 1​​
​​​B  (10.69a)
​B​ ij​ ​P​ cij​
ˆ​​  ij​​ ≡ ______
​​​B  ​   ​ 
​ (10.69b)
R​T​ cij​
and B0 and B1 are the same functions of Tr as given by Eqs. (3.61) and (3.62). The combining
rules proposed by Prausnitz et al. for the calculation of ωij, Tcij, and Pcij are:

​ω​ i​+ ​ω​ j​
​ω​ ij​= ______
​      ​   (10.70) ​T​ cij​= ​(​T​ ci​ ​T​ cj​ )​​ 1/2​(1 − ​ki​ j​ )​ (10.71)

​Z​ cij​ R ​T​ cij​ ​Z​ ci​+ ​Z​ cj​

​P​ cij​= ________
​      ​   (10.72) ​Z​ cij​= _______
​      ​   (10.73)
​V​ cij​ 2

(​  )
1∕3 1∕3 3
​V​  ci​  ​ + ​V​  cj​  ​ ​​​  ​​ (10.74)
​V​ cij​= ​​ __________  ​  


In Eq. (10.71), kij is an empirical interaction parameter specific to a particular i-j molecular
pair. When i = j and for chemically similar species, kij = 0. Otherwise, it is a small positive
number evaluated from minimal PVT data or, in the absence of data, set equal to zero. When
i = j, all equations reduce to the appropriate values for a pure species. When i ≠ j, these equations
define a set of interaction parameters that, while they do not have any fundamental physical
significance, do provide useful estimates of fugacity coefficients in moderately non-ideal gas
mixtures. Reduced temperature is given for each ij pair by ​T​ rij​≡ T / ​T​ cij​. For a mixture, values of
Bij from Eq. (10.69b) substituted into Eq. (10.61) yield the mixture second virial coefficient B,
and substituted into Eq. (10.64) [Eqs. (10.63) for a binary] they yield values of l​n  ​​ϕˆ ​​   i​​​.
The primary virtue of the generalized correlation for second virial coefficients presented
here is simplicity; more accurate, but more complex, correlations appear in the literature.13
12J. M. Prausnitz, R. N. Lichtenthaler, and E. G. de Azevedo, Molecular Thermodynamics of Fluid-Phase

­Equilibria, 3rd ed., pp. 133 and 160, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1998.
13C. Tsonopoulos, AIChE J., vol. 20, pp. 263–272, 1974, vol. 21, pp. 827–829, 1975, vol. 24, pp. 1112–1115, 1978;

C. Tsonopoulos, Adv. in Chemistry Series 182, pp. 143–162, 1979; J. G. Hayden and J. P. O’Connell, Ind. Eng. Chem.
Proc. Des. Dev., vol. 14, pp. 209–216, 1975; D. W. McCann and R. P. Danner, Ibid., vol. 23, pp. 529–533, 1984; J. A.
Abusleme and J. H. Vera, AIChE J., vol. 35, pp. 481–489, 1989; L. Meng, Y. Y. Duan, and X. D. Wang, Fluid Phase
Equilib., vol. 260, pp. 354–358, 2007.
382 CHAPTER 10 .  The Framework of Solution Thermodynamics

Example 10.9
Estimate ​​​ϕˆ ​​   1​​​ and ​​​ϕˆ ​​   2​​​by Eqs. (10.63) for an equimolar mixture of methyl ethyl ketone(1)/
toluene(2) at 50°C and 25 kPa. Set all kij = 0.

Solution 10.9
The required data are as follows:

ij Tcij K Pcij bar Vcij cm3⋅mol−1 Zcij ωij

11 535.5 41.5 267. 0.249 0.323
22 591.8 41.1 316. 0.264 0.262
12 563.0 41.3 291. 0.256 0.293
where values in the last row have been calculated by Eqs. (10.70) through (10.74).
The values of Trij, together with B0, B1, and Bij calculated for each ij pair by
Eqs. (3.65), (3.66), and (10.69), are as follows:

ij Trij B0 B1 Bij cm3⋅mol−1

11 0.603 –0.865 –1.300 –1387.
22 0.546 –1.028 –2.045 –1860.
12 0.574 –0.943 –1.632 –1611.

Calculating δ12 according to its definition gives:

​δ​ 12​= 2 ​B​ 12​− ​B​ 11​− ​B​ 22​= (2)(−1611) + 1387 + 1860 = 25  ​cm​​ 3​ ​·mol​​ −1​​

Equation (10.63) then yields:
P 25
ln  ​​ϕˆ ​​  1  ​​ = ___
​ ​    ​  ( ​B​ 11​+ ​y​  22​  ​ ​δ​ 12​ ) = _____________
​       ​ [−1387 + ​(​0.5​)​ 2​ (25) ] = − 0.0128​
RT ​(​8314​)​(​323.15​)​
P 25
ln  ​​ϕˆ ​​  2  ​​ = ___
​ ​    ​  ( ​B​ 22​+ ​y​  12​  ​ ​δ​ 12​ ) = _____________
​       ​ [−1860 + ​(​0.5​)​ 2​ (25) ] = − 0.0172​
RT ​(​8314​)​(​323.15​)​
ˆ ​​  1​​ = 0.987    and    ​​ϕˆ ​​   2​​ = 0.983​
These results are representative of values obtained for vapor phases at typical con-
ditions of low-pressure vapor/liquid equilibrium.


