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Validated TVL Smaw11 q3 M 6

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Vocational Livelihood

Shielded Metal Arc Welding

Quarter 2
Self-Learning Module 6
Writer: Antonio F. Quines
Reviewer: Orlando A. Joven Jr (Validator)
Emmanuel B. Penetrante (Technical)
Cerina Galoy (Grammarian)

This unit deals with the skills and knowledge involved in Welding Essentials
particularly on correct travel speed.

At the end of the lesson you are expected to:

1 prepare welding tools, equipment, and accessories;
2 check welding tools, equipment and accessories based on manufacturers manual;
3. repair defect weld


DIRECTIONS: Identify the following tools

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


What is the meaning of weld defects?


What are the classification of weld defects?



Measuring Tools

• Framing, carpenter’s, cabinetmaker’s and combination squares – Use the largest

square that fits the work. The combination square is convenient for the layout of
45º corner cuts and short, parallel lines. Grind the outside corners off the
carpenter’s and cabinetmaker’s squares to allow them to fit snugly into work
corners that have a fillet weld in place. See Figure 4-1 (A, B, C & D).
• Builder’s and torpedo levels – Use the larger builder’s level whenever possible
because it is more accurate and measures over a longer span. Use the torpedo
level wherever the builder’s level won’t fit. See Figure 4-1 (E & F).

• Compass and dividers – For scribing circles or stepping off a series of equal
• Steel measuring tape – The most convenient sizes are the 16' and 24' tapes.
These are also useful for measuring curved surfaces.
• Precision steel rules – Available in lengths from 6–72", these steel rules are for
measuring along or drawing a straight line.

Metal Marking Tools

The following items will mark metal:

• Snapped chalk lines, which use a mason’s string.

• Welder’s chalk, also called soapstone.
• Ball point metal marking pen.
• Single center-punch mark or a line of center-punch marks.
• Silver Streak welder’s pencil.
• Felt-tip pen, such as a Sharpie.
• Aerosol spray paint.
• Scribed lines either on bare metal or on layout fluid.
• Use welder’s soapstone for marking rough dimensions, bend lines, and to
indicate cutting lines that need to hold up under cutting torch heat. A line of
center-punch marks can be more accurate and will also withstand torch heat.
For very accurate layout lines, spray paint the metal in the area of the layout
lines and use a scriber to scratch through the paint to make the lines.
Alternatively, machinist’s layout fluid—available in red or blue—can be used to
make the scribed lines visible. Although these lines will not hold up under torch
heat, they can be essential to laying out non-torch cutting lines. Felt-tip pens
can be used in place of layout fluid to darken the metal to better show scribed
lines. Do not use scribe marks to designate bend or fold lines since they are
stress raisers and the part will eventually fail along the scribed line.

Welding Hand Tools

• Chipping hammer to remove welding slag, particularly for SMAW.
• Files for bringing an oversized part down to exact dimensions, removing a
hazardous razor edge or burr, and smoothing the ends of wire-feed electrodes
before feeding them through the torch liner.
• Ball peen hammer and cold chisel to break tack welds.
• Pliers, such as Channel Locks, for moving hot metal safely.
• Wire cutters to trim electrode wire (GMAW and FCAW only).
• Hack saws for slow, but accurate metal cutting.
• Wire brush for cleaning welds. See all these tools in Figure 4-2.

Bar clamps and pipe clamps are used to clamp across long spans.

Come-alongs, also called cable pullers, are used to pull large, long or stiff parts into
position. These are particularly good on structural steel for pulling frames into square.

KantTwist-type heavy-duty clamps. Figure 4-4 shows how to tighten KantTwist clamps
using a wrench. Pulling them up without a wrench does not take full advantage of
their clamping power.
• Bessey welding clamps are heavier and stronger than general-purpose welding
clamps, and more expensive, but usually worth it. See Figure 4-5.

Figure 4-5. Several designs of Bessey heavy-duty welding clamps.

Corner-clamping fixtures, such as the Bessy corner clamp in Figure 4-6, make getting
accurate right-angle joints easier. Although these clamps are most often used
sequentially to weld up corner joints, sometimes four or more are positioned on a rigid
base to form a fixture for production work. These clamps have aluminum bases and
copper-plated screws so welding spatter does not stick to them.
Figure 4-6. Bessey corner clamps hold work firmly in position for welding at right

SMAW Equipment
As shown in Figure 5-1, an SMAW outfit requires:

• Constant-current welding power supply.

• Electrode holder, electrode lead and its terminals.
• Ground clamp, work lead and its terminals.
• Welding electrodes.


ACTIVITY NO.1: Draw Welding Machine Equipment with labelled parts.


Directions: Enumerate the different welding tools by writing the name on the
diagram below. Write your answer on the spaces provided

Welding Hand Tools Marking Tools


Today you learned many things about Preparation of Tools and Equipment., now in
paragraph form summarize what you have learned.
Now that you’ve learned the Preparation of Tools and Equipment. Write your
thoughts in paragraphs below:

1. What is the importance of knowing the Preparation of Tools and



Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is a tool that is used for scribing circles or stepping off a series of equal
a. Framing c. combination squares
b. Compass and dividers d. c-clamp
2. Which of the following tool use to remove welding slag, particularly for SMAW?
a. Chipping hammer c. Pliers
b. Files d. Ball peen hammer
3. What is the tool use for cleaning welds?
a. Chipping hammer c. Pliers
b. Wire brush d. Ball peen hammer
4. What is this tool with convenient sizes are the 16' and 24' tapes. These are also
useful for measuring curved surfaces?
a. Chipping hammer c. Steel measuring tape
b. Wire brush d. Ball peen hammer

5. It is also called soapstone.

a. Chipping hammer c. Pliers
b. Welders Chalk d. Ball peen hammer

5. B
5.Wire Brush 4. C
4.Chipping Hammer 3. B
3.Torpedo level 2. A
2.Combination square 1. B
1.Cabinet makers square POSTTEST


Department of Education (2018). Technology & Livelihood Module 1 Learner’s

Material, IA- Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) First Edition,

Department of Education (2008). Competency-based Learning Material (2nd Year),

Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) NC-1, Module 2 Preparing Welding Materials.



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