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4, JULY/AUGUST 2021 4143

Analysis, Design, and Comparison of V2V Chargers

for Flexible Grid Integration
Emin Ucer , Student Member, IEEE, Ramona Buckreus , Student Member, IEEE,
Md Ehsanul Haque , Student Member, IEEE, Mithat Kisacikoglu , Member, IEEE,
Yilmaz Sozer , Senior Member, IEEE, Salman Harasis , Student Member, IEEE,
Mustafa Guven, Senior Member, IEEE, and Luigi Giubbolini

Abstract—This study proposes a flexible, compact, efficient, and are very limited, many of the problems—such as increased dis-
cost effective electric vehicle-to-electric vehicle charge sharing so- tribution level peak demand tied to grid integration of EVs—are
lution that will lead to faster and wider customer adoption of
not clearly differentiated [2]–[4]. Studies show that residential
electric vehicles (EVs) as an alternative to current grid-to-vehicle
charging methodologies. The energy will be transferred between Level 2 EV charging will result in disruptive problems in the
EVs using a bidirectional dc–dc converter in a conductive way, future distribution grid if not managed well [2]–[9]. This phe-
which can take place at parking lots of workplaces, campuses, or nomenon requires tightly controlled residential charging man-
residential premises and highways. The proposed design provides agement solutions not to violate distribution system constraints,
compact infrastructure, wide input and output voltage ranges with which limit EV charging power and increase charging time.
bidirectional buck–boost operation, and fast power transfer com-
pared to Level 2 charging stations. A complete design comparison Therefore, residential EV charging must be accompanied by fast
between Si and SiC based converters has been carried out based dc charging stations that can be connected at the medium voltage
on the available power modules and magnetic cores. The compar- level and have less impact on the distribution grid operation
ison demonstrates the effect of switching frequency and switch to sustain the EV growth [10]. Approximately 40 million EVs
selection on the size of passive components, the converter efficiency, expected to be on the road in the US by 2030 will require 400-K
and the power density of the converter. The developed study eval-
uated three different bidirectional dc–dc converter topologies and new dc fast charging (DCFC) outlets [11]. Furthermore, an
validated the developed prototype with experimental results. average US driver operates his/her vehicle 59.69 min/d [12] and
requests DCFC mainly around noon and between 3–6 P.M. [13].
Index Terms—Electric vehicles (EVs), EV chargers, SiC charger
design, electric vehicle-to-electric vehicle (V2V) charging.
Consequently, to respond to this tight spatio-temporal charging
request within a city, an upfront cost over $90 K per DCFC
station is needed [14]. Furthermore, issues around land owner-
I. INTRODUCTION ship, municipal permitting, electrical grid limitations, and other
ODAY, real-time charging from the utility grid is rec- factors have slowed the DCFC installations [15].
T ognized to be the mainstream way of “fueling” electric
vehicles (EVs). However, since the current EV penetration rates
Electric vehicle-to-electric vehicle (V2V) charging technol-
ogy (a.k.a. peer-to-peer charging) is proposed to offer solutions
to the increased energy demand. It is considered as a new way
Manuscript received April 8, 2020; revised September 3, 2020, December 20, of transferring energy between vehicles without directly relying
2020, and March 25, 2021; accepted May 18, 2021. Date of publication May 27, on the utility grid. Some car manufacturers, such as Rivian
2021; date of current version July 16, 2021. Paper 2019-TSC-1372.R3, presented
at the 2019 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo, Detroit, and Hyundai, announced to include this feature in their new
MI, USA, Jun. 19–21, and approved for publication in the IEEE TRANSACTIONS EV models [16]–[18]. In this study, we propose a V2V charge
ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS by the Transportation Systems Committee of the sharing network (CSN) philosophy to provide an alternative,
IEEE Industry Applications Society. This work was supported in part by the
National Science Foundation under Award 1755996 and in part by the Center for more convenient, and flexible way of conducting EV charging.
Advanced Vehicle Technologies, The University of Alabama. (Corresponding The design and implementation of V2V CSN will greatly reduce
author: Mithat Kisacikoglu.) the range anxiety of EV owners with minimal infrastructure cost.
Emin Ucer, Ramona Buckreus, and Mithat Kisacikoglu are with the
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of The proposed solution has the potential to provide an invaluable
Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487 USA (e-mail: eucer@crimson.ua.edu; rbuck- service that will benefit EV owners, local communities and
reus@crimson.ua.edu; mkisacik@ua.edu). municipalities, and the utility grid. Another major feature of
Md Ehsanul Haque, Yilmaz Sozer, and Salman Harasis are with the De-
partment of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Akron, the proposed V2V scheme is that V2V is an indirect demand
Akron, OH 32816 USA (e-mail: mh248@zips.uakron.edu; ys@uakron.edu; response management tool that works mainly during peak times.
skh60@uakron.edu). Such a scenario is very viable since most EV owners charge
Mustafa Guven is with the Caterpillar, Inc., Mossville, IL 60015 USA (e-mail:
guven_mustafa_k@cat.com). their EVs daily at home after only using it for 25–30 mi of
Luigi Giubbolini is with the Andromeda Power, LLC, Long Beach, CA 90815 commute. Therefore, they have, on average, about 50%–60% of
USA (e-mail: luigi@andromedapower.com). their battery capacity available to sell [19]. V2V CSN will allow
Color versions of one or more figures in this article are available at https:
//doi.org/10.1109/TIA.2021.3084576. users (either battery EV, plug-in hybrid, or fuel-cell EV) with
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIA.2021.3084576 unused electric energy on their board to connect with users who

