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Protein fact and fiction, lactoferrin boosts your body-
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Steve Holman looks at ab-etching exercise order and
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—Jerry Brainum
4) Three slow sets
1 Munn, J., et al. (2005). Resistance training for
The groups did just one exercise, one-arm curls, using
six to eight reps per set. All groups trained three times a strength: Effect of number of sets and contraction speed.
week for six weeks. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 37:1622-26.
Super Gripper
Isolation Lessons
New German pro Armin “the Hammer” Scholz has never had a problem build-
do more drop sets and supersets.
I’m eating a lot more food, particularly
carbs and fats, and doing less cardio,
so I can benefit
ing his arms. Since they tape out at more than 23 inches, I wouldn’t believe him if and grow from
he ever claimed they’d been a challenge. Still, that doesn’t mean he has nothing doing more in the
to offer the rest of us when it comes to arm training. In going over his workout, I That all
found two rarely performed exercises that could definitely help stubborn biceps changes when
and triceps put on some new mass. it’s time to diet
Facedown incline dumbbell curls. Regular incline dumbbell curls are a down and get
good choice for hitting the biceps from the stretch position, but those of you with shredded. “When
I’m getting ready
powerful front delts probably get a little too much help from those bad boys. To
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Fact: A static grip can limit muscle action and growth.
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the area between your
any, it’s of no use for
thumb and index finger.
heavy deadlifting.
Rub your hands to-
3) The knurling must not be clogged with chalk, rosin or gether, and blow off any excess chalk. Keep it away from your
dirt—use a stiff brush to remove grit. face, or else the dust may impair your breathing or get in your
4) Use lifter’s chalk or rosin.
Don’t get chalk on the floor because chalk can act as a
5) Use an over-under grip—one hand pronated and the lubricant there and lead to slipping. Chalk isn’t only for hands.
other supinated—also known as a reverse, or mixed, grip, You can chalk your shirt across the shoulders for squats to
for deadlifts and barbell shrugs but not for other exercises; help prevent the bar from slipping out of position. If you’re
also, alternate grip widths from set to set for balanced sweating heavily and are going to do some pressing with your
development. back on a bench, get someone to chalk your upper back. That
6) Hold the bar in your palms, not your fingers—wrap your may help prevent your torso from sliding on the bench.
hands around the bar. Get chalk from a store that sells mountaineering gear or
general sporting goods. Also, remember that chalk can di-
7) Add specific grip training to your workouts. This won’t minish the effect of knurling on the bar. Periodically scrub the
produce benefits immediately, but it will pay off in time; knurled parts of bars with a stiff brush to prevent that.
specific grip training can incorporate thick-bar work. Rosin. Rosin powder is an alternative to chalk. Rosin
Few bodybuilders get even close to achieving the strength may be less messy, which may make it acceptable in gyms
potential of their hands because they often use grip crutches that proscribe chalk. It’s used by baseball players, specifically
and fail to train their hands properly. Don’t use wrist straps or pitchers. Rosin may also be put on the undersides of footwear
hooks that attach you to a bar. If you do, you may end up with to help prevent slipping on smooth surfaces. You can get a
underdeveloped hands on a well-developed body. As your grip rosin bag from a sporting goods store. —Stuart McRobert
strength increases, so will the muscle and connective tissue of www.Hardgainer.com
your hands.
Gloves aren’t necessary—and your hands can slide inside Editor’s note: Stuart McRob-
them because of sweating. If you get excessive buildup of cal- ert’s first byline in IRON MAN ap-
luses on your hands, use a pumice stone weekly after a show- peared in 1981. He’s the author of
er or bath. Appreciate the skin-on-metal contact of strength the new 638-page opus on body-
training and the mental focus it can provide, and use chalk or building Build Muscle, Lose Fat,
rosin as your only grip aid. Look Great, available from Home
Chalk. The chalk that’s commonly used in gyms is mag- Gym Warehouse (800) 447-0008 or
nesium carbonate. During your first six or more months of www.Home-Gym.com.
training you may never feel the need for chalk on your hands
because your grip can comfortably cope with the demands
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Smart Training
Coleman DVD
Smart Training
Thick-bar work can build grip strength and
forearm size, but don’t use the thick bar for all
exercises all the time.
my forearms to grow? They don’t seem to want to
budge, whatever I do. I recently started using thick
grips whenever possible to remedy the problem.
Should I use thick grips on every exercise or vary
the grip from exercise to exercise? Help turn me
into Popeye!
A: You should use thick grips as a source of training
variety. Vary the thickness of the handles the same way you
vary your training parameters—reps, sets, tempo and rest
But here’s a trick to trigger more growth in your forearms
when you do wrist curls. Use a low pulley. Do your wrist
curls the way everybody does—forearms on thighs, upper
body leaning over the forearms—and do eight to 12 reps.
Smart Training
Training all muscles with the same loading B. Leg curls 4 x 5-8; tempo 5/0/1/0
parameters can be a mistake. Some supersetted with
bodyparts may respond better to supersets Romanian deadlifts 4 x 10-12; tempo 3/0/1/0
Rest three to four minutes between supersets
and longer tension times.
That routine should jolt your quads and hams into new
body grows quite well—even better since I’ve tried
some of your ideas.
A: It’s hard to suggest a routine, since I have no clue Editor’s note: Charles Poliquin is recognized as one
about what your present leg training is. I hope that in the of the world’s most successful strength coaches, having
future readers will include a present routine when submit- coached Olympic
ting these types of questions. medalists in 12 differ-
Keep in mind that what works for one bodypart may not ent sports, including
work for another. French bodybuilding coach Rene Même the U.S. women’s
told me that IFBB pro bodybuilder Francis Benfatto had track-and-field team
problems making his legs grow. Why? Because he was using for the 2000 Olym-
the same loading parameters as for his arms, which were pics. He’s spent years
his strong point. Once he started training his legs com- researching European
pletely differently, they responded. In fact, they grew journals (he’s fluent in
2 1/2 inches in six weeks. Milos Sarcev got his arms to English, French and
finally grow when he actually lowered his reps. Take a seri- German) and speak-
ous look at what you’ve always done, and do the opposite. ing with other coach-
The key to hypertrophy is variation in loading parameters. es and scientists in
Up to a certain point, the more myofibrillar damage, the his quest to optimize
more growth. That’s why the following supersets should training methods. For
create much cellular damage and foster greater growth. more on his books,
seminars and meth-
This 55-
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purchase it. Bodybuilding Beauties
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Nutrition With a Get-Big Mission
exceeded the liver’s ability to properly
metabolize the protein. The syndrome
would occur only with a n almost all-
protein diet.
The human body can upregulate its
glucagon in the liver. Glu-
cagon, in turn, promotes
the conversion of stored
liver glycogen into glucose.
The glucose then enters
ability to deal with protein if there’s an the blood, leading to rapid
increase in the activity of protein-me- insulin release. The stimula-
tabolizing enzymes in the liver and a tion of insulin depends on
decreased rate of gastric emptying. In a specific blood concentra-
short, the stomach slows down the ab- tion of amino acids.
sorption of protein to give the liver time A study showed that
to process what it’s already got. providing small doses (6.9
A recent review listed the grams- grams per hour) of whey
per-hour absorption rates of various protein elevated blood
proteins, as follows:1 amino acid levels but didn’t
promote any insulin re-
Protein Type Grams lease. When subjects took
Food Facts
That can affect your
workouts, weight and wellness
Fish oil can
do all kinds of
good things for
you, like reduce
your risk of
disease, and
the FDA con-
siders up to
three grams
a day to be a
safe dose. Divide that and take it with
food twice a day to minimize fishy
aftertaste and/or stomach upset.
Water can
drown hunger
pangs. The next
time you get
snack that’s not
dairy protein powders. That’s too bad, because it’s also the best iron
scavenger—and it deposits iron in places where the body really needs Vitamin C may
it. Iron oxidation is a tremendous problem because it feeds the bad prevent heart
attacks. A Brit-
bacteria in your intestinal tract, such as the ones that cause yeast in- ish study found
fections. that inflammation
of blood vessels
Some researchers believe that lactoferrin has cancer-fighting proper-
was much less
ties, and scientists surmise that it contains other healing properties, common in men
including some that may combat chronic diseases such as AIDS and who had the most
vitamin C in their
cancer. While these issues need further research, current data indicate blood.
that lactoferrin could be one of the most promising dairy-derived heal- Nuts keep
ing aids. proving their pulmo-
nary power. A
—Ori Hofmekler Harvard study
Editor’s note: Ori Hofmekler is the author of the books The Warrior that eating
about five
Diet and Maximum Muscle & Minimum Fat, published ounces of
by Dragon Door Publications (www.dragondoor.com). nuts a week
For more information or for a consultation, contact reduced
him at ori@warriordiet.com, www.warriordiet.com or risk by a whop-
by phone at (866) WAR-DIET. ping 35 percent.
