Process Variables I: University of The Philippines Diliman
Process Variables I: University of The Philippines Diliman
Process Variables I: University of The Philippines Diliman
Instructions: Fill in any missing information in the provided solution to each problem. You may print this worksheet, or, in the absence of
a printer, write the complete solution on another sheet of paper.
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Problem 1
1. You are asked to decide what size of containers to use to ship 1000 lb of cottonseed oil of specific gravity equal to
0.926. What would be the minimum size of a drum expressed in gallons?
We determine the density of cottonseed oil from the specific gravity:
𝜌oil = (sg)'𝜌$! % ( = (0.926) .62.4 ft " 0 =
Using this density to compute for the volume, and converting into gallons:
! #$$$ lb # m / #$$$ L # gal
𝑉= = lb × $/.,+$+ ft% × × /.)+( L = 129.479 gal
" ().)+,- # m%
ft %
3 3 3
2. If penicillin has a specific gravity of 1.41, what is the density in (a) g/cm , (b) lbm/ft , and (c) kg/m ?
We determine the density of the substance using the densities of water at different unit systems. In CGS units:
+ +
𝜌#$%&'&((&% = (sg):𝜌)!* ; = (1.41) >1 " ? = 1.41 "
cm cm
In AES units:
𝜌#$%&'&((&% = (sg):𝜌)!* ; =
In SI units:
𝜌#$%&'&((&% = (sg):𝜌)!* ; = (1.41) @1000 D=
Problem 2
1. The specific gravity of gasoline is approximately 0.70.
a. Determine the mass (kg) of 50.0 L of gasoline.
b. The mass flow rate of gasoline exiting a refinery tank is 1150 kg/min. Estimate the volumetric flow rate in L/s.
For item (a):
The density of gasoline in SI units is:
𝜌+/01(&%$ = (sg):𝜌)!* ; =
2. Liquid toluene (C7H8, sg=0.866) is flowing through a pipe (diameter of 3 inches) at a rate of 175 m3/h.
a. What is the mass flow rate of this stream in kg/min?
b. What is the molar flow rate in mol/s?
c. What is the velocity in the pipe in m/s?
For item (a): We use the density of liquid toluene to convert the volumetric flow rate to mass flow rate:
𝜌&'( = (sg)'𝜌)! * ( =
𝑚̇ = 𝜌𝑉̇ =
For item (b): We use the molar mass of toluene to convert the mass flow rate to molar flow rate:
𝑛̇ = =
For item (c): We use the definition of the volumetric flow rate to compute the velocity. We need to determine the pipe
area first:
𝜋 𝜋 1 ft 2
𝐴 = 𝐷2 = @3 in × D =
4 4 12 in
Problem 3
Dowtherm® A is a heat transfer fluid suitable for non-pressurized liquid phase systems. It is a eutectic mixture of 26.5%
biphenyl and 73.5% diphenyl oxide.
1. If the specific gravities of biphenyl and diphenyl are 1.04 and 1.08, respectively. Calculate the density of
Dowtherm® A (in lb/ft3) assuming volumes are additive.
Use a basis of 100 ft3: 26.5 ft3 biphenyl and 73.5 ft3 diphenyl oxide
Calculate the amounts based on the specific gravity given. For English units, the reference water has a density of
62.424 lbm/ft :
Mass biphenyl: 1.04 × 62.424 lb3 /ft . = 64.92096 lbm/ft
Mass diphenyl:
Add the calculated masses:
2. Calculate the volumetric flow rate (in gal/min) of Dowtherm® A if its mass flow rate is 19.50 kg/s.
Conversion factors needed: 1 kg = 2.2 lbm 1 ft3 = 7.4805 gal
1 min = 60 s
Divide the mass flowrate (in lbm/min) by the density (in lbm/gal) calculated in 1:
3. What will then be the velocity (in m/s) of Dowtherm® A if it is flowing through an annulus, a space created by
two concentric pipes? The outer pipe has a diameter of 2 in while the inner pipe has a diameter of 0.5 in.
Calculate the two cross-sectional areas of the pipes. Use conversion factor of 1 in = 0.0254 m. Obtain the
difference of the two cross-sectional areas to obtain the flow area of the annulus.
Divide this volumetric flowrate by the flow area of the annulus to obtain the average velocity of the Dowtherm® A
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