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The TEG men discuss what they’ve learned about building
muscle—plus exercise tweaks for better physiques.
Bill Dobbins probes the California governor’s psychology
of success, the thought processes that have led to his rise
to the top.
A Commonsense Approach
ArnoldThink, PLUS:
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•Legends of Bodybuilding—Kevin Levrone
Shocker Mom—Gina Ostarly strips down and pumps up
for Michael Neveux’s camera. Very nice!
Coach Charles Poliquin’s tips on getting bigger and
stronger fast.
Stubborn-fat busters, new beta-alanine research and
natural sources of arginine.
Steve Holman maps out how to get wide bi’s and tri’s.
Also, his complete, quick 3D back workout.
John Hansen fends off a leg-training barrage and then
outlines a size-building supplement program.
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for instance, involves movement at more than rob the recuperative system of its reserves, thus restrain-
one joint and thus affects a lot of muscles—primarily those ing, perhaps preventing, progress in all exercises. Too many
of the thighs, buttocks and lower back. The leg extension— multijoint exercises would have the same negative effect. The
straightening your knee against resistance at the ankles while key is to avoid an excess of exercise in total.
seated—is a single-joint exercise because it involves only the Treat both groups seriously. Regardless of the category
knee. The leg extension primarily targets the quadriceps, or an exercise belongs to, perform it properly. Use correct tech-
thigh muscles. Compound exercises are often called big, or nique, control and discipline and—once you’re beyond your
core, movements, whereas single-joint exercises are labeled first six months or so of training—effort.
small, auxiliary movements. A prudent mixture of both usually —Stuart McRobert
gives you balanced development.
That’s a simplification, of course. Some single-joint exer-
cises work much larger areas of musculature than others, Editor’s note: Stuart McRobert’s
and it’s not accurate to call all of them “small.” Further, some first byline in IRON MAN appeared in
of the big exercises aren’t so big, and single-joint exercises 1981. He’s the author of a new 638-
rarely involve only a single joint, as other joints and bodyparts page opus on bodybuilding, Build
get recruited to some degree. Muscle, Lose Fat, Look Great, avail-
So while the single-joint and multijoint labels are used freely able from Home Gym Warehouse (800)
to differentiate between the two groups, technically they’re 447-0008 or
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for each lowering. On that day, do only one exercise per .CharlesPoliquin
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motor units that were responsible for your big poundages. on page 171. IM Charles Poliquin
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Nutrition With a Get-Big Mission
diarrhea, nausea and vomiting and
had pressure headaches, feeling as
if there was a band around her head.
Weakness and fatigue followed, re-
quiring additional sleep. Within a few
compound called Roxarsone is mixed
into the diet of about 70 percent of the
9 billion chickens produced annually in
the United States.3 The intent is to
promote growth, kill parasites
showed detectable levels of
arsenic, but only one-third of
samples from certified organic
and premium farms had detect-
able levels. Chickens from Tyson
months she noticed a skin rash on her that cause diarrhea and im- and Foster Farms, which had both
legs. Her toenails began falling out. prove the pigmentation of the stopped adding Roxarsone to chicken
Her doctor realized that her symp- chicken meat. While relatively feed, had no arsenic. The doctor who
toms indicated toxicity, and a spot benign, Roxarsone converts in released the report commented, “As a
urine test showed an elevated arsenic the chick- physician, I find it ludicrous that
level. Analysis of her food supple- en’s body we continue feeding arsenic
ments revealed that the kelp tablets to inorganic to chickens now that we know
were rich in arsenic. As soon as she arsenic. Ac- it increases our cancer risk
quit taking them, her symptoms abat- cording to the and is unnecessary for raising
ed, and eventually the arsenic disap- Environmental chickens.”
peared from her body. Protection The National Chicken Coun-
Arsenic is a poison that’s found Agency, long- cil responded by saying that
naturally in the environment and as a term exposure the report wasn’t “scientific”
result of industrial contamination. Soils to inorganic and that there was no reason
rich in arsenic can yield foods with arsenic can cause bladder, lung, skin, to fear the use of arsenic-based feed
higher content of the toxin. Because kidney and colon cancers and ad- additives. Chickenspeak translation:
of the high concentration of arsenic versely affects immune function, the “Pluck you!” —Jerry Brainum
in algae and microorganisms eaten nervous system and hormone release.
by fish, seafood averages four to five Low-level exposure is linked to paraly-
parts per million compared to the sis and diabetes. References
0.02 PPM found in grains and cereals, A 2004 report from the United
which is below toxic levels. States Department of Agriculture 1 Amster, E., et al. (2007). Case
The authors of the kelp case study showed that most people eat 1.3 to report: Potential arsenic toxicosis
purchased nine samples of kelp 5.2 micrograms per day of inorganic secondary to herbal kelp supplement.
supplements from health food stores. arsenic from chicken alone. Those Environ Health Perspect. 115:606-
Arsenic was detected in eight of who eat large amounts of chicken 608.
them, and the concentration in seven (such as bodybuilders) consume 21 2 Kasagi, K., et al. (2003). Effect of
exceeded the Food and Drug Admin- to 31 micrograms daily. An analysis of iodine restriction on thyroid function in
istration’s tolerance level of 2 PPM. 151 samples of raw chicken obtained patients with primary hypothyroidism.
As it happens, kelp isn’t that popular from markets in Minnesota and Cali- Thyroid.
among bodybuilders these days; just fornia revealed that 55 percent con- 3 Hileman, B. (2007). Arsenic in
remember that a dose of the kelp is tained inorganic arsenic ranging from chicken production. Chem Engin
not something you want. 1.6 to 21.2 PPM. Three-fourths News. 85:34-35.
Then again, that may not help if you of the samples taken from
eat chicken. It seems that an arsenic conventional poultry farms
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Arginine has always been a popular nutrient among body- trulline, another
builders. Along with its metabolite ornithine, it’s long been amino acid that
touted as stimulating growth hormone. More recently, various is a precursor
supplements that feature forms of arginine have been pro- of arginine.
moted as nitric oxide precursors. NO performs numerous vital Because argi-
functions in the human body. It dilates blood vessels, lowering nine is a basic
blood pressure while increasing blood flow, and the increased amino acid, it
blood flow is thought to increase the flow of nutrients and competes with
oxygen into muscle. other aminos
Besides being the direct precursor of NO synthesis, arginine for uptake
acts as a substrate for the synthesis of proline, the major amino into the body.
acid found in collagen, which is the primary protein of connec- Citrulline is a
tive tissue. Arginine is also a primary precursor of creatine. neutral amino
Some studies show that arginine may encourage fat and acid, which means that it doesn’t compete with other aminos.
glucose oxidation because of its link to NO. NO, in turn, in- Nor does it have to be made with hydrochloric acid, which
creases the signaling effects of a nucleotide called GMP, which reduces gut problems. In its conversion to arginine, citrulline
is directly involved in fat burning and penile erection (drugs also uses up ammonia, which is good since excess ammonia is
such as Viagra also work by raising cyclic GMP). related to fatigue.
While arginine offers heady health benefits, there are prob- So where do you get citrulline? It turns out that watermelon
lems with supplementing it. In solution it’s strongly alkaline, is a superior source.1 There are 0.7 to 3.6 milligrams of citrul-
and it has to be compounded with hydrochloric acid to create line per gram of watermelon. Eating two pounds of watermelon
a supplemental form. Supposedly that prevents acid-base daily would supply enough to provide 40 percent of the aver-
problems when you take a concentrated dose, but taking more age daily arginine intake of 3.6 grams. In the new study, sub-
than nine grams a day often leads to nausea, gastrointestinal jects who drank a lot of watermelon juice (0.52 kilograms with
discomfort and diarrhea. The side effects may be due to 1) the each of three meals) had higher plasma arginine levels than a
rapid conversion of arginine to NO in the gut coupled with 2) control group. Fasting plasma arginine increased 12 percent
impaired intestinal absorption of other amino acids, such as after three weeks of lower-dose watermelon intake and 22
lysine and histidine. percent after high intake. Those in the high-intake group also
Looking for more options about now? You could take L-ci- showed an 18 percent rise in plasma ornithine.
None of the subjects who drank watermelon juice showed
any interference with the uptake of other amino acids, so amino
ENERGY acid balance wasn’t upset. Those who drank large amounts of
the juice—amounting to six cups daily—produced two grams
The Caffeine Scene of citrulline. Studies show that 40 percent of dietary arginine is
degraded by the intestinal tissues of adult humans during initial
entry into the gut. In contrast, citrulline (which converts into
Considering all the news regarding the health benefits arginine in the kidneys) undergoes little breakdown. The liver
of coffee, decaffeinated coffee and green and black tea, it’s absorbs 10 to 15 percent of ingested arginine, which is then
a good idea to get some in your diet. Unfortunately, cof- broken down by the enzyme arginase. Citrulline bypasses the
fee is too strong for many people, souring stomachs and
liver and acts as a nutrient precursor of arginine synthesis in the
kidneys. From 5 to 15 percent of arginine produced in the body
jitters. Decaf
is made that way. Another source is glutamine, which small-
is short on
intestine cells also convert into citrulline that bypasses the liver
taste, and
tea is too and travels directly to the kidneys—where it’s converted into
watery. The arginine.2
solution may So those who want to get the considerable nutritional ben-
be a popular efits of arginine without the side effects should consider adding
variety by some watermelon to their diets. It tastes pretty good, too.
Celestial —Jerry Brainum
called Morning Thunder. It has 40 milligrams of caffeine in References
a serving—just enough to get most people going without 1 Collins, J.K., et al. (2007). Watermelon consumption in-
overdoing it. Some coffees have as much as 100 mil-
creases plasma arginine concentrations in adults. Nutrition.
ligrams of caffeine. Morning Thunder tastes more like a
mild coffee than tea, and it contains yerba maté, a South 23:261-66.
2 Curis, E., et al. (2005). Almost all about citrulline in mam-
American plant rich in antioxidants. According to the label,
it contains more antioxidants than orange juice, broccoli or mals. Amino Acids. 29:177-205.
tomato juice per serving. —Daniel Curtis, R.D.
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We’ve been
with the angle
on forward-
lean laterals.
