AILENE D. KATIGBAK Personalized Learning Plan Template For Learner With Disability
AILENE D. KATIGBAK Personalized Learning Plan Template For Learner With Disability
AILENE D. KATIGBAK Personalized Learning Plan Template For Learner With Disability
Basic Information:
Name: _ALWIN B.MENDOZA__________ Grade Level: _5_
Date of Birth: __May 19, 2007______ Age: __10__
Diagnosis: __Autism____________________________________________
- Capable of reading age Low performance in core 1. Improve numeracy skills Math Teacher and SPED Remediation Use resource room
appropriate words/ subjects (English, science Class Adviser for extended math
concepts especially in Math) remediation
When: First- Second
- Manageable behavior Quarter
Unable to grasp the concepts behind Sociable individual 2. Apply number concepts in Math Teacher and program for Math
word problems and other non- real life situations Class Adviser class (modify the
numerical math calculations
When: First- Second Learning plan)