Schneider Meter Stacks
Schneider Meter Stacks
Schneider Meter Stacks
Meter Centres
Selection Guide
600V Meter Centre Features
• Product Illustration/Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Meter Centre Components
• Meter Stacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
• Sub-Service Breakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
• Tap Boxes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12-13
• Main Bus Link Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
• Inside/Outside Elbow Sections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
• Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Dimensions/Knockout Schedules
• Dimensions/Knockout Schedules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Wiring Diagrams
• Wiring Diagrams. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
DE4-1 Page 2 Thursday, December 17, 2015 11:06 PM
Meter Centres
Product Illustration/Features
DE4-2 Page 3 Thursday, December 17, 2015 11:06 PM
Meter Centres
Meter Stacks
Square D Meter Centres are designed to provide a compact and versa Circuit breakers required for 125A, 4/5 Jaw sub-service sections are of
tile metering and distribution centre to suit today's residential, commer the 2-pole QWIK-OPEN® QOB Type. QOB breakers are available from
cial, and industrial markets. Meter Centres now feature new combined 10-125A. Circuit breakers required for 100A 7 Jaw stacks are the 3-pole
125/200A stacks in one sub-service as well as 3-high 125A 4 and 5 Jaw QD/QG circuit breakers and are available at 70A and 100A.
stacks. No other metering system provides the same advantages of in Square D QD/QG Type moulded case circuit breakers are required for
stallation convenience and subsequent time-saving economy. 200A sub-service sections. Type QD circuit breakers are available in rat
All metering stacks are shipped from the factory with meter sockets and ings from 100A to 200A in both the 2- and 3-pole styles and have a
vertical bus bars pre-installed, and require a minimum of on site labour 25,000A IC at 240 VAC. Type QG circuit breakers are available in rat
time to install the circuit breakers and main bus links. At the site, the con ings from 100A to 200A in both 2- and 3-pole styles and have a 65,000A
tractor has only to bolt the individual enclosures together, install the re IC at 240 VAC.
quired circuit breakers, connect the main bus links together, and All meter stacks are designed for CSA Type A “cold metering” in which
connect the individual distribution cables to their respective sub-service the individual sub-service breakers are connected on the line side of the
locations. meter sockets thereby protecting the meter and all electrical equipment
Screw-on, sealable covers over the meter sockets and circuit breakers installed subsequent to it.
are finished with a grey epoxy powder coating. Provision to lock and seal These features, along with the modular design, produce a top quality
the circuit breaker handles in the “off” position has been made for the Meter Centre that will provide dependable service well into the future.
convenience of utilities and electrical inspectors.
Main Service Sub-Service Meter Socket Rating No. of Sub- Catalogue Circuit Breaker Vertical Bus Bar Overall Dimensions (in./mm)
Voltage Voltage and No. of Jaws Services Number Type Rating (Amp) H W D
120/240 V 120/240 V 6 MC43L● 750 79.75/2027
125A 4-Jaw
1Ø3W 1Ø3W 3 MC43L3● 375 54.25/1379
120/208 V 120/208 V 6 MC54L● 750 79.75/2027
125A 5-Jaw 14.50/369 6.50/165
3Ø4W 1Ø3W 3 MC54L3● 375 54.25/1379
120/208 V 120/208 V QDM/QBM
100A 7-Jaw 4 MC74LB 400 79.75/2027
3Ø4W 3Ø4W (100A)
200A Meter Stacks▲
Main Service Sub-Service Meter Socket Rating No. of Sub- Catalogue Circuit Breaker Vertical Bus Bar Overall Dimensions (in./mm)
Voltage Voltage and No. of Jaws Services Number Type Rating (Amp) H W D
120/240 V 120/240 V
200A 4-Jaw MC43L200B
1Ø3W 1Ø3W
120/208 V
200A 5-Jaw 3 MC54L200B 600 79.75/2027
120/208 V 1Ø3W
3Ø4W 120/208 V
200A 7-Jaw MC74L200B
14.50/369 6.50/165
120/240V 120/240 V (200A)
200A 4-Jaw MC4200B
1Ø3W 1Ø3W
120/208 V
200A 5-Jaw 1 MC5200B 200 54.25/1379
120/208 V 1Ø3W
3Ø4W 120/208 V
200A 7-Jaw MC7200B
125/200A Combined Meter Stacks▲●
Main Service Sub-Service Meter Socket Rating No. of Sub- Catalogue Circuit Breaker Vertical Bus Bar Overall Dimensions (in./mm)
Voltage Voltage and No. of Jaws Services Number Type Rating (Amp) H W D
120/240V 120/240 V (4) 125A 4-Jaw QOB/QOB-VH
5 MC443LB● 700
1Ø3W 1Ø3W (1) 200A 4-Jaw QDM/QGM
79.75/2027 14.50/369 6.50/165
120/208 V 120/208 V (4) 125A 5-Jaw QOB/QOB-VH
5 MC574LB● 700
3Ø4W 103W/3Ø4W (1) 200A 7-Jaw QDM/QGM
▲Sub-service breakers are not to exceed meter socket rating.
