Statistics and Probability: Department of Education
Statistics and Probability: Department of Education
Statistics and Probability: Department of Education
Department of Education
K TO 12 Decongested Curriculum
Learning Area
Statistics and Probability SY: 2020-2021 Total Number
of School Days
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Content Performance Original Learning Essential Learning ELC Allotment of Days to Learning Self- Learning
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(IM's) (LASs) (VLs)
the learner demonstrates the learner is able to The learner The Learner... The Learner...
understanding of key accurately formulate 1.illustrates a normal random M11/12SP-IIIc-1 LO 1. illustrates a normal random variable and its M11/12SP-IIIc-1 120 LO 1.1 understands the concept of the normal
concepts of normal and solve real-life variable and its characteristics. characteristics. random variable.
probability distribution problems in different 2. constructs a normal curve M11/12SP-IIIc-2 LO 1.2 states the characteristics of a normal
disciplines 3. identifies regions under the normal curve M11/12SP-IIIc-3 random variable.
corresponding to different standard normal LO 1.3 illustrates the characteristic of a normal
values. random variable.
4. converts a normal random variable to a M11/12SP-IIIc-4 LO 2. identifies regions under the normal curve M11/12SP-IIIc-3 120 LO 2.1 identifies the regions of the areas
standard normal variable and vice versa corresponding to different standard normal values. under the normal curve.
5. computes probabilities and percentiles M11/12SP-IIIc-d-1 LO 2.2 expresses the areas under the normal
using the standard normal table. curve as probabilities or percentages.
LO 2.3 determines the areas under the normal
curve given z-values.
LO 3. converts a normal random variable to a LO 3.1 relates a random variable distribution
standard normal variable and vice versa. M11/12SP-IIIc-4 120 to a normal variable distribution.
LO 3.2 understands the concept of z-scores.
LO 3.3 converts a normal random variable to a
standard normal variable and vice versa.
LO4.1 finds areas between paired z-scores.
LO 4.2 finds probabilities for the standard
normal random variable z.
LO 4. computes probabilities and percentiles using
the standard normal table. M11/12SP-IIIc-d-1 180
LO 4. illustrates, defines and solves problems M11/12SP-IIIe-2-f-1 240 LO 4. 1 illustrates the Central Limit Theorem.
involving sampling distributions using the Central LO 4.2 defines the sampling distribution of the
Limit Theorem. sample mean using the central limit theorem.
LO 4.3 solves problems involving sampling
distributions of the sample mean.
The learner demonstrates The learner is able to The learner The Learner... The Learner...
understanding of key estimate the 1. illustrates point and interval estimations M11/12SP-IIIf-2 LO 1. illustrates and identifies percentiles using the M11/12SP-IIIg-2-5 120 LO 1.1 illustrates the t-distribution.
concepts of estimation of population mean and 2. distinguishes between point and interval t-distribution table. LO 1.2 constructs a t-distribution.
population mean and population proportion estimation M11/12SP-IIIf-3 LO 1.3 identifies percentiles using the t-table.
population proportion to make sound 3. identifies point estimator for the population
inferences in real-life mean M11/12SP-IIIf-4 LO 2.1 defines confidence level.
problems in different 4. computes for the point estimate of the LO 2. identifies and computes the length of a M11/12SP-IIIj-1-2 180 LO 2.2 defines confidence interval.
disciplines population mean. M11/12SP-IIIf-5 confidence interval. LO 2.3 identifies the length of a confidence
5. identifies the appropriate form of the inteval.
confidence interval estimator for the M11/12SP-IIIg-1 LO 2.4 computes for the length of the
population mean when confidence interval.
a) the population variance is known LO 3.1 understands the relation of the
b)the population variance is unknown, and LO 3. computes for an appropriate sample size using M11/12SP-IIIj-3 180 confidence interval to sample size.
c)the central limit theorem is to be used. the length of the interval. LO 3.2 determines sample size based on
6. illustrates the t-distribution selected confidence level.
7. constructs a t-distribution M11/12SP-IIIg-2 LO 3.3 computes for an appropriate sample
8. identifies regions under the t-distribution M11/12SP-IIIg-3 size using the length of the interval.
corresponding to different t-values. M11/12SP-IIIg-4 LO 4.1 recalls the formula used in determining
9. identifies percentiles using the t-table 11 the minimum sample size in estimating
10. computes for the confidence interval LO 4. solves problems involving sample size M11/12SP-IIIj-4 180 population mean.
estimate based on the appropriateform of the M11/12SP-IIIg-5 determination. LO 4.2 recalls the formula used in determining
estimator for the population mean M11/12SP-IIIh-11 the minimum sample size in estimating
11. solves problems involving confidence population proportion.
interval estimation of the population mean LO 4.3 solves problems involving sample size
M11/12SP-IIIh-2 determination.
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