Fat-Burn Q&A: Stack Your Back
Fat-Burn Q&A: Stack Your Back
Fat-Burn Q&A: Stack Your Back
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We Know Training ™
Still learning after all these years. The TEG men made
a number of interesting discoveries as they progressed
through their ’07 ripping phase.
Cory Crow provides the details on Dan Decker’s back
detailing. Rugged terrain here, gang!
aging athlete.
•Best Cardio
page 94 STACK
guaranteed to get you leanness YOUR HOT
without too much meanness. Plus, a With Cover Man
Dan Decker’s
Tanji Johnson
Detailed Attack
IFBB figure pro Tanji Johnson has a physique that turns
up the heat. And talk about exotic beauty. Whew!
Only the Strong
Bill Starr’s take on the bench press—the good, the bad and
page 250
the ugly.
Coach Charles Poliquin provides a dense-muscle-build-
ing routine—to help you avoid the balloon-animal look.
Diet wars, glutamine for mind and muscle and longjack
for your testosterone-boosting stack. (It works!)
Steve Holman discusses the size-and strength link.
John Hansen’s no-bullsh*t natural training split.
Dave Goodin outlines his philosophy for building plenty
Smart of middle-age muscle.
Jerry Brainum says the yolks on you. Research shows
that cholesterol is anabolic gold. Pass that omelet!
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a weight. A lot of competitors believe their bodies and follows another in a stunning way that you must experi-
minds need a break after all the months of strict dieting ence to appreciate. —Ron Harris
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Super Gripper
Fierce Fiber
Q: I read that the myotatic re-
flex will get more fibers to fire in
a muscle and that to get the ben-
efits of it, you have to bounce the
weight along the range of motion.
How do I know if I’m bouncing
enough to get the effect?
A: When they wheel you into the
operating room to reattach your torn liga-
ments and tendons. Seriously, don’t ever
bounce along the range of motion. Some
advanced athletes use a plyometric
technique to enhance explosiveness and
improve performance on the playing field,
but it’s not necessary for most body-
builders, and it can be dangerous. That’s
not to say you have to forget about the
heightened fiber activation associated
Roland Balik
with the myotatic reflex.
BIGGER BODYPARTS Dennis Wolf. While most of the studies on pre-
stretch involve a rapid shift from the
Boulder Shoulders Big Bad Wolf style eccentric to the concentric stroke of a
repetition, my contention is that when a
Some of the very best shoulders in pro bodybuilding are perched atop the clavicles muscle is put in its ultimate stretch posi-
of rookie sensation Dennis Wolf from Germany, winner of the ’07 Keystone Pro Clas- tion—such as the bottom of an overhead
sic. Certainly genetics have something to do with his dazzling deltoid development, but extension—a simple twitch to reverse the
there are also a few lessons to be learned from the Big Bad Wolf: movement will trigger the myotatic reflex
1) Stick with the basics. Wolf has been training for more than 10 years, but and put the muscle in a hypercontracted
his shoulder workout today is nearly identical to the one he was doing a decade ago. state. That’s one reason I recommend
While other bodybuilders may consider themselves so “advanced” that they include a
that bodybuilders use stretch-position
variety of machines and cables, Wolf still uses a barbell and dumbbells to get the job
movements—such as stiff-legged dead-
done. Military presses, dumbbell laterals and bent-over laterals form the crux of his
lifts, incline curls, overhead extensions,
routine now, as they did then. “The basics work so well that you would be foolish to
stop doing them,” he explains in his no-nonsense style. “I think a lot of guys stop mak- sissy squats and pullovers—at almost
ing progress—and assume they have reached their full potential—simply because they every workout. Getting more fibers to
abandon the most productive exercises.” fire at any one gym session is a key to
2) Train shoulders on their own day. “I trained chest and shoulders in the achieving the fastest development, but
same workout just once, and never again,” declares Wolf. He instinctively picked up you don’t have to bounce a weight to get
on something that many bodybuilders take years to figure out and some never tune that positive reaction—unless you really
into. There’s simply no way you can do justice to presses for the chest and overhead enjoy tendon-reattachment surgery.
presses for the shoulders in the same training session. If you choose to ignore that, —Steve Holman
your shoulders will never be trained with the energy and intensity they deserve, and Train, Eat, Grow
your gains will stop short of your true potential. Dennis not only trains shoulders on a
different day from when he trains chest but also separates the two bodyparts by four Editor’s note: Train, Eat, Grow—
days in the training week. That ensures full recovery and eliminates overlap between The Positions-of-Flexion Muscle-Training
the two muscle groups. Manual is available from Home-Gym.com,
3) Prioritize rear delts. To a lot of bodybuilders, rear delts aren’t much more or call (800) 447-0008.
than an afterthought. You see a whole lot of shoulders with good mass in the front and
some size to the side heads but not much of anything in the back. From the side it’s a
pretty incomplete look—as if you had something removed surgically back there. Wolf
noticed such a disparity but caught it in time to do something about it. “For a long time
I did rear delts first in my shoulder workout, so they were hit hard,” he says. They soon
caught up with his front and side heads, and today Wolf’s delts look full and thick from
every angle.
4) Hit traps on shoulder day. Bodybuilders often agonize over when to train
their traps—on shoulder day or with the back? Dennis Wolf doesn’t hesitate to give
Neveux \ Model: Dan Decker
what he feels is the definitive answer. “Traps should be trained with shoulders,” he
declares. “The back is too large and complex a muscle group to add anything else
to that workout. If you are already doing chins, deadlifts, pulldowns and rows, I don’t
see how you can possibly have energy left over to really stimulate the traps enough to
make them grow.”
Those are a few tips from a man who owns a pair of truly amazing shoulders. Apply
his methods and get yours growing too! —Ron Harris
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A: Power snatches from blocks, 7 x 3-5,
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4/0/X/0, rest 100 seconds
A-2: Thick-bar close-grip bench presses
in rack, 7 x 3-5, 2/2/1/0, rest 100 sec-
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Diet Wars
In an effort to clear up the consid-
Who wins in the battle of the bulge reduction?
of many other diet-comparison studies, Atkins suggested that control of insulin,
erable confusion about which diet is all of which showed that not only do a cornerstone of low-carb diets, would
most effective for fat loss, researchers low-carb diets prove superior for more than make up for eating lots of
from Stanford University spent a year fat loss, but they also produce fat. Besides, because carbs are so
testing four popular diet plans on 311 health benefits. restricted on the Atkins plan, most of
overweight women, aged 25 to 50. The greatest criticism of low-carb the dietary fat is oxidized.
Published in the prestigious Journal of diets is that their high fat content pre- Dean Ornish, also a cardiologist
the American Medical Association, the disposes dieters to cardiovascular and whose diet philosophy is the op-
study examined the Atkins low-carb disease. That was adamantly denied posite of Atkins when it comes to eat-
plan, which starts at 20 grams a day by Robert Atkins, M.D., the heart spe- ing fat, noted that levels of low-density
of carbs and gradually increases to 50 cialist who developed the Atkins diet. lipoprotein, or LDL, which is linked to
grams a day; the Zone diet, cardiovascular disease, rose
which features a percent- in those who followed a low-
age formula of 40-30-30 for carb diet during the study.
carbs, protein and fat; the As one of the authors noted,
LEARN plan, a traditional however, blood triglycerides
balanced diet usually sug- dropped more than 30 per-
gested for promoting good cent in the low-carb dieters.
heath, consisting of 55 to That’s significant because
60 percent carbs and less when triglycerides drop, you
than 10 percent saturated fat get a larger, more buoyant
intake; and the Ornish diet, LDL molecule. The type of
which contains 10 percent LDL linked to cardiovascular
fat or less. The Zone and disease is small and dense
LEARN plans call for a spe- and is more likely to oxidize
cific daily calorie limit, while than the larger version. LDL is
the Atkins and Ornish plans dangerous only when oxi-
don’t. dized.
Those in the Atkins group Other critics of the new
lost an average of 10.4 study said that while those
pounds over the year. That on the Atkins diet clearly lost
Neveux \ Model: Daniele Seccarecci
48 NOVEMBER 2007
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Nutrition With a Get-Big Mission
no precise guidelines other than carb
restriction. The high-protein feature of
the Atkins diet brings greater satiety,
making it far easier to stick with than
lowfat, high-carb diets like the Ornish
Because most people diet to lose
bodyfat, it’s just common sense that
the diet with the best results would be
more motivating. Losing fat is impor-
tant for health reasons because ex-
true that glycogen, which is the major
exercise fuel source in muscles, is
itself a complex carbohydrate, but it’s
not that difficult to take your
carbs in strategically, meaning
plan, on which most people get raven- cess bodyfat triggers inflammation all before and after training. That
ously hungry. over the body that’s linked to all forms makes for maximum fat burning
Those in the Atkins group also had of disease and mortality, including while providing needed energy.
elevations in high-density-lipoprotein cardiovascular disease and cancer. —Jerry Brainum
cholesterol, which protects against Bodybuilders used low carb-diets
cardiovascular disease. HDL tends to long before they became popular with Gardner, C.D., et al. (2007). Com-
rise with a higher fat intake, an effect the public. In fact, most top body- parison of the Atkins, Zone, Ornish
confirmed with those who followed the builders still rely on carb restriction to and LEARN diets for change in weight
Ornish lowfat plan. No change at all get into contest condition. They know and related risk factors among over-
occurred in their HDL levels, although that when you control insulin release, weight women. JAMA. 297:969-77.
