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Dynamics of Machines Lab Manual

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Dynamics of Machines

(ME 304P)

Laboratory Manual

Mechanical Engineering Department

School of Technology
Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University
Gandhinagar, Gujarat
Sr. Practical Page Date Remarks
No. No.

1 To study Undamped free vibrations

(longitudinal) of a spring mass system
2 To study Undamped free vibrations
(torsional) of a single rotor system
3 To determine the natural frequency of
a two rotor system
4 To determine the Gyroscopic couple
and its effect on a rotating disc
5 To demonstrate the effect of static
and dynamic unbalance in a system
6 To completely balance a system of
rotating masses
7 To find the damping coefficient of a
system undergoing torsional
8 To plot the characteristics of Forced
Damped Vibrations for the given
9 To demonstrate whirling of shafts

10 To determine the characteristics of

11 To determine the jump speed of a
Cam-follower system (updated)
12 To determine the radius of gyration of
a body using Bi-filar and Tri-filar
Suspension (updated)
ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 1
Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University

Aim: To study undamped free vibrations (longitudinal) of a spring-mass system

1. Fix the spring to the stud
2. Attach the mass holder to the bottom of the spring
3. Note the initial reading
4. Attach different masses to the spring and note down the deflection
5. Find out the spring stiffness
6. With weight attached to the spring, give slight deflection to the mass so
that the spring mass system starts to vibrate longitudinally
7. Note down the number of oscillations in 10 seconds
8. Repeat the experiment with different springs and different masses

Observation Table:
Sr. Number of turns Attached Initial Number of Average
No. of spring Mass (kg) Deflection Oscillations Experimental
(m) in 10 s Frequency

ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 2

Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University
Observation Table (continued):
Sr. Number of turns Attached Initial Number of Average
No. of spring Mass (kg) Deflection Oscillations Experimental
(m) in 10 s Frequency

Spring Deflection: =_________________________m

Weight Attached: w = mg = _________________________N

Stiffness of Spring: k = _________________________N/m

ଵ ௞
Theoretical Frequency of Oscillations: ݂௧௛ = ଶగ ට௠=__________________Hz

ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 3

Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University
Result Table:
Sr. Number of turns Attached Average Theoretical Difference
No. of spring Mass (kg) Experimental Natural (%)
Natural Frequency
Frequency (fth)


1. What do you mean by natural frequency of a system? What is its
2. What components must be essentially present in a system to undergo
3. How does mass affect the natural frequency of the spring-mass system?
4. What are the sources of damping in the current experimental system?
ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 4
Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University
ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 5
Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University

Aim: To study undamped free vibrations (torsional) of a single rotor system

1. Fix the bracket at convenient position along the beam
2. Grip one end of the shaft at the bracket by the chuck
3. Fix the rotor on the other end of the shaft
4. Twist the rotor on the other end of the shaft
5. Note the number of oscillations in 10 seconds
6. Repeat the procedure for different length of the shaft

Observation Table:
Sr. Shaft Length, L (m) Number of Average
No. Oscillations in Experimental
10 s Frequency (fexp)

ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 6

Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University

ଵ ஼௃
Theoretical Frequency of Oscillations: ݂௧௛ = ଶగ ට ூ௟ =__________________Hz


l = length of the shaft =__________________

J = Polar moment of Inertia of the shaft =

d = Shaft Diameter = 3 mm

C = Modulus of Rigidity of Shaft = 8 x 1010 N/m2

I = Moment of Inertia of Disc = mD2/8 = __________________

D = Diameter of Disc = 225 mm

m = Mass of the small disc = 2.4 kg

Result Table:
Sr. Shaft Length L Average Experimental Theoretical Difference (%)
No. (m) Natural Frequency Natural
(fexp) Frequency

ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 7

Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University

1. How do torsional vibrations differ from longitudinal vibrations?
2. Where do you find torsional vibrations in the real world?
3. How does mass of the disc affect the natural frequency of the single rotor
4. What are the sources of damping in the current experimental system?

ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 8

Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University

Aim: To determine the natural frequency for the two rotor system

1. Fix the shaft in the chucks of the two discs (rotors) A and B
2. Deflect the discs in opposite direction and release
3. Note down the number of oscillations in 10 s for both the rotors
4. Repeat the procedure with different pair of masses attached to the disc A

Observation Table:
Sr. Mass attached Number of Number of Average Average
No. to disc A, m1 Oscillations Oscillations Experimental Experimental
(kg) in 10 s for in 10 s for Frequency Frequency
rotor-A rotor-B (fexp) for Rotor (fexp) for
A Rotor B

ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 9

Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University
Shaft Diameter = 0.003 m

Length of the shaft between two rotors = _________________

Modulus of Rigidity for Shaft (C) = 80 GPa

Small Disc-A

Diameter of the Small Disc = _________________

Mass of the Small Disc = _________________

Big Disc-B

Diameter of the Big Disc = _________________

Mass of the Big Disc = _________________

Kt = Torsional Stiffness = C*J/L = _________________


L = Length of Shaft

J = Polar moment of Inertia of Shaft = πd4/32 = _________________

Ttheo = Theoretical Time Period in s, given by:

‫ܫ‬஺ ‫ܫ‬஻
ܶ௧௛௘௢ = 2ߨඨ
‫ܭ‬௧ (‫ܫ‬஺ + ‫ܫ‬஻ )


IA = Moment of Inertia of Disc A = (mAR2/2) + 2m1r2 = _________________

ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 10

Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University
R = Radius of Disc

m = Mass of Disc

m1 = Mass added on arms

IB = Moment of Inertia of Disc B = (mBR2/2) = _________________

Theoretical Frequency, fth = 1/Ttheo = _________________

Result Table:
Sr. Mass Attached Average Experimental Theoretical Difference (%)
No. on Small Disc A Natural Frequency Natural
(m1) (fexp) Frequency
Rotor A Rotor B (fth) Rotor Rotor


ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 11

Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University
1. What is the nodal plane in the two rotor system?
2. How does change in mass of disc A affect the natural frequency of the
combined system?
3. If the wire shaft of higher torsional stiffness is used, what do you think will
be the change in the natural frequency of the system?

ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 12

Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University

Aim: To determine the Gyroscopic Couple and its effect on a rotating disc

1. Balance the rotor position on the horizontal frame
2. Start the motor and increase the voltage with auto-transformer. Wait till
the disc attains constant speed
3. Put mass (0.3 kg, 0.6 kg and 1.2 kg) in the pan, and instantly start the stop-
watch to note the time taken to precess to 30°, 45° and 60°. Use the lap
function of the stop-watch
4. Use Tachometer to measure the Speed of the rotor

Observation Table:
Sr. Speed of the disc Mass placed in Angle of Time (t) s
No. (N) rpm the pan (m) kg Rotation θ

ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 13

Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University
Mass of the Disc, M = 6.5 kg

Diameter of the Disc, D = 0.3 m

Distance between the centre of the Disc and the centre of mass pan (L) = 0.15 m

Experimental Value for Gyroscopic Couple:

GCexp = Iωωp = _________________ Nm


I = Moment of Inertia of Disc = mr2/2 = _________________

ω = Angular Velocity of Disc in rad/s = _________________

ωp = Angular Velocity of Precession in rad/s = dθ/dt =_________________


dθ = Angle of Precession in rad

dt = Time required for dθ precession in s

Theoretical Couple:

GCtheo = (mg)(L)

=_________________ Nm


L = Distance between centre of disc and centre of weight

ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 14

Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University
Result Table:
Sr. Speed of Mass placed Angle of GCtheo GCexp Percentage
No. the disc in the pan Rotation Difference
(N) rpm (m) kg θ


1. Describe the behavior of Gyroscope when loaded with mass?
2. Sketch the Axis of Spin, Precession and Couple w.r.t. the apparatus?
3. How will you, ideally, use Stroboscope to measure the speed of a rotating

ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 15

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ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 16
Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University

