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Seismically Induced Failure of Rock Slopes: Insights From Field Observations and Analytical Modeling

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Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering for Protection and Development of

Environment and Constructions – Silvestri & Moraci (Eds)

© 2019 Associazione Geotecnica Italiana, Rome, Italy, ISBN 978-0-367-14328-2

Seismically induced failure of rock slopes: Insights from field

observations and analytical modeling

J. Wartman, M. Gibson, A. Grant & L. Arnold

University of Washington, USA

C. Massey
GNS Science, New Zealand

M.L. Olsen
Oregon State University, USA

M. McLaughlin
Montana Tech, USA

D. Keefer
University of Maine, USA

ABSTRACT: Seismically-induced rock slope failures have caused the deaths of tens-of-
thousands of people and economic losses in the billions over the last century. This paper pre-
sents insights on rock slope behavior in earthquakes both from field reconnaissance missions
and analytical modeling. In the first part of the paper, a detailed case study is presented for
the 2010–2011 Canterbury earthquakes, which triggered in thousands of landslides in the
populated Port Hills region of Christchurch resulting in both human and capital losses. Data
is presented on rock slope performance and the impact of co-seismic rockfall on buildings. In
the second part of this article discusses a straightforward, yet powerful, two-dimensional
single block framework to assess the co-seismic mode of failure (sliding, toppling, slumping)
and yield acceleration equations for rock blocks. Noteworthy is that complexly shaped blocks
can be evaluated knowing just their centers of mass and contact points with supporting


In May 2008, the Mw7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake shook a mountainous region of China
located approximately 80 km northwest of the city of Chengdu. The event triggered thousands
of rock slope failures that were collectively responsible for an estimated third of the 88,000
total fatalities (Fan et al. 2009) and for the emplacement of over 200 unstable landslide debris
dams that forced massive post-earthquake evacuations. Events such as this are not isolated.
While these types of landslides disproportionately impact the most densely populated moun-
tain regions of the world, other locations are by no means immune to rock slope hazards. The
1959 M7.5 Hebgen Lake, Montana earthquake triggered a rock slope failure that killed 28
people and rockslides from the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake dammed several valleys in the
mesoseismal region. More recently, the 2010-2011 Christchurch Earthquake sequence trig-
gered thousands of landslides on the south island of New Zealand (Massey et al. 2014).
Worldwide, seismically induced rock slope failures have been responsible for approximately
30% of the most significant landslide catastrophes of the past century (USGS 2007). They are

among the most common and dangerous of all seismic hazards. Rock slope failures1 differ
fundamentally in two critical respects from landslides in unconsolidated, soil materials: (i)
rock slope stability is controlled principally by discontinuities in the rock mass rather than the
properties of the larger continuum, and (ii) owing to their potentially large volumes, high vel-
ocities, long travel distances, and impact forces, the consequences of rock slope failures can be
severe. These consequences routinely include burying of roadways and canals, impacts to
structures, and formation of landslide debris dams. While earthquake-induced soil landslides
have been well studied, there has been significantly less fundamental research on the more
common (Keefer 1984a) and often more significant problem of rock slope stability under seis-
mic conditions (Carro et al. 2003). The sparse treatment of this hazard in the literature is
partly due to the large displacements that rock masses often undergo at failure, which make it
challenging to estimate pre-earthquake properties and to ‘reconstruct’ and interpret triggering
processes and mechanisms in the field.


2.1 Overview and impacts

Landslides of all types are a hazard in nearly every country, causing billions of dollars of
damage and many casualties each year (Schuster 1996, Keefer and Larsen 2007). Seismicity
along with precipitation are the two significant triggers of landslides. Moderate-to-large mag-
nitude earthquakes trigger tens-of-thousands of landslides over regions spanning tens-of-thou-
sands of km2 (Keefer 1984a). The most abundant of these landslides result from failure of
rock slopes (Keefer 1984a, Rodriguez et al. 1999); these can dramatically impact populations
and leave lasting effects on the built and natural environments (e.g. Hewitt at al. 2008).
Figure 1a shows buildings that withstood inertial shaking during the 2011 Tohoku, Japan
earthquake but were damaged by rock slope failures. In some cases, rock debris volumes can
be large enough to entirely bury communities as happened during a 1970 M7.9 earthquake in
Yungay, Peru (Plafker and Ericsen 1978). Geographically distributed critical infrastructure
systems (e.g. roads, canals, pipelines) are the elements of the built environment that are pos-
sibly the most susceptible to rock slope failures. Not only do these systems provide access for

Figure 1. Rock slope failures from the Tohoku, Japan (a) and Pisco, Peru (b) earthquakes.

