Inclusive Language Guide: Diversity and Inclusion Directorate, Ministry of Defence
Inclusive Language Guide: Diversity and Inclusion Directorate, Ministry of Defence
Inclusive Language Guide: Diversity and Inclusion Directorate, Ministry of Defence
Scope 3
Introduction 5
What is inclusive language? 5
Frequently Asked Questions 6
Key Principles 8
Inclusive language is… 8
5 Steps To inclusive language 9
Respectful challenge 10
Guidance by theme 11
Age 11
Disability 12
Race and ethnicity 15
Religion and Belief 18
Sex and Gender Identity 19
Sexual Orientation 25
Social Mobility 27
Further reading and resources 29
Inclusive Language Guide 2021
This guide is…
A practical toolkit
• By creating a structure and a standard for inclusive language in Defence, you can
identify suitable terminology which promotes inclusion and professionalism.
• You can keep referring back to the guidance in this document.
An opportunity to reflect
• We are not always aware of how our backgrounds and experience affect the
language we use.
• Language is powerful and can have a lasting impact on a person. This guide will help
heighten understanding on why certain words or use of language is hurtful or non-
A conversation starter
• While there are terms to avoid, there is often no ‘correct’ term for every situation.
Everyone is different and choice of language also comes down to personal
• The best way to ensure you are being inclusive is to ask your colleagues.
• We all make mistakes, and respectfully correcting others contributes to an inclusive
culture. Learning from our own mistakes is crucial to being inclusive.
“I think people want to use the right words, and just don't know what they are all the time.
It's not about being politically correct, it's about finding the right way to speak to each
other that gets the best outcomes for the business and the individual. Sometimes we can
only do this by asking what works for you, which can feel uncomfortable, and vulnerable,
but helps us learn what is inclusive language in that conversation.”
A Defence employee
Inclusive Language Guide 2021
“We need to normalise giving someone a gentle and polite nod to their language to share
with them a better way to say something, and they need to be open to receive that
advice. Some people are not, and it’s caused me to have some challenging
conversations with senior leaders who felt it was not my place to call them out on their
language. However the ensuing conversations led to a much better understanding
between us and how we can learn from each other.”
Dom Fairlie, Chair of the civilian LGBT+ Network shOUT
Inclusive Language Guide 2021
What is inclusive language?
Inclusive language is about using words that
refer to everyone and avoiding words that ‘Use of language can be inappropriate
exclude or offend. and offensive, simply through a lack of
understanding of how it may be
Respect is a core value at the heart of the perceived by a minority group.’
Civil Service, the Armed Forces and the
society we serve. If we are to treat others as Wigston Review into
we ourselves would wish to be treated, an inappropriate behaviours
integral part of our interactions is the 15 July 2019
language we use. Ultimately, inclusive
language is about demonstrating respect to
As language evolves, we should be open to
Think of your conversations you’ve had at learn and improve. Being ready to reflect on
work, have you always felt included and our choice of words and being sensitive to
valued? Have you always considered how unconscious biases will improve our
you make others feel from your own operational effectiveness and strengthen the
language? inclusive, professional culture in Defence.
Reports such as the Wigston Review into
inappropriate behaviours¹ and the Lived
Experience Report² highlight that
inappropriate and offensive language
continue to negatively impact across
Defence. However, the vast majority of harm
caused by inappropriate language is
unintentional, often due to the poor
understanding of its impact on others.
Inclusive Language Guide 2021
Inclusive Language Guide 2021
Key Principles
Inclusive language is…
Respect is an integral value of the Civil Service, the Armed Forces and of
the wider society we serve to protect. We should apply this respect to the
language we use.
Inclusive Language Guide 2021
If I think back even five years ago in Defence, the feel and tone of language is more
inclusive now, so I do think we have come a long way. However it's something we need
to keep working on, and need to shake up the comfortable patter a bit more, so we
include everyone and have a department that not only represents society on paper, but
also sounds like it represents society - in how we interact, meet, express our feelings,
come up with new ways of working and deliver good outcomes together.
