Expertpower 5.X User Manual: Bg0602 Rev.A1
Expertpower 5.X User Manual: Bg0602 Rev.A1
Expertpower 5.X User Manual: Bg0602 Rev.A1
User Manual
BG0602 REV.A1
Copyright Notice
Copyright © by SATEC, 2016. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced,
transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language in any form by
any means without the express written permission of SATEC.
This documentation is provided for information purposes. SATEC makes no warranty of any kind with
regard to this material, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and
fitness for a particular purpose. SATEC shall not be liable for errors, omissions, or inconsistencies
which may be contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the
furnishing, performance, or use of this material. Information in this document is subject to change
without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of SATEC.
Note that installation and setup topics are covered by other dedicated materials.
Manager Menu
Main/My View
The main view is a configurable personalized switchboard allowing to present information in various
The main view has two optional layouts – the Box view and the Map view. The Box view allows you
to concurrently present data from multiple devices, and the Map view show a map of your metering
devices. You can switch between the two via the Choose layout menu on the upper right corner.
Box view
The main screen allows viewing four smaller independent screens. Data is shown in either a table
grid, or as a line diagram or a bar chart. The screens are defined for every user according to his or her
Click the pencil icon to edit the specific box device selection and change the view settings.
Click the View button at the bottom of every box to zoom in on that box by going to the dedicated
specific page related to it. For example – clicking on View below the Last reading box will open a tab
with the Last reading page for the device defined for the box.
Map View
Map view allows to graphically navigate between the devices defined for the customer. The Map
provides a tree like layout of multiple devices. Clicking on one group will show the sub group of
devices under it. Clicking on one device will move to a page presenting that specific device. The Edit
button on the upper right corner allows to switch between several maps for the user.
Allow to select a single Customer/Device/Comm Device from the tree.
Allow to select one or more device from the tree.
Comm. devices
The Search option appears on the top of the Device selection tree. It applies to one or more of the
three categories: Devices, Comm. Devices and Sites. Only selected categories (appearing in blue) will
be included in the search. In order to exclude a category from the search, click it and it will turn
white. For example, the following image shows the search tree after clicking the Comm. Devices and
Sites top buttons, to make them grey and exclude them from the search:
Energy View
This page provides a picture about a certain device in terms of performance, consumptions and cost
• Last reading
• History
• Max demands
• Data logs
Last reading
This screen shows the last reading from the device. You can browse between the different readings
using the arrow button. At the upper part of every data group you can find a link to the history page.
Clicking the parameter will also open the History page at the related parameter location.
This screen shows the device historical readings. You can select Phase or Power & Demand tabs on
the top, or the Customize tab in order to select specific fields: Check the specific fields and Submit to
view their information.
Date selection
Dates can be selected by clicking the date selector from the upper right corner.
The top of the graph area has a show/hide button on the right, and a parameter selection on the left.
Clicking on the upper right data range selector, opens a menu for selecting a specific date range:
If you select the Fixed Time option, you can select a specific year of choice from a dropdown:
Consumption pages offer various views around energy consumption measured by the metering
devices. When selecting the Consumption tab, first select the usage type of choice: Electric energy,
Gas, Water etc. and then select the duration and resolution for which you want to see the data:
In this page you can display total consumption on a daily or monthly basis for one or multiple
devices. Information is displayed in both a data table and a graph. The top of the page shows the
total consumption in the selected period and the table below shows specific numbers according to
the selected duration and resolution.
These pages show consumption according to Time Of Use Peak, High and Low tariff durations
throughout the day, in a monthly or daily resolution, shown as a data grid as well as a graph.
The top of the page shows the total per TOU tariff duration:
Events are shown on the Event View page for the selected date duration, under 3 categories: Info,
Warning or Critical. Clicking on the blue/orange/red category buttons on the top right, will filter the
shown events accordingly.
Note: in order to see events the user needs to first define their triggering conditions in the
administrator menu for any site or device.
Event Log
This page shows the event log for the selected meter or communication device. The events are
shown on a table. The table header provides a list of event types for selection and display on the
table, once you check and click Submit.
This page shows all notifications which were sent to the customer via email or SMS.
Analyzed Events
Adminsitrator > Events > Analyzed Events
2. Fill in the mandatory fields – Event name, Start message to show or send upon opening the
event, End message, Source and specific device from the selection tree on the right, and click
By selecting Define Time Criteria you can also set time specific conditions, such as for the event to be
only considered during daytime hours, or only during a weekend such as the following:
Always remember to click Save in order to complete the analyzed event definition and save your
Notification settings
Administrator > Events > Notifications
This page allows administrators to define sending email or SMS notifications upon triggering of
various events.
Reports are first defined by going through the Report Wizard, then they can be saved, and
regenerated, exported or edited from the Report list:
In most cases you need to also select the device/s for the report, and the duration. Once you are
done filling in all required fields, for some reports you may have to go through additional wizard
cards, such as in the example below to allow grouping several devices into one or more groups:
Once you are done, click Finish to save the report, or Create to generate and save it.