Aim: To demonstrate the effect of static and dynamic unbalance in a system

1. The setup consists of parallel plates, which can be rotated using a single
2. Masses of different magnitude can be mounted on plates and the plates
can be rotated in order to study the effect of unbalance. The location of
mass placement will govern the type and magnitude of unbalance
3. Observe the system behavior for following mass placement. Also draw the
force and couple diagram:
a. One mass vertically downward on one plate
b. Both masses vertically downward on each plate
c. One mass vertically downward on one plate and other vertically
upward on the other plate
d. Two masses vertically downward and upward on one plate and the
same on the other plate

Note: Use masses of same magnitude for the demonstration. Also, place them at
equal radii


ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 17

Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University
Force and Couple Diagrams:

1. Differentiate Static and Dynamic Balance?
2. How can you transfer a force from one plane to another parallel plane
without altering the net effect on the system?

ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 18

Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University

Aim: To completely balance the given system

Balance the given system by adding suitable masses at suitable location (on outer
planes) for the following system

Plane Mass (m) Angular Radius (r) miri Distance mirili

Position () from RP
1 (RP) m1 = θ1 = r1 = l1 =
2 m2 = θ2 = r2 = l2 =
3 m3 = θ3 = r3 = l3 =
4 m4 = θ4 = r4 = l4 =

Also draw the force and couple diagram for the above data.

ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 19

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ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 20
Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University

Aim: To find the damping coefficient for the given system

1. Ensure that the shaft is rigidly clamped by chucks on both ends; one fixed
and one with the rotor
2. Adjust the height of the cylinder filled with oil using the jack
3. Ensure that some amount of plate is dipped in the oil
4. Stick a paper on the cylinder with rotor. Also mount a pencil/ pen / sketch
pen on the pen-holder
5. Give angular defection to the cylinder attached to rotor and release it. It
will start to oscillate torsionally. Simultaneously release the pen from top
position such that it traces the oscillation curve on the paper.

Obtain the distance between two consecutive peaks (X1 and X2) from the
oscillation curve:

X1 X2 δ

Average δ

ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 21

Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University
Diameter of the Disc = 0.23 m

Thickness of the Plate = 2 cm

Mass of the disc = 10 kg

Length of the suspension shaft = 0.86 m

Diameter of Shaft = 0.3 cm

Torsional Stiffness of Shaft:

ீ ×ூ೛
‫ܭ‬௧ = ௅


G = Modulus of Rigidity for Shaft = 78.48 GPa

Ip = Polar Moment of Inertia of Shaft =

Critical Damping Coefficient:

‫ܥ‬஼ = ඥ4 × ‫ܭ × ܫ‬௧ = _________________


I = Moment of Inertia of Disc =

= _________________

ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 22

Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University
Logarithmic Decrement:

‫ݔ‬௡ 2ߨߞ
ߜ = ln ൬ ൰=
‫ݔ‬௡ାଵ ඥ1 − ߞ ଶ

ζ =_________________
Thus, C = _________________ N/m/s


1. What is damping? How does it affect the natural frequency of a system?
2. What is the natural frequency of a critically damped system?
3. Describe the working of a suspension system of a motorcycle?
4. What are the sources of damping in the current experimental system?
ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 23
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ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 24
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Aim: To plot the characteristics for the forced damped vibrations for the given

1. Ensure the beam is mounted correctly
2. Check the damper and spring
3. Adjust spring and damper to suitable value
4. Ensure the working of exciter assembly
5. Ensure the working of paper recorder. Check the mounting for pen/ pencil/
sketch pen
6. Measure the paper recorder speed
7. Measure the natural frequency of system
a. Turn on the paper recorder
b. Given deflection to the system. It will instantly get damped
c. Get the oscillations on the paper from paper recorder
d. Calculate the natural frequency (fn)
8. Measure the resonance frequency
a. Obtain the graphs of amplitudes from the paper recorder for various
speed of exciter (excitation or external frequency)
b. Plot the graph of Amplitude versus frequency and obtain the
frequency for maximum amplitude i.e. Resonance frequency (fr)

ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 25

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Result Graph:
Graph of Amplitude versus Excitation Frequency:

Natural Frequency of the system, fn = _______________

Resonance Frequency of the system, fr = _______________

Percentage Difference = _______________


ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 26

Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University
1. Describe resonance?
2. How can we avoid resonance?
3. How does the exciter of the current experimental system work?
4. What are the general (common) types of forcing mechanisms in Forced

ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 27

Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University

Aim: To demonstrate the whirling effect in shaft

1. Fix the required shaft at driving end.
2. Fix the bearing block at tail end. Secure the shaft
3. Start the motor. Slowly increase the speed of the shaft.
4. Observe the behavior of the shaft at various speeds.
5. At certain speed you may require to support the shaft with hand.