A lower incline
may appear
but check out
the pump and
burn you get
in your lateral-
delt heads
before passing
Forward-Lean Lateral Raises judgment.
few drop sets in the mix to ensure a The Smith machine makes us lock Unilateral calf
full pump and higher tension times. in on our upper pecs and maintain work can ignite
As we write this, we just finished the proper arm position. We may a burst of new
the first week of our bastardized su- eventually try incline presses with a lower-leg growth.
percompensation phase, and we’re barbell, but for our supercompen-
feeling good and filling out. We’ll sation phase the Smith machine is
continue with it for another couple ideal.
of weeks and report how it goes next Pushups. We were using
month. flat-bench barbell presses and
wide-grip dips for our middle-
Technique Tweaks and-lower-pec midrange exercises.
Steve has a lot of problems feeling
We’ve made a few adjustments bench presses in his pecs, even
to certain exercises and flat out when he sets up properly—shoul-
switched some because of neuro- ders down and back, chest high.
muscular-efficiency problems. Last Jonathan is better at it, but he has
month we discussed how we moved very strong front delts, so it’s easy
to free weights for our midrange ex- for him to lose form and pec feel.
ercises, like bent-over barbell rows We remembered that pushups
for midback and incline dumbbell were much better for both of us
presses for chest. Some of those in the pec-pounding department.
changes worked well; others didn’t. We now superset our second set
Smith-machine incline of wide-grip dips with pushups. At
presses. We went back to the Smith the moment we’re doing them on
machine because both of us were the floor, but we’re getting a pair of
having problems feeling our upper Perfect Pushup stands to increase
pecs work when we did incline our range of motion somewhat.
dumbbell presses. Part of the prob- Undergrip chins. We were
lem is that we both start relying on doing undergrip pulldowns, but we
our front delts instead of our pecs. were staying too upright and using
The instability that comes with our biceps instead of our lats. We
trying to push dumbbells up on an
incline complicated the problem.
decided to try doing our undergrip
pulling movement on the chinning
One-leg Calf Raises
70 SEPTEMBER 2007 \
Free download from
Critical Mass
Wide Bi’s
extensions, and/or you can make a point to hit your lateral-
triceps heads on pressing movements by doing your first
set to full lockout—including bench presses and dumbbell
presses. Locking out on pressing movements brings in the
lateral-triceps head to a great degree, especially on over-
Naturally Huge
Leg-Training ers using flat shoes and still others squatting with
plates under their feet. What’s the best footwear,
or does it make a difference? How do you achieve
squatting to parallel or below? I struggle in that
Naturally Huge
that a testosterone booster may be beneficial also. trying to lose bodyfat, I suggest cutting out the complex
carbs at dinner. If you’re lean and trying to put on more
A: You’ve put a lot of thought into your diet, but I think I size, you could include a serving of brown rice, whole-
can improve it. wheat pasta or a potato.
I’d never go to the gym on an empty stomach. You abso- At 8 p.m. you could eat another meal. Depending on
lutely need the calories, carbs and protein in your system your goals, you should have a complete-protein food, such
before you train. If you don’t, you won’t have the energy for as egg whites or chicken, along with a complex carb, such
an effective workout. as oatmeal, oat bran or pasta. Again, if you’re looking to
If you’re training at 9 a.m., I recommend that you eat a lose bodyfat, skip the carbs and just take in the protein
good breakfast at 7:30, about 90 minutes before your work- along with some fats, such as a teaspoon of peanut butter.
out—one to two whole eggs with six egg whites for your For your final meal of the day have another protein
protein source. Because you haven’t eaten during the night, drink along with another tablespoon of flaxseed oil. You
your muscles need to be fed the amino acids from the could have this protein drink about 2 1/2 to three hours
after your last meal or right before you go to bed.
Here’s a summary of the nutrition program I just out-
7:30 a.m.: 1-2 whole eggs, 6 egg whites, 1 cup oatmeal
8:30 a.m. (preworkout drink): 1 serving whey protein
or 1 serving of nitric oxide, 1 serving creatine
9 a.m.: workout
10:30 a.m. (postworkout drink): 40 grams whey pro-
Neveux \ Model: John Hansen
hroughout his spectacular career—in body-
building, movies and now as governor of Cali-
fornia—Arnold Schwarzenegger has succeeded
in part because of his ability to accurately assess situa-
tions and then outsmart and out-think his opponents.
Sometimes it seemed as if he were a grown-up in a
world of children, a Great Dane in a pack of poodles.
How was he able to do that? How exactly does Ar-
nold’s mind work? I’ve known him since 1975, and we
worked on three book projects together. So I’ve had
ample time to observe how he deals with the world.
Arnold’s approach to life is valuable not only when it
comes to achieving a variety of life goals but also be-
cause it’s the basis of the work ethic that brought him
maximum results in bodybuilding.
a ship. A ship’s master California First Lady Maria Shriver created a wall of photos dedicated to honor-
would never leave port, ing her predecessors.
he points out, with no
destination in mind,
intending to simply sail
aimlessly around in
the ocean. He’d have a
definite destination and
charts to show him how
to get there.
Arnold believes that
life should involve the
same kind of planning.
He admits that all the
while he was winning
bodybuilding contests
he was intending at
some point to become
a movie star. And there’s
no doubt that when he
was a movie star, he was
thinking about running
for governor.
Arnold has the
ability to focus. When
Arnold was winning
one Mr. Olympia title
after another, he was
also making a lot of
money in real estate
and engaged in a vari- Arnold’s office, where he is surrounded by personal memorabilia and art he cares
ety of other activities. about.
98 SEPTEMBER 2007 \
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How did he do that without harming
his competitive career? By using his
ability to compartmentalize his life
and concentrate on each aspect of
it in turn.
When Arnold trained, he trained.
His mind and his attention were
on his workouts. Once he left the
gym, he left the training behind and
turned his attention to business,
real estate, collecting art, social
activities or whatever else he was
involved with. Too many body-
builders aren’t able to do that. They
don’t concentrate. They think about
what’s happening in the rest of their
lives when they’re in the middle of
a workout and let their minds dwell
on bodybuilding when they’re sup-
posed to be doing something else.
Arnold is methodical and
well-organized. Whenever I vis-
ited Arnold’s house, I noticed how
neat everything was. A place for
everything and everything in its
place. It always looked as if the maid
had just left. I realized that the abil-
ity to keep his life well-organized
played a part in Arnold’s success in
For example, he told me that he
used to sit down at the beginning of
each month and write out a training
program for the next 30 days. At the
end of the month he’d evaluate how
well the program had worked for
him, make whatever adjustments he
felt would be beneficial and incor-
porate them into the next month’s
He kept careful track of each
workout, as well. In fact, in his early
years in the sport, Arnold used to
keep track of every set he did in the
gym. Of course, when I first watched
him training back in 1975, there was
no evidence of that kind of careful
planning. His workouts seemed un-
planned and spontaneous—but that
was deceptive. He was able to train
that way only because of the expe-
rience he’d gained after years and
years of developing a master plan
that reflected the kind of training
that worked best for his physique.
Arnold is not a creature of
appetite. I’ve eaten many meals
with Arnold over the years, but I can
rarely remember a time when he ate
more than I did. Arnold is not indif-
ferent to food, but he’s not ruled
by his appetite. He drinks, but he
One of Arnold’s
key philosophies:
Don’t let moment-
to-moment difficul-
ties keep you from
having a funda-
mental enthusiasm
for living.
to impress you with what he wears
or what he drives.
Arnold knows how to enjoy
life. Arnold’s self-confidence and
ability to thrive on success came
about in large part because he
knows and seems always to have
known how to enjoy life. He’s proof
that you can be serious without act-
ing serious all the time.
Sometimes, life isn’t a lot of fun.
Sometimes it brings hard work or
heartbreak, problems and chal-
lenges. Even so, you shouldn’t let
the moment-to-moment difficulties
keep you from having a fundamen-
tal enthusiasm for living and a sense
of your own existence. That’s where
the deepest enjoyment of living
comes, and if you’re in touch with
those kinds of feelings, as Arnold
could tell you, you usually end up
having a lot of fun as well. IM
I love drop sets. I’ve used them more than any other intensity
technique, except maybe rest/pause. Lately, though, I’ve been
doing a different form of drops.
For the uninitiated, here’s how you do a drop set: Take a weight
with which you can get six to eight reps; then once you reach fail-
ure, grab a lighter weight and get four to six more reps. You can do
double or triple drops with that method. I don’t suggest doing more
than three, as it seems to be counterproductive. It’s better to do two
rounds of triple drops than one huge six-set drop.
That’s the basic technique. For a number of clients, however, I’ve
found it very effective to have them do the first set with extremely
heavy weights and very low reps. I’ve discovered that the best
growth response occurs when trainees go superheavy on exercises
on which they don’t normally use heavy weights. That gives the
muscle a fantastic shock, as it has to work against a force it’s never
encountered before—truly a grow-or-die situation.
Smith-Machine Press
pounds less than the first round—
and his drop weight moved down to
40. He got three solid overload reps
and then 10 reps with the 40-pound
After completing the second
round with his other arm, he did
a set of regular lateral raises for 12
reps. To finish off his delts, he did
machine overhead presses. I like
to use the machine at this point
because the delts are toast—there’s
no reason to risk injury trying to
balance a barbell. Two to four sets of
weak areas. (What weak
Hampshire without dieting too and compare favorably with other NPC New England, about seven
long or doing my usual amount of regional-level bodybuilders in the months away. That might sound
cardio, as an experiment to see if I NPC. Perhaps if we lived in a state like plenty of time, but if it does,
could stay bigger and fuller. The an- like Florida or California, where you aren’t a bodybuilder. Seven
swer was yes, but I also stayed fat- there are a lot more contests, he months gives us just enough time
ter. Still, I realized a couple of weeks might have taken home a trophy in to improve his muscle size and
ago that I couldn’t keep Randy from a novice class. But the New England proportions as best we can before
competing any longer. area doesn’t have many contests, he starts dieting down at three
Understand that I have not been and rarely do they feature novice months out. Actually, bodybuild-
holding Randy back the way Cin- divisions. That means all the good ers never talk about shows in terms
derella’s wicked stepmother tried to bodybuilders come out to battle of months; they talk in terms of
keep her from going to the big royal only a couple times a year. If you weeks. Diets typically range from
ball. Nor am I punishing the young don’t belong in a show like that, as short as eight weeks to as long as
guy or attempting to keep him hid- you know it right away, and it’s a 20, depending on how much fat the
den from the world lest he reveal humbling experience to say the individual needs to lose. It’s a good
a physique much greater than my least—kind of like being the poor thing we don’t apply that concept
own. (There are plenty of those out guy at the ritzy country club. I didn’t to everything, or else I’d be 1,820
there, so hiding just one wouldn’t want Randy to get his ass handed to weeks old on my next birthday.
do me much good.) Believe it or him and be turned off of competing The first step was to take a good
not, I’m looking out for Randy. forever. look at Randy and decide what
As I mentioned in a previous As I worked through my contest needed work. That happened
article in this series, when it comes prep, however, it became obvious: after our last workout, which was
to the right time for a bodybuilder It would no longer be possible to shoulders and hamstrings. Randy
to start competing, I embrace the contain Randy’s desire to compete. is about 5’9 1/2” and 200 pounds
wisdom expressed by the late Orson If he didn’t do a show within the now, with abs. I estimate he will
Welles in his TV commercials for next year, he was gonna burst—lit- only have to come down to between
Paul Masson wine: “We will sell no erally—and I ain’t cleaning up that 180 and 185 to be in proper contest
wine before its time.” Randy sim- mess. condition. If this were the ’70s, long
ply was not ready to step onstage The contest he picked was the before anyone worried about stri-
You may recognize Eric Brosers name from his countless articles, columns and items that have
appeared in IRON MAN. Or you may have seen his handle, BodyFX2, attached to message-board posts
and features on the Internet. The man is everywhere, primarily because hes in such high demand.