LDL did drop. you rapidly tap into bodyfat stores. It’s
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Testing flaws
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Holman 77(4):1028-32.
3 Rogerson, S., et al., (2007). The effect of short-term
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No matter how long you do this perhaps his leanest condition ever already; we’re starving here!” The
muscle-building thing, you always by Independence Day. result was that he started smoothing
learn new stuff—if you’re observant What did we take away from that out and gradually losing muscle as
and have an open mind. For us, this experience? Lesson: You make faster July 30, his birthday, approached,
past summer was a good example. gains when you have some kind yet he was still eating the same and
It’s standard procedure for us to of goal to shoot for to jack up your training just as hard. The question
start training harder as we move intensity. The mind plays a huge is, why? Shouldn’t the body be able
into our ripping phase every April. role. While Jonathan appeared to to maintain its leanest condition
That’s in preparation for a photo be training hard, he just wasn’t into for long periods? Not when you
shoot with Michael Neveux, usually it as in past years. Steve could tell. consider that a low-calorie diet is
in July, and it’s really motivational There was less enthusiasm on every stress—especially when combined
having that target (you don’t want set. No goal and the stress of his up- with intense weight training (car-
to show up at Mike’s studio looking coming wedding fused to smother dio wasn’t a big factor, as Steve was
smooth, because he gets uninspired his intensity—and his muscle detail. doing it only once a week).
very quickly!). Steve, on the other hand, was It all boils down to Dr. Hans
This year, for various reasons— inspired by IRON MAN’s ageless Selye’s General Adaptation
like Jonathan’s impending wed- muscle and strength issue [October Syndrome, discussed in his book
ding in early fall—we decided not ’07], which he worked on during The Stress of Life. Selye concluded
to do the shoot but still strive for the summer. He was determined to that the human body adapts to
peak condition midsummer. Here’s look great at 48! And he did—but he any stress in three stages: alarm,
where the learning comes in: Steve learned another lesson: The body resistance and exhaustion.
got in ripped condition very fast, as can stay in X-treme lean condition In the case of a calorie-restricted
his 48th birthday at the end of July for only so long before it starts re- diet, the alarm stage occurs when
coincided with a one-week Yosem- gressing, especially if the lean guy is your calories move below main-
ite vacation. He had a solid date to middle aged. tenance. We gradually reduce our
shoot for. Jonathan, on the other What happened was that Steve calories every week or two, so alarm
Model: Jonathan Lawson
hand, lagged way behind. Even was superlean and fairly full—for happens in May. We tend to lose
though he was training hard, or so it his hardgainer frame—by July 1, but a bit of muscle at first as the body
appeared, dieting and doing cardio he couldn’t hold that condition all adjusts, but it comes back, and then
regularly, he stayed fairly smooth the way to the end of the month. It’s the fat starts melting away—and we
through July, while Steve was in as if his body said, “Okay, enough actually start building more muscle.
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Train, Eat, Grow
Steve’s Peak-Physique Regression his leanest, fullest shape was begin-
ning to erode. From that point his
1) End of leanness fluctuated, and his muscle
June: Very fullness dissipated to a degree as his
lean, close body began overproducing cortisol
to peak. and his metabolism slowed to a
crawl. He took a one-week vacation
in early August—no weight training,
plenty of unbridled eating—to get
himself back on track. That’s basi-
cally our Phase Training concept
applied to dieting.
In Steve’s case the intense diet-
ing—calories below maintenance—
lasted 12 weeks, May through July.
2) Mid-July: Slightly He achieved his best shape in early
losing leanness but still July, so it appears that the eight-
full. He’s hitting the week mark should’ve been the
resistance phase—pla- culmination, with a downshift (va-
teau and regression. cation and eating up) at that point.
What about Jonathan? As we said,
his impending wedding and stress-
ful planning for that event had him
hitting the exhaustion phase very
early—way before he could rip up.
He’d start getting leaner and then
regress, moving back and forth
from resistance to exhaustion. That
makes sense considering his stress
level—high-intensity workouts four
days a week; cardio, often twice a
day; work pressures; and wedding
3) End of July (48th plans (“The catering is costing how
birthday): Exhaustion much?!”). Plus, he was looking for
phase—losing leanness a new place to live with his bride-
and fullness. Time to to-be and worrying about finances,
back off and/or take starting a family, etc. Whew!
a vacation. He did, the Cortisol wreaks havoc on the
4) August 7: Steve and body and can prevent muscle gain
first week of August...
family at Yosemite. and fat loss. All of Jonathan’s stress
also spawned sporadic supple-
mentation. He’d often forget to
take critical supplements at crucial
(See our X-treme Lean e-book, avail- Gradually ramping up activity—like times. High stress levels mandate
able at www.X-tremeLean.com, for running a little farther or walk- supplementation; unfor-
a full explanation of that as well as ing more frequently—helps tunately, cortisol attacks
our Ripping Phase eating sched- keep the metabolism stoked the brain as well as the
ules.) as well. Nevertheless, exhaus- muscles, so it can cause
Our diet strategy includes one or tion is inevitable, as with any forgetfulness.
two higher-carb days each week, continuous stress, including Being older and all
which prolongs the alarm stage and intense weight training. too familiar with mid-
fends off resistance, or plateau. It’s Exhaustion occurs when dle-age brain freezes,
almost like three steps forward, a the body has had enough Steve realizes that all
half step back. We lose some fat, and can no longer cope too well. That’s why he
then slightly overfeed to keep the with the continuous stress was very methodical
metabolism cranking, which pre- bombardment. It finally gets and used spe-
vents the starvation mechanism overwhelmed. In Steve’s case cific supple-
from kicking in; however, the calorie that began to occur in ments that
increase may stall fat burning or mid-July (see photos derailed
even cause a small amount of fat on this page). That’s cortisol
to be put back on. It’s a small price when he noticed that overpro-
to pay to keep resistance at bay. duction. At
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When you’re training
to get bigger, you
proved to me that we’d been
should be getting
a minimum of one Don’t forget nutrition
gram of protein and during your growing period.
two to four grams of If you’re not eating enough
carbs for each pound calories, you won’t grow
of bodyweight. no matter how hard and
heavy you train. That’s espe-
cially important when you’re
young and your metabolism is typically going 100
miles an hour.
Many young bodybuilders make drinks of
whey-only protein. That’s a mistake. The whey
protein is usually very low in calories, and it’s
digested very quickly. Use a protein powder that’s
going to be absorbed more slowly and contains
more calories per serving.
I recommend that you use a weight-gain pow-
der instead of a straight protein powder. A product
such as Optimum Nutrition’s Pro Complex Gainer
contains 650 calories per serving, with 60 grams
of protein, 85 grams of carbs and eight grams of
fat. That’s much more effective for gaining weight
and increasing your muscle mass than a low-calo-
rie whey-protein powder. The protein in the Pro
Complex Gainer comes from a combination of
whey, egg and casein, which furnishes a sustained
source of amino acids.
You should be eating a minimum of one gram
of protein and anywhere from two to four grams
of carbohydrates for each pound of bodyweight
when you’re trying to get bigger and gain weight.
Neveux \ Model: Justin Balik
.com. IM
John Hansen
82 NOVEMBER 2007 \ www.ironmanmagazine.com
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Dave Goodin’s
Shredded Muscle
The bodybuilding
lifestyle: You gotta
love it to keep being
consistent and develop
your body through
middle age and
movements. After a couple of weeks of easy training I’m refreshed and ready to
attack again.
I take a maximum of two weeks at a time because of injuries. I’ve had upper-
and lower-body injuries at the same time and just couldn’t work around them.
I’m having surgery tomorrow to repair a ruptured biceps femoris tendon and
lateral collateral ligament, but I plan to train upper body again on Tuesday.
I’ve done it before. When I tore a biceps tendon 10 years ago, I came back and
trained legs and my uninjured arm. I was able to guest-pose just eight weeks
after I got the cast off.
Looks as if I’ve digressed, but my point is that you have to find ways to keep
working out, even under difficult circumstances. It’s always easier to find rea-
sons not to work out. If you let stuff get in the way for a few days, a few days
becomes a week, then a week becomes months, and before you know it, you
haven’t worked out in years. For me, bodybuilding is a lifestyle. I’m very very mo-
tivated by competition, but that’s not the only reason I do it. I like lifting weights.
