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Systems Operation
Testing and Adjusting
3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B
Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System

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3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Systems Operation
3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System
Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 7451

Illustration 1 g00525916

Instrument Panel For Generator Set Engines And Marine Engines.

(1) Electronic Instrument Panel. (2) Main Display Module. (3) Quad Gauge Electronic Module - STANDBY. (4) Pyrometer. (5)
Ether Starting Aid Switch. (6) "SCROLL" Switch. (7) "CLEAR/MODE" switch. (8) "LH/RH" switch. (9) Gauge Cluster
Module - PRIME. (10) Emergency Stop Push Button. (11) Instrument Panel Connector "A". (12) Instrument Panel Connector

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

"B". (13) Alarm Silence Switch. (14) Alarm. (15) Gauge Cluster Module - PREMIUM. (16) Electronic Service Tool Connector.
(17) Customer Connector "D". (18) Customer Connector "C". (19) Pyrometer Connector. (20) Engine Control Switch (ECS).

Illustration 2 g00574173

Instrument Panel For Locomotive Engines.

(21) Electronic Instrument Panel. (22) Quad Gauge Cluster Module 3. (23) Main Display Module. (24) "SCROLL" switch. (25)
"CLEAR MODE" switch. (26) "LH/RH SELECT" Switch. (27) Potentiometer (Dimmer). (28) Alarm Silence Switch. (29)
Horn. (30) Gauge Cluster Module 1. (31) Gauge Cluster Module 2.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Illustration 3 g00574183

Junction Box For Locomotive Engines.

(32) Emergency Stop Button

(33) Stop Button

(34) Overspeed Verify Switch

(35) Engine Connectors

(36) Customer Connector "G"

(37) Power Connector

(38) Service Connector

(39) Instrumentation Connector

The 3500B Electronic Panel is the control center for gathering information. The 3500B Electronic Panel
gathers information from the Generator Set engine that is equipped with switchgear conversion and all
other engine applications. The 3500B Electronic Panel contains the items that are found in the following

3500B Instrument Modules

Emergency Stop Push Button

Normal Stop Push Button (Locomotives Engines)

Instrument Module Control Switches


3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Alarm Silence Switch

Various Circuit Breakers

Relays and Wiring

Interface Connector For The Electronic Service Tool

Interface Connector For Customers

Engine Control Switch (ECS) (Not on Locomotive Engines)

Dimmer (Locomotive Engines only)

There are two standard configurations that are used with the 3500B Instrument Console. The Standby
Package Generator Set with switchgear conversion has two modules that are used with the standard
configuration. The other Package Generator Sets with switchgear conversion and all other engine
applications will have three standard modules. There is an option for adding a fourth module and a
Pyrometer (4). The two modules that are included with every instrument box are the Main Display
Module (2) and the Quad Gauge Electronic Module (3). The Main Display Module (2) controls all the
instruments and the Quad Gauge Cluster (3) displays the following items.

Engine oil pressure

Engine coolant temperature

DC voltage of the system

Fuel pressure in the engine

Standby Package Generator Sets display the items that are listed above on the Quad Gauge Electronic
Module. The following items are displayed on the Quad Gauge Electronic Module (9) for other

Right hand and left hand exhaust temperature

Right hand and left hand air inlet restriction

Fuel filter restriction

Oil filter restriction

There is an option that allows the customer to add a Premium Gauge Cluster Module (15). The Premium
Gauge Cluster Module (15) for the Generator Set applications displays the following items.

Inlet air pressure (boost)

Aftercooler coolant temperature

Inlet air temperature

Engine oil temperature

The Premium Gauge Cluster Module (15) for Marine applications displays the following items.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Inlet air pressure (boost)

Aftercooler coolant temperature

Marine gear oil temperature

Marine gear oil pressure

The Engine Control Switch (ECS) (20) has four positions. The ECS is used to control the engine. The
Instrument Panels for Locomotive Engines are not equipped with the Engine Control Switch.

1. The OFF/RESET position removes power from the engine for an immediate engine shutdown. Fault
indicators are reset.

2. The AUTO position allows a remote start/stop switch to be used to power up the ECM from a
remote location. See the NOTE that follows Step 4. Three modes are available from the remote

STOP sleep mode (low power consumption).

COOLDOWN/STOP engine cooldown (if programmed to cooldown) - stop mode.

MAN/START cycle crank sequence - engine running mode.

On Generator Set applications, the ECS must be in the AUTO position in order to use a Customer
Communication Module (CCM). A Customer Communication Module (CCM) is used in order to
remotely start the engine. In order to remotely start the engine, the operator must have a personal
computer (PC). The PC is required to have the software for the customer communication module
(CCM). The PC may be directly connected to the customer communication module (CCM) or the
PC may be equipped for remote communications with a modem.

3. The MAN/START position begins the cycle crank sequence. The engine is allowed to continue
running once the crank terminate speed is reached.

4. If the engine is programmed for cooldown mode, the COOLDOWN/STOP position places the
engine in cooldown mode. Fuel injection is then terminated in order to stop the engine.

Note: The customer uses connector "C" (18) to wire the remote start/stop switch into the system. This
allows the customer to control the engine from a remote location. Customer connector "C" (18) and
customer connector "D" (17) are used to wire the customer communication module (CCM) into the

The Emergency Stop Push Button (10) and (32) is used to quickly stop the engine during emergency
situations. The emergency stop push button (10) and (32) removes power from the engine ECM and the
Main Display Module (2) and (23). Also, the emergency stop push button activates the air shutoff. The air
shutoffs may not be installed.

Note: The Emergency Stop Push button is NOT to be used for normal, non-emergency shutdowns.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

This button is located on the junction box of Locomotive Engines. The button is used for normal stopping.
When this button is pressed, fuel injection is disabled.

If the ether system is ordered with an engine package, the instrument panel will include the Starting Aid
switch (5). The Starting Aid switch (5) is used to provide the method of manually injecting ether during
engine start-up. This switch is normally in the AUTO position, which allows the electronic control module
(ECM) to automatically control ether injection. If the operator holds the Starting Aid switch in the
MANUAL position, the electronic control module (ECM) will signal ether injection. The injection will
proceed according to the strategy that is explained in the Engine Operation And Maintenance Manual.

The electronic panel contains three switches that are used for controlling the Main Display Module (2) .

1. The "CLEAR/MODE" switch (7) or (25) is used to move between the available modes of operation.
Also, the "CLEAR/MODE" switch is used to clear the information that is currently displayed on the
Main Display Module (2) and (23). The Main Display Module (2) or (23) will cycle through the
different modes of operation when the "CLEAR/MODE" Switch (7) or (25) is held down in the
MODE position. When the desired mode is reached, release the "CLEAR/MODE" Switch (7) or
(25). The Main Display Module (2) or (23) will remain in that mode of operation until the
"CLEAR/MODE" Switch (7) or (25) is held down again. If the information that is being displayed
by Main Display Module (2) or (23) is not needed, then the information should be removed from
memory. The information can be cleared by holding the "CLEAR/MODE" Switch (7) and (25) up
for approximately one second until the information disappears from Main Display Module (2) or
(23) .

2. The "SCROLL" Switch (6) and (24) is used to scroll through the various parameters that are
available in a single mode. The Main Display Module (2) and (23) will scroll through the parameter
display information that is available in the selected mode. When the "SCROLL" switch (6) or (24)
is held in the UP position, the Main Display Module will scroll. If the continuous display of a
parameter is desired, hold the "SCROLL" switch (6) or (24) in the UP position, until the desired
information is displayed. Next, release the "SCROLL" Switch (6) or (24) when the desired
information is displayed. The parameter information will remain displayed until Main Display
Module (2) or (23) receives another switch signal.

3. "LH/RH" Switch (8) or (26) is used to display both the right hand and left hand parameter
information on a single gauge. Right hand values and left hand values for the exhaust temperature
measurements and inlet air restriction measurements can be displayed on the Electronic Instrument
boxes that are equipped with a second Quad Gauge Module (9) or (31). When the Quad Gauge
Module is displaying the parameter information for the exhaust temperature or the inlet air
restriction, the "LH/RH" switch (8) or (26) can be toggled.

The Alarm is activated by the Main Display Module. The Alarm is turned ON when there is a parameter
that is out of range. The Alarm is also turned ON for active diagnostic faults.

Alarm Silence Switch (13) or (28) is a push button that allows the operator to turn off Alarm (14) or (29)

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

once the alarm has sounded. Activating the switch will silence the alarm for five minutes. After the five
minute period, if the condition that initiated the alarm has not been corrected, the Alarm (14) or (29) will
sound again.

The junction box can be connected directly to the engine wiring harness that is located next to the engine
ECM. The junction box may be installed remotely from the engine. The Locomotive OEM connects the
interconnect wiring harness from the engine wiring harness to the engine connectors on the junction box.

Customer Connector "C" (40 pin connector) (18) provides access to all customer attachments and system
enhancements. Attachments that interface through this connector for Generator Set applications include
the following items.

Speed adjust potentiometer (when the Woodward Loadshare Module is not used)

Fuel level switch

Battery charger fault switch

Low coolant level switch

Customer remote start/stop switch

Customer remote emergency stop switch

Inlet air temperature sender

Engine oil temperature sender

Attachments that interface through this connector for marine applications include the following items.

Fuel level switch

Marine gear oil pressure

Marine gear oil temperature

Low coolant level switch

Customer remote start/stop switch

Customer remote emergency stop switch

Table 1
Generator Set Applications - Customer Connector "C"
Pin Number Function
1 - 13 Unassigned

14 Generator Set Online

15 Unassigned

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

16 Battery Charger Fault

17 Unassigned

18 Fuel Level Switch

19 - 21 Digital Return

22 - 24 Unassigned

25 Sensor Supply Voltage (Coolant Level)

26 Unassigned

27 Sender (Air Inlet Temperature)

28 Sensor Signal (Coolant Level)

29 - 32 Remote Start/Stop Switch

33 - 34 Remote Shutdown Switch

35 Engine Oil Temperature Sensor

36 Engine Speed Signal From Woodward Loadshare Module Pin 19

37 - 39 Speed Adjust Potentiometer Connections To Speed Control

40 Optional DeNox System Power

Table 2
Marine Applications - Customer Connector "C"
Pin Number Function
1-2 Throttle Synchronization Switch

3 Primary Throttle Position Sensor Signal

4 Backup Throttle Position Sensor Signal

5 Secondary ECM Ready Lamp Signal

6 Secondary ECM Active Lamp Signal

7 Connect to other engine Customer Connector "C" Pin 8

8 Connect to other engine Customer Connector "C" Pin 7

9 Connect to other engine Customer Connector "C" Pin 10

10 Connect to other engine Customer Connector "C" Pin 10

11 CAT Data Link (−)

12 CAT Data Link (+)

13 Shutdown Notify Relay Common

14 Unassigned

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

15 Shutdown Notify Relay Normally Closed

16 Unassigned

17 Shutdown Notify Relay Normally Open

18 Fuel Level Switch

19 - 21 Digital Return

22 Unassigned

23 Sensor Supply Voltage (Transmission Oil Pressure)

24 Sensor Voltage (Transmission Oil Temperature)

25 Sensor Supply Voltage (Coolant Level)

26 Sensor Signal (Transmission Oil Pressure)

27 Sensor Signal (Transmission Oil Temperature)

28 Sensor Signal (Coolant Level)

29 - 32 Remote Starting Switch

33 - 34 Remote Shutdown Switch

35 - 40 Unassigned

There are two customer connectors that are located on the bottom of the electronic instrument panel.
Customer Connector "D" provides access to the battery ground. Customer Connector "D" (17) is a 24 pin
connector. For marine applications, this connector also provides +Battery and a "−Battery" access. The
access is for the throttle synchronization switch, the throttle position sensor, the secondary electronic
control module (ECM), ready lamps and active lamps. On single marine engine applications, a backup
throttle position sensor can also be powered from this connector.

Table 3
Generator Set Applications - Customer Connector "D"
Pin Number Function Type
1 - 16 Unassigned Unassigned

17 - 20 Ground −Battery

21 - 24 Unassigned Unassigned

Table 4
Marine Applications - Customer Connector "D"

Pin Number Function Type

1-2 Throttle Synchronization Switch Switch +Battery

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

3 Primary Throttle Position Sensor Switched +Battery

4 Backup Throttle Position Sensor Switched +Battery

5 Secondary ECM Ready Lamp Switched +Battery

6 Secondary ECM Ready Lamp Switched +Battery

7 - 12 Unassigned Unswitched +Battery

13 - 14 Throttle Synchronization Switch −Battery

15 Primary Throttle Position Sensor −Battery

16 Backup Throttle Position Sensor −Battery

17 Fuel Level Switch −Battery

18 Transmission Oil Pressure Switch −Battery

19 Transmission Oil Temperature Sensor −Battery

20 Coolant Level Sensor −Battery

21 - 24 Unassigned −Battery


The use of a power supply that is not isolated may result in failure of
the eletronic control module (ECM).

The ECM must be powered by isolated power only.

Note: The Locomotive OEM is responsive for ensuring that the isolated power supply is provided.

Connector "F" (37) provides 24 DCV to the junction box. Power is provided to the ECM, the service
connector, and the Caterpillar Monitoring System. This connector is also for variable voltage that may be
needed by systems that support the engine operation. Examples of the systems for support include ether,
prelube, and relays for starting the engine.

Table 5
Locomotive Applications - Customer Connector "F"
Pin Number Function Type
1 Unassigned
2 Power Minus +Battery

3 Battery Positive +Battery

4 Unassigned

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

5 Battery Negative −Battery

6 Power Plus +Battery

Connector "G" (36) is the primary interface between the locomotive control and the engine. Connector
"G" provides the interface for the items that are listed below.

Shut down notify relay

Start enable relay

General alarm relay


Fuel position multiplier

Feedback for the load

Serial data links

A speed signal that is independent of the engine ECM

Communication with the engine ECM for the remote emergency shutdown and normal engine

Engine protection override switch

Table 6
Locomotive Applications - Customer Connector "G"
Pin Number Function
1 Start Enable

2 Start Enable

3 Emergency Shutdown C

4 Engine Shutdown

5 Start Enable

6 Engine Shutdown

7 Emergency Shutdown D

8 General Alarm

9 Global CAT Link + (not used)

10 Shield

11 CAN −

12 CAN +

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

13 General Alarm

14 Local CAT Data Link (−)

15 Shutdown Notify (COM)

16 Shutdown Notify (NC)

17 Shutdown Notify (NO)

18 General Alarm (COM)

19 Load Feedback

20 - 23 Not Used

24 Torque Limit

25 Global CAT Data Link (−)

26 Not Used

27 Local CAT Data Link (+)

28 Not Used

29 Throttle

30 Magnetic Pickup (+)

31 Magnetic Pickup (−)

32 Shield

33 - 36 Not Used

37 Digital Reference

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Systems Operation
3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System
Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 1408; 7451

Inside the electronic instrument panel in the upper left hand corner, there are three switches. The switches
are used to perform the functions below for Generator Set applications.

Manual Start Crank Switch (MANCS) (2)

Overspeed Verify Switch (OSS) (3)

High/Low Idle Switch (LIS) (1)

For marine applications, the switches are used for the functions that are listed below.

Manual Start Crank Switch (MANCS) (2)

Overspeed Verify Switch (OSS) (3)

Prelube Override Switch (PLOS) (1)

Engine Protection Override Switch (EPOS) (4). This switch is used on marine propulsion engines
that were built after April 1997 only.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Illustration 1 g00526769

Note: The Prelube Override Switch is present only if the prelube pump (attachment) is part of the engine
package. The parameter of the prelube pump must be turned ON by the electronic service tool for this
function to work.

The MANUAL START CRANK SWITCH (2) permits cranking of the engine by the operator while other
controls or protection systems are being overridden. Therefore, the starting motors can be engaged even
when the engine control switch is in the OFF/RESET position. Also, the starting motors can be engaged
when the engine ECM has completed the cycle crank sequence or when the engine ECM has completed a
remote shutdown command. The "Manual Start Crank" switch has the following uses.

System troubleshooting

Engine maintenance

On engines that are equipped with two electronic control modules, the switch will restart the engine
when the backup engine control module (ECM) is in control. the switch will restart the engine.

Only marine propulsion engines are equipped with more than one ECM (two). Otherwise, the Manual
Start Crank switch should not be used for normal operation of the engine.

Note: The Manual Start Crank Switch must be used to start the engine when the backup ECM is in

The Engine Protection Override Switch allows the operator to override the strategies for protection of the
propulsion engine Caterpillar Monitoring System. The switch is provided for use in emergency situations
when the engine must be operated at full capacity immediately. The switch may be used during a derate
condition or a shutdown condition. The switch may not be used during an overspeed shutdown. The
switch may also be used to prevent an engine shutdown during critical maneuvers.

The Engine Protection Override Switch is a two-position ON/OFF switch. When the Engine Protection
Override Switch is in the OFF position, the Caterpillar Monitoring System will operate normally.

When the Engine Protection Override Switch is in the ON position, the Engine Protection Override Switch
is disabled. The warnings and the overspeed shutdown will continue to function normally. When the
Engine Protection Override Switch is in the ON position, the engine will perform as though there are no
active derates or no active shutdowns. If the engine has already had a shutdown, the engine can be

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

restarted. The alarm conditions and the events will continue to function normally.

When the Engine Protection Override Switch is placed in the ON position, an event will be logged in the
ECM. An event will be logged in the ECM when the switch is returned to the OFF position. No delay is
required for use of the Engine Protection Override Switch.

The OVERSPEED VERIFY Switch (3) allows the operator to verify that the overspeed protection system
is properly working. When the switch is activated, the engine ECM will perform an engine overspeed
shutdown at 75 percent of the engine overspeed trip point. The overspeed verify switch is intended to be
used for troubleshooting and verification of engine protection systems.

The "HIGH/LOW" Idle Switch (1) allows the operator of the Generator Set to hold the engine speed at the
low idle setting. The electronic service tool is used to program the low idle setting. When the
"HIGH/LOW" Idle Switch is activated, the engine speed will be governed at the low idle setting. If the
"HIGH/LOW" Idle Switch is deactivated, the engine speed will be governed to the high idle setting. The
"HIGH/LOW" Idle Switch is intended to be used for troubleshooting.

The PRELUBE OVERRIDE Switch (1) allows the operator of a marine propulsion engine to override the
prelube pump sequence during normal engine start-up. The override will occur if there is an attached
prelube pump as part of the engine system. The engine ECM will not initiate an engine prelube sequence
prior to cranking the engine, when the prelube override switch is activated. The engine ECM will
immediately begin to crank the engine without prelubing first. The prelube override switch is intended to
be used for immediate engine starting during emergency situations.

Note: Inside the Locomotive Junction Box, there is one switch in the middle of the box. The switch is
used for verification of engine overspeed.

A number of circuit breakers are inside the electronic instrument panel that are used to protect the
electrical system and the electrical wiring. The following circuits are protected by circuit breakers.

starting circuit

battery circuit

relay circuit

starter relay circuit

ECM circuit

Programmable Relay Control Module (PRCM)

"DeNOx" (non-marine Generator Set only)

main display module circuit

control switch circuit

alternator circuit

customer power circuit

secondary ECM circuit

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Relays are used in order to control the following subsystem power requirements.

mag relays for starter circuits

relays for air shutoff circuits (not available on Locomotive)

master relays and slave relays for prelube pump circuits (attachment) (not available on Locomotive)

relay for the main display module circuit (not available on Locomotive)

relay for ECM circuit (not on Locomotive)

relay for secondary ECM circuit (Marine only)

relays for ether starting aid pull-in circuits and ether hold-in circuits (non-marine Generator Sets
only) (attachment)

shutdown notify

Programmable Relay Control Module (PRCM) (not on Locomotive)

"DeNOx" (non-marine Generator Set only) (attachment)

customer power (marine only) (not on Locomotive)

General Alarm (Locomotive only)

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Systems Operation
3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System
Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 7450; 7451

Illustration 1 g00527017

Generator Set Main Display Module - Caterpillar Monitoring System

(1) Shutdown/Diagnostic. (2) System DC Voltage. (3) Overspeed. (4) Low Coolant Level. (5) Overcrank. (6) Not in AUTO. (7)
Low Fuel Level. (8) System DC Voltage. (9) Oil Pressure. (10) Coolant Temperature. (11) Low Oil Pressure. (12) High Coolant
Temperature. (13) Low Coolant Temperature. (14) Fuel Pressure. (15) Display Area. (16) Exhaust Temperature. (17)
Aftercooler Temperature. (18) Fuel Filter. (19) Air Inlet Restriction ("RH/LH"). (20) Oil Filter Restriction. (21) Inlet Air
Pressure (Boost). (22) Inlet Air Temperature. (23) Engine Oil Temperature.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

The Caterpillar Monitoring System for Generator Set applications and Jacket Water Aftercooler Systems
(JWAC) without marine gear sensors include the following items.