Thats because his Power/Rep Range/Shock strategy is helping so many bodybuilders grow without
plateaus—and grow fast.
In case you haven’t been reading year now (see TEG on page 64), and stagnation are, in general, all inter-
IM lately or visiting key bodybuild- though we’ve had success with it, we related.
ing Web sites, here’s a brief explana- have questions. If you’ve been using I like to call the human body
tion of P/RR/S: it, you may have some too. Let’s get an adaptive machine. I’ve often
some answers from the P/RR/S guru talked about just how brilliant it is at
Power. Train every exercise with himself. adapting to a given stimulus. Early
straight sets—no supersets, tri- on in one’s training career just the
sets or drop sets—and reps in the IM: We made incredible act of lifting weights consistently is
four-to-six zone. strength gains with P/RR/S over a novel enough stimulus to force the
the first nine weeks—three body to add muscle and increase its
Rep Range. For the first exercise cycles. Is that normal, and what strength. Over time, however, the
you pick a weight that lets you get do you think is the reason? central nervous system and muscles
seven to nine reps. On the second EB: Yes, that’s normal, although become more and more proficient
exercise you do 10 to 12 reps. On by no means am I calling you nor- and will no longer respond the way
the third you move the rep range mal, my friend! [Laughs] Interest- they once did to the same type of
up to the high-end of fast-twitch ingly enough, when I first developed training.
recruitment—13 to 15. the principles behind P/RR/S In other words, the reason most
training, increasing strength was trainees stagnate is not because
Shock. Here you hammer your not a top priority of mine. Rather, they’ve reached their genetic poten-
muscles with supersets, drop sets I was looking to find other ways, tial but because they are no longer
and so on. Reps for most muscles aside from strength increases, to challenging their muscles and ner-
stay in the eight-to-10 range, but stimulate gains in muscle mass. vous and endocrine systems with
extended-set techniques are a However, once more and more their workouts. My P/RR/S program
must. trainees started using my system, I addresses that particular problem
began receiving consistent feedback in a very specific manner, allowing
It sounds simple enough, but regarding the breaking of both size everyone to start gaining size and
my partner, Jonathan Lawson, and and strength plateaus. That led me strength again and to continue to do
I have been using it for almost a to realize that the factors that lead to so on a consistent basis.
For those types I might step up their there are those out there who
training split so that they hit each respond best to low-rep training
bodypart twice every eight or nine due to a unique fiber makeup
days. and/or the ability to fire off a
Since we are on the subject, I tremendous number of motor
should also mention that I’ve had units with each rep. Skip La Cour
some clients make more rapid falls into that category. He gener-
gains in size by using more Power- ally trains in the range of four to
week work rather than Rep Range six reps to failure just about every
or Shock. You must remember that week—and nobody could argue
week—and nobody could argue category, while I’m more of a someone use that style before
with his results. hardgainer type who responds going back to standard P/RR/S?
In addition, there are many well- to longer tension times. That EB: Yes, hybrid P/RR/S training
known strength coaches who feel makes our workout structure es- is a protocol I started experiment-
that the more years one has been pecially challenging. On the sub- ing with a couple of years ago. I only
consistently training, the fewer reps ject of challenging workouts, in recommend that people use it after
per set it takes for him or her to a recent article you mentioned they have consistently worked with
stimulate hypertrophy. creating hybrid P/RR/S work- the basic P/RR/S outline for at least
outs in which you combine all of a year or two, and for only short pe-
IM: I can attest to some the protocols in every bodypart riods—like four weeks or so. It’s just
trainees’ responding better to routine. Can you give me an ex- another way to provide a unique
lower reps. Jonathan is in that ample? Also, how long should stimulus to your muscles, endocrine
a lot of fiber damage. If train- from, along with my own P/RR/S four cycles—nine to 12 weeks—of
ees want to do pure negatives, training. P/RR/S, he or she should take off
should they do them during As for his specific multirep rest/ one full week. If trainees are uncom-
Power, Rep Range or Shock pause technique, it’s something fortable with the idea of completely
workouts? that can often fit in quite nicely staying out of the gym, they should
EB: Even though I consider pure during the Shock week of P/RR/S. at the very least follow every three to
negatives a shock technique, I’d use four P/RR/S cycles with one to two
them during Power week in place of, IM: Do you use forced reps, weeks of low-intensity training.
or in conjunction with, the normal and if so, where—Power, Rep
protocol. And because of the tre- Range or Shock? IM: Interesting. Thanks for
mendous amount of fiber damage EB: I do not use forced reps at the thought-provoking in-
and central nervous system exhaus- every workout, but when I do, it terview. I’ll have additional
tion that pure-negative training will usually occurs during Power week. questions for you after we ex-
cause, I would reserve it only for I should mention that most often periment more with P/RR/S.
very advanced trainees on a quite I train alone, but I’d perhaps use EB: I’m ready when you are. By
limited basis. forced reps a bit more often if I had the way, I want to thank you for
a steady workout partner. Quite included P/RR/S in some of your
IM: How about D.C., Dante’s honestly though, I’m at a point workouts in your latest e-book [X-
multirep rest/pause—three sets now where I’ve learned to focus traordinary Muscle-Building Work-
done with the same weight and so intensely on every rep that by outs, available at]. What
a 20-second rest after each? the time I reach positive failure, I a tremendous resource of printable
Does that fall into Power, Rep believe I have fired off just about mass-building programs!
Range or Shock? every available muscle fiber!
EB: First, let me mention that IM: Thanks for the plug. When
Dante is a friend of mine and some- IM: Do you ever recommend we find something that works,
one I have the highest respect for, a layoff, and if so, after how we want other bodybuilders to
both as a training theorist and as a many cycles of P/RR/S? try it. Which is why we included
person. His D.C. method has helped EB: Yes, I do recommend P/RR/S in our X-Rep Reload rou-
thousands of people gain new size scheduled layoffs from the gym. tines. We’ve tried it, and we like
and strength, and it’s a program that For the average natural trainee I it. It’s a great system. IM
many people switch back and forth believe that after every three or
ou wouldn’t say that Recognition of carnitine’s role in two sources: food and what’s pro-
L-carnitine had an aus- fat oxidation eventually led to its use duced in the body. Meats contain
picious start in nutrition in food supplements as a so-called the highest amount of carnitine,
science. Discovered in fat burner. Theoretically, it should: while fruits and vegetables contain
1905 by Russian scientists inves- low amounts. Most diets have an
tigating a meat extract, carnitine 1) Enhance fat oxidation average daily intake of 20 to 200 mil-
didn’t arouse much interest in the ligrams of carnitine. While vegetar-
scientific world. In 1952, studies 2) Increase muscle glycogen ians have lower blood carnitine than
proved it to be an essential nutri- stores through enhanced use of meat eaters, they rarely show any
ent—for the species Tenebrio moli- fat as a fuel signs of carnitine deficiency. That’s
tor, more commonly known as the because the body, which contains
mealworm. The apparent necessity 3) Increase use of glucose as a fuel about 20 grams of carnitine, synthe-
of carnitine for the worm led to its sizes it efficiently. Losses are rapidly
designation as vitamin BT. Soon, 4) Lower acetyl coenzyme-A con- replaced.
however, carnitine morphed into tent in cells, which in turn acti- Only those with certain inherited
the Rodney Dangerfield of nutri- vates another enzyme, pyruvate conditions have outright carnitine
ents, when it lost its designation as a dehydrogenase, leading to more deficiencies, usually involving
vitamin. Carnitine didn’t seem to be glucose use and less lactate. The mutations in the cellular carnitine
essential in human nutrition. scenario favors decreased muscu- transporter. People who have the
Further studies in 1958 found that lar fatigue. deficiency have trouble absorbing
carnitine was indeed vital. Scien- carnitine in the intestines and lose
tists determined that carnitine, a While those effects all seem more of it than normal through
name derived from carnos, meaning perfectly plausible, most studies kidney elimination. Primary carni-
“meat,” was essential to the process examining the effects of carnitine tine deficiency is serious, resulting
of fat oxidation in cells. as either an ergogenic aid or a fat in heart problems, musculoskeletal
Fat oxidation occurs in a portion oxidation agent have come up short. disease, low blood sugar and other
of the cell called the mitochondria, One reason is that taking carnitine ills. The treatment requires large
where energy is produced in the supplements increases plasma doses of carnitine, or the outcome
form of ATP. You need carnitine to levels of it but not muscle levels. is death.
shuttle long-chain fatty acids into On the other hand, recent evidence Such deficiencies, however, are
the mitochondria, where it and two shows that there is a way to substan- rare. Most people can easily pro-
enzymes mix it up to burn fat. With- tially increase muscle carnitine. duce sufficient carnitine provided
out carnitine, that can’t happen. Your body gets carnitine from they take in (continued on page 158
(continued from page 155) the raw evidence indicates that a particular
materials, including the amino acids form of carnitine, called acetyl L-
lysine and methionine, iron, vitamin carnitine, which offers some protec-
C, vitamin B6 and niacin. The more tive benefits in the brain, can enter
carnitine your food contains, the the brain much more easily than
less you absorb. Regular meat eat- L-carnitine can.
ers absorb less carnitine than veg- One problem with taking car-
etarians. A high-fat, low-carb diet nitine orally is that what isn’t ab-
increases blood carnitine after six sorbed into the blood is degraded
days but also leads to greater excre- by intestinal bacteria into trimeth-
tion of it. Most obese people have ylamine. The same thing happens
higher blood carnitine than leaner with excess choline, and you end
people do. up smelling like a dead fish. Taking
Oral carnitine supplements have riboflavin, a B-complex vitamin,
a systemic bioavailibility of 5 to 15 seems to prevent that effect, as does
percent. The largest absorbable avoiding megadoses of either carni-
oral dose is 2,000 milligrams. Any tine or choline.
more than that is rapidly excreted Studies suggesting the benefits of
through the kidneys. Muscle is es- supplemental carnitine for athletic
pecially stubborn in regard to carni- purposes are equivocal at best. A
tine absorption, since its carnitine few show that athletes who take it
stores turn over more slowly. Some experience (continued on page 164
Energy is produced in
the form of ATP in the
mitochondria of the cells.