The chemical potential as given by the ideal-gas-state mixture model,

​​​μ​  i​  ​≡ ​​G¯ ​​  i ​  ​= ​G​  i​  ​(T, P) + RT ln ​y​ i​​​

ig ig ig
10.8.  The Ideal-Solution Model 383

contains a final term that gives it the simplest possible composition dependence. Indeed, this
functional form could reasonably serve as the basis for the composition dependence of chem-
ical potential in dense gases and liquids. In it, the composition dependence arises only from
the entropy increase due to random intermixing of molecules of different species. This entropy
increase due to mixing is the same in any random mixture, and thus can be expected to be
present in liquids and dense gases as well. However, the pure-species behavior implied by the
term G​​ ​  i​  ​(T, P)​is unrealistic except for the ideal-gas state. A natural extension of Eq. (10.24)
therefore replaces ​​G​  i​  ​(T, P)​​with Gi(T, P), the Gibbs energy of pure i in its real physical state
of gas, liquid, or solid. Thus, we define an ideal solution as one for which:

​​​μ​  iid​  ​≡ ​​G¯ ​​  i id​  ​= ​G​  i​ ​(​  T, P) + RT ln ​x​ i​​​ (10.75)

where superscript id denotes an ideal-solution property. Mole fraction is here represented by xi

to reflect the fact that this approach is most often applied to liquids. However, a consequence
of this definition is that an ideal-gas-state mixture is a special case, namely, an ideal solution
of gases in the ideal-gas state, for which xi in Eq. (10.75) is replaced by yi.
All other thermodynamic properties for an ideal solution follow from Eq. (10.75). The
partial volume results from differentiation with respect to pressure at constant temperature and
composition in accord with Eq. (10.18):

( )T, x
∂ ​​G¯ ​​   id​  ​
( ∂ P )T
¯​​  iid​  ​= ​​​ ​ ____ ∂ ​G​ i​
​​​V  ​  i  ​​​    ​​  ​​ = ​ ____
​​   ​ ​ ​​  ​​​
∂  P

By Eq. (10.4), (∂Gi/∂P)T = Vi; whence,

¯​​  iid​  ​= ​V​ i​​​
​​​​V  (10.76)

Similarly, as a result of Eq. (10.19),

( ∂ T )P, x
∂ ​​G¯ ​​   id​  ​
( ∂ T )P
¯​​  id​  ​= − ​​​ ​ ____ ∂ ​G​ i​
​​​S  i ​  i  ​​​    ​​  ​​ = − ​ ​ ____
​   ​ ​ ​​  ​​ − R ln  ​x​ i​​

By Eq. (10.5),
¯​​  id​  ​= ​Si​ ​− R ln ​x​ i​​​
​​​​S  (10.77)

​​​ ¯​​  i id​  ​= ​​G¯ ​​  i id​  ​+ T ​​S¯​​   iid​  ​​, substitutions by Eqs. (10.75) and (10.77) yield:
Because H
¯​​  iid​  ​= ​G​ i​+ RT ln  ​x​ i​+ T ​Si​ ​− RT ln ​x​ i​​
¯​​  iid​  ​= ​H​ i​​​
​​​​H  (10.78)

The summability relation, Eq. (10.11), applied to the special case of an ideal solution,
is written:

​M​ id​= ​∑​  ​  ​x​ i​ ​​M¯ ​​  i id​  ​​

384 CHAPTER 10 .  The Framework of Solution Thermodynamics

Application to Eqs. (10.75) through (10.78) yields:

​G​ id​= ​∑​  ​x  ​ i​G​ i​+ RT​∑​  ​x  ​ i​ln ​x​ i​ (10.79) ​S​ id​= ​∑​  ​  ​x​ i​ ​Si​ ​− R​∑​  ​  ​x​ i​ ln  ​x​ i​ (10.80)
i i i i

​V​ id​= ​∑​  ​  ​x​ i​ ​V​ i​ (10.81) ​H​ id​= ​∑​  ​  ​x​ i​ ​H​ i​ (10.82)

i i

Note the similarity of these equations to Eq. (10.25), (10.26), and (10.27) for
ideal-gas-state mixtures. For all properties of an ideal solution, the composition dependence
is, by definition, the same as that of ideal-gas-state mixtures, for which this composition
dependence is well defined and arises entirely from the entropy increase of random mixing.
However, the temperature and pressure dependence are not those of ideal gases but are given by
mole-fraction-weighted averages of the pure species properties.
If in Example 10.3 the solution formed by mixing methanol(1) and water(2) were
assumed ideal, the final volume would be given by Eq. (10.81), and the V-vs.-x1 relation
would be a straight line connecting the pure-species volumes, V2 at x1 = 0 with V1 at x1 = 1.
For the specific calculation at x1 = 0.3, the use of V1 and V2 in place of partial volumes yields:
​​​V​  1t ​​  = 983    ​  ​V​  2t ​​​  = 1017  ​cm​​ 3​​
Both values are about 3.4% low.

The Lewis/Randall Rule

The composition dependence of the fugacity of a species in an ideal solution is particularly
simple. Recall Eqs. (10.46) and (10.31):

​μ​ i​≡ ​Γ​ i​(T) + RT ln  ​​fˆ​​  i ​​​ (10.46) ​G​ i​≡ ​Γ​ i​(T) + RT ln ​fi​ ​ (10.31)

Subtraction yields the general equation:

​μ​ i​= ​G​ i​+ RT ln (​​fˆ​​  i ​​ / ​fi​ ​ )​

For the special case of an ideal solution,

​​μ​  iid​  ​≡ ​​G¯ ​​  i id​  ​= Gi + RT ln (​​fˆ​​  i i ​  d​/ ​fi​ ​ )​

Comparison with Eq. (10.75) gives:

​​​​f ˆ​​  i id
 ​  ​= ​x​ i​ ​fi​ ​​​ (10.83)

This equation, known as the Lewis/Randall rule, applies to each species in an ideal solution
at all conditions of temperature, pressure, and composition. It shows that the fugacity of each
species in an ideal solution is proportional to its mole fraction; the proportionality constant is
the fugacity of pure species i in the same physical state as the solution and at the same T and P.
10.9.  Excess Properties 385

ˆ ​​  id​  ​​ for  ​​​fˆ​​   id

Division of both sides of Eq. (10.83) by Pxi and substitution of ​​​ϕ  i i ​  ​ / ​x​ i​ ​P​ i​​ [Eq. (10.52)]
and of ϕi for fi/P [Eq. (10.34)] gives an alternative form:
ˆ ​​  id​  ​= ​ϕi​ ​​
​​​ϕ  (10.84)

Thus the fugacity coefficient of species i in an ideal solution is equal to the fugacity coef-
ficient of pure species i in the same physical state as the solution and at the same T and P.
Phases comprised of liquids whose molecules are of similar size and similar chemical nature
approximate ideal solutions. Mixtures of isomers closely conform to these conditions. Mix-
tures of adjacent members of homologous series are also examples.