I like getting pumped. I like feeling strong. I like the way that eating clean makes
me feel. I like having the discipline to turn down fried foods and desserts. I like
that my daughters are proud of the way I look, even though it means that some-
times they sacrifice time with me because of my competitions and bodybuilding
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him by en- (continued on page 104)
BARBELL He focuses on
squeezing his shoulder
blades together to full
contraction, moving
slowly on the descent
to get the full benefit of
the movement.
going to happen for your contest infomercials with Carrot Top. periods to make those improve-
next May. Sorry to break it to you. It “As long as you keep improving, ments, you really have nothing to
may take you two, three, perhaps five you’re succeeding. If muscle came worry about.”
years until you get close to the size fast and easy, anybody could look Randy flexed again, but the pump
you want to be. I don’t want to scare like a champion bodybuilder. But in his biceps had gone away. Luck-
you away from bodybuilding, but few do. You have to be tremendously ily, he had a few more sets to go and
most of the top guys in the IFBB and dedicated and work hard for many would regain the tight, swollen look
even at the Nationals have all been years to build an outstanding phy- in his arms that we all get off on.
training hard for at least 10 years, sique.” “Hey, do you think you can get
many of them for as long as 15 or 20.” “Ugh. There you go with that next Tuesday off from work?” I said,
“Oh, man,” Randy moaned. “I’m many years thing again. You’re kill- as if out of the blue.
going to be an old man before I’m ing me.” Randy furrowed his brow. “I don’t
huge.” “I tell you, the time passes by think so, why?”
“I resemble that remark,” I shot before you know it, kid. It literally “I was thinking of hanging out
back, self-conscious about being 35 seems like yesterday that I was your here in the gym from six in the
now and staring down the barrel of age and still trying to figure all this morning until 10 at night to train
40 (the red Corvette can’t be too far stuff out—without a great, cool, calves. I bet we can put three inches
off). “You have to remember that mentor like yours truly, I might add.” on those puppies.” I cackled like
bodybuilding is a sport unlike most “Yeah, I know,” Randy said un- a maniac as I settled down on the
others. In sports like figure skating, convincingly. “You’re the greatest, preacher bench for a set of single-
tennis and gymnastics, athletes hit Ron.” arm dumbbell curls.
their prime in their teens and early “As long as you constantly evalu- “You can be such a jackass some-
20s and after that are suited only to ate what needs to be improved in times,” said Randy.
skating around in a Buzz Lightyear your physique and keep coming “Maybe so, but I am the greatest
costume in Disney on Ice or doing up with solid plans in limited time jackass of them all.” IM
deaths compared to 57 in the overall of reported beneficial effects of of IGF-1 seem protected from the
population matched for age and sex. GH-replacement therapy in GH-de- development of malignancies: A
The primary cause of death was car- ficient patients cannot be disputed. preliminary report. Growth Horm
diovascular disease, which occurred Long-term follow-up data demon- IGF Res. In press.
twice as often in the GH-deficient strate that GH-replacement therapy 9 Besson, A., et al. (2003). Reduced
patients as it did in the overall pa- is safe. The pursuit of physical and longevity in untreated patients with
tient population. mental health in increasing aging is isolated growth hormone deficiency.
Considering the effects of a lack more than human, it is humanistic.” J Clin Endocrin Metab. 88:3664-
of GH, such as heart problems and Next month we’ll discuss testos- 3667.
decreased brain function, GH-re- terone. 10 Cappola, A., et al. (2003). Insu-
placement therapy likely will pro- lin-like growth factor-1 and inter-
long life. In addition, several studies References leukin-6 contribute synergistically
show that GH-replacement therapy to disabillty and mortality in older
blunts excess inflammation in the 1 Rudman, D., et al. (1990). Effects women. J Clin Endocrin Metabol.
body,17 which is strongly linked to of growth hormone in men over 60 88:2019-2025.
several major causes of death, such years old. New Eng J Med. 32:1-6. 11 Sonntag, W.E., et al. (2005).
as cancer and cardiovascular dis- 2 Laron, Z. (2005). Do deficiencies Adult-onset growth hormone and
ease. Various markers of inflamma- in growth hormone and insulin-like IGF-1 deficiency reduces neoplas-
tion drop significantly within three growth factor-1 (IGF-1) shorten or tic disease, modifies age-related
months of initiating GH-replace- prolong longevity? Mech Aging Dev- pathology and increases life span.
ment therapy. lop. 126:305-307. Endocrin. 146:2920-32.
Giving GH to those deficient in 3 Paolisso, G., et al. (1996). 12 Perry, J.K., et al. (2006). The
it leads to improved quality of life, Glucose tolerance and insulin oncogenic potential of growth
whatever the contention of medical action in healthy centenarians. Am J hormone. Growth Horm IGF Res.
“experts” who may have their own Physiol. 270:E890-E894. 16:277-289.
agenda when they label GH therapy 4 Facchini, F.S., 13 Orme, S.M., et al. (1998). Mor-
“snake oil science.” et al. (2001). tality and cancer incidence in ac-
Dr. H.C. Verhoeven, di- Insulin romegaly: A retrospective cohort
rector of the Center for resistance study. J Clin Endocrin Metabol.
Reproductive Medi- as a 83:2730-2734.
cine, Endocrinol- predictor 14 Jenkins, P.J. (2004). Acromegaly
tant role through- tissue selective atic review: The safety and efficacy
out normal adult insulin receptor of growth hormone in the healthy
life. Abundant knockout protects elderly. Ann Intern Med. 146:104-15.
data against obesity and 17 Nass, R., et al. (1995). Effect
ost bodybuilders strive to build mass and more
mass, and that can often result in bodyfat and
more bodyfat. Believe it or not, a lean, ripped 200-
pound bodybuilder will look much bigger than a
240-pound smooth one. It has to do with delineated muscles,
etched-in-granite hardness and streaking vascularity. For
example, check out the back shots of Jonathan on pages 148
and 149. He weighed only slightly less in the ripped photo,
but it looks as if he weighed at least 20 pounds more.
What about women? While most don’t want muscularity
or vascularity, the same ripping diet and cutting strategies
that smart bodybuilders use can get any woman leaner fast-
er, with curves in all the right places—especially if she lifts
weights to boost her metabolism and add some shapely mus-
cle. Becky Holman’s transformation photos on page 149 are
proof of that (more on her in the Q&A coming up).
months. It takes
discipline and
tactical X-treme
Lean eating and
completely different if you lose 10 same. Think about that, and let it Concentrate on working out hard,
pounds of fat and add 10 pounds of sink in. gradually adding cardio, being con-
muscle, but you’ll weigh exactly the So step away from the scale! sistent and eating relatively clean.
You’ll be amazed at the
changes your body will
make. Photos will prove
Q: I go to the gym
with my husband. Is
it okay for me to work
out with him on one
of the programs in
your e-books, or will I
get too big?
A: Work out with him
as hard as you can—and
include set-extending
techniques like X Reps
and drop sets to build
muscle and burn fat.
They create muscle burn,
which triggers the release
Muscle detail makes Jona- of growth hormone, a
than look heavier in this potent fat burner—but
shot than his smooth one you won’t get giant mus-
at left, but his bodyweight cles! A woman’s overall
(continued on page 152)
is slightly less here.
www.ironmanmagazine.com \ NOVEMBER 2007 149
Free download from imbodybuilding.com
Intensity in the gym is all important,
as muscle burn helps the body churn
out growth hormone, which is a crucial
bodyfat incinerator.
(continued from page 149) hormonal drop sets. [Find her story, diet and retouched.]
makeup prevents excessive muscle training program in Chapter 6 of Q: You tend to favor Pro-Fu-
gain. You have more estrogen and X-treme Lean.] sion protein powder. Does it
not a lot of testosterone, which What about women bodybuild- work as a good between-meals
means you’ll never look like a male ers? Look how big some of them are. protein drink, and can I drink
bodybuilder—not even close. You’ll They take male hormones to make it 30 minutes before a workout?
just get curves in all the right places. their bigger muscles possible. Even What about as my postworkout
Case in point: Photos show the many men have to supplement their shake? How many times a day
astounding four-month transfor- male hormones to get extremely big do I use Pro-Fusion? Is it better
mation of Steve’s wife, Becky. She muscles, so you don’t have to worry than regular protein supple-
trained hard three days a week, one iota. [By the way, we do not take ments? Can women take it too?
using set-extending techniques like steroids, and none of our photos are A: Pro-Fusion is a great protein
Q: I’m intrigued by Mike Men- diet of food that you can find in any in the workout from six to four—leg
tzer’s Consolidation Routine supermarket—three meals a day, presses, seated rows, bench presses
as outlined in High Intensity plus two snacks—as Mike recom- and shoulder presses. We wanted
Training the Mike Mentzer mended. No drugs were involved. to emphasize compound exercises
Way and The Wisdom of Mike No supplements were employed, involving many muscle groups in
Mentzer. Mike explained that nor were they required. order to recruit the greatest pos-
two to three sets once a week is The subjects worked out once sible number of muscle fibers, thus
all you need to build strength a week. We started everyone on a lessening the chances of atrophy
and lean mass. It seems to six-set exercise program, consisting and giving the body a reason to hold
make perfect sense. Can I use of leg presses, seated rows, bench on to muscle during the period of
the program to build muscle presses, pulldowns, lower-back ex- negative calorie intake.
