New Zealand Pressure Vessel ACPPE
New Zealand Pressure Vessel ACPPE
New Zealand Pressure Vessel ACPPE
(Excluding Boilers)
Published by the Occupational Safety and Health Service
Department of Labour
New Zealand
Published June 2001
ISBN 0-477-03648-1
Price: $25.00 (incl. GST)
OSH 4270
Notice of Issue 6
Foreword 7
Part 1: General 12
1.1 Application and Purpose 12
1.2 Scope 12
1.3 Definitions 13
Part 4: Spare 43
Schedule A: Inspection Periods for Pressure Equipment
Not Included in Table 4.1 of AS/NZS 3788 58
Schedule B: Pressure Equipment Not Requiring a Certificate of
Inspection 59
Schedule C: Standards List and Referenced Documents 61
Appendix A: Conformity Assessment 66
Appendix B: Alternative Materials 73
Appendix C: Design Statements 82
Appendix D: Manufacturer’s Data Reports 84
Appendix E: Pressure Relief Devices 88
Appendix F: In-Service Inspection 89
Appendix G: Welding Approvals 94
J.M. Chetwin
Secretary of Labour
August 2001
The principal object of the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992
(HSE Act) is to prevent harm to employees at work. To do this, it imposes
duties on employers, employees, principals and others, and promotes
excellent health and safety management by employers. It also provides for
the making of regulations and codes of practice.
It is recommended that this summary be read in conjunction with the
HSE Act.
Regulations are promulgated from time to time under the HSE Act.
Regulations may impose duties on employers, employees, designers,
manufacturers, and others relating to health and safety. These regulations
may apply with respect to places of work, plant, processes or substances
and may have been made to deal with particular problems that have
Employers have the most duties to perform to ensure the health and safety
of employees at work.
Employers have a general duty to take all practicable steps to ensure the
safety of employees. In particular, they are required to take all practicable
steps to:
• Provide and maintain a safe working environment;
Employers must have an effective method to identify and regularly review
hazards in the place of work (existing, new and potential). They must
determine whether the identified hazards are significant hazards and
require further action.
If an accident or harm occurs that requires particulars to be recorded,
employers are required to investigate to determine if it was caused by or
arose from a significant hazard.
“Significant hazard” means a hazard that is an actual or potential cause or
source of:
• Serious harm;
• Harm (being more than trivial) where the severity of effects on a
person depends (entirely or among other things) on the extent or
frequency of the person’s exposure to the hazard; or
• Harm that does not usually occur, or usually is not easily
detectable, until a significant time after exposure to the hazard.
Where the hazard is significant, the HSE Act sets out the steps employers
must take:
• Where practicable, the hazard must be eliminated;
• If elimination is not practicable, the hazard must, where
practicable, be isolated;
• If it is impracticable to eliminate or isolate the hazard, the
employer must minimise the likelihood that employees will be
harmed by the hazard.
Employers must ensure employees are either sufficiently experienced to do
their work safely or are supervised by an experienced person. In addition,
employees must be adequately trained in the safe use of all plant, objects,
substances and protective clothing and equipment that the employee may
be required to use or handle.
This code of practice applies to all pressure equipment covered by
the PECPR Regulations except boilers and hot water boilers.
Where reference is made to boilers it has been done to ensure
consistency with those parts of the regulations covering pressure
It specifies requirements for materials, design, manufacture,
installation, repairs, alteration, maintenance, servicing, inspection,
commissioning, testing and operation.
Information on personnel safety has been included in appendix N.
1. For boilers and hot water boilers refer to the Approved Code
of Practice for the Design, Safe Operation, Maintenance and
Servicing of Boilers.
2. Gas appliances and installations coming within the scope of
the Gas Act 1992, except where specifically included by this
code, are excluded.
3. Pipelines coming within the scope of the Petroleum Act
1937, Gas Act 1992 and the Health and Safety in
Employment (Pipelines) Regulations 1999 are excluded.
2.1.1 Introduction
(1) Part 2 is provided to assist readers interpret and apply the PECPR
Regulations to pressure equipment.