The residual Gibbs energy and the fugacity coefficient are directly related to experimental
PVT data by Eqs. (6.49), (10.35), and (10.60). Where such data can be adequately correlated
by equations of state, thermodynamic-property information is readily provided by residual
properties. However, liquid solutions are often more easily dealt with through properties that
measure their departures, not from ideal-gas-state behavior, but from ideal-solution behavior.
Thus the mathematical formalism of excess properties is analogous to that of the residual
properties, but with ideal-solution behavior rather than ideal-gas-state behavior as a basis.
If M represents the molar (or unit-mass) value of any extensive thermodynamic property
(e.g., V, U, H, S, G, etc.), then an excess property ME is defined as the difference between the
actual property value of a solution and the value it would have as an ideal solution at the same
temperature, pressure, and composition. Thus,

​M​ E​≡ M − ​M​ id​​ (10.85)

For example,

​G​ E​≡ G − ​G​ id​  ​  ​H​ E​≡ H − ​H​ id​  ​  ​S​ E​≡ S − ​S​ id​​

​G​ E​= ​H​ E​− T ​S​ E​​ (10.86)
which follows from Eq. (10.85) and Eq. (6.4), the definition of G.
The definition of ME is analogous to the definition of a residual property as given by
Eq. (6.41). Indeed, excess properties have a simple relation to residual properties, found by
subtracting Eq. (6.41) from Eq. (10.85):

​M​ E​− ​M​ R​= − (​M​ id​− Mig )​
As already noted, ideal-gas-state mixtures are ideal solutions of pure gases in the ideal-gas
state. Equations (10.79) through (10.82) therefore become expressions for Mig when Mi is
​​ i​  ​. Equation (10.82) becomes Eq. (10.25), Eq. (10.80) becomes Eq. (10.26), and
replaced by M​ 
Eq. (10.79) becomes Eq. (10.27). The two sets of equations, for Mid and Mig, therefore provide
a general relation for the difference:
​M​ id​− ​M​​  ig​= ​∑​  ​  ​x​ i​ ​M​ i​− ​∑​  ​  ​x​ i​ ​M​  i​  ​= ​∑​  ​  ​x​ i​ ​M​  iR​  ​​

i i i
386 CHAPTER 10 .  The Framework of Solution Thermodynamics

This leads immediately to:

​M​ E​= ​M​ R​− ​∑​  ​  ​x​ i​ ​M​  iR​  ​​

​ (10.87)
Note that excess properties have no meaning for pure species, whereas residual properties
exist for pure species as well as for mixtures.
The partial-property relation analogous to Eq. (10.49) is:
¯ ​​  iE​  ​= ​​M¯ ​​  i ​​ − ​​M¯ ​​  i id​  ​​
​​​M  (10.88)
where ​​​ ¯ ​​  i E​  ​​is
M a partial excess property. The fundamental excess-property relation is derived
in exactly the same way as the fundamental residual-property relation and leads to analogous
results. Equation (10.54), written for the special case of an ideal solution, is subtracted from
Eq. (10.54) itself, yielding:

( RT ) RT
n ​G​ E​ n ​V​ E​ n ​H​ E​ ​​G¯ ​​   E​  ​
​​d​​ ​ _
​      ​ ​= _
​   ​   dP − _
​  2 ​   dT + ​∑​  ​  ___
​  i  ​   d​n​ i​​​ (10.89)
R ​T​  ​ i

This is the fundamental excess-property relation, analogous to Eq. (10.55), the fundamental
residual-property relation.
The exact analogy that exists between properties M, residual properties MR, and excess
properties ME is indicated by Table 10.1. All of the equations that appear are basic property
relations, although only Eqs. (10.4) and (10.5) have been shown explicitly before.

Example 10.10
​​ ​  PE​  ​​is a constant, independent of T, find expressions for GE, SE, and HE as
(a) If C
functions of T.
(b) From the equations developed in part (a), find values for GE, SE, and HE for an
equimolar solution of benzene(1)/n-hexane(2) at 323.15 K, given the following
excess-property values for an equimolar solution at 298.15 K:

​​ ​  PE​  ​= − 2.86 ​J⋅mol​​ −1​⋅K​​ −1​​    ​H​ E​= 897.9​ J⋅mol​​ −1​​    ​G​ E​= 384.5 ​J⋅mol​​ −1​​​


Solution 10.10
(a) Let ​​C​  PE​  ​= a​, where a is a constant. From the last column of Table 10.1:

( ∂ ​T​  ​ )P, x ( ∂ ​T​  ​ )P, x

​∂​ 2​ ​G​ E​ ​∂​ 2​ ​G​ E​ a
​​C​  PE​  ​= − T ​​ _____
​​  2
​ ​​  ​​  whence  ​ _____
 ​  ​​  2
​ ​​  ​​ = − __
 ​  ​   ​​

Integration yields:

( ∂ T )P, x
∂ ​G​ E​
​​​ ____
​​   ​  ​ ​​  ​​ = − a ln T + b​
Table 10.1: Summary of Equations for the Gibbs Energy and Related Properties

M in Relation to G MR in Relation to GR ME in Relation to GE

10.9.  Excess Properties

​V = ​(∂ G / ∂ P )​ T, x​​  (10.4) ​V​ R​= ​(∂ ​G​ R​ / ∂ P )​ T, x​ ​V​ E​= ​(∂ ​G​ E​ / ∂ P )​ T, x​

​S = ​− (∂ G / ∂ T )​ P, x​​  (10.5) ​S​ R​= − ​(∂ ​G​ R​ / ∂ T )​ P, x​ ​S​ E​= − ​(∂ ​G​ E​ / ∂ T )​ P, x​

H = G + TS ​H​ R​ = ​G​ R​+ T ​S​ R​ ​H​ E​ = ​G​ E​+ T ​S​ E​

​ ​​ ​  = G − T ​(∂  G / ∂ T )​ P, x​​ ​ ​ = ​G​ R​− T ​(∂ ​G​ R​ / ∂ T )​ P, x​ ​ = ​G​ E​− T ​(∂ ​G​ E​ / ∂ T )​ P, x​
​ ​ ​ ​​  
​  ​ ​ ​​ ​ ​​  
​  ​ ​ ​​
( G  / R
  T ) ∂ 
( G

