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Welcome to our fifth lesson on continuity equation and application to thermodynamic processes.
From the first lesson you were introduced to the concept of thermodynamic process.
Understanding the quantities measured by the volumetric flow rate and mass flow rate is crucial
to understanding other fluid flow topics. The continuity equation expresses the relationship
between mass flow rates at different points in a fluid system under steady-state flow conditions. .

5.2 Lesson Learning Outcomes

By the end of this lesson, you will be able

5.2.1 Introduce and derive continuity equation

5.2.2 Illustrate the application continuity equation

5.2.3 Solve problems involving continuity equation

5.2.1 Introduction and derivation of continuity equation

The Law of Conservation of Mass states that mass can be neither created nor destroyed. Using
the Mass Conservation Law on a steady flow process - flow where the flow rate does not change
over time through a control volume where the stored mass in the control volume do not change
implies that;

Inflow=outflow 5.1

m inlet
˙ =ṁ outlet 5.2

( ρAv)inlet =¿ 5.3

For a control volume with multiple inlets and outlets, the principle of conservation of mass
requires that the sum of the mass flow rates into the control volume equal the sum of the mass
flow rates out of the control volume. The continuity equation for this more general situation is
expressed by Equation 5.4

∑ m inlets
˙ =∑ ṁoutlets 5.4
Assumption of Continuity Equation

Following are the assumptions of continuity equation:

 The tube is having a single entry and single exit

 The fluid flowing in the tube is non-viscous

 The flow is incompressible

 The fluid flow is steady

Numbering, pacing and sequencing 5.2.1

Introduction and derivation of continuity

Purpose Introduce and derive continuity equation

Brief summary of overall task Watch this video on The Continuity Equation:
Derive the continuity equation


Given; inlet diameter= 0.8m, outflow rate is

148000kg/m3; density of fluid is 785kg/m3. Calculate
the inlet velocity of the fluid.
Individual task After watching the video name some applications of
the continuity equation.
Give the answer to the question on the spark
Post your answers on the discussion forum 5.2.1
Interaction begins ● Read what your colleagues have posted in the
discussion forum 5.2.1
● Keeping netiquette in mind, comment on what three
of your colleagues have posted.
● Read the facilitator’s comments too to get feedback
Add any new point you have learnt to your
E-moderator interventions

Schedule and time This task should take you 30 minutes

Next Application of continuity equation

5.2.2 Application of continuity equation

Common application where the Equation of Continuity are used are pipes, tubes and ducts with
flowing fluids or gases, rivers, overall processes as power plants, diaries, logistics in general,
roads, computer networks and semiconductor technology and more.

Numbering, pacing and sequencing 5.2.2

Application of continuity equation

Purpose Illustrate the application continuity equation

Brief summary of overall task Watch this video on the application Continuity
Illustrate with a diagram the application of continuity

A piping system has a "Y" configuration for

separating the flow as shown in the spark. The
diameter of the inlet leg is 0.3m., and the diameters
of the outlet legs are 0.2 and 0.25m. The velocity in
the 0.25m leg is 3m/s. The flow through the main
portion is 230kg/sec. The density of water is
100kg/m3. What is the velocity out of the 0.2m.
pipe section?

Individual task After watching the video, illustrate the application

of continuity equation in real life
Give the answer to the question on the spark
Post your answers on the discussion forum 5.2.2
Interaction begins ● Read what your colleagues have posted in the
discussion forum 5.2.2
● Keeping netiquette in mind, comment on what three
of your colleagues have posted.
● Read the facilitator’s comments too to get feedback
Add any new point you have learnt to your
E-moderator interventions

Schedule and time This task should take you 30 minutes

Next Solving problems involving continuity equations

5.2.3 Solving problems involving continuity equation

Example 1: Suppose water is flowing through a pipe of diameter 1 cm with a flow velocity of 2
m/s. If the pipe widens to a diameter of 3 cm, what is the new flow rate?

