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Dire Dawa University: College of Business and Economics

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1. ISSACK IBRAHIM ---------------R/1149/07

2. KHAN LUAL-----------------------R/1186/07

3. SADAM HASSEN-----------------R/1345/07

4. KOANG BOL-----------------------R/4009/07

5. REATH KUETH-------------------R/1338/07

6. REDWAN ALIYI-----------------R/1341/07




June 7/2016

Dire dawa, ETHIOPIA

Table of Contents

Content page
1. Executive summary.....................................................................................................................1
2. Business Description...................................................................................................................2
2.1 Vision.....................................................................................................................................2
2.2 Address...................................................................................................................................2
3. Market and competitive analysis.................................................................................................2
3.1 Market analysis......................................................................................................................2
3.2 Market segmentation..............................................................................................................2
3.3 Competitive Analysis.............................................................................................................3
4. Marketing strategy.......................................................................................................................3
4.1 Pricing strategy......................................................................................................................3
4.2 Promotion strategy.................................................................................................................4
5. Products/Services.........................................................................................................................4
6. Operations....................................................................................................................................4
7. Financial plan...............................................................................................................................5
7.1 Source of fund........................................................................................................................5
7.2 Financial requirement............................................................................................................5
7.3 Balance sheet..........................................................................................................................6
7.4 Income and Cash flow statement...........................................................................................6


1. Executive summary
MOGA Computer Tutorials and Service Center is a startup service giving cooperative enterprise
located at Dire Dawa specifically at Dire Dawa University which is established to give services
like tutorial on different computer courses, training individuals, and providing Internet service.

MOGA Computer Tutorial and Service Center Objectives

MOGA Computer tutorial and Service Center has short term and long term objective. The short
term objectives are giving tutorials on different programming languages (such as C++, basic java
programming, Internet programming), certifying individuals on basic computer skill, providing
internet service, providing technical support related to computer hardware and software
configuration and maintenance, and software gallery. The long term objectives of business are
opening branches on different sites, constructing our own buildings, certifying
individuals/trainers on every trainings that he/she has taken, and developing application
software’s and websites for those who need these products.


MOGA Computer Tutorial and Service Center is covers wide range of computer science courses
in giving tutorial. The tutorial is given by grouping the students in to certain group based on the
courses they are registered for. It also provides Internet service for the customer. The cost of
Internet service is paid per minute the customer used. The customers can get technical support by
calling to our center or by coming to the center and also the customers can get different software
from this center which is useful to them. The business also initially certifies only individuals who
have trained on basic computer skills.

Market profile

The major target market for the business is the dire dawa university and other college students
located at outside the campus. Other market segment for the business is customers of the
location. The market segments of the business are tutorial service, training service, internet
service, and technical support.

Reasons for success

Creating excellent word of mouth promotion of services, developing methods of approaching

subjects that helps students get their minds around challenging concepts and truly listening to
client’s needs.


Management team

MOGA Computer Training and Service Center is managed by Solomon Girma who has tutoring
gained a lot of experience while he is attending his degree in dire Dawa University. He has been
selected by Gender office of dire Dawa University for tutoring first and second year students of
computer science from 2006-2008 E.C. Also he gained a lot of management skills by being class
representative for computer science students. Also the business is lead by manager.

2. Business Description
2.1 Vision
 Viewing technologically skilled citizens whether if we are social science student
 Seeing creative citizens.

2.2 Address
Location: Dire dawa, Ethiopia
Website: http://www.ddu.com
E-mail: farisadan11@gmail.com
Phone No: +251946432360/0940259657

3. Market and competitive analysis

3.1 Market analysis
Under this topic we are going to describe the needs of the customer from our business point of
view. As we analyzed the market we came up with the following needs of the customers.

 Different organization wants to train their employees on basic computer skills.

 Different individuals and organization need to have technical support on computer
 A number of university and college students of Dire dawa town who take different
computer courses need to have good knowledge on the courses.
 Since there is no sufficient internet access in the location. Many customers want to
get internet service.
 A number of individuals in the location want to be certifies by video and photo
editing skills as well as computer maintenance.


3.2 Market segmentation
Our business analyzed that there are four market segments.

Internet service

Computer Training and Service Center provides Internet service for those customers who need
service. Customer pays the cost for the minutes that he/she is used the service. Customers can
also bring their laptops to our center and can have access to Internet by our CDMA or internet

Training service

Our center provides training service for those customers who want to be certified by Adobe
Photoshop and Basic computer skill. The certification is done based on the duration of the
training that the customer has trained. That means the customers can be certified in three months
or six months.

Tutorial service

The MOGA Computer Training and Service Center delivers the tutorial service for the customers
on the following courses

 C++ programming
 Basic java programming
 Vb.net
 Internet programming

Technical support

The MOGA Computer Training and Service Center gives technical support for those customers
who want technical support like hardware configuration, software installation, Maintenance and
setting up network among computers and network devices.

Software gallery

Customer can get different operating system software, application software and websites. We
developed Application software and websites according to customers’ need and order.