—Becky Holman
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s we write this, we’re about we’re also feeling somewhat deplet- pends on a lot of variables—calo-
one week away from our ed as we cycle down our carbohy- ries, training frequency, daily job
peak-physique date, and drates to prepare for those last few and relationship stress (“Wife,
we’re stoked. In case you’re days of carb cycling—which should please stop with the spending!”),
new to our TEG series, every year we fill out our physiques even more. amount of sleep (“Dog, please stop
schedule a photo shoot with master At least, that’s what’s supposed to with the licking—it’s 2 a.m.!”) and
lensman Michael Neveux. That gives happen. As any competitive body- cardio frequency and intensity. It’s a
us a goal for early to midsummer, builder will tell you, it doesn’t al- constant juggling act.
the perfect time to be in our best ways time out just right, but the past Because X Reps have given us
shape (we do live in a beach town, few years we’ve hit it on the nose. such amazing gains the past two
after all). We’re pretty darned lucky X Reps and X-hybrid techniques years, we can get carried away (yes,
to have Mike in our corner, and real- helped us reach our best conditions even with our 40-plus years of cu-
izing that benefit fuels our motiva- more easily because by activating mulative training experience, we
tion to get into a condition that will more fibers, ramping up continuous still fall prey to the more-is-better
inspire him. That, in turn, inspires tension and intensifying sets, they syndrome). If you’ve visited our
us to keep tweaking our training in enabled us to reduce our volume. training blog at X-Rep.com, you
an attempt to take our physiques Fewer sets with more precise fast- may have noticed that some of our
to the next level (and then you can twitch-fiber attacks (X Reps right at workouts had X Reps or an X-hybrid
learn from our mistakes and suc- the max-force point) left more en- technique on almost every work set.
cesses via this magazine and our ergy for recovery; however, because As we said, rampant enthusiasm can
Model: Jonathan Lawson
Web site). Of course, heightened of the power of X Reps, we had to be cause problems, especially during a
motivation must be controlled, as very careful not to abuse them. The peaking phase—when there’s usu-
you’ll see in a moment. question was always, How much is ally more cardio, more urgency and
At this point in our ripping phase too much? We constantly struggled fewer calories.
we’re excited by our progress, but with that because the answer de- Early in our ripping phase, when
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Train, Eat, Grow / Program 84
we first clean up our diets, is the along with energy-producing carbs, and provided us with more recov-
time motivational highs are most so we must be careful not to overdo ery time. In case you missed it, at
beneficial. Taking in less sugar, it. That’s easier said than done, so one workout for a bodypart we
saturated fat and alcohol enables us this year we decided to build in a did straight sets with longer rests
to ramp up our intensity and make cutback. between sets. That let us use the
some impressive gains. We can af- Last month we described our heaviest weights possible and gen-
ford excess X Reps, supersets and max-force/extended-tension pro- erate maximum force on every set
so on as our clean eating makes our gram, which we adopted about six in order to more effectively attack
bodies more efficient. As our diets weeks into our ripping phase. It’s a the anaerobic structures of the fast-
progress, however, calories dwindle, version of the heavy/light system twitch fibers.
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At the next workout for that produces more growth in the endur- were less stressful—we had to use
bodypart we did tri-sets, supersets ance components of the fast-twitch lighter weights on most sets.
and/or drop sets to de-emphasize 2A fibers. Because of the rush-to- Of course, we also used X Reps
force and increase muscular tension exhaustion nature of those tech- and X-hybrid techniques during
times on the fast-twitch fibers. That niques, extended-tension workouts both types of workouts—and while
(continued on page 68)
(continued from page 64) we tried not ize that not taking a half step back set much more intense.
to overdo it, motivation can be hard every few weeks can slow progress, We’ve said that X Reps can make
to corral when strength and vascu- not accelerate it, even if you’re using any set two to five times more
larity are increasing at almost every some type of heavy/light program. powerful than a conventional set,
workout. Like most bodybuilders, All of this experimentation and ob- so if we do five sets per bodypart,
we often did the opposite of what servation got us thinking… as dictated by Positions-of-Flexion
we should have. For example, if we Because of the power of X Reps mass-training protocol, and we end
started flattening out and/or feeling and X-hybrid techniques—and our three of them with X Reps or use an
somewhat rundown, the words back addiction to them—we’re consider- X-hybrid technique, by our estima-
off were not in our vocabulary. We’d ing experimenting with training each tion that’s like doing anywhere from
plow ahead, thinking it was all men- bodypart only once a week again. eight to 15 conventional sets. Theo-
tal and that we just needed to wrap Yes, we’ve said many times over the retically that dictates the need for
our heads around getting more in- years that that doesn’t work for us; more recovery time between body-
tense. It’s very hard to back off when however, this time may be different. part hits. Will it require a full seven
you see peak day looming nearer and For one thing, we’ve honed our neu- days? That’s what we aim to find out.
nearer and you’re looking better than romuscular systems with X Reps and A number of drug-free body-
ever; however, in hindsight we real- have the learned ability to make any builders have (continued on page 72)
per-bodypart-per-week strategy— days is going to take our mass to a the target muscle in hopes of forcing
and used that split to win five Team new level? Damn right! We want it the need for seven days of recov-
Universe titles. John Hansen, Mr. to work. We’ve always wanted it to ery time—negatives are supposed
Natural Olympia and IM columnist, work—it just never has. We always to severely damage muscle tissue.
also trains in that manner. felt the muscles start to atrophy Results? No size increase, very small
Does it sound as if we’re trying before they were trained again. A strength blips.
to convince ourselves that training few years ago we even tried incorpo- But now we’ve been using X Reps
each bodypart once every seven rating heavy negatives to overstress for two years, and because of that
we’ve developed heightened neuro-
muscular efficiency, and, we think,
Supplement Intake Update the ability to blast the target muscle
into submission much more effec-
One potent new supplement that we experimented with during the tively. Also, we’re both older (Steve
last part of our ripping phase was beta-alanine. The compound has more is 47, Jonathan is moving into his
than 20 studies to verify its effectiveness, but we found its power to be a mid-30s), which means dwindling
double-edged sword: We kept getting stronger and stronger, even as our hormone levels that, especially in
calories dropped lower and lower. That stoked our motivation so much Steve’s case, may require more re-
that it made it more difficult to back off when we knew it was time (“We’re covery time.
getting stronger and more vascular every workout; full speed ahead!”) So what’s our new experimental
Now that we’re going to work each bodypart only once a week, beta- split?
alanine is going to be an essential player in making that effective. Why?
Because it accumulates in muscle tissue as carnosine, which provides Monday: Chest, Calves, Abs
a buffering effect, allowing for more key growth reps at the end of your
Tuesday: Back, Forearms
work sets. We’ll be able to hit the muscles much harder on every set,
which means more recovery will be necessary. That’s especially important Wednesday: Off
for end-of-set X-Rep partials right at the max-force point, as beta-alanine Thursday: Quads, Hamstrings,
enables you to keep pushing past nervous system failure, extend tension Lower Back
time and get at many more fast-twitch fibers. It has to do with the size Friday: Delts, Triceps, Biceps
principle of fiber recruitment.
During any set to exhaustion you recruit the low-threshold motor units
first, the mediums second and the important high-threshold motor units That gives us only two workouts
last. Those highs are what trigger the most fast-twitch growth. The more in a row before a rest day and mini-
you can continue firing the muscle during high-threshold recruitment— mizes overlap. Yes, arms get hit on
into the so-called pain zone—the more hypertrophic stimulation you’ll Friday after being trained indirectly
get in any one set. Beta-alanine makes that pain zone more bearable—or on Monday, triceps with chest, and
at least more accessible—and every all-out set becomes more anabolic. Tuesday, biceps with back, but there
Combine beta-alanine with creatine’s ATP-boosting power, and you’ve are a lot of days between those
got a super muscle-building smart bomb! workouts—and two days completely
Muscle biopsies have revealed that the biggest bodybuilders have off after the Friday session. Now,
loads of carnosine in their muscles. (Remember, beta-alanine converts to if we start getting smaller and/or
carnosine, which accumulates in muscle tissue.) Scientists surmise that weaker, we may redo our training
because they do so many pain-zone sets, the biggest bodybuilders adapt split to accommodate more indi-
to that training by stockpiling carnosine so they continue the adaptation rect work (for example, quads and
process—get bigger and stronger. If your body is inefficient at that pro- hams on different days and lats and
cess or doesn’t have the raw materials to make it happen—or you lack the midback on different days). The
pain tolerance to force that adaptation—your gains will be much slower. Direct/Indirect programs in The
Taking beta-alanine solves the problem and gets you there much faster— Ultimate Mass Workout e-book are
it automatically increases muscle carnosine, giving you the ability to blast good templates for that type of split.
the muscle into the growth zone more often. That’s our backup plan.
Vince Gironda once said that what sets the champs apart from the We’re excited to give the one-
wanna-be bodybuilders is pain tolerance. Beta-alanine helps you move workout-per-bodypart-per-week
into the champ camp much sooner—you don’t have to tolerate years of split a retry, combining 3D POF and
pain-zone training to build up carnosine levels; you can now take supple- specific X-Rep techniques we’ve
mental beta-alanine. We’re depending on it to help take our physiques to found most effective, as well as
a new level of size and strength. It’s like encapsulated blasting powder for max-force and continuous-tension
our X-Rep mass detonations. tactics. Will all of that add up to big-
—S.H. and J.L. ger and better physiques for both of
us? We’re optimistic. Let the experi-
Editor’s note: Beta-alanine is a patented compound now available in ment begin! (Also see our Supple-
the supplement Red Dragon. Visit www.Home-Gym.com for more infor- ment Intake Update at left for a key
mation, or see the ad that’s included in the section that begins on page compound that is an X-Rep super-
177. charger and mass-building catalyst
Monday: Chest, lats, triceps The sharp black POF T-shirt with the original classic
Tuesday: Delts, midback, biceps, forearms logo emblazoned in gold can give you that muscular
Wednesday: Legs, abs look you’re after (sorry, large size only). See page 235 for
Thursday: Chest, lats, triceps details.
Friday: Delts, midback (plus deadlifts), biceps, forearms
Gain Pains deadlifts can’t be beat for building maximum muscle mass.
If you perform those exercises correctly and with enough
intensity, you can rest assured that you’re using the best
movements for building muscle.