R​ / RT ) ∂ 
( G

E​ / RT )
​ = − R ​T​ 2​ ​ ________
​​   ​  
​ ​​  ​​ ​ = − R ​T​ 2​ ​ __________
​​   ​  ​ ​​  ​​ ​ = − R ​T​ 2​ ​ __________
​​   ​  
​ ​​  ​​
[ ∂ T ] [ ∂ T ] [ ∂ T ]
P, x P, x P, x

​CP​  ​ = ​(∂ H / ∂ T )​ P, x​ C
​ ​  RP​​  = ​(∂ ​H​ R​ / ∂ T )​ P, x​ C
​ ​  EP​​  = ​(∂ ​H​ E​ / ∂ T )​ P, x​
​ ​​ ​  ​ ​​ ​ ​​   ​  ​ ​​ ​ ​​   ​  ​ ​​
​ = − T ​(​∂​ 2​ G / ∂ ​T​ 2​)​ P, x​ ​ = − T ​(​∂​ 2​ ​G​ R​ / ∂ ​T​ 2​)​ P, x​ ​ = − T ​(​∂​ 2​ ​G​ E​ / ∂ ​T​ 2​)​ P, x​
388 CHAPTER 10 .  The Framework of Solution Thermodynamics

where b is a constant of integration. A second integration gives:

​G​ E​= − a(T ln T − T ) +bT + c​​ (A)
where c is another integration constant. With ​S​ E​= − ​(∂ ​G​ E​ / ∂ T )​ P, x​(Table 10.1),

​S​ E​= a ln T − b​​ (B)
Because HE = GE + TSE, combination of Eqs. (A) and (B) yields:

​H​ E​= aT + c​​ (C)
(b) Let ​​C​  P ​
0,​  ​H​  0​  ​,
and ​G​  0​  ​​represent the given values at T0 = 298.15 K. But ​​C​  PE​  ​​ is
E −1 −1
constant, and therefore ​a = ​C​  P ​ 0​  = − 2.86 J⋅​​mol​​  ​  ​⋅K​​  ​  ​​.

By Eq. (A),
c = ​H​  0E​  ​− a​T​ 0​= 1750.6​

By Eq. (C),
​G​  E​  ​+ a(​T​ 0​ ln ​T​ 0​− ​T​ 0​ ) − c
​ ​  0
b =        ​ = − 18.0171​
​T​ 0​
Substitution of known values into Eqs. (A), (B), and (C) for T = 323.15 yields:
​G​ E​= 344.4  ​J·mol​​ −1​  ​S​ E​= 1.492  ​J·mol​​ −1​ ​·K​​ −1​  ​H​ E​= 826.4  ​J·mol​​ −1​

The Nature of Excess Properties

Peculiarities of liquid-mixture behavior are dramatically revealed in the excess properties.
Those of primary interest are GE, HE, and SE. The excess Gibbs energy comes from experi-
ment through reduction of vapor/liquid equilibrium data (Chap. 13), and HE is determined by
mixing experiments (Chap. 11). The excess entropy is not measured directly but is found from
Eq. (10.86), written:
​H​ E​− ​G​ E​
​S​ E​= _______
​ ​      ​​  
Excess properties are often strong functions of temperature, but at normal temperatures
they are not strongly influenced by pressure. Their composition dependence is illustrated in
Fig. 10.3 for six binary liquid mixtures at 50°C and approximately atmospheric pressure. To
present SE with the same units and on the same scale as HE and GE, the product TSE is shown
rather than SE itself. Although the systems exhibit a diversity of behavior, they have common

1. All excess properties become zero as either species approaches purity.

2. Although GE vs. x1 is approximately parabolic in shape, both HE and TSE exhibit indi-
vidualistic composition dependencies.
3. When an excess property ME has a single sign (as does GE in all six cases), the extreme
value of ME (maximum or minimum) often occurs near the equimolar composition.
10.10. Synopsis 389


J mol GE
500 1000

J mol

J mol

0 1 0 1 0 1
x1 x1 x1

(a) (b) (c)

1000 500
500 0

J mol

J mol
J mol

0 0

500 TS E
500 TS E 1000
0 1 0 1 0 1
x1 x1 x1

(d ) (e) (f )

Figure 10.3: Excess properties at 50ºC for six binary liquid systems: (a) chloroform(1)/n-heptane(2);
(b) acetone(1)/methanol(2); (c) acetone(1)/chloroform(2); (d) ethanol(1)/n-heptane(2); (e) ethanol(1)/
chloroform(2); (f) ethanol(1)/water(2).

Feature 1 is a consequence of the definition of an excess property, Eq. (10.85); as any

xi approaches unity, both M and Mid approach Mi, the corresponding property of pure species
i. Features 2 and 3 are generalizations based on observation and admit exceptions (note, for
example, the behavior of HE for the ethanol/water system).


After studying this chapter, including the end-of-chapter problems, one should be able to:

∙ Define, in words and in symbols, chemical potential and partial properties

∙ Compute partial properties from mixture properties
∙ Recall that two phases are in equilibrium, at fixed T and P, when the chemical potential
of each species is the same in both phases
∙ Apply the summability relation to compute mixture properties from partial properties
390 CHAPTER 10 .  The Framework of Solution Thermodynamics

∙ Recognize that partial properties cannot vary independently, but are constrained by the
Gibbs/Duhem equation
∙ Understand that all linear relationships among thermodynamic properties of pure spe-
cies also apply to partial properties of species in a mixture
∙ Compute partial properties of a mixture in the ideal-gas state
∙ Define and use fugacity and fugacity coefficients for pure species and for species
in a mixture, and recognize that these are defined for convenience in solving phase-
equilibrium problems
∙ Compute fugacities and fugacity coefficients of pure species from PVT data or general-
ized correlations
∙ Estimate fugacity coefficients of species in gas mixtures using second virial coefficient
∙ Recognize that the ideal-solution model provides a reference for description of liquid mixtures
∙ Relate partial properties in an ideal solution to corresponding pure species properties
∙ Define and use excess properties of species in a mixture


10.1. What is the change in entropy when 0.7 m3 of CO2 and 0.3 m3 of N2, each at 1 bar and
25°C, blend to form a gas mixture at the same conditions? Assume ideal gases.