(2) The headings used in this part of the code follow the headings in
the corresponding parts of the regulations.
(3) The summary provided is necessarily brief. If there is any conflict
between this commentary and the regulations the regulations take
2.1.2 Interpretation
Key words and terms are defined in part 1 of this code. (See also
schedule 1 of the PECPR Regulations.)
2.1.3 Meaning of “controller”
A “controller” of equipment is the person who is the owner,
lessee, sublessee or bailee of equipment in a workplace.
2.1.4 Meaning of “equipment”
(1) Equipment, as defined in the PECPR Regulations, means pressure
equipment, cranes or passenger ropeways. It does not include
equipment which is excluded by the PECPR Regulations.
Note: For the purpose of this code of practice equipment is
defined in part 1 as “pressure equipment”.
(2) Reference to equipment in this code means:
(a) In relation to a controller refers to equipment for which the
controller is the owner, lessee, sub lessee or bailee.
(b) In relation to a designer refers to equipment being designed
or designed.
(c) In relation to a manufacturer refers to equipment being
manufactured or manufactured.
(d) In relation to a supplier refers to equipment being supplied
or supplied.
2.6.1 Certificates of Design Verification
(1) A design verifier may recommend to an inspection body that a
Certificate of Design Verification be issued for equipment,
provided it has been design verified and found to be safe for its
intended purpose.
(2) An inspection body must consider all documents submitted by the
design verifier in support of a recommendation to issue a
Certificate of Design Verification. If the inspection body agrees
with the recommendation, it must stamp the documents and issue
a Certificate of Design Verification.
2.6.2 Contents of a Certificate of Design Verification
(1) A Certificate of Design Verification must include the following
information about the equipment that has been design verified:
(a) A brief description of the equipment;
(b) The name of the person or organisation seeking the
(c) The name of the inspection body;
(d) The name of the design verifier;
(e) The date of issue;
(f) The standards, codes, guidelines, etc. to which the
equipment conforms;
(g) The drawings, identified by drawing number, and details of
any other data including ITPs, included in the design
verification process;
(h) The principal design parameters, e.g. design pressures, design
temperatures, design life, hazard level, nozzle loadings, etc.;
(i) The seismic coefficient;
(j) The maximum wind loading;
(k) The contained fluid(s);
(l) Any design alterations and other requirements that the
design verifier specifies for the equipment; and
(m) Details of any other documents giving further information
in relation to a) to l) for the verified design that it is not
practicable to include on the Certificate of Design
(2) Certificates of Design Verification must be signed by the design
verifier, and:
This part of the code applies to pressure equipment, except boilers and
hot water boilers, coming within the scope of the PECPR Regulations
3.2.1 The design, manufacture, operation, maintenance and inspection of
pressure equipment shall comply with the relevant standards or reference
documents listed in schedule C and the other requirements of this code.
3.2.2 Imported second-hand equipment shall comply with the current
requirements of this code of practice. Second-hand equipment that already
had a Certificate of Inspection shall comply with the requirements that
applied at the time it was certified, except that a redesign verification shall
be performed where the equipment is to be subject to greater seismic and/
or more adverse process loads than those for which it was originally
3.2.3 Alternative standards to those listed in schedule C may be recognised for
use provided it can be demonstrated that the alternative standards are
equivalent to those in schedule C and are equally safe in use.
3.2.4 The following documentation shall be supplied in the English language, in
accordance with the duties relating to the provision of information in the
PECPR Regulations:
(1) Standards, including alternative standards in 3.2.3 and any
supporting documents referenced by the standards; and
(2) All information necessary for design, design verification,
inspection, operation, maintenance and repair of equipment.
Where an alternative standard is an English language translation of
an original it shall be approved as an authentic version of the
standard by the organisation issuing the original standard.
3.2.5 All pressure equipment shall be installed so that the isolation
requirements of clause C.5 of AS/NZS 3788, and/or clause 3.4.3 of
AS 3873 can be met.