A Defence employee
Inclusive Language Guide 2021
Respectful challenge
• Words are powerful. Even with the “After coming out, I decided that
best intentions, we can say or do enough was enough and started to
things that shut down dialogue. challenge people on their language.
Most of the time I got a positive
• An environment where challenge is response; but constantly challenging
expected and accepted is important. people and fighting to be included can
feel stressful. Sometimes challenging
• People should be receptive to
people resulted in wider conversation
reasonable and respectful challenge
about gender identity, which was good
and assume it is provided with the
that the person wanted to understand
best intentions.
more about what they could do to
• Empowering people to speak out and help. I am pleased I challenged and
challenge fosters an open and engaged in these conversations as the
collaborative team atmosphere, alternative would have been to still
encouraging a diversity of thought feel excluded.”
and inclusion of ideas from all within Sgt Danny Holt, Royal Air Force
the team and wider communities.
Inclusive Language Guide 2021
Guidance by theme
Our language should be reflective and welcoming to all generations of our workforce. It is good
practice to avoid terms that could signal that age is a limiting factor. Only refer to age if it is
relevant and necessary to the context.
Avoid stereotypes
• Avoid language that stereotypes or implies that a particular age group is more or less
able or that could be deemed as belittling. For example, ‘male, pale and stale’.
Inclusive Language Guide 2021
Language should focus on the person, not any perceived disability. In most circumstances it is
not relevant to refer to a person’s ability or disability. However, it is best practice to use ‘person-
centred’ language rather than focusing on the disability. Defence subscribes to the social model
of disability, which sees the person first and the barriers they face (not their disability) are what
causes them to be disabled.
Person-centred language
• Consider language that does not define a person or group by their disabilities or
• Avoid terms which equate the person with the ability or disability.
Person-first or identity-first?
While many use person-centred language when referring to their own disability, others
prefer identity-first language. Many people may not refer to themselves as disabled at all,
even if their condition or disability is recognised under the Equality Act.
Some specific disability communities, such as Autistic and Deaf communities, will
primarily use identity-first language. E.g. Autistic people, Deaf people.
Affirming disability allows the individual to personally identify as disabled by their own
choice. Many see disability or neurodiversity as an integral part of who they are,
celebrating the positive effects this has on them rather than a negative add-on.
If in doubt, politely ask the person in order to respect their choice of language.
Inclusive Language Guide 2021
“I struggle every day to hear what is being said over Skype or Teams and have to admit
at times I cannot hear what is being said. The language used towards me has often been
out of ignorance or just a lack of understanding of deaf/hard of hearing members of staff.
For example:
‘You don’t sound like a deaf person.’
‘You need to listen harder to what I am saying to you.’
‘Can’t you just turn your hearing aids up?’”
Sue Robson, Civil Servant
Inclusive Language Guide 2021
Clear language
• Idioms, industry jargon and acronyms can exclude and impede effective communication.
• Does your written work require a lot of acronyms and specialist terms? Consider
including a glossary at the beginning of the document.
• Avoid euphemisms such as ‘on the spectrum’ or ‘special needs’ when referring to
disability. Instead be as specific as possible
“Because I don't ‘look’ autistic, any sentence that starts with ‘you can't be autistic
because...’ is clearly unacceptable. I was told: ‘You can't be autistic because my
nephew is autistic and he's a total flat-line.’ People simply don't understand that many
don’t present more obvious symptoms. Many of us hold down jobs and are in roles that
play to our strengths. It is disheartening when we are compared to out-dated
Julie, Recruiter
Inclusive Language Guide 2021
Person-centred language
• Only refer to people's ethnicity if it's More inclusive Less inclusive
relevant to the context.