while dieting to lose fat at the tensions and seated shoulder press- After two more weeks we retested
same time, or would I need to es. Each exercise was performed body composition and found a gen-
include some form of aerobic for one set to failure. Every two eral loss, albeit smaller, of muscle
activity to help burn the fat and weeks we tested the subjects’ body along with the loss of bodyfat. Then
become leaner? composition in a Bod Pod chamber, it occurred to me that trainees who
A: We conducted a study at my courtesy of Body Comp, to see if are preparing to perform a six- or
facility that tested a once-a-week the weight they were losing was fat, four-set workout would have to
training protocol that was very simi- muscle or both. Then we reduced pace themselves on intensity, or
lar to Mike’s Consolidated Routine. the calorie intake of the subjects by energy out, moment by moment
We went with once a week as the 100, trained them once a week for in order to complete the workout.
optimal training frequency based another two weeks and repeated the Many of the subjects simply didn’t
on a previous study [see IRON MAN, process. have the fuel to do justice to all four
December ’95, “The Nautilus North After the first two weeks they lost exercises. They could complete
Study”]. In February 2006, 33 sub- fat but also some muscle. I contact- them all, mind you, just not at a
jects—22 women and 11 men, aged ed Doug McGuff, M.D., who’s run level sufficient to stimulate muscle
25 to 64—took part in a research many diet programs at his Ultimate growth.
study at Nautilus North Strength & Exercise facility in South Carolina. In preparation for weeks 5 and 6
Fitness Centre. They were members I asked if losing some muscle was we reduced their calories by another
who’d been training with us for inevitable whenever you have a 100 and cut the workout volume to
more than a year, so they weren’t negative calorie balance. Doug re- three exercises once a week—leg
beginners and were accustomed to plied that he believed whenever the presses, seated rows and bench
the rigors of high-intensity training. body doesn’t have enough energy to presses. When we podded them at
After years of listening to “the lat- maintain its mass, it will jettison its the end of week 6, they all had lost
est thing” to come down the river of most metabolically expensive tis- more fat. To our delight, however,
diet programs, we decided to con- sue—in this instance muscle. the muscle loss had stopped and in
duct a study to determine just how We had reduced the subjects’ some cases had begun to reverse. At
little exercise was required for losing calories by 100 at that point and, be- that point we reduced the workout
pure bodyfat. The study lasted 10 lieving that it would be impractical volume of half of the participants to
weeks. Participants ate a well-bal- to expect full-tank mileage out of a two sets once a week—leg presses
anced, modestly calorie-reduced half tank of gas, we reduced the sets and either seated rows or bench
nflammation is a huge prob-
lem that’s finally getting the
attention it deserves. While Vegetables can help
research into inflammation has curb inflammation.
been going on for the past 50 years,
bodybuilders have only recently
begun paying attention to its disas-
trous consequences, chiefly because
inflammation research has reacted
to a critical mass. Consensus has
crystallized among experts on the
central role that inflammation plays
in the muscle-building process.
While some inflammation is nor-
mal, too much is devastating and
muscle wasting, and it cripples your
growth potential. The fact is, inflam-
mation and the damage it brings are
at work in your body—even if you
can’t see it or feel it.
The good news is that the lat-
est research reveals that eating a
wide variety of colored vegetables
is the best, most efficient and most
effective way to combat the inflam-
Neveux \ Model: Cesar Martinez
White. White
vegetables include cauli-
flower, mushrooms, po-
tatoes, onions and garlic.
While all white vegetables
are important and have
vitamin C, B-vitamins
and other nutrients, three
are especially beneficial:
cauliflower, garlic and
onions, important be-
cause of their high con-
centrations of I3C and
The I3C in cauliflower
helps reverse inflamma-
tion damage and repairs
damaged DNA. Garlic
is especially valuable
because of its allicin and
plant sterols, or beta-si-
Allicin acts as a pow-
erful antibacterial and
antiviral agent that
eliminates inflamma-
tion-causing bacteria and
Neveux \ Model: Mark Perry
The beta-sitosterols
work directly on the in-
flammatory cascade at
the enzyme level. They
reduce the secretion of
in response to exercise-induced smothers your bodybuilding gains. plementation with vitamins C and E
acidosis.8 They also increase T cell Eat your vegetables. At the end of inhibits the release of interleukin-6
and CD4 activity and protect against the day you’ll know you bolstered from contracting human skeletal
immune-system failure caused by your health and muscle growth. Ul- muscle. J Physiol. 558(Pt. 2):633-45.
inflammation and overtraining. timately, that means a bigger, more 6 Pattison, D.J., et al. (2005).
That means cortisol goes down and muscular you. Dietary beta-cryptoxanthin and
DHEA goes up, indirectly inducing inflammatory polyarthritis: Results
an anabolic effect.9 References from a population-based prospec-
As research continues, we’ll gain tive study. Am J Clin Nutr. 82:451–5.
further insight into the central role 1 Giugliano, D., Ceriello, A., Es- 7 Gann, P.H., et al. (1999). Lower
that inflammation plays in the posito, K. (2006). The effects of diet prostate cancer risk in men with
muscle-building process. One thing, on inflammation: emphasis on the elevated plasma lycopene levels:
however, is clear: Eating a wide vari- metabolic syndrome. J Am Coll Car- Results of a prospective analysis.
ety of colored vegetables is the best, diol. 48(4):677-85. Cancer Res. 59:1225-30.
most efficient 2 Fan, S., et al. (2006). BRCA1 and 8 Keller, C., et al. (2005). Effect
Mass Training
X-Rep and Stretch
fter looking at Arnold’s
use of partial reps on
chins [Train to Gain,
August ’07], I began to
apply his method to other ex-
ercises as well. To recap, Arnold
divided the chin into two parts:
He did heavy partials from the
bottom to the midpoint, and
later in the workout he did the
top range, squeezing his lats, for
so-called detail work.
To use standard X Reps, you
perform a set to muscular ex-
haustion and then move the
bar to a point on the stroke
where the target muscle is
somewhat elongated, or
stretched, and continue
the set with 10-inch partial
reps. That extends the time
under tension right at the
max-force point on the
stroke. With Power X-Rep
by William Litz Partials (PXP) you do the
entire set in the 10-inch
Photography by Michael Neveux range—X Reps in the semis-
tretch position—with no full
range reps before the X Reps.
a lagging curls. Instead of curling the ’bells, angle to any routine you use and
bodypart (and however, I have my training partner greatly increase muscular separa-
who doesn’t?), pull back gently on my forearms tion and detail.
give them a try until I feel an exaggerated stretch in [Note: For more on 3D POF
for four to six my biceps and hold that position for and X-Rep training, visit
weeks. 60 seconds. www.X-Rep.com and
Here’s a On other biceps days I might opt www.3DMuscleBuilding.com.]
good tem- for a stretch using the Smith ma-
plate for a chine. I adjust the bar so it’s in line Editor’s note: Will Litz is a
biceps rou- with my midback, then face away trainer and writer located in Cana-
tine using from the bar and grip it with my da. You can contact him at
PXP and X palms facing down. I lower my torso www.adrenaline-supplements.com
Reps: to get an extreme biceps stretch. or at Darren Mehling’s site,
This takes some getting used to, www.teamgots.com. IM
Bodybuilding Pharmacology
2) Weighted wide-grip
chins 3 x 4-6
3) Undergrip bent-over
rows 3 x 4-6
(continued on page 202)
Intermediate FD/FS
Chest Workout
Bench presses (3/0/X) 2 x 3-4
Incline presses (6/1/1) 2 x 5-6
Incline flyes (2/4/1) 2 x 7-8
Machine bench presses
(1/0/1; nonlock) 1 x 30-40
Smith-machine incline
presses (1/0/1; nonlock)1 x 30-40
Cable crossovers (1/0/1) 1 x 30-40
(continued from page 203) we are. synthesis,” meaning the production muscle fibers. Normally the satellite
Take a big breath, and put on some of new cellular proteins from amino cells are dormant and sit, “minding
comfortable shoes, because I invite acids. The process is far more com- their own business,” adjacent to
you to take the next step! plex than that, however, requiring muscle fiber sarcolemma, or mem-
an overwhelming cascade of physi- brane.
ological events to occur in a specific An intense weight-training work-
First Things First order. out can trigger satellite cell activa-
In order for muscle hypertrophy tion, leading to the first stage of
Most often people relate hyper- to occur, new cells, known as satel- hypertrophy, which is known as pro-
trophy to an increase in “protein lite cells, must fuse with existing liferation. The cells begin to divide
Incredible Tasting
WPI Formula For Athletes
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24g Protein Per Serving
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Available In Delicious
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We Make Products That Work!
Model: Jay Cutler
15 minutes postworkout:
Whey protein isolate, 50 grams
Waxy maize starch or maltodex-
trin, 50 grams
Antioxidant blend (I like Radox by
Syntrax), 1 serving
Because of the extremely de-
manding nature of FD/FS training,
I highly recommend that you use
it only during periods when gain-
ing muscle mass is your primary
goal. You need to be well fed and
well rested to reap all the rewards
of this program. I don’t believe that
FD/FS should be used during a
cutting phase unless you’re a most
advanced bodybuilder, and/or don’t
train drug-free.
