Director, Academic & Planning Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapur Anantapuram - 515 002, Andhra Pradesh, India
Director, Academic & Planning Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapur Anantapuram - 515 002, Andhra Pradesh, India
Director, Academic & Planning Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapur Anantapuram - 515 002, Andhra Pradesh, India
M.Tech., Ph. D.
Director, Academic & Planning
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapur
Anantapuram – 515 002, Andhra Pradesh, India
E-mail :
Nationality : Indian
Religion : Hindu
Educational Qualifications:
Year of
S. No. Qualification University/Institution Specialization
1. Ph. D JNTU Anantapur Wireless Networks 2010
Digital Systems &
JNTU College of
2. M.Tech Computer 2001
Engineerig. Anantapur
Electronics &
JNTU College of
3. B.Tech Communication 1993
Engineerig. Anantapur
Details of Doctoral thesis:
Area : Mobile Adhoc Networks
Title : “Implementation of Architecture and Analysis of Self Securing
Techniques in MANETs”
Supervisor : Prof. P. Chandra Sekhara Reddy,
J N T U, Hyderabad
Year of award of Ph.D : 2010
Professional Experience :
Administrative Experience :
The following progams are organized for faculty & students during 2015 – 2018 through
Three day Faculty development program on “Linear Integrated Circuits – A Systems
Approach” in collaboration with Sapience Consulting – University Program Partners of
Texas Instruments during 2-4, Mar 2015.
One day Workshop on “Analog System Design using ASLK” by the faculty mentors
trained earlier by Texas Instruments on 15th July 2015.
Three day Workshop on “Embedded System Design using MSP430” in collaboration
with Sapience Consulting – University Program Partners of Texas Instruments during
10-12, September 2015.
Online Contest in association with Texas Instruments India on 17 th March, 2016.
Around 500 students of various colleges participated in the contest. TI Chronos
watches, Launch pads and merit certificates were given to the top 10 winners of the
online contest.
One day training for the students on WEBENCH & MSP430. Around 100 students of
various colleges participated in the program.
Two day hands on workshop on “Embedded System Design using MSP430” by the
mentors trained earlier by Texas Instruments during 24-25 June 2016. Around 55
faculty members were trained.
Organized weekly online contests, DrishTI in collaboration with Texas Instruments &
Sapience Consulting in the year 2017. Several students have won cash prizes and
awarded merit certificates in DrishTI online contests.
Initiated entrepreneurship activity, ShrisTI in collaboration with Texas Instruments &
Sapience Consulting in the year 2017.
Three day Workshop on “Embedded System Design using TIVA” in collaboration with
Sapience Consulting – University Program Partners of Texas Instruments during 19-
21, April and 31 May – 2 June, 2018.
Teaching Experience:
18+ years of teaching UG & PG Courses
Subjects Taught:
Undergraduate courses Post graduate courses
Electronic Devices and Circuits Digital Data Communications
Electronic Circuit Analysis Digital System Design
Network Analysis Artificial Neural Networks
Switching Theory & Logic Design OOPs through JAVA
Linear IC Applications High Speed Networks
Data Structures Advanced Computer Networks
Pulse & Digital Circuits Fuzzy Systems & Neural Networks
Telecommunication Switching
Systems & Networks
Computer Networks
Neural Networks & Applications
List of publications:
International Journals:
1. M.Chennakesavulu, T.Jayachandra Prasad, V.Sumalatha, ”Data encoding techniques to
improve the performance of system on chip” Journal of King Saud University,
Compute and Information Sciences, DOI: 10.1016/j.iksuci.2018.12.003, 1319-1578,
2. Prathiba. B, Jayasankar.K, Sumalatha.V, “Performance Enhancement of Wireless
Sensor Networks based on a Novel Data Quality Framework-An Approach”,
International Journal of Research in Electronics and Computer Engineering, vol. 6,
issue 4, ISSN: 2348-2281, 2018.
3. Nemani, Subash, Jayachandra Prasad Talari, Sumalatha V, ”Reversible Data Hiding
Using Secure Force Algorithm” Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and
Control System, vol,10, special issue, pp 238-244, ISSN 1943-023X, 2018.
4. Prathiba. B, Jayasankar.K, Sumalatha.V "Framework For Assessing Data Quality
Resembles Factor In Large Scale Wireless Sensor Network”, International Journal of
Engineering & Technology, DOI:10.14419/ijet.v7i4.19280, 2018.
5. P. Sampath Kumar, K. Jaya Sankar, V. Sumalatha “Propagation Model for
Synchronous High Throughput Communication in Wireless Sensor Network”, Journal
of advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, vol.10, issue.4, pp :263-
277, ISSN:1943-023X. Mar 2018.