3.4.1 General
(1) Pressure equipment, or alterations to pressure equipment, shall be
designed in accordance with this code and the requirements of the
relevant design standard listed in schedule C.
(2) Foundations and support structures for equipment including
pipework shall be certified by an engineer who is appropriately
qualified, has relevant experience and is currently registered under
the Engineers Registration Act 1924. This requirement for
certification also applies to building structures used to support
pressure equipment.
(3) Designers shall specify on documents submitted for design
verification, details of material impact test temperatures, test
specimen dimensions, and impact energy requirements for any
materials requiring impact testing. This data shall be in accordance
with the applicable design standard for the equipment concerned
and be acknowledged on the Certificate of Design Verification.
3.4.2 Design for seismic, wind and snow loading
Pressure equipment, associated foundations and support structures
shall be designed for seismic, wind and snow loading in
accordance with this code and the relevant standard in schedule C.
Note: New Zealand requirements for seismic design are contained
in AS/NZS 1200.
3.4.3 Computer-aided design
Software used for the design of pressure equipment must be
validated for use. Refer to 3.5.2.
3.4.4 Design life
(1) The design life of pressure equipment shall be determined in
accordance with the relevant design standard.
(2) Any parts of pressure equipment subject to design lifetime limits
shall be clearly identified by the designer at the time of making
application for design verification.
(3) The design life shall be specified in quantitative terms and details
Blank page
5.1.1 This part of the code applies to pressure vessels coming within the scope
of the PECPR Regulations. It details requirements for design, design
verification, manufacture, operation, maintenance, repair and inspection.
5.1.2 For electric and electrode boilers refer to the Approved Code of Practice for
the Design, Safe Operation, Maintenance and Servicing of Boilers.
Pressure vessels shall comply with 3.2 and other relevant requirements of
this code.
Materials used in the manufacture, repair or alteration of pressure vessels
shall comply with 3.3 of this code.
5.4.1 General
(1) Pressure vessels shall be designed in accordance with AS/NZS
1200 except where amended by this code.
Note: Shell/tube heat exchanger tube sheets may be designed in
accordance with the Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers
Association (TEMA) Code, provided the use of this code complies
with the provisions of ASME VIII, division 1.
(2) Pressure vessels shall have inspection openings in accordance with
the relevant design standard. Where the design standard does not
specify requirements for inspection openings, or they are not
specified in this code of practice, then they shall comply with
BS 470.
Note: Refer to 5.4.3(2) for inspection opening requirements for
small pressure vessels.
This part of the code applies to pressure piping coming within the scope
of the PECPR Regulations.
Pressure piping shall comply with 3.2 and other relevant requirements of
this code.
Materials used in the manufacture, repair or alteration of pressure piping
shall comply with 3.3 of this code.
6.4.1 General
(1) Pressure piping shall be designed in accordance with 3.4 and 6.4 of
this code.
(2) Pressure piping including supports, guides, anchors, etc., shall be
designed to withstand the loadings imposed by hydraulic testing,
as a separate load case, when this method of pressure test is to be
(3) Where pressure piping systems connect to other equipment, then
the forces, moments, torques and associated displacements applied
at the connection shall be determined for all relevant load cases
including the cold case where cold pull or creep relaxation is
relevant. The designer shall then ensure that the loadings and
associated displacements:
(a) Are such that the permissible stress levels in the connected
equipment are not exceeded; or
(b) Are made available to the designer of the connected
(4) Where there is a risk of persons being injured through contact
with hot/cold surfaces of piping systems; such surfaces shall be
insulated or otherwise made safe.
This part applies to steam turbines coming within the scope of the
PECPR Regulations.
Steam turbines shall comply with the relevant standards in schedule C of
this code.
7.3.1 All materials used in the construction of pressure-retaining parts shall
comply with appropriate British Standards or the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code, section II (or the equivalent ASTM specification).
They shall be suitable for continuous use for the design life of the turbine
at the maximum operating temperature and pressure specified.