3.3 Competitive Analysis
From our market research it was analyzed that

 Almost all competitors who provide internet service have no fast internet connection.
Customers who are new to the internet access are unable to be served by the competitors
because they don’t give any in awareness on how to use internet.
 Competitors have no capability to serve many customers at a time because they have small
number of computers usually not more than four computers.
 No competitors who provide technical support on computer related things such as
hardware configuration, software installation and setting up network between computers
and different networking devices.
 Competitors do not give tutorial and training on different computer related fields including
video and photo editing which enable customers to be creative.

Generally service given by the competitors of the location is internet service which is not fast
and insufficient in satisfying the customers need.

4. Marketing strategy

4.1 Pricing strategy

In this part we are discussing the pricing strategies used to set the costs of each service provided.
So the customers are requested to pay for the service they get from the center as follow.

 Internet service cost is paid per minute

 Training service is paid per month
 Tutorial service is paid per hour
 Technical support service is paid accordingly

4.2 Promotion strategy

There are different ways of promoting products/service for the customers at different time.
MOGA Computer Training and Servicer Center choice the following way of promotion to
advertise the service it provide

 Posting announcement on different boards

 Distributing pamphlets to different personals
 Using our website to provide a details of our company and service it provide

5. Products/Services
Internet service is one of the services that our center offers. In comparing with our competitors
the internet service that we provide has its own unique futures like fast connection with balanced
cost, customers able to get Internet access using their laptops through our CDMA. We also give
awareness for our customers who are new for using internet access.
The second services that we offer are tutorial for University and colleges student on different
computer courses with the help of video tutorials and special handouts that is prepared from long
year experience by different professors.

Training service is another service that is provided by our center. For customers who want to
train on Adobe photo shop and Basic computer skills the center gives training for them for three
months or six months based on their needs and certifies them accordingly.

Customers also can get technical support from our center on various computer related problems.
The center also provides technical advises for the customers. The center provides this service by
going to the customers’ location when it is necessary.

Individuals, organization and companies get different operating system software, application
software and website. We developed different application software and websites for our
customers relaying on their order. When customers buy any software from our gallery it get
technical support freely.

6. Operations
Ways of delivering service

The ways that are used to deliver the services to the customers are through video tutorial,
laboratory class, lecturing, preparing and distributing modules, using different software required
for each course and using student centered policy.


Infrastructures that our business needs are buildings, computers, printer, scanner, projector,
photocopy machine, network cable, CDMA, software’s, tables, chairs and white boards

Human resource

The human resource that MOGA Computer Training and Service Center required are

 Management department: this include Manager, Chair man, Auditor and Secretary
 Staff department: this includes instructors which may be from logistic and supply chain
management department
 Guard and Cleaner: this include two guards and one cleaner

At start up the business requires totally 8 personals that have different education level.

Proximity of our business location is

 Near to suppliers who present input for us such as printer ink, stationary materials,
photocopy machines, computers and etc.


 More near to the customers of who interest to have our service those are university
 Customers can easily get transportation to our business since it is near to the main road of
the town.

7. Financial plan

7.1 Source of fund

To start any business capital is the first requirement. So, to start up and run our business we need
capital from our personal savings and through debit or loan from financial institution. The debit
includes both short term and long term.

7.2 Financial requirement

The finance at the startup required to start the business having the following things:

Inventory----------------------------------------- 200,000.00
Personnel----------------------------------------- 50,000.00
Machines ----------------------------------------- 1,000,000.00
Promotion----------------------------------------- 10,000.00
Buildings------------------------------------------- 10,000.00
Software ------------------------------------------- 100,000.00

Total startup capital ---------------------------------- 1,370,000.00

7.3 Balance sheet

Under this topic we define the asset, liability and our equity of the business and income
statement in the following table.


Asset Begging Projected 1 year

Cash 200,000.00 500,000.00
Current Asset Inventory 200,000.00 100,000.00
Supplies 100,000.00 200,000.00
Account Receivable - 100,000.00
Total Current 500,000.00 900,000.00
Equipment 100,000.00 20,000.00
Fixed Asset Machines 500,000.00 500,000.00
Lands - 50,000.00
Buildings 10,000.00 -
Total fixed Asset 610,000.00 570,000.00
` Total Asset 1,110,000.00 1,470,000.00

Liability and Equity

Liability and Equity Begging Projected 1 year

Short term 100,000.00 -
Liability Long term 510,000.00 470,000.00
Total Liability 610,000.00 470,000.00
Owner Equity 500,000.00 1,000,000.00
Total 1,110,000.00 1,470,000.00

7.4 Income and Cash flow statement

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Internet service 100,000.00 110,000.00 200,000.00
Training service 500,000.00 550,000.00 750,000.00
Revenues Tutorial service 200,000.00 220,000.00 400,000.000
(Sales) Technical 50,000.00 60,000.00 300,000.00
Software gallery 75,000.00 850,000.00 200,000.00
Total revenues 925,000.00 1,790,000 1,850,000.00
Inventory 50,000.00 20,000.00 10,000.00
Machines 100,000.00 500,000.00 200,000.00
Operating Equipments 50,000.00 30,000.00 50,000.00
expense Lands 50,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00
Buildings 10,000.00 200,000.00 500,000.00
Total expense 260,000.00 850,000.00 860,000.00

Net Profit 665,000.00 940,000.00 990,000.00


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