Once you begin using the most effective exercises for
Q: I have a friend who’s 5’11” and 187 pounds. mass building, you need to use the right amount of inten-
He wants to be a muscular 200 to 210, but he just sity to get the muscles to respond. The best formula for
doesn’t seem to be gaining weight. Maybe he’s not building size is six to 10 reps done with heavy weights.
eating enough; he does have a fast metabolism. We’d The more resistance you use for the proper number of
like to know what exactly he can do to increase his reps, the bigger your muscles will get. They have to grow in
weight without taking supplements. He exercises response to the stress imposed on them. If you keep using
about four to five times a week, and he eats a lot of the same resistance and don’t push yourself to get stronger,
protein. the muscles will have no reason to grow. Remember, the
A: I can totally relate to what your friend is going body always prefers to stay the same. If you want to change
through. I went through the same thing when I was in it, you have to use force. It’s not going to change just be-
my teens and early 20s. I was naturally thin and found it cause you want it to.
very difficult to gain muscular size and bodyweight. Even After a proper training program is in place, you’ll need
though I was training hard and consistently along with to improve your nutrition program. The foods you eat are
eating correctly, my progress was extremely slow and frus- an essential component of getting bigger. You have to eat
trating. enough calories to feed the muscles and put the body into
My solution was to use the right exercises, training a growth-producing state. You also have to eat the proper
heavy to get stronger and bigger and eating enough of the amounts of essential macronutrients—protein, carbohy-
right bodybuilding foods. It sounds easy, but applying the drates and fats—to give the muscles the ingredients they
principles is harder than it seems. need to grow.
The first thing is to use the right exercises. I prefer the You mentioned that your friend is eating plenty of pro-
basic exercises with barbells and dumbbells when my goal tein. Protein is obviously very important in building mus-
is to increase muscle mass and get bigger. It’s old-school cle because it’s responsible for muscle growth and repair.
training, but it’s been my experience that those exercises Eating enough high-quality protein throughout the day is
are the best for building size. an essential part of building your body.
Squats; deadlifts; barbell, dumbbell and T-bar rows; flat- Your friend must eat at least six times a day. He should
bench and incline presses; barbell and dumbbell overhead be getting some form of complete protein—eggs, chicken,
fish, steak or protein powder—with each meal. Have him
concentrate on protein foods that contain more fats, such
as beef, eggs and whole milk, since the higher fat content
will also boost his overall calorie intake.
Jay Cutler eats up In addition to protein, your friend needs plenty of com-
to 1,000 grams of plex carbohydrates, such as rice, potatoes, oatmeal, bread
carbohydrates each and pasta. They provide the muscles with plenty of glyco-
day when he’s trying gen to fuel heavy workouts. Carbohydrates also play a key
to get bigger in the role in helping the muscles recuperate and grow following
off-season. an intense workout.
If you and your friend are eating protein with each meal,
you should add one or two servings of complex carbo-
hydrates. Professional bodybuilder Jay Cutler eats 1,000
grams of carbohydrates each day in the off-season trying to
get bigger.
I used to have two huge protein drinks a day. Eating lots
of food six times a day gets tiring after a while. You actually
don’t look forward to chewing all that food. My solution
was to have protein drinks for two of the six meals. I used
two cups of whole milk, two scoops of weight-gain protein
powder, one banana and two scoops of ice cream with
each drink. They were so huge that they’d fill the whole
I had one of the drinks in the middle of the day, about 90
minutes before I went to the gym, and another right before
I went to bed. Since I was having such a difficult time gain-
Neveux \ Model: Jay Cutler
Part 2
An Interview With Muscle-Training Researcher Rob Thoburn on
His Controversial Rest-Only-Briefly Mass-Building Method
by Jim Kimbrell, Ph.D. • Photography by Michael Neveux
art 1 of this
P interview
ended with
Thoburn’s discussion
of X Reps. This
month he picks up
with cardio training
and why it maynot
be necessary to
do it in order
to lose
Model: David Goodin
“Every skeletal
muscle can be
characterized by
its own unique
fiber alignment
of low-density-lipopro-
tein cholesterol, the
primary type circulating
in the blood. LDL is haz-
ardous only when oxi-
activity comes
from its peel.
Apples are
also low on the
glycemic index.
levels of uric acid induced by eating a girl you like would probably earn juice prevents oxidative stress in-
apples did not reach pathological either a slap or an arrest. Better to duced by amyloid-beta in culture. J
levels but did offer significant anti- eat that apple and garner its con- Alzheimer’s Dis. 6:27-30. IM
oxidant protection. Other scientists siderable health and bodybuilding
still think that the active ingredients benefits.
in apples are the flavonoids and
Apples can help with dieting References
because they’re are a low-glyce-
mic-index fruit (38 G.I.), probably 1 Oliveira, M.C., et al. (2003).
because of their high fiber content. Weight loss associated with a daily
The soluble fiber in apples, which is intake of three apples or three pears
20 percent pectin, slows the absorp- among overweight women. Nutri-
tion of fast-acting carbs. That reduc- tion. 19:253-56.
es insulin release, with the net effect 2 Aprikian, O., et al. (2002). Lyo-
ids these days seem to linger why they can’t show their lady friends
around the house a lot longer where they live (“Uh, I’m having a new
than previous generations marble floor put in this week, baby—let’s
before striking out on their just go to your place”). It’s most definitely
own. Not so long ago young Randy’s generation, and he fit the profile
adults couldn’t wait to escape exactly—at least until a couple of months
the rules and privacy intrusions imposed ago.
on them by Mom and Pop. The whole Randy turned 23 back in July, and that’s
idea was to cut the umbilical cord and when his parents decided it was time for
begin the transformation into a mature, his buffed butt to find his own place. After
responsible grown-up who could care looking into how much it costs to rent a
for him- or herself. Back then, admitting one-bedroom apartment in Massachu-
you still lived at home was like confessing setts, which for some reason has the high-
you had never kissed a girl—unless your est rental rates of any state in the union
cousin counted. Maybe it’s because rent- (must be our spectacular fall foliage), the
ing a house or apartment costs roughly as young buck realized he needed a higher-
much as open-heart surgery these days, paying job. A friend of his had been doing
but the number of empty nests sure has very well earning commissions as a new-
gone down. car salesman and had convinced Randy
I’ve known many young people who to give it a shot at the same dealership. As
lived at home long into their 20s and in he’s an outgoing guy and not bad looking,
some cases even their 30s, and not all it turned out to be a good fit, and he was
of them were regular attendees of “Star now making enough dough to support
Trek” conventions who had chronic himself in his very first apartment. Great
halitosis and visible nose hair. Many of news, right? I thought so too until Randy
them were just too greedy to leave home. started bitching during a back workout a
Instead of plunking down 80 percent of few days ago. Until he gets himself a wife,
their paychecks on food and rent, they I have to listen to him whine.
could simply throw the parental units “This job is killing my gains!” he
Model: Eric Sternlicht, Ph.D.
some cash here and there and use the rest groused after dropping from the chinup
to lease flashy sports cars and buy clothes bar after a set. “I had no idea the hours
with designer labels. would be this long. The worst thing is that
I suppose all those guys must have to I am missing meals like crazy. I’ll be with a
come up with some crazy excuses as to customer for two or three hours at a time,
and there’s no way I can drop ev- look like a skeleton and I can’t even ground. “Let’s hear what you would
erything and have them wait while I bench-press 40 pounds anymore?” do if you were doing my job.”
sneak off to eat. If I do that, I could “No, all I’m saying is that you I pondered a moment, finding it
lose the sale, and I need those sales have to do what every other body- challenging to envision myself with
right now.” builder who isn’t fortunate enough such a high-pressure occupation as
“Yes, I know you no longer have to work at home has to do—be cre- pursuading people to blow a year’s
Mommy and Daddy’s refrigerator ative and come up with ways to get salary over the course of a five-year
to raid for your growing muscles. access to the nutrients you need.” loan on the car I was selling, rather
Meat ain’t cheap, is it? You may Randy jumped up and did his last than the car the guy at the dealer-
even have to wash all those stinky set of chinups. I had weaned him off ship across the turnpike was selling.
sweat-soaked gym clothes yourself. of using wrist straps for them, and Cars are starting to look alike now
Welcome to the real world of being a now his formerly spindly forearms anyway. Plus, if I had a real job like
grown-up, Sparky.” had a little meat on them. that, which could possibly tie up my
“So what? You’re saying I have “I’m listening,” said Randy with day from eight in the morning until
to just keep missing meals until I a hint of sarcasm after he hit the six or eight at night, I would have
to start training either very early or around with shake bottles all day, housewives ferrying kids to soccer
very late, as Randy now did. Because but I bet you can get away with practice relies on a steady infusion
of that we were only training to- holding a coffee mug. You know, of caffeine to help keep them awake
gether on Friday, the one day of the one of those nice stainless-steel and alert. I suppose if we took it
week he had off. Since a big part of ones. Keep a little cooler behind away from them, we’d be faced with
what I do as a bodybuilding writer is your desk with two or three of these. an epidemic of narcolepsy. Since
finding ways for the average person You can have protein shakes in the last thing I want is to be on the
to make gains no matter what his or them. And,” I added with a flash of road when the driver of the car in
her schedule, I concentrated extra inspiration, “you could even mix front of me slumps over the wheel
hard until I got a brain blast like that in a little real coffee so your breath snoring, I am not about to chal-
big-headed Jimmy Neutron charac- gives off that pungent java aroma lenge the widespread addiction to
ter on Nickelodeon. and your customers don’t suspect the coffee bean.
