Chapter 6 Excel-1
Chapter 6 Excel-1
Chapter 6 Excel-1
Overview of excel
Microsoft Excel is a software program included in the Microsoft
Office suite.
It is used to create spreadsheets, which are documents in
which data is laid out in rows and columns — like a big table.
A spreadsheet is a special way of organizing data
into rows and columns to make it simpler to read and
Features of spreadsheet
1.Table formats:- By using the Format as Table icon you instruct Excel to
treat a table like a basic database. Formatted tables have many advantages,
such as: The table range automatically expands (including the format) when
you add new rows or columns to the table. Filter icons are automatically added
to the header row
2.Data forms
a)Labels or titles: Entering data into a spreadsheet is just like typing in a
word processing program, but you have to first click the cell in which you want
the data to be placed before typing the data. All words describing
the values (numbers) are called labels. The numbers, which can later be used
in formulas, are called values.
b)Numbers :Numbers are data the data that are directly entered into
cells of the spreadsheet.
c)Calculated entries: calculated entries are received using formula ,
the spread sheet software calculates the value and puts the
calculated entries data
3.Recalculation:spread sheet automatically calculates the results
after entering numbers and formulas.
4.Storage and retrieval:- the spread sheet software has ability to
store and retrieval the data as many times as required.
5.Presentation: Today most of the spreadsheet packages have
capacity to convert the figures into graph and charts.Helps in
understanding graphs and charts.
6.Standard formats:-Data is download from other computers and
data sources are used to standrard formats.
Work book
In Microsoft Excel a workbook is a collection of one or more
spreadsheets or worksheets.
It is a file where the user stores his data
Each workbook consists of several worksheets .
Work sheets
A worksheet or sheet is a single page in a file created with an
electronic spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel
A cell is a rectangular box that occurs at the intersection of a vertical
column and a horizontal row in a worksheet
A cell can only store 1 piece of data at a time. You can store data in
a cell such as a formula, text value, numeric value, or date value.
Open new workbook
1. Select file -> New from the menu bar
2. The new workbook pane appears on the right hand side of the screen.
Under the title new select blank workbook
On the Number tab, set the number format for the selected cells.
2. Click the Font tab to specify the font, font size, style, and color of
text in selected cells. See Formatting Text.
Select the Line Attributes, and then use the Presets or Preview buttons
to add or remove border elements.
4.Click the Patterns tab to specify fill options for the selected cells.
5.If Vector works Design Series is installed, click the Images tab to specify
the type, size, view, and margin for images in the selected cells. For more
information, see Inserting Images in Worksheet Cells.
Statistical function
1.Max ():- this function returns largest value in a set of values.
Syntax:- MAX(num1,num2,…..)
Example :-MAX(15,20,25,45,60)
2.MIN():- this functions returns smallest value in a set of values
Syntax :-MIN(num1,num2)
Example :-MIN(10,12,24,34)
3.COUNT():- this function counts the number of cells that contain numbers
Syntax:- COUNT(value1,value2,…..)
Example :-COUNT(15,25,35,45) returns 4
4.AVERAGE ():- this function returns the average of the arguments
Example:-AVERAGE(50,10,30,40,20) returns 30
Logical functions
1.And() :- this function return TRUE if all arguments are TRUE, else FALSE if one
or more arguments are FALSE.
Syntax:- AND(logical 1,logical2.....)
Example :-AND(3<5,8=8) returns TRUE.
2.OR():- This function returns TRUE if one or more arguments are true, returns
false if all arguments are false
Syntax:-OR(logical1, logical2,....)
Example :-OR(3<5,8!=8)
3.Not() : The NOT function changes TRUE to FALSE, and FALSE to TRUE.
Syntax: NOT(logical)
Example: NOT(3<5) return FALSE.
4.If():-this function returns one value if logical test evaluates true or other
value if it evaluates to false
Syntax:-if(logical_test, true_value,false_value)
Example:- if(89>80, “Distinction”, or “first class”);
Text functions
1.LEN(): this function helps to know the length of the string.
Example :-LEN(APPLE);
2.UPPER():-this functions helps us to convert the text into upper case from
lower case.
Syntax:- upper(text);
3.Concatenate(): this function helps to join the text of two or more cells
4.Rept ():this function used to repeat certain text number of times.
Syntax:-rept(text, number of times)
Example (A1,2)
Date and time function
1.Date():- To add a number of days to a date, use the following simple formula.
Syntax:-DATE(Year, Month, Day)
Example :- DATE(2019, 10, 20);
2.Day ():- this function returns the day of the month.
Syntax:- DAY()
Example :- Day(“12-april”)returns 12
3.Year ():-this function returns the year corresponding to serial number.
Syntax :-year()
Example :year(“12/4/2007”)
4.Now ():- this function returns the current date and time
Syntax:- Now()
Example :-Now()
A chart is a graphical representation of data, in which "the data is represented
by symbols, such as bars in a bar chart, lines in a line chart, or slices in a pie
chart". It can represent tabular numeric data, functions or some kinds of
qualitative structure and provides different info.
Types of charts:-
1. column chart is a graphic representation of data. Column charts
display vertical bars going across the chart horizontally, with the
values axis being displayed on the left side of the chart.
2. bar chart or bar graph is a chart or graph that presents categorical
data with rectangular bars with heights or lengths proportional to
the values that they represent. The bars can be plotted vertically or
horizontally. A vertical bar chart is sometimes called a line graph.
3. line chart or line plot or line graph or curve chart is a type
of chart which displays information as a series of data points
called 'markers' connected by straight line segments. It is a
basic type of chart common in many fields
4. pie chart is a circular statistical graphic, which is divided into
slices to illustrate numerical proportion. In a pie chart, the arc
length of each slice, is proportional to the quantity it
5. Area chart or area graph displays graphically quantitative data. It is based on
the line chart. The area between axis and line are commonly emphasized with
colors, textures and hatchings. Commonly one compares two or more
quantities with an area chart.