●Must use 22kA breaker for applications 70A or less.
• 100/200 and combined stacks can be mounted side by side. 4/5 Jaw and 7 Jaw sockets require 2 and 3 pole sub-service breakers respectively. See
Breaker Selection Table (Page DE4-4).
• All 100A 5-Jaw stacks have the fifth Jaw in the 9 o’clock position. Provision is made for conversion to the 6 o’clock position.
• 200A 5-Jaw stacks have provision to accept both 6 and 9 o’clock 5-Jaw meters.
• Short circuit calculations should be completed prior to ordering to ensure that the equipment is not applied on systems with capacity greater than the
equipment's interrupting capabilities.
• Dimensions are approximate. Do not use for construction.
DE4-3 Page 4 Thursday, December 17, 2015 11:06 PM
Meter Centres
Sub-Service Breakers and Tap Boxes
Sub-Service Circuit Breaker Selection Chart for 4- and 5-Jaw Meter Stacks
125A Meter Stacks 200A Meter Stacks
Ampere QOB Circuit Breakers 10,000 AIC QOB Circuit Breakers 22,000 AIC QD Circuit Breakers 25,000 AIC QG Circuit Breakers 65,000 AIC
Ratings 2-pole 120/240 VAC 2-pole 120/240 VAC 2-pole 240 VAC 2-pole 240 VAC
Catalogue Number Catalogue Number Catalogue Number Catalogue Number
50 X QOB250VH X X
60 X QOB260VH X X
70 X QOB270VH X X
80 QOB280 QOB280VH X X
90 QOB290 QOB290VH X X
100 QOB2100 QOB2100VH QDM22100TN QGM22100TN
125 QOB2125 QOB2125VH QDM22125TN QGM22125TN
150 X X QDM22150TN QGM22150TN
175 X X QDM22175TN QGM22175TN
200 X X QDM22200TN QGM22200TN
3-pole 120/240 VAC 3-pole 120/240 VAC 3-pole 240 VAC 3-pole 240 VAC
Catalogue Number Catalogue Number Catalogue Number Catalogue Number
- X X X X
- X X X X
70 QBM32070TN QDM32070TN X X
- X X X X
- X X X X
100 QBM32100TN QDM32100TN QDM32100TN QGM32100TN
125 X X QDM32125TN QGM32125TN
150 X X QDM32150TN QGM32150TN
175 X X QDM32175TN QGM32175TN
200 X X QDM32200TN QGM32200TN
▲Order (1) 4th Wire Connector Kit below per tap box for 3 Phase applications.
• Suitable for use as a sub-feed device or branch top box provided that the total loading on the system does not exceed 80% of the main circuit breaker or
fusible disconnect.
• Suitable for top and bottom entry only.
Main Tap Box 4th Wire Connector Kits◆
Main Bus
Rating Main Service Catalogue Number
200 MCTBK200
600 3Ø4W MCTBK600
1200 MCTBK1200
◆4th Wire Kit contains (1) Bus Link and Lug for 3 Phase applications.
• Dimensions are approximate only. Do not use for construction.