Further, FD/FS isn’t meant for
continual use and should be cycled
in and out of your regular training
regimen, whether you use Power/
Rep Range/Shock, DC, HIT, 3D
Positions of Flexion or any other
method. You should use it only for
With FD/FS training you will two-to-three-week periods or you
experience a whole new level leave yourself open to physical and
of muscle pain, ache (the mental burnout. Consider FD/FS as
good kind) and stiffness. a short-burst mega-mass-gaining
Oh shoot, look what time it is. I
gotta go—it’s time for me to go see
my psychotherapist. He’s a client,
used with the following protocol. Vitamin C, 1,000 milligrams and I had him try an FD/FS work-
It was not until I began using these Phosphatidylserine, 800 milli- out. He’s now convinced that I’m
exact shake formulas that my gains grams completely out of my mind and des-
skyrocketed, enabling me to add perately need help. But I don’t think
about eight pounds over a three- Sip, starting 15 minutes be- I need a therapist—only a tailor!
week period with FD/FS. fore workout and then through-
out workout: Editor’s note: Eric Broser is
45 minutes before training: Waxy maize starch or maltodex- available for online training, dietary
Whey protein isolate, 50 grams trin, 25 grams consultation and contest-prep
Waxy maize starch or maltodex- Gatorade or similar drink con- coaching. For more information,
trin, 50 grams taining electrolytes and glucose, 25 visit www.PRRSTraining.com. IM
If you find something on the Web that IM readers should know about, send the URL to Eric at bodyfx2@aol.com.
Mr. Olympia Jay Cutler has worked
his butt off to become the number-one
bodybuilder in the world today. Nothing
he does is indiscriminate or haphazard.
Rather, it’s meticulously calculated, scru-
tinized and manipulated for a singular
purpose: to remain the world’s number-
one bodybuilder. One of his best-kept
dietary secrets is his use of Ezekiel 4:9
bread as his main carbohydrate (along
with steel-cut oats). I believe that he even
carbs up on the stuff right before a show.
As an avid Ezekiel bread and cereal fanat-
ic myself, I can attest to how good the foods taste and how healthful and nutritious they are. Every morn-
ing for breakfast I either have whey protein along with a few slices of Ezekiel toast or make my famous
(at least in my house) egg-white Ezekiel cereal pancakes. Go ahead, hit me with e-mail if you want the
recipe. To find out more about the excellent Ezekiel 4:9 products, check out FoodForLife.com. There you
can read all about the family-owned and -operated Food For Life Baking Company and its dedication to
producing natural, wholesome sprouted-grain foods. Take the time to learn more about the company’s
products, and you’ll discover what a tremendous source of bodybuilding nutrition it has to offer.
Eric Broser.
One of the coolest perks of having my own column in IRON MAN is that
I occasionally get to plug the Web site of an industry acquaintance, and
even sometimes that of a good friend. I love helping out people I know,
especially because so many others have been so helpful and supportive of
me in my years in the fitness/training/bodybuilding field. There is, however,
nothing better than getting to plug a site that I’m personally involved with,
and if you check out the Internet address listed above this section, you’ve
probably already figured out that yours truly has something to do with it.
Yes, this is the new and long-awaited home of the Power/Rep Range/Shock
discussion board, where I will be hanging out daily to help answer questions
on training, supplements, nutrition and contest prep. I’ve enlisted a terrific
group of experienced and knowledgeable moderators to keep the board
running smoothly and to answer questions in my absence. It will be a forum
for discussing not just P/RR/S but other important training protocols and
concepts, such as DC Training, X Reps, Positions of Flexion, high-intensity
training and much more. So if you get the opportunity to stop by, please feel
free to register and become a part of our “growing” community. I’ll save you a seat.
against what I feel barbell upright rows, a Smith-machine behind-the-back
is valid. For exam- upright-row/shrug combo, made famous by Lee Haney,
ple, in general, I believe (from knowledge and experience) and single-arm dumbbell upright rows done with an ex-
that for 95 percent of drug-free lifters, a lower volume/ aggerated range of motion (leaning slightly forward and
higher-intensity training method works best for building pulling my elbow very high up and back) for the midtraps.
muscle; however, if people tell me that they don’t get much The latter three movements have completely renovated the
out of that method and grow only with
greater numbers of sets, reps and so on,
I won’t dispute it. I will only ask if they
gave another method a fair trial before
coming to that realization.
That said, I feel that in order to ac-
complish optimal body positioning for
pectoral stimulation on bench presses
and flyes—a slight arch in the lower
back, rib cage high, shoulders down and
back—the feet should be planted firmly
on the floor. Keeping your feet on the
floor also creates a more solid founda-
tion of balance, enabling your central
nervous system to focus more neural
drive toward better pectoral activation,
rather than body stabilization. landscape of my middle and upper back.
Nevertheless, if you’ve tried both methods—feet on floor One of the biggest mistakes that trainees can make in
and feet on bench—and honestly believe that your chest their trap training is to use too short a range of motion. In
works harder using the latter technique, I won’t dispute an effort to “look cool” shrugging a barbell with five wheels
that. I can’t get inside your head and know what you feel. on each side or dumbbells the size of some compact cars,
I’d ask only that you first make sure your chest-pressing these uninformed characters move all of that weight only
technique is correct and that you’re certain you’re using a couple of centimeters during each rep, usually getting a
proper body positioning (as mentioned) before abandoning better forearm than trap workout. Never compromise your
the feet-on-floor position. range of motion for heavier weights. You should shrug high
Just remember that while there are certainly ways to enough to bury your traps in your ears while beginning
make some exercises safer and more effective, there is no each rep in a fully stretched position.
universal rulebook in bodybuilding. Learning from experts Also, never get stuck in one rep range for traps. Hit them
is definitely a smart route to take, but to be truly successful with everything from four to six reps all the way up to 16 to
in your training, you’ll also need to engage in self-explora- 20 per set. The traps are one of those muscle groups that
tion and discovery. seem to thrive on greatly varying times under tension. Fur-
ther, don’t be afraid to play with the position of the dumb-
Q: I’m incredibly impressed with big traps. I bells or width of your grip on shrugs. Any slight change will
want mine to not only rise high from the front but alter motor-unit recruitment patterns and stimulate your
also jump right off of my back. I do heavy shrugs traps a bit differently. IM
White Out
He’s an “expert” and a champ
Okay, so “The Experts” all got it wrong. I predicted A.D. Cherry.
Isaac Hinds picked Robert Hatch. Ron “Yogi” Avidan said it would
be Peter Putnam. But Ben White got it right at the ’07 USA, the larg-
est in history with more than 400 entries turned in, 362 men and women
stepping onstage at Jaguar Jon Lindsay’s annual bodyfest. After a
strong performance in 2006 (heavyweight class winner at the Junior Na-
tionals; fourth in the superheavyweight division at the Nationals) Ben was
telling everyone who would listen that he would leave the Artemus W.
Ham Auditorium on the campus of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas,
with the overall crown firmly attached to his crown.
Now, the word I’d heard on the Albany, New York, physique star was
that he’s quite high on himself. The Muhammad Ali of bodybuilding,
if you will. After seeing him onstage at the Nationals last November and
viewing his dominating act in Vegas during the last weekend in July, I
have to say, the man does have reason to be very sure of his capabilities.
The 30-year-old White tipped the scale at a thick 241 pounds, at 5’7”, Ben
at the weigh-in on Thursday night and said he carbed up to 230 by the White.
time he hit the stage 24 hours later. No mistake there. He said carbed
up, not carp depleted. As his trainer, Jeramy Freeman, elucidated on
the morning after Ben’s big win, “When you carb up, you actually drop
weight. People are lying when they say they put on 10 to 12 pounds after
carbing up.”
Competitors lying about their weight? Not to mention their age, aca-
demic degrees, bodyfat percentage and the amount of money they
make? Longtime readers have heard me preach about this subject for
years, so I’ll stop there—let’s get back to the show.
Buffed Ben said that Evan Centopani, who bested him for the over-
all at the ’06 Juniors, should be glad that he didn’t show up at the USA
because White’s wheels would have sent him home without a trophy. (You
know that his legs would have dominated Evan’s legs, gang.) And that he
will make his pro debut—at about 250 pounds, if not more—at the ’08
New York Pro. Promises to leave the auditorium, natch, with the first-
place trophy and 15 grand firmly in hand.
One of the industry’s strongest bodybuilders, White says he can bench
711; I do 7-11 two, three times a week. Great deal on the hot dogs.
