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CE 415 Columns Part 1

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King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Reinforced Concrete II
Reinforced Concrete Columns

Second Semester 2020-2021 (202)

Dr. Muhammad Kalimur Rahman

Center for Engineering Research-Research Institute

Foundation columns, turbine generator

building. Seabrook Station, New Hampshire.
Column types
Typical tie arrangements
Columns with Axial Load & Bending
Columns with Axial Load & Bending

Load–moment–eccentricity relationship.
Columns with Axial Load & Bending
Columns with Axial Load & Bending
 Point A refers to pure axial load and it represents the
largest axial load that can be supported by the
 Point B represents the onset of concrete crushing the
section is partially cracked below point B
 Point C represents a balanced failure where εcu =
0.003 and εt = 0.00207 for Grade-60 rebars
 Columns with Pn and Mn that fall between A and C
are called compression controlled
Columns with Axial Load & Bending

 Point D refers to εcu = 0.003 and εt = 0.005

 Any value between points C and D is called a
transition section
 Between points D and E, the cross-section acts like a
tension controlled beam
Columns with Axial Load & Bending

Axial load with low

Columns with Axial Load & Bending

Balanced conditions
Columns with Axial Load & Bending
Axial load with high eccentricity
Columns with Axial Load & Bending
Columns with Axial Load & Bending
Columns with Axial Load & Bending
Column interaction diagram.
Column interaction diagram.
Example Problem

For the column shown in figure below, use a strain-compatibility solution

to compute five points indicated below on the interaction diagram. Plot
the interaction diagram. Use 𝒇𝒄 ′ = 𝟓𝟎𝟎𝟎 psi and 𝒇𝒚 = 𝟔𝟎, 𝟎𝟎𝟎 psi.

1. Point 1: Pure Axial Load

2. Point 2: Zero tension on one face
3. Point 3: Balanced Point
4. Point 4: Tension control limit
5. Point 5: Pure Tension
Column interaction diagram.
A3 d2



d1= 18 in – 1.5 in – 0.375 in – 1.128/2 in = 15.56 in

d2= 18 in /2 = 9 in
d3= 1.5 in + 0.375 in + 1.128 in / 2 = 2.44 in
A1 = 3 x 1 in2 = 3 in2 Ast = 8 in2 Ag = 18 in x 18 in = 324 in2
A2 = 2 in2
A3 = 3 in2
Column interaction diagram
Point 1: Pure Axial Load

Since the column is compression controlled:

Column interaction diagram
Point 2: Zero tension on one face

Depth of the compression zone

A3 d 2
Strain and stress in each layer of steel

Column interaction diagram.
The force in the concrete and in each layer of steel

Nominal axial load and moment

Column interaction diagram.
Point 3: Balanced Point
Depth of the compression zone
strain and stress in each layer of steel

Nominal axial load and moment at the balanced point

Column interaction diagram.
Point 4: Tension control limit
Depth of the compression zone

strain and stress in each layer of steel

Column interaction diagram.
Point 4: Tension control limit
Force in the concrete and in each layer of steel

Nominal axial load and moment at the balanced point

Column interaction diagram.
Point 5: Pure Tension
Column interaction diagram

Point 1: Pure Axial Load

Point 2: Zero tension on one face

Point 3: Balanced Point

Point 4: Tension control limit

Point 5: Pure Tension

Column interaction diagram.

1830 k

(1380 k, 251k-ft)
1190 k
(893 k, 167 k-ft)
949 k
(555 k, 440 k-ft)
(355 k, 286 k-ft)
(201 k, 336k-ft) (223 k, 373 k-ft)

-432 k
-480 k
Column interaction diagram.
Long Columns
• Slender column
• Buckling load
• Moment magnifier
• Sway vs. Non-sway
• Moment magnifier design
(ACI 318-11)
• Effective buckling length
in non-sway frames
• Non-sway frame design
Slender Column
• When end moments exit, the problem the
buckling deformation increases.
• Moment increase due to lateral deflection δ

M e  Pe
M c  P (e   )

• Slenderness effect: Strength decrease shown in

Interaction Diagram (Load-moment curve)

• Slender column is defined as a column that has

a significant reduction in its axial-load capacity
due to moments resulting from lateral
deflections of the column An eccentrically loaded,
pin-ended column
Slender Column

Short column
interaction diagram
A Reduction in
axial capacity
Pe P

moment curve

O Mn

 Liner radial line O–A is a plot of the end moment (Me) on the column (Constant ‘e’)
 Curved line O–B is the maximum moment at mid-height of the column (Mc)
 Failure occurs when the load–moment curve O–B for the point of maximum moment
intersects the interaction diagram for the cross section
 Due to deflections, axial-load capacity is reduced from A to B –Slenderness effect
Buckling of Axially Loaded
Elastic Columns
 The differential equation for the column and the Eulers Solution is

n  0,1, 2, 3,

EI = flexural rigidity of column cross section / = length of the column

n = number of half-sine waves in the deformed shape of the column
The lowest value of Pc will occur at n=1 and gives the Euler buckling load

n0 n 1 n2 n3

Buckling Load
 Euler’s Buckling Load for n=1
n 1

 The buckling load, depends on the end conditions of the column and the
effective length concept kL, where k=1/n