A main display module

Up to three gauge modules

Various switches and sensors

An alarm

The main display module is the brain of the system. The main display module receives information from
the switches, sensors and other electronic controls that are on the engine that uses the CAT Data Link.
The main display module processes this information and the main display module outputs the information
to the gauge clusters or the alarm. The engine systems status and the system diagnostic information are
shown to the operator through the components of the display.

The display window on the main display module indicates the following items.










"Hour Meter system"


Six digit display area

The type of information that is shown is dependent on the display mode. The indicators are turned ON or
the indicators are turned OFF in order to correspond with the information that is shown on the six digit
readout. The diagnostic codes for the engine ECM and the Caterpillar Monitoring System can be displayed
on the six digit display area. The display also provides the number of operational hours for the engine,
engine speed (RPM), and information for the individual gauges. An active system diagnostic fault is
indicated by illuminating the "SERV CODE" indicator.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Systems Operation
3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System
Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 7450; 7451

Illustration 1 g00527132

(1) Shutdown/Diagnostic. (2) System Voltage. (3) Overspeed. (4) Low Coolant Level. (5) Marine Gear Oil Pressure. (6)
Marine Gear Oil Temperature. (7) Low Fuel Level. (8) System Voltage. (9) Oil Pressure. (10) Coolant Temperature. (11) Low
Oil Pressure. (12) High Coolant Temperature. (13) Low Coolant Temperature. (14) Fuel Pressure. (15) Display Area. (16)
Exhaust Temperature. (17) Aftercooler Coolant Temperature. (18) Fuel Filter Restriction. (19) Air Inlet Restriction. (20) Oil
Filter Restriction. (21) Inlet Air Pressure (Boost). (22) Marine Gear Oil Temperature. (23) Marine Gear Oil Pressure.

The Caterpillar Monitoring System for Marine applications consists of the items that are listed below.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Main display module

Up to three gauge modules

Various switches

Various sensors

Other electronic controls on the engine that use the CAT Data Link

The Main Display Module processes this information and the Main Display Module outputs the
information to the gauge clusters. The Main Display Module also outputs the information to the alarm.
The type of information that is shown is dependent on the display mode. The display components show
the engine systems status to the operator. Also, the display components show the system diagnostic
information to the operator. The display area on the Main Display Module indicates the following items.










Hour Meter symbol


Six digit display area

These indicators are turned ON or these indicators are turned OFF in order to correspond with the
information that is being shown on the six digit display area. The six digit display area is used to show
Diagnostic Codes for the engine ECM and the Caterpillar Monitoring System. The engine operational
hours, engine speed, and numerical values for the gauges can also be displayed. An active system
diagnostic fault is indicated by illuminating the "SERV CODE" indicator.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Systems Operation
3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System
Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 7450; 7451

Illustration 1 g00533383

(1) Low Oil Pressure. (2) Engine Systems Status. (3) High Coolant Temperature. (4) System Voltage. (5) Low Coolant
Temperature. (6) Overspeed. (7) High Aftercooler Coolant Temperature. (8) Fuel Filter Restriction. (9) Inlet Air Temperature.
(10) Fuel Pressure. (11) Display Area. (12) Coolant Temperature. (13) Fuel Pressure. (14) Engine Oil Pressure. (15) System
Voltage. (16) Air Inlet Restriction. (17) Oil Filter Restriction. (18) Fuel Filter Restriction. (19) Exhaust Temperature. (20) Oil
Pressure. (21) Inlet Air Temperature. (22) Aftercooler Coolant Temperature. (23) Inlet Air Pressure.

The Caterpillar Electronic Monitoring System for Locomotive applications contains the items that are
listed below.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Main display module

Three gauge modules

Various switches

Various sensors

Action Alarm

The Main Display Module is the brain of the system. This module receives information from the switches,
sensors and other electronic controls that are on the engine through the CAT Data Link. The Main Display
Module processes this information and the Main Display Module outputs the information to the gauge
clusters. The Main Display Module also outputs the information to the Alarm. The engine systems status
and the system diagnostic information are shown to the operator through the components of the display.
The type of information that is shown is dependent on display mode.

The display area on the main module indicates the following items.










Hour Meter symbol


Six digit display area

The six digit display area displays Diagnostic Codes for the engine ECM and the Caterpillar Monitoring
System. The display also provides the engine operational hours and engine speed (RPM). Numerical
values for the individual gauges are also displayed on the six digit display area. An active system
diagnostic fault is indicated when the "SERV CODE" is ON.

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Systems Operation
3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System
Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 7451

Illustration 1 g00532229

The operator is notified of abnormal engine operating conditions by the Main Display Module. The Main
Display Module flashes the Alert Indicators ON and OFF. The Main Display Module uses the signals from
the following sources.

switch inputs

sensor inputs

sender inputs

engine ECM

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

The Main Display Module receives information from the engine ECM through the CAT Data Link. The
information is used to determine when a condition requires flashing a lamp. When an indicator flashes, an
abnormal engine condition exists.

Engine System Status - red

Active System Diagnostic/Shutdown - red

This lamp indicates that there is an active diagnostic code present, an event present, or the engine ECM
has initiated a shutdown. The information is received from the engine ECM through the CAT Data Link.

Note: Diagnostics can be viewed from the main display module. Events can not be viewed from the main
display module. Events can be viewed with the CAT Electronic Service Tool.

Low System Voltage - red

This lamp indicates that the DC Voltage of the system or the voltage of the alternator is low.

Note: The default value for the trip point is programmable. The Electronic Service Tool can be used to
reprogram this setting to values that are between 20 DCV and 22 DCV. The information about the low
system voltage is received from the engine ECM through CAT Data Link. The information about the
system voltage may also be received from a "Battery Charger Failure" switch input that is connected to
pin 20 of the connector for the Main Display Module. The "Battery Charger Fault" switch must be
installed by the customer.

Engine Overspeed - red

This lamp indicates that the engine ECM has detected an engine overspeed condition.

Note: The default value for the trip point is programmable. The Engine Overspeed can be reprogrammed
to a value that is between 1200 rpm and 2400 rpm with the Electrical Service Tool. The information is
received from the ECM through the CAT data link. For more information about the engine ECM and the
setpoints, refer to the Troubleshooting Guide.

Overcrank - red

Generator Set Only - This lamp illuminates when the engine ECM detects that the engine did not start
after cranking or the engine did not start after cycle cranking for the programmed limit. If the engine fails
to start within a programmed amount of time, the engine ECM will stop the starting sequence. The Main
Display Module flashes the Overcrank fault indicator. Another attempt to start the engine cannot be made
without placing the Engine Control Switch (ECS) in the OFF/RESET position first. The information about
an Overcrank is received from the engine ECM through the CAT data link.

Not In AUTO - red

Generator Set Only - This lamp indicates that the Engine Control Switch is not in the AUTO position.
Remote starting of the engine is only possible when the ECS is in the AUTO position. The information is
received from the engine ECM through the CAT Data Link.

Marine Gear Oil Pressure - red

Marine Propulsion Only - This lamp indicates that the marine gear transmission oil pressure is low.

Note: The default value for the trip point is programmable. The default value is reprogrammed with the
Electronic Service Tool. The information is received from the Marine Gear Transmission Oil Temperature
Sensor. For more information about the default values, refer to the Troubleshooting Guide.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Engine System Status - red

This lamp illuminates when the engine ECM has detected an active diagnostic code that is present. An
active event may also be present. The information is received from the engine ECM through the CAT
Data Link.

Fuel Filter Restriction - red

This lamp illuminates when the fuel filter restriction pressure is high. The filter is plugged when the
pressure is high. The information is received from the engine ECM through the CAT Data Link. The
default value for the trip point is programmable. For more information about the default values, refer to
the Troubleshooting Guide.

Low Fuel Pressure - red

This lamp illuminates when the fuel pressure is low. The information is received from the engine ECM
through the CAT Data Link.

High Aftercooler Coolant Temperature - amber

This lamp illuminates when the engine aftercooler coolant temperature is high. The information is received
from the engine ECM through the CAT Data Link. The default value for the trip point is programmable.
For more information about the default values, refer to the Troubleshooting Guide.

High Inlet Air Temperature - amber

This lamp illuminates when the Inlet Air temperature in the air is too high. The information is received
from a temperature sender.

Low Oil Pressure - amber

This lamp illuminates when the engine oil pressure is low.

Note: The default value for the trip point is programmed in the factory. The default value is based on a
map of minimum oil pressure versus engine speed. This value cannot be reprogrammed. The information is
received from the engine ECM through the CAT Data Link.

High Coolant Temperature - amber

Note: The trip point for this value is programmable. The Electronic Service Tool may be used for
reprogramming the trip point. The information is received from the engine ECM through the CAT Data
Link. For more information about programming the trip point, refer to the Troubleshooting Guide.

Low Coolant Temperature - amber

This lamp illuminates when the engine coolant temperature is low.

Note: The default value for the trip point is programmable. The Electronic Service Tool can be used to
reprogram the trip point. The information is received from the engine ECM through the CAT Data Link.
For more information about programming the trip point, refer to the Troubleshooting Guide.

Low Coolant Level - amber

This lamp illuminates when the engine coolant level sensor is not submerged in coolant. The engine
coolant level sensor is customer supplied. The information is received from the Coolant Level Sensor.

Low Fuel Level - amber

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

This lamp illuminates when the contacts for the fuel level switch open. The contacts for the low fuel level
switch are customer supplied. The information is received from the Fuel Level Switch.

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Systems Operation
3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System
Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 7450; 7451

The Quad Gauge Electronic Modules show the information that is received from the sensors. Information
that is received through the CAT data link from the sensors, senders, or the engine ECM is used to drive
the gauge needles. The needles will point straight up under normal conditions.

Harness Codes are used by the Main Display Module to determine the number of Gauge Cluster Modules
that are present. Harness Codes also indicate whether optional sensors are installed and whether the
engine is "JWAC" or "SCAC". Engine applications that are equipped with Prime Gauge Cluster Modules
imply that the Standby Gauge Cluster Modules are also present. The Standby Quad Gauge Cluster
includes gauge 1 through gauge 4. The Prime Quad Gauge Cluster includes gauge 1 through gauge 8. The
Premium Quad Gauge Cluster includes gauge 1 through gauge 12. The following charts show the Harness
Codes for Standby options, Prime options, and Premium options.

A panel is provided that gives the technician access to Terminal Block 2 (TB-2) to change the harness
code. The harness code is changed by selecting which pins are open and which pins are grounded.
Grounds can be left open while selecting the harness code. The grounds should not be left open on the
harness code pins.

Table 1
Application Mode 5 Connections On The 40 Pin Caterpillar Monitoring
Harness System Connector
Display Pin 31 Pin 03 Pin 12 Pin 22 Pin 16 Pin 6

Generator Engine (1) 3 Open Open Ground Ground Ground Ground

with Standby Panel

Generator Engine (1) 5 Open Ground Open Ground Ground Ground

with Prime Panel

Generator Engine (1) 6 Ground Open Open Ground Ground Ground

with Premium Panel

Generator Engine (1) 7 Open Open Open Ground Ground Ground

with Premium Panel

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Marine Propulsion 9 Open Ground Ground Open Ground Ground

Engine with Premium
Panel And SCAC

Marine Propulsion 10 Ground Open Ground Open Ground Ground

Engine with Prime
Panel And Marine Gear

Marine Propulsion 11 Open Open Ground Open Ground Ground

Engine with Prime
Panel And No Marine
Gear Sensors

Marine Propulsion 12 Ground Ground Open Open Ground Ground

Engine with Premium
Panel And JWAC

Locomotive Engine 35 Open Open Ground Ground Ground Open

(1) Includes Marine Auxiliary

Note: Reference Testing And Adjusting, "Connector Contact Description Of Main Display Module" for
more information about the Connector Contacts for Generator Sets. Reference Testing And Adjusting,
"Connector Contact Description Of Main Display Module" for more information about the Connector
Contacts for Marine Engines. Reference Testing And Adjusting, "Connector Contact Description Of Main
Display Module" for more information about Locomotive Engines.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Illustration 1 g00530411

Engine Oil Pressure (1)

This module displays engine oil pressure over a range of 100 kPa (14.5 psi) to 600 kPa (87 psi).

When the needle is pointing straight up, the value for the gauge equals 400 kPa (58 psi).

The information is received from the engine ECM through the CAT Data Link.

Engine Coolant Temperature (2)

This engine coolant temperature gauge displays engine coolant temperature over a range of 60°C (140°F)
to 120°C (248°F).

When the needle is pointing straight up, the value for the gauge equals 90°C (194°F). The information is
received from the engine ECM through the CAT Data Link.

System Voltage (3)

This gauge displays battery voltage or charging system voltage over a range of 18 DCV to 32 DCV.

When the needle is pointing straight up, the value for the gauge equals 26 DCV.

The information is received from the engine ECM through the CAT Data Link.

Fuel Pressure (4)

This gauge displays fuel pressure over a range of 200 kPa (29 psi) to 600 kPa (87 psi).

When the needle is pointing straight up, the value for the gauge equals 500 kPa (72.5 psi) for all

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

applications except the Locomotive engine.

When the needle is pointing straight up, the value for the gauge is 400 kPa (58 psi) for Locomotive
applications .

Illustration 2 g00530412

"RH/LH" Exhaust Temperature (1)

This module displays the exhaust temperature over a range of 400°C (752°F) to 750°C (1382°F).

When the needle is pointing straight up, the value for the gauge equals 600°C (1112°F).

The information is received from the engine ECM through the CAT Data Link.

"RH/LH" Air Inlet Restriction (2)

This module displays engine air inlet filter restriction over a range of 0 kPa (0 psi) to 10 kPa (1.45 psi).

When the needle is pointing straight up, the value for the gauge equals 3 kPa (.44 psi).

The information is received from the engine ECM through the CAT Data Link.

Fuel Filter Restriction (3)

This module displays fuel filter restriction over a range of 20 kPa (2.9 psi) to 140 kPa (20.3 psi).

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

The information is received from the engine ECM through the CAT Data Link.

Oil Filter Restriction (4)

This module displays oil filter restriction over a range of 20 kPa (2.9 psi) to 150 kPa (21.75 psi).

When the needle is pointing straight up, the value for the gauge equals 60 kPa (8.7 psi).

The information is received from the engine ECM through the CAT Data Link.

Illustration 3 g00530415

Inlet Air Pressure (Boost) (1)

This module displays turbo compressor outlet pressure (boost) over a range of 0 kPa (0 psi) to 400 kPa (58

When the gauge is pointing straight up, the value for the gauge equals 190 kPa (27.6 psi).

The information is received from the engine ECM through the CAT Data Link.

Aftercooler Coolant Temperature (2)

This module displays aftercooler coolant temperature over a range of 20°C (68°F) to 120°C (248°F).

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

The information is received from the engine ECM through the CAT Data Link.

Inlet Air Temperature (3)

This module displays inlet air temperature over a range of 60°C (140°F) to 120°C (248°F).

When the gauge is pointing straight up, the value for the gauge equals 75°C (167°F).

The information is received from the engine ECM through the CAT Data Link.

Engine Oil Temperature (4)

This module displays engine oil temperature over a range of 60°C (140°F) to 120°C (248°F).

When the gauge is pointing straight up, the value for the gauge equals 105°C (221°F).

The information is received from the engine ECM through the CAT Data Link.

Illustration 4 g00530416

Inlet Air Pressure (Boost) (1)

This module displays the turbo compressor outlet pressure (boost) over a range of 0 kPa (0 psi) to 400 kPa
(58 psi).

When the gauge is pointing straight up, the value for the gauge equals 190 kPa (27.6 psi).

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

The information is received from the engine ECM through the CAT Data Link.

Aftercooler Coolant Temperature (2)

This module displays aftercooler coolant temperature over a range of 20°C (68°F) to 120°C (248°F).
These temperatures are displayed for all Marine engines except the engines that have "JWAC"

For JWAC applications, the module displays temperatures over a range of 60°C (140°F) to 120°C (248°F).

The information is received from the engine ECM through the CAT Data Link.

Marine Gear Transmission Oil Temperature (3)

This module displays marine gear transmission oil temperature over a range of 20°C (68°F) to 120°C

When the gauge is pointing straight up, the value for the gauge equals 65°C (149°F).

The information is received from the Marine Gear Oil Temperature sensor.

Marine Gear Transmission Oil Pressure (4)

This module displays marine gear transmission oil pressure over a range of 150 kPa (21.8 psi) to 2875 kPa
(417.9 psi).

The information is received from the Marine Gear Oil Pressure sensor.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Systems Operation
3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System
Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 1408-UN; 7451-UN

Illustration 1 g00574503

The Engine Oil Temperature Sender provides measurements of the engine oil temperature after filtering.
The Engine Oil Temperature Sender also aids in the detection of degraded of the oil cooler performance.
Temperatures that are greater than 107°C (225°F) will have a negative impact on the engine life.

A resistive signal which corresponds to the oil temperature is sent from the sender to the Main Display
Module. Typically, the resistance range of the sender is 70 to 800 Ohms (Ohms). The Main Display
Module converts the resistive signal and the Main Display Module displays the value on the Premium
Quad Gauge Electronic Module.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Illustration 2 g00574503

The Air Inlet Temperature Sender provides measurements of the Air Inlet temperature prior to entering
the cylinder head. The Air Inlet Temperature Sender also aids in the detection of the following conditions
that occur in the area that is located next to the engine air filters.

Degraded aftercooler performance

High ambient air temperatures

Poor air ventilation

Temperatures that are 30°C (86°F) greater than the Aftercooler Water Temperature will have a negative
impact on engine performance.

A resistive signal which corresponds to the Air Inlet temperature is sent from the sender to the Main
Display Module. Typically, the range of resistance of the sender is 70 Ohms (Ohms) to 800 Ohms (Ohms).
The Main Display Module converts the resistive signal and the Main Display Module displays the value on
the Premium Gauge Cluster Module.

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Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 1408-NS; 7451-NS

Illustration 1 g00574577

The Low Coolant Level Sensor provides an indication of the coolant level to the operator. This indicator
aids the operator in monitoring the proper coolant volume in the engine which prevents the engine from
overheating. The operator can also receive an Engine Low Coolant Level Warning indication from the
"PRCM" with the aid of this sensor.

The signal of the Low Coolant Level Sensor is pulled to battery negative while the sensor is submerged in
coolant. The signal stays at 5.0 DCV if the coolant level falls below the tip of the sensor probe. The Main
Display Module converts the signal and the Main Display Module indicates the event by flashing the Low
Coolant Level Indicator Lamp. The sensor is supplied with +8 DCV from the Main Display Module.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Illustration 2 g00574503

The Marine Gear Oil Temperature Sensor provides the operator with an indication of the oil temperature.
The Marine Gear Oil Temperature Sensor aids in monitoring the proper marine gear oil temperature. The
operator can receive a Marine Gear Oil Temperature High Warning indication from the Programmable
Relay Control Module "PRCM" with the aid of this sensor.

The sensor sends a pulse width modulated signal (PWM) with a duty cycle that varies as the Marine Gear
Oil Temperature changes from the sensor to the Main Display Module. The sensor frequency is 4.2 kHz.
The Main Display Module displays the value of the PWM signal on the Premium Quad Gauge Electronic

Illustration 3 g00574581

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

The Low Fuel Level switch provides an indication of a low fuel level to the operator. The Low Fuel Level
switch aids the operator in preventing an unexpected shutdown because of an empty fuel supply tank. The
operator can also receive an Engine Low Fuel Level Warning from the "PRCM" with the aid of the Low
Fuel Level switch.

The Low Fuel Level Switch is closed while the switch is submerged in fuel. The switch is open if the fuel
level falls below the tip of the switch. The Main Display Module converts the signal. The Main Display
Module indicates the event by flashing the Low Fuel Level Warning Lamp.

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Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 1408; 7400; 7451

Illustration 1 g00532780

(1) Alarm. (2) Alarm Silence Switch.

The Alarm provides an audible indication to the operator of abnormal engine operation. The Alarm (1)
connects to an output of the Main Display Module. The SOUNDING of the Alarm (1) tells the operator
that an abnormal engine condition exists.

The operator can use the Alarm Silence Switch (2) to turn off the Alarm (1) once the alarm has sounded.
Activating the Alarm Silence Switch (2) will silence the Alarm (1) for five minutes. After the five minute

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

period, if the condition that initiated the alarm has not been corrected, the Alarm (1) will sound again. If a
new condition occurs during the five minute period, then the Alarm (1) will sound again.

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3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System
Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 1901; 7451

The engine ECM supplies the following information to the Main Display Module for an indication of the
following items.