You need carnitine to
shuttle long-chain fatty
acids into the mitochondria,
where it and two enzymes
mix it up to burn fat.
drug that prevents its activity. The One recent study found that 21 days of taking carnitine
rats could not gain fat, no matter increased the number of androgen receptors in
how much or what they ate. muscle, which interact with testosterone.8 Carnitine is
Other rat-based studies show that involved in the pituitary and testicular production of
carnitine may work better for those testosterone, and it works with testosterone in treating
with more exercise experience. For male sexual dysfunction.9 In the testes, carnitine is
example, one found that taking L- needed to transport fat for use as an energy source
carnitine increased exercise time to for testosterone synthesis. Rats exposed to the stress
exhaustion by 14 percent in seden- of cold-water swimming showed lower testosterone
tary rats and 30.3 percent in trained levels—except when they ate carnitine.
rats.5 Experimenters observed
greater activity of carnitine in the
soleus muscle, which is primarily
composed of type 1 muscle fibers,
the fibers that have a greater capac-
ity to burn fat.
While many studies show that
carnitine has little effect on fat oxi-
dation, others indicate otherwise.
Researchers gave three grams a
day of carnitine in divided doses
to healthy adults who had no ge-
netic carnitine deficiency, and the
subjects experienced an increase
in carnitine-induced long-chain
fat oxidation.6 Another study used
tracers to track the use of fat in 12
subjects who took three grams of
carnitine supplements a day for 10
days. They experienced a significant
increase in fat oxidation, with no
loss of body protein.7
Why the discrepancies? One
reason is the failure to consider
the uptake time associated with
taking carnitine orally. Taking it 60
to 90 minutes before exercise isn’t
enough time for it to leave your
stomach, get absorbed in your small
intestine and then be transported
in the blood into muscle. A study
that traced the route of orally taken
carnitine found that five hours later
only 22.5 percent of the dose had
been absorbed into muscle; 48.8
percent was still in the intestine.
While the debate on the fat-burn-
ing merits of carnitine continues,
a few other exercise effects have
emerged. Several studies show that
taking two grams of carnitine after a
workout prevents excessive muscle
soreness and improves exercise
recovery. Carnitine enhances the
function of the endothelial lining
of the blood vessels, thus enhanc-
ing blood flow within muscle and
providing oxygen to cells. Carnitine
appears to act as a vasodilator,
meaning that it opens blood vessels,
improving circulation. Experiments
have dem- (continued on page 170
ome people thought
Victor Martinez had
the greatest unreal-
ized potential in
bodybuilding since
Chris Cormier. Then
on March 3, 2007,
Victor finally did what the physique
world had been waiting for him to
do since he won the ’03 Night of
Champions: He nailed the Arnold
Classic title over two-time defend-
ing champ Dexter Jackson. It wasn’t
Victor is a competitor who pos-
sesses unimaginable genetic gifts.
His potential is so extreme that
eight-time Mr. Olympia Ronnie
Coleman has publicly stated that
Victor will be Mr. O.
While most victories are a boon
for competitors, the ’03 NOC had
become Martinez’s albatross. It was
the benchmark by which the rest of
his pro career was judged, and the
judging was tough on him.
By all informed accounts, he
simply couldn’t repeat his previous
condition. While he came out strong
in the ’04 season, winning the GNC
This photo and all training photos courtesy of MHP
Victory at Last
The ’07 Arnold Classic would
finally find Martinez the last man
standing in one of the toughest and
deepest bodybuilding fields the
world has ever seen. His win was
not only undisputed but a glorious
crowning achievement.
So it’s looking as if Victor could
very likely fulfill Ronnie Coleman’s
prophecy. The only problem is
Victor could very likely that Ronnie wasn’t counting on it
happening before he retired. What
fulfill Ronnie Coleman’s helped Victor make an improve-
ment so profound and encompass-
ing that it would pluck him from a
prophecy. The only problem downward spiral and elevate him to
a spot in front of the best of the best
is that Ronnie wasn’t pro bodybuilders in the world?
Victor trained at the same gym,
counting on it happening with the same trainer, ate the same
food and pulled the same tricks out
before he retired. of the same bag that he’d used in the
past. It was obvious, though, that
this time he’d had some help. What
Free download from
Shape, proportion,
mass, detail—Victor presses 4 x 20, 15, 10, 6-10
has it all. Hack squats 3 x 20, 15, 15
Squats 4 x 15, 10, 10
Lunges (barbell or
Smith machine) 3 x 10
Leg extensions 3 x 20, 15, 10
Day 2, p.m.
No workout
Day 3, a.m.
Pullups 3 x max
Seated rows 3 x 15, 12, 10
One-arm dumbbell
rows 3 x 10, 8, 6
Bent-over rows or
T-bar rows 3 x 10, 10, 8-10
Deadlifts (tap and go) 3 x 6-10
Day 3, p.m.
Lying one-arm extensions 3 x 8-10
Pushdowns 3 x 15, 12, 10
Close-grip bench presses
or bench dips 3 x 8-10
Seated calf raises 3 x 25-30
Leg press calf raises 2 x 25-30
Hanging leg raises 3 x 25-30
Crunches 3 x 25
Day 4
Day 5, a.m.
Incline dumbbell
presses 4 x 12, 10, 8, 6
Incline barbell presses 3 x 10, 8, 6
Dumbbell bench
presses 3 x 10, 8, 6
Decline barbell presses
or flyes 3 x 10-15
(continued from page 186) rest days. Day 1, a.m.
“It’s what my body responds best Lying leg curls 4 x 15, 12, 10, 8 Day 5, p.m.
to,” he explains. Single-leg leg curls Barbell curls 3 x 15, 12, 10
Martinez has devised an odd but (standing) 3 x 12, 10, 8 Seated alternate
extremely effective rotation that Stiff-legged deadlifts 3 x 10, 10, 10 dumbbell curls 3 x 10-12
hits all bodyparts in four workouts Standing calf raises 3 x 25, 20, 15 Concentration curls 3 x 10-12
over five days using a split routine. Seated calf raises 3 x 25, 20, 15 Hammer curls
He trains three days on/one day off, (sometimes instead of
and picks up on the next workout Day 1, p.m. concentration curls) 3 x 6-8
scheduled. He trains abs and calves Seated barbell front
at every other workout. presses 4 x 10, 8, 8, 6 Day 6
Superset Cycle repeats, starting with ham-
Lateral raises 3 x 10-12 strings, calves and shoulders,
Day 1 a.m.: hamstrings, calves; Dumbbell presses 3 x 8-10 and continues on a three-days-
p.m.: shoulders Superset on/one-day-off schedule.
Day 2 a.m.: quads; p.m.: no work- Upright rows 3 x 8-10
out Bent-over laterals 3 x 10-12
Day 3 a.m.: back; p.m.: triceps Hanging leg raises 3 x 25-30 Editor’s note: For more on Vic-
Day 4 Off Cable crunches 3 x 20 tor Martinez, visit IFBBPro
Day 5 a.m.: chest; p.m.: biceps or Maximum
Day 6 Cycle begins again Day 2, a.m. IM
Incline leg
n the six years since To begin with, everybody is not we’ll all grow faster when each of
Joanne Sharkey different. As Mike accurately poin- us trains more intensely. If you’re
ted out years ago: not gaining fast now or if you’re not
asked me to do “We aren’t all that different phy- gaining at all, you’ll gain faster when
phone consulta- siologically. We’re all unique as you train more intensely. Anybody
tions for her on individuals, but when a young man will gain more rapidly when he
Mike Mentzer’s or a young woman goes to medical trains more intensely. He may not
school and studies muscle physio- gain as rapidly as me. Then again,
Heavy Duty training logy, whose physiology is he or she he might gain more rapidly than I
system, the most common studying? Everybody’s. do because of innate adaptability.
question we’ve received “We all have the same muscle We all have different innate adap-
is, What did Mike mean physiology. The biochemical chang- tabilities to exercise—age, physical
es leading to muscle growth in Mike condition, motivation, a lot of diffe-
when he said, “As the body Mentzer are the same as the ones rent factors. The underlying muscle
changes, training require- leading to muscle growth in you. It physiology, however, is the same.
ments change”? Does it follows that the specific stimulus “The people who say we all have
required to induce the biochemical different training requirements are
mean that everybody’s dif- changes leading to muscle growth in entirely wrong. They’re ignorant
ferent? Does it mean that you and me is the same. What is that of the basic facts regarding muscle
there could be a time when stimulus? High-intensity muscular physiology. If we all had different
someone could (or should) contraction!” physiologies, medical science could
That’s why nobody ever put an not exist. A doctor would have to
perform more volume—or inch on an arm as a result of wash- study each individual as a separate
even high volume—in ing dishes—the intensity of mus- physiological entity and then learn
one’s training? The answer cular contraction involved in that all the intricacies of that physiology
to the last two questions is activity is far too low. As Mike also and devise medicine around them.
pointed out: The very fact that the basic princip-
no. The answer to the first “We all grow at different rates of les of physiology apply to the whole
is what we’re talking about speed. I might grow faster as a re- human race is what makes medical
in this installment. sult of high-intensity training, but science a viable discipline.”