With so many competitors coming up with the stock, “I’m so grateful
I was able to win the show; there were so many great athletes onstage,”
or, “I don’t want to make any predictions on how I will do on the pro L.T.
level; I’m just honored to compete against Jay Cuter…Ronnie Cole- conducts
man…Dexter Jackson,” he’s a welcome breath of fresh air in the the morning-
quotes department. after
We could certainly use some excitement in the industry, as long as the Interview.
words don’t cross over to the personal level. Welcome
to the bigs, Ben. (To hear more of what White had to say
after his USA victory, check out my video interview with
For complete contest coverage—
him at www.IronManMagazine.com.) results, video reports and hundreds of
photos—go to IronManMagazine.com.
216 NOVEMBER 2007 \ www.ironmanmagazine.com
Free download from imbodybuilding.com
Just what is CLASS MARUNDE
this bar-tering Is this a His untimely
trio up to? formula for passing
Page 218 success, or Page 220
Page 220
DeShaun Grimez.
TRACT—The other end of the
spectrum from Ben White is
DeShaun Grimez, who won
the heavyweight class and got
the second pro card that was
given out at the USA, finishing
behind Ben White in the overall
balloting. DeShaun, out of Lake
Forest, California, is a quiet
30-year-old who speaks softly
but carries a big stick. At 5’10”
and 224 pounds, he bested
Tennessee’s Brandon Curry
in the heavies before impressing
Al the judging panel enough with
his width, thickness and shape
to finish ahead of light-heavy-
weight winner Peter Putnam,
middleweight champ Jose
USA Championships photography by Merv
Gary Udit with Andy Haman and meals a day and living in the lap of luxury,
Anthony Finocchiaro. bunking at Cutler’s pricey new abode.
The deciding factor for Health regarding
Don Kevin Deiner and Casey his skipping the O this time was his fifth-place
Len. Fathi. finish at the ’07 Arnold Classic. Heath says he’ll
open the 2008 season at the IRON MAN Pro,
followed by the Arnold Classic and the Sacramento
The recently married 27-year-old from Denver is one
of the industry’s brightest young stars, and I think his
plan to wait until 2008 to compete again is a wise one.
He needs time to add some thickness to his upper
body, and prepping for the Olympia would have pre-
vented those gains. No need to rush. As Mick Jag-
ger once sang, “Time is on my side, yes it is.”
Although some people jumped off the Heath band-
Paul wagon after his placing at the ASC, I’m not one of
LaSala. them. He’ll only be 28 when he makes his Olympia
debut a year from now; Cutler will be 35 by then, as
will Victor Martinez and Gustavo Badell. Ron-
nie Coleman, of course, turns 44 next May, but I’ve
heard no word of his impending retirement.
Toney Freeman will be 42 and Dexter Jack-
son just a year shy of four decades. Hey, even the
newest wunderkind, Dennis Wolf, is a year older
than Phil.
Marty Phil will thrill next season. Take that Gift to the bank.
ADD IM PRO—Sting Ray Arde and his lovely wife, Svetlana, were
also in the house in Vegas, and the ’05 National Heavyweight champ told
me he’ll be joining Phil Heath onstage to make his pro debut at the
Brian Smith (second left) with
IRON MAN. Arde planned to compete in ’06 but opened up a personal-
brothers Steve and Tim and Porter
Cotrell (far right).
www.ironmanmagazine.com \ NOVEMBER 2007 219
Free download from imbodybuilding.com
training business, Ray’s Gym, in San Jose, California, and UP, DOWN AND ROUND THE USA
had to concentrate on that first and foremost.
I met Ray when he won the very first California Col-
legiates (now the Junior Cal) back in 1999. It took me 1
about three seconds to see that he was a pro in waiting.
And he did make us wait for a long time, but better late
than never.
The 34-year-old is now focused on competing at the
pro level, where at 5’6” and around 210 to 212 pounds,
he could make a dent in the scene in a hurry. Ray’s got
nice shape and is thick and detailed. I say he could finish
in the top five at the IM and qualify for the Olympia his first
time out.
See what happens when you compete in my contest? 3
To contact Arde, send e-mail to Raysgym@yahoo.com.
whether he was
competing in
the All American
Strongman Chal- 1) Two former NPC champions, Shawn Ray and Flex Wheeler,
lenge, or emcee- still in the game.
ing it. 2) J.M. Manion has things figured out with Liza Kampstra
“Our thoughts and Jacqui Skibba.
3) Met-Rx’s Frank Sepe, always looking divine.
and prayers go 4) The Denver Dandies, Jeff Taylor and Isaac Hinds.
out to his family 5) With the biggest USA yet taking place, promoter Jon Lind-
and friends. He say had reason to smile.
will be greatly 6) There sure was a lot of chemistry at the Kemistry booth
(from left): Sherry Goggin, Flo Jalin, Christina Lindley and
Amanda Savell.
7) Bodybuilding.com’s Ryan and Brianna DeLuca.
8) L.T. and new pro DeShaun Grimez.
220 NOVEMBER 2007 \ www.ironmanmagazine.com
Free download from imbodybuilding.com
Just remember, something will be Brewin’ in
9 Chicago.
NPC Blockbuster
FULL HOUSE—Dave Liberman, IRON MAN’s
man on the scene at the Teen, Collegiate and Masters
Nationals, which was held a week before the USA, said
13 14 the Gary Udit production in Pittsburgh was a block-
buster, as usual, with a record 360 contestants. Also as
always, the contest produced some terrific champs. Hats
off to pro card winners Andy Haman (superheavyweight
and overall), Anthony Finocchiaro (light heavyweight
winner, second overall), Marty Vranicar (50 and over)
and Paul LaSala (60 and over).
Also, kudos to Teen National champion Kevin Dein-
er, 19, of Erie, Pennsylvania, and Collegiate titlist Casey
Fathi, a 22-year-old from the University of New York at
Stony Brook.
Liberman even came up with a pretty good look-alike, I
must admit, with his George Bush comparison to Don
Len, a New Yorker who competed in the 70-and-over
“One of the most amazing stories from the contest was
Brian Smith’s,” Liberman said. “He’s a 41-year-old from
Kentucky who took a very close second in the 40-and-
over class. Brian had a kidney transplant and received
Photography by a donated kidney from his brother
Ron Avidan Steve. He and Steve and another
brother, Tim, are all bodybuilders.
[Former IFBB star] Porter Cottrell
is also a close friend.”
Yes, Dave, it’s certainly a story
worth mentioning. Good job—to you
15 and to the Smiths. IM
To contact Lonnie
Teper about material
possibly pertinent to
9) Peter Putnam and DeShaun have a wheelathon. News & Views, write
10) Flex Lewis, L.T. and Quincy Taylor.
to 1613 Chelsea
11) Will Harris and Pastor Mike Wenger.
12) Jessica Putnam and her award-winning smile. Road, #266, San
13) Dayana Cadeau and Russ DeLuca. Marino, CA 91108;
14) Cathy LeFrancois at the Gaspari Nutrition booth. fax to (626) 289-7949;
15) Ruthless Ruth with ’07 Team Universe Overall champ Chris or send e-mail to
Faildo and his wife, Sunshine. tepernews@aol.com.
16) Anyone in the mood for some lounging?
Portrait of a
f itness lyer
Air Force Academy Grad Tanji Johnson Soars Higher
Height: 5’3”
Age: 32
Weight: 126
Hometown: Irmo, South Carolina
Current residence: Seattle, Washington
Occupation: Personal trainer, professional fitness competi-
tor, fitness coach (to fitness and figure athletes), consultant and
writer, fitness model and spokesperson for Gaspari Nutrition
Marital status: Single
Workout schedule: Monday, back; Tuesday, plyometrics and
high-rep leg work; Wednesday, chest; Thursday, delts; Friday,
plyometrics and high-rep legs (Note: She also does long runs,
track work, hikes, hip-hop classes and gymnastics throughout
the week.)
Sample bodypart workout (back): Close-grip pulldowns, 4
x 12-15; seated cable rows, 4 x 12-15; bent-over barbell rows, 4 x
12-15; hyperextensions, 4 x 15-20
Factoids: Graduated from the U.S. Air Force Academy in 1997
with a B.S. in humanities and served five years in the Air Force;
has won four IFBB pro contests and placed fourth at the ’06 Fit-
ness Olympia and the ’07 Fitness International; is the chairman
of the Save Fitness campaign, which is dedicated to recruiting
women to compete in fitness; and launched the ExcellentSpirit
clothing line in March ’06.
Web site: www.TanjiJohnson.com
Mah-Ann Is Mah-velous
Super Shoow promoters symmetrical 5’2” trainer from Oregon got onstage right at the
Ed and Betty Pariso are cutoff weight of 135 pounds and commanded a 13-point win
all about making opportu- in a superb lightweight class before snatching overall honors
nities for bodybuilders to from heavyweight victor Tazzie Columb.
shine. This year at their an- The 22 flexers who heeded the Parisos’ call fell evenly into
nual Texas-size weekend of the two weight classes. In the lightweights Mendoza’s closest
physique they instituted an competition came from two fab-
Under 210-pound Division ulous-looking rookies, ’06 Na-
for the men and reinstated tional Light-Heavy champ Debi
weight classes for the Laszewski and real newbie
women. That turned out to Debbie Bramwell, who’d
be great news for ’04 light- earned her pro card the previous
weight winner Mah-Ann weekend at the Masters Nation-
Mendoza, who returned als. In the heavyweights Th-
to the scene of her first- ressa Bostick, in second, and
ever pro win and did her- Beth Roberts, third, were the
self one better, picking up only ones to challenge Columb,
not only class honors—and who nailed her conditioning and
an Olympia qualification— brought an imposing presence
Mah-Ann Mendoza sure looked but her first overall victory. to the Dallas Convention Center
swell notching her first-ever
serious pro win, which in this
Looking tighter than per- stage to grab an 11-point mar-
case meant the overall trophy. haps she’s ever been, but
Laszewski. No ticket to the O
with her muscles full, the but a buzz-worthy debut.