DE4-4 Page 5 Thursday, December 17, 2015 11:06 PM
Meter Centres
▲ Last two letters of Catalogue Number denote left-hand (LH) or right-hand (RH) connection to meter stack assembly. Feed-Thru Tap Boxes are
required in place of Main Tap Boxes when the main service cables must enter and branch off at the same end of the meter centre assembly.
✶ Last two letters of catalogue number denote left-hand narrow (LN) or right-hand narrow (RN).
• Suitable for top and bottom entry only.
Main Bus Link Connector Kits
Main Bus Main Standard Packaging
Catalogue Number◆
Rating (Amp.) Service Quantity
400 1Ø3W or 3Ø4W MCMBK400 60
600 1Ø3W or 3Ø4W MCMBK600 30
◆ Main Bus Link Connectors are required for each additional stack when joining two or more meter stacks. The first stack or single stack installa
tion does not require bus links since the tap box is supplied with main service lugs and bus bar link connectors. Order (1) MCMBK400 per
phase for 400A applications, (2) MCMBK400 or (1) MCMBK600 per phase for 600A applications, (2) MCMBK400 for 800A applications and (2)
MCMBK600 per phase for 1200 A applications.
Formula: No. of bars required = (No. of stacks - 1) x system wiring* x No. of bars per phase (*system wiring = 3 for 1Ø3W applications or 4 for 3Ø4W
Examples: 2 Meter Stacks in a 1Ø3W 400A application will require (3) MCMBK400.
4 Meter Stacks in a 3Ø4W 600A application will require (24) MCMBK400 or (12) MCMBK600.
7 Meter Stacks in a 3Ø4W 1200A application will require (48) MCMBK600.
Note: Inside and outside sections permit customized installation of meter stack assemblies around wall corners to suit individual requirements.
For installation between adjacent meter stacks only. Cannot be installed between tapbox and a meter stack.
DE4-5 Page 6 Thursday, December 17, 2015 11:06 PM
Meter Centres
Mounting Rail
Catalogue Number MCMR
Mounting Rail (MCMR) features “hook and hang” positioning on a separate mounting channel when installing multiple meter stacks. The mounting
channel is secured to the wall to suit local Utility meter height requirements, then the devices are hung on the channel. This provides a positive
means of support during installation. Each mounting rail is 50 3/4 inches in length and can accommodate up to 3 meter stacks. Order quantity as
required based on total width of meterstack line up.
breaker section 1 piece MC4200 (KD) been removed and power is required. Order one kit per sub-service.
construction. Breaker is MC5200
mounted in vertical position MC7200 Replacement Meter Sockets
200 Amp 4-5-7 Jaw Series B MC54L200B Description Catalogue Number
meter socket and breaker MC74L200B MCBC200B 4-Jaw 125A Socket 100MC4
cover used to cover meter MC4200B (QD)
5-Jaw 125A Socket 100MC5
and breaker section MC5200B
MC7200B 7-Jaw 100A Socket 100MC7
Blanking Plates
Catalogue Catalogue
Description Used On Number Number
(Series A) (Series B)
125 Amp 4-5 Jaw MC43L
Blanking plate for meter and MC43L3
breaker section 1 piece MC54L
construction. MC54L3
100 Amp 7 Jaw Blanking plate
for meter and breaker section MC74LB MCBC2 MCBC2
1 piece construction.
200 Amp 4-5-7 Jaw Blanking
plate for meter and breaker MCBC3 MCBC3
section 1 piece construction.
DE4-6 Page 7 Thursday, December 17, 2015 11:06 PM
Meter Centres
17.00 "
8.50 "
12.75 "
17.00 "
35.25 "
14.50 " 14.50 " 14.50 " 14.50 "
369mm 369mm 369mm 369mm
125A- - 4 & 5 Jaw 100A - 7 Jaw 200A - 4, 5 & 7 Jaw 200A - 4, 5 & 7 Jaw
14.50 "
2.16 " 3.50 " 3.25 " 3.50 " 2.16 "
1.75 "
8.50 "
2.75 " 6.25 "
1.75 "
73.35 "
8.50 " 1864mm
47.85 "
1", 1.25", 1.50", 2" K.0.