0093-9994 © 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See https://www.ieee.org/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

Authorized licensed use limited to: The University of Akron Libraries. Downloaded on July 20,2021 at 13:30:01 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

need to charge their vehicles at comparable transfer rates to fast of the total system to increase the volumetric and gravimetric
charging stations. power densities of the charger.
V2V charging requires an analysis to figure out how to For the comparison of conventional Si devices and WBG SiC
pair suppliers to receivers with efficient matching algorithms devices, the available literature is explored. In [34] and [35], the
and how to enable energy exchange with current EV charging performance of Si and SiC MOSFET based isolated interleaved
technologies. Authors previously developed a Java-based sim- boost dc–dc converter is compared for a microinverter applica-
ulation tool to analyze the viability of the proposed V2V CSN tion. Ho et al. in [36] have shown the performance of interleaved
technology [1], [20], [21]. The tool generates a customizable boost converter using Si and SiC diodes for PV application,
simulation environment with different parameters, including where higher efficiency is achieved due to absence of reverse
EV types and counts, charging station types and locations, and recovery current in SiC schottky diodes. In [37], Öztürk has
user mobility patterns. Some recent papers also addressed the shown different design steps for three-phase interleaved boost
challenges surrounding energy sharing between EVs. In [22], converter using SiC devices for an EV application. In [38] and
Zhang et al. present a matching algorithm to facilitate V2V coop- [39], multiphase bidirectional dc–dc converters are proposed for
erative energy transfer. It compares two different V2V matching two energy storage systems of different levels, and several ad-
algorithms with traditional grid-based charging. In [23], the vantages are discussed for the interleaving feature. Neutral point
matching of demander EVs to both V2V suppliers and existing clamped three-level interleaved nonisolated dc–dc converter is
charging stations has been studied in an efficient and privacy proposed for EV charging system as another converter topology
preserving manner. In [24], an authentication protocol between with reduced stress on the devices [40].
vehicles before they actually start V2V charging has been pre- The unique challenge of this study differs from the literature
sented. in that the supplier and receiver voltages vary greatly depending
On the other hand, the concept of dc–dc power conversion on the battery state-of-charge (SOC) levels and can even overlap
for automotive applications has been addressed in the liter- each other during the energy sharing. Furthermore, the V2V
ature for various applications [25], [26]. Recently, three dif- charger needs to be directionally agnostic providing utmost
ferent solutions for V2V energy transfer have been compared flexibility for the customer usage so that any side of the V2V
in [27]: vehicle-to-grid and grid-to-vehicle (V2G+G2V), V2V charger can be supplier/receiver.
over direct ac interconnection, and V2V over dc interconnection Our main contributions in this article can be summarized as
(dcV2V). It is shown that dcV2V is more efficient than the follows.
other options due to the reduced number of energy conversions. 1) Performing a complete analysis for the considered topolo-
Moreover, a combined half-bridge (CHB) type converter is gies in terms of total effective inductor current ripple based
used for dcV2V, which has previously been reported in [28]. on passive components at different switching frequencies.
In [28], mobile charging with an energy storage device using 2) Designing bidirectional interleaved single-phase, two-
a three-phase, interleaved, bidirectional, cascaded buck–boost phase, and three-phase converters (buck–boost) for flexi-
dc–dc converter was reported and compared with CHB design ble V2V charging and discussing their application specific
counterpart. However, the study does not completely outline operation modes.
technical challenges and design procedures specific to V2V 3) Presenting the closed-loop current controller design and
energy transfer. A converter design is also proposed in [29], their respective simulation results.
which allows four common energy transfer modes, namely V2G, 4) Verifying the operation by performing hardware experi-
G2V, vehicle-to-home, and V2V. The authors focus on higher ments for single- and two-phase boost–buck interleaved
power density design with efficient operation for the afore- converters.
mentioned operation modes. V2V operation in [29] proposes Section II of this article presents an analysis of V2V energy
to use on-board chargers, which limits the speed of energy transfer for different dc–dc converter topologies. Section III
transfer. presents the converter design and comparison study for different
The efficiency of the power conversion is another critical options. Section IV presents simulation results to verify the
factor to consider for the adaptation and wide-spread usage of analysis performed in Section III. Section V demonstrates the
V2V charging. This vital requisite can be accomplished by using controller design for the experimental setup. Section VI presents
wide band-gap (WBG) devices, which have faster switching the experimental verification for Si insulated-gate bipolar tran-
and lower loss capability [28], [30]. The availability of WBG sistor (IGBT) design. Finally, Section VII concludes this article.
devices enables the fulfillment of highly efficient, reliable, and
compact power electronic systems [31]–[33]. High switching
frequency operation of WBG devices helps to reduce the size II. ANALYSIS OF V2V ENERGY TRANSFER USING
of passive components, which, in turn, increases the volumetric DC–DC CONVERTERS
power density of the charging stations. Designing a high volu- Three bidirectional (interleaved) dc–dc converter topologies
metric power density and lighter power converter are significant shown in Fig. 1 are reported in the literature as candidates for
features for the V2V operation. Furthermore, the overall loss of similar applications [28], [41], [42]. Each V2V charger solution
WBG devices, such as silicon carbide (SiC) MOSFET, is lower, presented in Fig. 1 consists of a power stage with an appropriate
the efficiency is higher, and the required heat sink size is smaller. set of gate-drive circuits, a digital signal processor (DSP), volt-
These features reduce the thermal requirement and the weight age sensing circuits to measure the local EV battery voltages

