Thermal Properties of Matter Class 11 Notes Physics Chapter 11
Thermal Properties of Matter Class 11 Notes Physics Chapter 11
Thermal Properties of Matter Class 11 Notes Physics Chapter 11
• An ideal gas obeys the following law. That is PV = gRT, where P,V and T are the
pressure, volume and temperature of the gas respectively, g is the number of moles in
an ideal gas and R = 8.31 J mol-1 K-1 is known as universal gas constant. The equation,
PV – gRT is known as ideal gas equation.
• The absolute minimum temperature for an ideal gas, inferred by extrapolating the
straight line P – T graph is found to be – 273.15 °C and is designated as absolute zero.
Absolute temperature scale (T) and Celsius scale are related by
t° C = T – 273.15
• Thermal Expansion
The increase of size of a body due to the increase in the temperature is called thermal
expansion. Three types of expansions can take place in solids viz. linear, superficial and
volume expansion,
(i) Linear Expansion: The increase in the length of a solid on heating is called linear
If the temperature of a rod of original length l is raised by a small amount Δt, its length
increases by Δl. Then the linear expansion is given by
Δl = l ∞ Δt
where a is the coefficient of linear expansion of the given solid. The unit of α is per
degree Celsius (°C-1) in the CGS and per kelvin (K-1) in the SI system.
(ii) Superficial or Area Expansion: The increase in surface area of the solid on heating
is called superficial expansion.
If A0 is the area of a solid at 0°C and A( its area at t°C then A t = A0(l + βt)
where β is known as the coefficient of superficial expansion. Unit of β is °C-1 or K-1.
(iii) Volume Expansion: The increase in volume of the solid on heating is called volume
The change in the volume of a solid with a change in temperature Δt is given by Δv =
Vγ Δt
where y is the coefficient of volume expansion.
• The relation among coefficients of linear expansion (α), superficial expansion (β) and
volume expansion (γ) is given as
• For a given solid, the three coefficients of expansion α , β, γ are not constant. Their
values depend on the temperature range.
• Liquids have volume expansion only. If we do not take into account the expansion of
solid container, then the expansion of liquid is called apparent expansion. On the other
hand, if we take into account the expansion of solid too, it is referred as the real
expansion of liquid. It is found that γr = γa + γg, where γr= real expansion coefficient of
liquid, γa = apparent expansion coefficient of liquid and γ g = volume expansion
coefficient of container vessel (glass).
• Water exhibits an anomalous behaviour. It contracts on heating between 0 °C and 4
°C but expands on heating beyond 4 °C. Thus, specific volume of water is minimum at 4
°C or density of water is maximum at 4 °C. This property of water has an important
environmental effect.
• Thermal Stress
When a rod is held between two fixed supports and its temperature is increased, the
fixed supports do not allow the rod to expand, which results in a stress which is called
thermal stress.
Thermal stress in the rod is given by
where Y is the Young’s modulus for the material of the rod, A is the area cross-section
of the rod, a is the coefficient of linear expansion and F is the developed force in the
• Thermal Capacity
The thermal capacity of a body is the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature
of the whole of the body through a unit degree. It is measured in calorie per °C or joule
per K.
If Q be the amount of heat needed to produce a change in temperature (Δt) of the
substance, then thermal capacity of the substance is given by
where m is mass of substance and Q is the heat required to change its temperature Δt.
• Molar specific heat capacity of a substance is defined as the amount of heat required
to raise the temperature of 1 mole of the substance by 1°C.
It is given by
The unit of molar specific heat capacity is J mole -1 K-1 in SI system and Cal mol-1 °C-1 in
CGS system.
The dimensional formula of molar specific heat capacity is [ML 2T-2 K-1 mole-1].
• Calorimetry
Calorimetry is concerned with the measurement of heat, the basic apparatus for this
purpose being called the calorimeter.
When two bodies at different temperatures are ‘mixed’, heat ‘flows’ from the body at a
higher temperature to the one at a lower temperature, until a common ‘equilibrium’
temperature is reached. Assuming this ‘heat exchange’ to be confined to the two bodies
alone (i.e, neglecting any heat loss to the surroundings) we have, from the law of
energy conservation:
Heat gained by one body = heat lost by the other.
• Transition of matter from one state (solid, liquid and gas) to another is called a change
of state.
• The change of state from solid to liquid is called melting and from liquid to solid is
called fusion. It is observed that the temperature remains constant until the entire
amount of the solid substance melts i.e., both the solid and liquid states of the
substance co-exist in thermal equilibrium during the change of state from solid to liquid.
• The temperature at which a solid melts is called its melting point. The value of melting
point of a solid is characteristic of the substance and depends on pressure also.
• Melting of ice under increased pressure and refreezing on reducing the pressure is
called regelation.
• The change of state from liquid to vapour (or gas) is called vaporisation. The
temperature at which the liquid and vapour states of a substance co-exist is called its
boiling point.
• The change from solid state to vapour state without passing through the liquid state is
called sublimation.
• The Basic Heat Formula
The heat Q required to raise the temperature of a mass m of a substance of specific
heat capacity s through t degrees is given by
(iii) Perfect Black Body: A body is said to be a perfect black body is its absorptivity is
1. It neither reflects nor transmits but absorbs all the thermal radiations incident on it
irrespetive of their wavelengths.
(iv) Wein’s Displacement Law : This law states that as the temperature increases, the
maximum value of the radiant energy emitted by the black body, move towards shorter
wavelengths. Wein found that “The product of the peak wavelength ( λm) and the Kelvin
temperature (T) of the black body should remain constant.” λm x T= b
Where b is constant known as Wein’s constant. Its value is 2.898 x 10 -3 mk.
(v) Stefan’s Law : This law states that the thermal radiations energy emitted per
second from the surface of a black body is directly proportional to its surface area A and
to the fourth power of its absolute temperature T.
Emission coefficient or degree of blackness of a body is represented by a
dimensionless quantity ε, 0 < ε < 1. If ε = 1 then the body is perfectly black body. Hence
(vi) The Solar Constant: The average energy emitted from the surface of the sun,
absorbed per unit area, per minute by the earth is constant which is called as solar
constant which is represented by S whose value is 8.135 jm -2 min-1.
Let the earth be moving in a circular path of radius r taking sun as its centre.
Taking sun as perfectly black body, the energy radiated per unit time from the surface of
the sun is given by