1. A wide range of terminologies exists to describe ‘rock slope failures’ including, ‘rock slides,’ ‘rock slumps,’
‘rock block slides,’ and ‘rock falls,’ ‘rock topples,’ and ‘rock spreads’. For brevity and consistency, the gen-
eric phase rock slope failures will be used throughout the paper. Rock slope failures include a range of land-
slide technical subcategorizations including rock slides, slumps and block slides, as defined by Keefer
(1984a). Consistent with Keefer (2002), rock refers to bedrock that is firm and intact prior to failure.
Although this paper focuses on initiation and immediate progression, it should be recognized that rock-slope
failures could mobilize into a long-run out rock avalanches, another landslide descriptive category.

post-event rescue efforts, but they also offer essential support to a region’s population and
thus play a critical role in both immediate and long-term recovery following an earthquake.
Figure 1b shows a rock slope failure triggered by the 2007 Pisco, Peru earthquake that closed
a major roadway for several days, entirely isolating several devastated nearby communities.
This same rock slope failure also buried a conveyance channel, cutting off the mountain water
supply to residents of nearby coastal cities. The earthquake reconnaissance literature contains
many other similar accounts. Rock slope failures also affect the natural environment by such
mechanisms as emplacement of landslide debris dams (Korup 2002). Because these landslide
dams are entirely uncontrolled (i.e., ‘non-engineered’), they are significant post-earthquake
hazards due to risks of their eventual breaching or overtopping. More pragmatically, they fur-
ther compound problems in regions already suffering direct losses from the earthquake itself.

2.2 Processes and mechanisms

An early empirical study used observations and reports from 50 seismically induced rock
slope failures that led to massive, long-runout landslides to identify common factors (Keefer
1984b). These include: (i) slopes steeper than 25 degrees, (ii) presence of active erosion agents
[e.g., streams or glacial erosion] near the toe, (iii) fractured and jointed rock masses, and (iv)
other indicators of geologic instability such as adversely orientated jointing.
General insight to rock slope failure processes can be gained from studies of static rock
slope triggering mechanisms (e.g., precipitation, progressive failure). A comprehensive sum-
mary account of these was discussed by Eberhardt (2008), who used integrated numerical
modeling and high-quality field measurements to investigate mechanisms controlling the mas-
sive Randa rockslide in the Swiss Alps. The study revealed the complexity of the rock slope
failure process due to factors such as persistence (i.e. continuity) and non-persistence of dis-
continuities (with the potential for evolution and ‘bridging’ of joint sets not in contact), inter-
actions between multiple moving blocks, the development of internal shear surfaces
(fracturing of rock blocks), and the episodic nature of movement.