6. Nemani, Subash, Jayachandra Prasad Talari, Sumalatha V,”13/9 Lifting Wavelet
Transform based Reversible Data Hiding”, International Journal of Computer
Applications., vol. 53, pp. 20-26, 0975 – 8887, 2018.
7. B. Rajasekhar, M. Kamaraju, V. Sumalatha, “Speaker Independent Emotion
Recognition from Speech Signals”, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied
Sciences ,vol. 13, no. 9, pp: 3188-3191, ISSN: 1819-6608, May 2018.
8. M.Chennakesavulu, T.Jayachandra Prasad, V.Sumalatha, “Improved performance of
error controlling codes using pass transistor logic”, Circuits Systems and Signal
Processing (SCIE), vol. 37,issue 3, Pp: 1145-1161, 0278-081X, Mar.2018.
9. Ajitha,D, K.V.Ramanaiah,V. Sumalatha “An Enhanced High Speed Multi-Digit BCD
Adder using Quantum-dot Cellular Automata », Journal of Semiconductors, vol. 38,
no.2, pp 1-9. 1674-4926, Feb. 2017.
10. Nemani, Subash, Jayachandra Prasad Talari, Sumalatha V, “ Distortionless Data
Hiding for Encrypted Images: A DCT Approach”, Journal of Engineering Science and
Technology Review, vol.10, issue 5, pp. 61-67, ISSN: 1791-2377, 2017.
11. Ajitha,D, K.V.Ramanaiah, V. Sumalatha “An Optimized Hybrid Multi-Digit BCD
Adder Using QCA.” International Journal of Computer Science and Information
Security, vol. 14, no. 7, pp 589-598. 1947-5500, July 2016.
12. D Sharath Babu Rao, V Sumalatha, “The Journey of Ethernet Towards 1 TBPS and
Various Fields of Applications”, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, vol 9,
no.11, DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i11/89293, March 2016.
13. P. Sampath Kumar, K. Jaya Sankar, V. Sumalatha ” High throughput system modeling
for WSN”, International Journal of Computer Networks And Security, vol.25, issue.2,
pp:1365- 1373, ISSN : 2051-6878, , July 2015.
14. P. Sampath Kumar, K.Jaya Sankar, V.Sumalatha “Network Synchronization Coding
for Wireless Sensor Network Device”, International Journal of Computer Science and
Network Security, vol.14, no. 6, pp. 127-134,ISSN: 1738 -7906, June 2014.
15. G.Mamatha, M.V.Lakshmaiah, V.Sumalatha, Cyril Prasanna Raj P, ”Evaluation of
DWT based image Fusion with three Different Re-sampling Methods“, International
Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology, vol. 2, issue 2,
Feb. 2015.
16. Ajitha, D, K. V. Ramanaiah, V. Sumalatha, "An Efficient Design of XOR Gate and its
Applications using QCA" i-Manager's Journal on Electronics Engineering, 2015.
17. G.Mamatha, M.V.Lakshmaiah, V.Sumalatha, S.Varadarajan, “DWT Based Pan-
Sharpening Of Low Resolution Multispectral Satellite Images”, i-Manager’s Journal
on Image Processing, vol 1, no.2, June 2014.
18. P. Sampath Kumar, K.Jaya Sankar, V.Sumalatha ” Controller Design For Energy
Scheduling In Wireless Sensor Network Device Modeling”, International Journal of
Engineering & Technology, ISSN: 2227-524X, 2014.
19. Y. Neeraja, V. Sumalatha, “Comprehensive Survey of Medium Access Control
Protocols for MANETs” International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in
Computer Science, vol. 2, issue 3, pp. 211-219, ISSN 2278-6856, June 2013.
20. P. Sampath Kumar, K. Jaya Sankar, V.Sumalatha “Design and implementation of
communication protocol for WSN”, International Journal of Technology Intelligence
and Planning, ISSN :1740-2840, 2013.
21. Ajitha, D, Ramanaiah, K. V., Kumar, P. Y, &Sumalatha, V. “Design of Compact and
High Speed Baugh-Wooley Multiplier by CSA using QCA”, International Journal of
Engineering Research and Technology, vol. 2, no. 11, Nov. 2013.
22. C.Ravishankar Reddy, V.Sumalatha, P.V. Gopi Kumar “Fault Detection by using
Random and Deterministic test pattern techniques in a mixed mode BIST
environment” International Journal of Research and Application, vol. 2 , issue 5 , pp.
720-726 , Oct. 2012.
23. C.Ravishankar Reddy, V.Sumalatha, Shaik zilani “Low power, Low transition random
pattern generator” International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology,
vol.1, issue 5, July 2012.
24. Dilli Ravilla, P.C.Reddy, V.Sumalatha, “An Adaptive hybrid framework for Ad- Hoc
Wireless Networks” International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering and
Technology, vol 4 , no.3, pp. 86-91, Nov 2010.