1216mm 17.00 "
432mm Endwall Details
Assembled On: 4, 5 & 7 Jaw 100/125A Stacks
14.50 "
28.66 "
3.00 " 4.25 " 4.25 " 3.00 "
24.16 " 728mm
3.16 "
6.25 "
14.50 "
14.50 " 369mm
369mm 3.16 "
125A - 4 & 5 Jaw Combined Stacks 2", 2.50", 3" K.0.
MC43L3 &
MC4-3L3 & MC54L3
MC5-4L3 MC574LB
MC57-4L &
& MC443LB
MC44-3L Endwall Details
Assembled On: 4, 5, 7 Jaw 200A
& 125/200A Combined Stacks
DE4-7 Page 8 Thursday, December 17, 2015 11:06 PM
Meter Centres
Wiring Diagrams
13 Wire 240 VAC Maximum 34 Wire 240 VAC Maximum
Sub-Service Circuit Breaker VERTICAL Sub-Service Circuit Breaker VERTICAL
Type QOB 120/240 VAC BUS BARS Type QOB 120/240 VAC
Suitable For 750 AMP Suitable For
CU-AL Conductors CU-AL Conductors 750 AMP
Load Terminals Load Terminals
#12 — 2/0 AWG #12 — 2/0 AWG
NMSC Ground Terminals NMSC Ground Terminals
#14 — 4 AWG #14 — 4 AWG
Ground Terminal May Be Ground Terminal May Be
Moved to Bottom of Stack Moved to Bottom of Stack
If Required If Required
L1 L1 N N
L2 L2 L1 L1
L2 L2
L3 L3
DE4-8 Page 9 Thursday, December 17, 2015 11:06 PM
Meter Centres
Wiring Diagrams
MC54L200B MC74L200B
34 Wire 240 VAC Maximum 34 Wire 240 VAC Maximum
Sub-Service Circuit Breaker VERTICAL Sub-Service Circuit Breaker VERTICAL
200 Amp Maximum 200 Amp Maximum BUS BARS
Type QD/QG 2P 240 VAC
600 AMP 600 AMP
Suitable For Suitable For
CU-AL Conductors MAXIMUM CU-AL Conductors MAXIMUM
Load Terminals Load Terminals
#2 AWG — 250 MCM #2 AWG — 250 MCM
NMSC Ground Terminals NMSC Ground Terminals
#14 — 4 AWG #14 — 4 AWG
Ground Terminal May Be Ground Terminal May Be
Moved to Bottom of Stack Moved to Bottom of Stack
If Required If Required N N
L1 L1 L1 L1
L2 L2 L2 L2
L3 L3 L3 L3
MC5200B MC7200B
34 Wire 240 VAC Maximum 34 Wire 240 VAC Maximum
Sub-Service Circuit Breaker Sub-Service Circuit Breaker
200 Amp Maximum 200 AMP 200 Amp Maximum 200 AMP
Suitable For Suitable For
CU-AL Conductors CU-AL Conductors
Load Terminals Load Terminals
#2 AWG – 250 MCM #2 AWG — 250 MCM
NMSC GROUND Terminals NMSC Ground Terminals
#14 – 4 AWG #14 — 4 AWG
Ground Terminal May Be L1 L1 Ground Terminal May Be L1 L1
Moved to Bottom of Stack L2 L2 Moved to Bottom of Stack L2 L2
If Required L3 L3 If Required L3 L3
MC4200B MC43L200B
13 Wire 240 VAC Maximum 13 Wire 240 VAC Maximum
Sub-Service Circuit Breaker VERTICAL Sub-Service Circuit Breaker
200 Amp Maximum
200 Amp Maximum
Type QD/QG 2P 240 VAC
Suitable For 200 AMP Suitable For 600 AMP
CU-AL Conductors MAXIMUM CU-AL Conductors
Load Terminals Load Terminals
#2 AWG — 250 MCM #2 AWG — 250 MCM
NMSC GROUND Terminals NMSC Ground Terminals
#14 — 4 AWG #14 — 4 AWG
Ground Terminal May Be Ground Terminal May Be
N N Moved to Bottom of Stack
Moved to Bottom of Stack N N
L1 L1
If Required If Required L1 L1
L2 L2
L2 L2
DE4-9 Page 10 Thursday, December 17, 2015 11:06 PM
600V Centres
Product Illustration/Features
DE4-10 Page 11 Thursday, December 17, 2015 11:09 PM
Square D 600v Meter Centres are designed to provide a compact and the circuit breaker handles in the “off” position has been made for the
versatile metering and distribution centre to suit today's commercial and convenience of utilities and electrical inspectors.