Bigger, stronger
muscles expend
more energy, so
the larger you
become, the
more quickly
you become
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manner. The harder the effort, ming a warmup set of squats com- We Make Products That Work!
the more quickly exhaustion in- pared to what happens during the
tervenes; when your gas tank has actual work set to failure. On the
been emptied, in other words, the heavier work set you immediately
workout is over. Your gas tank gets recognize the much greater stress
emptied very quickly when you on the bones than you get on the
are exerting yourself to the max. As warmup set. The same goes for the
you expend more energy in lifting much greater demands on the car-
heavier weights—300 pounds for diorespiratory system and so forth.
15 repetitions in the squat vs. only “Now simply extrapolate that
120 pounds for 10 repetitions in the over time, as you lift progressively
squat—it takes the body longer to more weight from workout to wor-
replenish a greater energy debt than kout. As the stresses grow progres-
it does a lesser one. Or, as Mike put sively greater, they’ll eventually add Available at health and vitamin stores,
it: up to overtraining. The first symp- gyms and select retailers nationwide.
“As you grow stronger—that is, tom will be a slowdown in progress,
as the weights grow progressively and if you continue with the same
volume and frequency, the stresses rest day or even two at random units of possible progress will be
will cause complete cessation of so that you’re giving yourself suf- realized. Once the individual is
progress. That’s typically referred to ficient time to recover from your training once every seven days, I
as a ‘sticking point.’ You need never workouts. Do that with increasing suggest a reduction in the volume
experience a slowdown in progress, regularity until you’re training once of training, as outlined in my
let alone a sticking point, if you every seven days or so. According books, along the lines of the Con-
bear in mind all the while that you to Mike: solidation Program. [Editor’s note:
must compensate for them.” “The implication here is that Please see The Wisdom of Mike
Within two to three weeks if the individual trains again be- Mentzer or High Intensity Trai-
of embarking on a Heavy Duty, fore the body’s growth production ning The Mike Mentzer Way for a
high-intensity training program, process is completed, it will be detailed presentation of Mentzer’s
you should begin adding an extra short-circuited and less than 100 Consolidation Program.]
you’ll never hit a sticking point. You’ll missions to the gym here on earth. performing more reps—you’ve in-
experience unbreached progress Building bigger muscles should be creased the stress on your body. You
with your training. As I’ve written a cakewalk compared to a moon must account for that both in the
before, if scientists can send a man walk.” length (or volume) of your workouts
to the moon and bring him back In other words, anytime you and in the extra time that will be
safely each time, we should be able increase the intensity of a work- required between workouts in order
to succeed with every one of our out—by lifting heavier weights, for you to fully recover and adapt
Contrary to what many personal
trainers would have you believe,
your weight training for getting
Vegetables and lean beef or chicken make a great choice, but be ripped doesn’t have to be any differ-
careful what you wrap them in. ent from when you’re building mass.
Six egg whites with one yolk
One bowl oatmeal with Nutra-
Sweet or Splenda
Sugar-free Tang or iced tea
Whey protein drink or
Tuna salad with vegetables
Lean steak
1 cup rice (white or brown)
Whey protein drink
1 yam
Large salad
Chicken breast
Before Bed
Cottage cheese
Go for cruciferous vegetables, like broccoli and cauliflower.
Follow the same plan for weeks They’re high in potassium and fiber. Add chicken for protein.
seven through eight.
Bodybuilding Pharmacology
By-products of oxygen metabolism that are
destructive throughout the body, free radicals are
linked to most degenerative diseases, including
cardiovascular disease and cancer.
sive sweating and an inability to relax cant amounts of dietary antioxidants, and water retention after a contest. A
or fall asleep. It turned out that he such as vitamin E and selenium. female figure competitor a few years
was taking an oral T3 drug and using Selenium is absolutely essential ago, who was rumored to have taken
a T3-based topical thyroid product, to thyroid metabolism; it activates large doses of T3 to lose bodyfat, won
plus a large dose of clenbuterol on the enzymes that convert T4 into the her contest but ballooned up so much
a day-on/day-off schedule. A local more active T3. On the other hand, within two months afterward that
emergency room diagnosed thyroid studies show that too much sele- she was unrecognizable. It ended her
storm, or excessive thyroid output, nium slows down thyroid hormone competitive career.
which could easily have resulted synthesis. The same holds true for In the works are experimental
in cardiovascular collapse. Drug iodine. While two-thirds of thyroid thyroid drugs that are far more selec-
therapy blocked the effect of adrenal hormone is composed of iodine, tive toward bodyfat reduction. One,
hormones on his heart and offset his getting too much of it blunts thyroid code named GC-1, doesn’t affect the
elevated thyroid hormone level. He hormone output. The other third of heart or promote muscle loss, but
survived, though for other reasons he thyroid hormone is the amino acid it does promote bodyfat loss.3 It’s
didn’t win his contest. tyrosine, which explains its presence intended to distinguish between the
Using T3 drugs will elevate the in many supplements aimed at boost- two thyroid cellular receptors, TR-a
production of reactive oxygen spe- ing thyroid function. In fact, however, and TR-b. Most side effects linked to
cies, usually called free radicals.1 tyrosine is not the limiting factor in thyroid drug use occur when the TR-a
By-products of oxygen metabolism thyroid synthesis, and taking large receptor is activated. The new drug
that are destructive throughout the doses of it will do nothing to boost selectively activates TR-b. Basically a
body, free radicals are linked to most thyroid activity. tamed form of T3, it dramatically low-
degenerative diseases, including Many bodybuilding photographers ers blood cholesterol, helping convert
car- diovascular disease and can attest to the common phenom- excess cholesterol into bile, which is
cancer. Thyroid drugs enon of bodybuilders who appear then excreted from the body.
raise ripped, devoid of Primate studies show that GC-1
any superfluous leads to a 4 percent drop in body-
Selenium is absolutely bodyfat or water re- weight—all fat, zero muscle—after
essential to thyroid tention. When they only one week. It sounds great, but
metabolism, as it show up for a photo like other thyroid drugs, this new drug
activates the enzymes shoot as little as two does suppress thyroid-stimulating
that convert T4 thyroid weeks after the con- hormone by 40 to 45 percent. In addi-
hormone into the test, they frequently tion, it hasn’t been tested in humans,
more active T3. appear smooth and so its possible toxicity isn’t known. If
bloated. What hap- the drug passes muster, it could prove
pened? the most effective and safest form of
One study provides a possible thyroid drug ever. Time will tell.
cause—besides pigging out on junk
food after the show.2 The study, which
involved rats and isolated cells ex- References
posed to large doses of T3, found
that the gene expression of nearly 1 Duntas, L., et al. (2005). Oxidants,
every enzyme in the body known to antioxidants in physical exercise and
produce bodyfat was rapidly up- relation to thyroid function. Horm
me- regulated. That didn’t happen with Metab Res. 37:572-576.
tabo- smaller doses of T3, which seems to 2 Zabrocka, I., et al. (2006). Phar-
lism by have downregulated the same genes. macological doses of triiodothyronine
upgrad- The dose the rats received was about upregulate lipogenic enzyme gene
ing the the equivalent of the maximum dose expression in rat white adipose tissue.
production of uncoupling of T3 suggested to bodybuilders for Horm Metab Res. 38:63-68.
proteins in the cellular mitochondria, fat-loss purposes. 3 Baxter, J.D., et al. (2004). Selec-
also the site of the greatest free-radi- It is reasonable to assume a similar tive activation of thyroid hormone
cal havoc. Taking dinitrophenol, or scenario with humans. The rats in signaling pathways by GC-1: A new
DNP, a toxic chemical often used for the study didn’t all react to the high approach to controlling cholesterol
fat loss, exacerbates the uncoupling T3 with excess fat gains, just as some and body weight. Trends in Endocrin
effect. If you’re thinking about using humans might not. It could, however, Metab. 15:150-157. IM
thyroid drugs, be sure you get signifi- explain the sudden rush of bodyfat
Kevin Levrone
The Process of Becoming
by Rod Labbe
here are interviews… for a different spin.
and then there are Feel like experi-
interviews that define menting?
what it means to be a KL: Yeah, I do, but
journalist. Such was we gotta be 100 percent
my experience with honest. That’s the only
Kevin Levrone. way I can work nowa-
We all know his story, or at least days—with honesty
what’s been committed to paper: and heart. Everything
the Arnold Classic triumphs and out on the table. Just
spectacular Olympia showings, that don’t ask me how much
crazy action-figure physique, his I can bench, okay?
insatiable need for creative expres- [Laughs]
sion. Weider quickly signed him. RL: You got it. Up-
Fans mobbed every contest and per- date us on Kevin
sonal appearance. Magazines ran Levrone’s life. What’s
cover shots, training articles, photo shakin’?
spreads, profiles galore. KL: I’m evolving—in
Yes, indeed. As a competitive the process of becom-
bodybuilder, Kevin seemed guided ing. Every morning I
by preternatural force. At one point thank God for the new
I approached the Maryland Muscle day—it’s another learn-
Machine, but Weider’s ironclad ing experience, another
contract kept rival publications and piece added to our
writers at bay. Disappointed, I put human puzzle.
aside notions of an exclusive and RL: The process of
concentrated on other projects. becoming? Sounds
Years fell away, and Kevin’s situa- labor intensive.
tion changed dramatically. Released KL: It is, and I prob-
from Weider, he’d moved to Califor- ably won’t ever find out
nia for “Backlash,” an action-film who I am. Who’s Kevin
assignment. It seemed like a match Levrone? He’s a mys-
made in P.R. heaven. Late last year tery, a phantom. I’ve
the impossible came to be. spent years ridding my-
Good interviews can be tricky; self of excess baggage,
they often rise or fall on whim. In peeling away layers to A lighter, lean Levrone
the case of my interview with Mr. find the real Kevin. has honed his physique
Photo courtesy of Kevin Levrone
Levrone, something cosmic oc- RL: How long have for movie roles.
curred: Light flooded a darkened you been on this
room, and I began to understand journey toward self?
this very complicated man. KL: Since child-
RL: You’ve done dozens of hood. I hated school
vered. There was something inside When they died, I started watching
of him, an innate greatness. what I ate. I hung out at the gym all
RL: True, but is greatness the time. As a teenager, I’d say, “I’m
born or made? goin’ to work,” but I’d lift instead.
KL: Anybody can be great. There RL: Team sports weren’t your
are degrees, but you don’t have to thing, either.
“Through Arnold’s
example, I realized
there are no
’97 Mr. Olympia,
limitations, just
4th place. insecurities.”