7.3.2 Materials for pressure-containing components shall be identified in the
terms of British Standards, the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,
section II or the equivalent ASTM specification.
7.4.1 General
Steam turbines shall be designed in accordance with 3.4 and 7.4 of this
7.4.2 Instrumentation
Steam turbines shall, where applicable, be fitted with the instrumentation
specified in BS EN 60045-1, clause 11.
This part applies to pressure equipment such as gas turbines, pumps,
steam engines, compressors, etc., coming within the scope of the PECPR
Miscellaneous pressure equipment shall comply with 3.2 and other
relevant requirements of this code.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Pressure Commissioning First Yearly Inspection Period (Years)
Equipment Inspection Inspection External Internal
Required? Required? Inspection Period Inspection
Nominal Extended
Period Period
Reactor vessels
containing Y Y 1 4 12
Unless otherwise noted, the following list refers to the latest issue and
amendment of the standard or document.
ANSI/NB - 23 National Board Inspection Code
AS 1548 Steel plates for pressure equipment
AS 3873 Pressure equipment – Operation and
AS 3892 Pressure equipment – Installation
AS 4343 Pressur e equipment – Hazard levels
AS 4458 Pressure equipment – Manufacture
AS/NZS 1200 Pressur e equipment
AS/NZS 3788 Pressure equipment – In-ser vice inspection
AS/NZS 4360 Risk management
BS 1501 Steels for pressure pur poses
BS EN 10028 Specification for flat products made of steels for
pressure pur poses
NZS 4203 Code of practice for general structural design
and design loading for buildings
NZS 5807 Code of practice for industrial identification by
colour, w ording or other coding
ASME PVHO-1 1990 Pressure vessels for human occupanc y
CSA Z275-1-93 Hyperbaric facilities
ANSI/UL 1450 Motor-operated air compressors, vacuum pumps,
and painting equipment
AS 1210 Pressure vessels
AS 1210, Supplement No.1 Unfir ed pressur e vessels – Advanced design and
AS 1210, Supplement No.2 Pressure vessels – Cold-str etched austenitic
stainless steel vessels
AS 2971 Serially produced pr essure vessels
AS 3577 Steel cylinders for compressed gases - Welded -
150 kg to 500 kg
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII
Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels
Division 1
Division 2 Alternative Rules
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section X
Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Pressure Vessels
AS/NZS 1596 Storage and handling of Liquified Petroleum Gas
AS/NZS 1677, Parts 1-2 Refrigerating systems
AS/NZS 3711.6 Tank containers
BS 470 Specification for inspection, access and entr y
openings for pressure vessels
ASME B31.1 Pow er Piping
ASME B31.3 Process Piping
ASME B31.4 Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquid
Hydrocarbons and Other Liquids
ASME B31.5 Refrigeration Piping
AS 4041 Pressure Piping
NZS/BS 806 Specification for design and construction of
ferr ous piping installations for and in
connection with land boilers
BS EN 60045-1 Steam turbine procurement
BS EN 60953-2 Rules for steam turbines ther mal acceptance tests
BS 5968 Methods of acceptance testing of industrial steam
API Standard 611 General pur pose steam turbines for refinery
ANSI/ASME PTC6 Steam turbines performance test code
ANSI/ASME PTC 6-1 Interim test code for an alter native procedure for
testing steam turbines
AS/NZS 3711.6 Tank containers
IMDG Code Inter national Maritime Danger ous Goods Code
ISO 1496.3 Series 1 freight containers - Specification and
testing - Part 3: Tank containers for liquids, gases
and pressurised dry bulk
NZS 5418 Transpor tation containers for hazardous
BS EN 287 Approval testing of welders for fusion w elding
BS EN 288 Specification and appr oval of welding procedures
for metallic materials
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section IX
Welding and Brazing Qualifications
AS/NZS 3992 Pressure equipment – Welding and brazing
A1.1 This appendix specifies the conformity assessment requirements for
pressure equipment coming within the scope of the PECPR Regulations.