Solution: This is one of the most basic examples because it occurs in an incompressible fluid. In
this case, density is constant and can be cancelled from both sides of the continuity equation.
You then only need to plug in the formula for area and solve for the second velocity:

A 1 v 1= A 2 v 2 ⟹ π (d 1 /2)2 v 1=π ( d 2 /2)2 v

Ans=0.22 m/s

Numbering, pacing and sequencing 5.2.3

Solving problems involving continuity equation
Purpose To solve problems involving continuity equation

Brief summary of overall task Watch this video on Problem based on continuity
Work out the example shown in the video


The figure in the spark illustrates blood flow from

major artery region 1 with a cross section area of 0.9
cm2 branching into region 2 with 18 smaller arteries
each with an average cross-section area of o.36 cm 2.
Find the velocity ratio of blood flow from major
artery in region 1 to smaller artery in region 2

Individual task After watching the video, show the working of the
example given
Give the answer to the question on the spark
Post your answers on the discussion forum 5.2.3
Interaction begins ● Read what your colleagues have posted in the
discussion forum 5.2.3
● Keeping netiquette in mind, comment on what three
of your colleagues have posted.
● Read the facilitator’s comments too to get feedback
Add any new point you have learnt to your
E-moderator interventions

Schedule and time This task should take you 1 hour

Next Working fluids
5.3 Assessment Questions

1. A liquid flows through a pipe with a diameter of 10cm at a velocity of 9cm/s. If the diameter
of the pipe then decreases to 6cm, what is the new velocity of the liquid?

a. 5cm/s

b. 21cm/s

c. 12cm/s

d. 18cm/s

e. 25cm/s

2. If blood flows through the aorta with velocity, va, with what velocity would blood flow
through the capillaries in the body?

Ac va 3
a. m /s
b. Ac v 2a A a m 3 /s
Aa va 3
c. m /s
A C v 2a 3
d. m /s
3. Which will produce the greatest increase in flow velocity through a tube?

a. Halving the tube radius

b. Doubling the viscosity of the liquid
c. Doubling the tube area
d. Dividing the tube area by three
e. Doubling the tube radius

4. If a pipe with flowing water has a cross-sectional area nine times greater at point 2 than at
point 1, what would be the relation of flow speed at the two points?

a. The flow speed at point 2 is three times that at point 1

b. The flow speed at point 1 is three times that at point 2
c. The flow speed relation will depend on the viscosity of the water
d. The flow speed at point 1 is nine times that at point 2
e. The flow speed at point 2 is nine times that at point 1
5. As water is traveling from a water tower, to somone's home, the pipes it travels in frequently
change size. Water is traveling at 5m/s in a tube with a diameter of 0.5m. The tube gradually
increases in size to a diameter of 1.5m, and then gradually decreases to a diameter of 1m.
Neglecting any energy losses due to friction and pressure changes, what is the speed of the water
when it reaches the tube diameter of 1m?

a. 1.25m/s

b. 20m/s

c. 17m/s

d. 45m/s

e. 0.56m/s

6. Statement 1: The stream of water flowing at high speed from a garden hose pipe tends to
spread like a fountain when held vertically up, but tends to narrow down when held vertically

Statement 2: In any steady flow of an incompressible fluid, the volume flow rate of the fluid
remains constant.

a. Statement 1 is true, statement 2 is true; statement 2 is a correct ex- planation for

statement 1.

b. Statement 1 is true, statement 2 is true; statement 2 is not a correct explanation for

statement 1.

c. Statement 1 is true, statement 2 is false.

d. Statement 1 is false, statement 2 is true.

7. The continuity equation is based on the principle of

a. conservation of mass

b. conservation of momentum

c. conservation of energy

d. conservation of force
5.4 E-references

Audiopedia available at


Audiopedia available at


audiopedia available at


The Continuity Equation: Conservation of Mass for a Fluid Element available at



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