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Fig. 1. Bidirectional dc–dc converters for V2V charger. (a) Single phase. (b) Two phase. (c) Three phase. (d) Hardware setup.


(V1 and V2 ), and one current sensor to measure the real-time

phase current (ILa ). The DSP communicates with the vehicles
via CAN through a data link embedded in the charging cable
to coordinate the two ends. The direction of charge transfer is
determined by the on-board DSP based on the users’ commands.
The charger has four separate operational modes, identified
in Table I for the sample case of single-phase conversion [see TOTAL RIPPLE CURRENT IN CONT. BOOST AND BUCK OPERATIONS [45], [46]
Fig. 1(a)]. Since the buck and boost mode cannot occur at the
same time, only one phase-leg operates at switching mode while
the other is in static mode. For instance, referring to Fig. 1(a),
there is one switch that is actively modulating the flow of power
between the vehicles (active) and one switch that is operating
as a synchronous rectifier (SR) for the case of a MOSFET. The
remaining two switches are fixed in a constant state (ON/OFF) to
statically attach the sink (buck mode) or source (boost mode).
In multiple-phase operation, as shown in Fig. 1(b) and (c),
the switching signals for the parallel, active switches are shifted
by T /N , where T is the switching period, and N is the number
of parallel phases. This corresponds to a phase shift of 180◦
and 120◦ for two- and three-phase operation, respectively. This
operation is called interleaving. Interleaving the dc–dc converter seen at an inductor (La,b,c in Fig. 1) ΔIL , and the required
brings in advantages in terms of reducing passive filter require- inductance value for different design metrics for boost and buck
ments at the expense of more circuit complexity [43], [44]. operation. As seen in Table II, the current ripple at one inductor
Another advantage is that the peak phase current reduces with not only depends on the operation mode but also on the switching
interleaving by 1/N . Therefore, maximum average power that frequency and inductance value. The inductance value can be
can be transferred increases for a given semiconductor device determined to meet a certain ripple requirement at a particular
rating. output current, i.e., ΔIL ÷ Iout . However, this only holds true for
The reduction of the peak-to-peak
 current ripple can be seen single-phase
 topology as for multiphase topologies, the effective
at the input (ΔIin = Δ  IL in Fig. 1) during boost mode or ripple Δ IL is not equal to the ripple measured at an inductor
 (ΔIout = Δ IL in Fig. 1) during buck mode,
at the output ΔIL . Thus, the inductance value is determined to meet an
where Δ IL is the ripple of the sum of all inductor currents effective ripple requirement of Δ IL ÷ Iout .
and, thus, the effective ripple of the converter. Table II provides Table III further demonstrates how the effective current ripple

the equations for the duty cycle, the resulting current ripple Δ IL reduces depending on the number of parallel phases