“Coffee mugs,” I said. there’s a musclehead slurping away “Yeah, that might work.” Randy
“Coffee mugs?” Randy asked as on protein under the three-piece was now nodding. “We already have
he loaded up the T-bar row. “What suit.” one guy who must go through 20
the hell does that have to do with It was a great idea. In Massa- cups of coffee a day at the dealer-
anything?” chusetts there’s a Dunkin’ Donuts ship, and he sips at them constantly,
“That’s how you’re going to make franchise about every two blocks, even with his customers.”
sure you never miss out on the pro- and coffee is the unofficial fifth food “I hope his prostate gland is in
tein and carbs you need. I know you group for most adults here. Every- good shape because that sounds
would come off like a dork walking one from police officers to harried like a whole lot of bathroom breaks
“I had to provide my
muscles with a unique
stimulus to really kick-
start growth.”
of the Best Drug-Free
by Skip La Cour, Five-Time Team Universe Champion
Photography by Michael Neveux
or more than 15 years I’ve competed against,
traveled with and interviewed some of the very best
drug-free bodybuilders in the world. In addition to
what I’ve discovered en route to winning six national
drug-free bodybuilding championships, I’ve learned
from their insights. Putting it all together, I’ve created
a list of the most common winning strategies for packing on the
most drug-free muscle in the shortest time possible.
You don’t have to be a competitive bodybuilder to benefit from
what I’ve learned. All of us in the gym—whatever our goals and
Model: Skip La Cour
you’ll need to emulate the way complish still more with your
physique. Don’t believe the
they think. people in your gym who al-
ways tell you that “you’ll never
look like that” unless you use
steroids or other illegal drugs.
becoming the best they can be, Separate yourself from them.
Being Drug-Free Isn’t spending their time and energy I don’t deny that there are some
an Obstacle for Elite comparing what they are doing now limitations when you train without
to what they could be doing to im- the aid of steroids and other illegal
Natural Bodybuilders prove and what they could look like drugs. Most bodybuilders, how-
The success of the best drug-free in the future. ever, are settling for far less than
bodybuilders has a lot to do with the “You gotta be the best you can be” they could accomplish. The nega-
way they think. They perceive the is now almost a meaningless cliché tive people have given up looking
events around them much differ- in the bodybuilding world. Never- for the most effective strategies,
ently from many of the people who theless, dealing with many people sincerely believing that they don’t
train in your local gym. For example, trying to improve their physiques exist and not understanding what
they don’t view being natural, or has convinced me that the majority the human body can achieve if
drug free, as an insurmountable believe they’re already doing every- you’re focused, hardworking, com-
obstacle to developing an outstand- thing they possibly can to become mitted and consistent.
ing physique. They focus only on their very best. Sure, they’ll admit (continued on page 148)
much easier route to achieving their they’re confident that the years of
Outstanding Natural goals than the one they’re on. The awesome training habits they’ve
Bodybuilders Are best of them are simply much more
patient than their less successful or
assembled will eventually get them
the results they want. They view
Extraordinarily Patient chemically assisted counterparts. their eating habits from the same
They’re more willing to put in their perspective.
Face reality: Steroids and other time in the gym. Many of the best If you want to reach your full ge-
physique-enhancing drugs help natural bodybuilders are in their 30s netic potential without using drugs,
their users get significant results and 40s and are still going strong in look at your bodybuilding endeav-
from work in the gym and at the their efforts to improve their phy- ors the way elite drug-free body-
dinner table faster than natural siques. builders do. Consider them as a
bodybuilders. Today’s quick-fix so- The champs concentrate on hav- series of long-term lifestyle choices.
ciety conditions us to expect every- ing one great workout at a time. Instead of setting only short-term
thing we want now. It’s obvious why They turn a series of great workouts goals like seeing how huge you can
some people choose to use drugs; into a great training week, under- get by next summer, create a clear
they work. standing that several great weeks of vision of what you want to look like
The top drug-free bodybuilders training will turn into an outstand- after five more years of living a dis-
fully understand that drugs are a ing month. One month at a time, ciplined bodybuilding regimen.
by Jerry Robinson
Photography by Michael Neveux
ack training can be the bodybuilder’s
scourge. Not that there’s any lack of
exercises for that bodypart, but many
lifters find that, despite their most determined
efforts to create an effective upper-back
routine, they get mediocre results. (“I just
don’t have enough thickness.” “No matter
how I train, I just build mass right under my
armpits. I can’t seem to develop that great lat
sweep that starts at my waist.”)
Model: Derik Farnsworth
Since fan-shaped
muscles have more
than one line of force,
It follows that you can’t
Model: Berry Kabov
at 45 degrees during
pulldowns will train
more of the middle
section of the lats.
bottom half reps) 4 x 12-15
Cable curls 4 x 15
One-arm kickbacks 2 x 30-40
2 x 10-12
Arm A
Overhead extensions 4-5 x 10
One-arm or two-arm
pushdowns 3 x 10-15
Narrow-grip bench
presses 4-5 x 12-15
Dips (bodyweight) 2 x max
innocuous poll attached
to the GraphicMuscle.com
forums asked who had the
best biceps in bodybuilding. Noth-
ing special about that question,
really; it’s probably been asked by
thousands of bodybuilding fans a
thousand times before. The top two
vote getters probably won’t startle
you much either. Leading the way in
How Moe El Moussawi Is Building the poll were eight-time Mr. Olym-
pia Ronnie Coleman and the “Blond
the Best Arms in Bodybuilding Myth,” Lee Priest. But what if I told
you the number-three vote getter
in that poll was Moe El Moussawi?
What would your reaction be then?
by Cory Crow “Who?”
Concentration curls
(seated, on the knee). For
this exercise Moe chooses
a lighter weight and in-
creases the rep count to
around 15. The focus here
is not so much on blow-
ing out the biceps heads
with heavy weight as on
achieving a full range of
motion and giving the
muscle the best possible
squeeze on the top of the
curl. Again he focuses on
continuous tension by
emphasizing the stretch
on the descending arc
of the curl, being sure to
keep the muscle tensed
throughout the set. The
squeeze at the top of the
curl is the key to this ex-
ercise, as it engorges the
muscle with blood and
Narrow-grip bench presses. sets of maximum reps. in his arms has made them one
The next exercise returns to Moe’s I asked Moe if his routine of his favorite bodyparts to train.
mantra of “complete arm develop- changes depending on the proxim- Or, as he put it, “When you have
ment” by using an old standby to ity of a contest, and he said that worked and worked to develop a re-
target the outside of the triceps. He it doesn’t: “My intensity stays the ally great bodypart, you love to train
performs four to five sets of 12 to 15 same whether I am off-season or it—you really feel it.”
reps, again with continuous tension two weeks from a show; most of my In Moe’s case it feels really good.
and a squeeze at the top. [fat] weight is lost through changes
in food and cardio.” Editor’s note: Moe El Moussawi
Dips (either machine or free). One last thing: You’d think he was is an IFBB pro and the owner of
To finish his arm workout, Moe genetically gifted with fast-grow- ProFight supplements, www
does another old standard: dips. He ing arms, like Lee Priest. He wasn’t. .GoProFight.com. To inquire about
goes to failure with his bodyweight, Moe’s arms are a testament to hard guest posings and appearances,
around 260 pounds off-season, and work and a focused training routine write to moemuscles@yahoo.com.
uses the machine if he’s feeling too that was carefully thought out with IM
much fatigue. He does two or three a specific goal in mind. The growth
(continued from page 210) A: What think that the temptation to binge ing for the deficiency.”
happened on your low-carb diet is is the result of any shortcoming on My advice regarding dieting for
not at all unusual. As Mike Mentzer your part. Binges are an inevitable a contest would be the same as
pointed out years ago, the most by-product of low-calorie and/or Mike’s: Stay on your diet, and don’t
bodyfat that you can hope to lose in low-carb diets. When the body is drop below 1,200 calories a day. Cut
a week is two to three pounds: deprived too long of any essential back on everything—protein, fats
“You tend to lose a lot of water on nutrient, such as carbohydrates, and carbs—proportionately, below
a low-carb diet, and water comes eventually an overwhelming need your maintenance need of calories.
primarily from your muscle tissue, will manifest itself and, like it or not, A balanced diet is not only more
which is made up of 76 percent you’ll begin eating everything in healthful but also helps prevent
water. If you’re losing more than sight as a means of overcompensat- binges.
two to three pounds a week, it’s
predominantly water—not fat—that
you’re losing. By the third week on a
low-carb diet, your hypothalamus,
employed for detecting overtrain-
ing was a slowdown or cessation of
progress. A client whose strength
failed to increase on any exercise on
a per-workout basis had
not allowed sufficient
time to elapse for Demand
full recovery and
overcompensa- Real Science.
tion to take
place. Remem-
Get Real
ber, muscle Results.™
growth doesn’t
just “happen”
and it certainly
doesn’t happen in
24 hours (unless you’re taking an
anabolic agent). It takes time for the
process to complete itself, depend-
ing on the severity of the training
stimulus—upwards of 14 days for
many people. Training before the
process has completed itself will
only short-circuit your progress shy
of the maximum amount possible.
If you’re growing stronger, you’ll
also be growing bigger. Because
fibers thicken, or hypertrophy, at
a slow rate, it will take many such
strength increases to produce a
demonstrable increase in mass. Un-
less you’re using very sophisticated
body composition tracking methods
(such as hydrostatic weighing or
Bod Pod air displacement tracking),
then going by “size” and “weight”
increases on your body is not an
accurate or reliable indicator of
muscle growth. Both are gross esti-
mates, which could well be fat in-
creases. As for resources Mike used,
he once cited Dr. Gabe Mirkin, who
Visit for the weekly super special!
authored The Sportsmedicine Book:
Lengthening the
You can’t lengthen
muscles with Q: I recently went to
exercise. The only a massage therapist
way is via surgery, who told me that he was
going to “lengthen” my
which is not a muscles by aggressively
realistic option. rubbing them and having
me stretch. Is it possible
to actually lengthen a
muscle by excessively
stretching it? If so, can a
high biceps or short calf
be made longer that way?