Note: Operate all controls very slowly

(Write in detail regarding the behavior of shaft at various speeds)

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Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University
1. How do you identify whirling?
2. How can you avoid whirling?
3. What do you mean by modes of vibration?

ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 29

Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University

1. To determine the characteristics of various Governor configurations
2. To study the effect of varying the mass of central sleeve for Porter and
Proell Governors
3. To study the effect of varying initial spring compression for Hartnell

Various Governor Configurations exist, each having some unique characteristics.
We will be studying the behavior of four different configurations of Governors,
which include Watt Governor, Porter Governor, Proell Governor and Hartnell
Governor. Procedure essentially remains the same for all configurations.

1. Assemble the governor to be tested, along with auxiliaries.
2. Note down the initial reading of the pointer on the scale.
3. Slowly increase the speed of governor using the variac, until the sleeve is
lifted from its initial position
4. Let the governor stabilize
5. Note the sleeve height and speed of Governor (with Tachometer)
6. Increase the speed of the governor and let the governor stabilize. Take the
readings of sleeve height and speed of Governor.
7. Make sure you always take reading in increasing tendency of speed, i.e.
never decrease speed during a single set of reading

ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 30

Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University
Practical with Watt Governor

Schematic of Watt Governor

L = 110 mm
h' = 95.5 mm
m = 0.45 kg
g = 9.81 m/s2
a = 40 mm
X” = ______________ mm
Observation Table:
Sr. No. Sleeve Height X’ (mm) Speed N, RPM

ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 31

Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University

a = Distance of pivot to center of spindle, mm

Ftheo = Theoretical Centrifugal force
Fact = Actual Centrifugal force
H = Height of Governor
h = Final height, mm
h’ = Initial height, mm
N = Speed of governor, RPM
R = Radius of Rotation
m = mass of the ball
X = Final Height of Sleeve, mm
X’ = Height of Sleeve at N RPM
X” = Initial reading of pointer on sleeve
ω = Angular velocity, rad/sec

ܺ = ܺ ᇱ − ܺ" mm

ℎ = ℎᇱ − mm

ߙ= cos ିଵ

‫ =ܪ‬ቀ ቁ + ℎ mm
୲ୟ୬ ఈ
ܴ = ܽ + (‫ ܮ‬sin ߙ) mm
‫ܨ‬௔௖௧ =
‫ܨ‬௧௛௘௢ = ݃N

ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 32

Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University
Calculation Table:

Sr. X h α H R ω Fact Ftheo


Plot the graph for Fact versus R (using Computer Program)


ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 33

Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University
Practical with Porter Governor

Schematic of Porter Governor

L = 110 mm
h' = 100 mm
m = 0.45 kg
g = 9.81 m/s2
a = 40 mm
Sleeve Mass, m1 = ______________ kg
Mass Added, m2 = ______________ kg
X” = ______________ mm
Observation Table:
Sr. No. Sleeve Height X’ (mm) Speed N, RPM

ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 34

Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University

a = Distance of pivot to center of spindle, mm

Ftheo = Theoretical Centrifugal force
Fact = Actual Centrifugal force
H = Height of Governor
h = Final height, mm
h’ = Initial height, mm
N = Speed of governor, RPM
R = Radius of Rotation
m = mass of the ball
X = Final Height of Sleeve, mm
X’ = Height of Sleeve at N RPM
X” = Initial reading of pointer on sleeve
ω = Angular velocity, rad/sec