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Δ IL ÷ IOUT = 10% AND POUT =27 KW

inductance occurs at d = 0.5 for two-phase operation and d =

0.33 or d = 0.66 for three-phase operation. At these points,
the ripples of the inductor currents cancel each other. On the
other hand, EV battery voltages during the energy exchange
can be very dependent on the EV model and SOC of the
supplier/receiver battery making it very hard to design the con-
verter at a fixed duty ratio. Therefore, the minimum required
inductance that covers all the operating regions in Fig. 2 while
always satisfying 10% ripple requirement is the most stringent
requirement on the inductance design. That is termed as Lmax
in Fig. 2 and is equal to 2956 μ H for single-phase, 1478 μH
for two-phase, and 985-μH three-phase configurations for this
particular case study. A similar study can also be done on higher
switching frequencies but is not presented here.


The design and implementation of V2V charger should reduce
the range anxiety of EVs with minimal infrastructure cost and
footprint. The users should easily store the unit in the trunk
of their EVs and move the unit around easily. Therefore, we
selected a 27-kW output power rating for our design, which is
also close to the power rating of a commercial DCFC express
charging device [47]. This rating can approximately give 30 mi
of EV range in 20 min1 with a compact footprint as will be
investigated in this section. Furthermore, designs of single-,
Fig. 2. Required inductance relative  to input and output voltages for dual-, and three-phase interleaved dc–dc converters are devel-
Pout =27 kW, fs =20 kHz, and Δ IL ÷ Iout =10% with (a) one-phase,
(b) two-phase, and (c) three-phase configuration.
oped and compared using Si and SiC semiconductor options in
this section.

N (and thus the phase shift angle) and the duty A. Inductor Design
 cycle d. This
relationship between the effective ripple Δ IL and the rip- The modeling considers the operating voltages that require
ple at an inductor ΔIL is denoted as f (N, d). The function the highest inductance values illustrated in Fig. 2 for the three
f (N, d) is equal to unity for single-phase topology. It can be different converters. The phase inductor values are calculated for
seen that the required inductance for a given ripple specification different switching frequencies considering 10% peak-to-peak
at input (boost mode) and output (buck mode) is reduced by ripple current. Accordingly, the largest inductor values required
using interleaved multiphase converter topology. However, the to meet the design specifications are listed in Table IV. The
current ripple and required inductance highly depend on the current ripples will be less than 10% at all other voltages in
particular operation point. As battery voltages of today’s EVs the analyzed operating regions. The input and output voltage
can vary greatly, and they show an increasing trend, a case ripples are assumed to be small and negligible. As can be seen
analysis is done for 250 V V < Vin < 800 V and 250 V < Vout < from Table IV, increasing the switching frequency from 20 to
800 V to allow flexible usage of the V2V charger with a wide 100 kHz reduces the inductance requirements to 20% of the orig-
range of EV battery voltages. The required inductance for an inal value (i.e., L100 kHz /L20 kHz = 20%) as expected. Therefore,
output power of 27 kW, a switching frequency of 20 kHz, and a high switching frequency operation offers a competitive solution
peak-to-peak ripple of 10% is shown in Fig. 2 for three different
converter cases. This figure shows that the required inductance 1 The energy efficiency of the EV is assumed to be 30 kWh/100 mi. This is
does not strictly decrease with the number of phases but depends equal to 112 MPGe assuming that 33.7 kWh of energy is equivalent to one gallon
on the particular operation point. The highest reduction in the of gas.

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Fig. 4. Total inductor loss calculation at different switching frequencies.