• IFBB Grand Prix Germany, 1st • IFBB Grand Prix Germany, 2nd
• IFBB Grand Prix Spain, 3rd • IFBB Night of Champions, 2nd Mr. Olympia 1997
’92 Night of Champions.
• IFBB Mr. Olympia, 5th • IFBB Mr. Olympia, 4th
• IFBB San Francisco Pro Invitational, 1st
1994 • IFBB Toronto Pro Invitational, 2nd
• IFBB Arnold Classic, 1st
• IFBB Grand Prix England, 2nd 1999
• IFBB Grand Prix France, 1st • IFBB Arnold Classic, 2nd
• IFBB Grand Prix Germany, 2nd • IFBB Grand Prix England, 3rd
• IFBB Grand Prix Italy, 1st • IFBB Mr. Olympia, 4th
• IFBB Grand Prix Spain, 2nd • IFBB World Pro Championships, 3rd
• IFBB Mr. Olympia, 3rd
• San Jose Pro Invitational, 1st 2000
• IFBB Arnold Classic, 3rd
1995 • IFBB Mr. Olympia, 2nd
Neveux IM
If you find something on the Web that IM readers should know about, send the URL to Eric at
The moment I first saw a photograph of this Ger-
man giant, shortly after he turned pro via the World
Championships, I said to myself, “Here lies the future.”
In a sport that seems to have spawned two separate
camps—the super freaks vs. the super shaped—I could
see right away that Dennis Wolf was a true hybrid. He is
massive, aesthetically pleasing and highly conditioned.
And now that Dennis has placed third in the IFBB New
York Pro and was victorious at the Keystone Classic, his
first pro win, it looks as if Lonnie Teper and I have more
in common than just our good looks. That’s right, I have
a crystal ball of my own. While much of Dennis’ site is in
German and there’s not much to look at just yet, I men-
tion it because it’s something you should keep your eye
on. There are already several awesome photographs in
his gallery, which takes you from 2000 to 2007, as well
as a few mind-blowing off-season shots. His improve-
ments from year to year are astonishing, and he’s managed to add more size in all the right places while keeping his
waist small, tight and shredded. Pictures from the New York Pro reveal a physique reminiscent of Lee Haney’s hey-
day but with far better legs and even wider shoulders. Trust me when I say that Dennis could very well be a future
Mr. Olympia. I predict top-six this year (whaddaya say, L.T.?). If you’re interested in how he trains, there is a short
section that shows his weekly schedule; however, he’s about to release a new training DVD called “The Beginning.”
Now that Wolf is achieving real success in the IFBB pro ranks, I’m sure he’ll begin to expand what appears to be a
relatively new site. He is definitely a major bodybuilding star on the rise.
The Internet is full of bodybuilding discussion
boards, but how many of you realize that IRON
MAN, your monthly training bible, has a pretty
cool little board of its own? Well, it does, and it’s
a nifty place to hang out and talk bodybuilding,
fitness, figure and more. Regular posts come from
nutrition and supplement guru Jerry Brainum and
competition-emcee extraordinaire Lonnie Teper.
There’s a ton of news and gossip, as well a fun
“guess who” photo section. It’s new, so it’s not
as active as some of the larger boards out there,
but there are some very knowledgeable members,
and industry insiders discuss unique topics. I’m a
member myself (user name: Eric P/RR/S Broser)
and would love to see more readers log in and
participate in the forums. So when you get a min-
ute, please register and join the fun.
Greener Pastures
Will these guys make a dent in the
Mr. O rankings?
So, what did the midseason pro shows bring us? An upset win
in New York, a big, bad Wolf in Pennsylvania and Greener pas-
tures in Colorado. What they didn’t bring, though, was a top-six
Mr. Olympia threat—at least not for this season’s showdown,
which is scheduled for the last weekend in September in Las
Vegas. More on that later.
Branch Warren, who was pretty much forgotten as a title
threat after he ended the 2006 season with a thud at the Olympia
and opened 2007 with a seventh-place landing at the Arnold
Schwarzenegger Classic, surprised many with a victory at the
New York Pro. It put him back in the category of contender—until
Roland Balik
Roland Balik
the next two contests put him back where he started (see below). Branch
Dennis Wolf, a guy I felt was really overlooked at last year’s Warren.
Europa, where he finished seventh, opened the new season on
a powerful note, nabbing third in New York and then moving up,
into the winner’s circle two weeks later at the Keystone Classic in Penn- Charles.
sylvania. Warren dropped to fourth in that one.
Then, there was oh, my, Kai, as in Kai Greene. The flashy two-time
and Gustavo Badell. And that’s leaving out Phil Heath, who might be
passing on the show for the second year in a row in hopes of making ’08
his real breakout year.
ADD HINDS—It wasn’t an easy task getting Isaac to talk about the
Denver show. He had been down—way down—after three off-base pre-
dictions forced me to reconsider using him in future installments of “The
It started back in March, when Hinds, joining yours truly and Ron
“Yogi” Avidan in the Arnold Classic predictions, tabbed Phil Heath
to win it all in his A.C. debut. As we know, the Gift landed in fifth at that
show. Vowing to rebound and regain his authority status, Isaac went with
rookie Desmond Miller to win in New York. As we know, Miller finished
fourth. Hinds went with Darrem Charles to win the Keystone; as we
know, Charles finished out of the money, in sixth.
Denver was going to be Hinds’ saving grace. That’s where LiftStudio
resides, so what better place to show he still belongs among the game’s
elite prognosticators. Sadly, though, he suffered another defeat. He went
with Dennis James for that one, but Dennis fell all the way to eighth.
Isaac felt disgraced. Especially after I picked Kai Greene on the forum to win the show. At least I did in one of my
three forecasts.
After much thought I’ve given Isaac a chance to redeem himself. I
didn’t have much choice; I was already considering Yogi for the chopping
block because he picked Darrem to win in New York when Darrem had
never said he was competing there. So Hinds will again be onboard when
“The Experts” make their USA predictions in July. In mid-June the poor
guy was headed for his optometrist’s office to get new glasses. “Maybe it
will help me with my picks,” he said.
Shawn L.T. queries Isaac about his How could anyone unload someone
NPC Events
STAR—After being forced to miss
my annual gig as emcee of Prince
Harrison’s Lone Star Classic in
2006 because the Junior Cal was on
the same day, I headed back to the
podium in Plano the first weekend
in June for the ’07 edition. About 140 competitors hit the stage at the
Stars Plano Convention Center, with the usual number of outstanding phy-
of the siques walking away with top honors. Kudos to Mad Max Fairchild,
Lone Star
a 6’, 220-pounder out of Dallas who took the heavyweight and overall
from crowns. Fairchild, who trains at Energy Fitness in Dallas, has a lot of
left): Beni potential and will cause some damage at higher-level contests when he
Lopez, adds another 10 to 15 pounds of muscle to his frame.
Max Maria “Salsa” Davis, who I met at the Ronnie Coleman Classic
Fairchild, six weeks earlier, took the lightweight and overall titles in women’s body-
Maria building. Stephanie Irick, a cute-as-a-bug 5’2”, 110-pounder from
Davis and Pilot Point, was sharp at the wheel with her victory in fitness and her
Stephanie third-place showing in an extremely strong division A in figure.
Irick. \ SEPTEMBER 2007 249
Free download from
The winner of the A class, Beni Lopez, beat Brandi Akers in a
tiebreaker and went on to capture the overall. The 39-year-old Lopez has
quite a story. A former bodybuilder, she was married at 15 and has three
children, 23, 13 and 12. The 4’11” Beni was coming off a 16th-place
landing at the ’05 Junior Nationals, which is quite a leap.
After the show at Texas Land and Cattle, the scene of the postcontest
eat down, I, uh, coerced Lopez into donning her two-piece one more time
and included Mark Dugdale in the shot. I tried to get Mark to at least
take off the shirt, but it was no go. Mark’s wife, Christina, and Mattie,
the oldest of the three Dugdale daughters, were nice enough to go along
with the creative photo-op.
Akers is another one to keep an eye on. Okay,
her boyfriend, Quincy Taylor, ain’t no oil painting, Quincy
but Brandi is a looker. She just Taylor.
needs to tone down her lower
body, and she should be on
her way.
In case you don’t know, I’m
Quincy’s former teacher, and
as he says, “You’re old, so I Mark
can’t choke you,” so I can get Dug-
away with such comments dale
(about his lack of beauty).
Seriously, Quincy was carrying Lopez.
345 pounds and was looking
very good for that size about
With Brandi Akers. With Christina and Mattie.
10 weeks out from the Europa.
He looked terrific at the Ed and Betty Pariso–produced show last
year—finishing second to Toney Freeman—and if he can come in
that condition but a bit fuller, the Europa is his in ’07, I say.
Another highlight of the Lone Star was getting to see, up close
and personal, Dave Goodin actually compete instead of just look-
ing at his pictures in IRON MAN. Dave had a copy of the August Hans Somez and
issue with him, and we had people making guesses prior to the Dave Jacobs.
contest as to who owned the shredded abs that
were featured on the cover. For those who selected
me, I thank you—and I’ll pass along the number of
Isaac’s eye doctor as soon as possible. Yup, it was
the Texas Shredder himself who supplied the six-
pack. Dave was Good-in the contest too, winning
the masters 40-plus and the middleweight class in
the open competition. L.T.
Dugdale, two weeks away from beginning his and the
Mr. O prep, guest-posed along with Chad Ray Texas
Mike George
Martin, who was two weeks out from the Junior Shred-
Cecil and der.
Nationals. Chad, who was featured recently in this
magazine, looked really good and should have a
great shot of winning his class in Chicago.
A dance group, led by Downtown Sheila Brown Bob and
and featuring pro bodybuilding ace Kim Perez, also Laura
performed. When Sheila saw some of my moves at the Johnson.
podium, she invited me to join the group. After some
serious thought, I had to turn her down—keeping Hinds
and Avidan in tow is more than enough work.
Ron Avidan
tion to any United States resident. Flex
Lewis and
ADD CAL—After the prejudg-
ing I ran into Dennis ”No Pain, No
Gain” Newman, who told me he’s
going through a divorce, has moved
back home to Salinas, California,
and said his personal-training busi-
ness is going great. Newman, 37,
also said he has no plans of return-
ing to the stage.