Engine Speed

Engine Hours

% Load Display

Fuel Consumption Rate

Total Fuel Consumption

Engine Oil Pressure

Engine Coolant Temperature

System Voltage

Fuel Pressure

"RH/LH" Exhaust Temperature

"RH/LH" Air Inlet Restriction

Fuel Filter Differential Pressure

Oil Filter Differential Pressure

Boost Pressure

Aftercooler Coolant Temperature

Diagnostic Code Information

Tattletale Function

Note: This record is independent of tattletales on the engine ECM.

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3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System
Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 7451

The Caterpillar Monitoring System has six different possible modes of operation. Each mode provides
important information regarding the conditions of the engine. In this manual, all six modes are given a
name. Also, a number represents the modes. The mode of operation is changed by holding the
"CLEAR/MODE" switch down. The available modes are listed in the following chart.

Table 1
Modes Of Operation For The Main Display Module

Mode Of Operation Mode Number

Normal 0

Numeric Readout 1

Service 2

Tattletale 3

Units 4

Harness Code 5

When power is applied, the Caterpillar Electronic Monitoring System performs a Self-Test. The Self-Test
causes all of the display elements and gauges to briefly operate. After the Self-Test, the Main Display
Module enters Mode 0.

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Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 7451

Normal Mode or Mode 0 is used during normal engine operation. The Quad Gauge Electronic Module
shows the conditions that are listed below to the operator when the Main Display Module is in Normal

Proper operation of the monitoring system is shown. A Self-Test is performed. The Self-Test causes
all of the display elements and gauges to operate briefly. For more information on this subject, see
Systems Operation, "System Self Test".

A value for the system condition is shown. The Main Display Module continuously monitors engine
systems. The needles in the Quad Gauge Electronic Modules indicate a normal operating condition
when the needles are pointing straight up. Also, a normal operating condition may be represented
when the needle is not pointing straight up.

The system shows if an engine problem exists. When an abnormal condition (problem) exists, the
corresponding Indicator Lamp flashes and the Alarm sounds. For more information on this subject,
see Systems Operation, "Warning Operation".

The system shows if a diagnostic code exists. The Main Display Module continuously checks for
diagnostic codes in the Caterpillar Electronic Control Module (ECM). When a diagnostic code is
detected, the display area shows "SERV CODE" and the "Shutdown/Diagnostic" Alert Indicator

The Tachometer Parameter is shown in Illustration 1. Engine speed is displayed on the six digit
display area, when the units indicator shows "RPM". The Main Display Module receives engine
speed information from the engine ECM through the CAT Data Link. Use the "SCROLL" switch in
order to toggle between the Tachometer Parameter and the Service Meter Parameter.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Illustration 1 g00532879

The Service Meter Parameter is shown in Illustration 2. The engine ECM records the total number
of hours of operation for the engine. This information is sent to the Main Display Module through
the CAT Data Link. The total engine operating hours are shown on the six digit display area. The
service meter symbol is ON in order to indicate that the display is functioning as a Service Meter.
While the engine is operating, the value is continuously updated. Use the "SCROLL" switch in
order to toggle between the Tachometer Parameter and Service Meter Parameter.

Illustration 2 g00532883

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Systems Operation
3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System
Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 7451

Numeric Readout Mode (Mode 1) assists Service Personnel with information about Load Consumption
and the troubleshooting of sensor inputs. The information about Load Consumption is displayed on the
Display Area only. The CAT Data Link and the sensor inputs supply information for the positions of the
needles that are on the gauge cluster modules.

Mode 1 more accurately shows the same information that is shown on the gauges in Mode 0. The system
identifier "LOAd", "FO-X" or "GA-X" precedes the value that is shown on the display area. In addition to
the parameter value that is shown on the display area, the gauge needle for the parameter value that is
displayed is active while all other gauges fall to the minimum position.

In order to enter Mode 1, hold down the "CLEAR/MODE" Switch until "-1-" appears on the Display
Area. Use the "SCROLL" Switch in order to advance the display to the next parameter value. The Display
Area will momentarily show the system identifiers "LOAd", "FO-X" or "GA-X". After the system
identifier appears, the Display Area shows the parameter value.

Illustration 1 g00532993

Only the system identifiers for the gauge cluster modules that are present are shown. For example, if only
one gauge cluster module is present, system identifiers "GA-1", "GA-2", "GA-3" and "GA-4" will be
shown. If additional gauge cluster modules are present, "GA-5", "GA-6", "GA-7" and "GA-8" will be
shown, etc. The following charts match the system identifier to the parameter value of the gauge.

Table 1
Modes Of Operation For The Main Display Module

System Identifier Quad Gauge Cluster Module (1) Parameter

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

"LOAd" Display Area Only (15) % Load

"FO-2" Display Area Only (15) Fuel Consumption Rate

"FL-1" Display Area Only (15) Total Fuel Consumption

"GA-1" (9) Engine Oil Pressure

"GA-2" (10) Engine Coolant Temperature

"GA-3" (8) System Voltage

"GA-4" (14) Fuel Pressure

"GA-5" (16) "RH/LH" Exhaust Temperature

"GA-6" (19) "RH/LH" Air Inlet Restriction

"GA-7" (18) Fuel Filter Restriction

"GA-8" (20) Oil Filter Restriction

"GA-9" (21) Inlet Air Pressure Boost

"GA-10" (17) Aftercooler Coolant Temperature

Generator Set Only

"GA-11" (22) Inlet Air Temperature

"GA-12" (23) Engine Oil Temperature

Marine Propulsion Only

"GA-11" (22) Marine Gear Transmission Oil Temperature

"GA-12" (23) Marine Gear Transmission Oil Pressure

(1) Refer to Tables at the end of this section for the callouts for the Generator Set applications, Marine applications, and
Locomotive applications.

Table 2

Condition Units of Measurement

Engine Load percent of rated rack

Instantaneous Fuel Consumption Liters Per Hour, Gallons Per Hour

Total Fuel Consumed Liters, Gallons

Pressure kPa, PSI

Temperature °C, °F

Voltage DC Volts

Air Restriction kPa, Inches of H2O

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

The following illustrations show typical values for the gauge parameters in the display area.

Illustration 2 g00532995

Percent Of Rated Rack ("LOAd")

Illustration 3 g00532996

Fuel Consumption Rate (FL-0)

Illustration 4 g00532998

Total Fuel Consumption (FL-1)

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Illustration 5 g00533076

Engine Oil Pressure (GA-1)

Illustration 6 g00533000

Engine Coolant Temperature (GA-2)

Illustration 7 g00533002

System Voltage (GA-3)

Illustration 8 g00533003

Fuel Pressure (GA-4)

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Illustration 9 g00533005

"RH/LH" Exhaust Temperature (GA-5)

Illustration 10 g00533007

"RH/LH" Air Inlet Restriction (GA-6)

Illustration 11 g00533010

Fuel Filter Restriction (GA-7)

Illustration 12 g00533010

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Oil Filter Restriction (GA-8)

Illustration 13 g00533014

Boost Pressure (GA-9)

Illustration 14 g00533016

Aftercooler Coolant Temperature (GA-10)

Illustration 15 g00533059

Inlet Air Temperature (GA-11) Generator Set And Locomotive Engines

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Illustration 16 g00533062

Engine Oil Temperature (GA-12) Generator Set And Locomotive Engines

Illustration 17 g00533064

Marine Gear Oil Temperature (GA-11) Marine Propulsion Only

Illustration 18 g00533066

Marine Gear Oil Pressure (GA-12) Marine Propulsion Only

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Illustration 19 g00527017

Generator Set Main Display Module - Caterpillar Monitoring System

(1) Shutdown/Diagnostic. (2) System Voltage. (3) Overspeed. (4) Low Coolant Level. (5) Overcrank. (6) Not in AUTO. (7)
Low Fuel Level. (8) System Voltage. (9) Oil Pressure. (10) Coolant Temperature. (11) Low Oil Pressure. (12) High Coolant
Temperature. (13) Low Coolant Temperature. (14) Fuel Pressure. (15) Display Area. (16) Exhaust Temperature. (17)
Aftercooler Temperature. (18) Fuel Filter. (19) Air Inlet Restriction ("RH/LH"). (20) Oil Filter Restriction. (21) Inlet Air
Pressure (Boost). (22) Inlet Air Temperature. (23) Engine Oil Temperature.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Illustration 20 g00527132

Main Display Module (Marine Engine) - Caterpillar Monitoring System

(1) Shutdown/Diagnostic. (2) System Voltage. (3) Overspeed. (4) Low Coolant Level. (5) Marine Gear Oil Pressure. (6)
Marine Gear Oil Temperature. (7) Low Fuel Level. (8) System Voltage. (9) Oil Pressure. (10) Coolant Temperature. (11) Low
Oil Pressure. (12) High Coolant Temperature. (13) Low Coolant Temperature. (14) Fuel Pressure. (15) Display Area. (16)
Exhaust Temperature. (17) Aftercooler Coolant Temperature. (18) Fuel Filter Restriction. (19) Air Inlet Restriction. (20) Oil
Filter Restriction. (21) Inlet Air Pressure (Boost). (22) Marine Gear Oil Temperature. (23) Marine Gear Oil Pressure.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Illustration 21 g00533383

Main Display Module (Locomotive Engine) - Caterpillar Monitoring System

(1) Engine Oil Pressure. (2) Engine Systems Status. (3) High Engine Coolant Temperature. (4) System Voltage. (5) Low Coolant
Temperature. (6) Engine Overspeed. (7) Aftercooler Coolant Temperature. (8) Fuel Filter Restriction. (9) High Inlet Air
Temperature. (10) Fuel Pressure. (11) Display Area. (12) Engine Coolant Temperature. (13) Fuel Pressure. (14) Oil Pressure.
(15) System Voltage. (16) Air Inlet Restriction. (17) Oil Filter Restriction. (18) Fuel Filter Restriction. (19) Exhaust
Temperature. (20) Engine Oil Temperature. (21) Aftercooler Coolant Temperature. (22) Inlet Air Temperature. (23) Inlet Air
Pressure (Boost).

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Systems Operation
3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System
Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 7451

Illustration 1 g00532879

Mode 0: Service Code Indicator ON

Service Mode (Mode 2) assists service personnel with the troubleshooting of diagnostic codes. All the
recorded diagnostic codes can be cleared from memory while the operator is in Mode 2.

Note: Events can not be viewed through the main display module. Events can only be viewed using the
CAT ET Service Tool.

In order to enter Mode 2, hold down the "CLEAR/MODE" switch until "-2-" appears in the display area.
Three identifiers are used to specify each detected diagnostic code. These identifiers are shown on the
Display Area. The Display Area alternately shows the Module Identifier (MID). The Component Identifier
(CID) and the Failure Mode Identifier (FMI) are then shown on the Display Area. The Display alternates
continuously between the MID and the CID FMI. Identifiers include the following items.

Module Identifier (MID) - The MID is a three digit code that is shown on the six digit Display Area. The
MID is displayed for approximately one second, before the CID FMI is shown in place of the MID. The
MID helps the operator to determine the electronic control module that has generated the diagnostic code.
Some values that may be seen for the MID are given in the following list.

Main Display Module 030

Primary Engine Control Module 033, 034 or 036

Secondary Engine Control Module 047

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

De-Nox Control 076

Customer Communication Module 097

Programmable Relay Control Module 099

Component Identifier (CID) - The CID is shown on the first four digits or the first three digits of the six
digit Display Area. The CID and the FMI are displayed together. The MID is followed by the CID FMI in
the Display Area. The CID identifies the component or the subsystem that has generated a diagnostic
code. For a listing of the CID codes, see the chart that is attached to the left side of the Electronic
Instrument Panel. One example of a detected diagnostic is the "THROTTLE SIGNAL OUTPUT IS

Note: Earlier models display three digits for the CID. The fourth digit has been added to the CID in order
to provide the ability to develop four digit codes.

Illustration 2 g00533391

Failure Mode Identifier (FMI) - The FMI is shown on the last two digits of the six digit Display Area.
The FMI begins with the decimal point or an "F". The FMI ends with the two digit code. The CID FMI is
displayed immediately after the MID. The diagnostic code that is generated is revealed to the operator
through the FMI. A listing of the codes that are used for the FMI may be found on the left side of the
Electronic Instrument Panel. The example that follows is for "THROTTLE SIGNAL OUTPUT IS

Note: "F" is used on the earlier models in order to distinguish between the digits of the CID and the digits
of the FMI. The "F" has been removed in order to allow the fourth digit in the CID to be added, and the
decimal point is the separation between the CID and the FMI.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Illustration 3 g00533497

Upon entering Service Mode or Mode 2, the MID and the CID FMI for the first available diagnostic code
are shown in the Display Area. At this time, the diagnostic code that is shown is "on-hold". The display
continuously alternates between the MID and the CID FMI when a diagnostic code is "on-hold".

The "SERV CODE" indicator signifies if the diagnostic code is active or logged. The diagnostic code is
logged when the "SERV CODE" indicator is OFF. The Alarm will sound if a diagnostic code goes from the
logged status to the active status during the display of Mode 2. This will assist the service personnel in
finding intermittent problems.

Use the "SCROLL" switch in order to advance to the next recorded diagnostic code. Using the
"SCROLL" switch will show all of the diagnostic codes that were recorded one at a time in the Display

The service personnel must clear the diagnostic code from memory when a diagnostic code is corrected. A
diagnostic code is corrected when the "SERV CODE" is OFF. A diagnostic code that is logged may be
cleared from memory by pushing the "MODE/CLEAR" switch to the UP position while the code is
displayed in the Display Area.

Note: When no diagnostic codes are detected, the Display Area will show the following reading.

Illustration 4 g00533498

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Systems Operation
3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System
Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 7451

In order to enter Mode 3, hold down the "CLEAR/MODE" switch until "-3-" appears in the Display Area.
After the operator enters Mode 3 the Display Area will show the following reading.

Illustration 1 g00533585

Tattletale Mode or Mode 3 is a tool that is used for management. The history of the engine may be found
by using Mode 3. The Main Display Module records the extreme values for each engine condition that is
monitored. The values come from the sensor input and the engine ECM through the CAT Data Link. The
Tattletale values are updated whenever a more extreme value occurs than the value that is previously
recorded. These values are ignored for a short period of time after each engine start-up. This allows the
engine systems to stabilize before old values can be updated with new values.

The gauges show the highest value or the gauges show the lowest value that has been attained by the
corresponding engine subsystem. The highest reading is for values that abnormally decrease.

In order to more accurately show the information that is represented on the gauges, use the "SCROLL"
switch in order to advance the Display Area to the first tattletale value. The Display Area will
momentarily show the system identifier "GA-X". The system identifier is then followed by the tattletale
value. See the chart that is located in Systems Operation, "Numeric Readout Mode".

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Illustration 2 g00533586

Press the "SCROLL" switch again for each succeeding tattletale value. Only the system identifiers for the
quad gauge electronic modules that are present are shown on the Display Area. For example, if only one
quad gauge electronic module is present, system identifiers "GA-1", "GA-2", "GA-3" and "GA-4" will be
shown. If an additional quad gauge electronic module is present, "GA-5", "GA-6", "GA-7" and "GA-8"
will be shown. The pattern continues for additional quad gauge electronic modules. The system identifier
"GA-X" precedes the value that is shown in the Display Area. In addition to the tattletale value that is
shown in the Display Area, the gauge needle for the tattletale value that is displayed is active. All other
gauges fall to minimum positions.

Note: While the Main Display Module is in Normal Mode, the Indicator Lamps of the Main Display
Module turn ON when an abnormal condition has occurred.

Information about the Tattletale is retained until the information is cleared from the memory of the Main
Display Module. Clearing all information about the Tattletale from the memory of the Main Display
Module is done by pushing the "MODE/CLEAR" switch to the UP position while "- -" is displayed in the
Display Area. After clearing, all information about the tattletale is reset to a nominal value and the
recording of new extreme values can begin. Individual gauge tattletale values can be cleared one at a time
by pushing the "MODE/CLEAR" switch to the UP while the gauge tattletale value is being displayed in
the Display Area.

Note: The date, time or duration of the occurrence of the tattletale value is not recorded.

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Systems Operation
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SMCS - 7451

In order to enter Mode 4, hold down the "CLEAR/MODE" switch until "-4-" appears in the Display Area.
Units Mode (Mode 4) is used to toggle the display of the Caterpillar Monitoring System between US units
and Metric units of measure. When the Main Display enters Units Mode, the Display Area will show the
current setting. The Display Area shows "US" when the Display Area is set to US units. The Display Area
shows "SI" when the Display Area is set to Metric units. See the examples that are provided below.

Illustration 1 g00533649

Press the "SCROLL" switch in order to toggle the units between US units and SI units.

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Systems Operation
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Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 7451

In order to enter Harness Code Mode (Mode 5), hold down the "CLEAR/MODE" switch until "-5-"
appears in the Display Area. When the Display Area is in Harness Code Mode, the engine code is shown
on the Display Area. The engine code must correspond to the engine sales model. The engine code is a
two-digit representation of the harness code input.

Note: Harness Code Mode 5 is only available on 155-8653 Engine Monitoring Control (Caterpillar
Monitoring Systems) and newer Caterpillar Monitoring System modules.

Table 1
Mode 5 Harness Code Application

03 Generator Engine (1) with Standby Panel

05 Generator Engine (1) With Prime Panel

06 Generator Engine (1) With Premium Panel And "SCAC"

07 Generator Engine With Premium Panel And JWAC "JWAC"

09 Marine Propulsion Engine With Premium Panel And "SCAC"

10 Marine Propulsion Engine With Prime Panel And Marine Gear


11 Marine Propulsion Engine With Prime Panel And No Marine Gear


12 Marine Propulsion Engine With Premium Panel And "JWAC"

35 Locomotive Engine
(1) Includes Marine Auxiliary

Note: If the selection for the harness code does not match the application, the Caterpillar Monitoring
System may not operate correctly. The following list contains problems that the operator may encounter:
the loss of event notification, incorrect data displays, incorrect gauge needle position and incorrect
activation of diagnostic codes. CID 127 FMI 08, CID 177 FMI 08 and CID 819 FMI 02 are commonly
caused by harness codes that are not correct for the application on new installations. Troubleshooting
procedures are given for these diagnostic codes in the Testing And Adjusting Section of this Manual.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

An example of Harness Code Mode (Mode 5) is provided below.

Illustration 1 g00533697

Display Area

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Systems Operation
3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System
Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 7451

The Caterpillar Monitoring System notifies the operator of an immediate problem or an impending
problem with various engine systems operation. Warning operation begins when the Main Display Module
receives a signal that reflects an abnormal engine condition or the Main Display Module detects a problem
with the control system. Switches, sensors and the engine control module (ECM) provide information to
the Main Display Module. The warning information consists of the following elements.

An open switch is provided. When a condition exceeds the trip point of the switch, the switch

A sensor signal that exceeds the limits of the trip point is provided. The Main Display Module
determines the limits.

Abnormal engine condition is detected and provided by the engine control module (ECM). The
abnormal conditions are communicated over the CAT Data Link to the Main Display Module.

Note: The trip points of the monitoring system can be modified through the "ET" Electronic Service Tool.

The Main Display Module receives the information and the Main Display Module processes the
information. The result of the processing is displayed on the Indicator Lamps of the Main Display Module.
The Alarm sounds if an abnormal condition exists. The following items are functions of the warning

The Main Display Module will flash the appropriate Indicator Lamp. The Lamp will flash at a rate
of nine times per second.

The Main Display Module will sound the Alarm. The Alarm will be ON one second and the Alarm
will be OFF for two seconds.

Use the Electronic Service Tool in order to review the Caterpillar Monitoring System trip points. For more
information about Service Tool usage, see the Electronic Service Tool Guide.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Testing and Adjusting

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System
Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 7451

Table 1
Troubleshooting Quick Reference
Go To Accessing Diagnostic Information For Troubleshooting

Action Alarm CID 0271 Procedure (1)

CAT Data Link CID 0248 Procedure (1)

+8 DCV Sensor Supply CID 0263 Procedure (1)

Gauges CID 0096, CID 0127, CID 0172, CID 0175, CID 0177, CID 0819, CID
0821 Procedures

Go To The Appropriate Section For Troubleshooting

Indicator Lamp Troubleshooting Alert Indicators

Indicator Lamp Troubleshooting Alert Indicators

"LH/RH" switch Troubleshooting "LH/RH" switch

"SCROLL" switch Troubleshooting "SCROLL" switch

"SCROLL" switch Troubleshooting "SCROLL" switch

"CLEAR/MODE" switch Troubleshooting "CLEAR/MODE" switch

"CLEAR/MODE" switch Troubleshooting "CLEAR/MODE " switch

"Alarm Silence" switch Troubleshooting "Alarm Silence" Switch

"Alarm Silence" switch Troubleshooting "Alarm Silence" Switch

(1) A CID for the new software has four digit numbers.