2.3 Current assessment practices

The current practice for assessing the seismic stability of rock slopes often uses empirically
based descriptive analyses or computation of a factor-of-safety based on a pseudostatic analysis.
Among the most popular of the descriptive procedures are those of Keefer’s (1993) and Harp
and Noble’s (1993). The Keefer (1993) procedure has been adopted in regional-scale hazard
evaluations, including a significant effort in 2000 by the Oregon (USA) Department of Geology.
An alternative method by Harp and Noble (1993), which is based on empirical data from
the 1980 Mammoth Lakes, California earthquake sequence, presents an equation to relate
geologic characteristics such as joint properties to relative seismic rock slope failure suscepti-
bility levels. Wasowski and Del Gaudio (2000) adopted this procedure to assess the failure
susceptibility of a site in the Italian Apennines.
As described earlier, the presence of discontinuities (joints, fractures, folds, bedding, foliations,
faults, etc.) mainly distinguishes the behavior of rock slopes from soil slopes. Strength across dis-
continuities is weak relative to intact rock mass strength, and thus rock slopes generally fail
along localized existing (or propagating) discontinuities rather than through the intact rock.
As with soil slopes, the stability of rock slopes is typically assessed using limit-equilibrium-
based procedures; however, rock masses are usually modeled as rigid blocks (and wedges)
defined by discontinuities.
The extension of this limit-equilibrium approach to seismic conditions is made through the
application of a ‘pseudostatic’ horizontal (sometimes combined with vertical) destabilizing
force representing the inertial effects of an earthquake, yielding a factor-of-safety against fail-
ure. This procedure can be extended to three-dimensional joint sets using stereographic projec-
tion techniques (Hoek and Bray 1981).
Although relatively easy to perform, there are apparent simplifications with this approach.
For example, the transient destabilizing forces of an earthquake are represented by a single
and constant parameter (outward force).

Nevertheless, there currently exist few practical alternatives, and thus the pseudostatic
method has been used in many studies. For example, Chen et al. (2003) perform a pseudostatic
back-analysis of the Tao-Ling rockslide triggered by the Chi-Chi earthquake, while Mavrouli
et al. (2009) use a similar approach to assess the seismic stability of rock slopes in the Princi-
pality of Andorra. Sepulveda et al. (2005) use both a pseudostatic and Newmark-type sliding
block deformation analysis (Newmark 1965) to investigate the role of topographic amplifica-
tion in the triggering of rock slope failures in the Northridge earthquake. The discrete element
method, a tool that was largely limited to research applications, is beginning to find more
common use in practice for analyzing rock slope stability.



3.1 Introduction
The 2010–2011 Canterbury (New Zealand) earthquakes initiated thousands of landslides in
the populated Port Hills region of Christchurch.
These included rockfalls and debris avalanches, and to a lesser degree, soil slumps
(Figure 2). At least 200 homes were damaged by rockfalls, leading to the temporary

Figure 2. Location of rock slope failures in the Port Hills region of Christchurch (New Zealand).
Source areas are shown in orange and resulting runout paths are shown in yellow. The names shown near
the coast (e.g. “Quarry Road”) pertain to major rock slope failure sites. A northwest-facing cross section
through the “Richmond Hill” site is shown in Figure 3. With the exception of the LPCC station, who site
conditions closely mimic a rock outcrop, all seismic stations shown on the map are located on soil.

evacuation of hundreds of residents. The first significant event of the sequence, which
occurred on 4 September 2010, is known as the Mw 7.1 Darfield earthquake. This event was
followed about six months later by the devastating 22 February 2011, Mw 6.2 Christchurch
earthquake, which centered in the Port Hills. This second major event triggered widespread
landsliding in the region, including thousands of rock slope failures (Dellow et al. 2011). Peak
horizontal and vertical ground accelerations (PGA values) recorded in the Port Hills during
the February 2011 earthquake were in the range of 0.3–0.9 g but reached values as high as 1.4
g (horizontal) and 2.2 g (vertical) at one station (Heathcote Valley School station). These
large PGA values and the high vertical: horizontal acceleration ratios (> 1) are due, in part, to
the low epicentral distance in the Port Hills (epicentral < 10 km).
The intense, high-frequency nature of ground motion in the Port Hills is thought to have
been a key reason for the large number of rockfalls and landslides triggered in the region
(Cubrinovski et al. 2011). Several weaker earthquakes occurred on 16 April, 13 June, and 23
December 2011 triggering further landslides (Massey et al. 2014). The observations and sur-
veys made of rock slope performance during the Canterbury earthquake sequence are perhaps
the highest quality case studies available in the literature.