A: While massage therapists
(along with a few strength coaches)
genetically gifted,
with long muscle
bellies. That makes
packing on mass
more feasible.
use that nomenclature all the time, Arnold’s, forget about it and develop
there’s absolutely zero evidence that the best physique you can.”
you can lengthen muscles to any
appreciable degree by stretching Editor’s note: For a complete
them. As Mike pointed out: presentation of Mike Mentzer’s
“Muscles are attached to bones Heavy Duty training system, consult
by tendons, so the only way to his books Heavy Duty II, High Inten-
lengthen the muscle would be to sity Training the Mike Mentzer Way
surgically cut the tendons and and the newest book, The Wisdom of
reattach them farther down the Mike Mentzer, all of which are avail-
bone. Obviously, that’s not practical. able from Mentzer’s official Web site,
Preacher curls may indeed stretch www.MikeMentzer.com.
or hyperextend the lower part of John Little is available for phone
the biceps, but Franco Columbu consultation on Mike Mentzer’s
did the exercise until it was coming Heavy Duty training system. For
out of his ears, yet his biceps rates and information, contact
remained short and knotty. And Joanne Sharkey at (310) 316-4519 or
look at the number of bodybuilders at www.MikeMentzer.com, or see
who have spent hours and hours the ad on the opposite page.
stretching their short calves—all Article copyright © 2006, John
to no avail. Muscle length is one of Little. All rights reserved. Mike Ment-
those genetic traits not subject to zer quotations provided courtesy
alteration. So if your biceps aren’t as of Joanne Sharkey and used with
long as Larry Scott’s or as peaked as permission. IM
’Roid Rage
was injected once a week with testosterone enanthate at
a dose of 3.5 milligrams per kilogram of bodyweight. That
amounts to just over 300 milligrams a week of testoster-
one—more than the dose for hormone replacement ther-
apy but only about one-third the weekly average “athletic”
dose. Those in the placebo group received a saline injec-
Psychometric tests measured the subjects’ personal-
ity changes. Initially, the groups showed no difference in
Many people claim that a user may undergo a Jekyll- anger, depression, tension or confusion. The testosterone
and-Hyde personality change after starting a cycle of group did show a slight increase in vigor, coupled with a
steroids. Yet studies examining the psychological effects decrease in fatigue, starting at the two-week mark. The
of anabolic steroids have been inconclusive. Some have major differences between the groups occurred in mea-
shown increases in aggression and depression, the lat- sures of sensitivity, with the testosterone group showing
ter effect most commonly seen when the drug use ends. lower levels as the study went on.
While there’s little doubt that hormones such as testoster- Based on that finding, the authors suggest that “this
one do affect brain function, the major debate is whether dosage of testosterone may influence the ability to be
they do so beyond the active control of the individual. In empathetic, thus reducing sensitivity to other people’s
short, is steroid use just an excuse for bad behavior? considerations, which may explain the apparent aggres-
Some studies show that, contrary to popular belief, men sive behavior observed in anabolic steroid users.”
with the lowest levels of testosterone are often the angri-
est. Other studies show that testosterone exerts little effect How Quickly Do Steroids Provide
on day-to-day mental function. The latest study to ex-
amine the effects of anabolic steroids on personality was Athletic Benefits?
presented at the 2006 meeting of the American College of The same group of researchers presented another
Sports Medicine in late May. steroid study at the meeting that used the same group of
It was conducted by a group of researchers from Aus- healthy young men as subjects.2 Noting that an athlete’s
tralia and featured 18 men, average age 25, who were average steroid cycle lasts eight to 12 weeks, the scientists
randomly assigned to a steroid or placebo group for six wished to determine whether smaller doses of steroids
weeks.1 The subjects trained during the course of the than are commonly used can produce benefits when used
study on similar workout programs. The steroid group for less time, specifically three to six weeks. Again, the
If you find something on the Web that IM readers should know about, send the URL to Eric at bodyfx2@aol.com.
Since becoming involved in the fitness and bodybuilding industry,
I’ve discovered a few absolute truths. The first is, whatever weight a
guy tells you that he can bench-press is about 50 pounds more than
he actually can. The second is, Ronnie Coleman is not human but an
alien from a planet of mutant, overly muscular freaks called Mesomor-
phia. And the third is, fitness models are hot! Damn hot! So with this
third absolute truth in mind I present a site devoted to helping more
women realize their dream of becoming damn hot—er, I mean, fitness
models! It’s a very simple-looking site, but it contains a lot of great in-
formation. The best part is that there are about three dozen interviews
with gals who have already made it in the fitness industry, among
them Carmen Garcia, Christina Lindley, Jen Hendershott and Pauline
Nordin. Each talks about her training, diet and supplementation—and
provides tips for girls who wish to follow in her footsteps. There are
also several very helpful articles by such experts as Will Brink and
Tom Venuto. In fact, Will actually took a break from the science and
nutrition stuff and wrote an article titled, “So You Wanna Be a Fitness
Model.” Little does everyone know that Will looks quite stunning in a
bikini and high heels. Okay, I’m kidding. Will neither owns a bikini nor
Neveux \ Model: Jen Hendershott
wears high heels, but he did write a very comprehensive piece on the
ins and outs of what it takes to make it as a fitness model. And for the
guys, there are some very hot pics. Finally, if you already are a fitness
model yourself and want more exposure, you can submit your own
interview and photo to be considered for inclusion on the site.
“Ain’t nothin’ but a peanut!” “Yeah,
buddy!” “Everyone wants to be a
bodybuilder, but no one wants to lift
heavy-ass weights!” If you’re familiar
with these sayings, then there’s a
pretty good chance you’re a fan of
eight-time Mr. Olympia Ronnie Cole-
man. Yes, Ronnie has a unique way of mine whether you need medical atten-
expressing himself—and one helluva tion. It lists dozens of injuries that are
physique! If you appreciate the not-of- common among bodybuilders and ath-
this-earth body that Ronnie has mas- letes and describes in detail the symp-
terfully constructed, you’re definitely toms and how to possibly prevent such
going to want to visit his site, where a problem from occurring again. My
you’ll find one of the most complete Ronnie galleries anywhere on the
favorite feature is the “Virtual Therapist,”
Web—everything from pics of each of his Olympia victories to training
shots to magazine covers. You’ll even see a few photos of him when he which enables you to pinpoint your pain
was very young (no, Ronnie did not emerge from his mother with 20- on an image of the human body and
inch guns). Click on the Profile link to find out some interesting tidbits then asks you what symptoms you’re
about “the Big Nasty,” such as the fact that he feels the hardest job he feeling in order to determine what the
ever had was working at Domino’s or that if he were only allowed one nature of your injury might be. Almost
last meal it would be pizza (hmm, wonder if it would be from Domino’s?). as good as a doctor who makes house
When Ronnie was asked what actor would play him in a movie made
calls but without the inflated bill! This is
about his life, he answered: “Ain’t no one big enough!” Of course, you
can also read about his training and nutrition philosophies and purchase
definitely another one to add to your fa-
DVDs, photos, caps, posters and even a Ronnie Coleman bobble-head vorites list, but let’s hope you don’t need
doll that constantly screams, “Yeah, buddy!” Okay, it doesn’t really to visit very often. Ouch! IM
scream anything, but its head does bobble. Cool!
www.ironmanmagazine.com \ OCTOBER 2006 227
Free download from imbodybuilding.com
Lonnie Teper’s
Long on
Don Hopes to Return to the Long with Bill Wilmore in 2006.
Stage in A.C.
It’s early July as I write this, and Don Long wants people to not judge
him until they know all the facts. That he’s been undergoing a new type of
treatment, called nocturnal dialysis. That he did not receive a transplanted
kidney from his sister. That he’s off just about all of his medications. That
he’s feeling great and says he can train everybody at his gym into the
ground. And that he wants to be an inspiration to people, just as Lance
At the
Armstrong and Alonzo Mourning have been. ’99 IM Pro.
Additionally, if things continue to go well, he will get back on a pro
bodybuilding stage for the first time since March ’99.
Long took the overall at the ’95 NPC Nationals and then made a
big splash in his pro debut at the ’96 Night of Champions, finishing
right behind a couple of guys named Flex Wheeler and Ronnie
Coleman. I named him “King Kong Long” after that showing.
Three years later kidney disease put him on dialysis and out of
bodybuilding. In 2002 he underwent a kidney transplant. Rumors to
the contrary, the kidney did not come from his sister. His sister did
donate a kidney, which moved him up on the waiting list, but he got
his new organ from a stranger. It didn’t take, and Long was back on
dialysis, three times a week, four hours a shot.
The new procedure, which he self-administers, has made an
amazing difference. Don says he’s never felt better. In fact, he feels
good enough to make plans to shoot a training video and to compete
for the first time in seven years at the Atlantic City Pro in September.
Say what?
“Before people judge what I’m doing, they need to know the
facts,” says Long. “Nocturnal dialysis is done
at night, while you’re sleeping, six days a
week, eight hours a day. I went through six
weeks of training to learn how to give myself
the treatment. I set up the whole machine,
stick myself twice, take care of all the ban-
“I’m 262 pounds right now and feel
great; I want to show people that if you can
Junior Cal
keep striving for something, you can reach winners
Photography by Bill Comstock
Bukovi. Hunter.
“I just want to make a good showing. I think I’ll be
around 245 on stage, but I don’t know how my body will
respond. For those who are concerned about health is-
sues, the major problem with all contests is diuretics, and
I won’t be on any. I will undergo a treatment on Friday,
when I get to Atlantic City, and all of the water will be out
of me. I will be under a nurse’s care, and a doctor will be
checking me.
“Jim Manion has given me the okay to compete—if
I get approval from the doctor and if all legal materials
necessary are completed. Trust me, I’ll be in better health
than most of the guys there.”
Don hopes that the decision to allow him to flex again
will not be based on what people think of his choices but
on the state of his health on the day of the show.
