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Simulation of Capacitor Bank For Improvement of Voltage Profile at Distribution Center (Review)

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International Conference on Emanations in Mordern Engineering Science & Management (ICEMESM-2018)


Simulation Of Capacitor Bank For Improvement Of Voltage

Profile At Distribution Center(Review)
Neha Dighade1, Vaishali Takras2, Rahul Harinkhede3 ,Prof S.Bhuyarkar4
1(Department of Electrical Engineering , SRPCE, Nagpur
2 (Department of Electrical Engineering , SRPCE, Nagpur
3 (Department of Electrical Engineering , SRPCE, Nagpur
4 (Department of Electrical Engineering , SRPCE, Nagpur

Day by day the demand of electricity is increasing that’s why the voltage profile is reduces, so to improve the voltage
profile of the power system, capacitor bank should be inserted in shunt with the distribution line after distribution transformer
of substation. If the voltage profile does not maintain constant alternately power factor is decreased and decreasing power
factor resulting power losses. This losses increases the current and due to heat increased above the capacity of equipment
which is installed in the substation and load side that will be reduced the life of equipment.
Shunt capacitor bank’s are used to improve the power factor correction, quality of electric supply and efficient operation of
power system. It’s relatively inexpensive and can be easily installed anywhere on the network. Wasted energy capacity, also
known as poor power factor, is often overlooked. It can result in poor reliability, safety problems and higher energy costs. The
lower your power factor, the less economically your system operates.
Keywords —Capacitor bank, Power factor, Power Triangle, Load, Improved Voltage, Reactive Power…

between voltage and current? This is because;

consider power triangle derived from the phasor
diagram of voltage/current. At the receiving-end till
A electrical energy power consumption has gone the entrance to sub- transmission networks, and
up by laps and bounces. It is still increasing at a fast distribution networks. A large number of
rate and overloading the electrical power system. distribution systems have run into problems such as
This problem is compounded by inadequate low voltage regulation, low power factor, large
investment in T&D over a long period, as there are amount of losses and less efficiency, overloading
unacceptable voltage drop and system losses. A lot and discontinuity of supply. It is necessary to
of work has been carried out of installation of improve the working of the power distribution
capacitors from H.T side which had strengthen the systems to reduce losses, improve voltage
system by regulation, improve power factor etc. On a power
1) Reducing losses line, besides the active power, the reactive power
2) Decreasing the load and avoided public outcry must also be available for inductive loads.
The capacitors used in the transmission systems
for the purpose of voltage regulation, act to improve II. CAPACITOR BANK
power factor. In these installations, reactive output A capacitor bank is a gathering of a few
rating of a unit capacitor is chosen at KVAR and capacitors associated in arrangement or shunt with
two groups are connected in series, and three of each other to store electrical vitality. The
these groups in star connection with floating neutral subsequent bank is then used to neutralize or
make a three phase bank. The series reactor is remedy a power figure slack an AC control supply.
connected in series with capacitors at neutral side of Capacitors are electrical/electronic parts which
the bank. Power factor can be defined as the ratio of store electrical vitality. Capacitors comprise of two
active power to the apparent power. Generally, it is conveyors that are isolated by a protecting material
called as the cosine of angle between the voltage or dielectric. At the point when an electrical current
and current. Why do we use cosine of angle

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International Conference on Emanations in Mordern Engineering Science & Management (ICEMESM-2018)

is gone through the conduit combine, a static A lower control factor causes a higher current
electric field creates in the dielectric which speaks stream for a given load. As the line current expands,
to the put away vitality. Not at all like batteries, this the voltage drop in the conductor builds, which may
put away vitality isn't looked after uncertainly, as bring about a lower voltage at the gear. With an
the dielectric takes into consideration a specific enhanced power factor, the voltage drop in the
measure of current spillage which brings about the conductor is decreased, enhancing the voltage at the
slow dispersal of the put away vitality. A capacitor gear.
bank is a gathering of a few indistinguishable 4. Lessened power framework misfortunes
capacitors between associated in parallel or in In spite of the fact that the budgetary come back
arrangement with each other as required. from conductor misfortune decrease alone is never
adequate to legitimize the establishment of
Advantages using Capacitor Bank capacitors, it is an appealing extra advantage,
1. Diminished utility request charges:- particularly in more seasoned plants with long
Utility request charges fixing to the power factor is feeders or in field pumping activities. Framework
the essential reason related with establishment of conductor misfortunes are corresponding to the
PFCC's, and there is every now and again a sensible current squared and, since the current is lessened in
quantifiable profit if the office has a low slacking guide extent to the influence factor change, the
power factor before PFCC establishment. Most misfortunes are contrarily relative to the square of
electric service organizations charge for greatest the influence factor.
metered request in light of either the most TYPES OF CAPACITOR BANK
astounding enlisted request in kilowatts (KW Unit of a capacitor bank is normally called
meter), or a level of the most astounding enrolled capacitor unit. The capacitor units are manufactured
request in (KVA meter), whichever is more as single phase unit. These single phase units are
noteworthy. In the event that the power factor is connected in star or delta to farm a complete 3
low, the level of the deliberate KVA will be phase capacitor bank. Although some rare
altogether more prominent than the KW request. manufacturers 3 phase capacitor unit but normally
While utility duties fluctuate, an ordinary levy is available capacitor units are single phase type. The
income nonpartisan at a 0.85 slacking power factor, 1. Externally fused capacitor bank.
with punishments underneath this level and credits
over this level. The credits may stretch out to 0.95 2. Internally fused capacitor bank.
Pf slacking or may even reach out to solidarity 3. Fuse less capacitor bank.
control factor (KW = KVA).
2. Expanded load conveying abilities in existing III. POWER TRIAGLE
circuits Power Triangle is the portrayal of a correct edge
Burdens drawing responsive power likewise request triangle demonstrating the connection between
receptive current. Introducing power factor revision dynamic power, receptive power and obvious
capacitors toward the finish of existing circuits power. At the point when every segment of the
close to the inductive burdens decreases the current present that is the dynamic segment (Icosϕ) or the
conveyed by each circuit. The diminishment in responsive part (Isinϕ) is increased by the voltage V,
current stream coming about because of enhanced control triangle is gotten appeared in the figure
power factor may enable the circuit to convey new beneath.
loads, sparing the cost of redesigning the
appropriation arrange when additional limit is
required for extra hardware or gear. Furthermore,
the lessened current stream diminishes resistive
(I^2t) misfortunes in the circuit.
3. Enhanced voltage