3.2 Local geology

The Port Hills are a series of loess-mantled ridges rising approximately 500 m above densely
populated valleys. Local bedrock is composed of the Lyttelton Volcanic Group, a sequence of
weathered Miocene basalt flows, which grade vertically and laterally to breccia, agglomerate,
sandy tuff beds, and buried paleosols (Massey et al. 2014). The volcanic bedrock is overlain
by wind-blown fine sandy silt (loess) and colluvium (reworked loess and volcanic clasts) that
is typically 1 m thick but varies locally to more than 5 m. Both the volcanic bedrock and brec-
cia are cliff-forming and are exposed in both isolated outcrops and continuous cliffs (formed
from lava flows) that vary in height from a few meters to over 40 m tall. Both individual out-
crops and continuous cliffs were sources of rockfall during the February 2011 earthquake as
well as other earthquakes in the Canterbury sequence. New Zealand’s geologic survey, GNS
Science, collected extensive data in the Port Hills during and after the earthquake sequence.
Their field reconnaissance included (i) mapping of cliff geology, morphology, co-seismic
deformation, and cracks; (ii) drilling, trenching, and downhole geophysical surveys, (iii) geo-
technical laboratory testing, and (iv) laser scans (Massey et al. 2017).

3.3 Rock slope failure mechanisms

The geotechnical properties of the volcanic breccia and lava vary significantly across the Port
Hills region, and hence, rock slope performance differed across the Port Hills region. The
basalt lava flow sequences are dominated by cooling joints (~1–3 m spacing) that are highly
variable both vertically and laterally. Given the high intact strength of the lava, earthquake-
induced permanent slope displacements occurred as movement along discontinuities. Failure
modes comprised mainly toppling and block sliding failures of the individual or multiple dis-
continuity-bound lava columns, forming rockfalls and debris avalanches. The basalts and
breccias tend to be massive, with few discontinuities apparent before the earthquakes, and
these materials form most of the exposed cliff faces in this study. As a result of earthquake-
induced deformation and cracking, the breccias in these cliffs now contain many new discon-
tinuities, which tend to be open and dilated with variable persistence from a few meters to the
unit thickness and roughness ranging from close to planar to undulating rough.
The majority of the larger volume failures occurred in these materials and most happened
as a result of fracturing through the intact breccia (both around and through clasts) forming
persistent defects. Failure modes ranged from (i) slumping, where the displaced mass is rela-
tively intact and the debris did not leave the cliff, to (ii) debris avalanches, where the dis-
placing mass nearest the cliff face breaks free and falls from the face (Hungr et al. 2013). In
many of the larger cliffs, the cliff-top deformation patterns and displacement vectors, meas-
ured across cracks and from instruments, support relatively deep-seated failure mechanisms,

where the displacement of the mass is likely to have occurred along multiple discontinuities -
both preexisting and those formed by earthquake-induced movement - at depth within the
cliff. At the cliff crests, the crack frequency, persistence, and the displacement magnitudes
tend to increase toward the cliff face. In some locations, the cliff face had fallen away, indicat-
ing displacements greater than those measured. An eyewitness to a massive coastal rock cliff
during the 13 June 2011 earthquake observed that failure of the cliff started at the outside
edge, where displacement was more vertical and retrogressed into the slope away from the
cliff edge where movement became more horizontal. In the more massive debris avalanches,
failure of the basalt appears to have occurred due to a failure of the under-lying breccias
during the strong earthquake shaking. Failures in the rock mass forming the cliffs were also
noted to have occurred along discrete preexisting and sometimes clay-infilled discontinuities
and along material boundaries or through weaker epiclastic layers separating the lava-flow
sequences. In some of the cliffs, the observed failures comprised combinations of all of the
different failure modes discussed. Figure 3 depicts rock slope failure and damage to the Rich-
mond Hills cliff (see Figure 2 for location) during earthquake sequence. Such damage was typ-
ical for large rock slopes throughout the Port Hills region.