 2 EI End conditions K
Pc 
 kL2 Pin-Pin 1.0
Pin-Fixed 0.7
 Restraints against end rotation and lateral Fixed-Fixed 0.5
translation have a major effect on the buckling Fixed-Free 2.0
load of axially loaded elastic columns
Effective lengths of idealized columns
Slender Columns in Structures

Bank of Brazil building, Porto Alegre, Brazil. Each floor extends out
over the floor below it. (Photograph courtesy of J. G. MacGregor.)
Slender-column interaction curves
• To consider the second order effect, the interaction curves for short columns is
modified, which is called Slender-column interaction curves
• This column fails when the curve intersects the at point B1. At the time of failure,
the load and moment at the end of the column are given by point A1.
• If this process is repeated a number of times, we get the slender column
interaction curve shown by the broken line passing through

(a) Load–maximum moment curve for a

column with slenderness l/h = 30 and
a given end eccentricity

(a) columns with the same cross section

but different slenderness ratios
Moment Magnifier for Pin-ended Columns
Symmetrically Loaded
 The pin-end column is loaded symmetrically by axial load P and moment Mo
 δo is the first-order deflection due to the end moment Mo , The first order moment
 Under the axial load, P, the deflection is δa and the total deflection is (δo +δa ) – the
second order deflection.
Moment Magnifier
x = l/π
• How to calculate the increase of deflection (δ)
Sine wave
• Second order deflection
Moment-area method H

Deflection  A * x A   ( o   a )
P l 2
 EI 2 l
P l 2 l Pl 2 A=H*l/2*2/π
 o   ( o   a ) *  2 ( o   a )
 EI  2    EI
P o
 ( o   a )   o  a 
PE 1 P / PE

The maximum bending moment

Mo is referred to as the first-order moment

Mc is referred to as the second-order moment
Sway versus non-sway frames
 In non-sway “braced” frames amplification moments can only happens
due to member deflection ()

Non-sway Frames

 Sidesway bracing system

Member deflection
Analysis of Non-sway Frames
 Non-sway frames are those frames prevented from sidesway.
 End moments have an effect on non-sway frames that can be considered
by considering cm

M u   ns M ns

 ns  1
 Pu 
1   
 0.75 Pc 
- Pc is the critical load
 2 EI
Pc  - k for the axis of bending considered
k L  2
- Cm is the equivalent moment factor
Analysis of Non-sway Frames
 The coefficient Cm is used to represent the effect of end moments on the
maximum deflection along the element (only for non-sway frames)
 When there is transverse loading on
 M1 
Cm  0.6  0.4 M    0 .4 the beam either of the following
 2  case applies

 ve M1 Cm  1.00 Cm  0.85
 ve
M2 M2
Column Stiffness
 It is important to realize that the stiffness of the concrete column “EI”
is a a function of the applied load.

M   P 
EI      
   

 EI plays an important role and the effect of creep can be significant

Creep buckling
Effect of creep

Pn Pn

Mn Mn
Column Stiffness
 The two following equations were considered by ACI for counting the
critical load Pc

0.25Ec I g  Es I se
EI  Equation 10-12 ACI
1   dns

0.4 Ec I g
EI  Equation 10-13 ACI
1   dns

dns is the coefficient representing creep effect

Slenderness Effect
 ACI allows neglecting the slenderness effect of columns (dealing with
them as short columns if:

klu  M1 
 34  12  Equation 10-7 ACI
r  M2 

Here r is the radius of gyration

r  I g / Ag r can be taken as 0.3 h or o.25 D

 In a typical building, the moment ratio is 1.0 and therefore we can

conclude that
 6.6
This can lead to the common rule that h > 15 in for a floor height of 10 ft
Moment-magnifier design (ACI 318-08)

 STEP 1: Length of column  Unsupported length

 STEP 2: Effective length:

 STEP 3: Check if it is slender column

 34  12M 1 / M 2 Slenderness effect is neglected
r  I g / Ag k is computed based on end conditions

 STEP 4: Minimum moment

M 2,min  Pu (0.6  0.03h) if M 2  M 2,min Then, Cm  1

 STEP 5: Moment-magnifier equation

Moment-magnifier design (ACI 318-08)
M c   ns M 2  ns   1.0
1  Pu /(0.75 Pc )

Cm  0.6  0.4M 1 / M 2  0.4 M2: larger moment

Pc   2 EI /(klu ) 2 EI  (0.4 Ec I g ) /(1   dns )

max imum factored axial dead load in the column
 dns 
total factored axial load in the column

 If Pu exceeds 0.75Pc then  ns be negative, and the column would be

unstable, the column cross section must be enlarged.
 Further, if  nsexceeds 2.0, strong consideration should be given to
enlarging the column cross section,
Effect of End Restraints in Nonsway Frames