25. G. Srinivas Rao, V.Sumalatha, “Performance Analysis of Voice quality aspects in a
wireless LAN Network” The Journal of Computing, vol , issue 6, pp.33 – 39, Oct
26. V.Sumalatha, V.Venkateswar Reddy,” Design and implementation of Self checking
carry select adder” Journal of the Technology world, vol. 5, issue 1, pp.19-24,
27. V.Sumalatha, P.C. Reddy, “A Novel Approach for mis-behaviour Detection in Adhoc
Networks” International Journal of Cryptography and Security, vol. 2, no.1, pp.17-24,
Jan. 2009.
28. V.Sumalatha, P.C.Reddy, “Integrated Energy Aware Mechanism for On-demand
Routing Protocols” International Journal of Engineering Research and Industrial
Applications, vol.1, pp. 367- 381, 2008.
International Conferences:
1. Prathiba. B, Jayasankar.K, Sumalatha.V, “A Novel Cluster Algorithm for Leveraging
Data Quality in Wireless Sensor Network”, Cybernetics and Algorithms in Intelligent
Systems, Seventh Computer Science, ISSN 2194-5357 ISSN 2194-5365, 2018.
2. Nemani, Subash, Jayachandra Prasad Talari, Sumalatha , “Estimation of performance
metrics for Reversible Data Hiding before encryption”, IEEE Conference on Intelligent
Computing and Control Systems, pp.1176-1181, 978-1-5386-2745-7/17, 2017.
3. B. Rajasekhar, M. Kamaraju, V. Sumalatha, “FPGA based Emotions Recognition from
Speech Signals”, IEEE sponsored third International Conference on Bio-signals,
Images and Instrumentation, 16-18 Mar. 2017
4. Prathiba. B, Jayasankar.K, Sumalatha.V, “A Novel Cluster Algorithm for Leveraging
Data Quality in Wireless Sensor Network”, Smart and Innovative Trends in Next
Generation Computing Technologies, Dehradun, 2017.
5. D Sharath Babu Rao, V Sumalatha, “Design of Low Noise Amplifier with Integrated
Mixer for 2.4 G Hz Wireless Applications”, International Conference on Inventive
Research in Emerging Technology, 2017.
6. Prathiba. B, Jayasankar.K, Sumalatha.V, “Enhancing Data Quality in Wireless Sensor
Networks-A Review”, International Conference on Automatic Control and Dynamic
Optimization Techniques, ISBN: 978-1-5090-2081-2, 2017.
7. P. Sampath Kumar, K. Jaya Sankar, V.Sumalatha, ”A Power Efficient Communication
Protocol for WSN ”, International Conference on Computing Methodologies &
Communication, ISBN:978-1-5090-4890-8, July 2017.
8. D Sharath Babu Rao , V Sumalatha, “The Elements of the Ethernet : Proliferation of
data rates through the Bridge Layer & MAC Protocol stack” , International Conference
on Inventive Computation Technologies, 26-27 Aug. 2016.
9. P. Sampath Kumar, K. Jaya Sankar, V.Sumalatha, ”A Power Efficient Communication
Protocol for WSN”, International Conference on Computing methodologies &
Communication, ISBN:978-1-5090-4890-8, July 2017.
10. P. Sampath Kumar, K. Jaya Sankar, V.Sumalatha “Optimal synchronous node design
with traffic governance in WSN ”, International Conference on Communication and
Signal Processing, ISBN: 978-1-5090-0396-9, April 2016.
11. C. Ravishankar Reddy, V. Sumalatha, “Hybrid Type Test Patter Generator for Memory
Testing”, International Conference on Electricals, Electronics, Signals
Communication and Optimization, DOI: 10.1109/EESCO.2015.7253652, 2015.
12. Ajitha, D., K. V. Ramanaiah, V. Sumalatha. "A Novel design of Cascading Serial bit-
stream Magnitude Comparator using QCA" International Conference on Advances in
Electronics, Computers and Communications, 2014.
13. C. Ravishankar Reddy, V. Sumalatha, “A Novel Built in Self Test Pattern Generator
for Low Power Dissipation, High Fault Coverage and Reduced Area Overhead”,
International Conference on Recent Advances published in the proceedings of Design,
Development and Operation of Micro Air Vehicles, Hyderabad 21 – 23 Nov. 2013.
14. G.Mamatha, M.V.Lakshmaiah, V.Sumalatha, “ Field Programmable Gate Array and
Design Implementation of Image Fusion using DWT”, IEEE International Conference,
USA, May 2013.
15. “Field Programmable Gate Array and Design Implementation of Image Fusion using
DWT”, IEEE International Conference USA, May 2013.