the selected powder iron cores at different switching frequen-

cies for the total number of cores in each design. The figure
shows that moving from single- to three-phase configuration
via implementing the interleaving, the total core volume can
be significantly reduced. Moreover, increasing the switching
frequency decreases the resulting volume further. Therefore, we
Fig. 3. Core sizing at different frequencies.
see that high switching operation using a multiphase SiC-based
converter helps reduce the inductor size significantly, providing
to reduce the size and the weight of the passive components, a compact and flexible V2V operation.
which can be enabled by using SiC switches. However, this On the other hand, to compare the effect of the switching
requires a closer look into the problem, which is presented as frequency on the inductor power loss, copper and core losses
follows. have been calculated separately. Fig. 4 compares the total losses
For an accurate size comparison of the configurations oper- of the inductors at different switching frequencies based on the
ating at various switching frequencies, different core models selected core for each configuration. Having higher number of
with different inductance values are considered for the design phases and/or higher switching frequency reduce the inductance
realization. The inductor design is carried out based on the requirement, which gives the opportunity to use smaller size core
inductor geometry and the material property, and are given along with a smaller number of turns. Both criteria help reducing
considering the following equations [31], [48]: the total wire length and, hence, the dc resistance of the coil.
Therefore, the inductor copper loss has a decreasing trend with
0.4πμ · N 2 · A · 10−2 the increase in number of phases and switching frequency. On the
L= (1)
l other hand, multiphase topologies allow higher inductor current
0.4π · N · Imax ripple for the same effective total current ripple. Thus, an increas-
Hmax = (2)
l ing trend of core loss is observed with higher number of phases
Erms · 108 and switching frequencies. The total inductor loss decreases
Bmax = (3) from one-phase configuration to two-phase configuration, and
4.44 · f · A · N
then increases again for three-phase configuration. However, the
where N , μ, A, l, f , Imax , and Erms are the number of turns, the overall core volume decrease serves as an important tradeoff for
permeability of the core material, the cross-sectional area of the the decreased efficiency.
core, the core length, operating frequency, the maximum phase
current, and the rms value of the induced voltage, respectively.
Table V presents the inductor design summary using different B. Selection of the Required Switches
core models. Powder iron cores are considered for their higher dc In this section, the loss characteristics are analyzed for differ-
bias capabilities and low losses. The maximum current through ent power modules. The loss calculation for the power modules
the inductor depends on the converter configurations. As the is compared based on the datasheet of each module considered
permeability of the core is highly dependent on the dc bias, in the comparison. The selected modules are shortlisted based
single-phase configuration requires a larger size core compared on their current/voltage ratings, power losses, and package di-
to multiphase topologies to achieve nominal inductance value mensions to provide high power density design options. The
at their rated current. Furthermore, the value of inductance characteristics of the selected modules are provided in Table VI.
decreases with higher number of phases and higher switching The parameters of the modules highly depend on the operat-
frequencies. Fig. 3 depicts the effective volume comparison of ing conditions. Half-bridge module is selected for single- and

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All the parameters are extracted from the datasheets for a blocking voltage of 800 V.


two-phase configurations and is considered as a good package

for robust design and better thermal performance due to the
large surface area of the module. For three-phase configuration,
a six-pack power module is selected as an optimum choice where
the configuration can be designed using only two modules.
Table VII shows the efficiency comparison among all the
configurations using different modules and different switch-
ing frequencies. It is shown that the efficiency of three-phase Fig. 5. Comparison of different SiC-MOSFET-based topologies with a total
SiC MOSFET configuration operating at 20-kHz switching fre- volume less than 180 in3 .
quency is the most efficient solution. However, although higher
switching frequency increases losses for all the configurations,
of output capacitors. The input capacitor is kept the same as
it reduces the inductance and capacitance requirements. This, in
the output capacitor for the capacitor volume calculation, i.e.,
turn, yields a higher volumetric power density design that makes
C1 = C2 . The wire gauges of the inductor windings are selected
it a suitable configuration for the intended application. More-
so that maximum temperature rise is around of 20–30 ◦ C.
over, the reliability of the three-phase configuration is higher,
As a summary, Fig. 5 shows the comparison of the SiC
and the converter is more fault tolerant. Three-phase 100-kHz
MOSFET designs that has a volume less than 180 in3 . As shown,
switching frequency option yields a 98.25% efficiency, which is
the three-phase 100-kHz SiC module design results in 55.6 in3
only ∼1% lower than the most efficient design, i.e., three-phase
volume, a 17% reduction from the second best design, i.e.,
20-kHz SiC design. However, we also need to understand the
three-phase 60-kHz SiC module, only at an efficiency decrease
impact on the total converter size to select the best design option.
of 0.5%. Therefore, for efficient and high volumetric power den-
Table VIII shows the estimated volume of the converter
sity charger, the results conclude that three-phase configuration
based on the volume of main components. The results show Si-
operating at 100 kHz is considered as a proper design solution
IGBT-based configuration in Table VIII(a) and SiC-MOSFET-
for V2V charging application.
configuration in Table VIII(b). The calculated volumes represent
the volume of the switches, inductors, capacitors, and heat sinks,
which form a significant portion of the volume of the design. The IV. SIMULATION RESULTS OF 27-KW V2V CHARGER
gate drivers, control boards, electromagnetic interference filter, For the verification of the required inductance value for dif-
enclosure, and cooling fans are excluded in the comparison. The ferent converter configurations and switching frequencies, we
selected capacitors are film type due to their higher rms current run three simulations modeling the 27-kW charger for the input
capability and lifetime. MKP1848C61090KK2 (10 μF, 900 V) (Vin ) and output (Vout ) voltages, as described in Table IV. The
from Vishay is considered for one-phase and two-phase config- sum of the inductor currents is shown in Fig. 6 for the three
urations and MKP1848C55090JK2 (5 μF, 900 V) is considered interleaved configurations. The mean values of the currents are
for the three-phase configuration. A 10% output current ripple recorded as 67.5 A for the single-phase, 45 A for the two-phase,
is considered as a design constraint for determining the number and 40.5 A for the three-phase configurations. The resulting

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Fig. 7. Average model results for the voltage transition simulation: SOC,
current, voltage, and power for supplier/receiver vehicles.