industrial markets. 600v Meter Centres feature a 4-high125A 7-jaw me- 3-pole Powerpact H-frame circuit breakers are required for the 125A, 7-
ter stack, plus a 1-high and 4-high 200A 7-jaw meter stacks. No other jaw sub-service sections and are available from 60A-125A. 3-pole Pow-
metering system provides the same advantages of installation conve- erpact J-frame Circuit breakers are required for 200A 7-jaw stacks and
nience and subsequent time-saving economy. are available at 150A, 175A and 200A.
All metering stacks are shipped from the factory with meter sockets and One load side nut kit #S37444 is required with each H-frame sub-service
vertical bus bars pre-installed, and require a minimum of on site labour circuit breaker. Two line & load nut-kits #S37445 are required with each
to install the circuit breakers and main bus links. J-frame sub-service circuit breaker.
At the site, the contractor has only to bolt the individual enclosures to- All meter stacks are designed for CSA Type A “cold metering” in which
gether, install the required 3-pole circuit breakers, connect the main bus the individual sub-service breakers are connected on the line side of the
links together, and connect the individual distribution cables to their re- meter sockets thereby protecting the meter and all electrical equipment
spective sub-service locations. installed subsequent to it.
Screw-on, sealable covers over the meter sockets and circuit breakers These features produce a top quality Meter Centre that will provide de-
are finished with a grey epoxy powder coating. Provision to lock and seal pendable service well into the future.
Main Service Sub-Service Meter Socket Rating No. of Sub- Catalogue Circuit Breaker Vertical Bus Bar Overall Dimensions (in./mm)
Voltage Voltage and No. of Jaws Services Number Type Rating (Amp) H W D
347/600 V 347/600 V H-Frame
125A 7-Jaw 4 MC34126 500 79.62/2022 15.33/389 6.50/165
3Ø4W 3Ø4W (125A)
200A Meter Stacks▲
Main Service Sub-Service Meter Socket Rating No. of Sub- Catalogue Circuit Breaker Vertical Bus Bar Overall Dimensions (in./mm)
Voltage Voltage and No. of Jaws Services Number Type Rating (Amp) H W D
347/600 V 347/600 V
200A 7-Jaw 4 MC34206 800 79.62/2022
3Ø4W 3Ø4W J-Frame
15.33/389 6.50/165
347/600 V 347/600 V (200A)
200A 7-Jaw 1 MC31206 200 41.38/1051
3Ø4W 3Ø4W
▲ Sub-service breakers are not to exceed meter socket rating.
• See Breaker Selection Table (Page DE4-14).
• Short circuit calculations should be completed prior to ordering to ensure that the equipment is not applied on systems with capacity greater than the
equipment's interrupting capabilities.
• Dimensions are approximate. Do not use for construction.
