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Republic of the Philippines

Region 02
Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Nueva Vizcaya General Comprehensive High school
Don Domingo Maddela, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

Detailed Lesson Plan

in Health 7
September 24, 2018

At the end of the lesson at least 85% of the students shall have:
a. Identified the nutritional problems of adolescents
b. Described the characteristics, signs and symptoms of malnutrition and
micronutrients deficiencies
c. Discussed ways of preventing and controlling malnutrition and micronutrient
d. Realized the importance of nutrition as growing adolescents
e. Actively participated in group activity.
a. Topic: Health and Nutrition
b. Sub-topic: Malnutrition and Micronutrient deficiencies
c. References: Physical Education and Health Grade 7
d. Materials: Manila Paper, pictures
e. Strategies: Discussion and self activity

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preliminaries
1. Prayer
Let us all stand and feel the presence of our Lord. (The students will stand and ____ will lead
_____, please lead the prayer. the prayer.)

2. Greetings
Good Morning, Class!
You may have a seat. Good Morning, Ma’am!
Thank You, Ma’am!
3. Checking of Attendance
____ please check the attendance and submit it
to me. (_____ will check the attendance.)
4. Setting of Standards
Before you proceed to your presentation, I will
present to you the standards to follow.
Everybody read it.
The students will read the set of standards.
I hope that you follow this during your Understand the lesson
presentation. Understood? Cooperate and participate
B. Presentation of the Lesson Observe discipline.
What can you say about them?
Yes, Ma’am!
Millions of people around the world suffer from
malnutrition and micronutrients deficiency. Many
families worldwide cannot afford or do not have enough
access to nutritious food due to poverty. Filipinos are
not spared from these conditions. Filipino adolescents
suffer from nutritional problems, too. However, it is
important for growing adolescents to acquire the needed
nutrients for healthier growth and development.

Lesson Proper
So as growing adolescents, you must learn and
understand these problems so you prevent them from
What is Malnutrition? Malnourished Ma’am
Eating a lot does not necessarily mean to getting They re lack of nutrients.
the right nutrients you need.
You may be eating a lot but if the food you are
eating do not contain the necessary nutrients needed by
the body, you may still suffer from malnutrition.
There are two types of malnutrition.
Kindly read!
Over nutrition (too many calories). Example of
this is the obesity.
Under nutrition ( not enough calories for energy Malnutrition- is a condition wherein a person is
or inadequate nutrients) not getting enough of the right food.
At present, do we have a program to address the
problems of malnutrition in the country? Do we have
government programs/projects that can help resolve the
The Philippine Food Fortification Act of 2000
seeks to address the micronutrient deficiencies in the Two types of malnutrition
country. Republic Act 8976 mandates the fortification of a. over nutrition – happens when a person eats
rice, flour, refined sugar, and cooking oil. It urges and gets nutritional requirements beyond the
manufacturers of processed food to fortify their products needed and ideal amount.
under the ‘SangkapPinoy program. b. under nutrition – is a condition where in a
person does not eat or take the daily needed
nutrients and nutritional requirements leading to
diseases and deficiencies.

Let’s proceed to the Micronutrients.

Some agencies and non-government
What is Micronutrients?
organizations (NGO) also help in addressing the
Very Good!
malnutrition problem in the country:
Adequate intake of vitamins and minerals can
 Department of Social Welfare and
spell the difference between a healthful and productive
Development (DSWD)
life, and being ill.
 Department of Science and Technology
Vitamin A, iron and iodine are the most common
micronutrients that are lacking in Filipino diets.
 Food and Nutrition Research Institute
But before we go to types of micronutrients
deficiencies, let’s define first what micronutrient
deficiency is.
Negative effects of Malnutrition among
What are the micronutrient deficiencies?
1. Slow growth and development
2. Poor school performance
3. Sluggishness and fatigue
4. Poor nutrition in adulthood

Micronutrients – are vitamins and minerals that

all humans need to maintain strong bodies and
mental sharpness, fight off disease, and bear
healthy children.

Micronutrient Deficiencies – diseases caused by

deficiency of vitamins or minerals in the diet.

1. Vitamin A deficiency
 Causes night blindness and later on,
That’s end our lesson for today. permanent blindness.
Any question?  Can be prevented by eating vitamin A-rich
C. Evaluation foods, such as animal products, orange and
Group Quiz Bowl yellow fruits, vegetables, dark green leafy
In this activity, your knowledge on malnutrition and vegetables and palm oil.
micronutrient deficiency will be assessed through an 2. Iron deficiency
honesty quiz bee. It’s called honesty quiz bee because  Anemia is a condition when the red blood
you will be accountable with keeping track of your own cells count or hemoglobin is lesser than
score. normal. Usually affects adolescent girls. It
Instructions: results to retarded physical growth, low
1. Form 4 groups. Each group will be given a flashcard resistance, reproductive repairmen and
and chalk together with the score sheet. slow development of learning abilities.
2. The quiz bee is divided into 2 categories namely easy  Can be prevented by consuming foods such
and difficult. There will be 5 easy questions worth 1 as dark green leafy vegetables, legumes,
point, and 3 difficult questions of 3 points. red meat, and iron fortified food products.
3. Each question will be read twice. Wait until the 3. Iodine Deficiency Disorder (IDD)
teacher says “GO”, before you write your answer on  Results to goiter, hypothyroidism and
your flashcard. Ten seconds will be given for you to mental retardation in infants and children
write your answers. whose mothers lacked iodine when they
4. As you hear the teacher says “Time’s Up”, stop were pregnant.
writing and raise your flash cards for checking. Teacher  Can be prevented by consuming foods such
will reveal the answer. If you got it right, write a straight as breads, iodized table salt cheese,
line corresponding to your score. If you got it wrong, saltwater fish, cow’s milk, seaweed and
write x for that particular number. other iodine rich foods.
5. The sequences continue until all the questions shall
have been read, answered and scored.
Any question?

D. Generalization Yes / No ma’am

Did you enjoy the activity? Questions:
Easy category
What can you say about your activity?  It is a condition wherein a person is not
getting enough of the right food.
What do you realize in your activity?
 These are vitamins and minerals that all
That’s good! humans need to maintain strong bodies and
E. Valuing mental sharpness, fight off disease, and
Present the score per group. bear healthy children.
Now class, why are proper nutrition and  It is a type of malnutrition when person
micronutrients important for growing adolescent like eats too much calories.
you/  It a diseases caused by deficiency of
vitamins or minerals in the diet.

 It’s a type of micronutrient deficiency that

causes night blindness and later on, it will
turns to permanent blindness.

Difficult Category
 Give at least 2 negative effects of
malnutrition among adolescents.
 Enumerate the 3 types of micronutrient
 How can we prevent the Vitamin A

--- yes Ma’am

---it’s quite challenging Ma’am.
--- as we do the activity ma’am, we realize that
cooperation is ……

It is important because it helps us to

achieve our full growth potential.
IV. Assignment

Advance reading on the Eating Disorder.

Prepared: Noted:


Student Teacher/ MAPEH Cooperating Teacher

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