Troubleshooting the Caterpillar Monitoring System requires additional information from the engine
Service Manual. The Electrical System Schematic, the Electronic Troubleshooting Guide, the Parts
Manual and the Operation & Maintenance Manual are materials that are required for support.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

When the troubleshooting procedure instructs the operator to repair the harness, use the Electrical System
Schematic in the engine Service Manual to trace the circuit. Less than 5 ohms of resistance is required
between the connector and ground. Ground resistance that is greater than 5 ohms can cause incorrect
diagnosing of problems.

During troubleshooting, inspect all components and harness connections before any component is
replaced. If these connections are not clean and tight, the connections can cause permanent electrical
problems or intermittent electrical problems. Check that the wires are pushed into the connectors all the
way. Perform a pull test on the connector and the wires in order to confirm that the contacts are snapped
into place. Make sure that the connections are tight before any other tests are performed. Problems with
one electrical component can cause problems with one or more other electrical components. The operator
should always attempt to find the cause of the electrical system problems and the operator should correct
the cause of the electrical system problems before the operator replaces the component.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Testing and Adjusting

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System
Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 0785

The following service tools should be used to make troubleshooting the electrical system easier.

Note: Refer to the Electronic Troubleshooting Guide for a complete list of service tools.

146-4080 Digital Multimeter (RS-232)

8T-3224 Needle Tip (Multimeter)

7X-1710 Multimeter Probe

7X-6370 Adapter Cable

6V-3000 Connector Repair Kit (Sure Seal)

4C-3406 Connector Repair Kit (Deutsch)

9U-7246 Connector Repair Kit (Deutsch DT)

4C-4074 Contact Removal Tool (16-18 Gauge)

4C-4073 Contact Removal Tool

4C-4072 Contact Removal Tool (8-10 Gauge)

4C-4071 Contact Removal Tool (4-6 Gauge)

4C-4075 Crimp Tool

Use the 146-4080 Digital Multimeter (RS-232) or the equivalent for making resistance measurements. For
instructions on the use of the 146-4080 Digital Multimeter (RS-232), see Operator's Manual, NEHS0678.
The 7X-1710 Multimeter Probe is used to make measurements at connectors. The halves of the connector
do not need to be disconnected. The probe is pushed into the wire entry side of the connector alongside
the wire. The 7X-6370 Adapter Cable is a 3 pin DT connector breakout cable that is used to make
measurements in the circuits of the sensors. The 4C-4071 Contact Removal Tool (4-6 Gauge), the
4C-4072 Contact Removal Tool (8-10 Gauge), the 4C-4073 Connector Removal Tool and the 4C-4074
Contact Removal Tool (16-18 Gauge) are wire removal tools for the CE connectors. The 4C-4075 Crimp
Tool is used for 4 AWG through 10 AWG pins (sockets) that are used on CE connectors.

Note: The use of continuity testers, or voltage testers are not recommended for use on present day

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Caterpillar electrical circuits. The continuity testers and the voltage testers may be used in harness tests.
The harness tests include the 8T-0500 Continuity Tester and the 5P-7277 Voltage Tester .

Illustration 1 g00533857

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Testing and Adjusting

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System
Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 1408-546-CY; 7553-546

The Electrical System Schematic, the Parts Manual and the Operation and Maintenance Manual for the
engine that is being serviced should be used to assist in locating the electrical components and the

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Testing and Adjusting

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System
Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 7451-038

Table 1
Activation Of Display Operations
(Quick Reference)

Display Operation Service Contact (1) Clear Contact (1)

Changing Modes:

To Scroll (Mode Switch) Ground Ground

To Hold Open Open

Service Mode

To Scroll (Scroll Switch) Ground Ground

To Hold Open (2) Open

To Clear (3) (Clear Switch) Open Ground

Tattletale Modes

To Clear (3) (Clear Switch) Open Ground

Numeric Readout Modes:

To Scroll (Scroll Switch) Ground Open

To Hold Open Open

(1) Of The Main Display Module Connector Service Contact
(2) Open when the desired information is shown during scrolling.
(3) A diagnostic is cleared only while it is on-hold. A diagnostic that is currently active cannot be cleared.

See Systems Operation, "Modes Of Operation" for a detailed explanation of the different modes.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Testing and Adjusting

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System
Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 7451-038

Illustration 1 g00533879

Use the following procedure when a diagnostic code is detected. When a diagnostic code is detected, the
Display Area shows the "SERV CODE" indicator while the Main Display Module is in Normal Mode.

1. Enter Service Mode (Mode 2).

2. A single diagnostic code is shown and the code is on hold at this time. The display toggles between
the MID and the CID FMI. When the diagnostic code is not active, nothing is shown for the MID.
The Display Area does not toggle showing information on the diagnostic codes.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

3. In order to see all of the detected diagnostic codes, use the "SCROLL" switch to scroll through the
diagnostic codes. The Display Area momentarily shows the MID. Then, the Display Area shows the
CID FMI in place of the MID. Toggle the "SCROLL" switch in order to see each diagnostic code in
succession. The MID shows "End" after the last diagnostic code has been shown.

4. Place the desired diagnostic code on hold by releasing the "SCROLL" switch.

5. Make sure that the MID "030" is displayed.

6. Observe the "SERV CODE" indicator.

If the "SERV CODE" indicator is ON, then the diagnostic code that is shown is active.

If the SERV CODE indicator is OFF, then the diagnostic code that is shown is logged. The
diagnostic code was active. Then, the diagnostic code became inactive. The diagnostic code
was logged in memory. This may or may not indicate an intermittent condition.

7. In order to troubleshoot the diagnostic code, go to the procedure with the CID FMI.

8. After a diagnostic code is corrected or the diagnostic code is not needed, clear the diagnostic code
by using the "CLEAR" switch. After clearing the diagnostic code, the Display Area advances to the
next available diagnostic code.

9. Repeat Step 2 through Step 8 for the remaining diagnostic codes. The operator should return to
Normal Mode when the operator is finished.

Go to the procedure which corresponds to the CID FMI that is shown in the Display Area.

Note: The procedures for the CID FMI that are found in Testing And Adjusting may cause some
diagnostic codes to be logged by the Main Display Module. Therefore before performing any procedures,
record the diagnostic codes in order to determine the problems that are in the system. At the completion of
each procedure, clear the diagnostic codes that were caused by the test procedure.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Testing and Adjusting

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System
Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 7451-038

Illustration 1 g00533879

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Illustration 2 g00543569

Use the following procedure when a diagnostic code is detected. When a diagnostic code is detected, the
"SERV CODE" indicator is shown in the Display Area when the Main Display Module is in Normal Mode.

1. Enter the Service Mode (Mode 2).

2. A single diagnostic code is shown and the diagnostic code is on hold at this time. The display toggles
between the MID and CID FMI. Nothing is shown in the Display Area for the MID when there are
no active diagnostic codes. The Display Area does not toggle in order to show information about the

3. In order to see all diagnostic codes, use the "SCROLL" switch to scroll through the diagnostic
codes. The Display Area momentarily shows the MID. Then, the CID FMI replaces the MID.
Toggle the "SCROLL" switch in order to see the diagnostic codes in succession. "End" is shown in
the Display Area after the last diagnostic code has been shown.

4. Place the desired diagnostic code on hold. The diagnostic code is placed on hold by releasing the
"SCROLL" switch.

5. Make sure that the MID 030 is displayed.

6. Observe the "SERV CODE" indicator.

If the "SERV CODE" indicator is ON, then the diagnostic code that is shown is active.

If the "SERV CODE" indicator is OFF, then the diagnostic code that is shown is logged. The
diagnostic code was active. The diagnostic code then became inactive. Finally, the diagnostic
code was logged into memory. This may or may not indicate an intermittent condition.

7. In order to troubleshoot the diagnostic code, go to the procedure with the CID FMI.

8. After a diagnostic code is corrected or the diagnostic code is not needed, clear the diagnostic code
with the "CLEAR" switch. After clearing, the Display Area advances to the next available
diagnostic code.

9. Repeat Step 2 through Step 8 for the remaining diagnostic codes. Return the Main Display Module
to Normal Mode when all of the diagnostic codes are cleared.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Testing and Adjusting

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System
Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 1273-038-ZS; 1408-038-ZS; 7451-038-ZS

Illustration 1 g00573573

Schematic For Fuel Level Switch

Note: Ensure that the desired diagnostic code (CID FMI) is on hold. Ensure that the "SERV CODE"
indicator is ON. Use the electrical system schematic for the engine that is being serviced to find the
connector contact on the Main Display Module that corresponds to the CID in the Display Area.

This diagnostic code is recorded when the Main Display Module reads the signal voltage of the switch as
being too high. The corresponding Indicator Lamp flashes as a result of this diagnostic condition. The
following examples are possible causes.

The fuel level switch has a problem.

The fuel level switch unit ground circuit in the engine harness is open.

The fuel level switch unit signal in the engine harness is shorted to +battery.

The fuel level switch unit signal circuit in the engine harness is open or the connector is

The Main Display Module has a problem.

The fuel level switch is not used. The jumper for the fuel level switch is not installed on the
customer connector.

1. Check the Display Area and the Harness.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

b. Check for loose terminal connections or corroded terminal connections to the fuel level

c. Clean corroded terminals and tighten loose connections.

d. Turn the "ECS" switch to the COOLDOWN/STOP position. The "SERV CODE" indicator
should be ON for the diagnostic code CID 0096 FMI 03.

e. Disconnect the engine harness fuel level switch signal wire and observe the "SERV CODE"
indicator that is in the Display Area.

Expected Result: The "Serv Code" indicator should turn OFF.


OK - The "SERV CODE" indicator turns OFF. The Fuel Level Switch has a problem.
Replace the Fuel Level Switch Unit.

Not OK - The "SERV CODE" indicator stays ON. The harness wiring or the Main
Display Module has a problem. Proceed to Step 2.

2. Check for an Open Ground Wire.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESETposition.

b. Measure the resistance between the battery ground and the ground wire for the fuel level
switch unit.

Expected Result: The resistance should be less than 5 ohms.


OK - The resistance is less than 5 ohms. Proceed to Step 3.

Not OK - The resistance is greater than 5 ohms or equal to 5 ohms. The ground wire for
the harness is open. Repair the ground wire of the harness or replace the ground wire of
the harness for the Fuel Level Switch Unit.

3. Measure the Voltage of the Fuel Level Switch Signal Wire.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

b. Measure the voltage from the ground to the Fuel Level Switch Unit Signal Wire.

Expected Result: The voltage should be 6.0 ± 0.5 DCV.


OK - The voltage is 6.0 ± 0.5 DCV. If the SERV CODE indicator remains ON, repeat
Step 1, Step 2 and Step 3. If the cause of the diagnostic fault is not found, replace the
Main Display Module.

Not OK - The voltage is less than 6.0 ± 0.5 DCV. The harness wiring has a problem.
There is an open circuit or a short to ground in the Fuel Level Switch Signal Wire or a
poor connection. Repair the harness or replace the harness. If the cause of the
diagnostic fault is not found, replace the Main Display Module.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Not OK - The voltage is greater than 6.0 ± 0.5 DCV or the voltage is less than 0.5 DCV.
The harness is shorted to a power circuit. Repair the harness or replace the harness. If
the cause of the diagnostic fault is not found, replace the Main Display Module.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Testing and Adjusting

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System
Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 1408-038-NS; 3080-038-NS; 7451-038-NS

Note: Ensure that the diagnostic code (CID FMI) is on hold. Ensure that the "SERV CODE" indicator is
ON. Use the electrical system schematic of the engine that is being serviced to find the connector contact
that is located on the Main Display Module. The connector contact should correspond to the current CID
that is shown on the Display Area.

The diagnostic code is recorded when the Main Display Module reads an abnormal sensor signal. The
abnormal signal means that the signal is not identifiable by the internal circuitry of the Main Display
Module. The corresponding Indicator Lamp begins flashing as a result of this diagnostic condition. Also,
the Gauge Needle is in the warning region. The following examples are possible causes.

The marine gear oil pressure sensor has a problem.

The marine gear oil pressure sensor ground circuit in the engine harness is open.

The marine gear oil pressure sensor signal circuit in the engine harness is shorted to +battery.

The marine gear oil pressure sensor signal circuit in the engine harness is open or the connector is

The harness code is incorrect.

The Main Display Module has a problem.

1. Check the Display Area and the Harness.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

b. Check for loose terminal connections or corroded terminal connections to the marine gear oil
pressure sensor.

c. Clean corroded terminals and tighten loose connections.

d. Turn the "ECS" switch to the COOLDOWN/STOP position.

e. The "SERV CODE" indicator should be ON for the diagnostic code CID 0127 FMI 08.

2. Confirm that the harness code selection matches the application.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

a. Determine the CURRENT harness code selection. For more information, see Testing And
Adjusting, "Harness Code - Troubleshoot".

b. Determine the CORRECT harness code selection for the application. For more information,
see Systems Operation, "Quad Gauge Module".

c. Compare the CURRENT harness code selection to the CORRECT harness code selection.

Expected Result: The CURRENT harness code selection is correct for the application.


OK - Proceed to 3.

Not OK - Correct the harness code selection or install marine gear sensors so that the
application matches the current harness code selection. If the marine gear sensors are
not installed, use harness code 11. If harness code 9, harness code 10 or harness code
12 is selected, make sure the marine gear sensors are installed. If the cause of the
diagnostic is not found, proceed to 3.

3. Measure the Voltage of the Marine Gear Oil Pressure Sensor Supply Wire.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the COOLDOWN/STOP position.

b. Use the 7X-1710 Multimeter Probe to measure the voltage from the Gear Oil Pressure Sensor
Ground Wire (pin B) to the supply wire (pin A).

Expected Result: The voltage should be 8.0 ± 0.5 DCV.


OK - The voltage is 8.0 ± 0.5 DCV. Proceed to Step 4.

Not OK - The voltage is less than 0.5 DCV. The harness wiring has a problem. There is
an open circuit, a short to ground in the supply wire for the Marine Gear Oil Pressure
Sensor or a poor connection. Repair the harness or replace the harness. If the cause of
the diagnostic fault is not found, proceed to Step 4.

4. Measure The Marine Gear Oil Pressure Sensor Voltage.

If the voltage is between approximately 1.0 DCV and 7.0 DCV, the signal voltage at the
sensor is correct. Proceed to Step 5.

If the voltage is not between approximately 1.0 DCV and 7.0 DCV, the signal voltage at the
sensor is not correct. If the voltage is greater than 7.0 DCV, proceed to Step 6. If the voltage
is less than 1.0 DCV, proceed to Step 7.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the COOLDOWN/STOP position.

b. Use the 7X-1710 Multimeter Probe to measure the voltage from the Marine Gear Oil Pressure
Sensor ground wire (pin B) to the supply wire (pin C).

Expected Result: The voltage should be approximately between 1.0 DCV and 7.0 DCV.


OK - : The voltage is between approximately 1.0 DCV and 7.0 DCV. The signal voltage

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

at the sensor is correct. Proceed to Step 5.

Not OK - : The voltage is greater than 7.0 DCV. The signal voltage at the sensor is not
correct. Proceed to Step 6.

Not OK - : The voltage is less than 1.0 DCV. The signal voltage at the sensor is not
correct. Proceed to Step 7.

5. Measure The Marine Gear Oil Pressure Signal Voltage.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the COOLDOWN/STOP position.

b. Use the 7X-1710 Multimeter Probe to measure the voltage from the ground wire contact of
the Main Display Module to the signal wire contact.

Expected Result: The voltage should be similar to the voltage that was measured in Step 4.


OK - The voltage is similar to the voltage that was measured in Step 4. The Main
Display Module is receiving a valid signal voltage. The Main Display Module has a
problem. Replace the Main Display Module. See Testing And Adjusting, "Module -
Replace" for more information.

Not OK - The value is not similar to the voltage that was measured in Step 4. The
engine harness has an open circuit in the signal circuits or the engine harness has an
open circuit in the ground circuits. Repair the engine harness or replace the engine

6. Check For A Short To +Battery.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

b. Disconnect the connector of the Main Display Module.

c. Use the 7X-1710 Multimeter Probe to measure the resistance that is between +battery and the
signal wire (pin C) for the Marine Gear Oil Pressure sensor.

Expected Result: The resistance should be greater than 5000 ohms.


OK - The resistance is greater than 5000 ohms. The signal wire for the harness is
correct. Replace the Main Display Module. See Testing And Adjusting, "Module -
Replace" for more information.

Not OK - The resistance is less than 5000 ohms. Repair the harness or replace the

7. Check For A Short To Ground.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

b. Disconnect the connector of the Main Display Module and the Marine Gear Oil Pressure
Sensor connector.

c. Use the 7X-1710 Multimeter Probe to measure the resistance that is between the ground wire

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

and the signal wire (pin C) of the Marine Gear Oil Pressure Sensor.

Expected Result: The resistance should be greater than 5000 ohms.


OK - The resistance is greater than 5000 ohms. The resistance of the signal wire for the
harness is correct. Replace the Main Display Module. See Testing And Adjusting,
"Module - Replace" for more information.

Not OK - The resistance is less than 5000 ohms. Repair the harness or replace the

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Testing and Adjusting

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System
Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 1058-038-UN; 1408-038-UN; 7451-038-UN

Illustration 1 g00573143

LH/RH Temperature Sender (Inlet Air)

Note: Ensure that the desired diagnostic code (CID FMI) is on hold. Ensure that the "SERV CODE"
indicator is ON. Use the electrical system schematic for the engine that is being serviced to find the
connector contact on the Main Display Module which corresponds to the CID that is currently shown.

This diagnostic code is recorded when the Main Display Module reads the voltage of the sender signal as
being too low. The corresponding Gauge Needle is in the warning region as a result of this diagnostic
condition. The following examples are possible causes.

The inlet air temperature sender unit has a problem.

The signal circuit for the inlet air temperature sender unit in the engine harness is shorted to ground.

The Main Display Module has a problem.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Note: The Main Display Module is unable to determine when a sender or sender signal harness is open or
the resistance is too high. This condition causes the corresponding Gauge Needle to stay at the left side of
the scale.

1. Measure the Resistance of the Sender.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

b. Disconnect the engine harness from the inlet air temperature sender unit.

c. Measure the resistance that is between the two contacts of the sender connector. The
following table illustrates the correct approximate resistance at various temperatures.

Table 1
Approximate Resistances For The Sender Connector Contacts

Temperature Resistance
1000 Ohms
25 ± 2°C (77 ± 3.6°F)

103.7 Ohms
100 ± 2°C (212 ± 3.6°F)

2. Check the Display Area and the Harness.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

b. Check for loose connections or corroded connections to the inlet air temperature sender.

c. Replace corroded contacts and tighten loose connections.

d. Turn the "ECS" switch to the COOLDOWN/STOP position. The "SERV CODE" indicator
should be ON for the diagnostic code CID 172 FMI 04.

e. Disconnect the engine harness from the inlet air temperature sender unit. Observe the "SERV
CODE" indicator.

Expected Result: The "SERV CODE" indicator should turn OFF.


OK - The "SERV CODE" indicator turns OFF. The inlet air temperature sender unit has
a problem. Replace the inlet air temperature sender unit.

Not OK - The SERV CODE indicator stays ON. The harness wiring or the Main
Display Module has a problem. Proceed to Step 3.

3. Check the Sender Wire for a Short to Ground.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

b. Disconnect the engine harness from the inlet air temperature sender unit.

c. Turn the "ECS" switch to the COOLDOWN/STOP position.

d. Measure the voltage of the harness signal wire from the inlet air temperature sender unit. The

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

voltage should be measured from pin 1 to pin 2 (ground).

Expected Result: The voltage should be 6.0 ± 0.5 DCV.


OK - The voltage is 6.0 ± 0.5 DCV. The voltage is correct. If the SERV CODE indicator
is still ON, repeat Step 1 through Step 3. If the cause of the diagnostic fault is not
found, replace the Main Display Module.

Not OK - If the voltage is less than 0.5 DCV, the harness wiring has a problem. There is
an open circuit, a short to ground in the inlet air temperature sender wire or a poor
connection to a connector. Repair the harness or replace the harness. If the cause of the
diagnostic fault is not found, replace the Main Display Module.

Not OK - If the voltage is not greater than 6.5 DCV or the voltage is not less than 0.5
DCV, the harness is shorted to a power circuit. Repair the harness or replace the
harness. If the cause of the diagnostic fault is not found, then replace the Main Display

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Testing and Adjusting

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System
Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 1408-038-UN; 1929-038-UN; 7451-038-UN

Note: Ensure that the desired diagnostic code (CID FMI) is on hold. Ensure that the "SERV CODE"
indicator is ON. Find the connector contact that is located on the Main Display Module. The electrical
system schematic for the engine that is being serviced may assist the operator in finding the connector
contact that corresponds to the current CID that is shown.

This diagnostic code is recorded when the Main Display Module reads a signal from the sender that is too
low. The Gauge Needle will be in the warning region as a result of this diagnostic condition. The following
examples are possible causes.

