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4th Quarter HEALTH 8

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Dear Lord - Protector, Provider, Comforter, Blessed are you, O Lord our
God, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. You are the Mighty Heavenly Rock
who is our stability and strength in troubled times. You are the Powerful
Creator of all people – each one unique, special, precious in Your sight,
and greatly loved by You. We come in prayer today to express our love for
You and to acknowledge our need for Your wisdom, guidance,
protection, provision, and peace. In John 15:4, You tell us to abide in you.
Open our understanding of how to abide in you more closely. Show us
how to walk with greater courage, greater calmness and greater
compassion. Continually remind us to choose to be patient, kind, and
thankful. May we grow each day in the understanding of how to move
through this time as Mighty Men and Women of God. In Jesus' name we
pray, Amen.
Gateway drugs
Gateway drugs open doors for non-
drug users to try and experiment on
more dangerous and illegal drugs.
Despite the total ban on cigarette
advertisements, more and more
Filipinos including teenagers are
getting hooked on this vice.
Alcoholism in the Philippines is
evident. It is said that alcohol drinking
is one of the most addictive habits of
Filipinos (Richard Zarco).
I want you to answer the following questions
in your notebook after our discussion.

1. What if your friends started smoking, will
you also smoke for their sake? Why or
why not?
2. What will you tell to your friends who
smoke? What will you do if they don’t
listen to your advice?
Smoking and its effects on
useful tips to prevent and control
cigarette smoking
-Do not let your parents or other adults send you
to buy cigarettes. Tell them politely that you are not
of legal age to buy cigarettes from your neighbor’s
sari-sari store. The law does not allow the sale of
cigarettes to a minor. Minors who smoke cigarettes
often started it as an errand.
useful tips to prevent and control
cigarette smoking
-Ask your parents or other adults at home
not to smoke in front of you. Ask them
politely to smoke away from you. Explain to
them the danger of second hand and third hand
useful tips to prevent and control
cigarette smoking
-Learn to say NO. Learn to say no and mean
it. Now that you learned the bad effects of
cigarette smoking, don’t start. This demands a
lot of self-discipline.
useful tips to prevent and control
cigarette smoking
-Smoking is not cool. Smoking is NEVER
cool. Aside from the disease you may get from
smoking in the long run, early effects of
smoking include stained teeth, stained hands,
bad breath, and bad odor.
useful tips to prevent and control
cigarette smoking
-Be productive. Learn a hobby or two or
sports, or read a book. Engaging in hobbies
and sports are productive ways as a pastime
rather than puffing a smoke.
useful tips to prevent and control
cigarette smoking
-Be empowered. Read more about smoking.
There are a lot of resources available online.
Knowing the bad effects of smoking allows
you to reject or quit smoking more.
useful tips to prevent and control
cigarette smoking
-Think positive. You might have tried to quit
smoking before and failed, don't let that stop
you. Look back at the things your experience
has taught you and think.
useful tips to prevent and control
cigarette smoking
-Plan to quit smoking. Make a promise, set a date
and stick to it. Sticking to the "not a drag" rule can
help. Whenever you find yourself in difficulty, say to
yourself, "I won't even have a single drag", and stick
with this until the cravings pass about how you're
going to do it successfully this time.
useful tips to prevent and control
cigarette smoking
-Consider your diet. Some foods, like meat, make
cigarettes more satisfying. Others, Like cheese, fruits,
and vegetables, make cigarettes taste terrible. So,
swap your usual humba, adobo or burger for a law-oy,
pinakbet or chop suey instead.
useful tips to prevent and control
cigarette smoking
-Know when you crave cigarettes. A craving can
last 5 minutes and this is due to nicotine, the addictive
part of cigarette smoke. Before you give up, make a
list of 5- minute strategies. For example, you could go
outside and breathe fresh air or take a 5-minute walk
to enjoy a view.
useful tips to prevent and control
cigarette smoking
-Get some support. If friends or family members want to give
up, too, suggest to them that you give up together. There's also
support available from your barangay health unit (BHU) or
LGUs RHU on smoking-cessation-program by DOH. You are
up to 4 times more likely to quit successfully with their expert
help and advice.
useful tips to prevent and control
cigarette smoking
-Get moving or engage in sports. A review of
scientific studies has proved exercise, even a
5-minute walk or stretch, cuts cravings and
may help your brain produce anti-craving
useful tips to prevent and control
cigarette smoking
-Make non-smoking friends. When
you're at a party or group, stick with the
non-smokers. You are less likely to lit up
a cigarette.
useful tips to prevent and control
cigarette smoking
-Keep your hands and mouth busy. When
you're out, try putting your drink in the hand
that usually holds a cigarette, or drink from a
straw, chew a piece of gum, or have a candy to
keep your mouth busy.
useful tips to prevent and control
cigarette smoking
-Make a list of reasons to quit. Keep
reminding yourself why you made the decision
to give up smoking. Make a list of the reasons
and read it when you need support.
What alcohol does to
your body
what alcohol does to
your body?
There are some measures you can
put in place or do to help you
avoid alcohol consumption and
the risk of developing alcohol
How to avoid alcohol?
-Don’t Keep Alcohol at Home. If you
don’t have alcohol at home, you can’t
drink it. Being unable to grab a drink from
home can keep you from developing a
pattern of alcohol use that can easily
develop into abuse or addiction.
How to avoid alcohol?
-Do not let your parents or other adults
send you to buy Alcohol. Tell them
politely that you are not of legal age to
buy alcohol from your neighbor’s sari-sari
store. The law does not allow the sale of
alcohol to a minor.
How to avoid alcohol?
-Surround Yourself with Non-Drinkers. There are
people you can spend time with and places you can
go where alcohol is not the focal point. If you spend
time with people who don’t drink, or don’t drink
often, you will be less likely to drink as well.
Socializing does not always mean playing drinking
games, doing shots, or partying. Making friends who
engage in a variety of activities without drinking can
help you control or avoid drinking altogether.
How to avoid alcohol?
-Know the Consequences of Alcohol
Abuse. Sometimes, knowing what
excessive drinking can do to you or
your body can keep you from drinking
to excess. Learn more and be
Ways to
Say No
-“I’m Studying”. Make this is as the
ultimate excuse. You are in school to
learn and not to be with a group for a
drinking session. Being drunk or
under the influence of alcohol may
get you in trouble with the school
authorities and even with your local
authorities. Remember, alcohol
consumption is prohibited to minors.
-“I Don't Drink”. Is the best
response for you, who has not tried
drinking alcohol or for anyone who is
serious about recovery from
alcoholism, or anyone who wants to
put an end to the nonsense of peer
pressure to drink alcohol. Let them
know you mean it.
-“I’m a Minor / I’m Underage”.
Remind the adults who invited you to
drink that you are a minor or
underage. Alcohol consumption is
prohibited to minors. Adults can face
legal consequences when they allow
minor to consume alcohol.
-“No, Thank You”. A polite way to decline
an offer to drink alcohol. Your response can
be short, sweet, and direct.
-“Sorry, I’m allergic to alcohol”. If you
are allergic to alcohol, do not ever give in to
peer pressure. An ambulance ride to the
hospital is never enjoyable. And besides, it
may be potentially deadly.
Healthy Alternatives to
cigarette and alcohol to
promote healthy lifestyle.
⊹  Eat a hot fudge sundae.
⊹  Whistle or hum for a while.
⊹  Do three sets of ten jumping jacks.
⊹  Run in place.
⊹  Turn on the radio or play your favorite song from
your smartphone and sing at the top of your lungs.
Healthy Alternatives to
cigarette and alcohol to
promote healthy lifestyle.
⊹  If music is playing, dance like no one is watching.
⊹  Spray cologne or your favorite perfume and remind
yourself how nice it is that
⊹ they don't smell like tobacco.
⊹  Alternative drinks like soda, powdered juice,
powdered iced tea, etc.
Assessment-multiple choice
1. The following are strategies or ways to
prevent and control the use of cigarette and