Specify a country/region, ‘Asians’
• Use adjectives rather than nouns
when it is necessary to refer to race. People of South Asian
Be specific
• There are several terms for different
ethnicities/nationalities and different
people will prefer and use different
If in doubt, ask!
descriptors. It is always best to ask
what a person identifies with. Identity and language are personal
to each one of us. A term someone
• Do not make assumptions about
prefers and uses will differ to
someone's origin based upon their
appearance. another. Others may not mind what
terminology is used.
• Think about what you actually mean
to communicate in the context. Is If in doubt, respectfully ask the
there a term you can use to specify person.
the region or country a person or
group are from?
“Racism doesn’t have to be full-on in your face. It’s how you make the other person feel.
And that other person knows something is amiss […] It’s a tone, it’s the kinds of things
you’re given, you’re made to feel lesser than someone else.”
A Civil Servant
The Lived Experience Report 20201
¹ Defence Human Capability Science & Technology Centre (2020). Defence Inclusivity Phase 2: The Lived Experience Final Report. [online]
Ministry of Defence. Available at:
Inclusive Language Guide 2021
Collective terms
• Grouping people by ethnic • The use of ‘BAME’ can suggest that
background is not always useful and ethnic minority groups exist as a
can sometimes lead to homogenous group, as it lacks
misunderstanding. appreciation of the uniqueness of
individual ethnicities, identities and
• There may be some contexts where a experiences.
collective term is necessary or useful,
such as certain data and reporting • The term should be considered an
requirements in Defence. Explaining umbrella term only, and not used to
why the collective term is being denote a race or identity. Instead be
used, and defining who is included as specific as possible.
in the collective term is essential.
• In these circumstances, ‘minority
ethnic/minority ethnic groups’ is More inclusive Less inclusive
preferred to ‘BAME’. Specify a country or BAME
• BAME is an acronym which stands region or ‘Non-White’
for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic. ‘Minority ethnic Commonwealth
groups’ (used in opposition
to White British)
Inclusive Language Guide 2021
“I was asked ‘are you sure you’re [XXXX] trade? Are you sure you’re not a chef, are you
sure you’re not RLC, are you sure you’re not a clerk’?
‘No, I’ve got the same cap badge as you, I’ve done the same training, I’ve passed the
same assessments, I am [trade]’. ‘Well you’re the first black lass I’ve ever seen in
A person in the British Army
The Lived Experience Report 2020
Inclusive Language Guide 2021
Avoid assumptions
• A person’s religious belief cannot be
assumed by their name or “As someone with a strong non-
appearance. religious belief, I am unhappy being
• The extent to which people follow or referred to as ‘without faith’ or ‘no
express their faith or belief is faith’, as it implies I'm lacking
personal to them. Not all members of something. Describing people's faith
the same religion observe in the or belief is a much more inclusive
same way. For example, we cannot statement.”
make assumptions on a person’s
A person in the Royal Navy
dietary requirements due to their faith
or belief.
Belief-neutral language
Choose neutral language that is not unnecessarily weighted towards one faith or belief over
others, unless specific to the context.
Inclusive Language Guide 2021
Key definitions
Gender Identity
Woman Non-binary Man
An individual’s internal sense of their own gender, whether male, female
or a non-binary identity. This may or may not correspond to the sex
assigned at birth.
Gender Expression
Feminine Androgynous Masculine
How you demonstrate your gender through the way you act, dress,
behave and interact. Gender is culturally determined and described in
terms of masculinity and femininity.
Biological Sex
Female Intersex Male
Assumed at birth on the basis of primary sex characteristics (genitalia),
sex is used to categorise people into male and female. Around 1.7% of
the global population are intersex.
For more information on terminology, please refer to the resources at the end of the guide.
Inclusive Language Guide 2021
Gender-neutral language
Using gender-neutral terms reflects the diversity of everyone working in Defence and respect for
their gender identity. Job roles and functions need not be gender-defined.
“Female officers who have been sent emails entitled ‘gentlemen’ have said they feel like
the sender couldn't be bothered to acknowledge them, or just didn't care. The constant
use of terms such as ‘manpower’ and ‘manning’ continue to breed the culture of a male-
dominated workplace, one where there is an expectation that our police officers are men.”