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As the power factor (i.e. COS θ) builds, the

proportion of genuine energy to clear power
(which = COS θ), increments and
methodologies solidarity (1), while the edge θ
diminishes and the receptive power diminishes.
[As COS θ → 1, its greatest conceivable esteem,
θ → 0 thus Q → 0, as the heap turns out to be
The power which is really devoured or used in an not so much responsive but rather more
AC Circuit is called True power or Active Power or absolutely resistive].
genuine power. It is estimated in kilowatt (kW) or
MW. The power which streams forward and
backward that implies it moves in both the course in
the circuit or respond upon it, is called Reactive
Power. The responsive power is estimated in
kilovolt-ampere receptive (KVAR) or MVAR. The B. Reducing Power Factor
result of root mean square (RMS) estimation of
voltage and current is known as Apparent Power.
This power is estimated in KVA or MVA.
When a dynamic segment of current is increased by
the circuit voltage V, it brings about dynamic power.
It is this power which produces torque in the engine,
warm in warmer, and so on. This power is
estimated by the wattmeter. When the receptive part As the power factor decreases, the ratio of real
of the current is increased by the circuit voltage, it power to apparent power also decreases, as the
gives responsive power. This power decides the angle θ increases and reactive power increases.
power factor, and it streams forward and backward C. Requirement for power factor improvement
in the circuit. When the circuit current is increased
by the circuit voltage, it brings about evident power. The request of dynamic power is communicating
From the power triangle appeared over the power, Kilo Watt (KW) or uber watt (mw). This power
the factor might be controlled by taking the ought to be provided from electrical creating station.
proportion of genuine energy to the clear power. Every one of the courses of action in electrical
As we probably am aware basically control pomes framework are done to get together this
implies the result of voltage and current yet in AC essential necessity. In spite of the fact that in
circuit with the exception of unadulterated resistive exchanging power framework, responsive power
circuit there is normally a stage contrast amongst dependably comes in to picture. This receptive
voltage and current and subsequently VI does not power is communicated in KVAR/MVAR.
give genuine or genuine power in the circuit.
The request of this responsive power is basically
A. Improving Power Factor begun from inductive load associated with the
framework. These inductive burdens are for the
most part electromagnetic circuit of electric engines,
electrical transformers, inductance of transmission
and appropriation systems, enlistment heaters,
fluorescent lightings and so on. This responsive
power ought to be legitimately remunerated
something else, the proportion of real power
devoured by the heap, to the aggregate power i.e.

ISSN: 2395-1303 http://www.ijetjournal.org Page 3

International Conference on Emanations in Mordern Engineering Science & Management (ICEMESM-2018)

vector whole of dynamic and responsive power, of

the framework turns out to be very less.