16. Ajitha, D, K. V.Ramanaiah, V. Sumalatha. "Design of High Speed, Low Area, Carry
Flow BCD Adder in QCA" IEEE International Conference on Advanced Research in
Engineering and Technology, Feb 2013.
17. C. Ravishankar Reddy, V. Sumalatha, “A New Built in Self Test Pattern Generator for
Low Power Dissipation and High Fault Coverage”, IEEE International Conference on
Recent Advances in Intelligent Computational Systems, DOI: , 2013.
18. V.Saritha, V.Sumalatha, “Robust Fault Tolerance Approach for Multi-node Faults in
Radial Basis Function Networks” International Conference on On-demand
Computing, Bangalore, 3-4 Nov. 2010.
19. V.Sumalatha, T. Syam Kumar, “Synchronization Enhancement to Network Processor
using IEEE 1588 Protocol” Second International Conference on RF and Signal
Processing Systems, Guntur during 7- 9 Jan. 2010.
20. V.Sumalatha, V.V. Reddy, “Self Checking Carry Adder Design” AICTE Sponsored
International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Communication
Technology, Chennai, 16 - 18 Dec. 2009.
21. V.Sumalatha , M.Hema, “ Transmission & Enhancement of Image through OFC using
DIP Techniques” International Conference on Coalescence of Computer Science &
Biotechnology, Visakhapatnam, 16 - 17 Feb. 2009.
22. V.Sumalatha, Ms.Sandhya Rani, “Link Quality based Adaptive Routing for Ad-Hoc
Network” International Conference on Quantitative Methods, Operations &
Information Technology, IBS Hyderabad, 24-25 Oct. 2008.
23. G. Narendra Kumar, V.Sumalatha, “ Secure Mulyipath Routing for fully distributed
MANETs”, IETE Conference on RF & Wireless, ICON RFW-08, IETE Bangalore
centre, 24-26 April 2008.
24. V.Sumalatha, P.C.Reddy, “Coping with mis-behaviour of nodes in Mobile Ad-hoc
Networks” International Conference, INDICON’07, IEEE Bangalore section, 6-8 Sept.
25. V.Sumalatha, P.C. Reddy, “Secure Routing in Mobile Adhoc Networks” International
Conference on Advances in Electronics and Communications” 1-3, Feb. 2007.
26. V.Sumalatha, P.C.Reddy, “Mobile Ad-hoc Network Security and Authentication”
International Conference on Advanced Communication Systems” Coimbatore, 10 – 12
Jan. 2007.
National Conferences:
1. V.Sumalatha, B.V.R.V.Prasad, Sudha Vani, “Image Segmentation by Fuzzy Means”
National Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics &
Communication(NCRTEC’09), Bangalore, 04th April 2009.
2. V.Sumalatha, R.Sandhya, “Implementation of WISPER protocol for wireless
multimedia networks” National Conference on Computing and Communications
(NCCC’08), Hyderabad, 28 – 29 November 2008.
3. V.Sumalatha, P.C.Reddy. K.Sudarsen Raju, “Performance Comparison of Routing
Protocols for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks ”National Conference on Emerging Trends in
Computer and Network Technologies (NCETCN’08), Hospet, Karnataka,19 - 20
September 2008.
4. V.Sumalatha, P.C. Reddy, “Secure Routing for fully Distributed Mobile Ad-Hoc
Networks” 4th National Conference on Signals, Anna University, Chennai , 8 - 9 May
5. V.Sumalatha, K.Chaitanya, “A Hybrid Adaptive Routing Protocol for Ad-Hoc
Wireless Networks” National Conference on Challenges and Opportunities in
Information Technology, Mandi Gobindgarh, 29th March 2008.
6. V.Sumalatha, M.Sreenivas, “A Distributed Architecture for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks”
National Conference on Emerging Trends in Computer Science & Engineering,
Tirupathi 12 - 13 March 2008.
7. V.Sumalatha,V.Sudheer Reddy, “Securing transmission channel between two remote
computers using secure shell” ISTE sponsored National Conference on Research
opportunities and Challenges in IT (NCRC’07), Chennai, 04th April 2007.
8. V.Sumalatha, V.Vijaya Kumar, “Convoy Monitoring System” National Conference on
Advanced Technologies in Electrical & Electronics Intelligence (ATEEI’06),
Coimbatore 6 - 7 October 2006.
Foreign Visits:
Visited Bangkok, Thailand to attend Training & Placement Officers meet “Defining
Dialogues” organized by Cognizant Technology Solutions in 2010.
Visited London, United Kingdom for presenting technical paper in the IEEE
Technically Co-sponsored International Conference in 2015.
I hereby declare that the information furnished above is true to the best of knowledge
Dr. V. Sumalatha
Date: 01-01-2019