Kerrie, Ministry of Defence Police
Inclusive Language Guide 2021
‘Woman’ or ‘female’?
• Female and woman mean different • The word female in its primary usage
things but are often used is an adjective. When clearly talking
interchangeably. about human beings, use of female
as an adjective is correct. However it
• The term ‘woman’ refers specifically should always be relevant to the
to human beings, while ‘female’ could context: E.g. female representation,
refer to the sex of any species that is female participation, female
capable of producing children. personnel.
• Referring to women as females is
perceived by many as reducing a
woman to her reproductive parts and More inclusive Less inclusive
The women in the The females in the
• Not all women are biologically platoon. platoon.
female, and the conflation of ‘female’
to ‘woman’ erases gender-
nonconforming people and members Doctor, nurse Female doctor,
of the trans community. male nurse
Pronouns are how a person wants to be
referred to in the third person. Examples If you are unsure, the best thing to
include: do is ask.
Inclusive Language Guide 2021
Who left their phone in the meeting room? Who left her phone in the meeting room?
Inclusive Language Guide 2021
“As the mum of a trans child, hearing inappropriate language or jokes about trans people
is very hurtful. I know it's mostly discomfort and a lack of understanding on their part, but
it’s not funny. There's a lot more to understand about gender dysphoria. Trans people
and their families need support and to be able to trust their colleagues with their story,
which is made so much harder if they fear ridicule.”
Nicola Tait, Royal Air Force
Inclusive Language Guide 2021
Inclusive Language Guide 2021
Sexual Orientation
Sexual orientation is simply talking about who people are attracted to, with people attracted to
people of the opposite gender (heterosexual or straight), of the same gender (homosexual, gay
or lesbian), of two or more genders (bisexual or bi),to people regardless of gender (pansexual
or pan), to no-one (asexual). Being LGBT+ isn’t a preference or a lifestyle choice.
The range of terms and definitions to describe sexual orientation is vast and always evolving,
and certain words can mean different things to different people. Open conversations and
avoiding stereotypes and assumptions are important steps to being inclusive.
Terminology around sexual orientation is vast and evolving. For example, a person may have
reclaimed a once-derogatory term, whereas the same term may offend others.
Please refer to the resources at the end of the
guide for glossaries and further information. “As a middle-aged man, it can be
Sexual Orientation refers a person’s very difficult to keep up to date with
physical attraction to another group of current acceptable and unacceptable
individual. This could be towards people of terms. An example of this is the
the same sex, opposite sex, both or neither. evolution of the term Queer: When I
Sexual orientations include asexual, first started in my job that was an
bisexual, gay, lesbian, pansexual, incredibly offensive term but now that
questioning and straight. has dramatically changed. We need
to keep an open dialogue to make
Queer is a term used previously as a slur for people aware of the impact of their
people in the LGBT+ community, but some language.”
more recently have reclaimed the term to
refer to LGBT+ people, particularly those Jim, Ministry of Defence Police
who don’t like to be defined by labels, and
wider LGBT+ culture.
“During conversations, a manager used to regularly use the word ‘gay’ in a pejorative way.
A process would be inefficient, there would be a delay, or someone would make a decision
she did not like, and she would say ‘that's so gay’ or ‘that's really gay.’ As a bisexual
woman in a homosexual relationship, it really stung whenever she used the phrase,
especially as I hadn't heard anyone use it in that way since I was at school! She wasn't
aware of the impact her language could have, but to have a word so linked to your identity
used as a way of describing something inconvenient takes a really negative toll. It struck
me as unnecessary, too, when it would have been just as easy to say ‘that's so frustrating’
or ‘it's really inconvenient.’”