10.2. A vessel, divided into two parts by a partition, contains 4 mol of nitrogen gas at 75°C
and 30 bar on one side and 2.5 mol of argon gas at 130°C and 20 bar on the other. If
the partition is removed and the gases mix adiabatically and completely, what is the
change in entropy? Assume nitrogen to be an ideal gas with CV = (5/2)R and argon to
be an ideal gas with CV = (3/2)R.

10.3. A stream of nitrogen flowing at a rate of 2 kg·s−1 and a stream of hydrogen flowing
at a rate of 0.5 kg·s−1 mix adiabatically in a steady-flow process. If the gases are
assumed ideal, what is the rate of entropy increase as a result of the process?

10.4. What is the ideal work for the separation of an equimolar mixture of methane and
ethane at 175°C and 3 bar in a steady-flow process into product streams of the pure
gases at 35°C and 1 bar if Tσ = 300 K?

10.5. What is the work required for the separation of air (21-mol-% oxygen and 79-mol-%
nitrogen) at 25°C and 1 bar in a steady-flow process into product streams of pure
oxygen and nitrogen, also at 25°C and 1 bar, if the thermodynamic efficiency of the
process is 5% and if Tσ = 300 K?
10.11. Problems 391

10.6. What is the partial molar temperature? What is the partial molar pressure? Express
results in relation to the T and P of the mixture.

10.7. Show that:

(a) The “partial molar mass” of a species in solution is equal to its molar mass.
(b) A partial specific property of a species in solution is obtained by division of the
partial molar property by the molar mass of the species.

10.8. If the molar density of a binary mixture is given by the empirical expression:

ρ​ = ​a​ 0​+ ​a​ 1​ ​x​ 1​+ ​a​ 2​ ​x​  12​  ​​

¯​​  1​​​ and ​​​V¯​​  2  ​​​

find the corresponding expressions for ​​​V 

10.9. For a ternary solution at constant T and P, the composition dependence of molar prop-
erty M is given by:

M = ​x​ 1​ ​M​ 1​+ ​x​ 2​ ​M​ 2​+ ​x​ 3​ ​M​ 3​+ ​x​ 1​ ​x​ 2​ ​x​ 3​ C​

where M1, M2, and M3 are the values of M for pure species 1, 2, and 3, and C is a
parameter independent of composition. Determine expressions for M  ​​​ ¯ ​​  1​​, ​​M¯ ​​  2  ​​,  and  ​​M¯ ​​  3  ​​​ by
application of Eq. (10.7). As a partial check on your results, verify that they satisfy
the summability relation, Eq. (10.11). For this correlating equation, what are the M  ​​​ ¯ ​​  i​​​ at
infinite dilution?

10.10. A pure-component pressure pi for species i in a gas mixture may be defined as the
pressure that species i would exert if it alone occupied the mixture volume. Thus,

​y​ i​ ​Z​ i​ RT
​p​ i​≡ ______
​ ​     ​​ 

where yi is the mole fraction of species i in the gas mixture, Zi is evaluated at pi and
T, and V is the molar volume of the gas mixture. Note that pi as defined here is not
a partial pressure yiP, except for an ideal gas. Dalton’s “law” of additive pressures
states that the total pressure exerted by a gas mixture is equal to the sum of the pure-
component pressures of its constituent species: P ​ = ​∑​ i​ ​p​ i​. Show that Dalton’s “law”
implies that Z ​ = ​∑​ i​ ​y​ i​ ​Z​ i​​, where Zi is the compressibility factor of pure species i
evaluated at the mixture temperature but at its pure-component pressure.

10.11. If for a binary solution one starts with an expression for M (or MR or ME) as a
function of x1 and applies Eqs. (10.15) and (10.16) to find M  ​​​¯ ​​  1​​​ and M
​​​ ¯ ​​  2  ​​​ (or M
​​​ ¯ ​​  1 R​  ​​
and M ¯ R ¯ E ¯
​​​  ​​  2  ​  ​   or   ​​M ​​  1  ​  ​   and   ​​M ​​  2  ​  ​ )​and then combines these expressions by Eq. (10.11), the

initial expression for M is regenerated. On the other hand, if one starts with expres-
sions for ​​​M¯ ​​  1  ​​​ and ​​​M¯ ​​  2  ​​​, combines them in accord with Eq. (10.11), and then applies
392 CHAPTER 10 .  The Framework of Solution Thermodynamics

​​​ ¯ ​​  1​​​ and M

Eqs. (10.15) and (10.16), the initial expressions for M  ​​​ ¯ ​​  2  ​​​are regenerated if and
only if the initial expressions for these quantities meet a specific condition. What is
the condition?

10.12. With reference to Ex. 10.4,

(a) Apply Eq. (10.7) to Eq. (A) to verify Eqs. (B) and (C).
(b) Show that Eqs. (B) and (C) combine in accord with Eq. (10.11) to regenerate Eq. (A).
(c) Show that Eqs. (B) and (C) satisfy Eq. (10.14), the Gibbs/Duhem equation.
(d) Show that at constant T and P,

​​(d​​H¯​​  1  ​​ / d​x​ 1​ )​  ​x​ 1​=1​​ = ​(d​​H¯​​  2  ​​ / d​x​ 1​ )​  ​x​ 1​=0​​ = 0​

(e) Plot values of H, H ​​​ ¯​​  1  ​​​, and H​​​ ¯​​  2  ​​​, calculated by Eqs. (A), (B), and (C), vs. x1. Label
¯ ∞ ¯ ∞
points ​H​ 1​, ​H​ 2​, ​​H​​  1  ​  ​​, and ​​​H​​  2  ​  ​​, and show their values.