To explain longer duration V2V operation and associated

changes that may occur, we developed averaged simulation mod-
els for the V2V converter at a charging power of 27 kW. We mod-
eled a supplier vehicle battery rated at 66.2 kWh and a receiver
vehicle battery at 100 kWh. We initiated the energy sharing with
supplier and receiver EVs at 80% and 20% SOCs, respectively,
while V1 > V2 . The charging current for the receiver EV is set to
64.2 A [constant current (CC) charging] to supply a maximum
power of 27 kW from the supplier at 97% operation efficiency.
The simulation is run to deliver 45 kWh of energy to the receiver
vehicle. Fig. 7 shows the SOC, current, voltage, and power
waveforms of the supplier and receiver vehicles. We can see that
the supplier SOC decreases, whereas the receiver SOC increases
as the CC charging takes place at 64.2 A. The transition happens
around 75 min where the supplier voltage drops below that of
the receiver, and the converter momentarily goes into transition
mode of operation.
Fig. 6. Simulation results of the sum of the inductor currents at the rated
power of 27 kW for (a) single-, (b) two-, and (c) three-phase interleaved boost V. CLOSED-LOOP CONTROLLER DESIGN
This section develops a design principle of the closed-loop
current controller for the interleaving operation as a basis for the
hardware demonstration presented in Section VI. The operating
ripple currents for each phase are all measured as 3.38 A, which conditions are selected based on the available hardware setup
correspond to 10% of the output current of Iout = Pout ÷ Vout = in our laboratory. The reasoning behind doing this is to stay
27, 000 ÷ 800 = 33.75 A. The simulations confirm that we can within the same ratings with the experimental setup explained
achieve the same current ripple specification at the same power in Section VI. The simulations are performed near the operating
level with lower inductance values by increasing the number of output power of 2.5 kW for the single-phase and two-phase
phases and/or the switching frequency. interleaved configurations to verify the proposed ripple current
In a longer duration operation, the battery voltage of the reduction advantages. The input and output voltages are set
supplier EV decreases and receiver EV increases as charging such that Vin = 250 V and Vout = 300 V for boost operation,
continues. If the initial supplier voltage is higher, the converter and Vin = 300 V and Vout = 250 V for buck operation (these
operates in the buck mode. However, a transition from buck values are selected based on the input/output capabilities of the
mode to boost mode may become necessary as the supplier dc power supply and programmable load in our laboratory). The
voltage drops below the receiver voltage. The problem arises switching frequency (fs ) is chosen to be 20 kHz (this value is
when the supplier and receiver voltages are very close to each also decided based on the limitations of the digital controller in
other (V1 ≈ V2 ). This transition changes the converter dynamics our laboratory). We should also note that we run the computer
and causes high voltage and current transients. To overcome this simulation and hardware experiment considering a relatively
problem, a smooth transition method can be performed. This short amount of charging time where the battery SOCs do not
can be achieved by implementing simultaneous switching of the change considerably. Therefore, this operation does not result in
buck and boost legs of the converter [Sa1 and Sa4 in Fig. 1(a)] a transition from buck mode to boost mode. The main purpose
during mode transition, depending on the value of the control of the simulations and experiment is to show that the energy
signal [49]. transfer can be controlled in either of the operation modes.

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Fig. 8. Closed-loop diagram for the current controlled interleaved converter.

For the simulations and experiments, we mainly considered

CC charging for the battery as it can deliver higher amount of
energy per given time at nearly constant power. This operation
is more suitable compared to constant voltage (CV) charging in
terms of charging duration and, thus, more practical as far as
V2V energy sharing is concerned. However, charging can also
take place in the CV mode if the receiver vehicle SOC nears 
IL (s)
70%–80%. The designed controller for the CC model can still Fig. 9. Frequency response curves of d(s)
for multiple-phase configu-
rations for boost operation.
be used as an inner loop for the CV control mode of operation.
This will naturally result in longer charging times but will not
impact the V2V energy transfer.
To control the total supplied current between the two EVs,
a closed-loop average-mode current controller that will track
the sum of all the inductor currents is designed. The overall
closed-loop block diagram is illustrated in Fig. 8. For the single-
phase configuration of each mode (buck/boost), the feedback
variable is the just inductor current itself. For the two-phase
configuration, the feedback is the sum of the inductor currents.
The current controller is designed based on the loop transfer
function of the ratio of the inductor current to the control variable
d (duty ratio), i.e., iL (s)/d(s). The transfer functions for each
mode are derived as follows:
2Vout 1 + s RC
id (s) =
Gboost · 2
(1 − d)2 R 1 + s (1−d)
2 R + s (1−d)2
2 LC