3.4 Impacts and penetration of rockfall into buildings

Rock slope failures triggered by the Canterbury earthquakes resulted in five fatalities and
caused approximately US$400 million in damages to buildings and infrastructure. In 2014-
2015, a series of additional field reconnaissance missions were undertaken to study the impacts
of the rock slope failures on residential structures (Grant et al. 2017). The field study included
characterization of the rockfall source area, runout, and volume, impact measurement, and
characterization of the resulting damage. All impacting rocks were digitally measured using
terrestrial laser (lidar) scan-generated 3D point clouds. The lidar surveys were carried out at
19 buildings, and these data were used to augment physical observations, enabling cm-scale
measurement precision of the fallen rocks, their impacts, and the structural impact. The result-
ing database includes 42 impacts to walls of buildings and 19 impacts to roofs. In addition to
the building surveys, geo-referenced images acquired during the field reconnaissance visits
(containing runout and impact trajectories) were later combined with high-resolution aerial
images and airborne lidar-derived digital elevation models to define the runout paths of indi-
vidual rocks into the houses. Pre- and post-earthquake lidar change detection, along with field
mapping of rock slope failures, was used to define the locations of the rockfall source areas
(Massey et al. 2012), which were combined with the reconnaissance data and high-resolution
aerial images to reconstruct the precise source area and runout path for each rock block that
impacted a dwelling. This provided a tight constraint on runout paths for large rocks where
runout path damage was visible. The buildings in this database were primarily housing with a
light timber-frame construction with or without unreinforced masonry facades. Such building
materials and types are typical throughout New Zealand and many other regions including
Australia, North America, and Japan, among other parts of the world. For the 29 buildings
under study, the consequences of the rockfall impacts ranged from (1) minor aesthetic impacts
to a dwelling’s cladding, to (2) instances where rockfalls penetrated homes and came to rest
within the structure, and finally to (3) rockfalls that passed through the houses and continued
to roll and bounce downslope (Figure 4).
The estimated kinetic energies at the point of impact were calculated for each rock
striking a dwelling using the 2D software RocFall 5.0 (Rocscience, 2016). RocFall uses a
lumped mass, physics-based modeling approach to compute rock velocities and bounce
heights for any point along a selected runout path based on a topographic profile. Roc-
Fall input parameters (coefficients of normal and tangential restitution, contact friction
angle, and topographic roughness of the slope path) were based on an independent ana-
lysis of unimpeded rock runout paths by Massey et al. (2012) for rockfalls triggered by
the Canterbury earthquake sequence in the Port Hills. For each rockfall runout path, a
10,000 rock blocks were simulated from the field-identified source point. The velocity

Figure 3. Northwest-facing cross section of Richmond Hills cliff (see Figure 2 for site location) showing
rock slope failures during earthquakes in the Canterbury sequence. The diagram in the upper middle
shows the measured accumulated displacement across the upper part of the cliff.

Figure 4. Examples of rockfall impacts on dwellings in the Port Hills of Christchurch. A and B: two
rock impacts on building affecting a total of three rooms causing significant damage, C: rock impacting a
corner of building causing exterior damages, D: damages caused by a through-going rock.

distribution of the simulated rock blocks at the point of impact was then used to compute
a likely distribution of energy on each building. The resulting back-analyzed rock impact
energies ranged from 0.15 to 1412 kJ, with a median impact energy of 49 kJ. The volume
of rocks ranged from 0.0015 to 14.4 m3, with a median value of 0.26 m3. Rockfall runout
distances into dwellings ranged from ~0.01 m (minor impact where the rock failed to
penetrate building) to complete dwelling penetrations (in the back and out the front) with
final resting positions more than 75 m beyond the initial impact with the dwelling. The
median runout distance was 2 m into a house.
The rock impact data for both wall and roof penetrations were combined to create
Figure 5, which shows runout distance into homes as a function of kinetic energy. These data
indicate a power law relationship between kinetic energy and the runout distance into and
through the dwelling. Overall, the data show that for an order of magnitude increase in
impact energy, a 5.5-fold increase in runout distance.
Independent regressions that consider wall and roof impacts separately do not differ in a
statistically significant manner, and therefore were combined into the single, best-fit regression
presented in Figure 5. It is worth noting that roof impacts are measured from their point of
entry and not the rear of the dwelling and therefore in some cases, affect portions of the dwell-
ing further down- slope than a comparable wall impact.
These data can be used to support quantitative risk assessment analysis to help quantify
the probability of a person being hit by a rock block (assume they are present in a home).
Examining Figure 5, the data suggest that rock blocks at impact kinetic energies of less than
2 kJ are unlikely to penetrate more than 0.1 m into a dwelling, which is similar to the typical
thickness of the timber-frame wooden buildings in the database. The data also suggests a
kinetic energy threshold of ~10 kJ, below which rocks tend to become lodged in the wall
system of the house (with penetration up to 50 cm) rather than fully enter a dwelling. It
worth noting that data points lying to the right of the best fit line (i.e., for rocks having
high-impact energies for relatively low penetrations) were most likely shifted by vegetation
effects along the runout path, which were not captured in our numerical simulations (Perret
et al. 2004).