DE4-11 Page 12 Thursday, December 17, 2015 11:09 PM
Sub-Service Circuit Breaker Selection Chart for 7-Jaw 600V Meter Stacks
125A 600V Meter stacks 200A 600V Meter stacks
H Frame H Frame H Frame H Frame J Frame J Frame J Frame J Frame
Powerpact Powerpact Powerpact Powerpact Powerpact Powerpact Powerpact Powerpact
Amperage Circuit Breakers Circuit Breakers Circuit Breakers Circuit Breakers Circuit Breakers Circuit Breakers Circuit Breakers Circuit Breakers
14,000 AIC 18,000 AIC 25,000 AIC 50,000 AIC 14,000 AIC 18,000 AIC 25,000 AIC 50,000 AIC
3-pole 600/ 3-pole 600/ 3-pole 600/ 3-pole 600/ 3-pole 600/ 3-pole 600/ 3-pole 600/ 3-pole 600/
347VAC 347VAC 347VAC 347VAC 347VAC 347VAC 347VAC 347VAC
30A HDL36030 HGL36030 HJL36030 HLL36030
60A HDL36060 HGL36060 HJL36060 HLL36060
70A HDL36070 HGL36070 HJL36070 HLL36070
100A HDL36100 HGL36100 HJL36100 HLL36100
125A HDL36125 HGL36125 HJL36125 HLL36125
150A JDL36150 JGL36150 JJL36150 JLL36150
175A JDL36175 JGL36175 JJL36175 JLL36175
200A JDL36200 JGL36200 JJL36200 JLL36200
* for 125A 600V, must order one load side nut kit # S37444 with each H frame MCCB.
** for 200A 600V, must order two of nut kit # S37445, one for line side and one for the load side with each J frame MCCB.
• Suitable for use as a sub-feed device or branch top box provided that the total loading on the system does not exceed 80% of the main circuit breaker or
fusible disconnect.
• Suitable for top and bottom entry only.
DE4-12 Page 13 Thursday, December 17, 2015 11:09 PM
Examples: 4 Meter Stacks in a 3Ø4W 600A application will require (24) MC6MBK400 or (12) MC6MBK600.
7 Meter Stacks in a 3Ø4W 1200A application will require (48) MC6MBK600.
400-600A 3Ø MC6IE600
18.00/457 10.00/254 + 10.00/254 6.40/162
800-1200A 3Ø MC6IE1200
DE4-13 Page 14 Thursday, December 17, 2015 11:09 PM
Mounting Rail
Catalogue Number MCMR
Mounting Rail (MCMR) features “hook and hang” positioning on a separate mounting channel when installing multiple meter stacks. The mounting
channel is secured to the wall to suit local Utility meter height requirements, then the devices are hung on the channel. This provides a positive
means of support during installation. Each mounting rail is 50 3/4 inches in length and can accommodate up to 3 meter stacks. Order quantity as
required based on total width of meterstack line up.
DE4-14 Page 15 Thursday, December 17, 2015 11:09 PM
13.27 "
33.15 "
15.33 " 15.33 " 15.33 "
389mm 389mm 389mm
15.33 "
2.16 " 3.50 " 3.25 " 3.50 " 2.16 "
1.75 "
1.75 "
1", 1.25", 1.50", 2" K.0.
Endwall Details
Assembled On: 7 Jaw 125/200A Stacks
DE4-15 Page 16 Thursday, December 17, 2015 11:09 PM
MC34126 MC34206
34 Wire 600 VAC Maximum 34 Wire 600 VAC Maximum
Sub-Service Circuit Breaker
VERTICAL Sub-Service Circuit Breaker
125 Amp Maximum BUS BARS 200 Amp Maximum BUS BARS
Type H Frame 600Vac Type J Frame 600Vac
500 AMP 800 AMP
Suitable For Suitable For
CU-AL Conductors MAXIMUM CU-AL Conductors MAXIMUM
Load Terminals Load Terminals
#12 — 1/0 AWG #2 AWG — 250 MCM
NMSC Ground Terminals NMSC Ground Terminals
#14 — 4 AWG #14 — 4 AWG
Ground Terminal May Be Ground Terminal May Be
Moved to Bottom of Stack N N Moved to Bottom of Stack N N
If Required L1 L1 If Required L1 L1
L2 L2 L2 L2
L3 L3 L3 L3
34 Wire 600 VAC Maximum
Sub-Service Circuit Breaker
200 Amp Maximum 200 AMP
Type J Frame 600Vac MAXIMUM
Suitable For
CU-AL Conductors
Load Terminals
#2 AWG — 250 MCM
NMSC Ground Terminals
#14 — 4 AWG
Ground Terminal May Be L1 L1
Moved to Bottom of Stack L2 L2
If Required L3 L3