The actual value of k for an elastic column is a function of the relative

stiffnesses of the beams and columns at each end of the column, where is
given by:
Effective Length Factor
Chart for Determining k Value
Design of columns in non-sway frames

• Effective length is difficult to compute. Simply, it is calculated based on

empirical assumption
• Relative stiffness,
 (E I c c / lc ) Column

 (E I b b / lb ) Beam

Perfect hinge Fixed end


  column  0 column

 For columns ends at foundation, if fixed or hinge ends cannot be

confidently assumed, an approximate k based on bearing pressure can
be found (See Textbook page 565)
Design of columns in non-sway frames
• Method 2: from monograph using  values at two ends


Moment-magnifier design (ACI 318-08)

 STEP 1: Length of column  Unsupported length

 STEP 2: Effective length from Table or Nomograph

 STEP 3: Check if it is slender column

 34  12M 1 / M 2 Slenderness effect is neglected
 STEP 4: Minimum moment
M 2,min  Pu (0.6  0.03h) if M 2  M 2,min Then, Cm  1

 STEP 5: Moment-magnifier equation

Moment-magnifier design (ACI 318-08)

M c   ns M 2 ACI 318: p133-137

 ns   1.0
1  Pu /(0.75 Pc )
Cm  0.6  0.4M 1 / M 2  0.4 M2: larger moment

Pc   2 EI /(klu ) 2 From table or Monograph

EI  (0.4Ec I g ) /(1   d )
max imum factored axial dead load in the column
d 
total factored axial dead load in the column
Design of columns in non-sway frames

• The frames are considered non-sway if the horizontal deflection of

one end of a column relative to the other end is prevented, or at least restrained,
by walls or other bracing elements.

• The columns are attached to beams that restrain the rotations of the ends of
the column

• ACI also considers the frame to be non-sway of the stability index Q

 P u 0
Q  0.05
Vu lc
Unbraced Columns – Side Sway
 Two components of amplification moments can be observed in sway (unbraced)
 Moment due to member deflection  (similar to non-sway frames)
 Moment due to sidesway of the structure (deflection )
Sway Frames

Member deflection Member sidesway

Design Procedure – Sway Columns

1. Calculate unfactored axial forces and moments for the columns in the
frame due to DL, LL and WL.
2. Calculate factored loads using as a minimum the following two load
 LC I: 1.2D + 1.6L + 0.5Lr (ACI 9-2) (largest total gravity load)
 LC II: 1.2D + 1.01L + 0.5Lr + 1.62W (ACI 9-4) (largest gravity load and
sidesway loads)
3. Determine the preliminary column size using the load combination with
the largest factored gravity loads

4. Determine if the frame is sway or non-sway.

Slender Column – Design Procedure
The frame is a sway frame if

Pu = the total factored vertical load on a story

Vu = the factored horizontal shear on a story
Δo = the relative story deflection due to Vu
lc = the column height, measured from center-of-joint to center-of-joint
Slender Column – Design Procedure
5. Determine if the column is slender
For non-sway frames, the column is slender if

k = the effective length factor.

lu = the unsupported length of the compression member in inches
r = the radius of gyration ≈ 0.3h for rectangular columns
M2 is the larger between M1 and M2
M1/M2 is positive if the column is in single curvature, and negative if the column is
in double curvature

k is calculated using the alignment chart in ACI calculating the rotational

restraints at the ends of the column.
k is a function of the rotational restraint at the column ends.

Column ends with large rotational restraint → small ψ → small

effective length factor.
Slender Column – Design Procedure

lc and l are the lengths of the column and beam, respectively,

measured center-of-joint to center-of-joint.

For sway frames, the column is slender if

6. Calculate the factored moments (Mu) for each load combination.

For Non-sway frame

δns = moment magnification factor for frames braced against sidesway to reflect
effects of member curvature between ends of compression member
Slender Column – Design Procedure

βd reflects the increased lateral deflections of a column due to creep

The min. M2 in the equation for Mc above = Pu(0.6 + 0.03h), 0.6 and h are in
Slender Column – Design Procedure
For sway frame

Mu = larger of the moments at the column ends, = max[ M1, M2 ]

where Mns = the factored moment due to loads that cause no appreciable sidesway
calculated by a first-order analysis

δsMs can be calculated according to ACI

Slender Column – Design Procedure

The maximum moment occurs between the column ends if

If the max. moment occurs between the column ends, then

where δns is calculated following the procedure for columns in non-sway frames

Check for instability under gravity loads alone

The moment magnifier (δs) must be < 2.5

• Materials in this chapter are covered

• Textbook, Reinforced Concrete Mechanics and Design: James K. Wight and

James. G. MacGregor (2009)
• Chapter 12.1, 12.2, 12.4

• Building code requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-08)

• Chapter 10.10, 10.11, 10.12, 10.13

• Textbook Reinforced Concrete Design by George F. Limbrunner, Abi O. Aghayere

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