The types of gear used to remunerate receptive

power. There are principally two types of gear
utilized for this reason. (1) Synchronous condensers
(2) Static capacitors or Capacitor Bank synchronous
condensers can create responsive power and the
generation of receptive power can be controlled.
Because of this managing advantage, the
synchronous condensers are exceptionally
appropriate for revising power factor of the
framework, yet this hardware is very costly
contrasted with static capacitors. That is the reason
synchronous condensers, are advocated to utilize
These These classes are for the most part in light of
just for voltage control of high voltage transmission
the strategies for interfacing capacitor save money
framework. The direction in static capacitors can
with the framework. Among these two
likewise be accomplished to some stretch out by
classifications, shunt capacitors are all the more
split the aggregate capacitor bank in 3 areas of
normally utilized as a part of the power
proportion 1 : 2 : 2. This division empowers the
arrangement of all voltage levels.
capacitor to keep running in 1, 2, 1 + 2 = 3, 2 + 2 =
There are some particular focal points of
4, 1 + 2 + 2 = 5 stages. In the event that still further
utilizing shunt capacitors, for example :-
advances are required, the division might be made
1. It lessens line current of the framework.
in the proportion 1 : 2 : 3 or 1 : 2 : 4. These
2. It enhances voltage level of the heap.
divisions influence the static capacitor to bank more
3. It likewise decreases framework Losses.
costly yet at the same time the cost is much lower
4. It enhances control factor of the source
them synchronous condensers. It is discovered that
most extreme advantage from repaying supplies can
5. It lessens heap of the alternator.
be accomplished when they are associated with the
6. It lessens capital speculation for each super
individual load side. This is for all intents and
watt of the Load.
purposes and financially conceivable just by
utilizing little appraised capacitors with singular
All the previously mentioned benefits originate
load not by utilizing synchronous condensers.
from the reality, that the impact of capacitor lessens
responsive current coursing through the entire
D. Static Capacitor Bank framework. Shunt capacitor draws relatively settled
Static capacitor can further be subdivided in to measure of driving current which is superimposed
two categories, (a) Shunt capacitors (b) Series on the heap current and thus diminishes receptive
capacitor segments of the heap and subsequently enhances
the power factor of the framework. arrangement
capacitor then again has no influence over stream of
current. As these are associated in arrangement with
stack, the heap current dependably goes through the
arrangement capacitor bank. All things considered,
the capacitive reactance of arrangement capacitor
kills the inductive reactance of the line
subsequently, decreases, powerful reactance of the

ISSN: 2395-1303 http://www.ijetjournal.org Page 4

International Conference on Emanations in Mordern Engineering Science & Management (ICEMESM-2018)

line. In this manner, voltage direction of the loss which will cause the variation of load during
framework is progressed. Be that as it may, the peak load period. This variation will cause
arrangement capacitor bank has a noteworthy voltage drop in distribution line and current is
disservice. Amid broken condition, the voltage over increase. Due to increasing current heat will
the capacitor perhaps raised up to 15 times more produce and result in losses. These may damage the
than its appraised esteem. In this way arrangement line equipment the main cause of poor power factor
capacitor probably complex and expand defensive is present of inductive load in the circuit. Due to
supplies. Along these lines, utilization of- inductive load it draws undesirable reactive power
arrangement capacitor is bound in the additional for neutralizing this power we have to add the
high voltage framework as it were. capacitor bank after the distribution transformer and
losses will be reduced.
E. Star Connected Capacitor ACKNOWLEDGMENT
The active parts of capacitor unit are composed we are wishes to express our greatful thank to
by two aluminum foils separated by impregnated our teacher department of electrical engineering,
papers. The thickness of the papers may vary from Rashtrasant tukdoji maharaj Nagpur university. We
8 microns to 24 microns depending upon the are also wishes our special thanks to our parents
voltage level of the system. The thickness of the friends for their support and help. we are also
aluminum foil is in the order of 7 microns. For low thankful for their punctuality and kindly support to
voltage applications, there may be one layer of hardwork.
impregnated paper of suitable thickness between
the foils but for higher voltage applications more REFERENCES
than one layer of impregnated papers are placed 1. “Power Quality Improvement Using Distribution Static
between the aluminum foil to avoid unwanted compensator
circulation of short circuit current between the foil
2. with Energy Storage System” 2000 IEEE pp.916-920
The capacitor sections are wound into rolls there
after they are flattened out, compressed into packs, 3. Rozmyslaw Mienski, Ryszard Pawelek and Irene Wasiak
enclosed in multiple layers of heavy paper “Application of STATCOM Controllers for power quality
improvement” 2002 IEEE PP 620- 625
insulations and inserted into the containers. When
the lid had been welded to the container, the 4. Bhim Singh, Senior Member, IEEE, Alka Adya, A.P.Mittal,
capacitor unit is dried and integrated in large Member, IEEE, and J.R.P. Gupta “Modeleing, Design and
autoclaves by a combination of heat and vacuum. Analysis of different Controllers for DSTATCOM” 2008
IEE Eproc. PP 978-996
After the paper is completely dried and all gases
removed from the insulation the capacitor tank is 5. H.M. Khodr, Member IEEE, J.M. Yusta, Member IEEE,
filled with impregnate degassed at the same Zita Vale, Member IEEE and Carlos Ramos, Member
IEEE “An Efficient Method for Optimal Location and
vacuum. Sizing of Fixed and Switched Shunt Capacitors in Large
Distribution Systems” Page no 1-09 IEEE 2008


The poor power factor is nothing but the wastage
of electric energy in the form of power loss. i.e. I2R

ISSN: 2395-1303 http://www.ijetjournal.org Page 5

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