Saved reports are then appearing on the Report List to allow they further reuse:
Click the Action selection for the following options and click the green triangle for the action to take
Open the Energy Intelligence module by clicking the vertical Energy Intelligence on the right hand
side of the screen:
Object selector
All Energy Intelligence charts are always reflecting the selected device / group, dates and resolution
that appears on the top toolbar. Click the device name on the top toolbar, for the object selector to
open up, showing existing group definitions added by the current user, also allowing to Add Device or
Upon clicking the Add Device/Group, the Device selection tree opens up.
The device selection tree will also open directly if you click the round plus icon to the left of the
current device on the top toolbar.
You can use the tree's top search option or just scroll and click on any device or site once to select it,
or click it again to exclude it from the current selection which appears below the selection tree. Click
the green bottom "Select" button for your selection to appear on the group list and close the tree.
These device selection groups will remain defined under your user account unless if you decide to
use the Delete option on the right hand side (see below) to delete it.
Date selector
You make changes to the duration/resolution selection in one of 3 ways:
The date selector also provides a 'Custom…' option to select specific days / hours for the start and
end times.
Once you click the above grey menu icon, select the Add Dashboard option that will pop up.
Click the green menu icon on that dashboard in order to Add a Widget:
Once you click the Add Widget, an empty area is created for the widget on the blank canvas. Click
Edit Widget, to select the type of widgets from the dropdown.
Once you selected a widget and it is displayed, you can hover over its boundaries to see a double
sided icon that can be dragged in order to stretch or move the widget around the canvas.
Repeat the steps above to addmore widgets to your dashboard. From the menu icon on the
dashboard name you can Print it over to PDF or rename it as needed.
ExpertPower 5.0 presents a new module - a calculation formula engine. The motivation is to
consolidate all the required formula definitions in a single location. A formula represents a set of one
or more conditions. The conditions are written in a script like supported language, as explained
below. The formula can be used as a billing calculation or as consumption event criteria.
2. Add an Item:
An item represents a type of data you want to include and use in the formula. See below for details
regarding each available item type.
1. Usage – Usage represents data read from a device such as active energy import, export, max
demands etc. After selecting the usage type, a tariff can be selected.
If you need to associate the tariff based on what is defined in the price for each line in the payment
program, you must select the "From Variables" options.
Please note: The tariffs list is presented , once you set up the relevant Electric Company
2. Usage Type Calculation – represents a calculation performed on usage data. A list of available
calculations appears below.
Usage Type and Tariff is Active : According to Usage Type and tariff I chose Returns true if the tariff
is active.
Active tariff for device in date: Summarizes the number of times the tariff is active for the device in
Friday or the eve of holiday: Summarizes the energy on Fridays and holiday eves when the tariff is
Saturday or Holiday: Summarizes the energy on Saturday and holiday when the tariff is special
4. Status – A status represents an object from a selection of available objects definitions. Its value is
entered by external interfaces and is mainly used in power plant management projects. Next to each
status appears its identification number.
Please note: The status list is Presented , once you set up the relevant Electric Company.
e.g. in the example below a value of 10 to 15 will be tranformed to 50. A value between 10 and 30
will be transfomed to (50 + (100 - 50) * (value – 10) / (30 - 10))
10 50
10 30 100
30 50 300
50 70 500
70 1000 700
100 1000
8. TOU Profile – the TOU Profiles list is based on the selected Electric Company.
10. EPI- EPI (Energy Performance Indicators) data are additional data properties for customer /
device. They can be used for the calculation.
After creating an item of type "Site", click on the Item to choose the source of the data. Clicking on
the item will open a popup window. Click on “Add Source”:
2. Select the device you want to associate with a source site. If the same definition is needed to all
the customers’ device, select “All...”
Because the formulas are general formulas and can be used for different customers and different
devices , the source of the data can be set for each customer / device.
The option to add source is possible for each Item, and it is optional.
If you do not enter the source, the source will be the device for which the invoice is being produced
4. Select the device for which you will select the source. If you want the same source for the whole
customer - select “All”.
Available Functions:
Hovering over “Available functions” will display a window with the available functions.
Common commands:
The creation of conditions:
This function evaluates the condition if it evaluates to true it returns the “on true” expression
otherwise it returns the “on false” expression.
For example: If the export less or equal to threshold 18 the result is item calc66 else the result is item
calc66, SumCalc66)
Min0 (exp1)
if the result of the expression exp1 is negative return 0 .
For example: The following expression will return 0.
Min0( -1)
For example:
SumDevicesInSite(site1, calc66)
For example: Return the sum of “activeEnergy” from the beginning of the year for each month.
For example: Show me the maximum value of the item max demand over the last year
sum(Deviation, month)
FirstExists(null, null, 1)
For example: Accumulate values from the beginning of each year.
After saving, the “Test” button is enabled. This serves as a test tool to see the formula results in
Clicking on the name of the device opens a window that allows changing the tested device.
Choosing a new device, and pressing the "Select" changes the selected device and the results are
updated accordingly:
Control Refresh - To refresh the test results after making some changes.
Duplicate a Formula
You can duplicate an existing formula, by clicking on Duplicate. When clicked, a new identical formula
is created.
You can click on full screen, to switch into full screen mode.