ܺ = ܺ ᇱ − ܺ" mm

ℎ = ℎᇱ − mm

ߙ= cos ିଵ

‫ =ܪ‬ቀ ቁ + ℎ mm
୲ୟ୬ ఈ
ܴ = ܽ + (‫ ܮ‬sin ߙ) mm
‫ܨ‬௔௖௧ =
‫ܨ‬௧௛௘௢ = (݉ + ݉ଵ + ݉ଶ ) (tan ߙ) ݃ N

ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 35

Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University
Calculation Table:

Sr. X h α H R ω Fact Ftheo


Plot the graph for Fact versus R (using Computer Program)

ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 36

Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University
Plot the variation of Fact w.r.t. R, for different masses on a single graph (using
Computer Program)


ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 37

Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University
Practical with Proell Governor

Schematic of Proell Governor

L = 110 mm
h' = 95.5 mm
α’ = 29.8°
ϒ’ = 17°
m = 0.45 kg
g = 9.81 m/s2
a = 40 mm
GC = 178.1 mm
Sleeve Mass, m1 = ______________ kg
Mass Added, m2 = ______________ kg
X” = ______________ mm
Observation Table:
Sr. No. Sleeve Height X’ (mm) Speed N, RPM

ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 38

Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University

a = Distance of pivot to center of spindle, mm

Ftheo = Theoretical Centrifugal force
Fact = Actual Centrifugal force
GC = Distance between points G and C of lower link, mm
H = Height of Governor
h = Final height, mm
h’ = Initial height, mm
L = Length of Link, mm
N = Speed of governor, RPM
R = Radius of Rotation
m = mass of the ball
X = Final Height of Sleeve, mm
X’ = Height of Sleeve at N RPM
X” = Initial reading of pointer on sleeve
ω = Angular velocity, rad/sec
α’ = Initial Angle
ϒ’ = Initial Angle

ܺ = ܺ ᇱ − ܺ" mm

ℎ = ℎᇱ − mm

ିଵ ௛
ߙ= cos

‫ =ܪ‬ቀ ቁ + ℎ mm
୲ୟ୬ ఈ
ߛ = (ߙ − ߙ ᇱ ) + ߛ′
ܴ = ܽ + (‫ ܥܩ‬sin ߛ) mm
‫ܨ‬௔௖௧ =
‫ ܥܩ = ܩܦ‬cos ߛ mm
ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 39
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‫ = ܦܤ‬ℎᇱ −

M = m1 + m2
஻஽ ୲ୟ୬ ఈ
‫ܨ‬௧௛௘௢ = ቂቄ(2݉ + ‫)ܯ‬ ቅ − ݉ tan ߛቃ ݃ N
ீ஼ ୡ୭ୱ ఊ

Calculation Table:

Sr. X h α H ϒ R ω Fact DG BD M Ftheo


ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 40

Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University
Plot the graph for Fact versus R (using Computer Program)

Plot the variation of Fact w.r.t. R, for different masses on a single graph (using
Computer Program)

ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 41

Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University
Plot the variation of Fact w.r.t. R, for same mass, for Porter and Proell on a single
graph (using Computer Program)


ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 42

Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University
Practical with Hartnell Governor

Schematic of Hartnell Governor

a = 75 mm
b = 95 mm
R’ = 132.5 mm
m = 0.45 kg
g = 9.81 m/s2
Sleeve Mass, m1 = ______________ kg
Mass Added, m2 = ______________ kg
Free Length of the spring, L0 = _______________
Compressed Length of the spring, L1 = _______________
X” = ______________ mm
Observation Table:
Sr. No. Sleeve Height X’ (mm) Speed N, RPM

ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 43

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a = Length of Vertical arm, mm

b = Length of Horizontal arm, mm
Fact = Actual Centrifugal force
R = Radius of Rotation, mm
R’ = Initial Radius of Rotation, mm
S = Force exerted by Spring, N
s = Spring stiffness
m = mass of the ball
X = Final Height of Sleeve, mm
X’ = Height of Sleeve at N RPM
X” = Initial reading of pointer on sleeve
ω = Angular velocity, rad/sec
δ = Compression of the spring