Figure 5. Runout distance into dwellings as a function of kinetic energy. The three upper data points
on the runout distance diagram correspond to rock impacts that traveled through and beyond dwellings.
Correlation equations for the disaggregated data are presented above in text. Error bars in the Figure
shows +/- 1 standard deviation of impact kinetic energy.


4.1 Overview
Reconnaissance observations have played an essential role in inspiring and informing analytical
models. Observations from the Port Hills indicated that failure of rock blocks could initiate by
sliding, toppling, and slumping (sliding consists of translational motion; toppling consists of for-
ward, downslope rotational motion; and slumping consist of both translational and back-rota-
tional motion). These observations are supported by a database of earthquake-induced
landslide failures compiled by Keefer (1984a), which was further reinforced by others such as
Rodrıguez et al. (1999). To assess such failures, methods based on simplified, discrete, block
models such as a rectangular block on a plane or wedge blocks are commonly used to approxi-
mate the behavior of rock slopes and determine the factor of safety (Hoek and Bray, 1981;
Yagoda-Biran and Hatzor, 2013). These models assume rectangular blocks on a plane or sliding
prismatic three-dimensional (3D) wedge blocks. However, a significant limitation common to
rectangular and wedge-shaped blocks is that the assumed geometry and boundary conditions
restrict the potential failure modes to sliding or toppling. Thus, there is a need to expand the
geometry assumptions such that all possible failure modes are kinematically admissible.
To address this issue, a simple, yet powerful, two-dimensional (2D) single block analytic
framework was introduced that does not restrict the geometry to orthogonal fracture sets.
This formulation allows for the slumping failure mode to naturally occur and can identify a
new single block failure mode, confined toppling. Through the use of simple failure mode
charts, this framework can be applied easily by practitioners including engineers performing

pre- and post-failure field reconnaissance. In addition to the identification of new failure
modes, this formulation allows for the calculation of the corresponding pseudostatic acceler-
ations that lead to block motion.
The range of discrete rock block geometries found in rock slopes is the result of the intersec-
tions formed by fractures throughout the rock mass. In some cases, these fracture networks
create orthogonal junctions that form rectangular blocks. However, when the fractures inter-
sect each other at arbitrary angles, many more block geometries become possible. As a matter
of terminology, the fracture set closest to a horizontal orientation is termed the base fracture,
while the other fracture set is termed the back fracture. For example, Figure 6 shows a rock
slope in the Andes of southern Peru having two predominate fracture sets. This
Figure illustrates a slope where the base fracture set is dipping out of the slope (i.e., ‘daylight-
ing fracture’) while the back fracture set is oriented either side of vertical (not that the blocks
are not rectangular). The discrete blocks formed by these intersecting fracture sets at the slope
surface are highlighted. In addition to distinct block failures, these separate blocks can inter-
act with each other and create complex behavior (Aydan et al., 1989). As shown in the Port
Hills, New Zealand, the cascading failure of multi-block slopes during earthquakes can be
catastrophic. Often these slopes are evaluated with either simplified failure charts based on
rectangular-shaped blocks (e.g., Yagoda-Biran and Hatzor, 2013) or slope specific numerical
analyses (e.g., Pal et al. 2011).