Then I saw P.D. Devers, who Bob Cicherillo
Ron Avidan
254 SEPTEMBER 2007 \
Free download from
15 16
Gina Ostarly’s Physique Electrifies—at 40
and With Three Children!
Photography by Michael Neveux
Hair and makeup by Alexandra Almand
Height: 5’4”
Age: 40
Weight: 125 off-season; 118 contest
Hometown: New Orleans, Louisiana
Current residence: South Florida
Occupation: Gym owner, personal trainer, fitness and swimsuit model, makeup
Marital status: Married (to Walt Ostarly for 21 years)
Workout schedule: “I try to be flexible with my workout schedule. I train five
days a week, a different bodypart at each workout, and I change exercises often.”
Sample bodypart workout (abs): Hanging knee raises, 3 x 30; flutter kicks, 3 x
one minute; weighted crunches, 3 x 30; seated medicine ball twists, 3 x 20
Favorite foods: Healthful, chicken and sweet potatoes. Less healthful, Krispy
Kreme doughnuts
Factoid: Mother of three children, ages 20, 18 and 15, and just started taking
saxophone lessons
Web site:
Mile-High Honeys
Val rakes in the Rocky Mountain love
A week after the Southern California figure fest discussed in the item above,
24 pairs of clear-plastic ultra-high-heel slides slid across the stage of the Colora-
do Convention Center at the Shawn Ray Colorado Pro. It was another unani-
mous win—this time for Valerie Waugaman, the defending champ, who had
an easier time of it than she did at the ’06 Colorado, where her one-point margin
over Jenny Lynn set tongues a’waggin’.
Second place for the second week running went to a consistent Mary Jo
Cooke. Third went to Britain’s Nicole Pitcher-Scott, who gets my award for
Isaac Hinds \
the most improved bodybuilder of the spring shows. Her photos in the Colorado
Pro gallery at indicate that the physique I saw in Pitts-
burgh a month earlier was merely a work in progress.
The close-but-no-cigar slots went to Elisha Archibold, fourth, and Felicia
Romero, fifth.
Dixon line, mysteriously lan-
disappeared after the ’03 guished
season (well, maybe not so in 18th,
runners-up gets the third Olympia qualification, and every show becomes a “top-three quali-
Had that been the case in New York, I’m guessing that the honor would have gone to
Snap. Sarah Dunlap dialed down
to lightweight to snag her first lightweight second-placer Dena Westerfield. Said one enthusiastic observer, “The best
pro win. four women in a lightweight class I’ve seen—Dunlap, Westerfield, [Maria] Lehtonen,
[Vicky] Nixon were all superb.” Now, that particular friend is prone to exaggeration on the
subject of women’s bodybuilding (plus he was not present in ’01, when Juliette Bergmann beat Andrulla Blanchette be-
fore taking the overall, over Iris Kyle, at the Olympia). For the record, Sarah won her class by a 42-point margin. Online photos
suggest, however, that my buddy was right about the lightweights being the tougher competition—for all that it was a little short.
The heavyweight class was loaded with largely unknown European competitors. Kessler’s more-than-respectable margin of
victory was 26 points. Second went to Maryse Manios of France, with Kim Buck of the USA, Irene Anderson of Swe-
den, Jana Linke-Sippi of Germany and Sarah Bridges of the United Kingdom, in order, rounding out the lineup.
Free download from
Top tro-
phies in the The judges at the Tana seemed Houston (July 21) Pro Figure shows
ranks went
to delight in putting first-timers in the at The latter
to Tammy winner’s circle, and that carried over event is being hyped in some circles
Jackson in to the figure competition, where Fe- as a battle between, in alphabetical
bodybuild- licia Romero was anointed queen order, Monica Brant, Adela Gar-
ing and
Jessica for a day. cia and Valerie Waugaman. Yeah,
Troha in Amy Fry, who’s now two for two right. Like we don’t know who doesn’t
figure. in nabbing Olympia-qualifying spots, stand a
For more
on that finished eight points behind Felicia in chance
sword second, while Jeanette Freed, who com-
Jess is just keeps looking better onstage, ing out
see page became the newest addition to the on top
276. Figure O lineup by taking third. in that
Tammy Jane Awad looked to be in fine threeway.
condition but missed her ticket to the
Isaac Hinds \
with a bang, winning the top title at that other organiza-
tion, but not before she gave some friends of mine some In championship form in 1998.
strength or bodybuilding program that concentric circles radiate out from the center of his
produced results always focused on the body. The circles are more concentrated at the hips
and are weaker by the time they reach the ankles and
muscle groups that made up the core: wrists. I got that from the great Olympic lifter Tommy
abs, lumbars, hips and glutes. Kono, and it’s become the logo not only for my book
sets of three are enough in the away. It’s simply a matter of the bulletin—eating plans, BULLETIN
beginning, but you can add more weakest link rearing its ugly head. workout routines,
to increase your workload as you There’s no way to ignore that weak tion techniques and the
best fat-to-muscle
progress. area.
Right behind full squats in impor- I’ve already mentioned hyper-
nutrients. Stop dieting
Pack On Le
away muscle—pack As You Shed Mass
tance for building and maintaining extensions and reverse hypers. If on more as you burn Includes carb
diets, grow cking and carb-reducti
th on
a strong core are specific exercises you have hyperextension benches, fat, and look your fat-burning
and the 10
workouts and activation,
Rules for Sup plements
hard, muscular best er Energy
for the lumbars. Not only must you then you can use them as a primary in record time!
include an exercise aimed directly lower-back exercise in addition to
at your lower back every week, but
you must attack it as well. There’s no
having them as part of your warmup
and cooldown routine. I’m guess-
Just $9.95
plus $6.50 postage & handling ($15 outside North
doubt that this is the most neglected ing that 95 percent or more of IRON America) (California residents add 8.25% sales tax)
area of the core for the simple rea- MAN’s readers don’t have access to Credit card orders call
son that, when it’s done right, lower- an apparatus that lets you load up 1-800-447-0008, offer ITS
back work is the most demanding in the weights, but all have access to
any program. Here’s the trouble: In bars and plates, and that’s plenty. YES! I want to transform my physique. Rush
most cases, lumbar movements are I recommend two lower-back ex- me IRONMAN’s Fat to Muscle 2.
avoided, or, when one is performed, ercises: good mornings and almost-
Rush my
light weights are used. Numerous straight-legged deadlifts. Of the two,
copy to: .....................................................
athletes from a wide range of sports I believe good mornings produce
have contacted me complaining greater results. When the poundage Enclose check or money order for $9.95 plus $6.50
of lower-back pain or, just as fre- gets really heavy on almost-straight- shipping payable to: Home GYM Warehouse,
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quently, problems with one or both legged deadlifts, there’s a tendency Credit card orders call TOLL FREE
of their hips. I ask them what they’re to lower the hips, which shifts the 1-800-447-0008, offer ITS
doing for their lumbars. Invariably stress from the lower back to other CA residents add 8.25% sales tax. Foreign orders
(except Canada) add $15 shipping. Payment in
they say, “Nothing. I figure I’m giv- groups. Good mornings, on the U.S. dollars drawn on U.S. banks only.
ing them plenty of work with all my other hand, require more precise
The plus for front squats is that they force a lifter to go deep
and stay very erect, thus making the core muscles work harder.
How to stay on
Cumulative Consequences the big-gain train
aybe you remember the fable about the ant and grass- might sound, the wise part of that equation is the easy part; it’s
hopper. While the ant toiled steadily, the grasshopper diligence that makes or breaks people.
played. Days, weeks and months went by, and when Slow and steady is the sure path to victory. Meticulously
winter came, there was a huge difference in how each was planned training cycles and the use of microplates reflect the
prepared to face the coming cold. Consider how those ap- common belief in doing what you can to keep moving forward.
proaches work in the gym—as well as out of it—and whether The most important point, however, is to show up, day in and
you’re running your life in a way that will help you reach your day out, because small differences day by day add up to huge
goals. differences. That’s why devotion to duty leads to such rich
For just about everyone the first day in the gym is terrific: dividends over the long haul. Even better, conscientious effort
Attitude is great, effort is there, enthusiasm is bubbling over, carries an extremely valuable fringe benefit—whatever you’re
and plans to conquer the world abound. A week later things doing becomes habit-forming. By training steadily, you’ll not
still look good, but a month down the road attrition is showing. only reap the direct benefits of consistent effort, but you’ll also
Three months later a lot of people are back on the couch, the find that it’s easier to get into the gym when you’re supposed
remote within easy reach, and since they no longer go to the to. The process works in the other direction as well: Each time
gym, they have a few extra hours each week for their favorite you skip a workout, it becomes easier to skip the next one.
Internet activities. Though lifting weights is always going to be more work than
Meanwhile, the people who are plugging away in the gym staying in bed, there are things you can do to make it more like-
are starting to morph. Stomachs are shrinking and getting ly that you’ll hit the gym armed for progress rather than while
harder, chests are swelling, and weights that used to stay away your life on the couch.
glued to the floor are magically light. The real magic, though, If you’re surrounded by achievement-oriented role mod-
seems to be going on under their skin—there’s simply some- els, chances are you’ll have learned the attitudes, skills and
thing about the way they walk. Whatever that thing is, it’s posi- behavior to make headway yourself. If you aren’t surrounded
tive, and they seem to apply it to by successful role models, focus
whatever they do—things related your efforts on 1) realizing how you
to lifting and things not. control your situation, and 2) trying
What’s happened, basically, to identify and surround yourself
is that those who continued to with the people, images and activi-
train learned the skills necessary ties that are most likely to produce
for succeeding, while those who success. For example, if your family
quit learned the skills that make doesn’t model the most appropri-
failure likely. ate attitudes, skills and behavior
Unless you’re Paul Anderson, for success, don’t let that limit you.
you don’t just walk into the gym Establish a different set of reference
on the first day and bang out points for yourself. Identify people
honest squats with 400 pounds. who demonstrate what it takes to
Throw four 45s on each end get ahead, and learn how they do
of the bar, put the average guy things. Mentally surround yourself
under it, and watch 405 pounds with images that will take you for-
drop him like a blow from a ward. Every gym has a group that
sledgehammer. On the other never misses training and another
Neveux \ Model: Ken Yasuda
Neuronutrient Uppers
more impressive the bar looks each time you slap on another
our body uses spe-
pair of 25s; and keep in mind that every time another pair of
45s goes on the bar, you’ve reached a major milestone. Pat cific neuronutrients to
yourself on the back each time you reach one of your goals, make mood-enhanc-
and then set your sights on your next one. ing neurotransmitters in the
To make goal setting even more effective, keep your goals brain. One key neuronutrient is
in context and dynamic. Context means you know why you
L-tyrosine, which helps make
aspire to a particular goal so it has some value beyond your
Neveux \ Model: Sebastian Siegel
being able to say, “I squatted with 315 for 20 reps today.” dopamine, norepinephrine and
Maybe, for instance, you take particular pride in the fact that epinephrine. Try 500 milligrams
315 means you had three 45s on each side of the bar, and on an empty stomach—per-
when you started, just one was enough to make your knees haps when you first get out of
shake. Or maybe you made a deal with yourself that when
bed—to get happier.
you hit 315x20, you’d buy a pair of real weightlifting shoes.