A1.2 Conformity assessment shall include design verification and fabrication
A1.3 Conformity assessment shall be performed, as indicated in table A, by an
accredited inspection body, within a manufacturer’s quality management
system, or by a competent person. (See Note 4 to Table A.)
B1.1 This appendix applies to:
(1) The use of ASME materials in pressure equipment designed to
NZS PD 5500 and BS 5169;
(2) The use of alternative materials in pressure equipment designed to
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1;
(3) The use of AS 1548 material in pressure equipment designed to
NZS PD 5500 or BS 5169; and
(4) The use of AS 1548 material in pressure equipment designed to
BS EN 286 part 1.
B1.2 Unless otherwise permitted by a trade agreement, AS/NZS 1200 or, an
‘Enquiry Case’ or other mechanism of the standard concerned, the use of
alternative materials as described in this appendix is to have the agreement
of the purchaser.
B1.3 All materials used under the provisions of this appendix shall be identified
by ASME code or AS or BS standard number. Details of material grades
shall be included on documents provided for design verification.
Selection and forming of AS 1548-7-460 materials (8 mm to 80 mm thick) for pressure vessels manufactured to NZS PD 5500
AS 1548-7-460RH or AS 1548-7-460NH
Heads Shell or sections
Normalise on completion Where formed inside radius is equal to
than 400°C.
Hot forming
AS 1548-7-460RH or AS 1548-7-460NH
Heads Shell or sections
Hot form and then normalise if required Hot form/normalise as for heads.
by 4.4.2 of NZS PD 5500.
Note 1. Refer to of NZS PD 5500 for post cold forming heat treatment requirements.
Note 2. ‘H’ shall be equal to or greater than the design temperature.
‘H’ may be derived for AS 1548-7-460R by testing in accordance with NZS PD 5500.
The results of these tests shall conform with Table 5, AS 1548.
These tests shall be carried out on each plate and a test report attached to the material manufacturer’s test certificate.
Selection and forming of AS 1548-7-460 materials (8 mm - 80 mm thick) for pressure vessels manufactured to NZS PD 5500
AS 1548-7-460R or AS 1548-7-460N
Heads Shell or sections
Normalise on completion Where formed inside radius is equal to
or less than 10 x wall thickness then
Hot forming
AS 1548-7-460R or AS 1548-7-460N
Heads Shell or sections
Hot form and then normalise if required Hot form/normalise as for heads.
by 4.4.2 of NZS PD 5500.
Note 1. Refer to of NZS PD 5500 for post cold forming heat treatment requirements.
Selection and forming of AS 1548-7-460 materials (8 mm to 80 mm thick) for pressure vessels manufactured to NZS PD 5500
AS 1548-7-460NL or AS 1548-7-460RL
Heads Shell or sections
Normalise on completion Where formed inside radius is equal to
Hot forming
AS 1548-7-460NL or AS 1548-7-460RL
Heads Shell or sections
Hot form and then normalise if required Hot form/normalise as for heads.
by 4.4.2 of NZS PD 5500.
Note 1. Refer to and annex D of NZS PD 5500 for post cold forming heat treatment requirements.
Note 2. a) The material impact test temperature ‘L’ shall conform with NZS PD 5500 annex D.
b) ‘L’ may be derived for AS 1548-7-460R by testing in accordance with annex D of NZS PD 5500.
The test results shall conform with the requirements of NZS PD 5500
Each plate shall be tested and the test report attached to the material manufacturer’s test certificate.
c) The lowest MITT permitted for BHP AS 1548-7-460R material shall be -20°C for 8 mm to 40 mm thickness range and 0°C for greater than 40 mm to 80
mm thickness range. Outside these thickness ranges N grade must be used.
Selection and forming of AS 1548-7-460 materials (8 mm to 80 mm thick) for pressure vessels manufactured to NZS PD 5500
AS 1548-7-460NL
Note 1. Refer to and annex D of NZS PD 5500 for post cold forming heat treatment requirements.
Note 2. Use ‘N’ grade (normalised material) only.