Long is available for guest posings, seminars and moti-
vational speaking “at a cheap price,” he says, and that
work done for the benefit of children or the disabled will be gratis. To
contact him, go to www.DonLongNutrition.com.
As you can see, it’s hard to keep a champion down.
match the eight trophies Chris Snell, who
was also named Most Muscular, earned last
year. Oh, well. Five ain’t too shabby, Michael.
Justin Hunter, one of the most promis-
Linda Reho (center) with Katie,
ing teens I’ve seen in years, made it three June Monroe and Amy Peters.
victories in seven days with a win in the teen
division. Hunter was coming off victories at
the California Championships and the Mus-
cle Beach contest the previous weekend;
the 19-year-old from Yucaipa, California,
also finished in the collegiate-heavyweight
class. Yesiree, you need to keep an eye on
this 5’11”, 198-pounder, who at press time
was prepping for the Collegiate and Teen
Clean Gene Bukovi, who has domi-
nated 40-and-over action in So Cal shows
for a while, decided to do likewise at the
Junior Cal in that division, as well as finish-
ing second to Darren Telfair in the open.
Vincent Cablayan followed in Clean
Gene’s footsteps in a 50-and-over class that
featured a real doctor, Ron Lewis, and the
oldest, but one of the spryest, competitors in Derik the giant killer. Cathy
the show, 73-year-old Jim Arrington. brings
When I asked Jungle Jim why he’d it.
jumped in against the kids (and how
he’s managed to keep all of his hair),
he quickly retorted, “I want my picture
in IRON MAN.” Your wish is my com-
mand, kid. Both Dr. Lewis and runner-
up David Woerner were trained by
former IFBB star Jean-Pierre Fux,
who was in attendance.
I was flattered that Javier Vargas,
another of those World Gym, West
Covina, folks, picked the Junior Cal to
make his bodybuilding debut at 35.
And he didn’t do too shabbily, taking
second in the novice middleweights
and fourth in his class in the open, as well as earning the moniker “Hip The teen division blows it out.
Hop” after his slick gyrations brought him the Best Poser trophy.
One of the many highlights of the contest, which again featured
Baranda. joy. WOMEN’S HIT PARADE—At the California Championships a week
before the Junior Cal, Sherlyn Roy took the fitness crown and came in
second to overall champ Mona Liza Reyes in figure. A week later the
5’2”, 100-pound former San Francisco 49ers cheerleader—yes, Sherlyn
does own a Super Bowl ring (from Super Bowl XXIX)—was crowned the
overall figure champ as she bested B-class winner Christine Baranda
and C-class titlist Michelle Abraminko.
Raised in Sunnyvale, California, and now living in Los Angeles,
Roy is the chief female consultant at Mike O’Hearn’s Signature
Belt man Fitness (a chain of gyms owned by the popular bodybuilder-
Abasta. powerlifter-model) and is a part-time trainer at the Sports Club
LA. Sherlyn is also a student at Santa Monica College and told
me—after I busted her for not entering the collegiate division as
well—that she hopes to be a television broadcaster someday.
The sleek Abraminko was making her first appearance onstage
after moving to San Diego from the East Coast. Baranda is the
women’s counterpart to Darren Telfair, coming out of a six-year
retirement to take the masters-35-and-over title as well as the
open class.
An occupational therapist specializing in brain trauma patients,
TRY TOUR—If I gave
an award for the com-
petitor who trekked the
farthest to enter the
show, it would have
gone to Linda Reho,
who came all the way
out from Mentor, Ohio,
to compete in figure.
Once again a slew of sponsors ensured the show’s success.
One of the most creative was Chris Abasta and his company,
Krossbelts. Chris, who lives in California, has been a serious
bodybuilder since the age of 18. He’s a
licensed professional psychiatric technician
and has worked full-time in a forensic hos-
pital for the mentally ill since 1991. When
I heard that, I knew he’d be a welcome
addition to the industry, since most of us
involved have been accused of being more
than a bit wacky.
Will this
be the year
fulfills his
dream of
Branch Warren
240 OCTOBER 2006 \ www.ironmanmagazine.com Coleman and Markus Ruhl
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Darrem Charles
David Henry
Mustafa Mohammad
has already proved
himself as a top-10
guy. He was 10th
in ’05. Can he move
higher in ’06?
says he’ll be
unbeatable in
’06. Bring it
Wild Ride
On the physique-go-round
The Absolute Bomb
Also on July 8 and deeper into the South
Ain’t technology something else? I just watched the 45-second
mandatory routines from the IFBB All Star Pro Fitness contest, which
Chad Nicholls and Kim Chizevsky produced in Little Rock in
conjunction with their NPC Arkansas Championships, on YouTube
.com via a link at MuscleMayhem.com. The video was crude, but it
got the point across: Tanji Johnson kicked it high to score her third
pro win, despite some nipping-at-her-heels action from ’04 National
champ Deana Lee, who was making her pro debut. It was a one-
Heat waves rolled through the United States point squeaker: Johnson won the aforementioned mandatories as well
from coast to coast in July, and with them as the two-piece-swimsuit comparisons; Lee got the nod in the one-
came a monthlong streak of hot physique
competition, starting in the east with the piece round and was second in both routine rounds. Having missed
monster Bodyrock Bodybuilding and Figure her breakthrough performances at the Nationals and this show, I look
Championships and Monica Brant Fitness
Classic in Fairfax, Virginia, on July 8, where forward to catching Deana’s act in Las Vegas, at the O.
Alicia Marie (careful readers will recognize As evident in the too-cool view from YouTube, Germany’s Regiane
her as the former Alicia Denson) took the
overall figure title. A week later, at the Fig- Da Silva, a world champ who got her foot in the pro door with an
ure Nationals in New York, she came in fifth eighth-place finish at the Fitness International, firmly established herself
in the tallest-of-the-tall class.
on the scene by beating the entire 13-woman lineup in the glitz round,
a.k.a. the fitness routines, to land in third overall at the top-three Olym-
J U S T B E C AU S E pia qualifier. Other interesting notes coming out of this contest:
New York •Colorado’s Jessica Booth, who earned her pro card in fitness
Pro Figure and figure on the same day last year, made a big leap from her 12th-
runner-up place posing-for-prize-money debut at the New York Pro Fitness last
Jennifer April to take fourth here, thanks to her physique scores.
Searles •Julie Lohre, as predicted in this column a couple of months ago,
looks so was only too happy to switch back to fitness ASAP after doing four
good in this figure competitions while she was rehabbing from an ACL tear. Her
shot, we top-five finish was icing on the cake and promise of sweeter things to
included it come.
to make up •Angela Semsch was sixth, while another world champ, ’02
for the one short-class winner Laurence Sarrazin of France, who was last seen
on page landing in the basement at the ’05 Southwest Pro, finished fourth in
262. the routines to move up to seventh overall.
the weigh-in on Thursday
evening to the wee hours
of Sunday morning at the
after party and beyond, IM’s I recently interviewed fitness pro Tanji
crack GraphicMuscle.com Johnson about her campaign to save
team was on the job, with fitness (catch the audio at Graphic
fast coverage and thousands Muscle.com). With shows like this,
of contest pics. Catch my though, it’s almost hard to believe that
audio report and interviews the sport needs saving. If the Team Uni-
with all the overall winners— verse Fitness lineup was high octane in
men’s champ Michael 2005—and it was—the ’06 version was
Lockett, fitness phenom jet-fuel propelled, launching into the pros
Hollie Stewart, pro figure three class winners who could possibly
sensation Jessica Pax- do some damage.
son, new Figure National Newcomer Hollie Stewart of Cal-
champ Sonia Adcock and houn, Georgia, flew right to the top with
T.U. Women’s Bodybuilding her total-package physique and enter-
champ Stepha- taining jungle-themed routine, winning
History lesson. For those who don’t know where the name nie Kessler— the A-class and overall titles. B-class
comes from, it’s called the Team Universe because it’s the at GM. And on winner Karen Patten of Anchorage,
contest to pick the teams that will represent the United
States at the IFBB World Amateur Championships, which the following Alaska, dropped from a handstand to a
was at one time known as the amateur Mr. Universe. (An- pages, behold an straddle hold and rose to the pros from a
other organization owns the rights to that title.) Whatever Iron Woman’s- last-place finish here—and fourth at the
you call it, men’s champ Michael Lockett says he’s ready eye view of the Nationals—last year. And in the C-class,
to take on the world—and activate the pro card he earned.
The former boxer from Cleveland says he put on 30 pounds NPC’s version the tall gals, Laticia “Action” Jackson
of muscle—and went from light heavy to heavyweight— of the New York of Pensacola, Florida, celebrated her re-
since he stopped boxing and starting bodybuilding seri- Marathon. turn to competition after recovering from
ously. And he’s only in his early 20s. Can you say potential? a dislocated elbow with an even more
action-packed routine than the one I
loved at the ’04 USA. All three earned pro
cards, along with their worthy runners-up,
Christy Green (A), Susan Groshek
(B) and Leslie Rae Newton (C).
Photography by Ruth Silverman
contest—21 altogether—but
they kicked up the competi-
tion a couple of notches from
last year. Middleweight winner
Malea Johnson had the best
conditioning in her lineup and
was the only one of the class
champs to earn a perfect score.