The engine oil temperature sender has a problem.

The sender signal circuit that is located in the engine is shorted to ground.

The Main Display Module has a problem.

Note: The Main Display Module is unable to determine when a sender or the signal harness circuit of a
sender is open or the resistance is too high. As a result of this condition, a Gauge Needle will always be on
the far left of the scale. This condition is recognized as a gauge with a needle that is always at the far left
of the scale.

1. Measure the Resistance of the Sender.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

b. Disconnect the engine harness from the sender.

c. Measure the resistance that is between the threads of the terminal and the case of the sender.
The following table illustrates the correct approximate resistance for the following

Table 1
Approximate Resistances For The Sender Connector Contacts

Temperature Resistance

850 to 1050 Ohms

54.4°C (130.0°F)

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

140 to 160 Ohms

110°C (140°F)

2. Check the Display Area and the Harness.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

b. Check for loose connections or corroded connections to the sender.

c. Replace the corroded contacts and tighten the loose connections.

d. Turn the "ECS" switch to the COOLDOWN/STOP position. The "SERV CODE" indicator
should be ON for the diagnostic code CID 0175 FMI 04.

e. Disconnect the engine harness from the sender.

f. Observe the "SERV CODE" indicator.

Expected Result: The "SERV CODE" indicator should turn OFF.


OK - The "SERV CODE" indicator turns OFF. The sender has a problem. Replace the

Not OK - The "SERV CODE" indicator stays ON. The harness wiring or the Main
Display Module has a problem. Proceed to Step 3.

3. Check the Sender Wire for a Short to Ground.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

b. Disconnect the engine harness from the sender.

c. Turn the "ECS" switch to the COOLDOWN/STOP position.

d. Measure the voltage from ground to the sender.

Expected Result: The voltage should be 6.0 ± 0.5 DCV.


OK - The voltage is 6.0 ± 0.5. If the SERV CODE indicator is still ON, repeat Step 1
through STEP 3. If the cause of the diagnostic fault is not found, replace the Main
Display Module.

Not OK - The voltage is less than 0.5 DCV. The harness wiring has a problem. There is
an open circuit or a short to ground in the signal wire for the sender, or a poor terminal
connection or a poorly connected connector. Repair the harness or replace the harness.
If the cause of the diagnostic fault is not found, replace the Main Display Module.

Not OK - The voltage is not greater than 6.5 DCV or the voltage is not less than 0.5
DCV. The harness is shorted to a power circuit. Repair the harness or replace the
harness. If the cause of the diagnostic fault is not found, replace the Main Display

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Testing and Adjusting

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System
Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 1408-038-UN; 1929-038-UN; 7451-038-UN

Note: Ensure that the diagnostic code (CID FMI) is on hold. Ensure that the "SERV CODE" indicator is
ON. Use the electrical system schematic of the engine that is being serviced to find the connector contact
that is located on the Main Display Module. The connector contact should correspond to the current CID
that is shown on the Display Area.

The diagnostic code is recorded when the Main Display Module reads an abnormal sensor signal. The
abnormal signal means that the signal is not identifiable by the internal circuitry of the Main Display
Module. The corresponding Indicator Lamp begins flashing as a result of this diagnostic condition. Also,
the Gauge Needle is in the warning region. The following examples are possible causes.

The engine oil temperature sensor has a problem.

The ground circuit for the engine oil temperature sensor that is located in the engine harness is open.

The signal circuit for the engine oil temperature sensor that is located in the engine harness is
shorted to +battery.

The signal circuit for the engine oil temperature sensor that is located in the engine harness is open
or the connector is disconnected.

The Main Display Module has a problem.

1. Check the Display Area and the Harness.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

b. Check for loose terminal connections or corroded terminal connections to the engine oil
pressure sensor.

c. Clean corroded terminals and tighten loose connections.

d. Turn the "ECS" switch to the COOLDOWN/STOP position.

e. The "SERV CODE" indicator should be ON for the diagnostic code CID 0175 FMI 08.

2. Measure the Voltage of the Supply Wire for the Engine Oil Temperature Sensor.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the COOLDOWN/STOP position.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

b. Use the 7X-1710 Multimeter Probe to measure the voltage from the ground wire for the
Engine Oil Temperature Sensor (pin B) to the supply wire (pin A).

Expected Result: The voltage should be 8.0 ± 0.5 DCV.


OK - The voltage is 8.0 ± 0.5 DCV. Proceed to Step 3.

Not OK - The voltage is less than 0.5 DCV. The harness wiring has a problem. There is
an open circuit, a short to ground in the supply wire for the Engine Oil Temperature
Sensor or a poor connection. Repair the harness or replace the harness. If the cause of
the diagnostic fault is not found, proceed to Step 3.

3. Measure The Engine Oil Temperature Sensor Voltage.

If the voltage is between approximately 1.0 DCV and 7.0 DCV, the signal voltage at the
sensor is correct. Proceed to Step 4.

If the voltage is not between approximately 1.0 DCV and 7.0 DCV, the signal voltage at the
sensor is not correct. If the voltage is greater than 7.0 DCV, proceed to Step 5. If the voltage
is less than 1.0 DCV, proceed to Step 6.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the COOLDOWN/STOP position.

b. Use the 7X-1710 Multimeter Probe to measure the voltage from the ground wire for the
Engine Oil Temperature Sensor (pin B) to the supply wire (pin C).

Expected Result: The voltage should be approximately between 1.0 DCV and 7.0 DCV.


OK - The voltage is between approximately 1.0 DCV and 7.0 DCV. The signal voltage
at the sensor is correct. Proceed to Step 4.

Not OK - The voltage is greater than 7.0 DCV. The signal voltage at the sensor is not
correct. Proceed to Step 5.

Not OK - The voltage is less than 1.0 DCV. The signal voltage at the sensor is not
correct. Proceed to Step 6.

4. Measure The Signal Voltage Of The Engine Oil Temperature Sensor.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the COOLDOWN/STOP position.

b. Use the 7X-1710 Multimeter Probe to measure the voltage from the connector contact of the
ground wire on the Main Display Module to the signal wire connector contact.

Expected Result: The voltage should be similar to the voltage that was measured in Step 3.


OK - The voltage is similar to the voltage that was measured in Step 3. The Main
Display Module is receiving a valid signal voltage. The Main Display Module has a
problem. Replace the Main Display Module. See Testing And Adjusting, "Module -
Replace" for more information.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Not OK - The value is not similar to the voltage that was measured in Step 3. The
engine harness has an open circuit in the signal circuits or the engine harness has an
open circuit in the ground circuits. Repair the engine harness or replace the engine

5. Check For A Short To +Battery.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

b. Disconnect the connector of the Main Display Module.

c. Use the 7X-1710 Multimeter Probe to measure the resistance that is between +battery and the
signal wire (pin C) for the Engine Oil Temperature Sensor.

Expected Result: The resistance should be greater than 5000 ohms.


OK - The resistance is greater than 5000 ohms. The signal wire for the harness is
correct. Replace the Main Display Module. See Testing And Adjusting, "Module -
Replace" for more information.

Not OK - The resistance is less than 5000 ohms. Repair the harness or replace the

6. Check For A Short To Ground.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

b. Disconnect the connector for the Main Display Module and the connector for the Engine Oil
Temperature Sensor.

c. Use the 7X-1710 Multimeter Probe to measure the resistance that is between the ground wire
and the signal wire (pin C) of the Engine Oil Temperature Sensor.

Expected Result: The resistance should be greater than 5000 ohms.


OK - The resistance is greater than 5000 ohms. The resistance of the signal wire for the
harness is correct. Replace the Main Display Module. See Testing And Adjusting,
"Module - Replace" for more information.

Not OK - The resistance is less than 5000 ohms. Repair the harness or replace the

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Testing and Adjusting

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System
Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 1408-038-NS; 3080-038-NS; 7451-038-NS

Note: Ensure that the desired diagnostic code (CID FMI) is on hold. Ensure that the "SERV CODE"
indicator is ON. Find the connector contact that is located on the Main Display Module. The electrical
system schematic for the engine that is being serviced may assist the operator in finding the connector
contact that corresponds to the current CID that is shown.

The diagnostic code is recorded when the Main Display Module reads a signal that is from the sensor that
is abnormal. The signal is not identifiable to the input circuits of the Main Display Module. As a result of
this diagnostic condition, the corresponding Indicator Lamp will flash and the Gauge Needle will be
located in the warning region. The following examples are possible causes.

The sensor for marine gear oil temperature has a problem.

The ground circuit of the sensor for marine gear oil temperature that is located in the engine harness
is open.

The sensor of the signal circuit for marine gear oil temperature that is located in the engine harness
is shorted to +battery.

The sensor of the signal circuit for marine gear oil temperature that is located in the engine harness
is open or the connector is disconnected.

The Main Display Module has a problem.

1. Check the Display Area and the Harness.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

b. Check for loose terminal connections or corroded terminal connections to the sensor for
marine gear oil temperature.

c. Clean corroded terminals and tighten loose connections.

d. Turn the "ECS" switch to the COOLDOWN/STOP position. The "SERV CODE" indicator
should be ON for the diagnostic code CID 0177 FMI 08.

2. Confirm that the harness code selection matches the application.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

a. Determine the CURRENT harness code selection. For more information, see Testing And
Adjusting, "Harness Code - Troubleshoot".

b. Determine the CORRECT harness code selection for the application. For more information,
see Systems Operation, "Quad Gauge Module".

c. Compare the CURRENT harness code selection to the CORRECT harness code selection.

Expected Result: The CURRENT harness code selection is correct for the application.


OK - Proceed to 3.

Not OK - Correct the harness code selection or install marine gear sensors so that the
application matches the current harness code selection. If the marine gear sensors are
not installed, use harness code 11. If harness code 9, harness code 10 or harness code
12 is selected, make sure the marine gear sensors are installed. If the cause of the
diagnostic is not found, proceed to 3.

3. Measure the Voltage of the Marine Gear Oil Temperature Sensor Supply Wire.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the COOLDOWN/STOP position.

b. Use the 7X-1710 Multimeter Probe to measure the voltage from the marine gear oil pressure
sensor ground wire (pin B) to the supply wire (pin A).

Expected Result: The voltage should be 8.0 ± 0.5 DCV.


OK - The voltage is correct. Proceed to Step 4.

Not OK - The voltage is less than 0.5 DCV. The harness wiring has a problem. There is
an open circuit, a short to ground in the supply wire of the sensor for marine gear oil
pressure or a poor connection. Repair the harness or replace the harness. If the cause of
the diagnostic fault is not found, proceed to Step 4.

4. Measure The Voltage of the Marine Gear Oil Temperature Signal.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the COOLDOWN/STOP position.

b. Use the 7X-1710 Multimeter Probe to measure the voltage from the Marine Gear Oil Pressure
Sensor Ground Wire (pin B) to the Supply Wire (pin C).

Expected Result: The voltage should be between 1.0 DCV and 7.0 DCV.


OK - The signal voltage at the sensor is correct. Proceed to Step 5.

Not OK - The signal voltage at the sensor is not correct. If the voltage is greater than
7.0 DCV, proceed to Step 6. If the voltage is less than 1.0 DCV, proceed to Step 7.

5. Measure The Voltage of the Marine Gear Oil Temperature Signal Voltage.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the "COOLDOWN/STOP" position.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

b. Use the 7X-1710 Multimeter Probe to measure the voltage from the ground wire of the Main
Display Module (contact 2) to the signal wire (contact 28).

Expected Results: The voltage should be equal to the voltage that was recorded in Step 4.


OK - The voltage is correct. The Main Display Module is receiving a valid signal
voltage. The Main Display Module has a problem. Replace the Main Display Module.
See Testing And Adjusting, "Module - Replace" for more information.

Not OK - The voltage is not equal to the voltage that was measured in Step 4. The
engine harness has an open circuit in the signal circuits or the ground circuits. Repair
the engine harness or replace the engine harness.

6. Check For A Short To +Battery.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

b. Disconnect the connector of the Main Display Module and the connector of the Marine Gear
Oil Temperature Sensor.

c. Use the 7X-1710 Multimeter Probe to measure the resistance between +battery and the signal
wire (pin C) for the Marine Gear Oil Temperature sensor.

Expected Results: The resistance should be greater than 5000 ohms.


OK - The resistance of the signal wire for the harness is correct. Replace the Main
Display Module. For more information, see Testing And Adjusting, "Module -

Not OK - The resistance is less than 5000 ohms. Repair the harness or replace the

7. Check For A Short To Ground.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

b. Disconnect the connector of the Main Display Module and the connector of the Marine Gear
Oil Temperature Sensor .

c. Use the 7X-1710 Multimeter Probe to measure the resistance that is between ground and the
signal wire (pin C) for the Marine Gear Oil Temperature Sensor.

Expected Result: The resistance should be greater than 5000 ohms.


OK - The resistance of the signal wire for the harness is correct. Replace the Main
Display Module. For more information, see Testing And Adjusting, "Module -

Not OK - The resistance is less than 5000 ohms. Repair the harness or replace the

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Testing and Adjusting

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System
Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 1408-038; 7451-038

S/N - 1NW1-UP

S/N - 1PW1-UP

S/N - 1TW1-UP

S/N - 2BM1-UP

S/N - 2EZ1-UP

S/N - 2FW1-UP

S/N - 2GW1-UP

S/N - 2HW1-UP

S/N - 2JW1-UP

S/N - 2RD1-UP

S/N - 2TD1-UP

S/N - 3CW1-UP

S/N - 3DM1-UP

S/N - 3DW1-UP

S/N - 3LS1-UP

S/N - 3MS1-UP

S/N - 3NS1-UP

S/N - 3PS1-UP

S/N - 3RS1-UP

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

S/N - 3SS1-UP

S/N - 3TS1-UP

S/N - 3WS1-UP

S/N - 3XS1-UP

S/N - 3ZW1-UP

S/N - 4AW1-UP

S/N - 4BW1-UP

S/N - 4GM1-UP

S/N - 4TN1-UP

S/N - 5AW1-UP

S/N - 5PS1-UP

S/N - 5XM1-UP

S/N - 6HN1-UP

S/N - 6HZ1-UP

S/N - 6PM1-UP

S/N - 6PN1-UP

S/N - 6WN1-UP

S/N - 7HM1-UP

S/N - 7KM1-UP

S/N - 7RN1-UP

S/N - 7SM1-UP

S/N - 8CN1-UP

S/N - 8EM1-UP

S/N - 8KN1-UP

S/N - 8RM1-UP

S/N - 9AN1-UP

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Note: Ensure that the "SERV CODE" indicator is ON.

This diagnostic code is recorded when the Main Display Module does not receive expected information.
For example, the engine speed is not received from the Engine Electronic Control Module (engine ECM)
through the Cat Data Link. As a result of this diagnostic condition, the display area depends on the Cat
Data Link for information that indicates abnormal values. The following items are possible causes of the
readouts. The causes are listed in order of probability.

There is a poor electrical connection at the engine harness connector.

The Cat Data Link circuit in the engine harness is shorted to ground.

The Cat Data Link circuit in the engine harness is shorted to +battery.

The Cat Data Link circuit in the engine harness is open.

Another electronic module (Secondary ECM, DeNOx Controller, CCM, PRCM and other modules)
that also uses the Cat Data Link is having a problem.

Note: If the Main Display Module was recently replaced, see Testing And Adjusting, "Main Display
Module Initialization - Adjust" for more information.

1. Check the other Electronic Modules for a similar diagnostic code.

a. If a similar diagnostic code is found, use the procedures for that electronic module to
troubleshoot the diagnostic code.

b. If no similar diagnostic code is found, proceed to Step 2.

2. Inspect The Harness Connectors.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

b. Inspect the engine harness connectors that are related to the Cat Data Link. Make sure that
the connections are clean and tight.

c. If necessary, repair the engine harness or replace the engine harness. Otherwise, proceed to
Step 3.

3. Check For A Short To Ground.

a. The "ECS" switch remains in the OFF/RESET position.

b. Disconnect the engine harness from all electronic modules that use the Cat Data Link.

c. At the engine harness connector for the Main Display Module, measure the resistance
between the battery ground (contact 2) and the Cat Data Link circuits (contact 5 and contact

Expected Result: The harness circuit resistance should be greater than 5000 ohms.


OK - The harness circuit resistance is correct. Proceed to Step 5.

Not OK - The harness circuit resistance is less than 5000 ohms. The engine harness has
a problem. There is a short between battery ground and the circuit for the Cat Data
Link in the engine harness. Repair the engine harness or replace the engine harness.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

4. Check For A Short To +Battery.

a. The "ECS" switch remains in the OFF/RESET position. All related electronic modules remain
disconnected from the engine harness.

b. At the engine harness connector for the Main Display Module, measure the resistance
between +battery (contact 1) and the Cat Data Link circuits (contact 5 and contact 14).

Expected Results: The resistance should be greater than 5000 ohms.


OK - The resistance is greater than 5000 ohms. The harness circuit resistance is correct.
Proceed to Step 5.

Not OK - The resistance is less than 5000 ohms. The engine harness has a problem.
There is a short between the battery ground and the circuit for the Cat Data Link in the
engine harness. Repair the engine harness or replace the engine harness.

5. Check For An Open Circuit In The Harness.

a. The "ECS" switch remains in the OFF/RESET position. All related electronic modules remain
disconnected from the engine harness.

b. Measure the resistance of the Cat Data Link circuit in the engine harness.

c. Measure the resistance from the connector of the Main Display Module. The resistance
should be taken from contact 5 and contact 14 to the connectors for each of the related
electronic modules.

Expected Result: The resistance should be less than 5 ohms.


OK - The resistance is less than 5 ohms. The resistance of the circuit for the Cat Data
Link in the engine harness is correct. The Main Display Module has a problem. Replace
the Main Display Module. For more information, see Testing And Adjusting, "Module -

Not OK - The resistance is greater than 5 ohms. The engine harness has a problem. The
circuit for the Cat Data Link is open in the engine harness. Repair the engine harness or
replace the engine harness. STOP.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Testing and Adjusting

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System
Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 1408-038-NS; 7451-038-NS

Illustration 1 g00573764

Schematic For Sensor Power Supply

Note: The procedures that are used to troubleshoot this diagnostic code may cause additional diagnostic
codes to be generated. Find the cause and repair the cause of this diagnostic code before troubleshooting
any new diagnostic codes.

This diagnostic code is recorded when the Main Display Module reads the voltage of the sensor supply
voltage circuit as above normal. Also, the diagnostic code is recorded when the Main Display Module is
shorted to +battery.

1. Measure the Voltage at the Main Display Module.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the COOLDOWN/STOP position.

b. Use the 7X-1710 Multimeter Probe to measure the voltage at the Main Display Module from
Contact 24 to Contact 2 (ground). Do not disconnect the harness from the Main Display

Expected Result: The voltage should be 8.0 ± 0.5 DCV.


OK - The voltage is 8.0 ± 0.5 DCV. The sensor supply voltage is correct. If the SERV

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

CODE indicator remains ON, replace the Main Display Module. For more information,
see Testing And Adjusting, "Module - Replace".

Not OK - The voltage is not 8.0 ± 0.5 DCV. The sensor supply voltage is not correct.
Proceed to Step 2.

2. Disconnect The Sensors.

a. The "ECS" switch remains in the COOLDOWN/STOP position.

b. Disconnect all sensors and senders that receive +8 DCV from the Main Display Module.

c. Use the 7X-1710 Multimeter Probe to measure the voltage that is from connector contact 2
(ground) to contact 24 of the Main Display Module.

Expected Result: The voltage should measure 8.0 ± 0.5 DCV.


OK - The voltage measures 8.0 ± 0.5 DCV. The voltage is correct. One of the sensors or
one of the senders has a problem. Individually reconnect each sensor and reconnect
each sender while the voltage level is being monitored. The voltage should measure 8.0
± 0.5 DCV when each component is connected. If the voltage is not 8.0 ± 0.5 DCV the
sensor or the sender has a problem. Replace the sensor or replace the sender.

Not OK - The sensor supply voltage is not 8.0 ± 0.5 DCV. The sensor supply voltage is
not correct. Proceed to Step 3.

3. Check The Harness For A Short To +Battery.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

b. Disconnect all sensors and senders that receive +8 DCV from the Main Display Module.

c. Disconnect the engine harness from the Main Display Module.

d. At the engine harness connector for the Main Display Module, measure the resistance from
connector contact 24 to contact 1 (+battery).

Expected Results: The resistance should be greater than 5000 ohms.


OK - The resistance is greater than 5000 ohms. The harness resistance is correct. The
Main Display Module has a problem. Replace the Main Display Module. For more
information, see Testing And Adjusting, "Module - Replace".

Not OK - The resistance is less than 5000 ohms. The engine harness has a problem.
There is a short between ground and the sensor supply voltage circuit in the engine
harness. Repair the engine harness or replace the engine harness.

