Learning Activity Sheet No. 2: 2. Estimate The Materials Needed For The Job
Learning Activity Sheet No. 2: 2. Estimate The Materials Needed For The Job
Learning Activity Sheet No. 2: 2. Estimate The Materials Needed For The Job
This activity will introduce to you the planning of a bungalow residential building floor plan in preparation
for electrical wiring plan based on Philippine Electrical Code standards/requirements.
Similar to a map, the orientation of the view is downward from above. Plan view or planform is defined
as a vertical orthographic projection of an object on a horizontal plane, like a map.
The term may be used in general to describe any drawing, showing the physical layout of objects. For
example, it may denote the arrangement of the displayed objects at an exhibition, or the arrangement of
exhibitor booths at a convention. Drawings are now reproduced using plotters and large
format xerographic copiers.
A reflected ceiling plan (RCP) shows a view of the room as if looking from above, through the ceiling, at
a mirror installed one foot below the ceiling level, which shows the reflected image of the ceiling above. This
convention maintains the same orientation of the floor and ceilings plans – looking down from above. RCPs
The art of constructing ground plans included the geometrical projection or horizontal section represents
the plan of any building, taken at such a level as to show the outer walls, with the doorways, windows,
fireplaces, etc., and the correct thickness of the walls; the position of piers, columns or pilasters, courtyards
and other features which constitute the design as to scale.
Floor plans use standard symbols to indicate features such as doors. This symbol shows the location of
the door in a wall and which way the door opens.
A floor plan is not a top view or birds eye view. It is a measured drawing to scale the layout of a floor in
a building. A top view or bird's eye view does not show an orthogonally projected plane cut at the typical
four-foot height above the floor level. A floor plan could show:
Activity No. 1: Draw the following symbols used in designing a floor plan and identify its type, whether it is
an architectural or a plumbing symbol. Write your answer on the space provided.
1. Double Sink
2. Door
3. Toilet
4. Window
5. Shower
6. Stairs
7. Bathtub
8. Cement Walling
9. Sink
Activity No. 2: Using the illustration on the next page, identify the different parts of the floor plan. Write your
answer on the space provided.
Activity No. 3: Using the template provided on the last page, illustrate/draw a floor plan using the scale of
1:100 or 1cm = 1m. Make sure that the floor plan has the following parts:
V. REFERENCE: (Electronic)
• Smartsheet. 2021. A Master Class in Construction Plans | Smartsheet. [online] Available at:
<https://www.smartsheet.com/how-to-read-construction-plans> [Accessed 7 May 2021].
Prepared by:
Subject Teacher