The big winner at the Super scribed as, “not a routine but a performance,” by
Show Fitness event was Mindi those lucky enough to have seen it. Plus, she had
O’Brien, who showed up in a pretty good body and, as you can see, was not
splendid condition with a wow bad to look at yet finished, along with 10 others,
routine to take third, the last in 16th place. What could possibly be not to like?
Olympia-qualifying slot. The I heard a couple of reasons being bandied about:
winner of the she-should’ve-fin- one that she had not performed the mandatory
ished-higher sweepstakes was moves correctly (though that shouldn’t have af-
fourth-placer Julie Lohre, fected her two-minute-routine score); another that
who many observers thought the judges, who are used to rewarding peppy,
deserved a top-three decision high-energy performances, were not comfortable
from the judges. Not to worry with Grishina’s dramatic and polished but defi-
about the Julster, folks. She nitely not peppy moves.
earned her ticket to the O at You can find a video of her performance at the
the post-Olympia Palm Beach World Championships at YouTube. With her long,
show last October and is not graceful legs and snazzy floor moves, Oksana
likely to pass up that opportu- must have had the international panel wrapped
nity. As I haven’t actually seen around her baby toe. The reported reaction of the
her compete for some years, pro panel in Texas reminds me of the problems
I’m looking forward to the live encountered by another former rhythmic gymnast
Lohre experience. from Europe when she hit the IFBB, Alexandra
Earning the distinction of Béres. Béres, however, never carried enough
the most-overlooked competi- muscle to please the U.S.-dominated panel’s
tor—a.k.a. the What-Are-the- Oksana’s passionate performance taste—a problem Grishina won’t share, based on
in Dallas stimulated massive word
Judges-Deaf-Dumb-and-Blind of mouth; within a week she’d
the photos.
Award—was ’06 World picked up a contract with Body Well I have a feeling this gifted addition to the fit-
Amateur champ Oksana Nutrition. ness scene, who has moved to Las Vegas since
Grishina, a 5’2 1/4” fitness her World Championships win, won’t be flying
trainer from Kaliningrad, a Russian seaport located between under the judiciary radar much longer. To find out how far she
Poland and Lithuania on the Baltic Sea. In her pro debut the moved up the ranks at the All-Star Pro, see page 244.
115-pound former rhythmic gymnast gave what was de-
for the
entered prior to the Europa. As no one who had second
beaten her earlier in the year was onstage in Dal- year
las, it was also not astonishing when Meteraud running.
moved to the head of the lineup with a perfect
score. Of course it didn’t hurt that she nailed her
conditioning once again.
Natalie Benson, who went from most-over-
looked competitor to fifth at the Houston Pro,
continued her upward bounce, taking second,
also with a perfect score. Bensen brought Rip it up.
perhaps her most balanced package to Dr. Mi-
date. The decision, based on the photos, chele Neil,
an internal
probably came down to Shannon’s being and sports
in better shape—tighter, particularly from medicine
the back. It wasn’t a total loss for Natalie special-
though: She got her ticket to the O, where ist from
the playing field, except for the top five or Oklahoma,
six, is leveler than you’d think. didn’t give
Chaundra Coffey earned the last of Super Show winners (from left): up without
Meteraud, Chaundra Coffey and a fight.
the top-three spots. Natalie Benson.
rake in a unanimous
in viewing the F F-class win.
sales rep and cism that stands out class as you were
former basket- in the sometimes when the A’s
ball player from overglammed strolled by, which they’ve got.
Shorewood, throngs of bethonged Even so, we’ve all rolled our eyes a time
Wisconsin. The figure hopefuls. or two at decisions at some of these huge
amazing part Sporting a look the multi-pro-card-awarding shows. Not so
is that the NPC judges love—a long much lately, which was the point. There are
judges were With a background in sports—and sales— X-frame, stunningly five NPC competitions per year that meet
able to reach and this body, USA champ Catherine An- balanced bodyparts that description—six if you count the IFBB
into a barrelful dersen is looking at a successful career and a generous North Americans—and the top-level judges
in the fitness industry.
of 180-plus helping of muscular all do duty at multiple of those events. After
coiffed candi- curves—she was an five years and thousands of honed hope-
dates for figure stardom and unearth easy call over fellow class winners— fuls in heels passing before them, they’ve
another outstanding overall winner. and new pros—Desha Rodriguez, basically got it down. In a recent tweak,
Recall in last month’s P&C that I was Allison Williams, Lynn Widdow- they’ve started reversing the order in which
singing the praises of Figure National son, April Fortier and Jessica the classes are judged for the second round,
which is a big deal if you’re over 5’6” and
champ (and Team Universe Fitness Wright, who the judges did a fine job
always have to wait for 150 other women to
champ) Nicole Wilkins. Two weeks of finding as well.
take their turn in the spotlight.
This Star is defi- headed
nitely ready for for a
her close-up. Bea, fourth-
now a place
proud finish.
be a
it! Debbie may Jamie citizen
Come and get not afraid to get of the
t sh e’s gets
pro now, bu USA,
her hands dirty. Lynn flashes kudos for
that about- a cute
her first
to-be new- kimono.
pro smile. into the
A L L - S TA R P R O F I T N E S S
cumstance scribe,
Tanji Johnson took top honors, with Julie Lohre moving
into the runner-up slot and Oksana Grishina winning both in care of
routine rounds to slide into third. What a difference a couple IRON MAN, 1701 Ives Ave.,
of weeks make, eh? It was a great season for Tanji, who also Oxnard, CA 93033; or via e-mail at
Bench Press
he bench press is no doubt limited space, we selected the bench cially harmful to youngsters and
the most popular exercise press as part of the Big Three. Why older trainees. They wanted to know
in all of weight training. not the overhead or incline press? what I thought.
Most bodybuilders and At that time the overhead press As most readers know, I’m a big
strength athletes believe it’s the very was getting lots of, well, bad press. fan of the incline bench. I like it
best upper-body lift for adding size Many authorities had declared that because it hits the target muscles
and power to that area. Since the pressing heavy weights overhead very directly and because there’s less
early ’70s it’s replaced the military was harmful to the lower back. So opportunity to cheat on the incline.
press as the standard of strength. we figured that would create dif- Also, the motion of the incline is
People no longer ask, “How much ficulties for athletic directors and closer to the actual movements
can you press?” but rather, “How coaches. We really preferred the made in nearly every sport, whereas
much can you bench?” to determine incline over the flat bench, but there the flat-bench press relates to only a
your strength level. was a problem—there weren’t many few athletic activities. I’m not, how-
The transition came about when incline benches available, even in ever—by any stretch of the imagina-
the military press was dropped from fitness facilities and YMCAs. Shaky tion—antibench. It was one of the
Olympic competition and at the as they might be, flat benches were first exercises I did when I found a
same time the sport of powerlifting plentiful, and they did build stron- weight room, and I include it in all
emerged and strength training for ger upper bodies. So they became of my routines.
all types of sports became the norm. a fixture in strength programs even The exercise is not an evil move-
In high schools and colleges with after incline benches became more ment just waiting to do harm. When
meager equipment, the flat bench prevalent. done correctly, the bench press is
could still be done. I knew of several Everyone was happy—until lately. a safe exercise and helps enhance
high schools that did the exercise A number of people have sent me strength in the chest, shoulders, and
on locker-room benches. It was easy comments that they’ve pulled off arms, the key word being correctly.
to teach and fit in nicely when the the Internet concerning the damag- When it’s grossly overtrained or
strength coach also happened to be ing effect the bench press is having when trainees repeatedly use sloppy
the sports coach. on the chest, back (primarily the technique, injuries occur—but that’s
When Tommy Suggs and I formu- rotator cuffs), shoulders and elbows. the case with any exercise. The lift is
lated a simple but effective program They contend that the lift should be not at fault; the lifter is.