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Testing and Adjusting

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System
Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 1408-038-NS; 7451-038-NS

Illustration 1 g00573764

Schematic For Sensor Power Supply

Note: The procedures that are used to troubleshoot this diagnostic code may cause additional diagnostic
codes to be generated. Find the cause of the diagnostic code and repair the cause of the diagnostic code
before troubleshooting any new diagnostic codes.

This diagnostic code is recorded when the Main Display Module reads the voltage of the sensor supply
voltage circuit as below normal voltage. This diagnostic code is also recorded when the voltage is shorted
to ground.

1. Measure the voltage at the Main Display Module.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the COOLDOWN/STOP position.

b. Use the 7X-1710 Multimeter Probe to measure the voltage at the Main Display Module from
contact 24 to contact 2 (ground).

c. Do not disconnect the harness from the Main Display Module.

Expected Result: The voltage should be 8.0 ± 0.5 DCV.


3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

OK - The voltage is 8.0 ± 0.5 DCV. The voltage is correct. If the "SERV CODE"
indicator remains ON, replace the Main Display Module. For more information, see
Testing And Adjusting, "Module - Replace".

Not OK - The voltage is not 8.0 ± 0.5 DCV. The sensor supply voltage is incorrect.
Proceed to Step 2.

2. Disconnect The Sensors.

a. The ECS switch remains in the COOLDOWN/STOP position.

b. Disconnect all sensors and all senders that receive +8 DCV from the Main Display Module.

c. Use the 7X-1710 Multimeter Probe to measure the voltage from connector contact 2 (ground)
to contact 24 of the Main Display Module.

Expected Result: The voltage should be 8.0 ± 0.5 DCV.


OK - The sensor supply voltage is 8.0 ± 0.5 DCV. The sensor supply voltage is correct.
One of the sensors or the senders has a problem. Individually reconnect each sensor or
reconnect each sender while the voltage is being monitored. The voltage should not
drop below 7.5 DCV. If the voltage drops below 7.5 DCV, the sensor or the sender has a
problem. Replace the sensor or replace the sender.

Not OK - The voltage is less than 8.0 ± 0.5 DCV. The sensor supply voltage is not
correct. Proceed to Step 3.

3. Check The Harness For A Short To Ground.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

b. Disconnect all sensors and senders that receive +8 DCV from the Main Display Module.

c. Disconnect the engine harness from the Main Display Module.

d. At the engine harness connector for the Main Display Module, measure the resistance from
connector contact 24 to contact 2 (ground).

Expected Result: The resistance should be greater than 5000 ohms.


OK - The resistance is greater than 5000 ohms. The harness resistance is correct. The
Main Display Module has a problem. Replace the Main Display Module. For more
information, see Testing And Adjusting, "Module - Replace".

Not OK - The resistance is less than 5000 ohms. The engine harness has a problem.
There is a short between ground and the sensor supply voltage circuit in the engine

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Testing and Adjusting

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System
Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 1408-038; 7400-038; 7451-038

Illustration 1 g00573861

Schematic For The Alarm.

(1) Locomotive Engines - 410-WH: Marine Engines and Generator Set Engines - D25-GN.

This diagnostic code is recorded when the Main Display Module reads the voltage of the circuit of the
Action Alarm as above normal. Also, this diagnostic code is recorded when the circuit is shorted to
+battery. As a result of this diagnostic condition, the Action Alarm sounds continuously.

1. Check The Alarm Circuit.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

b. Check for loose terminal connections or corroded terminal connections to the Action Alarm.

c. Clean the corroded terminals and tighten the loose connections.

d. Do Not disconnect the harness from the Main Display Module.

e. Turn the "ECS" switch to the COOLDOWN/STOP position.

f. Listen for the sounding of the Action Alarm.

Expected Result: The alarm should not sound.


3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

OK - The alarm does not sound. The Main Display Module has a problem. Replace the
Main Display Module. For more information, see Testing And Adjusting, "Module -

Not OK - The alarm sounds. There is a short between the circuit of the Action Alarm
and +Battery in the engine harness. Repair the engine harness or replace the engine

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Testing and Adjusting

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System
Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 1408-038; 7400-038; 7451-038

Illustration 1 g00573861

Schematic For Action Alarm.

(1) Locomotive - 410-WH: Marine Engines and Generator Engines - 025-GN.

This diagnostic code is recorded when the Main Display Module reads the current of the circuit for the
Action Alarm as below normal current. Also, this diagnostic code is recorded when the Main Display
Module reads an open circuit with the Action Alarm. As a result of this action, the Action Alarm does not
sound when the Action Alarm should sound.

1. Check The Alarm.

a. Disconnect the engine harness from the Action Alarm.

b. Place a jumper wire across the two leads of the Action Alarm of the engine harness.

Expected Result: The FMI 05 diagnostic code should remain active.


OK - The FMI 05 diagnostic code is still active. The Action Alarm is not causing the
problem. Measure the resistance across the terminals of the Action Alarm. The
resistance should be 200 ± 100 ohms. If the resistance of the Action Alarm is good, but
the alarm does not sound, proceed to Step 2.

Not OK - If the FMI 05 diagnostic code is not active, the Action Alarm has a problem.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Measure the resistance across the terminals of the Action Alarm. The resistance should
be 200 ± 100 ohms. If the resistance of the Action Alarm is good, but the alarm does
not sound, proceed to Step 2. If the resistance of the Action Alarm is not good, then
replace the Action Alarm. Proceed to Step 2.

2. Check The Harness.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

b. Remove the jumper wire from the harness leads of the Action Alarm.

c. Reconnect the harness leads to the Action Alarm.

d. Disconnect the engine harness from the Action Alarm.

e. At the engine harness connector for the Main Display Module, measure the resistance from
contact 4 to contact 2. Contact 2 is the ground.

Expected Result: The resistance should be less than 300 ohms.


OK - The resistance is less than 300 ohms. The harness resistance is correct. Proceed to
Step 4.

Not OK - The resistance is greater than 300 ohms. The harness circuit is open. Proceed
to Step 3.

3. Check The Harness.

Disconnect the engine harness from the Action Alarm. Check for an open circuit between the Main
Display Module (contact 4) and the lead of the Action Alarm (terminal 1). Also, check for an open
circuit between the lead of the Action Alarm (terminal 2) and ground. If an open circuit is found,
repair the harness or replace the harness.

4. Check The Main Display Module.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

b. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

c. Reconnect the engine harness connector to the Main Display Module.

d. Reconnect the engine harness to the Action Alarm.

e. Turn the "ECS" switch to the COOLDOWN/STOP position.

Expected Result: The FMI 05 diagnostic code should not be active.


OK - The FMI 05 diagnostic code is not active. The Main Display Module is not
causing the problem. The problem is intermittent. The probable cause is a poor
electrical connection at the harness connectors or a damaged harness. Check the
harness for damage and clean the connectors when cleaning is required.

Not OK - The FMI 05 diagnostic code is still active. The Main Display Module has a
problem. Replace the Main Display Module. For more information, see Testing And

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Adjusting, "Module - Replace".

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Testing and Adjusting

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System
Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 1408-038; 7400-038; 7451-038

Illustration 1 g00573861

Schematic For The Alarm.

(1) Locomotive Engines - 410-WH: Marine Engines and Generator Set Engines - 025-GN.

This diagnostic code is recorded when the Main Display Module reads the current in the circuit of the
Action Alarm as above normal or the current is shorted to ground. As a result of this fault, the Action
Alarm does not sound when the Action Alarm should sound.

1. Check the Alarm.

a. Disconnect the engine harness from the Action Alarm.

Note: The Action Alarm has a problem if the FMI 06 diagnostic code is not active. The
Action Alarm is not causing the problem if the FMI 06 diagnostic code is still active.

b. Measure the resistance across the terminals of the Action Alarm.

Expected Result: The resistance across the terminals is 200 ± 100 Ohms.


OK - The resistance is correct. If the Action Alarm does not sound, proceed to Step 2.

Not OK - The resistance across the terminals is not correct. Replace the Action Alarm. STOP.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

2. Check The Harness.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

b. Disconnect the engine harness from the Action Alarm.

c. Disconnect the engine harness from the Main Display Module.

d. At the engine harness connector for the Main Display Module, measure the resistance from
the connector contact 4 to connector contact 2 (ground).

Expected Result: The resistance should be greater than 5000 ohms.


OK - The resistance is correct. Proceed to Step 3.

Not OK - The resistance is less than 5000 ohms. The engine harness has a problem.
Repair the engine harness or replace the engine harness. STOP.

3. Check The Main Display Module.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

b. Use the correct service tools to remove contact 4 from the engine harness connector for the
Main Display Module.

c. Reconnect the engine harness connector to the Main Display Module.

d. Turn the "ECS" switch to the COOLDOWN/STOP position.

Expected Result: FMI 06 should NOT be active.


OK - FMI 06 is NOT active. The Main Display Module is NOT causing the problem.
The problem is intermittent. The probable cause is a poor electrical connection at the
harness connectors or a damaged harness. Check the harness for damage and clean the
harness connectors as cleaning is required. STOP.

Not OK - FMI 06 is still active. The Main Display Module has a problem. Replace the
Main Display Module. For more information, see Testing And Adjusting, "Module -

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Testing and Adjusting

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System
Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 1408-038; 7451-038

This diagnostic code is recorded when the Main Display Module does not receive expected information
from the Quad Gauge Cluster Modules. When the Main Display Module sends information to the Quad
Gauge Cluster Module, the Quad Gauge Cluster Module sends information back to the Main Display
Module. The returned information verifies that the Quad Gauge Cluster Module has correctly received the
original information that was sent from the Main Display Module. When the Main Display Module does
not receive the expected information, the diagnostic code is recorded. As a result, the Quad Gauge Cluster
Modules may not respond to the information that is sent from the Main Display Module while the Main
Display Module is in Normal Mode (Mode 0). Check for loose connections to the display data link or poor
connections to the display data link. Check for opens or shorts in the harness wiring of the display data
link. During the self test, problems with the Quad Gauge Cluster Modules can be determined. The self test
occurs immediately after turning the "ECS" switch from the OFF/RESET position to the AUTO position,
the MAN/START position, or the COOLDOWN/STOP position. For more information on this subject, see
Testing And Adjusting, "System Self Test".

Note: This diagnostic code can also be caused by a harness code that is not correct for the application. A
mismatch with the harness code is not likely to be the cause of this diagnostic code in an application that
has been working normally in the past. In a new installation, a mismatch with the harness code is most
likely to be the cause of the diagnostic code. For more information regarding the selection of harness
codes, see Systems Operation, "Quad Guage Module".

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Testing and Adjusting

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System
Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 1408-038; 7451-038

Illustration 1 g00573982

Schematic For Display Power Supply.

(1) Locomotive Engines - A304-RD: Marine Engines And Generator Set Engines - 049-OR.

This diagnostic code is recorded when the Main Display Module reads the voltage of contact 34 below
normal or the voltage is shorted to ground. Normal supply voltage is 9.0 ± 0.5 DCV.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

1. Measure The Voltage At The Main Display Module.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the COOLDOWN/STOP position.

b. Use the 7X-1710 Multimeter Probe to measure the voltage at the connector of the Main
Display Module. The voltage should be measured from contact 34 to contact 2.

c. Do not disconnect the harness from the Main Display Module.

Expected Results: The voltage should be 9.0 ± 0.5 DCV.


OK - The voltage is correct. The display power supply is correct. If the FMI 03
diagnostic code is still active, the Main Display Module has a problem. Replace the
Main Display Module. For more information on this subject, see Testing And Adjusting,
"Module - Replace".

Not OK - The voltage is not correct. The display power supply has a problem. Proceed
to Step 2.

2. Check The Harness For A Short To +Battery.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

b. Disconnect the engine harness from the Main Display Module.

c. At the engine harness connector for the Main Display Module, measure the resistance from
connector contact 34 to connector contact 1 (+battery).

Expected Result: The resistance should be less than 5000 ohms.


OK - The resistance is correct. The engine harness has a problem. There is a short
between +battery and the 9.0 ± 0.5 DCV. The short is in the circuit for the display
power supply that is located in the engine harness. STOP.

Not OK - The resistance is NOT correct. The Main Display Module has a problem.
Replace the Main Display Module. For more information on this subject, see Testing
And Adjusting, "Module - Replace".

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Testing and Adjusting

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System
Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 1408-038; 7451-038

Illustration 1 g00573982

Schematic For The Display Power Supply.

(1) Locomotive Engines - A304-RD: Marine Engines and Generator Set Engines - 049-OR.

This diagnostic code is recorded when the Main Display Module reads the voltage of contact 34 below
normal or the voltage is shorted to ground. Normal supply voltage is 9.0 ± 0.5 DCV.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

1. Measure the Voltage at the Main Display Module.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the COOLDOWN/STOP position.

b. Use the 7X-1710 Multimeter Probe to measure the voltage at the connector for the Main
Display Module. The voltage should be measured from contact 34 to contact 2.

c. Do NOT disconnect the harness from the Main Display Module.

Expected Result: The voltage should measure 9.0 ± 0.5.


OK - The voltage is correct. If the FMI 04 diagnostic code is still active, the Main
Display Module has a problem. Replace the Main Display Module. For more
information on this subject, see Testing And Adjusting, "Module - Replace".

Not OK - The voltage is not correct. The Display Power Supply has a problem. Proceed
to Step 2.

2. Disconnect the Quad Gauge Cluster Modules.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

b. Disconnect the Quad Gauge Cluster Modules.

c. Turn the ECS switch to the COOLDOWN/STOP position.

d. At the engine harness connector for the Main Display Module, measure the voltage from
connector contact 34 to connector contact 2 (ground).

e. Reconnect the Quad Gauge Cluster Modules one at a time. Between reconnecting the
Modules, record the voltage of the display power supply.

Expected Result: The voltage should be 9.0 ± 0.5 DCV after each of the Quad Gauge Cluster
Modules have been reconnected.


OK - The voltage is correct. The Display Power Supply is correct. Proceed to Step 3.

Not OK - The voltage is not correct after reconnecting one of the Quad Gauge Cluster
Modules. The Quad Gauge Cluster Module that affected the voltage has a problem.
Replace the Quad Gauge Cluster Module. For more information on this subject, see
Testing And Adjusting, "Module - Replace"STOP.

3. Check for a Short to Ground.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

b. Disconnect the machine harness from the main display module.

c. At the machine harness connector for the Main Display Module, measure the resistance
between connector contact 34 and connector contact 2.

Expected Results: The resistance should be greater than 5000 ohms.


3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

OK - The resistance of the harness circuit is correct. The Main Display Module is
faulty. Replace the Main Display Module. See Testing And Adjusting, "Module -

Not OK - The resistance of the harness circuit is incorrect. The machine harness is
faulty. Repair the harness or replace the harness.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Testing and Adjusting

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System
Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 7400-038-IND; 7451-038-IND

This procedure is for the parameter that has the indicator lamp that flashes all of the time. The "Always
Flashing" condition is probably caused by an undesired open circuit. Also, the Main Display Module may
cause this problem (unlikely condition).

1. Locate The Switch.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

b. Locate the switch that corresponds to the parameter that is always flashing the indicator
lamp. If necessary, use the Electrical System Schematic in order to assist in locating the

c. Check for loose terminal connections or corroded terminal connections to the switch.

d. Clean corroded terminals and tighten loose connections.

2. Check The Harness.

a. Disconnect the signal wire from the switch.

b. Connect a jumper wire from the signal wire to the ground wire. If a ground wire is not near,
connect the signal wire to the battery ground.

c. Turn the "ECS" switch to the COOLDOWN/STOP position.

Expected Result: The indicator lamp should stop flashing.


No - The engine harness is open or the Main Display Module has a problem. Proceed to
Step 3.

Yes - The circuit is operating correctly. The switch has a problem. Check the switch or
replace the switch.

3. Check The Harness.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

b. On the Electrical Schematic, trace the signal wire from the switch to the Main Display

c. Determine the signal connector contact number at the Main Display Module.

d. Disconnect the engine harness from the Main Display Module.

e. At the engine harness connector for the Main Display Module, measure the resistance that is
between the signal contact and contact 2 (ground).

Note: Jumper wire from Step 2 is still connected.

Expected Result: The resistance should be less than 5.0 ohms.


No - The resistance is greater than 5.0 ohms. The engine harness has a problem. Repair
the engine harness or replace the engine harness.

Yes - The resistance is less than 5.0 ohms. The harness resistance is correct. The Main
Display Module has a problem. Replace the Main Display Module. For more
information on this subject, see Testing And Adjusting, "Module - Replace".

This procedure is for the parameter that occurs when the indicator lamp never flashes. The "Never
Flashes" condition is probably caused by a short to ground. Also, the Main Display Module may cause this
problem (unlikely condition).

1. Locate The Switch.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

b. Locate the switch that corresponds to the parameter that never flashes the indicator lamp. If
necessary, use the Electrical System Schematic to assist in locating the switch.

c. Check for loose connections or corroded terminal connections to the switch.

d. Clean corroded terminals and tighten the loose connections.

2. Check The Harness.

a. Disconnect the signal wire from the switch.

b. Turn the "ECS" switch to the COOLDOWN/STOP position.

Expected Result: The indicator lamp should flash.


OK - The indicator lamp flashes. The circuit is operating correctly. The switch has a
problem. Check the switch or replace the switch.

Not OK - The indicator lamp does not flash. The engine harness is open or the Main
Display Module has a problem. Proceed to Step 3.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

3. Check The Harness.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

Note: The signal wire remains disconnected from the switch. Do Not allow the contact to
touch any other components.

b. On the Electrical System Schematic, trace the signal wire from the switch to the Main Display

c. Determine the signal connector contact number at the Main Display Module.

d. Disconnect the engine harness from the Main Display Module.

e. At the engine harness connector for the Main Display Module, measure the resistance that is
between signal contact and contact 2 (ground).

Expected Result: The resistance should be greater than 5000 ohms.


OK - The resistance is greater than 5000 ohms. The harness resistance is correct. The
Main Display Module has a problem. Replace the Main Display Module. For more
information on this subject, see Testing And Adjusting, "Module - Replace".

Not OK - The resistance is less than 5000 ohm. The engine harness has a problem.
There is a short between ground and the signal wire in the engine harness. Repair the
engine harness or replace the engine harness. STOP.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Testing and Adjusting

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System
Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 1408-035-ZS; 7422-035-CLT; 7451-035-ZS

The main display module is unable to identify system errors in simple open switch circuits or close switch
circuits. No information (CID FMI) is available to assist the operator with troubleshooting.

During normal operation, the possible fault conditions for the low coolant level switch are listed below.

The alert indicator ALWAYS FLASHES for the coolant level switch. In order to troubleshoot the
"Always FLASHING" condition, see Alert Indicator Lamp Always FLASHING.

The alert indicator NEVER FLASHES for the coolant level switch. For the "NEVER FLASHES"
procedure, see Alert Indicator Lamp NEVER FLASHES.

Note: The indicator shows the open condition or the ground condition of the switch inputs. When the low
coolant level switch is open, the alert indicator for the low coolant level switch FLASHES. When the
input for the low coolant level is grounded, the alert indicator for the low coolant level switch is OFF.
Therefore, in order to check a circuit, while the service person is watching for the correct result on the
alert indicator, the service person is required to open switch number 6 (pin 32) and ground switch number
6 (pin 32).

This procedure is for the coolant level switch with a continuously flashing alert indicator.

The "ALWAYS FLASHING" condition is probably caused by an undesired open circuit or a faulty main
display module (unlikely condition).

1. Locate Switch 6 that always flashes the low coolant level indicator.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

b. Locate the switch that corresponds to the coolant level alarm that always flashes. If
necessary, use the Electrical System Schematic to assist in locating the switch.

c. Check for loose terminal connections or corroded terminal connections to the switch.

d. Clean corroded terminals and tighten loose connections.

2. Check The Harness.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

a. Disconnect the signal wire from the switch.

b. Connect a jumper wire from the signal wire to the ground wire. If a ground wire is not near,
connect the signal wire to the battery ground.

c. Turn the ECS to the COOLDOWN/STOP position.

Expected Result: The indicator lamp should stop flashing.


No - The engine harness is open or the main display module has a problem. Proceed to

Yes - The circuit is operating correctly. The switch has a problem. Check the switch or
replace the switch.

3. Check The Harness.

a. Turn the ECS to the OFF/RESET position.

b. On the Electrical System Schematic, trace the signal wire from the switch (pin 32) to the
Main Display Module.

c. Determine the connector contact number for the signal at the Main Display Module.

d. Disconnect the engine harness from the Main Display Module.

e. At the engine harness connector for the Main Display Module, measure the resistance that is
between the signal contact and contact 2 (ground).

Note: The jumper wire from 2 is still connected.

Expected Result: The resistance should be less than 5.0 ohms.