A. Be with Non-Drinkers
B. B. Be with Non-Smokers
C. C. Engage in sports
D. All of the above
Assessment-multiple choice
2. The following are healthy alternatives to
cigarette and alcohol use.

A. Chew a piece of gum

B. Drink a glass of water
C. Floss and brush your teeth
D. All of the above
Assessment-multiple choice
3. You are not allowed to smoke cigarette
and drink alcohol because______.

A. it is against the law

B. it is not healthy
C. you are a minor
D. all the above
Assessment-multiple choice
4. The best response to say no when
someone invites you to consume alcohol.

A. I don’t drink
B. B. I don’t have money
C. C. I don’t like you
D. D. None of the above
Assessment-multiple choice
5. Why do you think smoking is banned in
public places?

A. It is a fire hazard
B. It is a health hazard
C. To protect the environment
D. All of the above
1. The following are strategies or ways to
prevent and control the use of cigarette and

A. Be with Non-Drinkers
B. Be with Non-Smokers
C. Engage in sports
D. All of the above
2. The following are healthy alternatives to
cigarette and alcohol use.

A. Chew a piece of gum

B. Drink a glass of water
C. Floss and brush your teeth
D. All of the above
3. You are not allowed to smoke cigarette and
drink alcohol because______.

A. it is against the law

B. it is not healthy
C. you are a minor
D. all the above
4. The best response to say no when someone
invites you to consume alcohol.

A. I don’t drink
B. I don’t have money
C. I don’t like you
D. None of the above
5. Why do you think smoking is banned in
public places?

A. It is a fire hazard
B. It is a health hazard
C. To protect the environment
D. All of the above
Draw and/or paint an artwork that
depicts the causes and effects of
alcohol drinking and cigarette
smoking on a piece of bond paper.
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