Vout 1 + sRC
id (s) =
Gbuck · (4) 
dR 1 + s R
+ s2 LC IL (s)
Fig. 10. Frequency response curves of d(s)
for multiple-phase configu-
where R is the load resistor value that emulates the behavior rations for buck operation.
of a battery, d is the duty ratio, L = 260 μH is the inductor,
and C = 100 μF is the output capacitor of the converter. For
the two-phase interleaved configuration, the phase inductors
are selected the same, i.e., L1 =L2 = 260 μH to compare the closed-loop dynamics in the interleaved configuration. We also
ripple reduction. R can be adjusted based on the operating observe that the buck converter requires faster control compared
point of the converter. 2.5 kW of output power approximately to the boost converter as it has higher frequency poles.
corresponds to an R value of (300 V )2 ÷ 2.5 kW = 36 Ω, and With the frequency responses in hand, we can design the
(250 V )2 ÷ 2.5 kW = 25 Ω based on the operating input and closed-loop current controller. First, we need to choose a desired
output voltages for boost and buck operations, respectively. Note crossover frequency for each configuration. The phase plots
that the control to output transfer functions (4) slightly change as show that the phase of each loop transfer function for each
a new interleaving phase is added to the converter. The frequency mode flattens at −90◦ nearly after 1 kHz. By inspection, we
responses of the controlled variable ( IL ) for the single- and can choose the crossover frequencies above this point such that
two-phase interleaved configurations are presented in Figs. 9 1φ
fxo = 4 kHz and fxo2φ
= 6 kHz considering the switching fre-
and 10 for boost and buck modes, respectively. As seen, the quency fsw = 20 kHz. The controller transfer function contains
additional phase causes the system pole to shift to a higher one zero and two poles, and its transfer function is given in (5).
frequency. This means that the controller has to be faster as the One of the poles is located at the origin (integrator) providing
number of phases increases. Therefore, the crossover frequency a −90◦ phase shift. The locations of the other pole-zero pairs
of the controlled system needs to be shifted to right to get similar for a desired phase margin of 60◦ are calculated and listed in

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Fig. 12. V2V charging system test setup.

the effectiveness of the technique and verify the operation of

closed-loop controller design.
A special purpose built back-to-back inverter system and
dSPACE MicroLabBox are used, as illustrated in Fig. 12. The
back-to-back inverter system is composed of a dual three-phase
inverter ready to be interfaced with dSPACE MicroLabBox
development system. This system is rated at 10 kW with the
maximum switching frequency of 20 kHz and a maximum
Fig. 11. Simulation results of the sum of the inductor currents for single- and input/output voltage of 750 VDC. For the three-phase modules,
two-phase interleaved configurations for (a) boost and (b) buck converters.
APTGT50A120T1G IGBTs from Microsemi with SP1 package
is used. As for the passive components, a 260-μH inductor
EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS FOR CURRENT RIPPLE VALUES for each phase and a 100-μF film capacitor for the output are
used. The dSpace MicroLabBox functions as the electronics
control module where all high-level and low-level controllers
are executed. The algorithms used are developed in MATLAB
Simulink, and the execution code is reduced via real-time code
generation. For the emulation of the supplier battery, a 10-kW
Table IX for buck and boost modes MagnaPower XR series power supply is used. For the receiver
battery, a 2.5-kW ALx Series MagnaLOAD dc electronic load is
kc (1 + s/wz ) used via controlling it in the CV mode. The real hardware rack
C(s) = . (5)
s (1 + s/wp ) setup is also shown in Fig. 1(d).
The controllers are designed, tested, and verified in simu- The hardware system is tested for both boost and buck op-
lations for single- and two-phase configurations and the ripple erations for single- and two-phase interleaved typologies. We
results are demonstrated in Fig. 11(a) for boost, and in Fig. 11(b) were not able to test the three-phase topology with the available
for buck mode of operations. The resulting ripple values are digital controller due to not having access to 120 ◦ phase-shifted
presented in Table VI under Sim. column. We can observe very pulsewidth modulation generation. Vin =250 V and Vout =300 V
close ripple levels in both boost and buck modes, and confirm are chosen as battery voltage levels of supplier and receiver
that the ripple is reduced with the additional phase. vehicles for boost mode, and Vin =300 V and Vout =250 V
are selected for buck mode of operation. These voltage levels
are relatively low compared to battery pack voltages of today;
however, they are intentionally set low to have a wide range
In Section II, we presented an analysis for single- and mul- over the controlled current without exceeding the power limits
tiphase interleaved bidirectional buck–boost converters to cal- of the electronic load. The switching frequency is set to be
culate the worst-case inductance value for an operating point of 20 kHz for all operations, and Ts =0.05 ms is used for the
27 kW at 20 kHz that covers a wide range of supplier/receiver closed-loop controller and data acquisition sampling period.
battery voltages. Section III presented a comparison study be- For both operations (boost and buck), the sum of the inductor
tween Si and SiC based converters for the same operating point currents is controlled for consistency, and to better observe the
(27 kW) in terms of converter size and efficiency. Section IV impact of additional phases.
demonstrated simulation results both for the ripple comparison Fig. 13(a) and (b) depicts the input and output current and
among three interleaved operations with different inductance voltage waveforms for single- and two-phase boost converters,
and switching frequencies and the transition operation between respectively. The effective switching frequency seen from the
buck and boost modes. Then, in Section V, we presented a input is doubled due to the additional phase. This results in a
closed-loop current controller design for interleaved converters 26.31% decrease in the input current ripple for the two-phase de-
and verified the ripple reduction through single- and two-phase sign compared to the single-phase one. Fig. 13(c) and (d) shows
simulations in buck and boost modes. To further support and ver- the current and voltage waveforms for single- and two-phase
ify the analysis and simulation results in the previous sections, an buck converters, respectively. We observe the same effective
experimental study is performed in this section to demonstrate frequency for the buck converter, and the ripple current reduces