Hendricks (above) came close, while TNT was
In the lightweights Tracie
“TNT” Tucker was in the driv-
er’s seat once again after sitting
the Women’s World Amateur Cham- out a couple of seasons due to injuries.
pionships, which are scheduled for Running into the ’02 T.U. Lightweight
Roland Balik
Spain in September. Her 151-pound champ at the weigh-in, I could see she
package was the thickest and hardest was a good bet for a return trip to the
we’ve ever seen it, with back, ham- Worlds. Onstage she displayed her
Stephanie Kessler has been tak- strings and horseshoe triceps among all-time-best package to make that goal
ing second at the T.U. since 2003, and her notable bodyparts. a reality, despite a serious challenge by
she was bound to be tired of it. Second Still, it was a close call in the class the aesthetic lines and shredded delts
to Debbie Patton in the ’03 middle- battle, with a challenge coming from of runner-up Cynthia Anderson.
weights, to Colette Nelson in the ’04 former fitness competitor Theresa Backstage, Kessler couldn’t stop the
heavyweights, to Patton (again) in the Hendricks, who was last seen taking tears-of-joy flow. “I’m super ecstatic!”
’05 heavies. Bor-ing. fifth in the tall class at the ’05 Nationals. exclaimed the one-time gymnast. “My
Not this time. With a year to refine In addition to some swift moves, Hen- family is coming to Spain for the World
the size she’d put on—and Patton dricks had the best lines in the division Championships, and I’m going to do
and Nelson safely out of the amateur and enough tight, rock-hard muscle for my best to honor this country as a
ranks—Stephanie came to New York the panel to place her in second by a heavyweight.” Good luck with that,
ready to claim her spot at the top, and single point. Steph. They say the T.U. is like Kid-
claim it she did, earning overall honors It was another small lineup for the dieland compared to the roller-coaster
and a pro card in addition to a trip to NPC’s highest-ranking drug-tested you’ll be riding in Spain.
Jodi and
Jen plan Now, there’s a famil-
their USA iar face. Dina says,
strategy. “I’m back,” and
she’s threatening
to compete—soon.
Woo. We’re scared.
good to
see old
Brian is
watch- 3:15 a.m. Weary revel-
ing… Just a couple of Georgia girls. lers flag a limo for the Manion
watch- Annie and Melissa demonstrate ride back to the hotel.
ing. the stiff-figure-babe deadlift. Only in New York.
cumstance scribe,
in care of
IRON MAN, 1701 Ives Ave.,
’06 Figure National champs from A to F; that is, short to tall: Sonia Ad- Oxnard, CA 93033; or via e-mail at
cock, Kristi Tauti, Corry Matthews, Nina DiTommaso Morgan, Elisha Ar-
chibald and Cheri Lewis. Adcock won the overall. Pro cards went to class ironwman@aol.com.
second-placers as well. Find all the bods at www.GraphicMuscle.com.
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Only the Strong Shall Survive
More Pop
at the Top
How to Turn Dynamic Pulling
Exercises Into Dynamite
by Bill Starr
Weightlifting photography by Randall J. Strossen
All serious strength athletes include Naturally, lots of other factors were never fast enough. The weight
at least one dynamic pulling are involved in the execution of a would drop like an angry guillotine,
exercise in their routines. They heavy clean or snatch, either power leaving them crumpled into
understand that by handling heavy or full—body positioning during the frustrated rag dolls on the platform.
weights in an explosive fashion, movement, timing, coordination In contrast, a number of lifters
they build much stronger and more and the ability to move under the didn’t appear to be pulling the
functional muscles. Of course, weight quickly. Bottom line: If you bar high enough to succeed with
some sports require more powerful don’t pull the bar high enough and it their snatches or cleans, but they
back, hip, leg and shoulder muscles doesn’t leap at the top, your odds of did because they provided such a
than others. Those who participate making that lift at max weight aren’t powerful finish that they had ample
in contact sports absolutely must good. time to set themselves under the
prepare their entire bodies for When I competed in Olympic bar. Bob Bednarski had such a
stress on the playing field, and lifting on the East Coast, a team strong final pull in the clean that
Olympic-style weightlifting is all from an unnamed gym in a major the bar always crashed down on
about developing the muscles and city would often show up. They were him in the bottom position. Most
attachments used in pulling big all extremely strong and always did coaches don’t want that, since the
numbers in the snatch and clean. especially well in the press. They descending bar frequently rebounds
If you do power cleans, power thrived on brute strength and took out of the rack. Yet Barski developed
snatches, full cleans and full big leads into the snatch. Even his technique around the falling bar.
snatches, you have to be aggressive though they were stronger than the He would get extremely tight in the
in the final segment of the pulling majority of their competitors, they bottom and be ready for the weight
portion of the lift. The bar needs didn’t do well in either the snatch when it arrived. In my mind, it’s
to jump at the conclusion of the or clean. It wasn’t because of poor better to overpull a weight than to
pull. If it doesn’t, you won’t have body mechanics, foot speed or underpull it.
sufficient time to rack the bar on timing. Rather, none of them had That’s why I want to concentrate
your shoulders in the full or power any pop at the finish. The bar would on improving the top pull—not
clean or lock it out solidly in the be pulled plenty high—sometimes just to make it higher but also to
full or power snatch. Those lifts all much higher than necessary add some pop at the top. I should
have to be pulled to a certain height to order to make the lift—but mention that the exercises I’m
with a strong finish. While height is it seemed to be moving in slow recommending to help develop a
certainly critical, so is the velocity of motion. So no matter how fast they more explosive finish are beneficial
the bar at the very top. tried to move under the bar, they to anyone interested in improving
264 OCTOBER 2006 \ www.ironmanmagazine.com
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Arabaciouglu of
Turkey flies under
a 446-pound
clean while
lifting in the 77-
kilogram (169-
pound) class at
the ’03 European
Championships in
Loutraki, Greece.
A strong upper
back helps
stabilize the
shoulder girdle.
the right line of pull, sequence and better—largely a matter of practice. your traps up forcefully, instantly
extension so that the final portion Many get into the habit of letting bending your arms afterward.
of your lift will be explosive. The bar their elbows turn backward way too When the sequence is coordinated
must stay close to your body from soon, and they have to concentrate perfectly, the bar will jump and
start to finish, If it strays too far out on making the change. provide you with a strong finish.
front, you won’t have the leverage Sequence is critical to pulling Even when you feel the bar leap
to apply the necessary force at the weights really high and is perhaps upward, continue to put pressure on
end to make it climb higher. So the the most troublesome aspect of it. That will cause it to climb higher.
bar starts against your shins, glides high pulling. Keep in mind that a Another common mistake is to
up your legs, brushes your abs and high pull is no more than a deadlift let your back round during high
ends up touching your chest. followed by a shrug. The transition pulls. That takes you out of the
There’s a tendency to lower between the two moves, however, optimum pulling position and will
your chest to meet the bar once has to be done smoothly. There can’t hurt your finish. To help maintain a
the weights get demanding. Don’t be any hitching or hesitation. It’s flat back, lock your shoulder blades
do that. Instead, extend your one long, continuous, fluid motion. together. If you do that yet still end
chest upward at the finish. At the The bar comes off the floor slowly, up rounding, use less weight. It’s
conclusion of the high pull, you picks up speed through the middle more productive to do your sets
should be up on your toes with and becomes a soaring image at the using correct form than to knock
your body in a vertical position top. out some with heavy weights using
and your elbows up and out—not The hardest part of the sequence sloppy technique.
down and back. Once your elbows to master is waiting until you’ve Just where you set your hips
turn backward, you’re no longer fully contracted your traps before prior to initiating the pull isn’t that
able to provide upward thrust bending your arms. When you bend important, but it’s crucial that they
with your traps. All you have left is your arms too early, your traps can’t elevate at the same rate as the bar.
momentum, and that’s not always contract nearly as well, and that When they come up faster than the
sufficient to complete a snatch negatively affects the finish. Keep bar, you move out of the proper
or clean. Remember, the longer your elbows locked, and once the position for a strong top pull.
you can keep your elbows up, the bar passes your belly button, jam From the very first rep on the
their athletes to shrug with locked take a brief moment to make certain stick trick to help obtain your goal
elbows, I don’t. I want the shrug to that all your body mechanics are or set a pin loosely at a height you
duplicate the final motion of the correct: bar tucked in tight against want to hit. Don’t make the mistake
clean and snatch where the arms your legs, front deltoids out in front of locking in a top pin, though, or
play a significant role. Bending of the bar, back locked and flat. If you’ll end up jarring your eyeteeth
the arms at the end of a shrug the holes in your power rack let you, loose. Remember, every inch higher
strengthens a lot more muscles start the shrugs at midthigh. That you shrug the weight, the greater
and attachments, and in my mind will let your hips elevate the bar the strength gains.
that’s a good thing. Besides, the from the pins before transferring In order for clean or snatch
arms certainly bend at the finish of the action to your back and arms. shrugs to be beneficial, you must
a snatch or clean, so why not in the Set the bar too low, and the start will pull in the same line as you clean,
shrug? be awkward, causing your back to snatch or high pull. If you pull
And since I’m seeking height, round. Set it too high, and you won’t back too far or glide the bar up the
it only makes sense to utilize the have the benefit of your hips. rack railings, you’re defeating the
arms at the finish. A strong arm Your first thought should be to purpose of the exercise.
contraction right behind the traps push your feet down through the After you have the form down
jamming upward will cause the floor or rack platform. That will pat, alternate shrugging inside the
bar to leap upward. Several of my ensure that you start with a solid rack with the same move outside
athletes who used the straight-arm base. Any muscle group that relaxes the rack. Those moves are more
method of shrugging tried it with a the slightest bit during the lift will difficult. I call them Hawaiian
violent bending of their arms at the severely affect the height of the pull. shrugs because for two years at
top. At the following workout they So you need to keep your entire the University of Hawaii we didn’t
reported that their traps and arms body so tight that you’re almost have a power rack. The athletes
got sore to the touch. Soreness is the cramping. Use your hips and legs took the bar off pins from the rear
strength athlete’s friend. to provide the initial thrust, and of the squat rack and shrugged.