ܺ = ܺ ᇱ − ܺ" mm

ܴ = ܴ ᇱ + ܺ( ) mm

‫ܨ‬௔௖௧ =

ܵ= ቀ2‫ܨ‬௔௖௧ ௕ቁ − (݉ଵ + ݉ଶ )݃ N
௔ ଶ ி
‫ = ݏ‬2 ቀ ቁ ቀ ೎ ቁ N/mm
௕ ோିோᇱ
ߜ = ‫ܮ‬ଵ − ‫ܮ‬଴ mm

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Calculation Table:

Sr. X R ω Fact S s

Plot the graph for Fact versus R (using Computer Program)

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Plot the graph for Fact versus R for different values of δ(using Computer Program)


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Conclusion: (Mention with reference to all Governors)

1. What do you mean sensitivity of a governor?
2. Describe the role of friction-at-sleeve in the working of a Governor?
3. How do, in function, Spring loaded governors differ from Dead-weight
4. How does a tachometer work?
5. What are Inertia Governors?

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ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 48
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Aim: To determine the jump speed of a Cam-follower system

1. Ensure that the cam is mounted firmly.
2. Check for any lose connections, and tighten if necessary.
3. Ensure lubrication between the cam and follower.
4. Initially ensure that the spring (ensuring contact between follower and
cam) is uncompressed.
5. Start the motor and take speed readings using Stroboscope.
6. Slowly increase the speed of the cam rotation.
7. At a particular speed, you will hear a classic clicking sound, more like impact
hammering. Note the speed. This is the jump speed of the cam.
a. Jump speed is defined as the speed at which the follower will touch
the cam once per one cycle of rotation of cam profile. Initially, the
follower will smoothly touch on all points on the cam profile. When
speed increases, the cam will complete one cycle of rotation before
the follower comes down to touch.
8. Compress the spring with the knurled nut and repeat the above procedure.
Note the new jump speed.
9. Utmost safety precautions need to be taken during the performance. Be
10. Also observe the cam and follower profile.

Note: In your observation, mention when do you think the jump speed of cam is
encountered, i.e. the condition to encounter the jump.

ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 49

Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University
1. Type of Cam (profile):____________________

2. Type of Follower: ____________________

3. Observe the Jump Speed w.r.t. Spring compression:

Spring Compression Jump Speed

4. Observation:


ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 50

Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University
1. What do you mean by Jump Speed of a Cam?
2. What are the potential hazards of operating a Cam at jump speed?
3. Describe types of Cam and Followers?

ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 51

Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University

Aim: To determine the radius of gyration of a body using Bi-filar and Tri-filar

1. Mount the body (disc) using the suspension cords, for both Bi-filar as well
as Tri-filar suspension.
2. Ensure equal lengths of cords.
3. Give torsional deflection to the body and allow it to oscillate.
4. Note the natural frequency of oscillations.
5. Calculate the radius of gyration and compare to theoretical values.

Bi-Filar Suspension Tri-Filar Suspension

ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 52

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Observations: (Refer figures for geometrical interpretation)
1. Length of each string
a. For Bi-Filar (lb):____________________
b. For Tri-Filar (lt):____________________

2. The distance (a): ____________________

3. The distance (b): ____________________

4. The distance (r): ____________________

5. Observation Table:

Bifilar Suspension:

Suspension Number of Average number Average Natural

Oscillations in of oscillations in Frequency
10 s 10 s

1. Radius of Gyration:
a. For Bi-Filar Suspension

1 ܾ݃ܽ
݇= ඨ = _______________________
2ߨ݂௡ ݈

b. For Tri-Filar Suspension

1 ݃‫ ݎ‬ଶ
݇= ඨ = _______________________
2ߨ݂௡ ݈

ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 53

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Result Table:
Suspension Radius of Gyration Radius of Gyration % Difference
(experimental) (theoretical)


1. What is the physical significance of Radius of Gyration?
2. How does a Bi-Filar suspension system differ from a single rotor system?
3. What are the applications of a Bi-Filar or Tri-Filar suspension system?

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ME 304P Dynamics of Machines 55
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