No - The resistance is greater than 5.0 ohms. The engine harness has a problem. Repair
the engine harness or replace the engine harness.

Yes - The resistance is less than 5.0 ohms. The harness resistance is correct. The Main
Display Module has a problem. Replace the Main Display Module. For more
information on the subject, see Testing And Adjusting, "Module - Replace".

This procedure is for the indicator lamp of the low coolant level switch that NEVER FLASHES. The
"NEVER FLASHING" condition is probably caused by a short to ground or a faulty Main Display Module
(unlikely condition).

1. Locate The Switch.

a. Turn the ECS to the OFF/RESET position.

b. Locate the switch that corresponds to the parameter that never flashes the indicator lamp. If
necessary, use the Electrical System Schematic to assist in locating the switch.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

c. Check for loose connections or corroded terminal connections to the switch.

d. Clean corroded terminals and tighten the loose connections.

2. Check The Harness.

a. Disconnect the signal wire from the switch.

b. Turn the ECS to the COOLDOWN/STOP position.

Expected Result: The indicator lamp should flash.


OK - The indicator lamp flashes. The circuit is operating correctly. The switch has a
problem. Check the switch or replace the switch.

Not OK - The indicator lamp does not flash. The engine harness is open or the Main
Display Module has a problem. Proceed to Step 3.

3. Check The Harness.

a. Turn the ECS to the OFF/RESET position.

Note: The signal wire remains disconnected from the switch. Do NOT allow the contact to
touch any other components.

b. On the Electrical System Schematic, trace the signal wire from the switch to the Main Display

c. Determine the number for the signal contact at the Main Display Module.

d. Disconnect the connector contact for the signal at the Main Display Module.

e. At the engine harness connector for the Main Display Module, measure the resistance that is
between the signal contact and contact 2 (ground).

Expected Result: The resistance should be greater than 5000 ohms.


OK - The resistance is greater than 5000 ohms. The harness resistance is correct. The
Main Display Module has a problem. Replace the Main Display Module. For more
information on this subject, see Testing And Adjusting, "Module - Replace".

Not OK - The resistance is less than 5000 ohms. The engine harness has a problem.
There is a short between ground and the signal wire in the engine harness. Repair the
engine harness or replace the engine harness. STOP.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Testing and Adjusting

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System
Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 1408-038-ZS; 7332-038-ZS; 7451-038-ZS

This procedure is for the "LH/RH" switch that will not toggle certain values. The values that are listed
below are not toggled.

Left exhaust temperature value

Right exhaust temperature value

Left air inlet restriction value

right air inlet restriction value

The "Doesn't Toggle" condition for the "LH/RH" switch is probably caused by an open circuit. Also, the
Main Display Module has a problem (unlikely condition).

1. Locate The Switch.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

b. Locate the "LH/RH" switch. If necessary, use the Electrical System Schematic to assist in
locating the switch.

c. Check for loose connections or corroded terminal connections to the switch.

d. Clean corroded terminals and tighten loose connections.

2. Check The Harness.

a. Disconnect the signal wire from the switch.

b. Turn the "ECS" switch to the COOLDOWN/STOP position.

c. Ground the signal wire. Float the signal wire. Repeat Step 2.c.

Expected Result: The Display Area should Show the "LH" value and the "RH" value for
exhaust temperature and the Display Area should show the "LH" value and the "RH" value
for air inlet restriction.


3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

OK - The Display Area alternates between "LH" values and "RH" values for exhaust
temperature. The circuit is operating correctly. The switch has a problem. Check the
switch or replace the switch.

Not OK - The Display Area does not alternate between "LH" values and "RH" values
for exhaust temperature. The signal wire for the engine harness is probably shorted to
ground. Proceed to Step 3.

3. Check The Harness.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

Note: The signal wire remains disconnected from the switch. Do not allow the contact to
touch any other components.

b. On the Electrical System Schematic, trace the signal wire from the switch to the Main Display
Module. The contact for the signal connector is contact 19 at the Main Display Module.

c. Disconnect the engine harness from the Main Display Module.

d. At the engine harness connector for the Main Display Module, measure the resistance
between the signal contact and contact 2 (ground).

Expected Result: The resistance should be greater than 5000 ohms.


The resistance is greater than 5000 ohms. The harness resistance is correct. The Main
Display Module has a problem. Replace the Main Display Module. For more
information on this subject, see Testing And Adjusting, "Module - Replace".

The resistance is less than 5000 ohms. The engine harness has a problem. There is a
short between ground and the signal wire in the engine harness. Repair the engine
harness or replace the engine harness.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Testing and Adjusting

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System
Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 1408-038-ZS; 7332-038-ZS; 7451-038-ZS

This procedure is for the "SCROLL" switch that does not scroll parameter values in the Display Area. The
"Does Not Scroll" condition is probably caused by an undesired open circuit. Also, the Main Display
Module may cause the problem (unlikely condition).

1. Locate The Switch.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

b. Locate the "SCROLL" switch. If necessary, use the Electrical System Schematic to assist in
locating the switch.

c. Check for loose terminal connections or corroded terminal connections to the switch.

d. Clean the corroded terminals and tighten the loose connections.

2. Check The Harness.

a. Disconnect the signal wire from the switch.

b. Turn the "ECS" switch to the COOLDOWN/STOP position.

c. Alternately, ground the signal wire and float the signal wire.

Expected Result: The Display Area should scroll from one parameter value to the next
parameter value.


OK - The Display Area scrolls from one parameter value to the next parameter value.
The circuit is operating correctly. The switch has a problem. Check the switch or
replace the switch.

Not OK - The Display Area does not scroll from one parameter value to the next
parameter value. The signal wire for the engine harness probably has an open circuit.
Proceed to Step 3.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

3. Check The Harness.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

b. Connect a jumper wire from the signal wire to the ground wire. If a ground wire is not near,
connect the signal wire to battery ground.

c. On the Electrical System Schematic, trace the signal wire from the switch to the Main Display
Module. The contact that is used for the signal connector at the Main Display Module is
contact 23.

d. Disconnect the engine harness from the Main Display Module.

e. At the engine harness connector for the Main Display Module, measure the resistance
between the signal contact and contact 2 (ground).

Expected Result: The resistance should be less than 5 ohms.


OK - The resistance is less than 5 ohms. The harness resistance is correct. The Main
Display Module has a problem. Replace the Main Display Module. For more
information on this subject, see Testing And Adjusting, "Module - Replace".

Not OK - The resistance should be greater than 5 ohms. The engine harness has a
problem. There is an open circuit between ground and the signal wire in the engine
harness. Repair the engine harness or replace the engine harness.

This procedure is for the "SCROLL" switch that continually scrolls parameter values in the Display Area.
The "Continually Scrolls" condition is probably caused by a short to ground. Also, the Main Display
Module may cause this problem (unlikely condition).

1. Locate The Switch.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

b. Locate the "SCROLL" switch. If necessary, use the Electrical System Schematic to assist in
locating the switch.

c. Check for loose terminal connections or corroded terminal connections to the switch.

d. Clean corroded terminals and tighten loose connections.

2. Check The Harness.

a. Disconnect the signal wire from the "SCROLL" switch.

b. Turn the ECS to the COOLDOWN/STOP position.

Expected Result: The Display Area should NOT scroll from one parameter value to the next
parameter value.


OK - The Display Area does NOT scroll from one parameter to the next parameter. The

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

circuit is operating correctly. The switch has a problem. Check or replace the switch.

Not OK - The Display Area scrolls from one parameter to the next parameter. The
engine harness is shorted to ground or the Main Display Module has a problem.
Proceed to Step 3.

3. Check The Harness.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

Note: The signal wire remains disconnected from the switch. Do Not allow the contact to
touch any other components.

b. On the Electrical System Schematic, trace the signal wire from the switch to the Main Display
Module. The Signal Contact at the Main Display Module is 23.

c. Disconnect the engine harness from the Main Display Module.

d. At the engine harness connector for the Main Display Module, measure the resistance
between Signal Contact 23 and contact 2 (ground).

Expected Result: The resistance should be greater than 5000 ohms .


OK - The resistance is greater than 5000 ohms. The harness resistance is correct. The
Main Display Module has a problem. Replace the Main Display Module. For more
information on this subject, see Testing And Adjusting, "Module - Replace".

Not OK - The resistance is less than 5000 ohms. The engine harness has a problem.
There is a short between ground and the signal wire in the engine harness. Repair the
engine harness or replace the engine harness.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Testing and Adjusting

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System
Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 1408-038-ZS; 7332-038-ZS; 7451-038-ZS

This procedure is for the "CLEAR/MODE" switch that will not clear logged diagnostic codes and the
"CLEAR/MODE" switch that will not clear "tattletale values". Also, this procedure is for the
"CLEAR/MODE" switch that does NOT initiate mode changes on the Display Area. The "Does NOT
Clear" Logged Diagnostic Codes and Tattletale Values or "Does Not Initiate Mode Changes" condition is
probably caused by an undesired open circuit. Also, the Main Display Module can be the cause of the
problem (unlikely condition).

1. Locate The Switch.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

b. Locate the "CLEAR/MODE" switch. If necessary, use the Electrical System Schematic to
assist in locating the switch.

c. Check for loose terminal connections or corroded terminal connections.

d. Clean corroded terminals and tighten loose connections.

2. Check The Harness.

a. Disconnect the "CLEAR" signal wire from the "CLEAR/MODE" switch.

b. Turn the "ECS" switch to the COOLDOWN/STOP position.

c. Alternately, ground the "CLEAR" signal wire and float the "CLEAR" signal wire.

Expected Result: The Display Area should clear the diagnostic codes or tattletale values.


OK - The Display Area clears the diagnostic codes or the tattletale values. The circuit is
operating correctly. The switch has a problem. Check the switch or replace the switch.

Not OK - The Display Area Does Not clear logged diagnostic codes or tattletale values.
The signal wire in the engine harness probably has an open circuit. Proceed to Step 3.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

3. Check The Harness.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

b. Connect a jumper wire from the "CLEAR" signal wire to the ground wire. If a ground wire is
not near, connect the "CLEAR" signal wire to battery ground.

c. On the Electrical System Schematic, trace the "CLEAR" signal wire from the switch to the
Main Display Module.

d. The "CLEAR" signal is contact 33 at the Main Display Module.

e. Disconnect the engine harness from the Main Display Module.

f. At the engine harness connector for the Main Display Module, measure the resistance
between the "CLEAR" Signal Contact and Contact 2 (ground).

Expected Results: The resistance should be less than 5 ohms.


OK - The resistance is less than 5 ohms. The harness resistance is correct. The Main
Display Module has a problem. There is an open between ground and the "CLEAR"
signal wire in the engine harness.

Not OK - The resistance is greater than 5 ohms. The engine harness has a problem.
There is an open between ground and the "CLEAR" signal wire in the engine harness.
Repair the engine harness or replace the engine harness.

This procedure is for the "CLEAR/MODE" switch that "Automatically Logged" Diagnostic Codes and
Tattletale Values on the Display Area. The "Does Not Clear Logged Diagnostic Codes" and Tattletale
values or "Does Not Initiate Mode Changes" is probably caused by an undesired open circuit. Also, the
Main Display Module may cause the problem (unlikely condition).

1. Locate The Switch.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

b. Locate the "CLEAR/MODE" switch. If necessary, use the Electrical System Schematic to
assist in locating the switch.

c. Check for loose terminal connections or corroded terminal connections to the switch.

d. Clean corroded terminals and tighten loose connections.

2. Check The Harness.

a. Disconnect the "CLEAR" signal wire from the "CLEAR/MODE" switch.

b. Turn the "ECS" switch to the COOLDOWN/STOP position.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Expected Result: The Display Area should NOT clear diagnostic codes or tattletale values.


OK - The Display Area does NOT clear diagnostic codes or tattletale values. The
circuit is operating correctly. The switch has a problem. Check the switch or replace the

Not OK - The Display Area continues to clear logged diagnostic codes or tattletale
values. The engine harness is shorted to ground or the Main Display Module has a
problem. Proceed to Step 3.

3. Check The Harness.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

Note: The "CLEAR" signal wire remains disconnected from the switch. Do Not allow the
contact to touch any components.

b. On the Electrical System Schematic, trace the "CLEAR" signal wire from the switch to the
Main Display Module. The "CLEAR" signal contact is number 33 at the Main Display

c. Disconnect the engine harness from the Main Display Module.

d. At the engine harness connector for the Main Display Module, measure the resistance that is
between the "CLEAR" Signal Contact 33 and Contact 2 (ground).

Expected Result: The resistance should be greater than 5000 ohms.


OK - The resistance is greater than 5000 ohms. The harness resistance is correct. The
Main Display Module has a problem. Replace the Main Display Module. For more
information on this subject, see Testing And Adjusting, "Module - Replace".

Not OK - The resistance is less than 5000 ohms. The engine harness has a problem.
There is an open between ground and the "CLEAR" signal wire in the engine harness.
Repair the engine harness or replace the engine harness.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Testing and Adjusting

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System
Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 1408-038-ZS; 7332-038-ZS; 7451-038-ZS

This procedure is for the Alarm Silence switch that will not silence the Alarm. The "Does Not Silence"
condition is probably caused by an undesired open circuit. Also, the Main Display Module may cause the
problem (unlikely condition).

1. Locate The Switch.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

b. Locate the Alarm Silence Switch. If necessary, use the Electrical System Schematic to assist
in locating the switch.

c. Check for loose terminals or corroded terminal connections to the switch.

d. Clean corroded terminals and tighten loose connections.

2. Check The Harness.

a. Disconnect the signal wire from the Alarm Silence switch.

b. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

c. Ground the signal wire from the Alarm Silence switch.

Expected Result: The Alarm should become quiet.


OK - The Alarm becomes quiet. The circuit is operating correctly. The switch has a
problem. Check the switch or replace the switch.

Not OK - The Alarm does not become quiet. The signal wire in the engine harness
probably has an open circuit. Proceed to Step 3.

3. Check The Harness.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Connect a jumper wire from the signal wire to the ground wire. If a ground wire is not near,
connect the signal wire to battery ground.

b. On the Electrical System Schematic, trace the signal wire from the switch to the Main Display
Module. The Signal Contact is number 29 at the Main Display Module.

c. Disconnect the engine harness from the Main Display Module.

d. At the engine harness connector for the Main Display Module, measure the resistance that is
between the Signal Contact 29 and contact 2 (ground).

Expected Result: The resistance should measure less than 5 ohms.


OK - The resistance measures less than 5 ohms. The harness resistance is correct. The
Main Display Module has a problem. Replace the Main Display Module.

Not OK - The resistance is greater than 5 ohms. The engine harness has a problem.
There is an open between ground and the signal wire in the engine harness. Repair the
engine harness or replace the engine harness.

This procedure is for the Alarm Silence switch that continuously silences the Alarm. The "Continually
Silences" condition is probably caused by an undesired open circuit. Also, the Main Display Module may
cause the problem (unlikely condition).

1. Locate The Switch.

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

b. Locate the Alarm Silence switch. If necessary, use the Electrical System Schematic to assist
in locating the switch.

c. Check for loose terminal connections or corroded terminal connections to the switch.

d. Clean corroded terminals and tighten loose connections.

2. Check The Harness.

a. Disconnect the Signal Wire from the Alarm Silence switch.

b. Turn the "ECS" switch to the COOLDOWN/STOP position.

Expected Result: The Alarm should sound.


OK - The Alarm sounds. The circuit is operating correctly. Check the switch or replace
the switch.

Not OK - The Alarm does not sound. The engine harness is shorted to ground or the
Main Display Module has a problem. Proceed to Step 3.

3. Check The Harness.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

a. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

Note: The Signal Wire remains disconnected from the switch. Do Not allow the contact to
touch any components.

b. On the Electrical System Schematic, trace the Signal Wire from the switch to the Main
Display Module. The Signal Contact at the Main Display Module is number 29.

c. Disconnect the engine harness from the Main Display Module.

d. At the engine harness connector for the Main Display Module, measure the resistance
between Signal Contact 29 and Contact 2 (ground).

Expected Result: The resistance should be greater than 5000 ohms.


OK - The resistance is greater than 5000 ohms. The harness resistance is correct. The
Main Display Module has a problem. Replace the Main Display Module. For more
information on this subject, see Testing And Adjusting, "Module - Replace".

Not OK - The resistance is less than 5000 ohms. The engine harness has a problem.
There is a short between ground and the signal wire in the engine harness. Repair the
engine harness or replace the engine harness.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Testing and Adjusting

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System
Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 1408-038; 7451-038

The harness code for the Caterpillar Monitoring System must match the application in order to function
properly. If the harness code does not match the application, the following problems may occur:

loss of event notification

incorrect data displays

incorrect gauge needle positions

activation of diagnostic codes

Generally, once an engine is put into service there is no reason to change the harness code. During
installation, the customer may decide to install optional sensors or optional gauges that were not initially
ordered with the engine. Changing these components may require a different harness code.

Check the current selection for the harness code and compare the current harness code with the
description in Systems Operation, "Quad Gauge Module". Determine if the harness code is correct for the

There are six pins on the back of the Caterpillar Monitoring System that are used to select the harness
code. The pins are grounded or the pins are left open in various combinations for each application. The
pins that are grounded are connected to the negative battery terminal block ("TB-2"). The negative
battery terminal block ("TB-2") is located on the inside of the Instrument Panel. On the wiring schematic,
the negative battery terminal block is labelled as "TB-2".

Because of the large number of wires that are located on the inside of the Electronic Instrument Panel,
determining the pins that are connected to the ground becomes difficult to do visually. There are two
accurate methods for determining the harness code.

Harness Code Mode 5 Display (not available on all versions of the Caterpillar Monitoring System)

A multimeter may be used to check the harness code that is located on the Caterpillar Monitoring
Systems without Mode 5.

Note: If a ground wire is connected to "pin A", the harness code pin is not necessarily grounded. The
other end of the wire may be tied to the harness and the wire may not be connected to "TB-2". This
procedure is done so that the same wiring harness can be used during manufacturing regardless of the
harness code.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

1. Check The Harness Code Selection Of The Caterpillar Monitoring System.

2. For 153-1929 Engine Monitoring Control (Caterpillar Monitoring System) and earlier modules,
proceed to 5.

3. For 155-8653 Engine Monitoring Control (Caterpillar Monitoring System) and newer modules, turn
the Engine Control Switch (ECS) to the COOLDOWN/STOP position.

4. In order to check the harness code, use Harness Code Mode 5. For more information about Harness
Code Mode 5, see Systems Operation, "Harness Code Mode". STOP.

5. For the 153-1929 Engine Monitoring Control and earlier Caterpillar Monitoring Systems, use a
multimeter to check for continuity between the pins for the harness code and Terminal Block 2
(TB-2). Do NOT rely on a visual inspection.

6. The pins that determine the harness code are located on the back of the Caterpillar Monitoring
System. The harness code is identified by certain pins of the 40 pin connector. pin 31, pin 3, pin 21,
pin 22, pin 16 and pin 6.

7. If a 7x-1708 Multimeter Probe (Red) or a 7x-1709 Multimeter Probe (Black) is available, the
continuity check can be made without removing the wires from the 40 pin connector.

8. If the probe adapters are not available, use a 121-9587 Wire Removal Tool to remove the harness
code wire from the connector.

9. Record each measurement as the measurements are taken. An example is given below.

Table 1
Pin 31 Pin 3 Pin 12 Pin 22 Pin 16 Pin 6
Measurement Ground Open Open Ground Ground Ground

10. After the harness code has been verified, compare the verified harness code with the Table that is
given in Systems Operation, "Quad Gauge Module".

11. The harness code should match the application. If the harness code does not match the application,
the following procedure can be used to change the harness code.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Illustration 1 g00608679

Panel Interior Of 3500B Electronic Instrument Panel and Subpanel

(1) Caterpillar Monitoring System Module

(2) Quad Gauge Clusters

(3) Terminal Block 2 (TB-2)

(4) Location to tie back the Harness Code Ground Wires If the Wires are not connected to TB-2.

1. Determine The Correct Harness Code For The Application.

a. In order to determine the correct harness code, refer to Testing And Adjusting, "Quad Guage

b. Compare the current harness code to the desired harness code.

Note: One or more of the pins for the Harness Code may need to be grounded in order to
change the harness code. Also, one or more of the pins may require grounding to change the
harness code. An example is given below.

Table 2
Application Mode 5 Connections On 40 Pin Connector
Code Pin Pin 3 Pin Pin 22 Pin 16 Pin 6
Display 31 12

Generator Engine 5 Open Ground Open Ground Ground Ground

With Prime Panel

Generator Engine 7 Open Open Open Ground Ground Ground

With Premium
Panel And JWAC

c. Assume that the current harness code is harness code 5 "Generator Engine With Prime Panel"
and that the desired harness code is harness code 7 "Generator Engine With Premium Panel

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

And JWAC". Pin 3 should be ungrounded in order to change from harness code 5 to harness
code 7.

