IAAC Final Round
IAAC Final Round
IAAC Final Round
Astrophysics Competition
Final Round
This information video explains the procedure and shows you how the online exam looks like:
View Information Video: https://youtu.be/xi5Gpja51jA
The final round will challenge your knowledge about astrophysics and astronomy. The
multiple-choice questions are mostly knowledge/fact-based questions to determine your
understanding of the solar system, astronomical definitions, stars, galaxies and much more.
You find some example questions from last year's round online (here) and below:
The name of the black hole in the centre of our Milky Way is …
On which planet in our solar system can you find the “Great Red Spot”?
The two moons of Mars are called …
Approximately how far away is the Andromeda Galaxy?
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Procedure and Teacher Registration
The exam will take place in the school of each finalist supervised by a teacher (or the exam can
be recorded, see below). All finalists have to select a teacher who agrees to supervise the final
exam and meets the following criteria:
Must be employed at an officially recognized school or university (no private tutors).
Must still be an active teacher or professor (no retired teachers).
Must not be related to you (no family members).
Participants can open the exam website with a school computer or with a personal computer.
The teacher has to make sure that the finalist does not cheat, uses any external help, or opens
other windows during the exam. Following aspects are considered as cheating:
Working more than 60 seconds on each question.
Usage of other electronic devices (phone, calculators).
Usage of any information source (e.g. internet, notes, books).
Opening other browser tabs, websites, or computer windows.
Receiving help from the teacher or other students.
Besides the authority of the teacher, we have various additional methods to detect cheating:
This includes methods to detect time violations as well as to detect the usage of tools (e.g.
internet) for cheating. Cheating will result in immediate disqualification!
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System Requirements: Please use the latest version of Google Chrome or Firefox to open the
exam page. You are responsible for ensuring a working internet connection during the exam.
Also, please enable JavaScript and cookies for the exam webpage to work correctly.
What to do when technical problems occur (internet errors, computer fails, etc.)?
Reopen the exam page, (if necessary) log in again. Then, continue the exam.
Take screenshots/photos of any technical issues.
Contact us: info@iaac.space
In case we detect irregularities or issues, we will contact you.
Special Covid-19 Regulation: This year, it is possible for you to take the exam without a teacher
supervising you. In this case, another person (family, household members, etc.) has to record
you with a phone or video camera (or by using a camera tripod/stand) while doing the exam:
The person must not be a participant of IAAC.
The person has to film the whole 20-minute exam from start to end.
The video can be stopped and re-started during the exam to have multiple shorter
videos (i.e. in case your camera can not take videos with a duration of 20 minutes).
The video has to clearly show
◦ (a) yourself in front of the computer/laptop/phone and
◦ (b) the exam content on the screen.
The video must include sound (e.g. from the surrounding or any voices).
Make sure that the battery of the phone or camera is fully charged before filming.
Make sure that the phone or camera has enough storage available.
After the exam, the video has to be uploaded to a cloud or storage site (e.g. Google
Drive, Dropbox, etc.). The link to the video can be sent to us via the login page.
You are not allowed to publish or show the video to other people.
We do not accept videos that …
• … do not contain the full exam (i.e. only parts of the exam).
• … do not show you and the screen.
• … are of too low quality/resolution so that the content is not clearly visible.
Videos that do not fulfil the requirements can not be accepted and the exam is invalid.
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To select this option, please go (during the exam period) to the exam website and follow the
steps to the teacher approval site (https://iaac.space/exam). There you can choose the
recording option and start the exam. You will have to enter the name of the person filming.
The results of the final round will be announced on Monday 8. July 2024.
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FAQ: Who can supervise my exam?
In general, only teachers and professors from official schools and institutes. In exceptional
cases, we also approve tutors and school staff members to supervise the final exam.
FAQ: Can IAAC refer me to some teachers that can supervise my final exam?
Unfortunately, we can not provide you with teachers that can take your final exam. Please
contact the teachers of your school or teachers of other regional schools.
FAQ: What if two participants have the same number of points in the final round?
In this case, the results of the pre-final round and of the qualification round will be used to
determine the final winner based on the total points.
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FAQ: There are multiple finalists in my school. Can we have the same teacher?
Absolutely yes. If there are multiple students that participate in the final round in your school,
it is important that the same teacher takes the final exam for all students at the same time!
Please contact your teacher and inform him/her about the other participants.
FAQ: I had technical issues. Can I do the exam again or continue later?
No. You have to make sure that there is a stable internet connection during the exam and that
your browser is up-to-date. You are responsible for any recording or filming mistakes. It is not
possible to pause, continue or re-take the exam once you have started.
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