for coaches that could be done with eliminated from all programs and The reason ugly form shows up
a minimum of equipment and in a replaced with inclines as it’s espe- so frequently on the bench press is
For some, the best thing you memory will still be there, of course,
can do for yourself is to stop but it won’t be as fresh as if you’d
benching for a while. Give your been benching recently. Start with
body time to heal. You can still the basics, and pay attention to the
you’ll end up handling as whenever the bar moves even the bulletin—eating plans, BULLETIN
pare it to coiling a giant spring, then the target muscles, particularly the seconds and still be able to blast
releasing it. deltoids, and didn’t make any sense. it upward. Until you get the feel of
Now comes the part of the bench Bodybuilders paused, since they pausing and determine where to
press that many refuse to accept wanted to involve as many muscles drive the bar in the proper groove,
llington Darden, Ph.D., remains the most prolific ex-
ponent of high-intensity training with more than three there he gives his view of how the frenzy of gross overtraining
dozen popular publications to his credit. His recent The resulted from the steroid culture, which leads us to the develop-
New Bodybuilding for Old-School Results is a considerable ment of HIT-oriented training by Arthur Jones. Although that
departure from standard HIT works—so much so that one happened years ago, the same issues confront those seeking
wonders whether dyed-in-the-wool HIT advocates won’t find to gain muscle and strength today.
fault with it. His 2004 The New High Intensity Training did, in Darden named HIT in the mid-1970s. Originally it was called
fact, meet with complaints from conservative elements of the Nautilus training, but that was before Jones invented the first
HIT community, and the new book complements the earlier Nautilus machines. Once those machines came out, the train-
one. Darden’s recent works break HIT free from the seemingly ing style was confused with Nautilus machines. Make no mis-
rigid mold it’s been cast in for more than three decades. take: You can do HIT with Nautilus equipment, but it can be
The new book brings a sense of the days when training done with any other equipment just as easily.
was fun, when gyms were where we met our friends and when Here’s where Darden does HIT a big favor: He identifies its
training was part of a balanced life. First, he takes us back to major principles. He readily admits that its key concept, training
the golden era of bodybuilding and weightlifting, that time of in- intensity, is not the opposite of volume; he holds they’re neigh-
bors, perhaps
opposites, and
says you need
both to be com-
plete. He also
gives examples of
incredible gains on
two- and three-
way-split routines
taking up four and
six days a week,
respectively. That
may get him ex-
from some HIT
groups. Darden
succeeds where
others fail because
his ideas are driven
by data.
While Darden
does talk about
the golden era
of bodybuild-
ing, when John
out the land.
Key to Jones’ method is “intensity of effort.” That means
every set is taken to complete temporary exhaustion. It’s the
same principle that brought success with power rack training
ew studies in-
in the ’60s, the same principle that Vince Gironda touted as dicate that a
“density.” flavonol found
Darden worked for Jones almost from the inception of in natural cocoa has
Nautilus Sports/Medical Industries. Now, with close to 40 powerful disease-fight-
ing properties. A study
years of training tens of thousands of people using HIT meth-
performed by Norman
ods, he has a rich repertoire of data to draw upon. He adds Hollenberg and published in the International Journal of
two new principles to HIT: adaptation and variation. Medical Sciences suggests that epicatechin may have
Recognizing that we adapt to a new routine after any- reduced the risk of cancer, heart disease and diabetes to
where from a few sessions to a few weeks, he recommends below 10 percent in the Kuna people in Panama. They
changing routines every four weeks. He also recommends drink up to 40 cups of cocoa a week. —Becky Holman
doing two-week specialization cycles for lagging bodyparts www.X-tremeLean.com
and radically breaks with HIT tradition by recommending
drop sets, partials (a.k.a. X Reps), static holds, staged sets
and other strategies familiar to IRON MAN readers.
Darden’s style is friendly and engaging, his passion for the Happiness
iron game, drug-free training and HIT coming off the page
How to combat
like a good conversation among friends. He’s called upon a
community of the wise and experienced to tell their versions
Friend Trend depression
strength coach of the Houston Texans to gym owners and id you know that
other experts. The result is outstanding: Each has had his nearly one in 10
Americans has
successes applying HIT in different ways; that is, there’s no
a bout of depression
single “right way.” And, of course, the book includes a bevy at least once a year?
of HIT routines you can try. Studies suggest that
The New Bodybuilding for Old-School Results is a must- depression rates are
have, must-read for everyone involved in bodybuilding, about 10 times higher
strength training and athletics. now than they were 50
years ago. One reason
—Ken O’Neill
may be more social isolation—caused by computers, TV
and video games. To combat depression, be sure you
Editor’s note: The New Bodybuilding for Old-School stay socially engaged. Volunteer work and social clubs
Results is available at Home-Gym.com or call (800) 447- may help you live a longer, stronger, happier life. Having a
0008. Ken O’Neill, M.A., is a certified trainer, fitness writer good training partner works too.
and workshop facilitator living in Austin, Texas. To contact —Becky Holman
him, write to kayoneill@earthlink.net, or go to his Web site, www.X-tremeLean.com
sychologists at
State University in
North Carolina say that
laughing at the same
things keeps marriages
stronger. When you
laugh together, you validate each other’s opinions, and that creates
bonding—which provides joyful memories that can help you get
through the rough patches of a relationship.
—Becky Holman
Positive Aging
esearchers at the University of Colorado
at Colorado Springs found that as we age,
most become more optimistic. People over
55 who were exposed to a series of both unpleas-
ant and happier images gave them equal attention,
while those under 25 focused on the gloomier pho-
Neveux \ Model: Pax Beale
isetin is a flavonoid found in strawber-
ries and other fruits and vegetables. It
appears to stimulate long-term mem-
ory. A study by the Salk Institute for Biologi-
cal Studies shows that fisetin protects and
aids the survival of neurons cultured in the
lab. It also boosts memory in mice. The compound may eventually be part of
the treatment for Alzheimer’s disease. In the meantime, eat your strawberries.
An entire cup contains only 55 calories and 12 grams of carbs.
—Becky Holman
Jerome Ronco
rofessional strongmen were
plentiful in early-20th-cen-
tury Europe, and one of the
finest of the theatrical ironmen
was Jerome Ronco. He was born
in the Italian port city of Genoa in
1879. His mother was American,
and he went to school in England.
It was there, when he was about
18 years old, that he met the man
who would change the course of
his life, Eugen Sandow. The great
strongman had a gym and school
of physical culture in London, and
the young Italian-American began
to train there. He discovered
that he had a great aptitude for
ith cold season a fever.” Researchers have
right around the found that your body needs
corner, we should more nutrient-dense food
clear up the myth that you to fight off viruses like colds
should “starve a cold, feed and flu. Virus-fighting T cells
need opti-
mum nutrition
to function.
So feed a
cold and
feed a fever
to increase
your immune
If you lose
your appetite,
try protein
shakes or
Curtis, R.D.
1) Train, Eat, Grow—The Positions-
of-Flexion Muscle-Training Manual by
Steve Holman
Krissy Chin
Weight: Off-season, 130;
contest, 124
Height: 5’4”
Residence: Miami, Florida
Occupation: Physical
Contest highlights: ’07
NPC Figure Nationals, D
class, 1st; ’07 NPC Junior
Nationals, D class, 2nd
Factoid: Was valedictorian
of her class at Touro
College, New York, in 2000;
is sponsored by ALRI.
pretty sure it’s lots of hard work in the
gym and not a lot of doughnuts. Gina Ostarly.
Long-Winded Wordiness
I love IRON MAN. There’s always so much information in
every issue, but some of the articles are just too long. Many
of those are by Jerry Brainum, and I often have trouble stay-
ing awake. Not that there’s not good information in them,
but can’t he be more to the point?
John Forbes
via Internet
training, much better gaining.
Redux What more could a bodybuild-
er ask for? The “3D Back Blast” Jonathan Lawson’s physique
Is there any chance [August ’07] was excellent, with is a product of 3D POF
I can talk you guys the four different workouts for training.
into doing an encore giving your back a POF hit. I’m
pictorial with Rachel using number 3, and my shirts are getting tighter every
McLish? That article week. I highly recommend the POF system.
and photos a while Billy Vega
back [April ’06] were a Atlanta, GA
blockbuster. The lady
has still got it going on, Editor’s note: For more information on 3D Positions of
and I want to see more Flexion, visit www.3DMuscleBuilding.com. Also see the ad
of her. Hard to believe on page 73.
she’s almost 50. By the
way, her cover is my Vol. 66, No. 11: IRON MAN (ISSN #0047-1496) is published monthly by IRON MAN Pub-
lishing, 1701 Ives Ave., Oxnard, CA 93033. Periodical Mail is paid at Oxnard, CA, and at
favorite of all time. additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to IRON MAN, 1701 Ives
Barry Clarkson
Ave., Oxnard, CA 93033. Please allow six to eight weeks for change to take effect. Subscrip-
via Internet tion rates—U.S. and its possessions: new 12-issue subscription, $29.97. Canada, Mexico and
other foreign subscriptions: 12 issues, $49.97 sent Second Class. Foreign orders must be in
Editor’s note: Rachel is a busy lady, but we’ll see what U.S. dollars. Send subscriptions to IRON MAN, 1701 Ives Ave., Oxnard, CA 93033. Or call
1-800-570-4766. Copyright © 2007. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be
we can do. If you’re reading this, Rachel, we’re ready when
reproduced in any manner without written permission from the publisher. Printed in the USA.
you are.