10.13. The molar volume (cm3·mol−1) of a binary liquid mixture at T and P is given by:

V = 120 ​x​ 1​+ 70 ​x​ 2​+ (15 ​x​ 1​+ 8 ​x​ 2​ ) ​x​ 1​ ​x​ 2​​

(a) Find expressions for the partial molar volumes of species 1 and 2 at T and P.
(b) Show that when these expressions are combined in accord with Eq. (10.11) the
given equation for V is recovered.
(c) Show that these expressions satisfy Eq. (10.14), the Gibbs/Duhem equation.
(d) Show that ​​(d​​V¯​​  1  ​​ / d​x​ 1​ )​  ​x​ 1​=1​​ = ​(d​​V¯​​  2  ​​ / d​x​ 1​ )​  ​x​ 1​=0​​ = 0.​
(e) Plot values of V, ​​​V¯​​  1  ​​​, and  V ​​​ ¯​​  2  ​​​calculated by the given equation for V and by the
equations developed in (a) vs. x1. Label points V1, V2, ​​​V¯​​  1 ∞​  ​​, and ​​​V¯​​  2 ∞​  ​​and show their

10.14. For a particular binary liquid solution at constant T and P, the molar enthalpies of
mixtures are represented by the equation

H = ​x​ 1​(​a​ 1​+ ​b1​  ​ ​x​ 1​ ) +​x​ 2​(​a​ 2​+ ​b​ 2​ ​x​ 2​ )​
where the ai and bi are constants. Because the equation has the form of Eq. (10.11), it
¯​​  i​​ = ​a​ i​+ ​bi​ ​ ​x​ i​. Show whether this is true.
might be that ​​​H 

¯ ​​  i​​​, one can define a constant-T, V par-

10.15 Analogous to the conventional partial property ​​​M 
​​​  ​​  i​​​:
tial property M

[ ∂ ​n​ i​ ]
∂ (​ ​nM​)​
˜ ​​  i​​ ≡ ​ ______
​​​M  ​​   ​ 
​ ​​  ​​​
T, V, ​n​ ​ j

Show that ​​​M˜ ​​  i​​​ and ​​​M¯ ​​  i ​​​ are related by the equation:

( ∂ V )T, x
∂ M
˜ ​​  i​​ = ​​M¯ ​​  i ​​ + (V − ​​V¯​​  i ​​ ) ​​ ___
​​​M  ​​   ​ ​  ​​  ​​​

˜ ​​  i​​​satisfy a summability relation, ​M = ​∑​  ​  ​x​ i​ ​​M˜ ​​  i​​.​

Demonstrate that the ​​​M 
10.11. Problems 393

10.16 From the following compressibility-factor data for CO2 at 150°C,  prepare plots of
the fugacity and fugacity coefficient of CO2 vs. P for pressures up to 500 bar.
Compare results with those found from the generalized correlation represented by
Eq. (10.68).

P/bar Z
  10 0.985
  20 0.970
  40 0.942
  60 0.913
  80 0.885
100 0.869
200 0.765
300 0.762
400 0.824
500 0.910

10.17 For SO2 at 600 K and 300 bar, determine good estimates of the fugacity and of GR/RT.

10.18 Estimate the fugacity of isobutylene as a gas:

(a) At 280°C and 20 bar;

(b) At 280°C and 100 bar.

10.19 Estimate the fugacity of one of the following:

(a) Cyclopentane at 110°C and 275 bar. At 110°C the vapor pressure of cyclopentane

is 5.267 bar.
(b) 1-Butene at 120°C and 34 bar. At 120°C the vapor pressure of 1-butene is 25.83 bar.

10.20 Justify the following equations:

( ∂ P )T, x RT ( ∂ T )P, x

∂ ln ​​ϕˆ ​​   i​​ ​​V¯​​   R​  ​ ∂ ln ​​ϕˆ ​​   i​​ ​​H¯​​   R​  ​
​​​ ​ _____
​   ​    ​ ​ ​​ = ___
​  i  ​ ​     ​ ​ _____
​   ​    ​​  ​​ = − ____
​  i 2  ​​​ 
R ​T​  ​

​G​ R​
    ​= ​∑​  ​  ​x​ i​ ln ​​ϕˆ ​​  i ​​​    ​∑​  ​  ​x​ i​ d ln ​​ϕˆ ​​  i ​​ = 0  ​(​const T, P​)​​​
RT i i

10.21 From data in the steam tables, determine a good estimate for f/fsat for liquid water at
150°C and 150 bar, where fsat is the fugacity of saturated liquid at 150°C.

10.22 For one of the following, determine the ratio of the fugacity in the final state to that in
the initial state for steam undergoing the isothermal change of state:

(a) From 9000 kPa and 400°C to 300 kPa.

(b) From 1000(psia) and 800(°F) to 50(psia).
394 CHAPTER 10 .  The Framework of Solution Thermodynamics

10.23 Estimate the fugacity of one of the following liquids at its normal-boiling-point tem-
perature and 200 bar:

(a) n-Pentane;
(b) Isobutylene;
(c) 1-Butene.

10.24 Assuming that Eq. (10.68) is valid for the vapor phase and that the molar volume of
saturated liquid is given by Eq. (3.68), prepare plots of f vs. P and of ϕ vs. P for one of
the following:

(a) Chloroform at 200°C for the pressure range from 0 to 40 bar. At 200°C the vapor
pressure of chloroform is 22.27 bar.
(b) Isobutane at 40°C for the pressure range from 0 to 10 bar. At 40°C the vapor pres-
sure of isobutane is 5.28 bar.

ˆ ​​  1​​,​ and ϕ

10.25 For the system ethylene(1)/propylene(2) as a gas, estimate ​​​f ˆ​​  1 ​​,  ​​f ˆ​​  2 ​​,  ​​ϕ  ​​​ ˆ ​​   2​​​ at t =
150°C, P = 30 bar, and y1 = 0.35:

(a) Through application of Eqs. (10.63).

(b) Assuming that the mixture is an ideal solution.

10.26 Rationalize the following expression, valid at sufficiently low pressures, for estimat-
ing the fugacity coefficient: ln ​ϕ ≈ Z − 1​.

10.27 For the system methane(1)/ethane(2)/propane(3) as a gas, estimate f  ​​​ˆ​​  1 ​​,  ​​ fˆ​​  2 ​​,  ​​ fˆ​​  3 ​​,  ​​ ϕˆ ​​  1  ​​,  ​​ ϕˆ ​​  2  ​​,​
and ​​​ϕ ​​  3  ​​​ at t = 100°C, P = 35 bar, y1 = 0.21, and y2 = 0.43:

(a) Through application of Eq. (10.64).

(b) Assuming that the mixture is an ideal solution.