Perhaps 315x20 means you’d reached a size or strength —Becky Holman
point you wanted, for example, to play football. Use context
to add flesh to your goals, and that will help you use your
goals to motivate each workout.
Keeping your goals dynamic can help you stay on course.
Let’s say that you have a goal to power-clean 225 pounds,
but you injure your wrist, so you can’t do power cleans at the
moment. You can head for the sidelines, or you can modify Herbs
your plan. Maybe you can do clean pulls or good mornings
and a lot of squats. The point is, some people quit as soon
as they get a hangnail, and other people find a way to train
Mind the Mint
even when they’re in a cast. You can guess who makes
progress and who doesn’t. recent study at Wheel-
Progress, in all walks of life, is a wonderful thing. What’s ing Jesuit Univer-
especially nice is that when you work hard, you have a pro- sity shows that certain
nounced tendency to go forward, which means you control scents can heighten brain and
your destiny. Small, steady steps will take you where you body responses, according
want to go, because where you end up is a consequence of
to the June ’07 Prevention.
your cumulative actions.
—Randall Strossen, Ph.D. Athletes felt more invigorated
postexercise after inhaling pep-
Editor’s note: Randall Strossen, Ph.D., edits the quar- permint aroma during exercise than subjects who weren’t
terly magazine MILO. He’s the author of IronMind: Stronger exposed to the minty smell. Other studies have shown
Minds, Stronger Bodies; Super Squats: How to Gain 30 that peppermint can actually increase strength. Try chew-
Pounds of Muscle in 6 Weeks and Paul Anderson: The ing a stick of peppermint sugarless gum during your
Mightiest Minister. For more information call IronMind
workout. Your training partner may benefit too—and stop
Enterprises Inc. at (530) 265-6725 or Home Gym Warehouse
at (800) 447-0008, ext. 1. Visit the IronMind Web site at calling you Protein Breath. —Becky Holman
Wine for the Mind What do we do? There’s so much to know. How hard, how
often and when should we exercise? What works for you? Will it
work for me?
cientists at Litwin-Zuck-
er Research Center for When I’m stumped, or bored, or uninspired, unmotivated, un-
the Study of Alzheimer’s interested or uncaring, defeated or in doubt, I say, “Be strong; this
Disease and Memory in New too will pass.” And I work out with what reserve and resources I
York found that the resveratrol have at hand. The obstructions are tough to overcome, yet over-
in red wine curbs the forma- coming them provides skill, savvy and practice for like obstacles
tion of the beta-amyloid pro- in the future. Any road worthy of pursuit is strewn with frustrating
tein that’s linked to Alzheimer’s and bone-breaking challenges, each presenting critical instruction,
disease. Because it also low- and rejoicing, in eventual conquest. Throttle
ers blood cholesterol levels, forward. —Dave Draper
red wine appears to improve
circulation to the brain, which Editor’s note: For more from Dave
also improves memory. Draper, visit and sign
up for his free newsletter. You can also check
—Becky Holman out his amazing Top Squat training tool, clas- sic photos, workout Q&A and forum.
t’s an interesting new company. MenScience Androceuticals provides a full
line of grooming, skin-care and nutritional products scientifically developed
for the unique needs and characteristics of men. MenScience is committed
to developing products based on professional and dermatological-grade ingre-
dients that deliver tangible
benefits. Its undivided focus
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packaging and marketing
MenScience’s custom-
ers come from all ages and
walks of life and have one
thing in common: They
expect the highest perfor-
mance from their personal
and nutritional products. MenScience believes in informed consumers and
provides reliable content to complement its products’ effectiveness and pro-
mote better health overall.
For more on MenScience and MenScience products, visit the company’s
Web site at
New Stuff
Chad Nicholls reveals Nxlabs’
Betasine newest breakthrough
ontest prep guru Chad Nicholls recently let a few industry insiders
in on NxLabs’ hottest creation yet. “I barely had a chance to catch
my breath after working with the guys at NxLabs to formulate
Plasmavol—also found in the Pump System—before
they were asking for my input on Betasine,” he said.
“Those guys just don’t stop, and neither does this stuff.
It’s a combo of beta-alanine and carnosine, which
adds up to a serious weapon for busting through
any training plateau. The best part is that you know
it works because it gives you a tingling sensation all
over your body almost right away.”
The researchers at NxLabs tell us that new Beta-
sine is bodybuilding’s first beta-alanine-plus-carno-
sine muscle-building formula that delivers clinically
proven, advanced ingredients that can jack up your
bench by 18.6 percent fast. It’s also been shown to
supercharge muscle power by 14.5 percent. NxLabs
promises superior bioavailability and delivery through
nanoparticulated and ethylated beta-alanine and
carnosine, which is immediately released via Hyper-
Explode caplets.
For a free bottle of Betasine and your chance to experience explosive
strength, muscle growth and intensity, call (800) 511-1229 (while supplies
last). For more information visit Available exclusively at
Abner S. Brady
he history of early American thing about
weight training is sketchy at these
best. A few figures have been pictures,
well publicized, but the vast majority however,
of those athletic pioneers have been is that they
forgotten. One amazing but little- are some
known figure in the history of sport of the
was Abner S. Brady. Unfortunately, earliest ex-
there’s almost no information on him amples of
or his contributions. A few facts can physique
be pieced together, and they prove photog-
that he was a weight trainer who was raphy in
decades ahead of most of his con- the United
temporaries. States. Photographer Alexander
Brady was born around 1835, Gardner took the accompanying
probably in New York, and he almost pictures in February 1865, and their
certainly enlisted in the Army and purpose was clearly to show off
became a gymnastics instructor. In the man’s musculature and physi-
1861 he opened Brady’s Seventh cal prowess. A few days after the
photos were taken, Brady
participated in a gala gymnas-
tics demonstration at Ford’s
Theatre featuring some of his
star students and a special
performance by the renowned
Hanlon Brothers acrobats.
President Lincoln was present
for the festivities that evening.
All students of American
history know that Lincoln
returned to the theater a few
weeks later and was assassi-
nated by John Wilkes Booth,
but only a few recall that the
The interior of Abner S. Brady’s Great Emancipator enjoyed
Washington, D.C., gymnasium, 1865. an athletic display prior to his
date with the ages.
Abner S. Brady remained
Regiment Gymnasium in New York at the head of his gymnasium until
City, and soon it boasted nearly a he disappeared from history. The last
thousand clients. Since the United known reference to the pioneer gym
States was embroiled in its bloody owner is in May 1866.
Civil War at this time, Brady concen- —David Chapman
trated on getting fighting men up to
snuff or keeping veterans in good
physical condition.
Sometime before 1865 Brady
moved to the nation’s capital, where
he opened a larger and more richly
appointed gymnasium on Louisiana
Avenue, within sight of the U.S.
Capitol. Brady’s Washington Gymna-
sium was a massive structure featur-
Photos courtesy of the David Chapman collection
odybuilders are taking nitric ginseng and
oxide precursors to enhance vitamin C to
the pump in the gym, but a increase her
pump can be enhanced elsewhere energy—in and
too. A recent double-blind study out of the bed-
found that L-arginine, a potent nitric room.
oxide precursor, helped improve sex- —Becky Holman
ual dysfunction in women when it was www.X-tremeLean
combined with a ginkgo-and-ginseng .com
product. Also, vitamin C helps. Men,
tell your gal to take L-arginine, ginkgo,
Dobbins \ \ Mdels: Yaxeni Oriquen, Iris Kyle and Heather Policky
than those in often trade in their
the bodybuild- wives as they age for
ing world. WWE younger trophies.
wrestler China That’s changing,
is bigger than however. By using
many female training and diet
bodybuilders strategies derived
yet was twice from bodybuilding,
featured in Play- women can become
boy. Next to the more attractive and
vast majority of have better bodies
women phy- as they get older. It’s
sique competi- rare to see women
tors tennis star in the upper levels of
Serena Williams physique competi-
is a giant. But tion who are not at
you won’t find least 30 years old
attacks on her or close to it. The
gender identity hardbody is a mature
or sexuality in physique, not that of
Sports Illustrat- an adolescent girl.
ed. Check out the muscularity on the top female sprinters Youth may fade, but the hardbody can keep improving for
in the world. They all look as if they were about to enter a decades.
bodybuilding competition. The fact that women—and men—can build and maintain
Unfortunately, the problem seems to be a reluctance to fit and attractive bodies that actually improve with age is
accept the idea of bodybuilding itself. Developing muscle itself a cultural (and medical) revolution. Hardbodies not
for the purpose of improving athletic performance is ac- only look better and stay looking good for a longer time,
ceptable; building muscle for primarily aesthetic purposes but they are also healthier and age at a much slower rate.
is suspect. So it isn’t the muscle that bothers people—it’s There’s no doubt that modern Homo sapiens live much
the context. longer than in the past. How nice that there are training and
Because the whole idea of females building beautiful diet techniques available, developed over 60 years of com-
muscular bodies is so new and revolutionary, it shouldn’t petitive bodybuilding, that give us the opportunity to stay
surprise you that these women have encountered cultural fit, strong, healthy—and sexy—throughout an increasingly
opposition to their efforts. But rather than dwelling on the extended life span.
attacks, try instead to focus on their successes. Since the —Bill Dobbins
early 1980s there’s been a sea-change in how the fit female
Huong Arcinas
Age: 26
Height: 4’11”
Weight: 91 contest, 96–98
Residence: San Jose, California
Occupation: Personal trainer
Contest Highlights: ’07 Junior USA,
class A, 1st; ’05 Figure Nationals,
class A, 3rd
Factoid: Married with children, five
years and nine months!
Contact address:
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