4.2 Model formulation

Consider a single, discrete rock block formed on the outermost portions of the slope high-
lighted in Figure 6. The blocks are redrawn in Figure 7 with additional geometric detail. The
block rests on a base fracture plane inclined at an angle β to horizontal. The angle formed
between the base and back fracture is termed the relative fracture angle, γ. The block is
assumed to be in contact with the fractures at points 1 and 3, as shown in Figure 7. Contact 1
is located at the heel of the block near the intersection of the two fractures and can act either
along the base plane or back plane depending on the movement of the block. In some cases,
contact 1 acts to provide primary weight support by contact with the base fracture while in
other cases it acts as a lateral support force through contact with the back fracture. Contact 2
is located along the back fracture and serves as a lateral support force in some circumstances.
Contact 3 is located where the toe of the block intersects the base fracture plane and provides

Figure 6. Blocky slope with indications of rock blocks where sliding and slumping modes are suspected.

Figure 7. Discrete rock block geometry parameterized by forward and backward block angles, α1 and α3.

primary weight support to the block. Point 4 is not in contact with a fracture but is noted to
define the block geometry.
The edges of the block are not necessarily assumed to be perfectly planar. It is assumed that
the block makes contact with the fractures in only three contact locations. Three position vec-
tors, r1, r2, and r3, are identified as the vectors from the center of mass, C, to the three corners
in contact with the two fracture planes. Since the block is a parallelogram and assuming a
uniform density distribution throughout the block, r2 = −r3 and r1 = −r4. With these relation-
ships, the geometry of this 2D discrete rock block is entirely described by r1 and r3. Because
r1 and r3 completely describe the geometry of the block, then using equations, the entire
shape of a block is characterized by the fracture spacings and relative fracture angle. A feature
of writing the equations in this manner is that vector components can be used to describe a
unit block, thus allowing equations governing the mechanics of the system to be derived as
presented by Gibson (2016).

4.3 Failure modes and yield acceleration

Combining pseudostatic forces with the concept of limit equilibrium for blocks formed by two
fracture sets of different orientation, allows the seismic failure modes and the minimum
ground motion accelerations that initiate block motion to be determined based on a block
geometry and joint friction (Figure 8). Determination of block geometry is generally straight-
forward; however, estimating joint friction requires that factors such a rock type, surface
roughness, and joint infilling be considered as discussed by (Hoek 2006), among others.
Gibson et al. (2018) verified the equations used to develop Figure 8 against a series of centri-
fuge experiments on synthetic rock slopes subjected to simulated earthquake shaking. Note
the following from this chart solution.
• Solutions are presented for any block shape since the only geometric information used to
determine these failure modes were the position vectors.
• The angle of the base fracture is not used to determine the transition between failure
modes; thus, the angle of the base fracture does not control the pseudostatic mode of
• The slumping failure mode for statically loaded blocks is only applicable for seismic load-
ing when the friction angle is greater than α1 otherwise the block will slide or topple.
With additional derivation, a minimum inertial acceleration can be determined which sets
the block into motion for each failure mode (Figure 9). Note the following for this diagram,
which was developed for an example case of friction angle (φ) = 40◦ and base fracture angle =
0◦. (Diagrams for other combinations of φ and base fracture angle show similar trends; these
may be found in Gibson 2016).

Figure 8. Mode of failure for rock blocks influenced by both base and back fractures. Alpha angles are
as defined in Figure 7. The diagonal line representing α1 = −α3 describes blocks that are rectangular in
shape. This line creates a ‘mirror geometry’ that describes blocks with shapes leaning forward (left of the
dashed line) and blocks leaning backward (right of the dashed line). The grey shapes depict block geom-
etry for combinations of α1 and α3. Chart was based on vector mechanics derivations detailed by Gibson

Figure 9. Chart solution showing yield accelerations (contoured values) for all modes of failure for the
condition of φ = 40◦ and base fracture angle = 0◦ as a function of forward and back block angles (see
Figure 7 for definition of alpha angles). Chart solutions of other combinations of φ and base fracture
angle are presented in Gibson (2016). “Mirror geometry” is as defined in Figure 8.