10.28 Given below are values of GE /J·mol−1, HE /J·mol−1, and C​  ​​ PE​  ​ / ​J·mol​​ −1​ ​·K​​ −1​ for some
equimolar binary liquid mixtures at 298.15 K. Estimate values of GE, HE, and SE at
328.15 K for one of the equimolar mixtures by two procedures: (I) Use all the data;
​​ PE​  ​= 0.​Compare and discuss your results for the two procedures.
(II) Assume C​ 

(a) Acetone/chloroform: ​ ​G​ E​= − 622, ​H​ E​= − 1920, ​C​  PE​  ​= 4.2.​

(b) Acetone/n-hexane: ​​G​ E​= 1095, ​H​ E​= 1595, ​C​  PE​  ​= 3.3.​
(c) Benzene/isooctane: ​ ​G​ E​= 407, ​H​ E​= 984, ​C​  PE​  ​= − 2.7.​
(d) Chloroform/ethanol: ​ ​G​ E​= 632, ​H​ E​= − 208, ​C​  PE​  ​= 23.0.​
(e) Ethanol/n-heptane: ​​G​ E​= 1445, ​H​ E​= 605, ​C​  PE​  ​= 11.0.​
(f ) Ethanol/water: ​​G​ E​= 734, ​H​ E​= − 416, ​C​  PE​  ​= 11.0.​
(g) Ethyl acetate/n-heptane: ​​G​ E​= 759, ​H​ E​= 1465, ​C​  PE​  ​= − 8.0.​

10.29 The data in Table 10.2 are experimental values of VE for binary liquid mixtures of
1,3-dioxolane(1) and isooctane(2) at 298.15 K and 1(atm).
10.11. Problems 395

(a) Determine from the data numerical values of parameters a, b, and c in the corre-
lating equation:

​V​ E​= ​x​ 1​ ​x​ 2​(​a + b ​x​ 1​+ ​cx​  12​  ​)​​​​

(b) Determine from the results of part (a) the maximum value of VE. At what value of
x1 does this occur?
¯​​  E​  ​​ and  ​​​V¯​​   E​  ​​. Prepare a plot
(c) Determine from the results of part (a) expressions for  ​​​V  1 2
of these quantities vs. x1, and discuss its features.
Table 10.2: Excess Volumes for 1,3-Dioxolane(1)/Isooctane(2) at 298.15 K

x1 VE /10−3 cm3·mol−1
0.02715  87.5
0.09329 265.6
0.17490 417.4
0.32760 534.5
0.40244 531.7
0.56689 421.1
0.63128 347.1
0.66233 321.7
0.69984 276.4
0.72792 252.9
0.77514 190.7
0.79243 178.1
0.82954 138.4
0.86835  98.4
0.93287  37.6
0.98233  10.0
R. Francesconi et al., Int. DATA Ser., Ser. A, Vol. 25, No. 3,
p. 229, 1997.

10.30 For an equimolar vapor mixture of propane(1) and n-pentane(2) at 75°C and 2 bar,
estimate Z, HR, and SR. Second virial coefficients, in cm3·mol−1 are:

t/°C B11 B22 B12

 50 −331 −980 −558
 75 −276 −809 −466
100 −235 −684 −399

Equations (3.36), (6.55), (6.56), and (10.62) are pertinent.

10.31 Use the data of Prob. 10.30 to determine ϕ  ​​​ˆ ​​  1​​​ and ​​​ϕˆ ​​  2  ​​​as functions of composition for
binary vapor mixtures of propane(1) and n-pentane(2) at 75°C  and 2 bar. Plot the
results on a single graph. Discuss the features of this plot.
396 CHAPTER 10 .  The Framework of Solution Thermodynamics

10.32 For a binary gas mixture described by Eqs. (3.36) and (10.62), prove that:

d​δ​ 12​
​ ​ E​= ​δ​ 12​ P ​y​ 1​ ​y​ 2​
G   ​S​ E​ = − ____
​      ​ P ​y​ 1​ ​y​ 2​
​​     ​  ​  ​  ​  ​  ​  ​  ​ ​​
( dT )
d​δ​ 12​ ​d​ 2​ ​δ​ 12​
​H​ E​= ​ ​δ​ 12​− T ​_      ​ ​P ​y​ 1​ ​y​ 2​  ​C​  PE​  ​= − T ​_____
  2    ​ P ​y​ 1​ ​y​ 2​
d​T​  ​

See also Eq. (10.87), and note that ​δ​ 12​= 2 ​B​ 12​− ​B​ 11​− ​B​ 22​​.

10.33 The data in Table 10.3 are experimental values of HE for binary liquid mixtures of
1,2-dichloroethane(1) and dimethyl carbonate(2) at 313.15 K and 1(atm).

(a) Determine from the data numerical values of parameters a, b, and c in the corre-
lating equation:
​H​ E​= ​x​ 1​ ​x​ 2​(​a + b ​x​ 1​+ c ​x​  12​  ​)​​​

(b) Determine from the results of part (a) the minimum value of HE. At what value of
x1 does this occur?
​​​ ¯​​  1E​  ​​ and H
(c) Determine from the results of part (a) expressions for H  ​​​ ¯​​  2 E​  ​​. Prepare a plot
of these quantities vs. x1, and discuss its features.

Table 10.3 : HE Values for 1,2-Dichloroethane(1)/Dimethylcarbonate(2) at 313.15 K

x1 HE /J·mol−1
0.0426  −23.3
0.0817  −45.7
0.1177  −66.5
0.1510  −86.6
0.2107 −118.2
0.2624 −144.6
0.3472 −176.6
0.4158 −195.7
0.5163 −204.2
0.6156 −191.7
0.6810 −174.1
0.7621 −141.0
0.8181 −116.8
0.8650  −85.6
0.9276  −43.5
0.9624  −22.6

R. Francesconi et al., Int. Data Ser., Ser. A,

Vol. 25, No. 3, p. 225, 1997.
10.11. Problems 397

10.34 Make use of Eqs. (3.36), (3.61), (3.62), (6.54), (6.55), (6.56), (6.70), (6.71), (10.62),
and (10.69)–(10.74), to estimate V, HR, SR, and GR for one of the following binary
vapor mixtures:

(a) Acetone(1)/1,3-butadiene(2) with mole fractions y1 = 0.28 and y2 = 0.72 at t =

60°C and P = 170 kPa.
(b) Acetonitrile(1)/diethyl ether(2) with mole fractions y1 = 0.37 and y2 = 0.63 at t =
50°C and P = 120 kPa.
(c) Methyl chloride(1)/ethyl chloride(2) with mole fractions y1 = 0.45 and y2 = 0.55
at t = 25°C and P = 100 kPa.
(d) Nitrogen(1)/ammonia(2) with mole fractions y1 = 0.83 and y2 = 0.17 at t =
20°C and P = 300 kPa.
(e) Sulfur dioxide(1)/ethylene(2) with mole fractions y1 = 0.32 and y2 = 0.68 at t =
25°C and P = 420 kPa.