2. Turn the Engine Control Switch (ECS) to the OFF/RESET position.

a. In order to change the Harness Code, wires must be grounded or ungrounded.

Note: Pins are grounded by connecting the pins to the "-Battery" terminal block that is
located on the inside of the instrument panel. On the wiring schematic, the terminal block is
labelled "TB-2". Refer to 1. A pin for the harness code is not always grounded if a ground
wire is connected to the pin. The other end of the wire may be tied in the harness and the wire
may not be connected to TB-2. The wire is tied so that the same wiring harness can be used
during manufacturing regardless of the harness code.

b. Grounding A Harness Code Pin. For this step, refer to item 4 in 1. If the wires are not
connected to TB-2,the wires can be tied back to this location. The wire can be identified by
the printed label at the end of the wire. The label follows the format "EMS (number) TB-2".
"Number" represents the pin number of the harness code. The wire terminates at the pin.
After locating the wire that needs to be grounded, remove the heat shrink insulation that
covers the end of the wire. Ground the wire by connecting the wire to TB-2. Replace the tie
wraps as replacement is necessary.

c. Procedure To Unground A Harness Code Pin. Identify the wire that is described above as
being connected to the pin of the Caterpillar Monitoring System that should be ungrounded.
Disconnect the end of the wire that is connected to TB-2. Insulate the newly exposed end of
the wire and tie back to the harness.

Note: The new harness code will not take effect until power to the Caterpillar Monitoring
System is cycled.

3. Verify That The Harness Code Was Changed Successfully.

a. Check the harness code by using the Procedure For Checking The Harness Code.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Testing and Adjusting

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System
Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 1408-038; 7451-038

The Self-Test verifies that the Main Display Module and the Gauge Cluster Modules are operating
properly. The Main Display Module performs an automatic Self-Test each time that the "ECS" switch is
turned from the OFF/RESET position to the AUTO position, MAN/START position or the

Note: When the "ECS" switch is in the AUTO position, the Main Display Module receives power only
when the Remote START/STOP switch is in the MAN/START position or the COOLDOWN/STOP

The internal circuits and the outputs are automatically checked. The operator must observe the outputs in
order to determine whether the modules and the outputs are operating properly. The Indicator Lamps and
the Display Area are tested for approximately one second.

Illustration 1 g00543852

Typical View Of Indicator Lamps

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Illustration 2 g00543853

Display Area With All Segments Shown

Gauge Cluster Modules are tested for approximately three seconds.

Illustration 3 g00532834

The needles for the Gauge Cluster Modules will jump to half scale. The needles will go back to zero, then
the needles will sweep to full scale. After reaching full scale, the needles will return to showing the current

The Action Alarm will sound once.

The Main Display Module will then go into the Normal Mode (Mode 0) of operation.

If a module does not perform the Self-Test, proceed to Testing And Adjusting, "Module - Replace".

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Testing and Adjusting

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System
Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 7451-510

Prior to the replacement of a module, ensure that the replacement is absolutely necessary. A module is
seldom the cause of a problem. Always check that the harness code is correct for the Main Display
Module and that power is available to the Main Display Module. For information about a Harness Code,
see Systems Operation, "Quad Gauge Module".

1. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position. Disconnect the engine harness from the Main
Display Module.

2. Make sure that the Replacement Module has the correct part number.

3. Remove the old module and install the Replacement Module.

Note: If the Replacement Module was previously removed from service, see Testing And Adjusting,
"Main Display Module Initialization - Adjust".

4. Connect the engine harness to the Replacement Module.

5. Turn the "ECS" switch to the COOLDOWN/STOP position. Make sure that the Replacement
Module and the Quad Gauge Electronic Modules successfully complete the Self Test. For more
information on this subject, see Testing And Adjusting, "System Self Test".

6. Set the display to English units or Metric units. See Systems Operation, "Units Mode" for more

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Testing and Adjusting

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System
Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 7451-025

The Main Display Module Initialization is an internal process that occurs within the Main Display Module.
During the Main Display Module Initialization, the Main Display Module monitors the CAT Data Link.
Also, the Main Display Module monitors the inputs for the harness code. During the Main Display Module
Initialization, the Main Display Module learns about the engine that is being monitored.

The Main Display Module Initialization typically occurs when the Main Display Module is replaced. The
harness code is new when the Main Display Module is replaced. However, when a previously used Main
Display Module is used as a replacement, the procedure of initialization is necessary. Unexplained
diagnostics with the CAT Data Link can occur if the Main Display Module is not initialized correctly. The
service person must activate the process for the Main Display Module Initialization when the following
condition exists or the condition is suspected.

The Main Display Module that will be installed was taken out of service from an application that had the
same harness code as the Main Display Module that will be removed.

Perform the Main Display Module Initialization if the preceding condition exists or this condition is

This procedure causes the process of the Main Display Module Initialization to occur on any Main Display
Module. In order to perform the Main Display Module Initialization, the Main Display Module must be
powered up with a valid harness code. The harness code must be different from the previous harness code
that was used to power down the Main Display Module. For a list of valid harness codes, see Systems
Operation, "Quad Gauge Modules".

1. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position.

2. Disconnect the engine harness from the Main Display Module. Remove the socket or remove the
wire from one of the following holes. The holes for the connectors are 3, 6, 12, 16, 22 or 31.

3. Use black electrical tape to secure the removed socket or the removed wire to the harness bundle.
Make sure that the contact does not touch any metallic components. Reconnect the engine harness
to the Main Display Module.

4. Turn the "ECS" switch to the COOLDOWN/STOP position.

5. Various indicators in the Display Area illuminate. Wait for ten seconds.

6. Turn the "ECS" switch to the OFF/RESET position. Reinstall the socket or reinstall the wire that
was removed in Step 2 into the original position on the connector for the Main Display Module.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

7. Turn the "ECS" switch to the COOLDOWN/STOP position. Make sure that the Main Display
Module successfully completes the Self Test. For more information on this subject, see Testing And
Adjusting, "System Self Test". Check the harness code for accuracy. For a list of valid harness
codes, see Systems Operation, "Gauge Cluster Modules".

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Testing and Adjusting

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System
Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 7451

+Battery - This term refers to the harness wiring that is part of the circuit that connects to the battery
positive post. System Battery Voltage is also used in place of +Battery.

+V - +V is a constant voltage that is supplied to a component in order to provide electrical power for the
operation of a component. +V is provided by an electronic control module or the battery.

Abnormal - This word refers to an engine condition that is not normal or a signal that is not normal. The
presence of an abnormal condition or signal means that a problem exists. The operator is notified when the
warning operation is activated.

CID (Component Identifier) - A diagnostic code identifies a component that is having a problem. A CID
may also identify a system that is having a problem. Examples of components that may be identified are
the engine speed sensor, the oil pressure sensor or the exhaust temperature sensor. The CID is a four digit
or three digit code that is shown on the Display Area when the Main Display Module is in Service Mode
(Mode 2).

Clear - When diagnostic information is removed from the memory of the Main Display Module, the
memory is cleared. Before clearing the information, the information must be "on-hold".

Connector Contact - A connector contact is the component of a harness connector that makes the
electrical connection. Connector contacts are either pins or sockets.

Detected Diagnostic - A detected diagnostic fault is a diagnostic fault that has been discovered by the
Main Display Module. Examples of detected diagnostic faults are an open harness or a shorted harness.
Also detected diagnostic faults may be problems with a switch, problems with a sensor or problems with
an electronic module. The diagnostic fault is recorded and the diagnostic fault is shown on the Display
Area when the Main Display Module is in Service Mode (Mode 2).

Diagnostic - Showing information that is not normal is referred to as diagnostics. Also, monitoring
information or recording information that is not normal is known as diagnostics. Diagnostic information is
available when the Main Display Module is in Service Mode, Normal Mode, Tattletale Mode or Numeric

Display - The gauges, indicators, or the display area is referred to as the display of the Caterpillar
Monitoring System.

Floating - Floating is the state of a module input that is not connected to a reference. The reference may
be a positive reference, a negative reference or any other reference.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

FMI (Failure Mode Identifier) - A diagnostic code that tells describes the type of problem that has
occurred. For example, Voltage Above Normal would be a problem. The FMI is a code with two-digits
that is preceded by a decimal point or the letter "F" that is shown on the Display Area when the Main
Display Module is in Service Mode (Mode 2).

Harness Code - The grounded condition or the open condition of the harness code input is known as the
Harness Code. The contacts for the harness code input are given below. contact 3, contact 6, contact 12,
contact 16, contact 22 and contact 31. The harness code describes the characteristics of the electronic
system to the Main Display Module. The Caterpillar Monitoring System is used on various Caterpillar
products. The Caterpillar Monitoring System must know the characteristics of the electronic system that is
being monitored. If the Harness Code Mode (Mode 5) is an available mode, the decimal representation of
the harness code is shown in the Display Area when the Main Display Module is in Harness Code Mode
(Mode 5).

Hold or "On-Hold" - On-Hold refers to holding a set of diagnostic information that is shown in the
Display Area when the Main Display Module is in Service Mode or Numeric Readout Mode. It is
necessary to hold the set of diagnostic information before troubleshooting or clearing.

Indicator Lamp - An indicator lamp is a red LED or a yellow LED that is located in the upper section of
the Main Display Module. The Indicator Lamps flash when a problem exists. The associated pictograph
symbol identifies the abnormal engine condition.

Indicator Lamp Problem - A problem occurs with an indicator lamp when the operation of an indicator
lamp does not correspond to a known engine condition.

Jumper Wire - A jumper wire is a piece of wire that is used to make an electrical connection during

MID (Module Identifier) - An MID is a diagnostic code that tells the service person which electronic
module has diagnosed the problem. Examples of the modules are the Main Display Module, engine control
module (ECM) and other modules. The MID is a three digit code that is shown in the Display Area when
the Main Display Module is in Service Mode (Mode 2).

Problem - A problem refers to the presence of an abnormal engine condition such as low engine oil
pressure. When a problem exists, warning operation is activated and the message center notifies the

SCROLL - The process of showing (within the Display Area) all the available sets of diagnostic
information, one set at a time. A set of diagnostic information is shown briefly. Then, the display
automatically advances to the next set. After all sets are shown, the sets are repeated.

Show - Show refers to the information that is located within the Display Area of the Caterpillar
Monitoring System that is viewed by the operator or service person.

Signal Wire - The signal wire is the harness wire which connects the sensor or the switch to the Main
Display Module.

Switch Input - A switch input is any input of the Main Display Module which is expecting only an open
(floating) or grounded signal.

System Voltage - The actual voltage that exists between the positive battery post and the negative battery
post is the system voltage. System voltage is also referred to as +battery voltage.

Unnassigned/Unprogrammed - The unused inputs of the Main Display Module and the unused outputs
of the Main Display Module are not defined by the software. Therefore, the inputs and the outputs are
unavailable to the end user.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Testing and Adjusting

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System
Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 7451-546-CY; 7553-546

Table 1
Generator Set - Description Of Main Module Connector
Pin Function Type Description
1 +Battery Input Voltage (Power) +24 DCV

2 -Battery Ground 0 DCV

3 Harness Code 1 Main Module Configuration Pulled Low or Floating


4 Action Alarm Output Alarm Driver

5 CAT Data Link (+) Two-way Data Transfer Driver/Receiver (+)


6 Harness Code 5 Main Module Configuration Harness Code 5


7 Sensor 1/Switch 11 Sensor Or Switch Input Unassigned/Unprogrammed (1)

8 Sensor 5/Switch 15 Sensor Or Switch Input Unassigned/Unprogrammed (1)

9 Sensor 10/Sender 1 Sensor Or Switch Input Unassigned/Unprogrammed (1)

10 Sensor 6/Switch Sensor, Switch, or Sender Engine Oil Temperature

16/Sender 2 Input

11 Switch 7 Switch Input Unassigned/Unprogrammed (1)

12 Harness Code 2 Main Module Configuration Pulled Low or Floating


3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

13 Action Lamp Lampdriver Output Unassigned/Unprogrammed (1)

14 CAT Data Link (-) Two-way Data Transfer Driver Receiver (-)

15 Display Module Load Gauge Module Driver Output Driver For Gauge Information

16 Harness Code 4 Main Module Configuration Pulled Low or Floating


17 Sensor 2/Switch 12 Sensor Or Switch Input Unassigned/Unprogrammed (1)

18 Switch 9/Sender 2 Switch or Sender Input Fuel Level

19 Switch 1 Switch Input LH/RH Switch

20 Switch 4 Switch Input Charger Fault

21 Switch 8 Switch Input Unassigned/Unprogrammed (1)

22 Harness Code 3 Main Module Configuration Pulled Low or Floating


23 Service Switch Input Scroll Switch

24 Sensor Power Supply Output +8 DCV

25 Display Module Gauge Module Driver Output Driver For Gauge Sequencing

26 Frequency 1 Digital Sensor Input Unassigned/Unprogrammed (1)

27 Sensor 4/Switch 14 Sensor Or Switch Input Unassigned/Unprogrammed (1)

28 Sensor 7/Switch Sensor, Switch, or Sender Engine Oil Temperature

17/Sender 3 Input

29 Switch 2 Switch Input Alarm Silence

30 Alternator "R" Sensor Input Unassigned/Unprogrammed (1)


31 Harness Code 0 Main Module Configuration Pulled Low or Floating


32 Switch 6 Switch Input Coolant Level

33 Clear Switch Input Clear/Mode Switch

34 Display Module Gauge Module Supply Output +9 DCV


3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

35 Display Module Data Gauge Module Data Output Unassigned/Unprogrammed (1)

36 Frequency 2 Digital Sensor Input Unassigned/Unprogrammed (1)

37 Sensor 3/Switch 13 Sensor Or Switch Input Unassigned/Unprogrammed (1)

38 Sensor 8/Switch Sensor, Switch or Sender Input Unassigned/Unprogrammed (1)

18/Sender 4

39 Switch 3 Switch Input Unassigned/Unprogrammed (1)

40 Switch 5 Switch Input Unassigned/Unprogrammed (1)

(1) Unused I/O that is not defined by the software and is therefore unavailable to the end user.

Table 2
Marine - Description Of Main Module Connector
Pin Function Type Description
1 +Battery Input Voltage (Power) +24 DCV

2 -Battery Ground 0 DCV

3 Harness Code 1 Main Module Configuration Pulled Low Or Floating


4 Action Alarm Output Alarm Driver

5 CAT Data Link (+) Two-way Data Transfer Driver/Receiver (+)


6 Harness Code 5 Main Module Configuration Pulled Low Or Floating


7 Sensor 1/Switch 11 Sensor Or Switch Input Unassigned/Unprogrammed

8 Sensor 5/Switch 15 Sensor Or Switch Input Unassigned/Unprogrammed

9 Sensor 10/ Sender 1 Sensor Or Sender Input Unassigned/Unprogrammed

10 Sensor 6/Switch Sensor, Switch or Sender Input Unassigned/Unprogrammed

16/Sender 2

11 Switch 7 Switch Input Unassigned/Unprogrammed

12 Harness Code 2 Main Module Configuration Pulled Low Or Floating


13 Action Lamp Lampdriver Output Unassigned/Unprogrammed

14 CAT Data Link (-) Two-way Data Transfer Driver Receiver (-)

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

15 Display Module Load Gauge Driver Module Output Driver For Gauge Information

16 Harness Code 4 Main Module Configuration Pulled Low Or Floating


17 Sensor 2/Switch 12 Sensor Or Switch Input Unassigned/Unprogrammed

18 Switch 9/Sender 2 Switch Or Sender Input Fuel Level

19 Switch 1 Switch Input LH/RH Switch

20 Switch 4 Switch Input Unassigned/Unprogrammed

21 Switch 8 Switch Input Unassigned/Unprogrammed

22 Harness Code 3 Main Module Configuration Pulled Low Or Floating


23 Service Switch Input SCROLL switch

24 Sensor Power Supply Output +8 DCV

25 Display Module Clock Gauge Module Driver Output Driver For Gauge Sequencing

26 Frequency 1 Digital Sensor Input Unassigned/Unprogrammed

27 Sensor 4/Switch 14 Sensor Or Switch Input Unassigned/Unprogrammed

28 Sensor 7/Switch Sensor, Switch or Sender Input Transmission Oil Temperature

17/Sender 3

29 Switch 2 Switch Input Alarm Silence

30 Alternator "R" Sensor Input Unassigned/Unprogrammed


31 Harness Code 0 Main Module Configuration Pulled Low Or Floating


32 Switch 6 Switch Input Coolant Level

33 Clear Switch Input Clear/Mode Switch

34 Display Module Gauge Module Supply Output 9 DCV


35 Display Module Data Gauge Module Data Output Data For Gauge Information

36 Frequency 2 Digital Sensor Input Unassigned/Unprogrammed

37 Sensor 3/Switch 13 Sensor Or Switch Input Unassigned/Unprogrammed

38 Sensor 8/Switch Sensor, Switch or Sender Input Transmission Oil Pressure

18/Sender 4

39 Switch 3 Switch Input Unassigned/Unprogrammed

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

40 Switch 5 Switch Input Unassigned/Unprogrammed

Table 3
Locomotive - Description Of Main Display Module Connector
Pin Function Type Description
1 +Battery Input Voltage (Power) +24 DCV

2 -Battery Ground 0 DCV

3 Harness Code 1 Main Module Configuration Pulled Low Or Floating


4 Action Alarm Output Alarm Driver

5 CAT Data Link (+) Two-way Data Transfer Driver/Receiver (+)


6 Harness Code 5 Main Module Configuration Pulled Low Or Floating

7 Sensor 1/Switch 5 Sensor Or Switch Input Unassigned/Unprogrammed

8 Sensor 5/Switch 15 Sensor Or Switch Input Unassigned/Unprogrammed

9 Sensor 10/Sender 1 Sensor Or Switch Input Spare Switch Connection

10 Sensor 6/Switch Sensor, Switch Or Sender Input Engine Oil Temperature

16/Sender 2

11 Switch 7 Switch Input Unassigned/Unprogrammed

12 Harness Code 2 Main Module Configuration Pulled Low Or Floating


13 Action Lamp Lampdriver Output Unassigned/Unprogrammed

14 CAT Data Link (-) Two-way Data Transfer Driver/Receiver (-)

15 Display Module Load Gauge Module Driver Output Driver For Gauge Information

16 Harness Code 4 Main Module Configuration Pulled Low Or Floating


17 Sensor 2/Switch 12 Sensor Or Switch Input Unassigned/Unprogrammed

18 Switch 9/Sender 2 Sensor Or Sender Input Unassigned/Unprogrammed

19 Switch 1 Switch Input LH/RH Switch

20 Switch 4 Switch Input Spare Switch Connection

21 Switch 8 Switch Input Unassigned/Unprogrammed

22 Harness Code 3 Main Module Configuration Pulled Low Or Floating


3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

23 Service Switch Input Scroll Switch

24 Sensor Power Supply Output +8 DCV

25 Display Module Clock Gauge Module Driver Output Driver For Gauge Sequencing

26 Frequency 1 Digital Sensor Input Unassigned/Unprogrammed

27 Sensor 4/Switch 14 Sensor Or Switch Input Unassigned/Unprogrammed

28 Sensor 7/Switch Sensor, Switch Or Sender Input Intake Manifold Temperature

17/Sender 3

29 Switch 2 Switch Input Alarm Silence Switch

30 Alternator "R" Switch Input Unassigned/Unprogrammed


31 Harness Code 0 Main Module Configuration Pulled Low Or Floating


32 Switch 6 Switch Input Unassigned/Unprogrammed

33 Clear Switch Input Clear/Mode Switch

34 Display Module Gauge Module Supply Output +9 DCV


35 Display Module Data Gauge Module Data Output Data For Gauge Information

36 Frequency 2 Digital Sensor Input Unassigned/Unprogrammed

37 Sensor 3/Switch 13 Sensor Or Switch Input Unassigned/Unprogrammed

38 Sensor 8/Switch Sensor, Switch Or Sender Input Unassigned/Unprogrammed

18/Sender 3

39 Switch 3 Switch Input Unassigned/Unprogrammed

40 Switch 5 Switch Input Unassigned/Unprogrammed

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Testing and Adjusting

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System
Media Number -SENR6587-03 Publication Date -01/06/2007 Date Updated -07/06/2007


SMCS - 1400; 7451; 7566

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Illustration 1 g00574693

System Schematic For 3500B Electronic Instrument Panel - Marine Engines.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Illustration 2 g00574696

System Schematic For 3500B Electronic Instrument Panel - Generator Set Engines.

3508, 3508B, 3512, 3512B, 3516 and 3516B Engines Caterpillar Monitoring System SENR6587-03

Illustration 3 g00574698

System Schematic For 3500B Electronic Instrument Panel - Locomotive Engines

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