A Civil Servant
Inclusive Language Guide 2021
Acronyms are used as umbrella terms to refer to a wide range of sexual orientations and gender
LGBT – stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender
LGBTQIA – adds on additional letters: Queer/Questioning, Intersex and Asexual/Ally
The list of letters can and does continue. The varying definitions also show how language and
labels mean different things to different people, reflecting the diversity of our relationships and
Recommendation: In Defence we recommend using LGBT+
Adding a ‘+’ to the acronym is a succinct way to acknowledge that there are identities
and orientations in addition to the umbrella term ‘LGBT’.
“We need to normalise that it’s OK to get it wrong sometimes, as long as it’s not done with
intent. Those within the LGBT+ community are really not offended if you genuinely
stumble, we all do from time to time, so it’s OK to correct yourself and not be
embarrassed by it.”
Dom Fairlie, Chair of the Civilian LGBT+ Network shOUT
Avoid assumptions
• Our people are diverse and so are More inclusive Less inclusive
our family structures. Instead of
guessing, choose neutral language Sexual orientation, Sexual preference,
when referring to someone’s family Romantic lifestyle choice,
set-up or partner. orientation persuasion,
• Don’t use ‘straight’ as the opposite of
‘LGBT+’ - transgender people can be
any sexual orientation, including Gender neutral Making guesses
straight. terms or ask the about someone’s
person: family set-up:
• Transgender men and people who Partner/spouse Husband/wife
identify as non-binary can and do get Parent/guardian Mother/father
pregnant. When talking about
reproduction, reproductive rights and “Please invite your “Please invite your
health, transgender and non-binary partners”, wives.”
people deserve the same inclusive “Plus ones are
care and treatment. welcome.”
Inclusive Language Guide 2021
Social Mobility
Language used to describe socio-economic diversity and social mobility are subjective and
often personal. Many people will refer to themselves as being from a certain class and others
might not. It is important to avoid assumptions and stereotypes when referring to social mobility.
Key definitions
Socio-economic diversity
A term acknowledging a wide range of social, cultural and economic experience.
Social mobility
Refers to the process enabling people or communities to fully participate in society and
improving the ability and opportunities for those who are typically excluded based on
cultural markers.
High/low socio-economic groups
Some may consider the referring to ‘high’ or ‘low’ socio-economic groups has a value
judgement: the term implies one group is inferior or worse than the other. This often does
not reflect their lived experience, values, heritage or upbringing.
Inclusive Language Guide 2021
“The following comments have been made to me whilst in the Civil Service: ‘Someone
with your background will never make director here’. ‘You're too Northern to be a senior
manager here, we can't understand you.’ While in part the negative comments drove me
on, if only to prove my commentators or tormentors wrong, they were offensive.”
Phil Eskdale-Lord, Deputy Director - Head Office
Avoid assumptions
• Terms to describe socio-economic • For example, there are many ways to
diversity are also subjective and define class. While some many
mean different things to different openly refer to themselves as being
people. of a certain class, others won’t.
• Intent and context when discussing
Non-inclusive language socio-economic diversity are
Words intended to denigrate, for example important. Language used to discuss
‘chav’ socio-economic background can
strengthen negative stereotypes and
Describing a person or behaviour as downplay the real problems faced by
‘council’ or ‘common’ these groups.
Accent bias
• Accents are part of who we are. No • Is someone’s accent relevant to the
one should feel compelled to change context? If not, there is no need to
to be able to get by in the workplace. comment on it.
Greater awareness of accent bias is
a simple step towards inclusivity.
• All social groups develop accent “I don’t have an accent!”
differences over time. Because Everyone has an accent! Received
accents are often linked to specific Pronunciation English is still an
regions, cultures, ages, genders and accent. There is not a singular
social classes, they often trigger ‘correct’ or ‘neutral’ way to speak.
social stereotypes.
Clear language
• Idioms, industry jargon and acronyms • Also consider language that can
can exclude and impede effective deliberately exclude others: such as
communication. excessively complex wording or
speaking in another language. If you
• Does your written work require a lot tell a joke in Latin, will everyone in
of acronyms and specialist terms? the room be in on it?
Consider including a glossary at the
beginning of the document.
Inclusive Language Guide 2021