Until you’re comfortable with the then bring that power into the bar Action outside the rack requires
form on shrugs, stay inside a power up through your back, shoulders so much more control and a more
rack. After each rep lower the bar to and arms. Attempt to pull every rep precise line than when it’s done
the pins in a controlled manner, and higher and higher. You can use the inside the rack. If you let the bar
272 OCTOBER 2006 \ www.ironmanmagazine.com
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You can use
dumbbells every so
muscles involved in the top of the
often for a different snatch pull is to set the bar in that
angle of pull on same high position described, but
your traps. instead of locking it up against
another set of pins, hold it off the
pins for an eight to 12 count. That’s
a static hold and as tough as or
tougher than the isotonic-isometric
Very quickly you’ll understand
the importance of keeping your
elbows up and out and extending
high on your toes. Once your elbows
start turning back and down, the
bar will fall to the pins. The same
goes for your calves. When they
give out, you can’t extend enough
to keep the bar off the pins. It’s a
terrific exercise for helping you feel
where your body needs to be at the
apex of the snatch pull. It’s also one
of the few exercises that hit the rear
deltoids directly. They’re difficult
to strengthen, and you’ll become
aware of them contracting while you
hold the bar off the pins or lock it up
against the higher pins.
Be warned: You’re not going to
be able to use very much weight in
either of the exercises for the snatch
top pull. Typically, most handle 100
pounds less than they can snatch
or 50 pounds lower than what they
power-snatch. In the beginning the
disparity may be even wider. One
of the great things about strength
training is that it doesn’t matter in
the least how much you use when
hances are good that when you first started training, do. For example, about the only type of training decision you
life was simple: Your workouts were based on three- had to make was whether you’d add five or 10 pounds to the
days-a week whole-body routines, your diet consisted bar when you made all your reps—or you might work out on
of a lot of nutritious food with some basic supplements, and, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday instead of Monday, Wednes-
best of all, your gains were pretty consistent. Not only were day and Friday. On the diet side, perhaps you had to decide
you moving forward, but you were also armed with the reas- whether it would be steak or chicken for dinner. Your world
suring sense of knowing exactly what you were supposed to was nice and simple.
It would have been very comfortable if things had remained
that way, but they didn’t. For starters, your zeal inspired you
You need to to read everything you could find about training and to talk
walk the fine to everyone who might have an opinion. At worst, it created
line between a sense of confusion that paralyzed your training or sent you
undertraining backward. At best, it created a sense of complexity that forced
and overtraining. you to actively make decisions about what to do next, and
some of those decisions were just plain tough. We’re going to
take a look at the toughest class of decisions—the ones that
involve fine lines.
You’ve reached territory that you have to cross to go be-
yond the intermediate class in terms of strength and develop-
ment, so the quicker you learn to manage those decisions, the
quicker you can make your next round of gains. To illustrate
what we’re talking about, let’s use two examples: training
frequency and drugs.
One of the most common questions we get at IronMind
Enterprises involves training frequency: People are constantly
asking whether we think, for example, that they really can
squat heavy twice a week. We usually tell them that most
people can actually squat heavy at least three times a week,
and this typically produces a thundering silence on the other
end of the phone. The issue, we explain, is that while the
dangers of overtraining are real, there’s also a very real down-
side associated with undertraining. Sure, we explain, you can
make progress if you train only once per week, but by doing
that, you’re probably going to move forward at an artificially
slow pace—for each two steps your training might have taken
you forward, you’ll slide backward one because your body
started “detraining” during the long rest in between workouts.
Neveux \ Model: Michael Semanoff
Then we add that some of the world’s top Olympic lifters squat
every single day and sometimes have more than one squat
workout per day. Any way you slice it, there’s a lot of room
between those two extreme points, and chances are your op-
timum training frequency is going to be someplace in between.
But where?
Our advice in situations like that is to aim high and come to
grips with the need to walk the fine line between undertraining
New Stuff
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NO-Shotgun is the most advanced product of its kind—bar none. VPX is so
confident in the effectiveness of NO-Shotgun that it has a $100,000 offer on
the table to any supplement company that can conclusively prove—in a dou-
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However, be your own scientist: Call VPX direct at (800) 954-7904, pur-
chase one jug of NO-Shotgun and receive a free T-shirt—not to mention mind-
blowing workouts, skin-bursting muscle pumps and massive increases in lean
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What are you waiting for: your buddy to be the first to use NO-Shotgun?
Call VPX today.
his e-book is another muscle-
building blockbuster from
ccording to Ed
Mayhew, author of
Fitter for Life: The
Secrets of 25 Masters of
Fitness, men and women
ranging from ages 40 to
93 who compete success-
fully with athletes decades
younger—and look much
younger than their years
to boot—have a single
trait that helps them defy
the aging process: “These
successful agers are
Plus Fans Around the World invigorated by thinking
about what they want to
Can Win A Year’s Supply of have and to do—the next
Supplements from big challenge, adventure,
Bodybuilding.com in the race or game—while those
on a fast track to old age
“You Be The Judge” Contest. think more about what they don’t want, what they are trying to avoid....
This ongoing stress [of the faster agers] interferes with the body’s natural
For more details and updates repair and regeneration of cells.”
watch this column or go to In essence, competing can keep you young, whether with yourself in
www.IronManMagazine.com the gym or with others onstage or on the track.
www.TheFitExpo.com —Becky Holman
or www.bodybuilding.com www.X-tremeLean.com
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7/27/06 6:43:26 PM
Older and Bolder MIND/BODY
hose of us in middle
age or beyond con-
tinue to exercise.
The baby boomers are
the first generation to
demand more from their
bodies via exercise, and
with that comes injuries.
For those of us born
between 1946 and 1964,
sports injuries have be-
come the number-two reason for doctor visits—number
one is the common cold—according to a survey con-
ducted by National Ambulatory Medical Care.
A lot of that is due to a fountain-of-youth pursuit,
some of it a direct result of the high divorce rate. You
must look good to attract a new mate.
The lesson here is that if you’re over 40, you can’t do
what you did when you were 20. Don’t overdo it at the
gym, on the court or in the pool. Exercise is supposed
to improve your quality of life, not increase your number
of doctor visits. —Becky Holman
The Bodybuilding
Stars of
Here Today!
Mark Ritter
Weight: 165
Height: 5’6” DOB: 12/16
Occupation: Gym owner
and Beverly International
Residence: Cincinnati, Ohio
Factoid: “I have a two-year-
old son, and aside from
Beverly I own a 2,600-
square-foot personal-
training studio and am
involved in real estate
investing. In 2002 I tore
my lat completely off my
Killer Coverage!
Your contest coverage with all the full-page photos is
spectacular! I didn’t realize how inferior previous reports
were with the small photos till you began featuring large
pics. The ladies are especially fetching. I loved the Figure
International photos of Mary Elizabeth Lado and Monica
Brant-Peckham [July ’06], but how about a few pics of each
competitor instead of just one?
Edward Scolero
Boston, MA
Editor’s note: Well, we have only so many pages in the
magazine, but space is practically infinite on the Web. For
thousands and thousands of contest shots, past and pres-
ent, visit www.GraphicMuscle.com.
Biceps Blasting
The “Sleeve-
Busting Biceps” Lawson’s
Your Arnold cover [August ’06] was simply stunning. It’s article that fea- 19-plus-
a reminder of just how great his physique was and how tured X Reps was inch arm.
distorted most pro bodybuilders’ bodies are today. Arnold unreal. That’s
had the best double-biceps pose of all time, and he could exactly the kind
still terminate any of the top men today with it. There are of info I’m look-
no weak points, his symmetry is perfect, and his legs aren’t ing for, and I put
bulbous, unathletic gobs of overpumped beef. Long live the the program into
king. my workouts im-
Sam Reynolds mediately. My bi-
via Internet ceps have already
taken on new
Thank you, John Balik, for being there and capturing shape, and I’ve
Arnold in his prime. Your collection of Venice Beach photos put a solid quar-
of the Oak is priceless, and I’m sure IRON MAN readers ap- ter inch on my
preciate your sharing them in all their full-page glory. The arms already. I’m
shots of his Olympia comeback were nice to see, too, but thinking about getting one of those “Get Your Tickets to the
the beach photos were tops. Gun Show” T-shirts (just kidding). More X-Rep articles from
Bill Simon Jonathan Lawson and Steve Holman, please! Jonathan’s 19-
via Internet plus-inch arm-measurement photo was very inspiring.
Dan Wilson
Editor’s note: John has more shots of Arnold that we Atlanta, GA
will feature in a future issue. Stay tuned—and subscribe (see
page 145). Editor’s note: To get more information on X Reps, as
well as more photos of Jonathan’s drug-free physique, visit
www.X-Rep.com. IM
Young Upstart
Vol. 65, No. 10: IRON MAN (ISSN #0047-1496) is published monthly by IRON MAN Pub-
I’m including a pic of 140- lishing, 1701 Ives Ave., Oxnard, CA 93033. Periodical Mail is paid at Oxnard, CA, and at
pound Gary Mease of Myers- additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to IRON MAN, 1701 Ives
Ave., Oxnard, CA 93033. Please allow six to eight weeks for change to take effect. Subscrip-
town, Pennsylvania. He began tion rates—U.S. and its possessions: new 12-issue subscription, $29.97. Canada, Mexico and
serious lifting in late January other foreign subscriptions: 12 issues, $49.97 sent Second Class. Foreign orders must be in
as a very small, thin kid but U.S. dollars. Send subscriptions to IRON MAN, 1701 Ives Ave., Oxnard, CA 93033. Or call
has since made remarkable 1-800-570-4766. Copyright © 2006. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be
progress. We’re always pass- reproduced in any manner without written permission from the publisher. Printed in the USA.
Gary Mease.
288 OCTOBER 2006 \ www.ironmanmagazine.com
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