‘L’ is the material impact test temperature. Material supplied as ‘L’ grade shall conform with NZS PD 5500, annex D.
Note 3. AS 1548-7-460 materials shall not be used for applications requiring a material impact test temperature lower than -40°C.
Note 4. The material shall also be certified ‘H’ where the maximum design temperature is greater than 50°C.
B5. AS 1548-7-460 PLATE FOR BS 5169
The use of AS 1548 7 460 plate is acceptable subject to the following
(1) The design stress is to comply with the values given in BS 1501
151 430, table 2.
(2) Weld procedures are to be to BS EN 288: part 3.
(3) Welders must be qualified to BS EN 287: part 1.
Signed ....................................
(Type full name)
I (full name of person) being the senior manager responsible for design at
(full name of company and its registered address) being the manufacturer of
(describe the pr essure equipment by name, type, model and serial number)
hereby testify that:
1. The (description of the equipment) has been designed to the
following standard(s):
2. The (description of the equipment) has been predominantly
designed to accommodate strain to limits which ensure that
membrane stresses in all pressure containment parts, are well
within the maximum levels permitted by standards recognised by
OSH, for equipment manufactured in the same materials and
operating in a similar environment and that pressure is not a
significant design factor.
3. The (description of the equipment) is a production model which
has proven to be safe in operation.
4. The equipment complies with the seismic design requirements of
AS/NZS 1200.
Signed .......................................
(Type full name)
D1. The manufacturer’s data reports shall be completed for all equipment in
accordance with the requirements of the relevant manufacturing standard.
D2. Where the manufacturing standard does not specify the preparation of a
data report then the report included in this appendix shall be completed
for equipment which is rated hazard level D or higher by AS 4343.
D3. The manufacturer’s data reports shall be archived by the controller so that
they are available to the place of work at which the related equipment is
located. They shall be available for perusal when required by an
equipment inspector.
D4. Supplementary data sheets shall be used where there are insufficient fields
in any part of the manufacturer’s data report or additional fields are
E1. Pressure relief devices shall be serviced, maintained, tested and inspected
in accordance with AS/NZS 3788 except as modified by this appendix.
E2. Controllers shall ensure that records for pressure relief devices are
maintained in accordance with the requirements of AS/NZS 3788.
E3. Servicing and maintenance of pressure relief devices shall be carried out
within an appropriate management system. It may be either a quality
management system specifically assessed and certified for such work, or
an operating and maintenance system acceptable to an inspection body.
E4. Testing and inspection of pressure relief devices shall performed by an
inspection body or, an accredited testing laboratory.
F1.1 In-service pressure equipment which is not excluded by the PECPR
Regulations or, covered by an exemption notice issued under the
regulations, shall be inspected following commissioning and thereafter
inspected periodically in accordance with AS/NZS 3788 except as
modified by this code of practice.
F1.2 The inspections performed shall include:
(1) Commissioning inspections;
(2) First yearly inspections;
(3) External inspections; and
(4) Internal inspections.
F1.3 The controller shall make all relevant records for equipment available for
perusal by the equipment inspector. These will include declarations of
conformity, Certificates of Design Verification, manufacturing inspection
and test reports, Certificates of Inspection, inspection reports and relevant
operating and maintenance records.
F1.4 Equipment specified in schedule B does not require inspection and
certification by an inspection body. However, this equipment must be
operated and maintained within an appropriate management system. The
controller must ensure that this equipment is kept in safe working
condition and where required by schedule B appoint a competent person
to take responsibility for it.
This appendix specifies the conformity assessment and in-service
inspection requirements for cylinders coming within the scope of the
PECPR Regulations.
Note: Pressure vessels of any capacity that are manufactured to a standard
in I2 but are fixed in position and filled or pressurised via attached piping
shall comply with part 5 of this code.
Cylinders shall comply with one of the following standards:
(1) American: USA Department of Transportation Specification
3AAX Seamless steel cylinders;
(2) Canadian: TC-3AAXM Seamless steel tubes; and
(3) United Kingdom: BS 5045 Transportable gas containers.