Note: Set kij = 0 in Eq. (10.71).

10.35 Laboratory A reports the following results for equimolar values of GE for liquid mix-
tures of benzene(1) with 1-hexanol(2):

​G​ E​= 805  ​J·mol​​ −1​  at T = 298 K​    ​G​ E​= 785  ​J·mol​​ −1​  at T = 323 K​​

Laboratory B reports the following result for the equimolar value of HE for the same system:

​H​ E​= 1060  ​J·mol​​ −1​  at T = 313 K​

Are the results from the two laboratories thermodynamically consistent with one
another? Explain.

10.36 The following expressions have been proposed for the partial molar properties of a
particular binary mixture:

​​​​M¯ ​​  1  ​​ = ​M​ 1​+ A ​x​ 2​ ​   ​​M¯ ​​  2  ​​ = ​M​ 2​+ A ​x​ 1​​​

Here, parameter A is a constant. Can these expressions possibly be correct? Explain.

10.37 Two (2) kmol·hr−1 of liquid n-octane (species 1) are continuously mixed with
4 kmol·hr−1 of liquid iso-octane (species 2). The mixing process occurs at constant T
and P; mechanical power requirements are negligible.

(a) Use an energy balance to determine the rate of heat transfer.

(b) Use an entropy balance to determine the rate of entropy generation (W·K−1).

State and justify all assumptions.

10.38 Fifty (50) mol·s−1 of enriched air (50 mol-% N2, 50 mol-% O2) are produced by con-
tinuously combining air (79 mol-% N2, 21 mol-% O2) with a stream of pure oxygen.
398 CHAPTER 10 .  The Framework of Solution Thermodynamics

All streams are at the constant conditions T = 25°C and P = 1.2(atm). There are no
moving parts.

(a) Determine the rates of air and oxygen (mol·s−1).

(b) What is the rate of heat transfer for the ∙process?
(c) What is the rate of entropy generation S ​​​  ​​  G​​​ (W·K −1)?

State all assumptions.

Suggestion: Treat the overall process as a combination of demixing and mixing steps.

10.39 A simple expression for ME of a symmetrical binary system is ME = Ax1x2. However,

countless other empirical expressions can be proposed which exhibit symmetry. How
suitable would the two following expressions be for general application?

(a) ​M​ E​= A ​x​  12​  ​ ​x​  22​  ​​;

(b) ​M​ E​= A sin ​(​π ​x​ 1​)​

​​​ ¯ ​​  1E​  ​​ and ​​​M¯ ​​  2 E​  ​​.

Suggestion: Look at the implied partial properties M 

10.40 For a multicomponent mixture containing any number of species, prove that

( ∂ ​x​ i​) ( ∂ ​x​ k​)
¯ ​​  i​​ = M + ​ ___∂ M ∂ M
​​​M  ​​   ​ ​  ​​  ​​  − ​∑​  ​  ​x​ k​ ​ ___
​​   ​ ​  ​​  ​​​
T, P k T, P

where the summation is over all species. Show that for a binary mixture this result
reduces to Eqs. (10.15) and (10.16).

10.41 The following empirical two-parameter expression has been proposed for correlation
of excess properties of symmetrical liquid mixtures:

( ​x​ 1​+ B ​x​ 2​ ​x​ 2​+ B ​x​ 1​)

1 1
​M​ E​= A ​x​ 1​ ​x​ 2​ _
​ ​     ​  +_
​     ​ ​​

Here, quantities A and B are parameters that depend at most on T.

(a) Determine from the given equation the implied expressions for ​ M  ​​ ¯ ​​  1E​  ​​ and ​ ​​M¯ ​​  2 E​  ​​.
(b) Show that the results of part (a) satisfy all necessary constraints for partial excess
(c) Determine from the results of part (a) expressions for ​  ​​(​​​M¯ ​​  1 E​  ​​)​​​  ∞​​ and ​  ​​(​​​M¯ ​​  2 E​  ​​)​​​  ∞​​.

10.42 Commonly, if ME for a binary system has a single sign, then the partial properties M  ​​​ ¯ ​​  1E​  ​​
and ​​​M¯ ​​  2  ​  ​​have the same sign as ME over the entire composition range. There are occa-

sions, however, where the ​​​M  ¯ ​​  iE​  ​​may change sign even though ME has a single sign. In
fact, it is the shape of the ME vs. x1 curve that determines whether the M  ​​​ ¯ ​​  iE​  ​​change sign.
Show that a sufficient condition for M  ​​​ ¯ ​​  1​  ​​ and ​​​M¯ ​​  2  ​  ​​to have single signs is that the curva-

ture of ME vs. x1 have a single sign over the entire composition range.
10.11. Problems 399

10.43 An engineer claims that the volume expansity of an ideal solution is given by

​β​ id​= ​∑​  ​  ​x​ i​ ​βi​ ​​


Is this claim valid? If so, show why. If not, find a correct expression for βid.

10.44 Following are data for GE and HE (both in J·mol−1) for equimolar mixtures of the same
organic liquids. Use all of the data to estimate values of GE, HE, and TSE for the equi-
molar mixture at 25°C.

∙ At T = 10°C: GE = 544.0, HE = 932.1

∙ At T = 30°C: GE = 513.2, HE = 893.4
∙ At T = 50°C: GE = 494.2, HE = 845.9

Suggestion: Assume ​​C​  PE​  ​​ is constant and use material developed in Example 10.10.

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