• As α1 approaches and exceeds φ, support from the back fracture plane is required for static
stability. The increase in the normal force on the back fracture plane reduces the normal
force on the base fracture plane, and since shear resistance is based on this normal force,
the same trend occurs. The orientation of the shear resistance on the base fracture plane is
the most productive at resisting horizontal acceleration than that of the back fracture

plane; therefore, the transfer of shear resistance from the base to back fracture plane
reduces the overall horizontal resistance of the system.
• The lower yield acceleration of the slumping block keeps in step with that of a log-spiral
failure surface. The interesting connection between these previous results and those of the
slumping block is that they are all systems undergoing back rotations.
• For all failure modes, increasing the base angle reduces the magnitude (peak ground accel-
eration) of the earthquake that induces motion.
• For the toppling, sliding, and slumping failure modes, as the base angle increases and
exceeds the friction angle, the yield equations become negative which means that the spe-
cific geometry is not statically stable.


Seismically-induced rock slope failures are among the most common and dangerous of all seis-
mic hazards. For example, the 2010–2011 Canterbury earthquakes triggered thousands of
mass movements in the Port Hills, with a majority being in rock. These rock slope failures
resulted in both capital and human losses.
The most abundant mass movements with the highest risk to people and buildings were
rockfalls originating from steep cliffs. The majority of the larger volume failures occurred in
volcanic materials and most happened as a result of fracturing through the intact breccia
forming persistent defects. In some of the larger cliffs, the cliff-top deformation patterns and
displacement vectors, measured across cracks and from instruments, support relatively deep-
seated failure mechanisms, where the displacement of the mass is likely to have occurred along
multiple discontinuities - both preexisting and those formed by earthquake-induced movement
- at depth within the cliff. At the cliff crests, the crack frequency, persistence, and the displace-
ment magnitudes tend to increase toward the cliff face.
Over 200 homes (typically simple timber-frame structures) in the Port Hills were impacted
by co-seismic rockfall. Rockfall impacts on the dwellings were observed to follow a power law
relationship between kinetic energy and the runout distance into and through the dwelling.
The variability in observed consequences (rock runout and area impacted) due to rock impacts
on dwellings is primarily accounted for by back-analyzed impact kinetic energy. These data
provide a fundamental input for rockfall risk analyses and will better constrain future esti-
mates of loss from rockfall impacts (under both seismic and non-seismic conditions).
Reconnaissance observations have inspired and informed analytical models. A two-dimen-
sional single block framework was developed for the seismic evaluation of discrete rock
blocks. The framework is unique in that its geometry assumptions are less restrictive such that
a wide range of commonly observed failure modes, including sliding, toppling, and slumping,
are be kinematically admissible. Some of the critical inferences that can be drawn from the
formulation to determine pseudostatic failure modes include:
• the angle of the base fracture is not needed to determine the pseudostatic failure mode for
blocks on a frictional fracture plane.
• the scale of a block does not contribute to the determination of failure mode or yield accel-
eration on when the fracture’s shear resistance is described by a friction-only relationship.
However, this is not the case for blocks having fracture shear resistance that is best
described by friction and cohesion parameters, such as rocks types where fracture gouge
forms or chemical bonding occurs.
• the orientation of fracture sets relative to an open slope face, and the friction angle of the
fractures are the main determinants of the seismic mode of failure.
• Yield accelerations for rock failure modes show a non-linear relationship with their geom-
etry whereas the yield acceleration for sliding is constant. Between the sliding, toppling and
slumping failure modes, the sliding yield acceleration is always the greatest. Key inferences
drawn from the yield charts include:

• the pseudostatic modes can change because of slight changes in geometry or friction angle
whereas the yield accelerations are equal at the sliding/slumping, sliding/toppling, and slid-
ing/confined toppling transition points.
• the likelihood of a mode occurring is based on the possibility of a specific joint orientation,
spacing, and open slope face orientation. As different rock types might have different typ-
ical geometries of joint set formation, different types of rocks may have different dominant
modes of failure under seismic loading. For example, in rocks that typically show columnar
jointing, such as basalts the expected modes of failure will be sliding or toppling depending
on the relative spacing of those fractures. In rocks such as slates that have relatively small
fracture spacing and secondary joints at conjugate angles, slumping and sliding failure
would be expected.


Financial support for this research was provided by the U.S. National Science Foundation
under grants nos. 1156413 and 1439773.


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