I4.1 Cylinders and their fittings and documentation shall be inspected,
certified and registered by an inspection body before going into service.
I4.2 Inspection bodies shall maintain a register of certified cylinders which
records the:
(1) Manufacturer’s name;
(2) Owner’s name;
(3) Manufacturing standard;
(4) Inspection body’s name;
(5) Cylinder serial number;
(6) Date stamped with inspection body’s mark; and
(7) Equipment inspector’s name.
This appendix applies to transportable pressure vessels and their supports
and piping systems.
It also applies to pressure vessels which are not under pressure during
transit but are pressurised during discharge.
J2.1 Transportable pressure vessels shall comply with 3.2 of this code and this
J2.2 Vehicles transporting goods coming within the scope of the Dangerous
Goods Regulations must be approved by the Occupational Safety and
Health Service of the Department of Labour.
J2.3 Pressure vessels exceeding 450 litres capacity that are transported by sea
come under the jurisdiction of the Maritime Safety Authority of New
Zealand (MSA). See appendix M for further information.
J3.1 Materials of construction for transportable vessels shall be appropriate for
the equipment and comply with the applicable design standard. Where
there are no specific requirements in the standard for elongation or
Charpy V-notch impact values then, where appropriate, the material shall
(1) Elongation properties complying with the elongation
requirements in the relevant section of the International Maritime
Dangerous Goods Code; and
(2) A Charpy V-notch impact valve of 40 Joules at the lower of the
minimum design temperature or -20ºC.
J3.2 The mechanical properties of the weld filler metal shall conform with the
parent material specification. This shall be proven by weld procedure and
weld production tests which include Charpy V-notch impact testing. See
Dedicated rail
tankers See note 1 1 2
Dedicated road
tankers 2 1 1 2
Multi-modal and
other tanks 2 1 2 2
5 mm release hole
Double plate bedded close to
K1.1 Fabrication work coming within the scope of the PECPR Regulations
shall be inspected and tested in accordance with an ITP covering the
manufacturing process.
K1.2 Hold points at which the equipment shall be inspected and tested during
manufacture shall be included in the ITP.
K1.3 Where a verified ITP is not provided it shall be derived from the
applicable standard and table K1 by agreement between the equipment
inspector and the manufacturer. This ITP shall include any inspection and
testing shown in table K1 which is relevant to the equipment under
K1.4 The manufacturer shall agree with the equipment inspector, prior to
commencing manufacture, the hold points required for inspection and
Correlation of material certificates with The manufacturer shall make the certificates
materials and check for conformity with available to the equipment inspector for
material specification. independent checking.
Identification of material and witnessing of Origin of material to be demonstrated from
transfer of identification marks in available records to the satisfaction of the
manufacturer’s works. equipment inspector. Any transfer of
identification marks may be witnessed by the
manufacturer’s QA department.
Examination of material cut edges and heat The equipment inspector shall carry out this
affected zones. examination.
Approval of weld procedures. The equipment inspector shall witness tests
unless the procedures are already approved.
Approval of welders and operators. The equipment inspector shall witness tests
unless the welders and operators are already
Examination of set-up of seams for welding The equipment inspector shall carry out an
including dimensional check, examination of independent examination in the case of
weld preparations, tack welds, etc. equipment subject to visual examination only.
Inspection of second side of weld preparations The equipment inspector shall carry out an
after first side is completed and root cleaned. independent examination in the case of
equipment subject to visual examination only.
Examine non-destructive test reports and check The manufacturer shall make the reports
compliance with agreed procedure and available to the equipment inspector for
acceptability of any defects. independent checking.
Examine heat treatment records and check The manufacturer shall make the reports
compliance with agreed procedure. available to the equipment inspector for
independent checking.
Witness the pressure test and, where necessary,
record the amount of permanent set.
Check marking.
The Health and Safety in Employment Regulations 1995 impose duties on
employers in relation to first-aid facilities. The OSH publication Guidance
Notes on Providing First Aid Training provides information on compliance
with these duties and other information on first aid.