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What Is Speaker ?

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What is speaker ?
Speakers are one of the most common output devices with computer systems.The
purpose of speakers is to produce audio output that can be heard by the
listener.Speakers are transducers that convert electromagnetic waves into sound
waves.The speakers receive audio input from a device such as a computer or an audio
receiver.This input may be either in analog or digital form.Analog speakers simply
amplify the analog electromagnetic waves into sound waves.Since sound waves are
produced in analog form,digital speakers must first convert the digital input to an
analog signal,then generate the sound waves.

How do speakers work?

Speakers work by converting electrical energy into mechanical
energy(motion).The mechanical energy compresses air and converts the motion into
sound energy or sound pressure level.Speakers are made up of a cone,an iron coil,a
magnet ,and housing(case).When the speaker receives electrical input from a device,it
sends the current through the causing it to move back and forth.This motion then
vibrates the outer cone,generating sound waves picked up by our ears.

Interfacing with Arduino:

Fig.1.1:Circuit diagram of arduino connected with speaker

The circuit diagram shows that the positive terminal of the speaker is connected
through a 100ohm resistor to pin 8 of the Arduino.The negative terminal of the
speaker is connected to one of the Arduino GND pins.

 The recorded output voice from arduino is not much audible so we interfacing a
speaker to out circuit.
 The audio output from arduino is fed to speaker it enhances the sound signal and
makes audible to humans.
 Here we are using 2.25 inches,8 ohms and 0.5 watts speaker.
 It can be easily interfaced with arduino.


const int speaker = 8; //buzzer to arduino pin 8

void setup(){

pinMode(speaker, OUTPUT); // Set speaker - pin 8 as an output

void loop(){

tone(speaker, 1000); // Send 1KHz sound signal...

delay(1000); // ...for 1 sec
noTone(speaker); // Stop sound...
delay(1000); // ...for 1sec

Explanation of the program:

int speaker = 8 The digital pin to which the speaker is connected

pinMode(speaker,OUTPUT) Declaring pin 8 as output pin
tone(speaker,1000) sends a 1kHz sound signal to pin 8,delay(1000) pause the
program for one second and noTone(speaker stops the signal sound.The void loop()
routine will make this run again and again making a short beeping sound.

Block diagram:
Circuit diagram of G2S:

Explanation of circuit diagram:

 The flex sensor are attached to the glove as the there are two pins to the flex
sensor the one pin is connected to ground and another pin is connected to the
power through resistor.
 The output of the flex sensor is resistance values which are proportional to the
bend of the sensor.
 Due to the voltage divider circuit the resistance values to the microcontrolller
which is having inbuilt ADC’s analog to digital converter.
 The five flex sensors are connected to A0-A4 pin of the microcontroller Arduino
uno R3.
 According to the particular voltage value we program the arduino to speak out the
particular instruction and we also displaying the instruction on the LCD,a display
which allows an easy interface to the arduino.
 Next when the person in any emergency situation as he can’t shout or ask for help
so we are creating an intelligent caring system,due to the closure of the all the
fingers that is by one gesture he can make call or send a message to the some
person that he is in danger,he needs someone to help.For example in critical
situation he want to consult doctor immediately.
 For this intelligent caring system we are using GSM SIM900A module,here it is
as an interface with the sim card we load or save some desired people numbers in
the sim card.Whenever a particular gesture is made the microcontroller send a
transmitting signal to the Gsm module,Gsm module is programmed through AT
commands,we can send message or make call,we will program it like that.

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