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Fig. 15. Comparison of measured and reference current to verify closed-loop

control in (a) single-phase and (b) two-phase buck mode.

Fig. 13. Comparison of (a) single- and (b) two-phase boost mode of operation
results, and (c) single- and (d) two-phase buck mode of operation results (voltage:
100 V/div, current: 5 A/div, and t: 20 µs/div).

Fig. 16. Transient response of the controller in (a) single-phase and (b) two-
phase boost mode.

Fig. 14. Comparison of measured and reference current to verify closed-loop

control in (a) single-phase and (b) two-phase boost mode.

Fig. 17. Transient response of the controller in (a) single-phase and (b) two-
phase buck mode.
by 30%. Table VI summarizes the test results and compares them
with the calculation results acquired by the analysis done in Sec-
tion II and the simulation results presented in Section V. There the commanded currents. We see that the experimental results
is a small difference between the experimental and theoretical verify our theoretical and simulation results in that the current
results. The actual operating duty ratios can be slightly different ripple is being reduced by each additional phase.
than the calculated ones in the analysis due to nonideal operating
conditions. This results in a slight difference in the calculated
and actual duty ratio of the system. However, the experimental
results are within a reasonable margin of error with the analysis The study carried out in this article envisions the viability
results. Furthermore, the expected ripple reduction is attained. of a V2V energy sharing using compact and flexible charging
To test the performance of the closed-loop controller designed infrastructure. Such infrastructure will help facilitate widespread
in Section V, we commanded different current values as our penetration of EVs into the market reducing the reliance on
reference. The resulting currents are recorded at the sampling expensive and nonubiquitous DCFC infrastructure. The overall
frequency of 20 kHz and demonstrated along with the reference merit of this study lies in the design of a V2V charger to
current in Fig. 14(a) and (b) for the boost single- and two-phase, be used in CSN. The study presents the design of a compact
and in Fig. 15(a) and (b) for the buck single- and two-phase bidirectional two-way buck–boost dc–dc converter to provide
converters. The transient performance of the controllers is also a proof of concept for energy transfer between two different
demonstrated within 1-s interval in Fig. 16(a) and (b) for the battery packs of any typical voltage level. We analyzed three
boost single- and two-phase, and in Fig. 17(a) and (b) for the candidate options to transfer energy between two wide battery
buck single- and two-phase converters. The small overshoots voltage levels and compared their advantages. A significant
observed especially in the two-phase results are caused mainly improvement in inductor ripple current is observed when multi-
due to not having enough sampling speed in the digital controller phase bidirectional dc–dc converters are used as opposed to the
and the filtering delays that are present in the feedback path. single-phase counterpart at the expense of increased complexity.
Nevertheless, the controller works stable and the system follows To quantitatively compare the design topologies for Si and SiC

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